New Year's and Christmas fortune-telling are considered the most "true". Christmas divination has its roots in a period when there was only pagan faith in Rus'. During Christmas time, which fell on the holiday winter solstice, our ancestors gave special meaning divination. They believed that on these days all the gods and spirits had the greatest activity, and the real and infernal worlds were closest to each other, due to which fortune-telling on Christmas Day on January 6-7 turned out to be the most accurate.

Christmas time is usually called the days between Christmas Eve on January 6 and Epiphany, which falls on January 19. When Christianity came to Rus', it tried for a long time eradicate this ancient folk tradition, struggled with divination and superstition, but in vain. Russian people from generation to generation carefully passed on this important tradition for them, as a result of which it turned out to be closely intertwined with the Orthodox faith.

  • Divination at Christmas time for the betrothed
    • Divination with a mirror
    • Card reading
    • Divination with objects
    • Divination with animals
    • Divination in the name of the groom
  • Christmas divination for the future
    • Divination on wax
    • Divination with objects
    • Divination with animals
    • Other divination for the future

Divination at Christmas time for the betrothed

The people came up with many options for divination, however, the most important topic of these festive entertainments was divination at Christmas time for the betrothed. This is not surprising, because in the distant past, the fate of girls was determined by the success of their marriage.

Divination with a mirror

Option number 1

Christmas divination by the mirror was considered the most accurate, although the most dangerous, because during the procedure the girls often fainted from fear. There is an ancient belief that the mirror is the boundary separating the world of spirits from ours. For this reason, many customs and signs have arisen. For example, broken mirror threatened with imminent disaster. If you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm, you can also invite misfortune. In general, most of the bad omens are associated with the reflection in the mirror. A woman during pregnancy or immediately after the birth of a child, who was considered “unclean” and able to cross the line of the worlds more easily than usual, was forbidden to look in mirrors in the old days. Now mirrors are made using a different technology - they are coated not with silver, but with lead, so it is believed that modern mirrors have a "short memory", so they are not as dangerous as the old ones. But even now, old people warn young parents not to bring their crumbs to the mirror, fearing that they weak souls can split in two and then cruel tyrants or evil sorcerers will grow out of them.

But it is also believed that the mirror can be a strong amulet. As soon as reflected in it, evil spirits forever lose magic power and the ability to harm people.

Best to arrange Christmas divination on the betrothed with a candle and a mirror in an unclean place, which is considered to be a bathhouse and certainly at midnight, when the border between the worlds is the thinnest and most permeable. You need to guess all alone, loosening your hair and removing your belt, if any. On the table you need to put a couple of cutlery, a candle and a mirror. After that, the fortuneteller sits down in front of the mirror and says: “Narrowed, mummers, come to dinner with me.” At midnight, she can see in the mirror a man leaning over her shoulder from behind. As soon as she sees his face in the twilight, she must immediately utter a protective spell: “Step away from this place!”, After which the image should disappear, leaving the frightened fortune teller safe.

Option number 2

There is another version of divination for Christmas time on mirrors, where 2 mirrors are used at once, which are installed one opposite the other, mutually reflecting in each other, forming a kind of mystical corridor. On the sides of one mirror, you need to install two candles, which need to be lit at midnight, the fortuneteller herself undresses and sits on a chair located between the mirrors. Next, she needs to look closely at her reflection. If the mirrors were correctly installed, then a whole gallery of reflections is obtained, in the depths of which the image of the groom may appear.

Card reading

Christmas fortune-telling on cards is very popular. Put four kings under the pillow before going to bed and say a spell: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream.” Here are the options:

  • the king of tambourines is the most desired;
  • the king of hearts is a rich and young groom;
  • the king of clubs is probably a businessman or a military man;
  • the king of spades is an old groom, and even a jealous one.

Divination with objects

Divination by hair

Pour a bowl of water at midnight, throw in a pinch of sugar, salt and oven ash, then mix everything thoroughly. When the suspension calms down, you need to throw a couple of hairs into it: your own and from a loved one. So leave everything until the morning. If by morning the hair is intertwined, then you can count on a wedding, and if they shy away from each other, then separation will soon come. If the hair sinks, then this is a serious illness or even death of its owner.

Fortune telling with felt boots

This is the simplest and most commonly used type of divination. The girls gathered and in turn threw the felt boots behind their backs in the direction of the road - where the toe of the fallen felt boots points, from that side wait for the groom.

Fortune telling with a broom

Fortune telling on Christmas night can be done by donating an ordinary broom. To do this, you need to pull out several twigs from it and build a bridge out of them, which you put under the pillow until morning, quietly saying: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.” Then in a dream it will be possible to see the future spouse. The twigs can be replaced with matches, from which a well should be folded and also hidden under a pillow, but with a different verdict: "Narrowed, mummers, come get some water to drink."

Divination on a thread

This simple option many girls still use fortune-telling now. First you need to cut the threads of the same length (it is advisable to choose thicker threads). Then all the threads, holding them at one end, must be simultaneously set on fire from the other end. The girl whose thread burns out before the others will be the first to marry, and the rest will play a wedding after her in the order of burning their threads. If someone's thread goes out immediately or does not burn down to the middle, then this poor thing is not destined to find a pair.

