Despite the fact that in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, the Americans carried out quite intensive work in the field of tank building, and the famous "Christie" constantly submitted more and more new ideas, they attached little real importance to tanks. So, by the beginning of World War II, the US Army had no more than 400 vehicles of this type, and only 18 of them belonged to the medium category.

But after the German invasion of Poland and France and the events that followed, the attitude towards armored vehicles changed dramatically. Already in 1941, the production of the M-3 model began. This tank was quite original, as it had two guns at once: a 75 mm cannon and a 37 mm gun. Since the first one was installed in a sponson, only a 37 mm cannon was really used, which at least could be rotated. In addition, the height of more than three meters made "General Lee" an excellent gift for German gunners.

Realizing this, the Americans already in the autumn of that year began intensive work in the field of creating a new, more maneuverable and adapted vehicle for modern combat. This is how the Sherman tank was born. Perhaps it was the best American armored vehicles of that period.

A new approach to building a hull

To simplify and speed up production, the hull was made of rolled armor steel sheets. Unlike the "rectilinear" Germans, US engineers placed the top sheet at an angle of 47 °, its thickness was 50 millimeters. The stern plates were located at an angle of 10-12 °, the sides were straight.

The thickness of the side and stern sheets was 38 millimeters, on the roof - only 18 millimeters. Fastening of the forward part of the hull to the power elements is bolted. Note that the frontal part was assembled from seven rolled blanks at once, so the manufacturers faced difficult task to ensure the highest quality of welds. We can say that they coped with the task perfectly.

Why such a conclusion? In the small village of Snegiri there is a monument of two Shermans. Their hulls have long since turned red with a layer of rust, but the welded joints are still in perfect condition.

It should be noted that the Sherman tank produced in 1943-1944 is distinguished by an additional armor plate on the starboard side. This was done in order to place an additional set of shells on the floor of the fighting compartment (to ensure the security of the ammunition load). One pad was welded on the left side.

However, this did not help much against the Tigers' cannons: the history of the Sherman tank knows many cases when their shells pierced the car right through. But this could be said about any Allied tank, with the possible exception of the IS-2 and Pershing, which appeared at the very end of the war.

We can say that the duel - the Sherman tank against the Tiger in most cases ended in victory for the latter. The M-3 cannon pierced this model of a German tank almost from a pistol shot, while the KwK 36 L / 56 gun from the "German" could effectively hit the "Sherman" from about a kilometer.


The tower in the Sherman tank is cast, cylindrical. Mounted on a swivel base. Its frontal and side parts were protected by armor 75 and 50 mm thick. The stern of the tower had a thickness of 50 millimeters, the roof - 25 millimeters. The mantlet of the gun was the best protected, since the thickness of the armor in this place was 90 millimeters.

As you can see, the Sherman tank (the drawings of which are in the article) did not differ much in terms of protection from the legendary domestic T-34. Despite the assertions of American designers about the invulnerability of the gun mask, there were several cases throughout the war when enemy shells pierced the mask right through. This, as a rule, was the cause of the death of the loader.

This was especially pronounced in Normandy: the Panthers and Tigers easily hit the Sherman tank. General Eisenhower's rage was beyond description. Presumably, it was he who forced scientists and engineers to hurry up with the development of a normal tank with a good gun, which could fight on equal terms with German counterparts.

In principle, the general did not achieve much success: the Pershing appeared only at the end of the war, and he treated heavy tanks rather conditionally.


american tank"Sherman" was armed as standard:

  • The main weapon is the M3 cannon. Caliber 75 mm, subsequently introduced a long-barrel modification of 76 mm.
  • Large-caliber machine gun "Browning" M2NV, located directly above the hatch of the tank.

Do you play World of Tanks? The Sherman in this game roughly corresponds to the T-34 in terms of weapon balance, which reflects the real state of affairs. So, the armor-piercing shells of the "American" were much better than domestic ones, but they pierced a smaller armor thickness. On the other hand, domestic products were better in ballistics, only the tankers themselves rarely saw such shots, since the tungsten carbide used in their manufacture was very scarce and expensive.

