Some dreams are quite symbolic and come to a person in order to direct true path, be a valuable clue. Why dream of crying ex-boyfriend, can this vision be considered a good sign, portending an imminent reunion?

What if you dream of a crying ex-boyfriend?

A crying ex-boyfriend in a dream is a symbol of understatement, incompleteness. If a girl has such a vision, she should analyze past relationships. Most likely they are not completed. When parting, all points were not placed and close people did not say something to each other. The sleeping woman needs to think carefully about how she feels about the former, whether she wants to return him.

Such dreams always indicate the presence of experiences in real life. If a girl feels that passion can still flare up between them, you need to take the first step and, at a minimum, talk with your ex-boyfriend, talk about what worries her. Do not be afraid of such activity. The vision indicates that the dreamer is still not indifferent to the young man. Perhaps he does not want to continue communication, but he cannot forget his former passion.

What you see should not be taken seriously if, quite recently, a girl met her ex by chance. Most likely, the vision reflects her feelings and desire to reunite with her loved one, the desire to fix something, to return the faded love.

If a girl dreams that her ex-boyfriend is crying and begging her to return to him, this portends a quick meeting. People who were once in love with each other will finally be able to meet and talk. The guy will really be interested in resuming the relationship.

If a girl dreamed that her ex was crying, and she was hugging him, in real life the young man would need the help of a dreamer. It's about, of course, not about material support. The sleeping woman should try to find out through friends how her former lover is doing. If something happened in his life negative events call and offer help. Often such dreams portend the illness of the guy's relatives, serious financial difficulties, or even problems with the law. In any case, understanding from loved ones will not be superfluous in this situation.

What portends?

To see your ex-lover crying in a dream, but walking arm in arm with a beautiful lady, is to lose him forever in reality. In this case, the girl should not even think about the fact that something can improve between her and this young man. It's time to realize that everything is over. Most likely, the guy already has another. To see an ex-boyfriend in a dream crying in a cart of his house is to learn something new about him in real life. In the near future, this person will make himself known. The information received will greatly surprise the sleeping person.

Crying together in a guy in a dream - in reality, realize your attachment to him. The dreamer will want to return her ex-lover and she will make every effort to do this. Calm down a guy in a dream - in real life, cool off towards him. Such visions prophesy the imminent beginning of a new relationship. The dreamer will forget her former lover and plunge into a whirlpool of new passions.

If a girl dreams that her ex-boyfriend is crying, it means that not everything is over between them. Some words were left unsaid. Perhaps one of the former lovers has warm feelings towards the person with whom he was once close and wants to return his former emotions, passion and love.

Did you happen to see a crying man in a dream? The Universe hints that the time has come for spiritual purification, personal growth, and problem solving. Well-known dream interpreters, explaining why male crying is dreamed of, insist exclusively on good interpretations. I dreamed of the sobs of a representative of the male half of humanity - the dreamer will be blessed from above for a happy future life.

Why is a crying man dreaming, surrounded by various decorations? Moreover, the roaring one does not evoke any feelings in the sleeping person - the dream has a positive interpretation and promises luck. A sobbing young man in some room - to financial difficulties. To improve the financial situation, the dreamer will need to make great efforts. It is worth paying attention, if a person mourns the loss, you need to consider the following:

  • A comrade was crying - in reality, a meeting with troubles and worries awaits.
  • Enemy - be sure to emerge victorious from this situation.

Do not forget that the night vision image discussed often does not bode well. To get a more correct decoding, it is worth remembering all the details of the plot.

Interpretations of why the guy is crying in a dream:

  1. I dreamed that a young man was shedding tears of joy - expect a pleasant meeting.
  2. Crying, while laughing contagiously - fortunately in love.
  3. A dead person drops tears - a negative omen. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones more from adversity.
  4. The guy was wounded and crying in pain - deteriorating health.
  5. I dreamed of a crying father - such a night vision is associated with emotional state dreamer. The dream interpretation advises: listen to the prompts of intuition and your inner voice.
  6. I saw several young people shedding tears - get ready, as snow falls on your head several difficult questions at once. Solving them will be quite difficult, but the dreamer should remember that everything will definitely work out.
  7. The guy howls sobbing - soon the native will betray.
  8. To see a crying son - perhaps in reality he really needs the dreamer's shoulder. Try to be honest with him.

