Application No. 3

to order

Scenario of a cognitive-game program for children of primary school

age "Key to Health"

Time spending:

Location: st. Pravda, d.8.

Contingent: students primary school GBOU secondary school Central region

Characters: host "Health Guardian"

P / P

Order of conduct

Technical equipment


Introductory part.

Health Keeper: Hello dear guys! I -Health Guardian.

I think that everyone knows what to say "Hello" -First of all, it means to wish a person health. And to be healthy means to be strong, strong, hardy, dexterous, beautiful and not get sick.What do you need to do to be healthy?

(children's answers)

Health Keeper: Correctly, in order to be healthy, we must play sports, follow a daily routine, eat right, walk a lot in the fresh air, do exercises in the morning, maintain personal hygiene (wash hands before eating) and, of course, smile often.

Phonogram for exit


Main part.

Health Keeper: Guys, do you like to travel?

(children's answers)

Then today we will go on an unusual and fascinating journey - the Land of Health, and to get there, we need a key. And in order to find it, you have to pass tests. Guys, are you ready to hit the road?

(children's answers )

Then go ahead!

Health Keeper : So, the first test. Now we will split into two teams and play a game called "Healthy Bag". I have collected items that will help you stay healthy. But since I was in a hurry to meet you, I mixed up all the things in the bag, so your task is to lay out the items, in one direction, which contribute to the preservation and promotion of health, in the other direction, which are not related to health.

(game "Healthy bag")

Health Keeper: Well done guys, you coped so well with the first test.

Do you know how these items help maintain our health?

(children's answers)

Health Keeper: Guys, what do you think, are there any tips on how to stay healthy?

(children's answers)

Health Keeper: Now I will ask questions that contain tips for maintaining health, if you hear them, shout "I" loudly.

If you don't hear them, then shut up.

Game "Health Tips"

How many of you are always ready to live your life without doctors?
Who doesn't want to be healthy, fit, fit and fun?
Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
Who is not afraid of frost, who flies on skates like a bird?
Well, who starts dinner with gum and candy?
Who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons?
Who ate - and brushes his teeth, twice a day every day?
Which one of you guys walks dirty to the toes?
Who according to the schedule performs physical exercises?
Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?

Health Keeper: Guys, how attentive you are, I hope that you will follow the advice and strengthen your health.

Guys, we eat a lot of different foods.
But not all of them are good for our health. Now we will decide which foods are useful and which are harmful. I will show pictures of products, and you decide whether this food is healthy or harmful.

The game "Useful and junk food»

Health Keeper: Guys, now you all know what is good for your health and what is bad. Guys, do you like to dance?(children's answers) Do you know that dancing strengthens our body, cheers up and makes us cheerful, dexterous and cheerful. And now you and I will get up from our seats and dance a little.

"Dance of little ducks"

Health Keeper : To be always so cheerful, do not forget to continue to dance and play sports.

And now let's sit down in our seats, have a little rest and see how the characters of the famous cartoon take care of their health!

Health Keeper : You see, guys, even Smeshariki take care of their health.

As the wise owl from the cartoon said, there are three main foundations of health, these are active image life, hygiene and proper nutrition.

But it is necessary to keep in good shape not only the body, but also the mind. My next challenge is health riddles.

1) In this bright store

You will see in the window

Not clothes, not food,

And not books, and not fruit.

Here is medicine and pills,

Here mustard plasters, pipettes.

Ointments, drops and balms

For you, for mom and dad.

For human health

Opens the door...


2) In vegetables and fruits.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are more pills

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold season.

For Sashuli and Polina

What is useful? - ...


3) This house is multi-storey

Clean, bright, very important.

You will meet different doctors here.

Treat adults and children.

You will lie in bed

Kohl was seriously ill.

We don't want to end up here!

Where, tell me? - ...

(In the hospital)

4) Who in the days of illness is more useful than all

And cures us of all diseases?


Health Keeper: What are you smart and quick-witted. We are getting closer to our goal, we have one last test left.

I have prepared several pictures, but in order to see them, you need to put these pictures together from parts.

"Fold the picture"

Health Keeper: Guys, today you coped with all the tests together, I hope you learned a lot of new things. And now I am giving you the key to the Land of Health.

magical music sounds


Show of the cartoon "Be healthy"


a key appears on the screen, magic music sounds,

doors open to health

Final part.

Health Keeper: Guys, now you are residents of the Country of Health.I thank you for an exciting journey, and remember that in order to stay healthy, you need to follow all the tips that we learned about today. I hope that our meetings devoted to health will become regular.

Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Work T.M. Yakymenko


Deputy Director for

educational - educational work

O.V. Chelnokov


Deputy Director for methodical work

GBOU DOD Center for extracurricular activities

Central district of St. Petersburg

V.A. Pichugova

Use I. A. Kuzmin

Game program "Robinsons and Fridays". Scenario

The scene is framed as a desert island: hanging lianas (ropes wrapped in green paper). A ship in distress is depicted on the central wall.

On the sides of the stage are fake palm trees and exotic plants. Two combined teams of 10-12 people are preliminarily formed - "Robinsons" and "Fridays", who prepare business cards for their team for the game.