Useful properties of armor

The Sherman tank had a good reputation among domestic tankers. And the point here is not only the convenience of internal equipment. So, the Americans had no problems with nickel and other armor additives. As a result, their armor turned out to be viscous: even if the hull was pierced, if the projectile did not kill one of the crew or disable the engine, the tank continued to perform its combat mission.

In domestic vehicles, the armor was solid. If the projectile pierced it (even in an area free from the engine or crew), a whole hurricane of small fragments of scale raged inside the car. Many tankers were killed or maimed for this very reason.

Crew working conditions

By the way, how did the crew of the Sherman tank feel in general? Quite decently, when compared with the conditions of Soviet cars. Firstly, everyone noted the high quality of the observation devices, which is why the tankers always had an excellent view. In addition, in addition to the main engine, a small gasoline engine was mounted in the tank for the charging station generator. Why was it valuable?

The fact is that the tank always needed a charged battery. To charge it on the T-34 in parking conditions, it was necessary to drive the main engine in vain. As a result - a huge waste of fuel and the exhaustion of an already meager motor resource. Finally, the inside of the Sherman tank was much more spacious, and the quality of the finish was higher.


In the back of the Sherman's hull there was a niche where a regular radio station was installed. The entrance hatch was located on the roof of the tower and was closed with a double-leaf lid. An anti-aircraft machine gun turret was also mounted there. In this way, the Sherman tank differed from Soviet vehicles, on which the machine gun began to be mass-produced only after the appearance of the IS-2. Since 1943, the towers began to be equipped with an oval hatch, designed for the loading and disembarking of the loader.

The fact is that the loader himself, the radio operator and even the mechanic simply could not get out of one hatch. Why did the driver also get out through it? It's simple: often the gun turned out to be jammed as a result of a successful hit by the enemy, after which the driver simply could not use the exit intended for him.

Soviet tankers on the T-34 suffered greatly from the gas contamination of the tower. The fact is that the fans, borrowed from the BT, “dangled” somewhere in the front of the tower, while the gun breech protruded strongly back. The power of the installation was so-so, and therefore most of the powder exhaust remained right there.

The Americans with their M-3s had roughly the same problem. But it was decided just the same in Sherman, by installing three fans at once, protected by armor caps.

Did the various modifications of the tank differ from each other?

Note that during the Second World War there were the following modifications of the Sherman tank:

  • M4. It featured a Continental R-975 carburetor engine and a simple welded body.
  • M4A1. The engine is the same as in the previous case, but the body is cast.
  • M4A2. It features a General Motors 6046 diesel engine (loved by Soviet tank crews), a welded hull.
  • M4A3, ("Sherman 3"). The tank was equipped with a carburetor-type Ford GAA power plant. The case is standard, made by welding.
  • Tank "General Sherman" M4A4. Again diesel RD -1820. Also made by welding.
  • M4A6. Similar to the previous variety in everything. Represents a late, post-war modification. It is distinguished by greater manufacturability and workmanship, the best radio station was installed on the car.

In addition, there was a "theoretical" model of the Sherman tank, M4A5. This name was reserved in case a facility producing American cars was also opened in Canada. These plans were not destined to materialize, but the name was never used. More precisely, the Canadian version (Grizzly 1) was actually produced from September 1942 to the autumn of 1943, but then the release was curtailed, since American supplies more than covered the needs of the country.

Model differences

Despite such a variety, outwardly these models practically did not differ from each other (except that the shape of the tower was excellent). The exception is the M4A1, which stood out sharply from the background of others with its cast body. The placement of the units, the gun and the undercarriage on all Shermans were exactly the same. It should be noted that American vehicles differed significantly from their Soviet and German counterparts in that they were equipped with overhead armor sets.

The tanks of the first series had viewing slots in the front plate. Only then they were completely covered with casings and periscopes were installed. Subsequently, the slope of the frontal armor also changed significantly: it was 47 °, and became 56 °. It is for this reason that the car in the World of Tanks game has average characteristics. "Sherman" there in many respects corresponds to the T-34. However, this is true (judging by the feedback of veterans).