If the dreamer cries

In night dreams, I myself had a chance to shed tears that cannot be stopped - in reality you are a weak and defenseless person. The inability to stand up for oneself and fight the difficulties of fate usually leads to the fact that a person begins to feel sorry for himself. The dreamer sheds tears every day and blames completely innocent people for this, feels himself the most unhappy and unlucky in the entire universe. Interpreters advise to stop crying for any reason, feel sorry for yourself, prioritize. Begin to increase self-confidence, develop fearlessness, otherwise the universe will not stop sending tests that will seem completely insurmountable.

  • To wipe away tears - for some reason, the dreamer believes that those around him are not quite disposed towards him, although, in reality, he is mistaken. Excessive suspiciousness does not allow you to live in peace. In any gesture of the interlocutor, you are looking for some kind of mystical riddle. The dream interpretation gives advice not to pay attention to the opinions of other people, to try to take things easier.
  • To restrain sobs - no one will ever know about the misfortunes and torments of the dreamer. For unknown reasons, he chooses to hide and endure his torment alone.
  • After crying, relief came - a positive omen, promising relief in reality. On the contrary, crying causes cruelty - to difficult obstacles.
  • Shed tears when peeling onions - yield under persistent pressure. When grater horseradish - the spouse's mistress will send a letter.

Why dream of a crying beloved husband

We thought about why a man is crying in a dream, who in reality is your spouse - your merits will be appreciated with dignity. Expect career growth or a tangible promotion wages. Also, a spouse in such a night vision can signal that it is worth taking a closer look at the small details of life. Most likely, the chosen one is worried about something in reality.

What does the dream mean, where the ex-husband sheds tears

What will the vision bring, where it sobs former spouse? The time has come to turn to your ex-husband for help, he will understand and help solve the problem. There is another explanation: such an image signals that there is still a non-verbal connection between husband and wife.

If the former soulmate is trying to find words for reconciliation, while being very worried and shedding a tear, life changes are coming. Most likely, the sleeping woman will find happiness in a new romantic relationship. Scolding the former - in reality, a longtime lover wants to start a relationship with clean slate.

Several men

Had a chance to witness some tragic event, which is accompanied by a lot of crying representatives of the stronger sex? What does the dreamer think about this? Dreaming of crying men promise serious life difficulties. Perhaps in the dreamer's life another age crisis. It will be impossible to deal with him soon.

Experts believe it's best to renew your train of thought. To do this, a person needs to gather all his strength into a fist. Such an image of a dream should not cause disturbing feelings to the dreamer. He simply informs a person about the onset of age-related changes and the need to start looking for a way out of them. You should do hard work on yourself, set new goals and rewrite moral canons.

Dream Interpretation interprets a vision for a girl

The interpretation depends on who the sleeping sobbing young man is:

  • beloved - there is a risk of a negative situation, due to which the relationship may end.
  • former - the emotional wounds of the young person have not yet healed, she still dreams about him, dreams that the young man himself wants to return romantic relationship. If such a night vision quite often disturbs the dreamer, the dream book recommends meeting with the guy in reality, talking, dotting the “i”.

The meaning of the plot for a guy

If the sleeping person himself is a representative of the stronger sex, then what does it mean to see a man crying in a dream:

  • crying yourself - a vision predicts good luck in absolutely all endeavors. The time has come for the implementation of the most extraordinary, grandiose and large-scale plans. IN professional field good luck will also accompany activity, any peaks will submit. With such a dizzying rise, do not forget to pamper your soulmate with your attention, otherwise the relationship will end.
  • to see a well-known man who is filled with tears - in reality, it is this person who may have difficulties. Take note, the universe sends us nightly messages for a reason. In this case, the subconscious signals that you have the ability to lend a helping hand to this person in solving his difficult situations.
  • the stranger is crying - the time of crisis has come. For businessmen, the discussed image promises a new competitor.


