Status-6 project / Photo:

News outlets have been leaking information about the secret project Status-6, a powerful new type of weapon being developed in Russia. The fact that the information is really secret was confirmed by the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. And he vowed to take action to prevent this from happening again. TV channels cut footage from the military meeting with V. Putin with the tactical and technical characteristics of Status. And, while conspiracy theorists are arguing whether the "drain" was accidental or intentional, military forums are discussing the details of the "absolute weapon" with might and main.


Two submarines are depicted on a tablet caught in the lens of a television camera. One was identified as a nuclear submarine under construction in Severodvinsk special purpose"Belgorod", in the other - laid down in the same place in 2014 by the nuclear submarine "Khabarovsk". According to experts, boats will become carriers giant torpedo with a nuclear reactor and thermonuclear warhead. Essentially a robotic submarine. The docking port at the submarines is located at the bottom, so it will be impossible to make out the burden either from land or from a satellite.

The range of the torpedo is 10 thousand kilometers, the depth of immersion is a kilometer, the speed is about 90 knots. Pentagon officials admitted to the Washington Times that it was impossible to intercept a submersible with such characteristics. According to the newspaper, the torpedo is designed to destroy the coastal zone of the United States by means of an artificial tsunami 500 meters high and radioactive contamination of the coast. American experts estimated the yield of the warhead at 100 megatons.

“According to the calculations of Andrei Sakharov and other scientists, a wave will form that will reach a height of 400-500 meters or more off the coast of the United States. Having fallen on the mainland, it will wash away everything at a distance of more than 500 kilometers. In the coastal regions of the United States, which have a slight excess above sea level, the bulk of the population - more than 80 percent - is located. It is also where the country's main production facilities are located,” Corresponding Member explained to the BBC. Russian Academy rocket and artillery sciences, doctor of military sciences, captain of the first rank Konstantin Sivkov.

The idea of ​​a giant torpedo with a thermonuclear warhead is not new - Academician Andrei Sakharov proposed to build it back in the 40s. He planned to increase the power of an artificial tsunami by detonating thermonuclear depth charges off the coast of the United States - in this case, the wave height would reach one and a half kilometers.

In the tablet from the meeting with the president, the purpose of the "Status" is described more specifically: "Causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the enemy by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination on the coast, unsuitable for human life for a long time." Only one weapon with suitable characteristics appears in open sources - a cobalt bomb, described by one of the creators of the atomic bomb, Leo Sillard.

The third shell of a thermonuclear weapon is made of cobalt instead of uranium. At nuclear explosion a powerful neutron flux turns the metal into an extremely radioactive isotope of cobalt-60 and scatters deadly dust throughout the entire state. The half-life of cobalt is five and a half years, so it will not be possible to sit out in bunkers.

Practical tests of the cobalt bomb were not carried out - due to the same severe radioactive contamination. According to the military, ammunition of this type cannot serve as a strike weapon - because of the risk of destroying the entire biosphere of the planet (according to calculations, 510 tons of cobalt will be enough for this). But they may well become a deterrent.

According to the Washington Times, the Status torpedo will be ready in 2019 and will be tested along with the carrier boat.

Despite Western sanctions, currency fluctuations and falling global energy prices, Moscow continues to develop a promising new generation of weapons that should go into service. Russian army in the coming years. According to The National Interest, which prepared a kind of rating of a promising "Russian superweapon", the United States and NATO countries would do well to pay attention to Russian developments already today.

  • RIA News

Russia is developing many new types of weapons and military equipment, most of them already “have no equal in the world,” writes The National Interest, and work is being carried out despite the situation in the currency and oil markets and Western sanctions.

Based on this, the editorial staff of The National Interest prepared a rating Russian weapons, "which should be closely monitored in the coming months and years."

Fighter T-50

According to The National Interest, the T-50 fighter (a promising front-line aviation complex) "is perhaps the most outstanding project in the modernization of the defense industry." It is being developed as a fifth-generation stealth aircraft and is intended to replace the current Su-27s and their variations.