In general, the M4 Sherman tank is a unique phenomenon in some way, since no one had such a number of engines that were installed on it. What caused it? Everything is simple. Until the Second World War, it seemed to the Americans that they did not need medium and heavy tanks in principle. Emphasis was placed on the development of aviation and navy, and in this area they did an excellent job.

When medium tanks were needed, the question arose of which engines to use for them? Aviation, of course, since there were plenty of aircraft manufacturing plants in America. By the way, it was precisely because of the star-shaped engine that was installed on the first Shermans that the car turned out to be high, because otherwise the motor would simply not fit there.

In addition, a “civilian” transmission was used, originally adapted for mass and cheap trucks. Its dimensions were large, since the designers in this case did not particularly bother with its compactness. However, the Sherman is a tank, the characteristics of which are quite consistent with the spirit of the times. In particular, the Germans also massively used parts from trucks in the development of the Pz.II, one of the most massive vehicles of that era.

Why were so many power plants used? Everything is also simple. During the war, the Americans not only needed aircraft themselves, but also supplied them to their allies. Accordingly, those enterprises that manufactured engines for them worked at the limit of their capabilities. Often, there were simply no motors planned for the design of tanks, which made it necessary to look for analogues. However, first things first.

Characteristics of power plants

The first modifications, that is, the M4 and M4A1, were powered by the Continental R975 C1 radial aircraft engine. He developed 350 Horse power, the number of revolutions was 3500 rpm. For comparison, the B-2 of the legendary T-34 developed an operating power of 400 horsepower, delivering 1700 rpm.

Detailed history of the Wright engine (Continental)

Initially, this motor was used for light aircraft. To make a Sherman tank engine out of it, the engineers had to work very hard. For example, it was necessary to "screw" the gearbox, which, for obvious reasons, was not needed by the aircraft. In addition, it was necessary to sharply increase the torque at low revs, as well as create a normal air purification system (dust clouds are rarely found in the sky), along with reducing the amount of oil consumed by the engine.

After a year of work, bench tests were carried out, on which the engine showed quite acceptable results. In 1940, the M2, the common ancestor of the Lee and Sherman with the Wright engine, was tested at the Aberdeen Proving Ground. In addition, British vehicles participated in the tests, which seemed "sluggish" next to the American tank. The military were satisfied, they liked the model, which would later be called the Sherman tank. The reviews were very good, it was recommended to take the car into service as soon as possible.

The total weight of the power plant was 515 kg. It should be noted that aviation fuel with an octane rating of at least 92 should have been used as fuel. The compression ratio was 6.3:1.

Some disadvantages

However, further tests showed that the military rejoiced early: at the slightest increase in the mass of the test vehicle, a lack of power began to be felt, and the cooling system could not cope with the increased load at all. In addition, due to the increase in temperature in the carburetor itself, the density of the air entering there sharply decreased, which caused a dangerous drop in power. Under such conditions, the engine of the Sherman tank could only work for 100 hours, after which it needed a full overhaul.

Reorientation of production

Because of this circumstance, they decided to take the production from the Wright company and transfer the issue to the larger Continental company. It was assumed that at least a thousand motors would be manufactured at its factories every month. By the way, for all the previous time, the Wrights produced only 750 engines.

New engineers enthusiastically undertook to clean up design flaws. First, the cooling system was redesigned. Secondly, they developed a new air purification filter. Finally, the production itself set strict requirements for the tolerances of manufactured parts, which is why the overall quality of the engines has increased significantly.

The M4A2 was equipped with a pair of six-cylinder diesel engines GM 6046. The engine developed a power of 375 horsepower. Number of revolutions - 2100 rpm. As we said above, our tankers liked the motor for its unpretentiousness, reliability and maintainability. Moreover, its engine life was several times higher than that of the T-34. In fairness, it's worth noting that these two medium tanks rarely endured more than three or four battles at the beginning of the war.

By 1944-1945 and 1946 (the war against Japan), the B-2 engine was somewhat brought to mind, so that the difference became not so noticeable. So, Sherman tanks in the Red Army, together with Soviet equipment, reached Manchuria under their own power. There were no special claims to Soviet or American-made cars.