Is the young man crying in his sleep? Interpreters recommend finding the cause of rolling tears. A man could get hurt, get a more severe injury. The meaning depends on the dreamer's sensation experienced after waking up:

  1. Waking up, the sleeper feels bad - he will soon get sick. But do not take the message as an evil prediction of fate. The subconscious sends a signal about the need to change the attitude towards oneself or the situation as a whole, then everything will change. To see a representative of the courageous half of humanity - in reality, you should undergo a complete medical examination. Having cured the “sores”, the dreamer will no longer worry about the state of health, which will help him avoid many difficulties, breathe deeply.
  2. After the night vision remained positive emotionsspeedy recovery from a long illness. An often discussed image comes to people who are recovering from a serious illness. Moreover, women dream more often than men.

Degree of grief

  • Shedding bitter tears - expect fun and joyful moments, financial and family well-being. The dream in which the sleeper is hysterical has the same meaning.
  • Laugh to tears - unfairly reproach the chosen one, upsetting him with this.
  • Seeing your own tear-stained face is a sudden benefit.
  • Sobbing in a voice - in reality has the opposite interpretation: to fun and joy.
  • I wanted to cry - portends emotions that will be difficult to control.
  • Missing a person who is far away - call him, most likely he is in danger of misfortune.
  • The stranger sobs, baring his teeth in hysterics - grief and rivalry.
  • Mourn for a person who is alive in reality - a dream portends good health and good luck.
  • Shed tears burning cheeks - sorrows and troubles.
  • If bloody drops drip, night vision is a warning of danger. Also, a dream can be a symbol of the dreamer's imminent wrong choice.


How should one interpret the actions of the sleeping woman if she decided to regret, calmed the crying man? According to dream interpreters, such a dream image foreshadows the imminent consolation of the grief of the sleeper. Problems will soon be resolved, life will become easier. But don't expect a miracle. Difficulties will not disappear as if by magic. To arrange own life, you will have to make the most effort. Think about who you can turn to for support. Connect relatives and friends whom you trust and who will agree to take the burden of your problems on themselves.

There were no troubles in reality, but does the dream of consoling a man not leave? Experts explain such a situation as the desire of the sleeping person to enlist support. Find it in the face of girlfriends and friends. call close person share with your experiences. Ordinary affection, human sympathy will help to avoid despair. Turn to your beloved, ask him to take pity on you, to support you. Gentle manifestations of feelings are the best medicine for emotional experiences.

Offend the crying

What does such an image portend? What is the dream of the crying guy whom you offended? A dream promises a difficult life period.

Laughing at a sobbing girl, thereby offending her, is a positive symbol that brings good luck, luck, happiness and career.

Miller's dream book about emotions

According to the author of Miller's dream book, night visions, in which there are people crying and experiencing mental torment, predict big changes in public and private life. Emotions pouring over the edge in a dream symbolize a bright energy surge in reality. Prize-winning places in competitions, presentation of diplomas, awards, badges of honor, career growth - this is exactly what it is to see a crying man in a dream.

What will fate bring, according to Miller's interpretations, if you dreamed of a man crying:

  • with joy - an old problem will be solved;
  • with grief, but without shedding a single tear - a surge of spiritual strength, purification;
  • from pain - a speedy recovery;
  • because of love experiences - you will be forgiven, quick repentance.

Only joyful events are ahead

The meaning of the night message, in which leading role is occupied by a sobbing personality, is reduced by some authoritative dream interpreters to the appearance physical abilities to carry out good intentions. It turns out that the sleeper's internal reserves are activated if you see a sobbing in a dream young man. Men's tears promise success in all areas of life.

Sometimes there is a plot where the head of the family sobs. Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov, explaining this image, portends an early resolution of difficult situations, legal proceedings. Moreover, the louder and howling sobs were, the more joyful future events will be.

Be patient with family members

Vexed former lover may portend a young girl serious difficulties in relationships. Your partner shows too violent uncontrollable emotions, which indicates the end of the relationship. Most likely, the night message informs about the need for an urgent meeting and a serious conversation, discussing further life together.