Divination by the ring

You need to get a simple glass, where there is no polishing and drawing, but simply smooth walls. It needs to be filled ¾ with water, and lowered into the center of the bottom of the polished wedding ring. If you look intently into the middle of the ring, then such fortune-telling for the groom at Christmas can reveal his face. But for this you have to look long and hard.

Fortune telling "Well"

To conduct this divination, you will need a real or symbolic well. The best would be a real well, the lid of which is locked, but not in every village. In urban conditions, you can add it from matches, as in the well-known children's fun. Near such an impromptu "well" you should put a bucket - a thimble with water. The real well must be locked with a key, and the match well must be figuratively closed, simulating the movement of the hand, and the real or virtual key should be placed under the pillow. When going to bed, say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me to drink some water at the well, ask me for a key.” It may happen that at night the groom will come to drink water.

Divination by the log

Randomly choose a log from a woodpile or a woodshed, bring it into the house, and then examine it carefully - how it looks like, so will the fortuneteller's husband.

This fortune-telling of girls at Christmas can be interpreted as follows:

  • an even log with a thin and smooth bark - to a young and handsome husband;
  • rough and thick bark - to an ugly spouse;
  • in places, a peeled or completely absent bark hints at a poor groom;
  • knotty log predicts big family, and the number of knots indicates the number of children.

A log is not so easy to find now, so you can choose any tree in a forest or park instead. Here you have to blindfold, then unwind and go in search of "your" tree, like when playing "cat and mouse". The same interpretation can be applied here.

Divination with animals

Divination by dog ​​barking

Fortune telling on the betrothed on Christmas can be in this form. Armed with a knife, the girl should go outside at midnight and start cutting the snow, saying: “Damn, damn it, don’t be silent, damn it, damn it, tell me what kind of husband I will get, will I have to cry or laugh?” After casting the spell, she must listen to the barking of dogs:

  • ringing barking promises a young groom;
  • cheerful and buoyant - a kind and cheerful groom;
  • shrill - a groom with a bad temper;
  • sharp, vicious barking - a gloomy and strict husband;
  • hoarse - will marry an old man;
  • howling is a very bad sign, saying that the marriage will be short, and the young wife will quickly become a widow.

Fortune telling with a rooster for a betrothed

Grain is first poured into one plate, water is poured into another, and a mirror is placed next to them and a chicken is planted. Then they bring in a rooster and monitor its behavior:

  • if he comes to the mirror - then future groom will be beautiful and gentle;
  • choose grain - a rich groom;
  • prefers water - the groom will be a drunkard;
  • goes to the chicken - a womanizer will fall.

Divination in the name of the groom

This fortune-telling is now widespread and familiar to many girls. If the girl has the courage, then she should leave the house at midnight and ask the first man who comes across what his name is. That will be the name of her betrothed.

Christmas divination for the future

Divination on wax

You need to melt the wax in a mug, and pour milk into a saucer and put it near the threshold of the house, saying: “Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax,” and after saying these words, immediately pour the melted wax into milk. Next, you need to follow what happened. Interpretation of figures on Christmas divination on wax suggests the presence of fantasy among fortunetellers, because the resulting images need to be associated with something:

  • if a flower appears, then the matter goes to the wedding or just a loved one will meet;
  • if stripes are formed, then crossings and roads are waiting;
  • stars will appear - there is hope for good luck in study or work;
  • if a silhouette of a person appears, a new friend will appear;
  • if a house pops up, then a new household is coming, which in the case of girls hints at marriage;
  • a candle or a ring also hints at a quick wedding;
  • if the motionless figure of the cross emerges, then illnesses will come in the new year;
  • if the cross appears slightly, then there is no need to wait for large incomes in the new year, and there will be troubles in personal life, albeit minor ones;
  • if the wax turns into a beast, then one should beware of the appearance of an enemy;
  • shapeless pieces promise misfortune soon;
  • if the wax hardens in the form of trees, then this can be interpreted in different ways: branches directed upwards mean quick joy, and weeping ones - boredom, longing and sadness;
  • a pancake that has settled to the bottom sentences to a long girlhood;
  • a small cave or pit is the worst prediction when a similar picture appears, Christmas divination points to the grave serious illness and a quick death.

But it is worth warning those who want to arrange fortune-telling for Christmas and Christmas for the future, that their result may be far from desired, so it’s better to think about whether it’s worth it?

Divination with objects

Divination on bulbs

You need to take a few bulbs and mark each one, and then plant it in the ground: whose growth grows first, that girl will marry before the others.

Fortune telling on the gender of a child with a needle or ring

Interesting fortune-telling of girls at Christmas time can be arranged using a ring or a needle. If a ring is taken, then it is hung on a thread and lowered into a glass of water, and if a needle is involved in fortune-telling, then a piece of woolen fabric is pierced with it. Then the ring or needle hanging on a thread is slowly lowered near the hand of the person they are guessing at. If the ring (needle) begins to rotate in a circle, then the birth of a girl is more likely, and if it oscillates in one plane like a pendulum, then it is worth waiting for a boy sooner. Well, if the load remains motionless, then the child should not be expected in the near future.