Tanks with what engines were delivered to our country?

It is officially believed that only this model was supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease. But some Soviet tankers, who described the M4 Sherman tank, said that "it flared up like a match." Often there are also references to gasoline engines. All this suggests that in Soviet Union M4 or M4A1 were also supplied.

In addition, it can be assumed that a certain number of gasoline Shermans came to our country from England, where the United States supplied both diesel and gasoline modifications (British troops were equally provided with gasoline and diesel fuel). The Americans themselves used mainly gasoline modifications. The only exception was the marines, which had an unlimited supply of ship diesel fuel.

Actually, that is why the Sherman diesel was so popular in our country. The tank in the USSR (as well as in the USA) until about the 30s was considered an auxiliary unit, a consumable. When something more serious was required, it turned out that there was simply not enough gasoline for the tank hordes. I had to use diesel fuel, which in those years was considered a waste of oil refining.

The most "advanced" model was the M4A3. For her, a V-shaped eight-cylinder Ford GAA engine was specially developed. Its power was 500 horsepower. The most complex and cumbersome design was the M4A4: five car engines (regular, serial) set the tank in motion. Just imagine what and how the unfortunate mechanics who were forced to repair this miracle of engineering thought in case of breakdowns said.

Where are these cars now?

And where can you see the Sherman tank today? "Fury" (the historical facts in this film are more or less close to reality) shows these machines in the cinema. The troops of Paraguay (as of 2013) still have as many as four of these tanks. Many half-flooded and half-wrecked cars are found on the coast of the Philippines, where the Shermans were massively used to break through the Japanese defenses. The Sherman tank is advertised by the World of Tanks game, where it is quite popular.

The first 26 Shermans arrived in the USSR in November 1942. The 5th Guards Tank Brigade and the 563rd Separate Tank Battalion of the North Caucasian Front were the first to receive new tanks. On January 5, 1943, the 563rd separate battalion consisted of nine Shermans and 21 MZ Stuarts, and on January 17, 1943, the 5th Guards Tank Brigade had only two Shermans, four MZ Lees, 16 MZ Stuarts and 18 Walltains.

In accordance with order No. 08 / OR of the front commander, the 563rd separate battalion became part of the 5th guards tank brigade. At the same time, all Shermans from both units were assembled as part of the 5th GvTB, and the 563rd battalion received nine MZ Stuart tanks from the 5th Guards Brigade.

These rearrangements were aimed at completely transferring the battalion to light tanks, since it was planned to use it in the amphibious assault in South Ozereyka.

Tank M4A2 "Sherman" senior lieutenant Sumarokov, 3rd Ukrainian Front, winter 1944.

BT-5 and M3A1 "Stuart", 192nd tank brigade. Kalinin Front, December 1942.

M4A2 Sherman tanks, 71st separate tank regiment, 5th Guards Cavalry Corps, 2nd Ukrainian Front, Romania, September 1944.

M4A2 Sherman, 6th Tank Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, Botosani, Romania, August 1944.

M4A2 Sherman tanks, 6th Panzer Army, Romania, August 1944.

Destroyed and abandoned M4A2 Sherman cars from an unidentified unit, Kovel region, April 1944.

German tank M4A2 "Sherman" from the 14th Panzer Division. Previously, the tank belonged to a unit of the 2nd Baltic Front, October 1944.

Column of M4A2 Sherman tanks, 5th Guards Tank Army, May 1944

M4A2 Sherman, 2nd Panzer Army, Lublin region, July 1944. A column of Polish infantry from the 1st Infantry Division.

M4A2(76W) "Sherman", 1st Guards Mechanized Corps. Tank supporting infantry action, Vienna, April 1945.

Lieutenant I. G. Dronov and Sergeant N. Idrisov in front of the Sherman, 1st Guards Mechanized Corps, Vienna, April 16, 1945.

M4A2 (76) Sherman tanks, 9th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 6th Guards Tank Army, Vienna, April 1945.

M4A2(76)W Sherman, 1st Guards Mechanized Corps, Vienna, April 1945.