The same dream image has a completely different meaning for an adult. I had a chance to see a man shedding tears on the dreamer's knees - in reality, family troubles are being resolved. In addition, Uncle Freud promises a sexual uplift. Even a former lover may have a chance for a second try. Thanks to this, both spouses will regain happiness.

Ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself

In Vanga's dream interpreter, there is a meaning of vision, what a crying or sobbing knight dreams of. Bloody wounds are visible on his body - the sleeping person will decide to repent, apologize for everything to elders, relatives, and relatives. Such a plot is not uncommon for people who have embarked on the path of spiritual correction.

To hysteria, to scream from love torments - to completely admit oneself guilty in front of a loved one. Dreams promise family recovery, the return of a relative from a long-distance business trip to his father's house. On the contrary, silent sobs portend imminent problems in the relationship of lovers.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. "Unsteady bridge of sleep": dreams and dreamers in the Japanese tradition // Proceedings of the "Russian Anthropological School": Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RGGU, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English. - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung KG Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.

Crying in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Such a dream can carry both negative and positive meanings. Moreover, crying is one of the few signs of dreams when the foreshadowed events can reach a fairly large scale. You should very carefully approach a dream in which a crying man appears.

In a dream, a man is a symbol of strength, a getter, a hunter, a military man, a businessman. All these images reflect areas that can be affected by a dream in which a man appears to the dreamer.

Tears themselves can carry both a positive connotation when they promise relief or symbolize joy, and a negative connotation when they are tears of grief, sadness. Thus, it can be assumed that a crying man in a dream will become a sign of evil, but one should not forget about the specular nature of many phenomena in the world of dreams and dreams, their dual nature.

It is important to immediately determine whether the crying man is an enemy or friend of the dreamer, wishes him well, or is upset by the success of the dream hero. Also, a dream will have a completely different meaning, where the hero himself acts as a crying man.

What is the dream of a crying man and what does it promise? The simplest image is an unfamiliar crying man without decorations and unnecessary emotional details.

Such a dream, oddly enough, promises good luck in business and undertakings, spiritual uplift and gaining new strength. If a man cries over a loss, the dream changes its meaning, but depends on the details. A crying enemy in this case will mean victory over him, protection from intrigues.

A crying friend or the dreamer himself - troubles and minor losses. If the dreamer himself is in a dream crying man, such a dream promises various troubles, which, however, can end well.

A man who cries with joy in a dream is a good sign, problems will be solved, an unexpected meeting will occur, end long separation. Seeing a crying dead man is a very gloomy sign, especially if he is grieving for someone living, you should pay special attention to such a dream and try, by deciphering it, to protect yourself and loved ones from trouble. Crying through laughter promises good luck in love. A man crying because of a wound can be a harbinger of an imminent illness, injury, but also a cure for an illness, if there is no feeling of impending disaster in a dream.

It is very important to pay attention or try to remember the emotional mood of sleep - what prevails in it. Sadness or joy, grief or joy, the oppressive weight of loss or slight nostalgia. Each emotion reflects the nature of the dream and very subtly allows you to determine its directional meaning.

Crying man in a dream - basically good sign. The earner and protector, a model of the strength and furious power of nature, cannot cry from grief, as a rule, this is a joyful cry that brings relief. But even if a dream carries a negative meaning, do not despair, the main thing is to understand it and be able to take advice.

Dream Interpretation Cry

Why dream of Crying in a dream according to a dream book?

She dreams that you are crying in a dream - joy awaits in reality. Crying because of your deeds - your sins will be atoned for, you will receive forgiveness in reality. Crying in a dream is a way to unload yourself from the accumulated negativity that can cause serious illness.

How did you cry in your sleep?

cry bitterly in a dream

It is bitter to cry - Felomena's dream book interprets such an action as the appearance of a reason for joy, carefree fun in reality. Expect successful completion of cases. Showing entrepreneurial spirit at work will achieve unexpected results.

cry a lot in your sleep

A dream where you cry a lot means having fun with big amount alcohol. The dream warns that the party may end in tears, so you should not lose control of yourself.

