The Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK74) was developed as a reliable weapon for a not too trained soldier, while in combat mission weapons were put primarily on the reliability on the battlefield and long-term operation without additional maintenance in special workshops.

The accuracy of the battle was not originally strong point AK. Already during the military tests of its prototypes, it was noted that with the greatest of the systems submitted for the competition, the reliability required by the accuracy conditions was not provided by the Kalashnikov design (like all the presented designs to one degree or another). Thus, according to this parameter, even by the standards of the mid-1940s, the AK was clearly not an outstanding model. Nevertheless, reliability (in general, reliability here is a set of operational characteristics: reliability, shot to failure, guaranteed resource, actual resource, resource of individual parts and assemblies, persistence, mechanical strength, etc., according to which the machine, by the way, is the best and now) was recognized at that time as paramount, and it was decided to postpone the fine-tuning of accuracy to the required parameters for the future.

The range of a direct shot at the chest figure is 350 m.

AK allows you to hit the following targets with one bullet (for the best shooters, lying down with a single fire):

head figure - 100 m;

waist figure and running figure - 300 m;

To hit a target of the “running figure” type at a distance of 800 m under the same conditions, 4 rounds are required when firing with a single fire, and 9 rounds when firing in short bursts.

I must say that the M16 and M4 are not machine guns, they are assault rifles that can fire in bursts.

M16 and M4 were not originally intended for intensive shooting. It is generally not recommended to release more than four to five stores at a time from it.

The principle is based precision weapons with a small shot before cleaning. The effective range is 450 meters for the M16A1 and 800 meters for the M16A2. The M4 has an effective range of 500 meters for single targets and 600 meters for group targets.

M4 - in fact, this is M16A2 with a shortened barrel and a shortened telescopic butt.

The removal of powder gases is carried out directly into the receiver, so the M4 and M16 are very demanding on the quality of cartridges and shoot from them only with cartridges of certain manufacturers.

After each firing, cleaning of the mechanism is required, and their complete disassembly is possible only in a specially equipped workshop.

The use of M16 and M4 characterizes the general concept of the use of weapons in the American army.

If an American soldier needed to shoot a lot from a rifle, this means that the whole military operation. To solve various problems, there different weapons and there is a lot of it, from pistols to strategic bombers and aircraft carriers. With normal planning and organization of the battle, one fighter should not spend more than a couple of magazines at all, if there was a prolonged fire contact - you need to immediately retreat or call for reinforcements with other weapons. When using this concept, the M16 really turns out to be the ideal weapon for the American infantry fighter.

The command knows perfectly well what kind of weapons their soldiers have and how to plan operations with their use. And this command, in theory, should not even have the thought of sending fighters into a meat grinder, where they may not have enough standard ammunition and where they may encounter problems with their weapons.

American soldiers they are also well aware of the shortcomings of their weapons and, therefore, when faced with a situation that can lead to an intense skirmish, they do not act as heroes, but call for reinforcements, tanks and aircraft.

This approach always minimizes the loss of manpower, which qualitatively affects the morale of the army.

Thus, for a regular army fighting on foreign territory with good logistics and air support, weapons designed according to the concept of American assault rifles.

When conducting a defensive battle or partisan operations, preference should be given to a more “hardy” Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Watch the video comparing AK74 and M16.

lovers small arms made a kind of rating of AK and M16.

Power. An AK bullet will go deep into an oak tree trunk by 30 centimeters. An M16 can score 300 points with 30 shots at a paper target.

Service. AK will work even if it was cleaned with a shoe brush last year. The M16 calls for a manufacturer's recommended synthetic oil with Teflon at $9 an ounce.

Repair. To repair the AK, you will need a hammer and pliers. The M16 can only be repaired by a certified gunsmith.

Shop. An inexpensive 30-round AK magazine is easy to get. The M16 manufacturer does not recommend the use of cheap magazines - they can lead to jamming of cartridges.

Bayonet. Attaching the bayonet to the AK, you will scare your enemies. The bayonet on the M16 will make enemies laugh.

The main trend in the global market for automatic small arms is determined by the competitive struggle between the AK and the American M16 assault rifle. Both machines are in service with dozens of armies around the world. We will look at their advantages and weaknesses.