M4A2(76)W Sherman, 2nd Tank Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, Berlin, April 1945.

M4A2(76) Sherman tanks, 2nd Ukrainian Front, Berlin, May 1945.

Top photo - M4A2 Sherman medium tanks, unknown cavalry unit, Poland, autumn 1944. The tank is equipped with T49 tracks.

Bottom photo - M4A2(76)W Sherman, 2nd Panzer Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, Berlin, April 1945.

M4A2 (76) "Sherman", 64th Guards Tank Regiment of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Gdansk region, January 1945.

M4A2 "Sherman", unknown part. Crossing near Narva, February-March 1944.

Top photo - Sherman, 2nd Panzer Army, Lublin suburbs, July 26, 1944.

Bottom photo - M4A2(76)W Sherman, 9th Mechanized Corps, 6th Tank Army, Trans-Baikal Front, Manchuria, August 1945.

Soviet tankers well received the M4A2 Sherman tanks. On October 23, 1943, the 5th Guards Tank Brigade reported:

“Due to its high speed, the M4A2 tank is very convenient for pursuit, has great maneuverability. The armament is quite consistent with its design, as it has fragmentation and armor-piercing shells (blanks), the penetrating ability of which is very high. The 75-mm cannon and two Browning machine guns are trouble-free in operation. The disadvantages of the tank include a large height, which is a target on the battlefield. Armor, despite the large thickness (60 mm), is of poor quality, as there were cases when at a distance of 80 meters it made its way from the PTR. In addition, there were a number of cases when Yu-87s bombed tanks from 20-mm cannons and pierced the side armor of the turret and side armor, as a result of which there were losses among the crews. Compared to the T-34, the M4A2 is more easily controlled, more enduring when making long marches, since the engines do not require frequent adjustment. In combat, these tanks work well."

The smoothness of the Shermans was appreciated by the paratroopers. Old soldiers recalled that in the second half of 1944, M4A2 tanks were used to hunt German Faustniks. Six to eight machine gunners climbed onto the tank, who tied themselves with straps to the brackets on the armor. The tank was driving, and the soldiers fired at all suspicious objects at a distance of 100-150 m from the tank.

This tactic was nicknamed "broom". Only Shermans were suitable for its implementation. On the T-34, due to the too rigid suspension, the landing force was shaking and there was no question of any aimed shooting. It should also be noted that the crew of the Sherman is more comfortable than the thirty-four.

In July 1943, the 299th separate tank regiment, with 38 M4A2 tanks, arrived in the 48th Army of the Central Front. But mass equipping of tank units of the Red Army with Sherman tanks began only in the spring of 1944.

Two types of units equipped with M4A2 Sherman tanks can be distinguished: separate mixed tank regiments and tank or mechanized corps. The regiments usually had 11 M4A2 tanks and ten Valentine IX tanks. They operated as part of combined arms armies on various fronts.

Tank and mechanized corps were part of tank armies. For example, the 3rd Stalingrad Guards Mechanized Corps operated as part of the 3rd Belorussian Front on June 22, 1944, had 196 tanks: 110 M4A2, 70 Valentine IX, 16 T-34. The 2nd and 4th Guards Mechanized Corps were fully equipped with Soviet tanks.

The 3rd Guards Tank Corps (1st Baltic Front) was also equipped with allied tanks. On August 15, 1944, the corps had 99 Shermans and 23 Valentine IXs. In May 1944, the 1st Mechanized Corps was equipped with allied tanks. Red Guard of the 1st Belorussian Front. The brigades and regiments of the corps had 136 M4A2 tanks, 44 Valentine IX tanks, five Valentine X tanks, 21 SU-76 self-propelled guns, 21 SU-85 self-propelled guns, 43 BA-64 armored vehicles and 47 Scout Cars. From July 29, 1944, the corps participated in the battles near Slutsk and Baranovichi, and later participated in the liberation of Brest. The 5th Guards Tank Army - the main strike force of the 3rd Belorussian Front during Operation Bagration - was the largest strike formation, equipped with a noticeable number Western technology. In total, the army had 350 T-34 tanks. 64 Shermans, 38 Valentine IX tanks, 29 IS-2 tanks, 23 ISU-152, 42 SU-85 self-propelled guns, 22 SU-76, 21 M10 and 37 SU-57.