Cry loudly in your sleep

Crying loudly in a dream is an unexpected success in business or a rise in career ladder. If your work is not related to commerce, expect success in the work you do or study.

Who did you cry for in your sleep?

Cry in your sleep because of death

I dreamed that you were crying because of death - a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new life, the availability of new frontiers. Grandiose changes are planned ahead, which you could not decide on for quite some time.

Crying over a guy in a dream

A dream in which you cry because of a guy portends possible waking troubles coming from your boyfriend. Perhaps his actions will offend you or make you angry.

Cry because of a loved one in a dream

Crying because of a loved one is interpreted by a dream book as loss, loss, disappointment. Deprivation is possible in a relationship. A dream is a symbol of your dissatisfaction with life, despair.

Why dream of crying because of a man

It is a dream that you are crying because of a man - in reality, things are not going the way you would like. The relationship with the man, because of which tears were shed, reached an impasse. A temporary break in a love relationship is possible.

Why did you cry in your sleep?

Cry out of resentment in a dream

I dreamed that you were crying from resentment - you can count on honor, respect in reality. A holiday will be organized in your honor with a financial reward or profit.

Cry in pain in a dream

Crying in pain in a dream - good health awaits in reality. In the near future, you can not be afraid to pick up any disease or infection. Adversity will bypass you.

Cry from happiness in a dream

Dream Interpretation interprets crying from happiness literally. The circumstances that make you shed tears of joy are your true aspirations, the meaning of your life. In a dream there are hints, guidelines for further action.

Why dream of crying for joy

A dream where you cry with joy predicts the onset of festive, joyful events. It is possible to receive an invitation to a wedding or an anniversary, a family celebration.

Why dream of crying from fear

I dreamed that you were crying from fear - in the near future you will be able to get rid of accumulated problems. Relatives and relatives will provide full assistance, lend a helping hand.

Who cried in your dream?

Dreamed of a crying man

A crying person is dreaming - possible adversity, troubles will not bypass someone close. Show special attention to relatives, identify those who need help and support.

See yourself crying in a dream

Seeing yourself crying in a dream - a dream according to Felomena's dream book is favorable. Your worries will soon come to an end, in reality you will receive good news, things will turn out well, with considerable benefit for you.

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book

Dream Interpretation Beloved is crying

What is the dream of the Beloved crying in a dream from a dream book?

A dream where your loved one is crying portends joyful waking events, happiness and fun. Another interpretation is the appearance of difficulties in the beloved, obstacles, to overcome which he will have to make a lot of efforts.

Try to assist your chosen one, become a real support and support for him in any business.

Why dream of crying in a dream?

Often the emotions that a person experiences during the day are reflected in dreams. People are again laughing or crying, sad or full of joyful thoughts. The interpretation of such dreams should also be based on real life, correlated with the events that take place in it and with the possible signs that the subconscious mind sends to the human brain.

Dream Interpretations can radically interpret the crying that the sleeper dreams about in radically different ways. Someone considers such a dream happy, while someone, on the contrary, says that you need to be more careful and attentive because of the upcoming unfortunate changes. So why dream of crying in a dream, in the interpretation of different dream books?

All modern dream books they agree that crying in a dream portends a joyful event, because of which you can cry. For example, it can be someone's anniversary, wedding or the birth of a child. Indeed, there is no reason for sadness in these events, so if you cry, then only from happiness. Such a dream promises a favorable environment, changes at work and in personal life. If a person cries, but at the same time he is not alone, this can mean an imminent holiday, a party that will be very fun.

Such a dream can have a negative connotation only if the person knows who he is crying for. In this case, in reality, troubles and minor troubles can await him, which you should try to avoid. If other people, for example, friends or relatives, have to cry in a dream, then this means bad news for them.

However, if crying is only heard, but crying man while it is not visible, this means that familiar people expect good luck and joyful events in life. If the sleeper sees a crying man in a dream, then he can hope for a quick career growth and an increase in well-being.

The crying of a child promises trouble, and if these are their own children, then this portends quarrels and discord in the family. This can serve as a good sign and help to avoid waking tears.