Developers strive to modernize products, to give new properties. The goals are to equip the armies of their countries with reliable, trouble-free weapons, to strengthen their positions in global markets. Opportunities to prove the superiority of products in the course of use in combat conditions are enough. Sometimes AK47 is used to compare assault rifles. This is due to its use in conflict zones in the Middle East, African countries and Latin America. However, the objectivity and correctness of the estimates can be observed as a result of comparing the latest modifications of the AK74 and M16. AK74 is considered as a new weapon, having with its predecessor only resemblance. He changed not only the caliber, but also general principle actions.

Main technical characteristics of machines

The AK74 and M16 use cartridges of comparable caliber 5.45 mm and 5.56 mm, respectively. The change in caliber from 7.62 mm allowed the AK74 to increase by 25% initial speed bullets. At the muzzle of the barrel, it is 900 m/s, which is comparable to the M16 (960 m/s). But at the expense design features patron effective range firing reached 1000 meters, which is 20% more than that of the M16 modification A2.

The M16 has a high lethal force of the projectile due to its destruction in the body of the enemy. In AK74, the bullet is also destroyed, but the damaging effect is less.

M16 has a high rate of fire. In the upgraded versions of A1 and A2, it reaches 850 and 800 rpm, respectively. In AK, it does not exceed 600 v / m. M16 is unique in terms of accuracy and accuracy of fire. For a short burst from 100 yards, the spread does not exceed 2-3.5 inches, which is the best indicator for this segment of automatic guns. The AK47 has an accuracy of 6-7 inches. AK74 leveled the disadvantage by reducing the spread by 2 times (3-3.5 inches). At a distance of 400 yards, using a telescopic sight, a result of 4 inches is achieved. Standard 7.5 inch (20 cm) target, fully covered. The effect is achieved due to the muzzle device, which performs a triple function: a flame arrester, a brake and a compensator. Barrel displacement and recoil during firing are minimized.

The main innovations in the AK74 and M16, which strengthened their competitiveness

The problem of the AK47 was considered to be its big weight caused by the use of metal. The curb weight of the AK47 is 5.1 kg, the latest modifications of the M16 - 3.6 - 3.8 kg. AK74 has 4.0 kg. The upgraded version of the AK74M uses high-tech polymer composites. The folding buttstock is made of plastic, the fore-end and pad are made of fiberglass reinforced polyamide. Metal products are treated with anti-corrosion coatings. The threaded handguard helps to securely hold the weapon. Innovations have reduced the weight of the rifle unit to 3.9 kg. Shooting from it has become convenient and comfortable. Reduced risk of burns.

As for the M16, the statements about the unreliability of the rifle are not substantiated. In Iraq, it has demonstrated high operational strength. It uses innovative materials, unique metal alloys. The unit is not difficult to disassemble, as some analysts think. The disadvantages of the machine are conceptual, not structural. Easy removal of the store was incorporated by the designers. The moment that it would be removed from an accidental touch was not taken into account. In AK74, the magazine is inserted and removed with force. But he is firmly held in the weapon. The M16 has a faster and easier barrel change, it is possible to install a Picatinny rail. The example is made in direct execution. In AK74, it is slightly tilted down. This allows you not to stick out your head too much when shooting from cover. But the M16 has higher aiming accuracy and the shooter's head does not experience negative loads.

In general, the M16 is reliable, durable, highly efficient. The main difficulty of the machine is that all the details are very precisely and tightly fitted. Therefore, the ingress of dirt, sand and other foreign objects can jam the weapon. From this follows the need for repeated cleaning of the rifle. Disassembly of the M16 must be carried out in enclosed spaces in the absence of dust. For lubrication, only special materials of a specific company are used. In conditions of war, it is not always possible to comply with all requirements.

The wars in the Middle East showed that AK in modern period preferably M16. Its advantage is provided by 3 components:

  • Ease of handling weapons. An unintentional fall of the assault rifle to the ground, a blow to armored vehicles do not affect the operation of the weapon.
  • Possibility of continuous shooting. Practice has shown that even in a red-hot form, AK is able to continue firing.
  • AK is quickly brought into combat condition. The machine can not be put on the fuse. The design is arranged in such a way that an involuntary shot is practically excluded, even from hard hit. In street fighting, such weapon capabilities play a key role.