The T-50 is in no way inferior to the US Air Force F-22, the publication notes, in addition, Russian fighter will be more manoeuvrable.

Bomber PAK DA

The Tupolev Design Bureau is developing a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) - a new stealth bomber, about which little is known so far. Nevertheless, the publication believes, the aircraft will fly at subsonic speeds.

Armata program

The editors of The National Interest separately singled out the complex of armored vehicles that Moscow is developing as part of the Armata program.

“Instead of developing a specialized vehicle for a specific purpose, Russia is working on a common chassis that can be adapted to any role,” the newspaper writes.

As part of the Armata program, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery mounts and other types of military equipment, which will be equipped with the latest electronic systems, which have analogues in Russian troops so far there hasn't been.

Electronic warfare systems

According to The National Interest, Russian systems electronic warfare are comparable to similar developments in other NATO countries or even surpass them. In particular, the publication highlights the Krasukha-4 complexes, designed to cover troops, command posts and air defense systems, as well as "Khibiny" - aviation complexes, designed for radio direction finding and camouflage of aviation equipment.

Nuclear submarines

"Russia has always built superb submarines," sums up The National Interest. Nevertheless, modern submarines are modified versions of the developments of the times of the USSR. Moscow is aware of all the disadvantages associated with this and has already begun to develop the next generation of nuclear submarines, the newspaper notes. According to the magazine, a new generation of submarines will replace the Granites, Antei and Barracudas.

Lightning strike: Moscow is ready to disarm Washington

Technology Race

“Usually supersonic cruise missiles fly at a speed of Mach 2-3,” says Ph.D. Nikolai Grigoriev. - We want our vehicles to fly at a speed of more than Mach 6. Moreover, this flight should be long. At least 7-10 minutes, during which the device must independently develop a speed of more than one and a half thousand meters per second.

The first hypersonic vehicle was created in the USSR in the late 70s of the last century. In 1997, the designers of the Dubna ICD Raduga first showed it on. It was presented as a system of a new class - a hypersonic experimental aircraft (GELA) X-90. In the West it was called AS-19 Koala. According to the company, the rocket flew to a distance up to 3 thousand km. It carried two individually targetable warheads capable of hitting targets at a distance of 100 km from the point of separation. The X-90 carrier could be an elongated version of the Tu-160M ​​strategic bomber.

In the early 1990s, the ICD conducted joint work with German engineers on the problem of hypersound based on their other rocket X-22 "Storm"(according to the classification - AS-4 Kitchen("Kitchen"). This supersonic cruise missile is part of the standard armament of the Tu-22M3 long-range bomber. Can fly 600 km and carry thermonuclear or conventional warhead weighing in 1 ton. The missile is designed to destroy US aircraft carriers. During the experiment, with additional upper stages, the car was brought to hypersonic flight mode.

Moreover, as recalled Grigoriev, in was created spaceship reusable Buran, which, upon entering the dense layers of the atmosphere, developed a speed of 25 mach. Today, according to the expert, the task is to make such a flight active, that is, the machine must not only “plan”, but independently develop and maintain such a speed, change the direction of flight.

From "Koala" to "Yars"

Testing hypersonic vehicles is a secret with seven seals. It is possible to judge how things are with their development only by the reports of the Americans about the success or failure in the course of certain test launches. The last such experiment they conducted in August. rocket launch X-43A was produced from the Kodiak test site at. The rocket was developed as a joint project american army and laboratories Sandia National within the framework of the concept of "Fast global strike". Her first test took place in November 2011. It was assumed that during the current tests, the rocket, gaining speed of about 6.5 thousand km / h, will hit learning goal on the Pacific atoll of Kwajalein. As a result, the device worked only 7 seconds before burning up in the atmosphere. Nevertheless, they called this flight successful - the car demonstrated the ability to gain the required acceleration.

