Weight loss (emaciation) is a common symptom of disease. Sudden weight loss is called wasting or cachexia (the latter term is more often used to refer to extreme exhaustion). Moderate weight loss can be not only a symptom of the disease, but also a variant of the norm, due to the constitutional features of the body, for example, in people with asthenic body type.

The basis of weight loss may be insufficient or malnutrition, impaired absorption of food, increased breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, and increased energy consumption (exogenously and endogenously caused). Often these mechanisms are combined. In various diseases, the time of occurrence, severity and specific mechanisms of weight loss are significantly different.

Reasons for weight loss

Weight loss can lead to external factors(restriction of food intake, injury, infection) and internal (metabolic disorders, digestion and assimilation nutrients in organism).

Causes Mechanisms state
Food restriction Disturbance of consciousness Traumatic brain injuries, strokes.
Swallowing disorder Tumors, narrowing of the esophagus, larynx.
Decreased appetite Anorexia nervosa, intoxication.
Indigestion Digestion of proteins, fats Atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis
Nutrient malabsorption Celiac disease, enteritis, colitis.
Metabolism disorder (metabolism) The predominance of the processes of destruction (catabolism) over the processes of synthesis Severe injuries, burns, malignant neoplasms, endocrine pathology, connective tissue diseases.

What diseases cause weight loss:

For any malignant neoplasms in the body of patients, the tumor takes cellular metabolites (glucose, lipids, vitamins), which leads to disruption of biochemical processes, depletion of internal resources and cachexia (exhaustion) develops. It is characterized by a sharp weakness, a decrease in working capacity and the ability to serve oneself, a decrease or lack of appetite. In many cancer patients, it is cancer cachexia that is the direct cause of death.

Weight loss - as a leading symptom, is characteristic of a certain endocrine pathology (thyrotoxicosis, hypopituitarism, type 1 diabetes mellitus). Under these conditions, there is a violation of the production of various hormones, which leads to a serious disorder of metabolic processes in the body.

Thyrotoxicosis is a syndrome that includes conditions caused by an increase in thyroid hormones in the blood. Increased processes of protein and glycogen breakdown occur in the body, their content in the heart, liver, and muscles decreases. It is manifested by general weakness, tearfulness, unstable mood. Disturbing palpitations, arrhythmias, sweating, hand tremors. An important symptom is a decrease in body weight with preserved appetite. Occurs in diffuse toxic goiter, toxic adenoma, the initial stage of autoimmune thyroiditis.

hypopituitarism- a syndrome that develops due to insufficient secretion of hormones of the anterior pituitary gland. Occurs with tumors of the pituitary gland, infectious diseases (meningoencephalitis). It is manifested by a progressive decrease in body weight (up to 8 kg per month) with the development of exhaustion (cachexia), severe general weakness, dry skin, apathy, decreased muscle tone, fainting.

Type 1 diabetes- a disease caused by absolute insulin deficiency as a result of autoimmune damage to pancreatic beta cells, which leads to disruption of all types of metabolism and, above all, carbohydrate metabolism (there is an increase in blood glucose and its excretion in the urine). The debut of the disease occurs in childhood and adolescence, and progresses rapidly. The most common symptoms of the disease are thirst, frequent urination, dry and itchy skin, progressive weight loss despite increased appetite, and abdominal pain.

Syndrome of intoxication is characteristic for infectious diseases, tuberculosis, helminthiases. The causative agent of the disease, penetrating into the human body, releases toxins that have a damaging effect on cell structures, violate the immune regulation and there is a breakdown in the function of various organs and systems. It manifests as febrile or subfebrile temperature, loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive sweating, weakness. A significant decrease in body weight is characteristic of long-term, chronic infections.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is characterized by the formation of specific granulomas in various organs and tissues. The most common form of tuberculosis is pulmonary tuberculosis, which, in addition to the intoxication syndrome, is characterized by dry cough or sputum, shortness of breath, pain in chest associated with breathing, hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage.

Helminthiases are characterized by a gradual development of the disease, weakness, abdominal pain associated with eating, weight loss, with preserved appetite, skin itching, allergic rashes, like urticaria.

Significant weight loss, up to cachexia, not associated with dietary habits as a result of immune disorders, is characteristic of connective tissue diseases - systemic scleroderma and polyarteritis nodosa.

Systemic scleroderma manifested by damage to the skin of the face and hands in the form of a "dense" edema, shortening and deformity of the fingers, pain and a feeling of stiffness in the muscles, damage to internal organs.

For polyarteritis nodosa skin changes are characteristic - marbling of the limbs and torso, intense pain in the calf muscles, increased blood pressure.

Weight loss is characteristic of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Acute or chronic inflammation leads to a change in metabolism towards catabolism (destruction), the body's need for energy increases, and the processes of absorption and digestion of food are disrupted. To reduce abdominal pain, patients often limit food intake themselves. And dyspeptic phenomena (nausea, vomiting, loose stools) lead to the loss of proteins, microelements, electrolytes, which leads to a disruption in the delivery of nutrients to tissues.