In other respects, the machines are identical. Small differences are academic in nature. They are found in laboratories and shooting ranges. But they are not decisive. American gunsmiths are aware that their position in world markets is weakening. They protect their interests by creating new types of weapons. For this, a transition to cartridges of new calibers (6.8 mm) is expected.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle, according to most experts, is more convenient, simple and reliable to use than the M16. But the American assault rifle has a number of advantages over the AK that are often overlooked.

The history of the confrontation between "Kalash" and rifles of the "M" series has been going on since the early sixties. The two legends of small arms have repeatedly clashed on the battlefield and been tested by experts, but the unequivocal answer to the question "which is better?" it was not given. The thing is that the AK-47 and M16 have fundamentally different functions. AK is designed for fighters who do not have much experience in handling firearms, M16 was originally intended for professionals.

When comparing two samples of small arms, preference was most often given Soviet machine gun. The advantages of AK are recognized not only by domestic, but also by foreign experts. A blogger and weapons expert from the United States with the nickname cokeman conducted a detailed analysis of two samples on his YouTube channel, in which he revealed a lot of advantages of AK. In his opinion, even a person unfamiliar with weapons will be able to master the Kalashnikov very quickly, and this number will not work with the M16, since the rifle requires a large number of settings and adjustments.

Soviet gunsmiths first got acquainted with the M16 at the end of 1967, when trophy specimens began to fall into the USSR. Experts immediately identified a number of shortcomings of the M16, the main of which was the low service life of the weapon: it could let its owner down at the most crucial moment. Domestic experts also came to the conclusion that the M16, unlike the AK-47, is not very suitable for hand-to-hand combat. Nevertheless, the USSR also appreciated the merits American weapons: the effectiveness of its firepower, high stopping power and good ergonomics.

The M16 assault rifle developed by Eugene Stoner, with a lot of shortcomings, had one important advantage compared to the Kalashnikov - this is the length of the barrel. In the M16A4 model, it reached 510 mm, which provided the rifle with increased accuracy at long distances and made it possible to shoot in long bursts. Stoner, already familiar with the AK-47, consciously went for the creation of weapons of a smaller caliber (5.56 mm for the M16 versus 7.62 mm for the AK) to improve shooting accuracy. It is noteworthy that the updated "Kalashnikov" of the 1974 model followed the path of the American rifle and received a reduced caliber of 5.45 mm.

The lighter M16 bullet also has a higher muzzle velocity than the massive AK projectile (900 m/s versus 715 m/s). According to experts, the resulting unsatisfactory ballistics leads to the fact that the AK bullet wastes a significant part of the kinetic energy at a distance, so it makes no sense to shoot from the Kalashnikov at long distances (over 600 m). It is important that the M16 has a diopter sight, while the AK has an open sight. This contributes to the accuracy of shooting from an American rifle over long distances, but it will be easier to shoot at moving targets already from a Kalashnikov.

Due to the smaller caliber, the M16 has the best performance in terms of accuracy of fire. According to gunsmiths, even in comparison with the AK-74, the American rifle is about 25% more effective in this regard. In addition, the ergonomics of the domestic machine gun hinder the accuracy of fire in AKs, in particular, the displacement of the butt down relative to the firing axis. In other words, this butt arrangement allows the shooter to aim better, however, subsequent bullets due to the barrel rising up will be much more difficult to send to the same target. Renowned expert on firearms Maxim Popenker not only finds a large number of advantages of the M16, but debunks the myths about the qualities that are usually attributed to AK as advantages over the American model.

The first thing that Popenker calls into question is the greater reliability of the AK compared to the M16. According to him, the roots of this belief in the first parties of American automatic rifles, which used cartridges not originally intended for the M16 design. The second reason for the jamming of the M16 was the improper care of the weapon. As soon as these problems were solved, the reliability of the M16 increased dramatically and today it is practically not inferior to the domestic AK.

