Lyubov Bakhareva
Local history. The story "A walk to the autumn beach"

Walk on the autumn beach

One September morning, my mother and I older sister Katya went on walk, on urban beach. The mood was great. The weather was wonderful, the sun was dozing, then peeking out from behind the clouds.

Beach charmed us with his hospitality. Yellow sand shimmered in the sun. It seemed that every grain of sand was a small sun. The sand crunched happily underfoot. He was amused that we broke the silence autumn beach. Lonely benches suddenly cheered up. They probably remembered the sultry, summer days, noise and din that reigned in the hot summer.

On friendly beach there were many huge stones of various bizarre shapes. And each of us had to imagine what these majestic boulders look like. Someone saw in these stones a miracle - a fish, and someone saw a formidable river king. And it seemed to me that these were guards who guard peace and quiet. autumn beach.

On walk we talked a lot about the river, looked at algae, swimming fish. Observed the curious birds that live on beach. Mom took a picture of Katya and me near a large boulder.

Tired but happy, we returned home. Katya and I shared our vivid impressions with dad, who was waiting for us at home. We remember this September morning for a long time!

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Abstract educational activities

writing a story from a picture« Walk in the autumn park»

Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", « cognitive development» , "Speech Development","Artistic and aesthetic development", « Physical development» . Target: Help children make sense of the content paintings and pass it on to your stories. Tasks: Learn to build sentences; clearly pronounce the words. Develop the ability to coherently, consistently describe the image on picture. Cultivate interest in making up stories from pictures.

The course of educational activities Melodious, calm music sounds caregiver: Today we will make a trip. And where, you now find out.

Viewing a presentation « Autumn in the park» . caregiver: Where are we going? Children: IN autumn park: That's right guys! But the park will not be easy but magical!

Knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a parcel - painting with a letter. Says goodbye and leaves.

caregiver: Let's see from whom is this letter?

The teacher reads the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need write a story about a picture« Walk in the autumn park» . Since I've never been to autumn park It's very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

caregiver: Are you ready to help Luntik? Children: Yes!

caregiver: Guys, Luntik, lucky, because now we were just about to make a trip to autumn park and it will be easier for us to compose a story from the picture« Walk in the autumn park» .

caregiver: But, unfortunately, you won’t get into the forest just like that! You have to solve riddles. The teacher makes riddles

Leaves swirl in the air, Quietly lie down on the grass. Sheds garden leaves - It's easy. (Leaf fall.)

He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend (Rain.)

I paint yellow

Field, forest, valley.

And I love the sound of rain

Call me (Autumn.)

caregiver: Well done!

caregiver: Now you can go to autumn Park. I suggest you take picture. And we are in the forest write a story about it. You agree with me? Children: Yes! caregiver Q: What else can you take with you? autumn in the forest?

She is comfortable and light

Her name is short

In the economy serves us for centuries,

There is in this word the name Zina.

You can pick mushrooms with it. It's not hard to wear it,

And very easy to break!

From rods, they weave their bast,

Tell me what's her name (Basket) Children: Cart.

caregiver: Right. Magical music plays. caregiver: Join hands everyone. Let's get in a circle. One, two, three - twirled and in park, you, wake up! caregiver: Look everywhere there are leaves. Would you like to collect them? Children: Yes! Children take one piece of paper. caregiver: What sheet do you have? And what can we say about you leaves: what are they? How many leaves did you collect?

Can you pronounce the word leaf first out loud, then in a whisper? Children: Yes! All children speak. caregiver: Who scattered these leaves? Children: Autumn.

caregiver: I suggest to play. Do you agree? The game is called "Give me the signs autumn» . We all stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns naming signs. autumn and puts the leaf in the basket.

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, colorful leaves are on the trees, cold winds blow, the wind plucks the leaves from the trees, it is small cold rain, the sky is gray, the grasses turn brown, the flowers wither, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared, the sun rarely shines, there are gray clouds in the sky, there are fogs in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice.

caregiver: Well done! If you know the signs so well autumn you, for sure, well prepared for it. caregiver: Think you're tired? I suggest you rest.

Fizminutka "Leaves"

autumn the leaves swirled.

A merry wind rustled over them,

They flew merrily

And they sat on the ground.