Nutritional dystrophy is a disease that occurs due to prolonged malnutrition and starvation, in the absence of an organic disease that could cause weight loss. It is characterized by progressive weight loss. There are 2 forms: cachectic (dry) and edematous. In the initial stages, it is manifested by increased appetite, thirst, severe weakness. There are violations of water and electrolyte metabolism, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Then weakness increases, patients lose the ability to serve themselves, and a hungry (alimentary-dystrophic) coma develops. Causes of the disease: social catastrophes (hunger), mental illness, anorexia nervosa (refusal to eat because of the desire to lose weight).

Weight loss screening

To detect weight loss, somatometric indicators are determined. These include: dynamics of body weight loss, Quetelet body mass index (body weight-kg / height m²), shoulder circumference (in the region of the middle third of the shoulder of the non-working arm).

With the help of laboratory parameters determine the severity of weight loss, possible reasons. In a general blood test, an inflammatory process and anemia are detected. Diabetes mellitus is determined in a blood test for glucose. The level of hormones TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 and T4 (thyroid hormones) are examined to assess thyroid function. Biochemical blood parameters: liver tests (to assess liver function), creatinine (detection kidney failure), electrolytes. Proteinogram and acute phase proteins - are examined to assess the degree of protein starvation and determine the inflammatory process. Rheumoprobes - to detect connective tissue diseases, immunodeficiency states. Analysis of feces for helminth eggs. According to the indications, specific antibodies to pathogens of infectious diseases, HIV infection, tumor markers, markers of tuberculosis are determined. They also conduct studies of the gastrointestinal tract: fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal organs. X-ray of the chest organs - to identify the inflammatory process, tuberculosis, oncopathology.

When identifying the corresponding pathology, consultations of specialists are necessary: ​​an infectious disease specialist, a rheumatologist, a phthisiatrician, an oncologist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist.

With the exclusion of organic pathology and the confirmation of the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, a psychiatric examination is necessary.

weight loss treatment

Treatment of weight loss should be started as early as possible, preventing the development of severe malnutrition, which is difficult to treat, until the stabilization of clinical, laboratory and somatometric parameters. First of all, you need to improve nutrition. It should be fractional 6-8 times a day, balanced, contain an increased amount of proteins, vitamins, have sufficient energy value, in combination with drugs that improve digestion and absorption of food. It is necessary to limit coarse vegetable fiber, exclude fried, salty, pickled foods, alcoholic beverages, spicy seasonings. In case of impaired consciousness, severe nausea, vomiting, enteral nutrition (through a probe) or parenteral (intravenous) nutrition is carried out with special nutrient mixtures.

Which doctors to contact if weight loss occurs:

Changes that occur in the body during weight loss cause serious disorders digestive system, metabolism, weaken the immune defense, cause dysfunction of the endocrine glands, therefore, when the first signs of a symptom appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a general practitioner.

You may also need to consult a doctor:

- Oncologist
- Gastroenterologist
- Psychologist
- Infectionist

Every person would like to have good figure and get rid of excess pounds. This statement applies to both women and the stronger sex. good results in weight loss can be achieved through rational nutrition and sports training. But sometimes people are faced with a situation where body weight decreases without exposure external circumstances. Further in the article, we will talk about the causes of sudden weight loss in men and what should be done if such a problem occurs.

Is it dangerous?

Regardless of what factors provoked a rapid decrease, the phenomenon can lead to serious ailments. At the same time, symptoms characteristic of any pathology are observed. In addition, the causes of sudden weight loss in men lead to general malaise.

What weight loss is considered rapid? The answer to this question depends on the individual characteristics of the person. If a man weighs 150 kg, the loss of ten kilograms in 30 days is not a pathology. This weight loss will help. However, in other cases, this situation is dangerous. For example, for a man who weighs 60 kilograms.

Experts say that if you lose 10 kg in 30 days, a person should apply for medical care. Especially if there is a deterioration in the general condition. A decrease in body weight by 20%, compared with the baseline, threatens the health and life of the individual. Therefore, with significant weight loss in men, it is important to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Signs of illness

Significant weight loss in a short period of time does not go unnoticed. A person has a deterioration in the general condition, which is expressed in the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling overwhelmed, decreased ability to labor activity.
  2. Dehydration.
  3. A significant decrease in the volume of subcutaneous tissue.
  4. Anemia and deficiency of essential substances.
  5. Deterioration appearance skin (earthy or pale shade, flabbiness, wrinkles).
  6. Dryness and hair loss, fragility of the nail plates.
  7. Inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  8. Stool retention.
  9. Pathology of the urinary system.
  10. Disorders of sexual function.
  11. Anxiety.
  12. Manifestation of aggression.
  13. Depressed emotional state.

Common Factors Contributing to Weight Loss

What are the most common causes of sudden weight loss in men? Among them are the circumstances associated with the wrong way of life, as well as health problems. The main factors contributing to weight loss include:

Among the reasons for a sharp weight loss in men, experts call factors associated with improper nutrition.