If in a dream a person sees his crying father, then soon events will occur in his life that will shock everyone very much, unsettle him. But a crying spouse means reconciliation, improvement of relations. That's so much different interpretations about men crying in a dream, where everything depends on who this person is to the sleeping person.

Psychologists interpret a little differently what dreams of crying in a dream. As a rule, their reasoning boils down to the fact that in reality a person is worried about unresolved problems, which even in a dream do not allow his subconscious to relax. Tears in this situation can be regarded as a symbol of purification. A person in a dream gets rid of the troubles that haunt and torment him in order to continue moving forward. Not every person can cry out their problems on a friend’s shoulder or just cry into a pillow, but a dream gives him such an opportunity. Sometimes you have to cry in a dream because of very real grievances against loved ones or just an acquaintance.

Perhaps in reality they simply did not have the courage or strength to admit that someone had really offended the sleeping person. Such dreams help reduce anger at the offender or even forgive him. This is very important for maintaining psychological balance and calmness in real life. Tears of pity is also not a rare dream, which is a reflection of events taking place in reality. If a person is very worried about someone and falls asleep with thoughts about what is happening with his friend, acquaintance, loved one, then it is not surprising that his emotions remain unchanged in a dream.

Folk beliefs also most often interpret crying in a dream as a harbinger of joy and happiness in the family. The main thing is not to cry while sitting on the bed (such a dream promises trouble and contention). If a person hears a familiar person crying pitifully, then this means that in reality one of the friends is very bored and is looking forward to meeting. Not such a bad interpretation, because it gives rise to a long-awaited date. Strange dreams in which weeping dead people dream mean quarrels with relatives. Not very scary, but still unpleasant, you need to try to avoid them.

If a person crying in a dream bares his teeth, then it is worth waiting for an opponent to appear in reality who will build and set others around him against the person who is dreaming of all this. You have to be careful with people you don't trust. In general, you should always watch who cries in a dream and why.

Perhaps these are tears of joy, because of which you should not be upset at all. Or are these echoes of emotions experienced in real life, which find their logical conclusion in a dream, so that a person can start a new day with a pure soul in the morning, without past grievances.

Dream interpretation guy died

Why is the guy dreaming of dying in a dream from a dream book?

They saw the death of their chosen one - in reality, he is destined to live for a very long time and at the same time maintain excellent health.

If you and the one who is your lawful husband die, this is a harbinger of the fact that quiet family happiness awaits you, unclouded by any sorrows.

I saw a dream as an ex-boyfriend crying at the explosion. for what?


❀❀❀ Ksyusha ❀❀❀

If you happened to see a crying person in a dream, know that one of your relatives, friends or persons dear to you right now is in dire need of your society. It is claimed that this is a dream that can be trusted. What is the dream of a crying guy whom you know well, the dream book explains his need for emotional release. It is possible that he was simply tired of being alone with his problems, only you can only guess about this in a dream. If you dreamed about how the ex-boyfriend was crying, the dream book promises that your quarrel will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future it will turn out that the cause of your quarrel turned out to be just unfortunate misunderstanding. Good luck to you!!!

Rita Vladimirskaja

He will have some joy

Venus Venus

To the joy of course

Nadezhda Lomaeva

if it’s not you who is crying in a dream, but someone else, you will be reunited with the person with whom you are in a quarrel

ex boyfriend crying

Dream Interpretation Former boyfriend is crying and dreamed of why in a dream the ex-boyfriend is crying and? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an ex-boyfriend crying in a dream and by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

Former young man or ex-husband, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes your excessive passion for the past. This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; ex love does not want to give in to love real place in your heart. The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals. After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have external opposite meanings. Follow your emotions to decide which value is right for you. Soaring can be a symbol: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions. To soar emotionally above the situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience. Sometimes people remember that when they get injured, they seem to soar skyward. Soaring may also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions. You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and swim towards the feelings and at the same time with them. Swim in the water: means that you have allowed emotions to surface. Soar in the air: means to rise above all this. Soaring: also means that you are aimlessly floating above the ground. Ground yourself. Set potential goals and take steps.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream in which your ex-lover, says that the past still lives in your heart, although you may diligently avoid memories of it. You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming about the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing. The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile at you. If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that your life will begin very soon new period. While it is difficult to say how favorable it will be. However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, whatever they may be - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

Handsome and slender messenger of heavenly seer Forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behaviour). For a girl dream of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper; maternal or sexual urges. Ugly-looking everything is bad. See add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Dream Interpretation - Someone is crying and grieving

portends joy.