Fortune telling by egg

Fill a glass with water and release the protein from raw egg. Then put the glass in a preheated oven so that the protein curls up. Remove the glass from the oven and examine the formed protein structures. Such fortune-telling at Christmas can have the following interpretation:

  • a ring or dome like a church one - for an imminent wedding;
  • ship - marriage, followed by a move to another city, or even completely abroad;
  • a drowned pancake - to a protracted girlhood or a chain of troubles;
  • rectangle - to death or serious illness.

Guessing what the future holds

Here, in the process of fortune-telling at Christmas and Christmas time, girls hide various objects in felt boots, cups or bags, after which they choose the “capacity” they like. What was hidden in the chosen object, and gives a forecast for the year: sugar - to the sweet life, ash - to bad life, an onion - to tears, a ring - to marriage, a golden ring - to wealth, a glass - to drunkenness.

Divination by the book

The traditions of Christmas divination associated with books are very old. Previously, the hymnal was more often used for this, but now you can take any favorite book - even Shakespeare, even Tolstoy, even Rowling. First you need to mentally formulate a question of interest, then guess the page and line number, or simply open the book at random. It is necessary to interpret not only a specific line, but the entire phrase of which it is a part. If the found passage is generally difficult to somehow interpret, then fortune-telling can be repeated.

Fortune telling on a wooden chip

Pour water into a basin, and attach paper strips along its side, where to write possible events (trip, wedding, new job, income growth, etc.) - this is if one girl is guessing. And if there are several of them, then on pieces of paper write the names of all those taking part in fortune-telling, and one wish is made for all participants. Then take a dry sliver, attach to it a candle stub that burned in this very house where fortune-telling takes place. Light a candle and launch an impromptu boat to the middle of the pelvis. From there, he himself must go to one of the notes - to which he sticks, it will come true. If a “shipwreck” occurs, then this event will not happen in the coming year.

Divination with needles

For this divination for Christmas, you will need a saucer on which you need to lay out 21 new needles, and then slowly add water there. In this case, the needles can change their position, and according to the pattern formed by them, you can guess what awaits the fortuneteller. So, each cross formed by needles means the number of ill-wishers who appeared at the fortuneteller this month.

There is another option for divination with needles. To do this, you need to make a pendulum out of them - thread a long red silk thread into the needle, fold it in half and tie a knot at the end. Next, the fortuneteller should put a coin on the table (previously always silver), sit down at the table, lean on it with his elbow, and take the impromptu pendulum by the tip of the thread, and hold it so that the needle points to the middle of the coin. Further, the fortune teller can ask one-word questions that have “yes” and “no” answers and continues to follow the pendulum:

  • if the needle hangs motionless, then the question remains unanswered;
  • if longitudinal oscillations are observed, then the answer is affirmative;
  • if the vibrations are transverse, then the answer is negative;
  • with circular motions of the pendulum, a more precise formulation of the question is required.

Divination with animals

Divination with a cat

You need to make an arbitrary wish and call the cat. If she steps over the threshold with her right paw, the wish will not come true, and if she steps with her left paw, then there is hope. However, the cat may not come at all.

Divination by a rooster for the future

Most often, collective Christmas beliefs and fortune-telling take place, because finding out fate is much more interesting with girlfriends - what one doesn’t notice, the other will definitely see, and it’s more fun together. On Christmas Eve, those who are eager to check the fate of the girls should gather in the room, throw grains on the floor, and with the onset of midnight, bring a black rooster there. By his behavior, fortunetellers judge their future:

  • if the bird pecks all the grains, then marriage shines on the girl who poured them;
  • if something remains on the floor, then the one whose number matches the number of remaining grains will find a pair;
  • if the rooster decided to keep the fast at all, then none of the girls will go down the aisle in the coming year, and in everyday life they will have many minor troubles.

Other divination for the future

Divination by shadow

This fortune-telling before Christmas is clear and simple, which is why modern girls love to use it. It is necessary to crumple a sheet of paper and set it on fire, watching the shadow on the wall left by the burning lump of paper. Although this is the very first stage of this divination, it can already give quite recognizable images. Then you need to take Blank sheet paper, also crumple it and put it on a dish or tray, where to set it on fire. In the process of burning and after its completion, it is necessary to illuminate the ashes with a candle so that the shadow from it falls on the wall. This is the second and main stage of divination, where you can judge your near future by the appearance of the shadows.

Divination by the fire flame

Nomadic people who spend hours daily around fires probably came up with such fortune-telling. It is not so simple, because a person who will gaze intently into the dancing flames must have a sufficiently philosophical mindset, sufficient life experience and a rich imagination to see the predestined fate in the flame. Several people can watch the flame of a fire at the same time, and each will have his own vision, intended only for him. It is best to extrapolate the result of divination to yourself - firstly, because it is easier, and secondly, it will turn out to be more accurate. If you are guessing at someone, then this person needs to be imprisoned left hand and focus on it. Gotta take it right hand in two of his palms and hold it for a few seconds, then stare at the flame, trying to see in his game a prophecy regarding the future of this person. Far from always, this fortune-telling leads to the appearance of images that can be interpreted. Gypsies in such cases say that significant changes await him, but now it is impossible to understand whether they are good or bad.