Such circumstances include:

  1. Diets, including medical ones. A significant decrease in body weight in this case may be associated with the individual characteristics of the organism.
  2. The use of low-quality products (canned food, noodles and mashed potatoes fast food).
  3. Violation of the diet due to a busy work schedule.
  4. Abrupt transition to a vegetarian or raw food diet.
  5. Observance of religious fasts for a long time.

Medication use

Treatment with certain drugs also often leads to significant weight loss in men.

The reasons why body weight is rapidly decreasing often lie in the loss of appetite when using the following remedies:

  1. Hormones that eliminate thyroid dysfunction.
  2. Medications with a laxative effect.
  3. Means for the treatment of cancer pathologies.
  4. Drugs that stimulate brain activity.

Please note that if the doctor prescribes any remedy, you should strictly follow the instructions for it. The fact is that in some cases, the weight of men taking such medications decreases sharply, precisely because of the wrong dosage or too long a period of treatment.


The negative impact of harmful substances contained in alcohol-containing products and tobacco are factors that contribute to weight loss. Nicotine impairs the absorption of essential substances, provokes loss of appetite. Drinks containing ethanol cause poisoning, disrupt the activity of the digestive tract and metabolism. Drug use is also a cause of dramatic weight loss in men. This addiction provokes a decrease in the body's resistance, loss of appetite and muscle atrophy.

Emotional overstrain

It is believed that the representatives of the stronger sex are much easier to cope with traumatic events in life than women. However, the male body is also affected by various mental shocks. And emotional overstrain, as a rule, is accompanied by loss of appetite. The human body in this case is forced to make up for the deficiency of nutrients from its own reserves (adipose tissue and muscles).

Prolonged stress can lead to depression. You can recognize this disease if you have the following signs:

  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • pain in the head;
  • nervousness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • decreased ability to work, memory impairment;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • apathy and depression;
  • disorders of the functions of the digestive system.

If the cause of a sharp weight loss in a man is emotional overstrain, you should consult a specialist. Anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depression drugs help to cope with the problem.

Hormone imbalances

This disorder is typical for both women and men. It can be suspected if the following signs are present:

  1. decline sexual attraction.
  2. Sexual dysfunction.
  3. Inability to conceive.
  4. Nervousness and increased sleepiness.
  5. Feeling broken.
  6. Decreased ability to intellectual activity.

Dysfunctions of the YVV are considered factors provoking severe weight loss. In men, the causes of this are often pathologies of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

So, hyperthyroidism (a condition caused by increased production of thyroxine) is accompanied by weight loss against the background of normal appetite, accelerated heart rate, profuse sweating, trembling of the limbs, and insomnia. Another reason for weight loss is a violation of the activity of the adrenal glands. Its symptoms are muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure, cravings for salty foods, dark shade skin and abdominal discomfort.


Sometimes with an increased need for food, rapid weight loss occurs. The reason for men, as well as for women, may be a lack of insulin. It's about about diabetes.

This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth and strong feeling of thirst;
  • nervousness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract

It also causes rapid weight loss. Causes in men can be various violations of the functions of the digestive system.

Most often, weight loss occurs with inflammation of the pancreas, which is accompanied by vomiting, abdominal cramps, profuse sweating and a gray skin tone.

Gastritis also refers to ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by discomfort in the upper abdomen, bouts of nausea, plaque formation on the surface of the tongue, and heartburn. Malfunctions in the activity of the intestines are accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence and stool retention.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

Tuberculosis is one of the most dangerous infections. She is difficult to treat. Among the causes of sudden weight loss in men, this disease is one of the most common.

People with drug and alcohol dependence, prisoners, and people who are nutritionally deficient are most susceptible to TB.

The infection is manifested by severe discomfort in the chest area, coughing fits with sputum and blood particles, profuse sweating, fever, weakness.

Weight loss can also be caused by an inflammatory process in the lungs - pneumonia. Unlike tuberculosis, this pathology is not chronic, but acute.

Malignant neoplasms

Cancers are also often the explanation for why men lose weight. This disease is accompanied not only by a significant decrease in body weight, but also by other signs. Symptoms depend on the organ in which the neoplasm has formed.

Patients suffer from different manifestations. It can be:

  1. Attacks of coughing.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Loss of appetite.
  4. Hoarseness of voice.
  5. Long healing of wounds on the skin.
  6. The appearance of seals.

All patients with oncological pathologies are faced with weakness, brittle hair and nail plates, and a change in complexion.

Unfortunately, men often put off a visit to the doctor. When they go to the hospital, the doctors can no longer do anything.

mental problems

One of the factors contributing to weight loss is eating disorders (anorexia). It usually occurs in boys and young men. The reason for the development of this disease in the stronger sex is often a mental illness (depression, schizophrenic disorder).

Anorexia is a condition in which a person does not get enough nutrients as a result of not eating.