Dream Interpretation - Mom is crying

Mom is crying - you will be called to the director of the school.

Dream Interpretation - Well done, guy

Profit // chores, troubles; attacked - attack or chores (girl).

Dream Interpretation - Young man, guy

his vision indicates an energetic and strong enemy. If the young man is blond, then the enemy is open, if he is dark-haired, then he is rich, if he is red-haired, then your enemy is an impolite, rude and uncouth person. To follow a young man in a dream means to be defeated by your enemy. To see in a dream how a young man turns into an old man - to become educated and wise in life.

Dream Interpretation - Someone is grieving and crying

portends joy.

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, bus, shot

Such confusing images in a dream are a sign of a health disorder, possibly overstrain. nervous system, kidney disease ... You need to take care of yourself, relax.

why dream when a guy cries, gives a bouquet and a ring?


Rita Vladimirskaja

Joy will come from him

Kolya Toryan

to nothing

Snezhaga Moskaeva

It seems to me ... that in a dream you were dead ... and he begged you in all sorts of ways that you would return to him ... and come to life again ... in a dream he loves you ... they say that the death of a person in a dream is for the better ... just like if you dream yourself in rags ... to wealth ... but if you dreamed of yourself in wedding dress to the death of you or your loved ones ... And your sleep is for the best.

Olga Sonina

An offer you do not dare to make some kind of man.

Denis Baranov

His conscience torments him that he could not make an offer. The fact that the ring is too shiny is alarming

Crying, this means strong feelings, losses and losses, and on the other hand, good news and a pleasant resolution of difficult circumstances. However, the dream book writes that interpreting a dream in which a woman cries is much easier than if you witnessed male tears.

Therefore, in order to understand why a crying man is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the general impression of a dream or circumstance. Because the representative of the stronger sex in tears can show various aspects of his life, both positive and negative. This is what a crying man in a dream means most often.

Great grief and bitter loss

The dream book gives this meaning to dreams in which there is an element of mourning, a funeral, a cemetery, or something black. These dreams come unexpectedly and, in addition to your relative or acquaintance, there is also a woman almost always there. She also cries and worries about something. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a sign of great grief and unexpected loss, very painful and incomprehensible.

To see how an acquaintance or friend cries, especially at the coffin or on someone's grave - unfortunately and great feelings in his house. Especially if in a dream there is a cut down tree, a dead person, a corpse, blood or a coffin, as well as artificial flowers. The dream book interprets this dream to mourning in the house, sudden death, both of this person and his loved ones. Several colors of red mean murder, like a butcher with an ax or a maniac in a dream. Bitter crying at the grave or at the coffin means severe loss, experiences and tears in the house.

If a man whom you know and who is alive roared, then the dream book writes that in the near future a strong loss will await him, great sorrow and tears. Such a dream often turns out to be prophetic.

Why dream that a dead man is alive in a dream and cries bitterly? This dream means grief for you and your environment. Especially if the deceased treated you kindly and was good friend or relatives. Father in tears or grandfather why dream in a dream? Both dead and alive, it means trouble and trouble for you or common relatives. The dream interpretation interprets this dream to quarrels in the family, problems and troubles with children, as well as to grief that can happen.

To see how a deceased relative cries, who drank or was a drug addict during his lifetime, what is this for? Books on the interpretation of dreams write that he needs to be remembered in the temple. By the way, this dream does not portend troubles and troubles, on the contrary, the dream book writes that after such a dream you will have a bright streak in life.

Why dream that a strange man with whom you are not connected love relationship, crying? Dream books predict great grief and trouble for him or his family. They can be fatal. If you had to see a friend or his woman in a dream several times in tears, then such a dream means trouble in his house, serious illness injury, accident, or even violent death.