Here the wind again quietly ran,

Suddenly he picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat on the ground.

caregiver: Guys, look here are some Pictures. Would you like them consider. I suggest you compose nice suggestion for this pictures. And to make it easier for you, I suggest splitting into pairs. Everyone approaches the table on which they lie. Pictures. The teacher helps them split into pairs. Children are divided into pairs. AND make proposals. caregiver: I would like to praise you that you spoke clearly, distinctly, interestingly. caregiver: Guys, you and I had to help someone. To whom and in what? Children: We must help Luntik, write a story about a picture. caregiver: I propose to do it now. The boys go to picture sit down on chairs.

Making up a story. caregiver: Guys, now you wake up write a story about a picture. Use in your story those proposals and those autumn signs , which we have already called earlier. Content Questions paintings What time of year is shown in picture? - Look and name all the signs autumn that you see here. - Who is depicted on picture? - How are they dressed? - What are the children doing? - Why do you love autumn?

caregiver: I'll start our story and you guys continue. Agreed? The teacher chooses two guys who will continue story. First child tell the middle of the story. Second child graduates story. caregiver: need again tell our story. Who wishes? Children tell a story based on a picture. caregiver: Well done, you did a great job! caregiver: I have prepared two more games « autumn words» And "Weather autumn» . I suggest you play one of them. Which game is up to you. Choose.

« autumn words»

Children: Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, multi-colored, rainy, long, lingering, colorful, warm, cold, early, late, medium, good, wondrous, pensive, wonderful, interesting, majestic, dull, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious , boring, sad, affectionate.

"What is she?"


I have a magic crown

She knows a lot

And wants to know a lot

Whoever sits on his head, he will ask a question.

Educator - Children, what is the weather like? autumn:

When it's raining- rainy. When the wind blows - windy Cold - cold Cloudy - overcast Damp - damp Cloudy - gloomy Clear - clear caregiver: It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything? Children: picture, cart. The leaves that were in the basket were replaced imperceptibly with apples. caregiver: Where is our basket? Here she is. Look, guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, indeed, a magical forest! How generous is she? autumn! Magical music sounds. caregiver: Hold hands everyone. Let's make a circle. One, two, three - spin around and in kindergarten, wake up!

caregiver: Here we are in our favorite kindergarten! Did you guys enjoy our trip? If you liked our event smile, if you didn't like it, make a sad face. And what did you like the most? After dinner, we will write a letter to our friend Luntik, in which we will send our storytelling based on a picture. I think he will be very happy! You are great fellows! Now go to group to taste apples. (Children go to group.)

It's been a week since we ended summer holidays and a new one began academic year. And my family and I decided on this first Sunday of autumn to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Armed with baskets and knives, we drove into the forest. On the road, I remembered what they look like and are called edible mushrooms and berries, how to navigate in the forest and what to do if you get lost.

"Hooray!" We arrived, put on rubber boots, tied scarves on our heads, smeared ourselves with a cream against ticks and mosquitoes and entered the forest!

The first thing I saw was an endless carpet of colorful leaves laid in autumn. After walking a few steps across the carpet, I found a boletus, he proudly stood near the Christmas tree, his hat looked like a musketeer's hat, on which, like a feather, a small yellow leaf flaunted. Russula grew not far from him, on it also lay autumn leaf, which combined all the colors of the rainbow: yellow, green, red, orange ... and looked like a light butterfly. After cutting the mushrooms, I went further, my mother walked very close and called me. I quickly ran up to her, following her gaze, I saw a squirrel at the very top of a pine tree. fluffy animal, gracefully waving his tail, deftly jumped from branch to branch and from tree to tree.

Suddenly a cool autumn breeze blew and a fabulous rain began around me: red, purple, yellow, green, crimson leaves, fluttering in the air like snowflakes, lay down on the autumn carpet. How beautiful they were, I scored a whole bouquet. Collecting leaves, I came across a family of milk mushrooms, which diligently hid under a deciduous forest carpet. Until all the mushrooms were in my basket, I did not leave this wonderful place. My walk continued, I knew that my parents were very close, it was calming, and the forest silence filled with rustling, the crunch of branches, the rustling of trees, the cries of birds, but still, it was silence, forest, kind unique. A rustle distracted me from my thoughts, I turned around and saw a chipmunk on a fallen tree, he was very agile and in a hurry somewhere, like a postman hurrying to deliver a telegram on time.

I did not notice how time flew by, but dad was already calling me to the car, because everyone was going home. Enjoying the smell of the forest, I reluctantly wandered to the car, a full basket of mushrooms pleasantly pulled my hand, but I never found any berries.