Sometimes men resort to diets because of the profession of a fashion model, an artist. Often the reason is the statements of peers about the fullness of the young man. Anorexia is dangerous because it provokes malfunctions in the activity of the organs and systems of the body, which leads to death.

Another serious mental disorder is senile dementia. It most often occurs after 65 years of age. But sometimes the disease develops in middle-aged people. It often causes weight loss causes in men over 40. The fact is that patients with senile dementia are not able to serve themselves, including eating on time. Such people should be constantly under the supervision of relatives or personnel of medical institutions.

How to deal with the problem?

Sudden weight loss is a symptom that requires a visit to the doctor. After examinations, you can determine the cause of the loss of kilograms.

Proper nutrition is essential for recovery. You should eat little, but often. Products should be light, but contain substances necessary for the body. IN daily menu should include milk dishes, vegetables, fruits, fish and meat dishes. As prescribed by the doctor, you should use vitamin supplements, drugs to improve digestion, drugs with a calming effect, drugs that stimulate appetite. In case of severe exhaustion, droppers and injections are used in a hospital setting.

Increased body weight is detrimental to the health of both women and men. Therefore, you should watch your weight. If weight loss is due to active sports, dietary restrictions - there is no cause for concern. active image life after a long period of inactivity, always leads to a sharp weight loss. All this thanks to testosterone, which begins to be actively produced, turning fat into muscle mass. But, if the lifestyle of a man has remained unchanged, and weight loss occurs, there is cause for concern. There can be many reasons for this. Most often, a sharp weight loss in men indicates the presence of serious pathologies in the body. As a rule, these are violations of the work endocrine system, the impact of stress.

Effect of stress on weight

Most scientists argue that it is stress, negative emotions that provoke a sharp weight loss in men without changing the diet. Under the influence of psychological shock, it is precisely a sharp decrease in body weight that is observed. Today it is very difficult to avoid stress. Every day we face shocks at home, at work, in transport. Also, professional activity also affects the stability of the psyche. If a man occupies a high position with a sufficient level of responsibility, he is provided with daily stress.

The reasons for losing weight in men with normal nutrition can be as follows:

  • insomnia;
  • Increased excitability;
  • Physical and psychological overwork;
  • Depression.

The body of a man is able to quickly cope with difficulties. This also applies to recovery. normal weight. And it does not necessarily require the use of special medications. But, if the stress in the life of a young person has turned into a systemic phenomenon, the help of a specialist is required.

As a rule, a sharp weight loss without a change in the quality of food indicates pathological processes. So the body tries to throw all its strength and reserves into the fight against the disease. And first of all, adipose and muscle tissues are used. Causeless weight loss in men is subject to a doctor's consultation. without fail. It may be necessary to take some mild sedatives, which will restore the work of the central nervous system. This will help the young man to return to its former form. The sooner therapy begins, the less likely it is to develop a complication from the process of losing weight.

Dysfunction of the endocrine system

Often, rapid weight loss in men with normal nutrition provokes improper functioning of the endocrine system. In this case, the thyroid gland is most often affected. With a hormonal failure, certain compounds begin to form in the thyroid gland, which provoke the rapid burning of fats and calories.

If you do not promptly consult a doctor for help, multiple complications can occur. One of the dangerous diseases of the thyroid gland is hyperthyroidism. In this case, excessive abnormal production of hormones by the gland occurs. Signs of this pathology are the following symptoms:

  • Rapid weight loss (up to 10-15 kg);
  • Increased appetite;
  • Trembling in the fingers;
  • Decreased dynamics of the heart;
  • Disorder of sexual function;
  • Insomnia.

Having recognized these signs in himself, a man should not delay a visit to an endocrinologist. Indeed, at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the maximum positive result is guaranteed. Sharp weight loss in men can also be caused by the presence of such an endocrine disease as type 1 diabetes mellitus. This type of diabetes is insulin dependent. The man will need to inject insulin daily.

The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that it develops gradually, imperceptibly. But it begins to show its signs already in the period of exacerbations. Patients with diabetes can lose weight, while there is always an increase in appetite, even gluttony. The patient is very thirsty. A strong smell of acetone is felt from the man's mouth. The same goes for urine and sweat. The disease is very life-threatening for the patient. With an increase or decrease in blood sugar, a coma can occur. And not in all cases it is possible to remove the patient from it. Diabetes mellitus requires constant monitoring by a specialist.

Other causes of weight loss in men

Men lose weight for other reasons. More than 80% of all cases of weight loss in men indicate dysfunction of an organ or body system. Each person needs to monitor their weight and control it. If noticeable changes occur without known reasons, you need to seek help from a specialist. In addition to the main causes of dramatic weight loss, there are some other diseases that provoke the rapid burning of fat and muscles.


Losing weight in men with a normal diet can be a sign of the initial stage of cancer development. In this case, hair loss, brittle nails, discoloration of the skin and sclera of the eyes are added to weight loss. As you can see, such symptoms are usually ignored. But a sharp weight loss may prompt the patient to consult a doctor. Only prompt action will allow timely detection of tumor growth in the body. In such cases, cancer of the digestive system, pancreas, and liver is often determined. Weight loss can be observed from the very first day of the onset of the neoplasm. Therefore, it is important to monitor your weight in order to identify the problem in a timely manner.