Soviet X-90, about which at least something is known for certain, flew further and longer. As the designers say, the machine quickly heated up from air resistance, which destroyed the device or rendered the mechanisms inside the case inoperable. To achieve hypersound, for a ramjet rocket engine required, or at least fuel, consisting largely of hydrogen. And this is extremely difficult to implement technically, since gaseous hydrogen has a low density. The storage of liquid hydrogen created other insurmountable technical difficulties. And, finally, during a hypersonic flight around X-90 arose plasma cloud, which burned the radio antennas, which led to the loss of controllability of the device.

However, these shortcomings eventually turned into advantages. The problem of cooling the hull and hydrogen fuel was solved by using a mixture of kerosene and water as its components. After heating, it was fed into a special catalytic mini-reactor, in which an endothermic reaction of catalytic conversion took place, as a result of which hydrogen fuel was produced. This process led to a strong cooling of the body of the apparatus. No less original was the problem of burning radio antennas, which began to be used as plasma cloud.

At the same time, the plasma cloud allowed the device not only to move in the atmosphere at a speed 5 km per second, but also make it "broken" trajectories. The car could abruptly change the direction of flight. In addition, the plasma cloud also created invisibility effect radar apparatus. X-90 did not enter service, work on the rocket was suspended back in 1992.

But the principles of its operation are very similar to the description of the actions of maneuvering nuclear warheads ballistic missiles "Topol M", "Yars" and new RS-26. The Ministry of Defense has repeatedly cited them as an example of overcoming any system. The maneuvering unit can “wag” at any second, unpredictably changing the direction of flight, which is guaranteed to ensure that the target is hit. Not a single NMD system is capable of calculating such a trajectory and aiming anti-missiles at the attacking block.

Combat Platypus

Last year, the Ministry of Defense reported that hypersonic weapons will equip, first of all, long-range aircraft. At that time, rockets already existed, however, their flight to hypersonic lasted only a few seconds. The Deputy Prime Minister has repeatedly stated this. However, neither the military, nor the vice-premier, nor industry representatives provided any specific details.

On current progress in the creation of hypersonic aircraft can only be judged indirectly. For example, this summer the Tactical missile armament”, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that they had agreed on a program for the creation of hypersonic missile technologies. More than 2 billion rubles will be invested in the development of promising technology, and the first device will not appear until later than 2020. What kind of devices they will be, what characteristics they will have and for what purposes, is not announced.

The fact that there is a touch, as they say, can be judged at least by the MAKS exhibition in the suburbs. In 2011, the Central Institute of Aviation Motors from Lytkarino near Moscow demonstrated a number of promising hypersonic vehicles. Several mock-ups of promising rockets were exhibited at the institute’s booth, more similar not to classic cigar-shaped rockets, but to the masterpiece of an avant-garde sculptor who took the Australian platypus animal as a prototype of his creation - a flattened spade-shaped “nose” of the fairing, chopped forms of the rocket body itself. Then the representative of the Institute Vyacheslav Semyonov said that in 2012 the Ministry of Defense will be presented with a fully fit flight model of a hypersonic cruise missile. He spoke about the same. What exactly was discussed is unknown. No official announcements about new rocket was not in print. However, the name of the promising complex has repeatedly slipped "Zircon".

According to indirect evidence, it is based on a missile created on the basis of a supersonic anti-ship missile "Yakhont" and its Russian-Indian counterpart "BrahMos". Indian BrahMos Aerospace Limited has repeatedly announced work on the creation of a hypersonic version of its products. The same Platypus demonstrated its layout. According to a company official, hypersonic missile already exists and is being tested. If so, then there is its analogue in Russia.

Russia has a superweapon

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all interested. All Conferences are broadcast on the Internet Radio "Vozrozhdenie" ...

Incredible Facts

At all times, people have tried to impress, especially their sworn enemies. They did it in many ways, such as spreading rumors about a wonderful superweapon they were supposedly planning to produce.

The Spartans dressed their warriors in red cloaks that showed no blood, and this earned them a reputation as invincible warriors. Huge storm towers terrified the besiegers and forced them to surrender. Mongolian horsemen who invaded Russia dressed in Chinese silks and carrying expensive Chinese weapons, were perceived by Russian soldiers as heroes.