Leading. Dear friends! Today we follow Robinson to a desert island. Let me introduce you to two teams of brave daredevils - these are the Robinsons and the Fridays. Let's welcome them.

Robinsons and Fridays enter the playground and present business card of your team.


Our beloved Robinson

He lives only the way he wants.

All Robinson on the shoulder,

Life lights up like a candle.

He's got nerves of steel

He is used to being first.

By nature he is a philosopher.

Life is real long time ago

No mystery to him!

With Robinson next to you, you know

You won't go wrong anywhere!

He will tell you how to live

How to solve problems.

But for all that, stubborn

Why, he does not know himself!


Friday is our best friend

And it didn't happen all of a sudden

Many years and many winters

We already know him.

Friday sometimes does not know

How to live in this world

Sometimes he doesn't understand

How to do well.

But when you believe

He will understand someone

He at least

Will never let you down!

He is a godsend for the neighbor!

Pure in heart, beautiful in soul!

As if woven from bright threads

His world is big, big!

Leading. Thank you "Robinsons" and "Fridays". And now let me introduce you to our panel of judges, who will evaluate today's game (represents the jury). Only real connoisseurs of geography can correctly determine the route of travel. And we will test the knowledge of "Robinsons" and "Fridays" with the help of geography quiz. For each correct answer one point. We will answer in turn. Who does not know the answer, skips his turn, the other team will answer.

1. The ball is small,

Does not order to be lazy

If you know the subject

That will show the whole world. (Globe)

2. I am the capital, under the Afghan sky,

And rearrange the syllables - and I will be bread. (Kabul-bulka)

3. Through which gates can even an icebreaker pass? (Through the Kara Gate.)

4. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea)

5. In what sea do the inhabitants of the three parts of the world fish? (In the Mediterranean)

6. Which state starts with "A" and ends with three "I"? (Austria)

7. What kind of belt can you not gird yourself with? (Geographical zone.)

8. Point out on Earth a place where, wherever you turn, there will be south. (There is only one side of the horizon at the North Pole, that is, the south.)

9. Which continent has the most a large number of countries? (In Africa.)

10. What is the capital of the state "hidden" in the word "game"? (Riga)

Leading. Now we need to think about how desert island build a hut. It's not easy, but it's necessary. On my command, the captains run to the front of the stage and crouch. As soon as they sit down, the next participant from each team runs, runs to the captain, makes a “roof” over him with his hands and shouts: “Gop!” Then the next team member runs and does the same, etc. When the last one runs up and makes a “roof” with his hands, everyone shouts in chorus: “Gop!”, And the captain stands up to his full height. So, who will build the hut faster?

Sounds like funny music. The competition "Building a hut" is held. The jury evaluates

Leading. Well done! The huts are ready. It's time to eat, get some game. There are a lot of different birds and wild animals on our island. See two goats? (The drawings of the kids are on the wall at a distance of 8-10 meters from the players.) Now you will receive weapons - small balls. Who will hit the target faster? But before entering the hunter's trail, let's do a warm-up ritual:

For our warm-up we need

Repeat the movements together.

You, (Name), do not be bad -

Listen and imitate.

The participant whose name was called comes out, depicts everything that the leader says.

The goat walked along the path,

Curls rings and horns.

He stamped his feet loudly

And clapped his eyes hard,

He turned his head

"Be-be-be-be-be" sang

And then suddenly I saw

What goes towards a friend.

The facilitator calls the second participant.

Goats walked along the path,

Curls rings and horns,

And they stamped their feet loudly,

And their eyes were fluttering.

Both shook their heads

"Be-be-be-be-be" they sang,

Both saw suddenly

What goes towards a friend.

The third participant comes out, then the fourth, etc.

Well now goats,

Okay, right, guys?

They need to clap for everything

There was one, but there was a herd!

Maybe we'll spare the goats

Nice little guys

After all, on the island grow

Pineapples here and there

There are bananas, oranges,

Kiwi, mango, tangerines.

Maybe we'll spare the goats

Nice little guys?

Children, of course, agree to replace hunting with fruit picking.

Leading. So, I announce the contest "Gathering". Now, three blindfolded representatives from each team will collect fruits laid out in different places. For each found fruit - 1 point. Collection time is limited - 5 minutes.

Cheerful music sounds. Participants collect fruit. The jury evaluates

Leading. The tide will start soon. We need to have time to visit the sunken ship in order to take some things. On a desert island, anything can come in handy. Hurry up! As soon as the tide comes in, I'll blow the whistle. We must return immediately and come up with a new use for the things that you bring from the ship.

Competition is being held New life old thing."

Participants approach boxes with things (a burnt out light bulb, a piece of rope, empty bottle, empty rod, broken comb, holey sock, an empty toothpaste tube, a cocktail straw, an empty matchbox, etc.), choose four things.

At the whistle they return to their place.

Leading. In the meantime, the teams are conferring and coming up with new uses for the things they have chosen, we will play.

The host conducts a game with the hall "Journey to Africa". The host pronounces the phrase, everyone continues in chorus: “And me!”