Therefore, you should definitely warn the person whose spouse is in trouble and try to persuade him to cancel trips and various affairs. He is in danger of a great misfortune and a life catastrophe if he does not cancel all risky enterprises.

Boyfriend, husband or loved one

Seeing in a dream how your former admirer is crying is to his repentance. Most likely, a black streak is going on in his life now, so he suffers a lot and wants to return to his former relationship, but pride or realities do not allow this. A dream in which not your man is crying, but a person who looks like him always means great surprise.

Some books say that soon you will find out about his wedding or engagement, or he will make a hasty proposal, which he will greatly regret. Another dream book writes that seeing the tears of a loved one is to his weakness. Most likely, he will drink heavily and suffer from alcoholism, but in any case, life will not turn out the way he wants.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's woman crying is a sign of his betrayal of her. If in currently he is your lover, then perhaps the wife is aware of his relationship on the side and she suffers greatly about this. To dream in tears of your rival or the girl who took away your man, boyfriend or lover - you can rejoice. Nothing will work out for her and because of this she will suffer greatly. He will return to you soon.

If in a dream your man comforts a woman in tears, who is your girlfriend or sister, or maybe a rival in love, they will soon be together and there will be a strong passion between them. To cry in a dream yourself and see how your loved one wipes your tears - expect good news and quick consolation in grief.

Why dream that your lover's wife is crying very much? Break up with him. In reality, she suffers greatly and can harm you, and you will have to pay dearly for the suffering of others. Therefore, try to end the relationship, especially if for you they are just a game and entertainment, but not love. Seeing the tears of a former admirer or husband - he repents and wants to return.

Crying in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Such a dream can carry both negative and positive meanings. Moreover, crying is one of the few signs of dreams when the foreshadowed events can reach a fairly large scale. You should very carefully approach a dream in which a crying man appears.

What if a crying man is dreaming?

In a dream, a man is a symbol of strength, a getter, a hunter, a military man, a businessman. All these images reflect areas that can be affected by a dream in which a man appears to the dreamer.

Tears themselves can carry both a positive connotation when they promise relief or symbolize joy, and a negative connotation when they are tears of grief, sadness. Thus, it can be assumed that a crying man in a dream will become a sign of evil, but one should not forget about the specular nature of many phenomena in the world of dreams and dreams, their dual nature.

It is important to immediately determine whether the crying man is an enemy or friend of the dreamer, wishes him well, or is upset by the success of the dream hero. Also, a dream will have a completely different meaning, where the hero himself acts as a crying man.

What is the dream of a crying man and what does it promise? The simplest image is an unfamiliar crying man without decorations and unnecessary emotional details.

Such a dream, oddly enough, promises good luck in business and undertakings, spiritual uplift and gaining new strength. If a man cries over a loss, the dream changes its meaning, but depends on the details. A crying enemy in this case will mean victory over him, protection from intrigues.

A crying friend or the dreamer himself - troubles and minor losses. If the dreamer himself is a crying man in a dream, such a dream promises various troubles, which, however, can end well.

What portends?

A man who cries with joy in a dream is a good sign, problems will be solved, an unexpected meeting will occur, a long separation will end. Seeing a crying dead man is a very gloomy sign, especially if he is grieving for someone living, you should pay special attention to such a dream and try, by deciphering it, to protect yourself and loved ones from trouble. Crying through laughter promises good luck in love. A man crying because of a wound can be a harbinger of an imminent illness, injury, but also a cure for an illness, if there is no feeling of impending disaster in a dream.

It is very important to pay attention or try to remember the emotional mood of sleep - what prevails in it. Sadness or joy, grief or joy, the oppressive weight of loss or slight nostalgia. Each emotion reflects the nature of the dream and very subtly allows you to determine its directional meaning.

A crying man in a dream is basically a good sign. The earner and protector, a model of the strength and furious power of nature, cannot cry from grief, as a rule, this is a joyful cry that brings relief. But even if a dream carries a negative meaning, do not despair, the main thing is to understand it and be able to take advice.