The very first and most common signs of oncology can be considered such symptoms:

  • Weakness;
  • Long healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • Hoarseness of voice;
  • Cough;
  • Violation of the stool;
  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Change in the color of the skin;
  • The occurrence of seals.

Adrenal insufficiency

Adrenal insufficiency can provoke weight loss in young people for no reason. In this case, the adrenal cortex does not cope with its function, ceases to produce hormones in the right amount. The disease can be acute and chronic, primary and secondary. Symptoms include muscle weakness, decreased blood pressure, desire for salt, darkening of the skin, and abdominal pain.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

This disease has a wide range of symptoms. And it is a sharp weight loss, and not a debilitating cough, that is the first sign of pathology. Tuberculosis is considered a hard-to-treat disease. The fight against it will be successful only at the initial stage of development. After weight loss, the following symptoms are added:

  • Wheezing in the chest, bronchi;
  • Wet cough;
  • Discharge of blood or pus along with sputum;
  • increased sweating;
  • Pain in the chest.

Alzheimer's disease

This disease is also called senile dementia. Therefore, weight loss may be the cause of age-related changes. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the loss of neural connections in the brain. It develops, as a rule, already after 65-70 years. If a man has a genetic predisposition, the disease can also occur in young age 40-45 years old. The patient has disorientation in space, time, memory loss. First, memory displaces recent events, then long-term memory disappears. Such patients forget elementary things - to eat, get dressed, go to the toilet, drink water. All this leads to sharp decline body weight. Patient data cannot exist without the help of relatives, relatives, friends.

Ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease in which the lining of the colon becomes inflamed. Weight loss in this case is considered the main symptom. Also, this should include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, loss of appetite, dysfunction of the kidneys, heart. Poor intestinal patency also leads to unexpected weight loss. Very often, bowel obstruction indicates the presence of cancer. In all cases, weight loss is accompanied by a general weakness of the body. Do not delay your visit to the doctor. Losing just 3-5 kg ​​for no reason is a cause for concern. And only timely professional intervention will help to avoid serious consequences and maintain health.

Speciality: therapist, nephrologist.

Place of work: Novorossiysk, medical center "Nefros".

General experience: 18 years.

Education: 1994-2000 Stavropol State Medical Academy.


  1. 2014 - "Therapy" full-time advanced training courses on the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kuban State Medical University".
  2. 2014 - "Nephrology" full-time advanced training courses on the basis of Stavropol State Medical University.

To date, the issue of weight loss one way or another concerns almost every person: someone is worried about overweight body, only dreams or is actively engaged in losing weight, someone, on the contrary, is faced with weight loss in cases where they were not going to lose weight at all, someone loses weight painfully sharply for reasons that depend on the state of health, taking medication, conducting medical procedures or operations.

During life, the weight of a person cannot stand still - as the child grows and grows, the child gains weight, as his body naturally changes its atropometric dimensions. Women get better during pregnancy, after which the weight comes to the original, or, on the contrary, increases. Athletes can gain muscle mass, and then follow a diet when cutting to achieve muscle definition. Therefore, a decrease in body weight, as well as its set, accompany a person all his life for various reasons, periodically replacing each other, and alternating with periods of stability of the numbers on the scales.

The concept and classification of weight loss

Weight loss, or weight loss, is a state of weight loss. Given that today a substantial part of the population is concerned about the fight against obesity, there is an opinion that losing weight is the loss of adipose tissue in the body. In fact, the process of weight loss is not always associated with burning fat. Moreover, even during a targeted fight against excess weight, subject to diet and exercise regimen, the body begins to break down fat deposits, almost in the last place, only after it loses reserves and some of the muscle mass.

It is known that the mass of the human body is the total mass of all physiological fluids in the body, the skeleton, organs, muscles, all tissues, including fat reserves, skin, contents digestive tract, and so on. Accordingly, weight loss may not be associated with the breakdown of fats.

In general, any weight loss can be divided into two main groups - weight loss can be targeted, expected, or not related to the implementation of measures for weight loss. In the first case, we are talking about weight loss after a diet, during fasting, intense sports, due to the use of dubious means like pills or tea for weight loss.

The second type of weight loss occurs if a person has not done anything specifically for this. It may be associated with various diseases, operations, physiological conditions (childbirth, breastfeeding, toxicosis).

In addition, weight loss can be:

  • physiologically natural (in newborns, in women immediately after childbirth, in people who are malnourished, diet, and intensively go in for sports, hard physical labor);
  • pathological (associated with diseases, operations, taking medicines, chemotherapy).

Stress not only causes spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby interfering with the normal process of digestion, but also negatively affects a person’s appetite. Appetite is a physiological reaction that promotes the intake of nutrients from food. It is the loss of appetite that is perhaps the most the main problem, provoking weight loss in a state of stress.