Do you believe in Christmas and Christmas divination? Have you wondered at least once in your life whether the predicted has come true? We are very interested to know your story - write it in the comments.

Once a Epiphany Eve
The girls guessed:
Shoe behind the gate
Taking off their feet, throwing

Greetings, dear readers!
We have an old beautiful tradition in Russia - fortune-telling on holy days. She is especially interested in unmarried girls. It is believed that these days you can find out the name of the betrothed and even the date of the wedding. Do predictions really come true? It happens anyway. But it is interesting to participate in these rituals. Especially in the company of girlfriends, when it's fun and scary at the same time. After all, this opportunity is provided only once a year.

Therefore, we will devote this article to the topic “All about Christmas time and fortune-telling.”

Christmas days

"From the star to the water" lasts a period of holy days. They begin after the Advent, as soon as a star appears in the sky, indicating that the Savior of the world has been born. This is the time for celebrations and fun. In the villages in the old days, people dressed up, went from house to house, sang carols, danced.

And at this time you can find out your future, because Christmas time is a time for fortune telling. According to beliefs, it is on these days that “unclean spirits” are activated and mysterious events take place. The invisible presence of spirits lifts the veil over the unknown and predicts the future. That's why young girls, as a rule, get together to tell fortunes about the "narrowed-mummers." It is necessary to start divination with good mood and with humor. You can guess different ways known since ancient times. Let's talk about the most interesting fortune-telling, in our opinion.

Divination for the betrothed

The most popular way of fortune-telling is fortune-telling in Christmas time on a mirror. Grandmothers are advised to conduct this ceremony in the bath. You gotta let your hair down pectoral cross, untie all the knots on the clothes. It is better to do this in a spacious shirt and barefoot. At midnight, a candle is placed in front of a mirror and a wedding ring is placed in a cup of water. Opposite the large mirror, another mirror is placed, a smaller one, and they begin to stare intently into the mirror corridor. Yes, do not forget to say three times: "Narrowed, mummers, show yourself." Divination is not for the faint of heart. After 2-30 minutes, for those who are especially patient, an image of the future groom appears in this corridor. Urgently turn the mirror over and be sure to cross yourself.

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Another fortune-telling for a husband at Christmas time. The simplest and most popular At night, comb your hair with a comb and put it under the pillow with the words: “Narrowed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.” After that, without saying a word, go to bed. Your future groom should dream. And if you still want to know his name, then in the evening put notes with the names of men in a hat and put it near the bed. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out any note. Maybe you guessed it. Time will show.

Fortune-telling for kings at Christmas time is interesting and accessible. You need to choose all the kings and jacks from the deck of cards. Put them under your pillow at night and ask your future groom to dream and tell about himself. When you wake up in the morning, take out your card. If this is a king, then your chosen one will be much older than you, and the jack indicates a young groom. Now let's look at the suit.

Peaks say that the spouse will be successful and wealthy. Baptisms promise acquaintance with a loved one at the most unexpected time. Diamonds predict the first meeting among mutual friends, and worms indicate close friend that you never paid attention to.

Fortune telling about the betrothed for Christmas time in the company of friends always fun and noisy. Here is one of the recipes.

Place a piece of bread, a hook and a ring on the floor and cover with a handkerchief. Now each girl should spin around herself 5 times and then one of them takes off her headscarf. WITH eyes closed girlfriends take an object from the floor. The one who gets the bread will marry a rich man, the one who takes the ring will live in average prosperity, but the girl with the hook will be the least lucky. Her husband will not be able to provide her with a comfortable life.

You can turn on the cups.

To do this, take 6 opaque cups, pour into one water, and put salt, a coin, bread, sugar into the others and cover the ring with a handkerchief too. Now the girls close their eyes and choose a cup.

The ring will tell about an upcoming wedding, bread portends an improvement in financial situation, a coin - to wealth, water - peace and prosperity, sugar - fun and joy, and only salt speaks of imminent troubles.

Of course, dear girls, these fortune-telling about the betrothed at Christmas time should be treated with a healthy dose of irony and humor. But who knows, maybe these predictions will come true! In any case, this is a good reason to get together with your girlfriends and have a cool bachelorette party! Here's how you can guess in this video

So have fun, have fun! After all, they are saints.

And now we will consider several old Christmas divinations that can be combined under common name: divination for a dream. By the way, during Christmas time all dreams are prophetic! So from January 7 to 19, be especially attentive to everything that you see in a dream.

But now we will try the most simple methods, using which you can, for example, see your future husband in a dream or find out when your wedding will take place and whether your marriage will be successful, and just find out what awaits you in next year. I would like to make a reservation right away that most of the Christmas divination in general, and for sleep in particular, our great-great-grandmothers used to see their betrothed. After all, you must admit that it is always easier to wait when you know who you are waiting for ... And now, while Christmas time is coming, you will have a wonderful opportunity to try at least one eye to look at that “prince on a white horse”, whose image always lives in the soul of every girl and women.