The next erroneous statement, according to Popenker, is the inconvenience in the maintenance and care of the M16. The expert writes that incomplete disassembly The M16 is no more complicated than the Kalashnikov, and in some ways even more practical, since it can be disassembled into fewer parts.

Popenker is also confused by the persistent opinion that the M16 is unsuitable for hand-to-hand combat. The specialist explains that on all versions of the American assault rifle, a bayonet-knife is provided under the barrel, and given that the M16 is noticeably lighter than the AK on average, it will be more convenient in hand-to-hand combat.

The weight of the M series rifles is often cited as their main advantage over the AK. Even in the new model - the M4 carbine, the mass is 600 g less than that of the modernized Kalashnikov of the 2012 model. This allows NATO soldiers to wear more interchangeable horns, which affects the length of the battle. The M4 is also shorter than the AK-12. Fighters who have tried both types of weapons note that in a limited space of dense urban development, an American carbine is more convenient. Russian machine gun. Also, experience shows that the M4 magazines are not as prone to damage as the AK-12.

Experts in the field of small arms point out a number of other qualities in which the AK loses to the M-series rifles. For example, when removing a finger from the trigger of a Kalashnikov, it is extremely difficult to prevent the release of several "extra" cartridges. And if you switch the machine to single-shot mode, then it will lose its fundamental advantages.

Shooting instructor, US Air Force officer Dan Sheni, recalls that when he first took the AK-47, it seemed to him something like a weapon of "primitive savages" - it was so simple in design. But when the 7.62 mm Kalashnikov bullet pierced brickwork, he changed his mind about the machine. Shani nevertheless lists the main shortcomings of the AK in comparison with the M16, which he managed to find: the difficulty of adjoining the store, the lack shutter lag, not very convenient sight, short butt. However, you can adapt to everything, the American concluded.

Once a weapon potential adversary the vast majority of our compatriots was not available even in the form of high-quality images. Now it is quite possible to acquire ownership of “civilian” versions of assault rifles from European countries and the USA, although this is associated with various difficulties, ranging from the high cost of weapons to purely bureaucratic obstacles when importing. And still, in Russia, this shooting exotic is not enough. But, as usual, all kinds of fables and myths - more than enough.

Therefore, it was impossible to pass by the opportunity to compare the legendary "Black Rifle" in practice with our AK-74. And at the same time, optionally, with the less well-known, but no less interesting German G-3.

It makes no sense to describe the design of all three participants in the shooting - it is known to almost all readers and is available in numerous sources. It was much more interesting to compare weapons according to the main operational criteria - ease of use and effectiveness in shooting, and at the same time - to analyze the reviews of professionals: officers army special forces and GRU special forces. An important point it turned out to be possible in practice to “torture” the features of caring for the weapons described in the article.

A request to readers: do not take the conclusions in this article as the ultimate truth. We all have our own understanding of the design and operational priorities that determine the subjective assessment of any weapon, so let this article remain only a personal opinion.

AK-74, M-16 and G-3

From "our" side, a modified AK-74M participated in the test, chambered for a regular cartridge of 5.45x39 mm. It was the cartridge, as a direct competitor to the 5.56 mm NATO one, that determined the choice of this particular AK model for testing.

The "civilian" version of the M-16A3 (we had in our hands the "omnivorous" XR-15, the quality of the barrel surpasses the original "Kolt" M-16, designed for firing both "civilian" cartridges .223 Rem, and military 5.56 NATO) does not have the ability to fire bursts, but this was not critical (given some experience with automatic firing from the army M-4).

All three copies were modified to one degree or another. The AK-74M was equipped with an Israeli "a la M-4" butt, a handguard with a folding front handle, an ergonomic fire control handle and an American-made EOTech holographic sight. Previously, only the domestic Cobra collimator was on the machine, but now there are a lot of opportunities for “tuning” AK-shaped ones, so everything that is possible was hung on our copy. However, as the shooting showed, it was not entirely in vain.

The XR-15, also produced by the US-British company SDI, had only a more comfortable fire control handle and a LEAPERS SCP-420M-B optical sight, which was developed specifically for weapons of .223Rem (5.56 NATO) caliber. The sight is equipped with a bracket for the Weaver rail and can be easily mounted on any weapon equipped with this rail.