Depression is a very serious mental illness. The reasons for its formation are of a dual nature: on the one hand, it is a genetic predisposition and the presence of the necessary amount of special substances in the brain, on the other hand, events that occur in a person’s life, alarming, dangerous, scary, sad, as well as the urbanization of the modern world.

The patient has sleep disturbances, he often wakes up at night, and also wakes up early in the morning and can no longer fall asleep. A person loses appetite and interest in food, his stool is disturbed, constipation occurs. Permissible weight loss in such cases is no more than 5% of the total body weight per month. So, if a person weighs 100 kg, it will be normal for him to lose up to 5 kg in a month. Also, depression is characterized by lethargy, general psychomotor retardation, chronic fatigue.

It should be noted that in some patients, everything happens exactly the opposite: they have an increase in appetite and sleep duration, weight gain occurs.

Psychomotor retardation is accompanied by poor, sluggish speech, poor facial expressions, pallor of the skin on the face, and a general slowdown in the pace of thinking. It is difficult for a person to formulate his thought, he cannot make decisions. Others, on the contrary, have increased excitement, they move back and forth a lot, make nervous and erratic movements.

With neurosis, the classic picture of symptoms is represented, among other things, by weight loss. Neurotic disorders are reversible conditions with a protracted course and mental disorders. They are formed due to unresolved conflicts, prolonged psycho-emotional trauma, physical or mental overstrain, and not only. There are as many reasons for the development of neurosis as there are dangerous, complex, traumatic or atypical situations in the life of any person. Such factors are psychological. The physiological background of the development of neuroses is the lack of development of the human neurophysiological system.

Weight loss in neurosis refers to the physical manifestations of symptoms. In addition to weight loss, a person has a violation of appetite, fatigue, pain different type and localization, darkening in the eyes, sleep and heart rhythm disorders.

In addition, neurosis also affects the mental state of a person, he may begin to fanatically adhere to various diets, dry fasting, he may not eat at all due to a lack of hunger, due to intolerance to certain foods or smells. Pain and nausea at the sight of food can be caused by both a mental disorder and pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome), which only get worse with neurosis.

Why weight loss in diseases of the respiratory system

One of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory tract - pneumonia and bronchitis - is often accompanied by rapid weight loss, and if the disease has a chronic form, at the initial appearance of such a symptom, a person does not yet know that he is developing a dangerous illness.

Acute bronchitis develops with the addition of a secondary bacterial infection against the background of SARS.

The chronic form of bronchitis lasts from several months, is characterized by a prolonged cough with sputum. In this case, a cough can torment a person for several months in a row, and then the attack goes away.

In the acute stage of bronchitis, in addition to a constant cough with mucus, the patient develops shortness of breath, chest pains appear, as well as signs of colds (fatigue, sore throat and muscles). A feverish state is manifested by an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. In chronic bronchitis, patients experience weight loss associated with general weakness, deterioration of appetite and well-being.

Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lung tissue. Patients have a severe fever, the temperature can reach values ​​​​of 40-40.5 degrees. Against this background, headaches, weakness, drowsiness join, appetite is completely lost. Due to the fact that there is no feeling of hunger, a person practically refuses to eat, and the body, exhausted by the disease, begins to draw resources for protection from muscles, adipose tissue, as a result of which the patient loses weight in a short period of time, and catabolism occurs against the background of high fever, that is, the breakdown of its own muscle protein, which is also accompanied by a decrease in body weight. Usually, it is not difficult for a doctor to diagnose the acute development of the disease - cough, dry or with sputum, pale skin with a bluish tint, a haggard and thin face, high fever are enough characteristic features. In addition, with pneumonia, as with other diseases respiratory system there are specific auscultatory signs.

The patient's condition with pneumonia requires immediate hospitalization and treatment in a hospital, as it threatens a person with death.

Infectious lesions of the body as a cause of weight loss

Above we have already talked about HIV infection, in the presence of which a person experiences a sharp, rapid exhaustion and weight loss against the background of other signs. In addition, weight loss can occur with some other infectious diseases, For example:

  • with flu;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with infective endocarditis;
  • with fungal infections;
  • against the background of syphilis;
  • due to malaria;
  • with typhoid;
  • with measles and a number of other infectious diseases, accompanied by intoxication of the body or a violation of the water and electrolyte balance.

All of them are formed due to the ingestion of an infectious pathogen, have a certain specificity of manifestations, however, they also have common signs. So, for example, if we are talking about the acute form of the lesion, patients often experience fever, headaches, chills, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and lymph nodes may become inflamed. The disease can proceed in a mild form, and then weight loss will be insignificant, and the course will be fast. If an infected person suffers a moderate or severe lesion, he can lose up to 10% of his weight in just a couple of weeks - such indicators are critical and require mandatory hospitalization.

Usually, after an illness, if the treatment is successful, the weight gradually returns to its previous levels.