Yesterday I got up early, early ... And I!

All poured from the tap ... And me!

I quickly sat down on a stool...

Ate a potato and a cutlet...

I decided to fly to Africa - ...

See hippos.

I got on a huge plane...

And went flying...

The plane sneezed, buzzed ...

I don't know how it flew...

Finally he landed...

I found myself on the Nile...

There was a feisty crocodile...

Almost bit me...

Near the lion lay in the grass...

The hippo was running towards me...

I shouted: "Sentry!" ...

And jumped back...

I barely took my legs ...

And why did you fly? Question!

Leading. It's time to find out what new uses the Robinsons and Fridays have come up with for old things. (The jury evaluates.)

Leading. Let us recall a short passage from Robinson's diary (reads). “My clothes fell into complete disrepair, and so I began to tailor! From the skins of animals, I built myself a complete suit, jacket and pants. I sewed short pants, to the knees, and very spacious, I also made the jacket wider. I also got a big hat with the fur on the outside - to protect from the sun. I had a lot of fuss with the umbrella, but in the end I got my way, and my umbrella could open and close.

We need to help Robinson and Friday diversify their wardrobe. Now each of the teams will make a costume for their hero. In 10 minutes we will find out whose costume will be more interesting, more original. Everything you need to make costumes is in the boxes (pieces of different fabrics, pins, feathers, plastic bags, as well as various natural materials). In the meantime, the competition “Clothes for Robinson and Friday” is being held, I invite viewers and fans to guess riddles on the topic “Inhabitants of a desert island”.

My tail is indistinguishable from my head

You will always find me in the earth. (Worm)

The green belt is lost in the grass. (Lizard)

Natket, weave,

Sit down and wait for prey. (Spider)

Flying all day

Everyone gets bored.

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Two antennas on top

And she sits in a hut,

She is lucky on herself

Creeps very slowly. (Snail)

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)

Black, not a raven

Horn, not a bull

With wings, not a bird. (Bug)

Rustling, rustling grass,

The whip is crawling alive.

He stood up and hissed:

Come, who is very brave. (Snake)

Leading. It's time to look at the models of clothes that the teams have made.

Teams present costumes for Robinson and Friday, jokingly commenting on the merits of the models.

The jury evaluates

Leading. On a desert island, various troubles can happen, so you need to be strong, hardy, dexterous. Otherwise, it will be tough. One day, Robinson and Friday were crossing a precipice and accidentally dropped the ropes from which they wanted to make bird snares. I announce the most difficult competition - the "Competition of captains". The captains must get the ropes out of the abyss without the help of hands and feet. Captains, come to me! You have to, sitting with your feet on a stool, without touching the floor with your feet and hands, get a rope from the floor with your teeth. Who is faster?

The competition "Get the rope" is held.

Here it is necessary to observe safety precautions: someone must be nearby and insure that the stool does not turn over. The jury evaluates

Leading. Do you remember how Robinson and Friday communicated in the beginning? That's right, with the help of gestures, because they did not know each other's language. Now one of the "Robinsons" should talk with someone from the "Fridays" in the language of facial expressions and gestures. You can also say individual sounds, but not words. The panel of judges will evaluate how intelligibly “Robinson” speaks and how much “Friday” understands him.

Robinson Questions

- Do you think it will rain today?

- Do you want to drink? Is there?

What do you prefer for lunch: fruit or game?

- Would you like to swim in the sea?

Will you go fishing with me?

- Kindle the fire, please.

- I want to be your friend. Do you want to be my friend?

The competition "Language of Friendship" is being held. The jury evaluates

Leading. Real islanders should not be afraid of difficulties and, if necessary, do everything to overcome them, even be able to turn themselves inside out. Stand one after another, hold hands, feet shoulder-width apart. The last in the column, without opening his arms, crawls between the legs of all those standing, moving forward. Everyone else follows him. Who will turn inside out faster?

Cheerful music sounds. There is a competition called "Turn inside out". The jury evaluates

Leading. Do you guys know that if all the islands in the world, mapped and uninhabited, are added together, they will make up an area of ​​​​more than nine million square kilometers! Can you imagine? The islands vary in color: the greenest are in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific; grey, stony Atlantic Ocean; the most yellow are in the Canary archipelago; in the Caribbean, there is no yellow color at all, there, green-green palm trees lean over white-white sand. There are no two identical islands in the world, even if they are located in the same sea at a distance of a five-minute flight of a seagull. Let's ask the "Robinsons" and "Fridays" to create their own miracle islands for the audience. Let the "Robinsons" "collect" in three minutes an island of the Indian Ocean - that is, those in the hall who have clothes green color. And "Fridays" is an island of the Canary archipelago, that is, those in the hall who have yellow in their clothes.

So I announce the last competition - "Wonder Island".

Music sounds, a competition is held, the jury, by the number of spectators attracted to the game, determines whose island is larger, then sums up the game.

Leading. Our fun competitions have come to an end. In parting, I want to wish you: always be so united and cheerful, and most importantly - cherish friendship! Friends will always help in difficult times.