Prophetic dream

Another fortune-telling is called "on prophetic dream". Here, on the contrary, you need to properly comb your hair before going to bed, and be sure to use a clean comb, and then put it under your pillow. The pillowcase on the pillow should also be clean and fresh. In this fortune-telling, you do not have to utter any conspiracies, just when you lie down in bed, think about the person you would like to love: how he should look, what eyes, hair, what voice he will have. The clearer the image you create and the stronger the strength of your desire to see your loved one in the flesh, the sooner you yourself will attract him into your life. At first you will see him just in a dream, and after a while you may run into him on the street, in the subway or at a friendly party. After all, our thoughts are material, and they can become our reality tomorrow...

Divination for the fulfillment of a wish

Ah, these desires... We all lack something in life, we always want something, and right away - here and now, we don't want to wait. And if it doesn’t work right away, then you need to at least know exactly what will come true and when (if it comes true, of course). That is why we are now trying to guess the fulfillment of desire.

Salt is not white death, but a reliable fortune teller

Now let's take a look at a few fortune-telling with salt. Yes, salt is also a magical element. Although, if you look, everything in our world has its own magic, we just do not notice it yet. But we have everything ahead ...

So, salt... Take about a thimble of salt and the same amount of water, mix and eat. Yes, it tastes disgusting, of course, but the results are sometimes simply amazing. You can’t drink anything else before going to bed, otherwise it will spoil all fortune-telling. Before going to bed, say a conspiracy three times: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - he will give me a drink” and fall asleep calmly, thinking about your loved one. You will be madly thirsty, I confess right away, but on the other hand, you will really see your betrothed in a dream, who, seeing how you suffer because of him, will certainly come and give you a drink. And in the morning you will not be thirsty at all.

The next method is usually called "Salty food", it is very similar to the previous one.

The only difference is that before going to bed you do not have to eat a whole thimble of salt. Just eat something salty - for example, herring, pickled cucumbers or pickled mushrooms, but then in no case do not drink, no matter how much you want. Now lie down in bed and imagine your betrothed, draw his image as brightly as possible for yourself and say a conspiracy: “My betrothed, mummers, come to me and give me a drink.” And at night your beloved will come to you and give you a drink, maybe he will not be the same as you planned, but he will definitely come. Now wait for a meeting with him, but not in a dream, but in reality.

I scratch my hair with five fingers ...

Hair divination. Ask your girlfriends for some hairs, you need one red hair, the second is light, and the third is dark. Take a gray hair from your grandmother, and you will also need a widow's hair. The last - the sixth hair - will be yours. Now cut seven squares out of paper and wrap each hair in a separate piece of paper. As you can see, there are six hairs, and seven pieces of paper, so do not put anything in the last seventh square, but simply wrap it empty. All the resulting seven bags should look exactly the same on the outside. Now put them under the pillow, saying: "What is my fate to be - I get such hair." Nothing more can be said tonight.

In the morning, when you wake up, immediately, without looking, pull out one bag from under the pillow and see what kind of hair is there. Red hair means that your husband will also be red and kind, gray - will be much older than you, dark - gloomy, harsh and unkind, light - blond. If you come across a widow's hair, you will either become a widow early or marry a widower, if your hair is yours, then you will live with your husband in perfect harmony, but if the envelope is empty, you still don’t have to count on a successful wedding, there is even a risk of staying old maid.

Hay, straw...

Fortune telling on straw is most interesting when there are a lot of people, so invite all your friends and girlfriends. And when midnight strikes, gather all in one room, light a candle and start ... As a result of this fortune-telling, you can find out the name of your betrothed. To do this, collect a heap somewhere: straw (as you can see, it is most convenient to carry out all these fortune-telling somewhere in the village), bring it to the house and beat, crumple and roll it in such a way that all the straws are tangled as much as possible and you it would turn out to be a straw ball that needs to be put on the table. Place a frying pan on top of the resulting lump, and put a medium-sized stone in the frying pan and pour some water. The structure is quite unstable, so be careful that it does not fall apart ahead of time.

Then everyone needs to shut up so that there is complete silence in the house, and only now you can guess. Each girl present should slowly, very carefully pull out one straw from the coma. As you understand, this is quite difficult to do, since twisted and tangled straws are pulled out poorly. To prevent the spikelet from breaking, the straw must be pulled very slowly. But if you have patience and skill, this fortune-telling will not disappoint you. At the same time, the water in the pan will splash slightly, the stone lying in the pan will scrape along the bottom, tremble and oscillate, making different sounds.

Listen carefully! It is in this sound that you should hear the name of your betrothed. In the ensuing silence, you will feel vague sounds that vaguely resemble human speech. They can even distinguish quite specific words. Of course, it’s not so easy right away, that’s why, while you are guessing, there should be complete silence in the room so that not a single sound clogs your hearing and does not distract your attention from trying to hear the name of the dearest person ...