In addition, the sight is equipped with a quick-release Quick Lock Handle (on the bar) for installation on M16 (AR-15) self-loading rifles and analogues.

The XR-41 was also equipped with a standard optical sight mounted on the weapon using the original bracket.

On the firing line

XR-15 (M-16)

Many of those who pick up the M-16 or its analogues for the first time note that the "black rifle", contrary to all expectations, is not so light and comfortable. Certainly not lighter than the AK-74M. At the expense of convenience, everything is also relative: the most important positive moment (especially for tall people) is usually noted by the long forearm of the rifle, which is convenient for any grip and any palm. Everything is done very high quality and neatly (although the seams from the casting on some parts are very noticeable). The rifle is fine, beautiful and aggressive, this cannot be taken away from it.

Our XR-15 had an improved fire control stick, but it didn't feel particularly comfortable either. The adjunction of a regular 20-seat store did not cause difficulties, but it had to be finished off with a palm into the mine, otherwise it would simply fall out. The 30-round magazine had to be postponed altogether - he refused to be fixed in the rifle. Then I had to saw it with a file, but, oddly enough, this did not help either. But here the fault, most likely, lies with the manufacturer of the store.

Gate. Probably, almost every Russian teenager will be able to pull the bolt frame of the M-16 - now everyone plays American computer "shooters", and there the loading algorithm of any well-known "shooter" is displayed very well. But the game is a game, and pulling the frame with a two-finger grip from behind and strictly along the axis of the barrel is not so convenient, unlike a weapon with a reloading handle, habitually located on the right side - no one has yet canceled biomechanics.

The XR-15 did not like the descent - hard and not as intelligible as we would like. Of course, on army weapons the descent cannot be “sporty”, but in order to at least partially realize the potential of the “rifle-cartridge” complex, at least a minimum skill is required in this case.

After shooting several stores, we get an undershoot (the button for forced locking of the shutter justified its presence), and then - and sticking. All this can be attributed to domestic-made cartridges (during the well-known war on 08.08.08, M-4 failures were also attributed to the “wrong” manufacturer, either Turkish or Greek cartridges). A similar situation was observed on the M-1, which we talked about a year ago. But somehow it has long been strengthened in the subconscious that the weapon should shoot any more or less high-quality cartridges, to which Russian ammunition. 223 Rem is quite related.

When you first pick up a sample of a weapon about which you have read so many rave and negative reviews, you expect something special. Interestingly, the author knows only one positive opinion about the M-16, privately expressed by one domestic designer. Moreover, the positive concerned only the operational properties of the rifle, when firing in bursts, moreover, in the conditions of a shooting range. Of the military acquaintances, who are well acquainted with the M-16 and its clones, for some reason, no one has a desire to take it “to war”. Of course, here the habit of AK plays a role, and the psychological aspect is also not in last place. But... these people cannot be called pragmatic enough, so it's not that simple.

The shortcomings of the M-16 are known to everyone and there is no point in repeating this for the hundredth time. There are also enough advantages, but there is no 100% confidence in this weapon. And this factor is one of the most important.

XR-41 (Heckler-Koch G-3)

This rifle with its "oakness" resembles the German weapons of the period of the end of the Second World War: the same heavy, clumsy, with extensive use of non-standard technical solutions. From the combat G-3, our sample differed only in the USM and minor changes in the bolt frame. There are currently two lineups of these weapons in Germany: the Saber Defense XR-15 from Waffen Schumacher and the OA-15 ​​family from Oberland Arms from Upper Bavaria. Schumacher imports its XR-15s from England, from Saber Defense.

Fixing the store is akin to "Kalashnikov". The reloading handle is collapsible, stationary when firing, located on the left and moved forward. Much can be argued about the benefits of this technical solution, but such a scheme is justified only when shooting from any position, but not lying down or in cramped conditions. Yes, and all the now fashionable "gadgets" in the shooting technique that came from practical shooting, to put it mildly, are not always adequate in combat use. Sport is sport, not to be confused with war or even with hunting. So the “left-handed” weapon reloading scheme will be considered only a feature of the G-3, nothing more.