Goal and tasks:

Application area: for teachers-organizers, class teachers, teachers of additional education. In extracurricular activities: expanding knowledge on the subject of the MHC (world art culture).

Form and implementation methods: game program with games, intellectual and creative tasks, contests.

Age group: students in grades 5-8.

Result: children's knowledge of Russian folk holidays, traditions and customs is consolidated.

Preliminary work:
The teams do their homework:

  • stage a rite or custom that has been preserved in their area before today(5-10 minutes);
  • repeat material about spring holidays, customs, rituals.

Location: hall.
Decor: the stage is framed in the form of a Russian hut.

Required props:

  • presentation "Where customs are honored, they live happily";
  • screen and multimedia;
  • suns and multi-colored ribbons;
  • clay whistles;
  • small rubber balls and children's buckets;
  • twigs and fresh spring flowers and grass for wreaths;
  • cards with tasks for participants (the number of cards depends on the number of teams);
  • cards for the jury with the criteria for evaluating tasks and with the correct answers.

Musical arrangement:
- Russian folk music.

Explanatory note

This game program is a variant of organizing and conducting a game for students of secondary school age.

This is an educational game for students of schools in the Rybinsk municipal district ...

In tradition Russian school(system of education) it has always been significant to create for the child a “social situation of development” (L.S. Vygodsky), an environment for communication through leisure.

For a child, this is the most important activity, it is a bridge in Big world. Leisure activities provides additional education and child development. Children and adolescents are in dire need of independent activities related to testing or demonstrating strength, dexterity, theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

As you know, all of the above are formed and developed in the process of activity. The most successful form is a cognitive game program. In the process of such a game program, individual characteristics of human behavior in certain situations are revealed, personal qualities certain moral values ​​and cultural traditions are comprehended.

The course of the game program

(folk music playing)

Peace be with you, dear guests!
You arrived at a good hour.
We have prepared such a warm meeting for you.

Very often behind the events and hustle and bustle of days
We do not remember our antiquity, we forget about it.
And although we are more accustomed to flying to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs, let's remember our antiquity!
“After all, where customs are honored, they live happily.”

To you, as is the old tradition, we send you a low bow to the earth.
We welcome you with cordiality, treat you with bread and salt.
Follow this custom, break it off piece by piece.
(the assistant descends into the hall and treats the guests with bread and salt)

With bread and salt! Take it, please!
A good guest is always on time.
Especially, one who does not forget Russian customs and traditions,
And he always remembers them.
It's nice to welcome guests in the spring.

Spring came!
Brought three lands!
First land -
Meadows flood!
Other area -
The sun in the courtyard -
Third place -
Green expanse!

And here she is
— Hello, Spring-red!

Spring: Hello, good people!

I, Spring-Red, brought you a gift
Leaves on oak tree, silk handkerchief,
Many, many spring waters
Yes, a fun dance!

Rise up, honest people.
Together with Spring, let's start a round dance!
(round dance)

Spring:- I am very glad that you do not forget the old holidays that came to our room. In the old days, with the onset of spring, when nature itself opens its arms to the sun - Yarilo, each spring month had its own holidays, its own signs and customs. Our ancestors these days led round dances, sang songs, played games.

Today I propose to remember those holidays and visit the spring months.

I brought assignments to the guys from months,
To show their knowledge
And everything they know, they told.

Get the envelopes
And start the program.
I'll sit on the sidelines
And where it is difficult to help.
(folk music sounds, a picture with the month of March is on the screen)

The first month is March
I am very glad to meet you.
He warms the sun
It will drip like a drop,
A merry brook murmurs.

Mistress: Beginning of the new year folk calendar falls at the time of the first movement of nature towards melting, towards a new life, a new joy of the approaching flowering. Slavs New Year started in spring, in March.

How the year starts
So on the wall of the housewives the calendar changes.
March offers the right days
In every spring month add up
And set the order.

Competition "Calendar Sheets"
(each team needs to add up in order all the days of one of the
spring months)

Mistress: Since we started talking about the New Year, it was celebrated on the first spring holiday, called Vesnovka-Whistler - March 14th. This is the first meeting of spring.

What is spring without birds? Birds are the messengers of spring.
According to the ancient custom, whistles were made for children. The children imitated the sounds of birds. Even kikimors were afraid of bird songs.

To erase all the bad things from life,
You need to whistle very loudly.
March whistler competition offers
"Vesnovka-whistle" calls him.

From each team, go whistler.
Get a funny whistle
And surprise Spring with your music.

Well done, our guests!
They know how to whistle in whistles
And if you need to drive out all the wickedness, they will be able to.

Martha managed to cope with the tasks,
And now it's time to ask the jury about the points.

Under the ringing drops
April also came up with assignments for you.
You can handle them too
Cheerful after all you the people actually something!

We will now call the sun-Yarilu,
To give strength to life.
To roll like a red wheel towards warmth, towards summer.

Sunshine, sunshine
Red bucket!
Look over the mountain
Until spring for the time being!