Divination on a mitten

This method will simply help you determine whether it is worth waiting for a person who is somehow delayed. For example, your fiancé is stuck somewhere at work again or something worse... Take an ordinary mitten or mitten and throw it up to the ceiling as high as possible. And now watch how it will fall down: if the thumb is up, then this means that the one you are waiting for will definitely arrive, he is already on his way; and if the thumb is down, then, alas, today you are again out of luck. But maybe this person is not worth waiting for at all? Think...

a swan song

For this divination you will need a lot of wax. If you couldn’t get the wax, you can get out of the situation by taking a few large paraffin candles and melting them. From the resulting paraffin, while it is still warm, blind, as far as possible, to the best of your artistic abilities, a flock of swans (but do not forget that each swan must have a pair). There should be as many swans as the girls will participate in fortune-telling. Therefore, get together one evening with your friends and do “sculpting” ... Now paint the swan with blush, and let the swan remain white. Now you all have a pair of swans, remember where whose is, you can somehow mark them so as not to confuse them later.

Then you need to take a large basin or wooden tub and fill it with water about three-quarters. Although if there are few people and the swans are also small, then a small bowl or pan will be enough. Now each of you should carefully lower your pair into the water, and then cover the entire vessel with a piece of cloth. And before you go to bed, go and see how your swan swims with a swan. If they swim together, then your family life it will turn out well, you will live with your husband soul to soul, in full agreement, but if the swans parted in different directions, then you will not be lucky in marriage - quarrels and strife, constant conflicts, so think carefully before marrying in the future year.

Future on the water

Tell me, have you ever wondered how many children you will have and what gender? I think yes. So let's try to answer it with the help of fortune telling.

In the evening, pour water into a glass, dip the ring into it and put it outside in the cold. And somewhere around midnight, before going to bed, bring a glass into the house and see how the ice freezes. Count the number of tubercles formed and the number of holes or pits. The number of tubercles indicates how many sons you will have, and the number of holes indicates how many daughters. Now you know whether you will be a heroine mother of many children or you will have an ordinary family - a son and a daughter.

Despite the church ban on magical rites, Christmas divination for the betrothed is of interest to most young girls. Sometimes curiosity and the desire to look into the future with at least one eye turns out to be stronger than religious prejudices. In addition to studying popular types and features, knowledge about the origin of magical divination will be no less useful.

The history of the emergence of holy divination

Yuletide evokes associations with fun, carols, sleigh rides, and, of course, with magical fortune-telling.

It is not without reason that the imagination paints a vivid picture, because the description of festive evenings is well known from the stories of great writers. prototype literary heroes Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy, served the Russian people, who know a lot about fun winter holidays.

Ancestors began to celebrate Christmas time in ancient times. It is difficult to name the exact date of the appearance of the holiday, as well as divination. However, it is known that the custom took root, even during the reign of Vladimir the Great.

In the pre-Christian era, people believed in the pagan deity Svyatovit. Probably solemn winter festivities are named after him.

Unfortunately, little is known about this character. Modern historians believe that Svyatovit is one of the variations of the name of the ancient Slavic supreme god Perun. On holidays, it was customary to throw some tasty dishes into the oven to appease the celestial. In the hope of a good harvest, farmers brought gifts to their patron. It was believed that these days you can ask higher powers fulfillment of a wish. There were no problems with this, because they always helped to make sure of what they wanted.

With coming Christian religion, people increasingly began to practice Christmas divination for the future. In order not to anger the Almighty, on Epiphany the villagers plunged into the hole in the shape of a cross, thereby washing away their sins.

Over time, pagan traditions began to be forgotten or supplemented with new changes, mixing with other religious ideas:

  1. Celebrating Kolyada, children dressed up in animal costumes or fairytale heroes, then walked around the village and read carols. Years later, the Sun's birthday was replaced by Christmas, but the custom of caroling continues to this day.
  2. People began to cook kutya and go to visit in the evening. In the yards, on Christmas day, a fire was lit, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem. With the appearance of the first star on the holy evening, you need to guess cherished desire, and then it will surely come true.
  3. From the first day of the celebrations until January 14, the housewives did not sweep the rubbish out of the hut in order to immediately collect it in a pile and burn it on a fire near the house. The tradition symbolized the parting with old hardships and the transition to a new pure life. Gradually, the ritual began to be forgotten.
  4. IN old times, women of the older generation passed on to young women the methods of divination at Christmas time. Thanks to this, fortune-telling has not sunk into oblivion and is a success to this day.

There are two magical weeks in the middle of winter. They begin on January 6 on Christmas Eve, it should be noted that the ancestors chose this date for a reason. The people sincerely believed: on this night, evil and good forces invisible to the human eye.

During Christmas time, evil spirits weaken, from this divination, unlike ordinary days, it becomes not so terrible sin. Predictions are considered especially accurate on the "prophetic" Vasilevsky evenings on January 13 and.

The last night of Christmas divination is coming , the day before the baptism of the Lord.

Some rules must be followed:

  1. Most auspicious time for divination - midnight. It is believed that demonism wakes up at this hour. Dark forces they will show the image of the betrothed or tell what to expect in the future. Evening methods of divination are no less popular, they can be started at sunset.
  2. There should be absolute silence in the room, electric light and the presence of people is unacceptable. The process must be illuminated by candles.
  3. Remove all jewelry, including your belt, and let your hair down. During the session, do not cross your arms or legs, the cross position makes it difficult to transfer information.
  4. For the duration of the ritual, the icons should be taken out of the room. Saints are not supposed to protect the administering the sacrament.
  5. Having performed the rite at night, it is not recommended to talk to anyone until the morning, otherwise future spouse will not dream.