Newborn weight loss after birth: pathology or norm

On average, it is believed that at the birth of a child, its normal weight is from 2500 to 4500 grams. Of course, children with smaller and larger indicators are born, someone has a lack of weight, and someone is affectionately called “hero” on the day of birth for their large size. After the birth of the child, they are immediately weighed, and in the future, weighing him in the maternity hospital, and after discharge, at home, should take place about 3-5 times a week, to track the dynamics of his development and growth.

It happens that already in the first days after the birth of a child, the body weight begins to decrease. Naturally, new mothers, especially inexperienced ones, immediately begin to panic about this. However, a decrease in body weight in a baby shortly after childbirth, most often, is absolutely normal and natural.

The child who was born begins to work excretory system, as he begins to feed on mother's milk or special mixtures. The baby defecates, sweats, a certain amount of fluid comes out of his body. This is the secret of the sudden weight loss of the baby after childbirth. call this factor natural decline, and declare that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The norm of a child in weight at birth covers the range from 2.5 to 4.5 kilograms. As a result of the release of fluid, the body can lose up to 10% of its mass. The calculation changes somewhat if the baby was initially born with a lack of weight, or the birth was complicated by birth trauma - in this case, a loss of up to 15% of the original weight is allowed.

The maximum weight loss is observed 3-5 days after birth, after which the weight begins to increase. In infants, normalization of mass occurs by about the 14th day of life, in children at artificial feeding may take a little longer. The optimal weight gain is 115-125 grams per week. Thus, the norm per month after birth for a child is about 500 grams of weight gain.

In order to prevent excessive fluid loss and dehydration, young mothers are advised to follow a diet, that is, feed the baby enough times, and also ensure that the temperature in the room where the child is located does not exceed 20-22 degrees. In addition, if the street is in the midst of a hot summer, you can not wrap the baby in a winter blanket. Children should be dressed appropriately for the weather. The level of humidity is also important - in the apartment where the baby lives, the air should not be too dry.

It is necessary to monitor the frequency of urination, as well as the consistency of the baby's stool. If the stool is thick, the child should be given more fluids. For a newborn, only purified boiled water if the pediatrician allows it to be introduced into the diet.

Examinations and treatment for weight loss

Which doctor should I contact if an inexplicable weight loss is suddenly discovered? First of all, you need to visit a therapist, and take the child or teenager to the pediatrician. To determine the degree of weight loss, the doctor determines the dynamics of loss, the Quetelet body mass index (calculated by the formula: body weight in kg / height in meters squared), and also measures the circumference of the shoulder. So, for example, a body mass index of less than 16 indicates a clear underweight, 16-18.5 indicates underweight. The optimal index values ​​are between 18.5 and 24.99.

The severity of a person's condition during weight loss, as well as possible causes of weight loss, is determined by the results of laboratory tests - general blood and urine, thyroid hormone levels, blood glucose levels, liver tests, proteinograms, rheumatic tests, fecal analysis for helminths, and as well as serological and PCR tests for various viruses and infections. The patient will probably need to undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, EGD procedures, abdominal ultrasound,. To determine the inflammatory processes in the lungs, an overview radiography of the lungs is prescribed.

Further, depending on the results, the therapist or pediatrician refers the patient to a specialist, for example, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist,. If there is a suspicion of the presence of mental disorders, an examination is necessary.

Therapeutic measures and therapy to stop further weight loss should be introduced immediately, as soon as the cause of weight loss has been identified, since as a person loses weight, severe malnutrition can develop with irreversible consequences. First of all, you need to establish a nutrition system: it is best to follow the principles of fractional nutrition, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. In addition, the diet should contain all nutrients, minerals, vitamins, an increased amount in a normal amount, and have sufficient energy value. Eating is carried out in combination with drug therapy to normalize the digestive processes. Naturally, treatment for weight loss should be directed to the very cause of the problem. In fact, until the disease or pathology that caused the pathological weight loss is eliminated, any therapy and treatment can only stop the loss of body weight.

When to contact a doctor when losing weight

If a person made a conscious decision to lose weight, visited a therapist and nutritionist, chose the right diet for himself, made a plan for sports training, began to adhere to a new lifestyle, most likely he will begin to lose weight. At the same time, in the process of losing weight, it is advisable to see a doctor, periodically take some tests, and if necessary, undergo examinations. In this case, weight loss should be gradual and adequate for the body.

It is necessary to seek medical help if a child or adult has rapid weight loss (more than 5% of body weight per month), if young children have weight in place for more than 2 months, if the state of weight loss is accompanied by any atypical conditions and symptoms. A person must be alerted by temperature (subfebrile or high), dry or wet cough, skin rashes of any kind and any localization, inflammation of the lymph nodes, pain of any localization, pain and cramps in the stomach after eating, nausea, vomiting, discoloration of feces and vomiting , hair loss, excessive sweating, deterioration of the skin, as well as negative mental changes, behavioral changes. If weight loss develops rapidly and is accompanied by similar conditions, you should definitely go to the doctor.