Now you have to tie all the rays of the sun
And collect the spring proverb.
Let it be a symbol of the spring holidays
And we will not forget to shine in the window.
(each team is given a yellow circle, holes are pierced along its edges. You need to
skip the ribbon in each hole and tie a ray. Then on reverse side
assemble a proverb from words).

Mistress:- Well done!
The suns burn brighter for us
To make the summer hotter.

To show knowledge about spring holidays,
You need to take part in the next competition.
I'll ask a question now, and answers to it
You need to mark the correct one for yourself.
(quiz - see Appendix)

Time to take a break from the competition
And that's what the game is for.
Come out, honest people,
No dust track
Come out and play "Plant the Potato".
(The game is played as a relay race between teams. Circles are drawn on the floor one step apart (5-7 in a row). Teams stand near these horns. On a signal from the leader, the players of the first team are each given a small bucket filled with potatoes (or tennis balls), and the first player seeks to put one potato in each hole as quickly as possible. Then he comes back and passes the bucket to the next player, who wants to collect the potatoes just as quickly and pass the bucket to the next player, etc.)

- Let's appreciate the efforts of the guys.
And for this we have a fair jury
Let's give him a word
The score to be announced in the competitions that were held.

Mistress: The third envelope is from May hello.
Green noise and his wife Shumikha are walking through the fields and valleys.
They lead all nature to summer, and we to homework.

I am in the spring on the mound, and in the winter in the upper room.
I sit, I always look at the people
I remember everything everywhere and collect it in a piggy bank.
I'll sit down on the bench now, sit and look.
What customs and traditions were in your settlements in the old days.

Mistress: In the old days, there was such a custom among Russian people, they spent the evenings together. As the Russian proverb says, “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands.” Here we spent time doing needlework. Who is behind the spinning wheel, who is embroidering a pattern on a towel. Some of the clay dishes are molded, others are made of wood spoons and bowls. Everyone is comfortable and good. Such evenings became evenings of riddles, jokes, fables, songs and dances. These are all genres. folk art.

Get the worksheets

(task see Appendix)

Well, now for the jury.
Tell me everything in detail
And announce the results of the competition.

Mistress: Well done! With all the tests prepared for months, you coped.

Do you guys know what day it is today?

Lalin day. On May 4, in the old days, a colorful girl's holiday was held, since ancient times revered by the Slavs. It was called by the gentle word Lyalnik. On this day, the girls gathered secretly from the guys in a clean meadow or forest glade, chose the most beautiful girlfriend, they twined with fresh greenery, and laid a wreath of flowers on their heads, magnifying Lyalya, i.e. Spring.

Spring: Right. Around Lyalya - spring they danced, sang songs, turning to her with various requests. Lyalya threw wreaths that became amulets, a guarantee of happiness, a symbol of expected fertility and were kept until the next spring.

Mistress: I suggest that this tradition not be broken.

Girls get out
And weave a wreath.
Let's choose the best
And praise Lyalya.

And the teams have one task
It is about the language of wreaths.

Mistress: It turns out that from the earliest times in Rus', people wove wreaths as amulets - to protect: a person - from the evil eye, food - from spoilage, a house - from ill-wishers. And there is also a belief: if in a dream you weave a wreath, then in reality a happy future awaits you. And to see yourself in a dream with a fading wreath on your head is disappointing.

Get cards with wreaths
And what each means, find with an arrow.
(and find a designation for it, connect it with an arrow).

Carry your jury's wreaths
Let it define
Around what Lyali dance to drive.

Lyalya is chosen by us,
Let's start a round dance, this time.
Hold hands together
And you become a circle.

An old tradition not to break
Woven wreaths Lyalya will throw.
Catch for happiness
And up next year store.

And now the jury
Let the result of our game program sum up
And will name the winner.

Mistress: In spring, nature awakens, and good feelings awaken in people. Today, with round dances, games, tasks, we remembered spring folk holidays as well as traditions and customs. And it's right folk proverb"Where customs are honored, they live happily."

Now we invite you to drink tea with pies,
And then visit our workshops
And make a souvenir to remember.

Informational resources

  1. Leisure at school 2001 №2.
  2. Corinthian Apollo People's Rus': legends, beliefs, customs and proverbs of the Russian people / Apollo of Corinth. - Moscow: White City, 2007. - 592 p.: ill.
  3. Favorite children's games /Comp. G.N. Grishin. - M.: Ts Sphere, 1999. - 96 p.
  1. Pavlova A. A flower for a flower - and a wreath is ready /A. Pavlova // Why?. - 2002. No. 6. - With. 30-31.
  2. Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkova L.D. Spring holidays, games and fun for children / V.M. Petrov, G.N. Grishina, L.D. Korotkov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2002. - 144 p.
  3. There on unknown paths(scenarios, ideas, tips, games, holidays to help the organizer creative activity with children and teenagers) / comp. G.D. Kochergina, I.A. Shabannikova, L.V. Ivanova, S.G. Gutsalova. - Smolensk: Publishing House of the Smolensk Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, 1994. - 176 p.


Team cards

What did the Russian people call the month of March?

a) stalker
b) water carrier, caddisfly
c) grass, span

Which spring month started with the Yarilin holidays?