Before going to bed on Christmas Eve, pour into a cup of water. Tear off several rods at the broom, build a bridge over the water, saying:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, let him take me across the bridge

Place a container under the bed at the head, go to bed. In a dream image will come future husband in wedding attire. The dreaming young man should take you across the bridge, this will promise the next marriage.

You will need a sheet of paper, a frying pan and a lit candle.

Crumple the paper, mentally asking what awaits you in the near future. Then set fire to the paper in the pan.

Bring the burnt paper to the wall illuminated by the light, and consider the picture depicted on it. Turn the decayed leaf, the image may change, showing different episodes from the future.

You can interpret the seen figures in one of two ways:

The first is without searching for hidden meaning. For example, a house you see speaks of an upcoming home purchase or a lot of time spent at home.

The second is metaphorical decoding. For example, contours that resemble a building can be interpreted in different ways. Need to spend more time with loved ones or it's time to leave the parental home and find your own

This evening, decoration will help to tell about upcoming events for the coming year. At midnight, take a gold or silver chain in your right hand. Having crumpled a little, throw it on the table, and see what shape has formed:

  • Circle - in the coming year there will be many tests, in order to overcome them, efforts will have to be made.
  • An oval means almost the same as a circle, but in a softer form.
  • A flat line indicates a readiness to boldly embark on new beginnings, luck is on your side.
  • A triangle or rectangle signifies success.
  • The similarity of a bow promises an early meeting of the betrothed or a wedding with an already existing soulmate.
  • A letter appears - a new boyfriend will appear, whose name will begin with the laid out letter.
  • A figure resembling a snake warns of a vile person in the social circle, be careful.
  • The chain is tangled, creating a knot - coming year will be difficult in all areas.

One of the most famous native Russian ways of divination for a betrothed. At night, go outside, turn around the corner of the house. After walking a short distance, stop, remove the boot from your left foot and throw it over your shoulder. In which direction the sock will fall from there to wait for the matchmakers. A sock pointing at you means that there will be no wedding this year.

Prepare a wax candle, a tablespoon and a bowl of water. Break the candle into small pieces or grate so that the spoon is completely filled. Then hold a kitchen appliance near a candle that illuminates the room and melt the wax over the flame. Pour into the melted mass with a quick movement of the hand into the water.

It remains only to observe and interpret the meanings of the figures that have appeared:

  • Many small droplets - for money;
  • Wax lay down in strips - in the coming year there will be a lot of travel;
  • A fan has formed - problems in the workplace, conflicts with colleagues are possible. The clearer the drawing, the more serious the problems;
  • Grape - auspicious sign promising success;
  • Outlines of the mushroom - good health;
  • A figure resembling a dragon - one cherished desire will certainly come true;
  • Bell - to the news. Smooth outlines - the news will be good, curves - bad. Several bells - you will be worried about something;
  • One star or several - luck will accompany your studies and career;
  • Leaf of a tree - beware, intrigues are weaving behind your back;
  • Monkey - to betrayal and hypocritical friends;
  • Pants warn that an important choice will soon have to be made;
  • The flower promises positive changes in heart affairs, meeting a betrothed or a happy marriage;

It is believed that it is during the days of Christmas time that you can find out if you will get married next year, who will be betrothed, whether luck will accompany the whole year. Of course the night is old New Year is the best time to know your future. But if you didn’t manage to tell fortunes at the right time, don’t worry - Christmas Christmas time will continue until Epiphany Christmas Eve, and you can perform the sacrament until January 18.

For fortune-telling to be successful, a number of important rules. Before the ritual, you need to loosen your hair and untie the knots on your clothes. It is necessary to remove the belt, bracelets, chains, rings - all these are amulets that close our energy and prevent it from uniting with the energy of spirits. During divination, it is better not to cross your arms and legs. You can tell fortunes alone or in the company of friends, but in the room where the ritual takes place, it should be as quiet as possible. The mood and the right way to look into the future are important. Best time for the performance of the holy sacraments - midnight or the hours before sunrise.

Divination for the betrothed and marriage

Divination by mirrors

The most famous and mystical divination for the betrothed is by mirrors. In a dark room, they put a mirror in front of themselves, and a candle on the side of it, utter the spell “betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me” and peer into the mirror. The appearance of the groom will foreshadow the fluctuation of the candle flame and the misted mirror. As soon as this happens, the glass should be wiped with a towel. The groom should come up from behind and his reflection should appear in the mirror.

Divination with water

You need to bring a piece of ice or a lump of snow from the street, wait until it melts, and look at the rubbish that is in the water. If a hair is found, the betrothed will be rich, a stick or a sliver - with its own housing, a leaf - will be associated with science, a piece of paper - a military man.

Pour heated wax or egg white into a glass of water. If they fall to the bottom and spread like a pancake, then marriage is still a long time to wait. If they take the form of a candle, rings - soon a wedding.

Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

A transparent glass without edges and patterns is filled two-thirds with water, an engagement ring is carefully lowered into the glass. Three candles are lit and, without blinking, peer into the center of the ring, trying to see the face of the future spouse.

Divination with threads

It is necessary to cut the threads of the same length according to the number of fortunetellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest is the first. If the thread, without burning down to half, goes out for someone, this means that this girl will never marry.

Divination by matches

You need to insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox, identified with some guy and girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turn their heads to each other, it means that this pair will be together.

Divination on the log

In the dark, you need to find a thick stick and carefully examine it. If the tree turns out to be smooth, the husband will be good, with knots - bad, with cracks and crevices - evil.

Divination on the stairs

Make up a set of words that characterize a man. For example: widower - well done - daring - Sagittarius - poor - rich - old - married. Going down the stairs, say a rhyme. What word will fall out on the last step - such will be the husband.

Divination on the boot

The girl needs to go outside, turn to face the house and throw her boot over her shoulder. If he falls with his toe away from home, then this year she will marry and leave her home. If the toe is towards the house, he will remain with his parents for now.

Divination in the name

They go outside at night and ask the first man they meet for their name. What is his name - that will be the name of the betrothed.

Divination for a dream

They dissolve a pinch of salt in water, drink salt water before going to bed and say: “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummers, will give me a drink.” The groom will dream and give the bride a drink.

Four card kings are placed under the pillow and they say: “Whoever is my betrothed, he will come in a dream.”

They put a comb under the pillow and say these words: “My betrothed, come and comb me.”

Divination on the ring, bread and hook

They put the named objects under the scarf and turn five times around themselves. After that, without looking, these things are dragged from under the scarf. Got a hook - the husband will be poor, bread - rich, ring - beautiful.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight, you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, life in marriage will be free, if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live with your husband in quarrels all your life.

At midnight, you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, this means that the husband will be young and handsome, if the snowflakes scatter to the sides, the husband will be elderly.

Divination by phone

If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed.

Dial random phone number. If a man picks up the phone, ask for his name, this will be the name of your betrothed. If a woman picks up the phone, then a rival will stand on the way to personal happiness. And if the child responded, then you will get married, and you will have time to give birth to a baby, and you must look for a betrothed among those whom you already know. If a stranger does not want to tell you his name, this means that you will have many fans and, as a result, you will be able to create a strong relationship, but not so soon.

Divination for family life

Fortune telling on needles

Two needles need to be smeared with melted wax, lowered into water, make a wish and carefully monitor their behavior. If they drowned immediately, the wish will come true, if they are united, marriage is ahead, and if they parted, they will not see their betrothed. For married women, broken needles promise family problems, for men - problems in business.

Fortune telling on ice

It is necessary to fill a glass with water, lower the ring there and put it outside. By the number of hills on the surface of the ice, the number of sons is judged, and by the number of holes, the number of daughters.

Fortune telling

Divination by wax

At all times, this fortune-telling was one of the most popular. You need to drop wax into the water and carefully examine the resulting figure: if in the form of a wallet or banknote - to wealth, in the form of a house - to change your place of residence or buying a home, in the form of an embryo - to the birth of children, in the form of a heart - to true love.

Divination by shadow

You need to crumple a sheet of paper or newspaper into a loose lump, put it on a plate and set it on fire, and while it burns, pronounce your question aloud. After the paper is completely burned, you need to put a burning candle next to the plate and look at the shadow that the burnt paper casts on the wall. The figure that will appear will indicate the answer.

If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Divination on mirrors

In another divination, two mirrors are taken and placed opposite each other to form a long corridor. Two candles are lit so that they are reflected in the mirrors and illuminate the corridor. If you look into this corridor for a very long time, you can see a variety of events from your own future.

Fortune telling on peas, nuts or beans

The fortuneteller takes a handful of peas, nuts or beans and begins to put them one by one on the table, saying: "Luck - wealth - love - deceit - poverty - work - chores, worries - child - apartment - military uniforms." The choice of words may depend on what you want to find out about your own future. On which word the grains run out, it is waiting for you next year.

Divination on small objects

A company of young people and girls is gathering. Everyone puts some little thing on the tray: a key, a button, a cufflink, a handkerchief, a coin, a ring, an earring. They cover the tray with a towel, shake it, then, without looking, with their left hand, everyone pulls out what comes first: the key - a new home or car, a scarf - tears, a ring - marriage, an earring - good luck in a career, a coin - wealth, a button - a child , cufflink - travel.

The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination on paper

For this divination, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest, your desires. All stripes in random order placed in a wide bowl, into which water is poured. Strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that comes up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Divination by spruce branches

A fresh spruce branch is held over a candle and they say: “Queen spruce, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death? Wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity? A spruce branch is placed under the pillow. In the morning they take it out and examine it. The needles did not turn yellow and did not crumble - to health, wealth and mutual understanding in the family. Needles crumbled - to illness or quarrels.

You can treat divination and their predictions differently. The main thing is to believe in their veracity - and then you can really clarify your own future for yourself.