The G-3 diopter sight requires a specific attachment, and the convenience of its use, especially for close and moving targets, is also a very controversial point. But the regular optical Hensoldt FERO-Z-24 turned out to be quite good. It must be admitted that the accuracy of our sample was excellent, there were no problems with the reliability of work (considering the shooting conditions, this was not surprising, although the XR-15 "pleased" us here too). Cartridge .308 Win. has a noticeable return, which is partly softened by the 4.5-kg weight of the rifle.

The descent is disgusting. Here you can draw a direct parallel with the myths about the "bad" descent of our three-ruler and the "good" descent of the Mauser rifle mod. 1898. In practice, usually the work of the USM Mauser is at least no better than the descent of our "three-ruble note". So here - the "oak" and unpredictable descent of the G-3 made me focus more on fighting it than on aiming. But, here “the West will help us” - “sports” USMs have already been ordered for both “foreigners”, which, if it does not improve shooting performance, will at least save money in the future nerve cells shooters.

Just in case, I’ll mention the “Revelli grooves” in the XR-41 chamber, for which our SVT-40 is so fiercely scolded, regarding their presence as a sign of structural imperfection. Apparently, the presence of Revelli grooves in German weapons is not so critical ...


AK is familiar to many readers thoroughly, so I will immediately give a few facts and figures: from a machine gun with installed holographic sight, from the “standing” position (using a belt), standard army chest and growth targets were confidently hit at distances up to 600 m inclusive. To defeat small targets, it was enough to take a more stable position. FROM open sight, of course, more effort and ammunition were required to hit distant targets, but this was true for all tested rifles.

Optionally, the AK-74M was shot in automatic mode, as well as with quick fire with the transfer of fire along the front and in depth. As expected, when firing at single targets at distances greater than 100 m, firing in bursts loses its meaning, but you should not expect miracles from the M-16 and its clones when firing automatically.

Thanks to the traditional layout, the AK-74M is easy to operate and reload. Compact, well-weighted, with good ergonomics (this also applies to standard equipment) and absolutely normal weight. Nothing superfluous, no small buttons and knobs, everything is logical and intuitive. Minimum recoil and minimum muzzle lift. At distances up to 500-600 m, it is not inferior to the M-16 in practical accuracy. What else is needed?


It was difficult to draw conclusions here. If only because it was clear that they would not be objective, although they are a kind of generalization of many opinions about the tested weapons. But there were no reasons to repeat the hackneyed "perestroika" clichés about the "American miracle rifle".

As for the AK-74M, everything is clear - simple, reliable, familiar and accurate. No less accurate than an American rifle. It makes no sense to talk about ease of maintenance once again. The AK-74 is much more comfortable and lighter than the G-3, although the latter has some advantages, but this is only thanks to the .308 Win cartridge. It is the German rifle equipped with optics that can be seriously considered as a kind of analogue of our SVD: in this incarnation, the G-3, first of all, is interesting due to its compactness and cartridge. Shooting bursts from the G-3 can only be interesting from the educational side.

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that victory is more often achieved not by the design of the weapon, but by the level of training of the fighter and his competent control on the battlefield (it is also obvious that the level of training of the shooter is one of the most important on the hunt).

At distances further than 100 m, very few people usually shoot in bursts even from the M-16, so it is objectively worth evaluating the tested rifles precisely by the results of firing with a single fire. And here, even when shooting in "greenhouse" conditions, some of the advantages of the M-16 design are reduced, if not to zero, then greatly minimized.

In practice, the "obsolescence" of the AK scheme acquires those advantages that cannot be overestimated. Here, the words of one of my acquaintances, who briefly and succinctly described the emotions of a fighter, according to whom, located in an open area, are “hollowed by a non-pile Kalash”, are very appropriate here. Once again I will mention that those of our specialists who have the opportunity to choose weapons, going to the “combat ones”, stubbornly prefer AKs.

Of the three rifles that we talked about today, the M-16 is the least trusted by those who constantly use weapons to perform their tasks: reliability in weapons and in people has been and remains the most important criterion.

Yuri Maksimov
Master gun 03 - 2012

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