(Yarilo in Slavic mythology is considered the god of fertility, possessing an unusual "yar", i.e. power of profit, procreation and fruiting. In the popular imagination, Yarilo is the main combatant who defeats the cold of winter).

a) May
b) April
c) March

What is the name of the holiday, for which people dressed festively and brightly, called the sun - Yarila, to give life strength, so that the earthly light does not linger, but rolls like a red wheel to warmth, to summer, lures migratory birds, causes drops and yes

a) Vesnovka-whistle day (March 14, the first meeting of spring)
b) Vasily-dropper (March 13, when healing pine branches were collected in the forest)
V) Red hill
d) Prokop's Day (March 12, according to popular belief, it finally destroys the winter crust, pierces the road).

What was the name of the holiday that took place on the day of the equinox - March 22. Usually, on this day, the arrival of larks was expected, the guys called out to spring with the words: “Arrive larks, bring red summer!”

a) magpies(the arrival of birds began “forty birds arrive.” By old tradition they performed such a ceremony: they called the spring to be kind and baked the messengers of spring from the dough, hiding linseed or hemp seeds inside).
b) Annunciation (bonfires were lit on this day, dances were made around the huts and even entire villages)
c) Fedul the windmill (two proverbs adorn this day: “Fedul came and blew warm”, and if the day turned out to be rainy:
"Fedul pouted his lips." Everyone opened the windows and listened until the cricket chirped.)

What spring month was called in the old days a caddisfly, bloom, a harbinger of summer?

a) March
b) April
in May

This holiday was celebrated on April 7th. It was one of the most beloved spring holidays, and it is also the third, decisive meeting of spring. On this day of spring, people and animals, and birds rejoice on this day, and even the sun itself “plays”. On this day they say: “The red girl does not weave braids, the bird does not build nests.” Everyone should rest.

a) Easter
b) Annunciation
c) Meeting

What is the name of the day of the week that precedes Easter Sunday and passes under the sign of the illuminated willow?

a) Maundy Thursday
b) Palm Sunday
c) Good Friday

What date do goblin and brownies wake up in spring. On this day, people laugh and amuse each other. It is they who want to deceive, outwit, in various ways.

When in the old days stoneflies, chants were sung in the village?

a) on Ivanov's day
b) at Christmas
c) Magpies

Which spring month is full of holidays and labors? In Rus', it was believed that only

the one who knows how to truly celebrate the holiday - knows how to work.

a) March
b) April
in May


Read the quatrains carefully
And sign the genre of folk art.
Chastushka, nursery rhyme, fiction, al fairy tale,
I don't think you need a hint here.

Oh, I stomp my foot, humpbacked cat
Yes, I’ll stomp another, Mom rubs her shoulders,
Come to me Vanyusha In the morning
Dance with me. Went out of the yard.

Lying on the shore
And did not swim in the water. (riddle, rocker)

There is a pop on the mop, This, brothers, is it not a miracle?
Cap on the priest, a runaway baton with a boy in his hands,
A mop under the butt And behind it is a sheepskin coat with a woman on her shoulders.
Pop under the hood. The whip grabbed the dog - soar the man,

And the man with fear climbed under the gate.
The village screamed, "The lake is on fire!"
Hay with firewood is in a hurry to put out the fire. (fiction)
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

Position: Methodist
Place of work: MOU DOD CDT "Rainbow"
Location: Tikhmenevo village, Rybinsk district, Yaroslavl region

Hello guys! Today I invite you to plunge into the magical world of cartoons and fairy tales, because the festival for children "The Miracle named Cinema" is taking place now. Guys, do you want to plunge into this world?
Then close your eyes and repeat after me magic words- bambare, chufare, loriki, eriki, moriki, krex, fex, pex.

So, welcome to the magical world of cartoons! And the first thing that awaits on the way is riddles. Ready?

I'm sure you know
Heroes of fairy tales from different countries.
And the characters of evil - villains -
Can we remember together?
Then remember better
And answer loudly in rhyme!

Everyone says he's immortal
Just don't believe it
After all, it consists of relics -
Terrible, very evil ... (Koschei.)

He flies, although heavy.
The seven-headed, the three-headed.
And he is also the Serpent Gorynych -
Evil fire-breathing ... (Dragon.)

She's a mean old lady
She has one girlfriend -
Lariska the rat. Everyone knows:
The name is the old woman ... (Shapoklyak.)

He has been living in Africa for a long time,
He is waiting and waiting for Aibolit,
Doesn't like small children
Evil, bloodthirsty ... (Barmaley.)

She lives alone in a hut
She doesn't need friends, girlfriends.
Her broom is her servant.
Lives in the forest ... (Baba Yaga.)

He knows the pools
All the fords in them are familiar to him.
Filled with mud and water
Lives in a swamp ... (Water.)

He lives in a dense forest -
Either in a hollow, or in a pile of leaves.
Walks everywhere on foot
Wild guard of the forest ... (Leshy)

You guessed all the villains.
Evil will hardly win now!
Goodness flies in all directions!
And you all together ... (Well done.)