The process of weight loss is planned and expected when a person goes in for sports, follows the principles of proper nutrition specifically to bring his figure back to normal. If a person takes certain medications, such as certain antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, they may develop decreased appetite or intestinal problems as side effects, causing them to lose weight. This, of course, is not very good for the body, but if the process occurs under the supervision of the attending physician, then this weight loss is acceptable for a person to recover. When the patient is being prepared for surgery, he needs to follow a diet for some time, so weight loss in such cases is inevitable. It follows from this that weight is an unstable quantity throughout the entire human life, and can increase or decrease in different situations.

However, if weight loss in children, adults or the elderly occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason, this is a clear sign that something in the body is not going as it should. By itself, weight loss may not give doctors the ability to determine the cause of a health disorder. To diagnose a problem, doctors study all the accompanying symptoms, interview the patient, finding out his heredity, previous diseases, the presence of allergies, and also refer the person for tests and examinations.

In some cases, timely detection of unexpected weight loss makes it possible to diagnose and detect at an early stage such dangerous diseases as HIV, oncological processes, depression, and thyroid dysfunction.

Remember the famous expression: "If a woman eats and does not gain weight, she is a witch"? This expression has its own history, but now about something else: why does a person lose weight without dieting? Each of us knows people who do not think about extra calories, and at the same time never gain weight. Perhaps these are the features of the body, an excellent metabolism. But there may be other reasons as well. For example, serious illnesses.

Thinness or fullness?

Man has always obtained food in order to survive. It was for this that the basics of agriculture and cattle breeding were mastered. People grew vegetables, cereals, fished and hunted animals. All this was provided by nature. The purpose of food was life.

Today, food is often the goal of life. We are so accustomed to tasty and not always healthy food that we have lost the sense of proportion. Now the majority of the world's population suffers from obesity.

The causes of obesity are known to all:

  • the use of treats by mothers as an encouragement to children;
  • large portions;
  • high calorie food;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • wrong balance between consumed and wasted energy;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • and very many other reasons.

And, despite people's awareness of the causes of obesity, this problem in the world is becoming more acute.

Why is the weight reduced?

  • a person spends more energy than he receives while eating;
  • goes in for sports intensively;
  • is constantly in nervous tension;
  • experiencing frequent stressful situations;
  • engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • suffering from serious illnesses.

With most of the causes, a person can easily cope on his own. To do this, it is enough to get rid of stresses, worries, balance loads, etc. But the last reason requires the intervention of doctors. Consider some of the reasons for losing weight due to illness.

The culprits of weight loss without diets

Most of the diseases that provoke rapid weight loss can be combined into several groups:

1. Diseases from which kilograms go due to lack of appetite. At the same time, the intake of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into the body is sharply reduced. This group includes diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, stomach cancer, gastritis), as well as mental illness (anorexia).

3. Diseases that require additional energy for life: spastic paralysis, thyrotoxicosis and others.

If you begin to notice a rapid loss of kilograms for no apparent reason, be sure to undergo a medical examination. Early diagnosis of the disease is always in favor of a successful cure. But it often happens differently: a person tries not to notice a sharp weight loss, reassures himself that there are no other symptoms of the disease. This results in the loss of precious time.

Often the disease is discovered by chance. For example, a woman asks a question: why can't I get pregnant, not paying attention to rapid weight loss. And that might be the reason!

Consider some diseases that can cause significant weight loss.

Diseases that provoke weight loss:

1. Diabetes mellitus of the first type. This is a very common reason for weight loss. Please note: most patients with type 2 diabetes are overweight, obese people. The first type of this disease leads to dramatic weight loss. Moreover, patients experience increased appetite, constantly feeling hungry. This is due to the inability of glucose to flow from the blood into the cells of the body.

2. Pulmonary tuberculosis on early stage can also cause drastic weight loss. A person suffers from a decrease in appetite, fatigue, begins to cough, sweats heavily, etc.

3. Thyrotoxicosis. This is a disease in which metabolism is disturbed, too many hormones are produced, and metabolism is accelerated. Energy is used up very quickly. There is a sleep disorder, nervous overexcitation appears. These and other problems lead to increased appetite. But even with a large consumption of food, a person continues to lose weight.

4. Oncological diseases in most cases cause weight loss. Malignant formations draw glucose from the blood, leaving it for the development of the body. In the later stages of the disease, severe exhaustion of the body is often observed.

5. Dysbacteriosis very often causes loss of appetite. In some cases, eating is accompanied by pain in the abdomen. This causes fear of pain from eating, which leads to refusal of it and weight loss.

7. Chronic psychogenic stress mobilizes all the forces of the body to solve a complex problem. A lot of energy is spent, from which the body weight decreases. Too much stress can lead to serious illnesses.

8. Alcohol abuse also leads to gradual weight loss. Alcohol affects the gastrointestinal tract, provokes loss of appetite.

We have only looked at some of the reasons. But already from them we can conclude that this sudden loss of weight can be a symptom of a very dangerous disease.