Sitting in the car on the way home, I admired the forest spreading on both sides of the road. I noticed that this year the birch trees began to turn yellow from the top. My grandmother says it's frosty winter.

Then we sorted mushrooms all evening with my mother, my mother did various blanks, I went to my place to dry my autumn bouquet. Laying out the leaves on the pages of an old magazine, I imagined what could be done with them. Most likely, I will make a work for the competition and call it “A walk with autumn”.

Modern life is a constant cycle with a frantic rhythm: work-cooking, laundry-cleaning, ironing-washing dishes and work again. It would seem that the day off - you can relax, but there it was. After all, no one canceled lunch and dinner, and if the child gets dirty, then you need to wash it. And so on without end, and sometimes you really want to spend at least one day with your child. Of course, no one cancels household chores, but you can somehow diversify the day off. Try going to the park with the whole family.

Let's start by closing your eyes and imagine an autumn park. Represented? No, just do not imagine slush, wet asphalt, piercing wind and drizzling rain. After all, autumn is also rustling foliage underfoot, the golden crown of trees, Indian summer, light frosts, the first ice in the puddles ... And how many amazing and interesting things you can tell your child. Intrigued? Then start getting ready for a family walk in the park.

Suppose that you came for a walk, but were confused and do not know how to interest a child, how to teach him to love autumn nature?

Try to feed the birds and animals. Has your child seen a squirrel or a swan? Did he feed them? And why, - you ask, - a dog lives in our house and the child sometimes feeds it. This is not the same at all ... Imagine how much joy he will experience when, for example, a squirrel cautiously approaches his palm, on which lies a nut. And the child with excitement stretches out his little hand, sitting on his father's shoulder. Or the swans gracefully swim up to the edge of the shore to enjoy the bread crumbs that your child, laughing, throws at them. Or doves that surround your child in the hope of getting a few seeds from him, and he cheerfully waves his arms, scattering the seeds and watching the smallest of the pigeons ... Isn't this a manifestation of love for animals and birds? After all, it is from such small feedings that we teach a child to love nature, take care of animals, and empathy.

Or collect forest fruits for crafts. Try to combine business with pleasure in your walk. Stop by the gift shop on your way to the park and be sure to show your angel some crafts from natural materials: cones, acorns, nuts, twigs ... You will surely interest him, saying that he can do something similar or even better himself, and you, of course, will help him. Approaching the park, you will see that the child will rush between the trees with excitement, collecting cones, twigs, knots, fantasizing on the go what can be made of them. Sometimes it is not even possible to imagine a bird from a branch, but he saw it ...

Gather a herbarium. Remember, as a child, you and your friends ran to the nearest tree, trying to find the most beautiful, brightest, most golden or crimson leaf, and then carefully placed it between the pages of the book. And when it dried up, you thought for a long time - what kind of craft to create. And for whom did you create your little "masterpiece"? Of course, for parents who saw this “miracle” shed a tear of pride at the sight of this autumn miracle, or maybe they still carefully keep it. And now it's your turn, show your baby the beauty of collecting all kinds of leaves and twigs. Show him how rich the autumn world is: here is a leaf that resembles a gnome's hat, here is a princess's dress, and there is a twig - well, the spitting image of a little man. All this allows the child to fantasize, to see all the charm natural beauty. And then, come home, take out a thick book and carefully stack the leaves with the baby, just as you did ... years ago with your parents and ... wait for your little “masterpiece”.

A walk with the family in the park is not only communication with animals and collecting a herbarium, it is also a boat ride with dad along a quiet river or pond somewhere on the outskirts of the park under the falling branches of willow and vine. Tempting, don't you think? How about flying a kite with dad or playing football with him?

Accompany your walk informative story about the change of seasons or about beauty autumn nature. No, it is not at all necessary to look for stories about winter-autumn in books before a walk. You start in your own way, and the child quickly picks up, inventing on the go new turn events, new heroes. He will come up with his own story, your common story with him. If you have a good memory, then read by heart the poems of Yesenin or Pushkin, they already knew a lot about beauty autumn season and knew how to talk about it so captivatingly in their creations. Who knows, maybe wonderful poetic lines will inspire your children to create their own poems?!

And all the way home, your “young researcher” will share his impressions and future plans, carrying a huge bouquet of the “future herbarium” and a bag of branches and cones. You see, even a short family walk in the autumn park is a new experience, a new perception of natural beauty, and most importantly - A New Look to your family, where parents and children are together.