And now, dear guys, I propose to play, 1 game "Humpbacked Horse".

It's not a simple horse galloping, -
Miracle - golden mane,
Carries a boy through the mountains
Yes, it won't drop it.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
Amazing skate
Nicknamed ... (Humpbacked).

Horse - The Humpbacked Horse could jump so that he overcame any obstacles.

Task: 2 teams of 4 people. the first participant bends at the waist, takes the ball and puts it on his back, holding it with his hands. You need to run to the landmark, along the way, obstacles through the cubes and without losing the “hump”, and then pass the baton to the next participant.

2 competition
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.

This pair of tricksters
They pretend all the time.
The cat is blind, the fox is lame.
What is the name of the fairy tale?
(Golden Key).

And who is this pair of tricksters?
(l. Alice and the cat Basilio).

Task: teams of 4 people, divided into pairs. One participant is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The fox bends one leg at the knee and supports it with his hand. Holding hands, the couple begins to move to the landmark and back.

Okay guys!

3 contest

Long unknown to many
He became everyone's friend.
He is from an interesting fairy tale
In a bright hat, with a tie
It's very simple, guess what?
What is his name?

Dunno flew with his friends on hot-air balloon. Now we will also fly on a balloon, but for this we need to free the basket from under the balloon, from the excess load.
Well done!

6 contest

In an open field
Where there are no roads
Not low, not high
Invites everyone to the threshold
This house ... (teremok).

And in this tower - you are now watching a cartoon.
All the best, until we meet again.

Prepared by: Podverbnaya I.A.

Marina Yurchishina
"Kis-Meow-Show". Scenario of a cognitive game program for children of primary school age


Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear friends!

Presenter 2. Hello! Today we will be participants in the educational entertainment program"Kiss Meow Show" As you may have guessed, we will talk about cats beloved by many pets.

Presenter 1. The world of cats is an extraordinary fairy-tale country. A country of great discoveries and upheavals, a country of love and legends. Raise your hand if you have cats at home. You see - a good half of the guys keep cute fluffy little animals at home.

Presenter 1. And now some information:

Presenter 2. The first domestic cats appeared about 7 thousand years ago in Egypt

Presenter 1. In ancient egypt cats were considered sacred. When cats died, their owners shaved off their eyebrows and cut their hair as a sign of mourning for the cat. Cats were valued primarily for the fact that they saved grain from mice. It is estimated that one cat, hunting mice, saves 10 tons of grain a year! Presenter 2. But cats save not only grain. IN English city London cats work in the British Museum and post offices. And they get paid for this work, for which they are fed.

Presenter 1. The cat has very sensitive hearing. She hears the slightest rustle that the mice make, but at the same time she can not pay attention to loud music.

Presenter 2 The cat is very clean, often washing herself. But she licks not so much dirt as her own smell. Cats are hunters. If their prey smells a cat, they will remain hungry.

Presenter 1. The cat walks calmly in the dark. Vibris (mustache) help her in this.

Presenter 2. "Kis-meow-show" - the program is not only educational, but also entertaining. Let's say hello to our members, and the members are you guys!

Moderator 1. We have 2 (3) squad teams. Team "Mustache-striped" "Black and white kittens" "Purrs" To begin with, the teams will choose a captain.

Presenter 2. And we are pleased to introduce you to the Chief Judge of our show - Irina Viktorovna!

Presenter 1. Irina Viktorovna will evaluate attentiveness, resourcefulness, speed of reaction! For each victory in the competition, the team will receive a point, today we have points - "Leopoldy"

Presenter 2. So we have the first competition. There are many cartoons where the characters are cats. Let's guess what cartoons and cartoon characters are we talking about?

Lead 1.

1. These rascals

playing cat and mouse (Tom and Jerry)

Lead 2.

2. He likes to eat a sandwich

Not like everyone else, on the contrary,

He is in a vest, like a sailor.

Call the cat, tell me how (Prostokvashino. Cat Matroskin)

Presenter 1. 3. His favorite phrase: "Guys, let's live together!" (Leopold)

Presenter 2. 4. The hero of the cartoon "Mowgli" from the cat family. (Sherkhan)

Presenter 1. 5. The heroine of the cartoon "Mowgli" from the cat family. (Bagheera)

Presenter 2. 6. One day the cat became the main one in the forest.

He married a fox.

This cat's middle name is? (Kotofeevich)

Lead 1.

7. And this cat, which plays and catches a tit,

Which often steals wheat,

Which is stored in a dark closet,

In the house that he built ... (Jack)

Lead 2.

8. This fairy-tale hero

With a ponytail, mustachioed,

He has a feather in his hat

All striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

Lead 1.

9. Smoke, smoke all around!

Who runs with a big bucket

Who with a tub ... What a nightmare!

Whose house is on fire?

Burned whose tail a little?

Pogorelets - aunt ... (cat. Cat's house.)

Lead 2.

10. Cat with an eye patch

I took a fox as an assistant.

He is a liar and a swindler

We know him well. (Cat Basilio)

Lead 1.