Parades, magnificent uniforms, photographs of monstrous cannons in magazines and related articles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries became powerful weapon impact on the minds of mankind. The dissemination of such information, although not always reliable, often gave the country a moral, and therefore political, superiority over the enemy (“we are better because we are more talented and stronger”).

For example, such was the "trench destroyer", which appeared in the United States on the cover of the popular magazine "Electrical Experimenter" in February 1917. The author most likely came up with it under the impression of a Ferris wheel, which he saw at a fair or in an amusement park, or perhaps at the first exhibition of agricultural wheeled tractors. However, his car was simply amazing: maximum offensive power with maximum protection for crew members.

Nevertheless, he did not think over how this car would move along battlefield, or how the crew would fire shots from the cockpit while swinging on a Ferris wheel. But magazines with this image were quickly sold out, and the artist's efforts were certainly rewarded. In addition, people were convinced that in the United States lives a large number of capable engineers, they believed in their country.

Back in 1905, a patent was registered in Germany for a tank in the form of an armored ball with a side tab for cannons and machine guns. But it was never made. However, the idea was seriously discussed in the American magazine Popular Science in 1936. In accordance with this project, the tank was to consist of a fixed inner sphere and from two rotating outer hemispheres with special "lugs".

The armament of the tank consisted of three machine guns: one looked forward, the second - at the towers at the end of the hemispheres, and the third - at the zenith. The exhaust gases of the engine were in the space between the shells, while instead of ventilation inside the "tank" it was quite seriously planned to place oxygen cylinders. Nevertheless, at first glance, the tank in the picture looked quite functional, and the idea that taxpayers do not give money to the state just like that surfaced again. After the engineers began to "work" on such projects, it seemed that the United States had no problems.

However, all of these designs were worse than the "electro-tank" that was allegedly developed in 1935 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For road travel, it had wheels, but when moving over rough terrain, for some reason, the designers opted for propellers. This fact alone should have alerted people, because before that not a single tank moving on propellers had been put into operation. But it was in this image that the tank looked more impressive.

But what's more interesting, "tank" impressed with its weapons. It was not an ordinary flamethrower, but a Van de Graaf electric charge generator.

Inside the ball was the cabin of an individual, who had a large amount of water in a special tank. When a stream of water was directed at an opponent immediately after being treated with an artificial lightning charge of hundreds of millions of electric volts, it instantly burned him. Other crew members were diverted to control diesel engine"super-tank". Van de Graaf succeeded in creating a generator with a capacity of seven million volts. This, of course, is an impressive size, only the engineers could not expand the range of the water cannon, which prevented the construction of a tank.

Popular Science wrote in 1940: "An experimental model of a giant armored car was built in Los Angeles, armed with two six-inch guns built into a rotating armored 'turret'. This 'apparatus' is equipped with thick armor that protects against projectiles and bombs. Special Efforts were applied to protect the machine. Its specially designed tires can travel at about 105 kilometers per hour. During firing, the "towers" interact with the ground using hydraulic supports. Moreover, in addition to a six-inch gun, the machine is also equipped with a machine gun. It was tested by the US Army for four months."

Checked, but no result, despite the fact that everything fighting qualities this "super-tank" were wonderful. But in reality, there was nothing like that. because at this level military equipment at that time was not yet developed. However, gullible readers of the time believed it was possible. They thought that the United States, being the most advanced automobile power in the world, could build any combat vehicle.

Interestingly, the same principle was used by the American media to present the Reagan program " star Wars", scaring people with "binary gas, neutron bomb" and other horrors, which ended up being fake. It seems that binary munitions were developed in order to simply increase the shelf life, and also more to ensure the safety of their troops. Also, later chemical weapon was prohibited.

The Star Wars program could not be realized, because even with the implementation of all its components, the frequent launch of blocks into space would destroy the entire ozone layer over the United States. "neutron bomb"- this is an ordinary anti-tank vehicle, today deprived of an appropriate carrier. This means that nothing that the Americans have threatened the world for many decades did not exist in reality. Nevertheless, people were afraid, and a lot of money from the state budget was spent on something to keep that fear going.