11. The kitten is very cute,

He is very friendly with the puppy,

He's looking for trouble and he's playing with the shadow

Why everyone dislikes his nickname, he does not understand! (Kitten named Woof)

Summing up the competition

Presenter 2. Well done guys!

And we have the next competition. Game cat and mouse. Five people per team. Who will catch the mouse faster (you need to quickly wind the rope around the pencil. Who is faster. Start, attention, march!

Presenter 1. The team won this competition ... Well done!

Presenter 2. Excellent cats hunt for mice.

Presenter 1. Do cats recognize famous mice from fairy tales and cartoons by their qualities.

(Give out cards with the names of fairy tales.)

Presenter 2. Guys, you are offered images of mice with their qualities. Your task is to stand with the name of the fairy tale near the mouse to which the name fits.

Presenter 2. Cats played with mice, but they scattered proverbs. And we have the next contest "Collect a proverb"

The children are offered cards with the beginning and end of proverbs about cats, the task is to correctly collect the proverbs. Who is faster?

The children collect proverbs. We check what happened, attention to the screen:

Cats gnaw - expanse for mice.

Know, cat, your basket.

For mouse and cat beast.

The cat knows whose meat it has eaten.

Every day is not Sunday.

A kind word and a cat is pleased.

Where there is no cat, there the mouse frolics.

Early the little bird sang, as if the cat had not eaten.

The cat is dainty to the fish, but does not want to climb into the water.

In the dark, all cats are grey.

Bow down to the cat's feet.

You can't buy a cat in a poke.

Presenter 1. Do you know that cats are excellent singers. How wonderfully they purr.

Presenter 2. And we have a "Music Competition"

Captains draw cards with the name of the song

“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass ...”, “I am lying in the sun ...”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest ...”

Assignment to teams. One minute to get ready. It is necessary to meow the melody of the selected song together).

The jury evaluates the artistry of the "cat ensembles"

Presenter 1. How do they say it? Without a cat - can't you pull a fish out of the pond?

Presenter 2 No! It seems without difficulty - you can’t pull out a fish for a cat!

Presenter 1. It doesn't matter what they say. And we have "KIS-MEOW-FISHING"

Whose team will catch more fish in a minute.

Lay out cardboard fish with a paper clip, distribute fishing rods with magnets instead of a hook.

Presenter 2 Well done fishermen. Kittens will be full and happy! The catch of each team was counted.

Presenter 1. So our entertaining and murmuring show has come to an end!

Presenter 2. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, we will have a little rest. We offer you an impromptu fairy tale "About a Kitten" We need 11 actors.

Presenter 1. In the meantime, the actors are preparing ( wear headbands with identification marks of heroes) I offer you a chant. I will start, and you will add the word according to the meaning.

This is a basket, it sits cat

This is a basket, it sits kitty

This is a basket, it sits in it kitty

This is a basket, it sits cat.

Host 1. Are the actors ready?

"The Tale of the Kitten"

Characters: Kitten, Magpies, Paper, Wind, Porch, Sun, Puppy, Rooster, Hens.

Today the kitten went outside for the first time. It was a warm summer morning. The sun spread its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint at the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by 2 magpies that flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly got down from the porch and began to creep up to the birds. The kitten jumped high. But the magpies flew away. Nothing happened. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew. He drove the paper on the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed her. Scratched a little. He bit and, not finding anything interesting in her, let him go. The paper flew away, driven by the wind. And then the kitten saw the rooster. Raising his legs high, he importantly walked around the yard. Then he stopped. He flapped his wings. And sang his sonorous song. Chickens rushed to the rooster from all sides. Without hesitation, the kitten rushed to them, grabbed one chicken by the tail. But she pecked the kitten in the nose so painfully that he screamed with a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. Here he was waiting new danger. The neighbor's puppy barked loudly at the kitten. And then he tried to bite him. The kitten hissed loudly in response, released its claws and hit the puppy in the face with its paw. The puppy whimpered piteously and ran away.

The kitten felt like a winner, he began to lick the wound inflicted by the chicken. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch to his full height and fell asleep.

Thus ended the kitten's first acquaintance with the street.

Presenter 2. Well done guys! Real artists! and now we will find out Who has more Leopolds, who is the winner?

Jury's word...

Moderator 1. Thank you guys for participating in our program.

Presenter 2. See you soon!


Collect proverb:

Cats are biting -

expanse for mice.

Know the cat

his basket.

For mouse

and the cat is a beast.

The cat knows

whose meat you ate.

Not everything for a cat


kind word

and the cat is happy.

Where there is no cat

there is a mouse running around.

Early bird sang

no matter how the cat eats it.

Lakoma cat to fish,

doesn't want to go into the water.

In the dark

all cats are grey.

bow down

and the cat's legs.

Cat in a bag

cannot be bought.

The dog barks and scares the cats.

For the game, colored bumps cut out of paper are used. To the music, children dance near the bumps and when they hear the barking of a dog, they should stand on the bump, initially there should be 1 less bumps than children. Descending game. Dog barking can be recorded on your phone or found on the Internet. You can also just organize dances near the hoop, and when the dog barks, everyone should quickly jump into the hoop.