With the liberation of Belarus begins the qualitative development of the Soviet tank forces. According to the degree of training, experience and ability to conduct combat operations Soviet tank units caught up with units and formations of all levels of the Wehrmacht and SS troops.

On July 2, 1944, five Sherman tanks, led by senior lieutenant G. G. Kiyashko (from the 9th Guards Mechanized Brigade of the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps) attacked the enemy and crossed the Berezina in the first echelon. Then the tankers received an order to immediately break into the town of Krasnoe, and in the absence of enemy resistance, take the place. The enemy garrison did not expect an attack, so the tanks broke into the streets of the town, packed with German trucks. Shooting from cannons and machine guns, throwing hand grenades, crushing the caterpillars of tanks, the tankers destroyed the Nazi equipment. Several tanks broke through to the neighboring railway station.

The commander of another platoon, Lieutenant Smirnov, received a radio message from Kiyashko and managed to intercept two locomotives and several wagons from which military equipment was being unloaded. Soon the Nazis were finally driven out of the town. During the battle, the guards destroyed four field guns, almost 30 vehicles, killed 80 German soldiers, while losing only one "Sherman" foreman A. E. Bashmakov. The tankers cut the highway and the railway leading to Minsk. Kiyashko ordered that three serviceable Shermans organized an ambush, and the car of E. N. Smirnov, which, as a result of a ram, received damage to the turret rotation mechanism, took the wounded and retreated to the location of the main forces of the brigade.

Soon, the remaining Soviet tanks were attacked by the German group, retreating from Minsk to Molodechno through Krasnoye. Against the crews of three Soviet tanks, 20 tanks and self-propelled guns (including several Panthers) and up to an infantry battalion were thrown. In a few hours of battle, three Shermans knocked out six German tanks PzKpfw IV, one Panther and a StuG III self-propelled artillery mount were destroyed to a company of infantry. But the forces were not equal. All Soviet tanks were hit, the rest of the crews managed to get through to their own.

Meanwhile, with the approach of the main forces of the brigade, the battles for the city of Krasnoye flared up with new force. On July 3, having lost seven Shermans, the tankers did not take the city. The German defense was solid. The next day, bypassing the city from the flanks, our units forced the enemy to begin a retreat, and on July 5, the Soviet cavalry of General Oslikovsky broke into Krasnoe and completely cleared the city of the Germans.

Tank chassis M4A2 (76) W HVSS "Sherman" with 23-inch tracks. The chassis was used to start generators until the end of the 60s. Separate machines were used in practice as early as 1996! In the summer of 1945, the USSR managed to get a batch of such tanks that it used in the war with Japan.

Tanks M4A2 (76) W "Sherman", 9th mechanized corps of the 6th tank army. Trans-Baikal Front, building before the start of the war with Japan, August 8, 1945.

Tanks "Sherman" were used in the Red Army until the end of the war. For example, the 8th Guards Alexandria Mechanized Corps of the 2nd Belorussian Front on January 14, 1945 had 185 M4A2s, five T-34s, 21 ISs, 21 SU-85s, 21 SU-76s, 53 Scouts, 52 BA-64s and 19 ZSU M17. The 9th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 2nd Ukrainian Front on August 10, 1944 consisted of 100 M4A2, 40 Valentine IX and three SU-76s, and the 5th Guards Cavalry Corps on August 5, 1944 had 26 T-34, 41 M4A2 and 19 SU-76s. Tanks "Sherman" took Vienna (as part of the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps) and participated in the Berlin operation (as part of the troops of the 2nd Tank and 33rd armies). They ended their combat path in the Red Army on pacific ocean: during the war with Japan, more than 250 of these vehicles were part of the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front, in the 9th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 6th Guards Tank Army there were 137 Shermans, in the 201st Tank Brigade - 65, and in the 48th separate tank battalion two T-34s, two Shermans and two SU-100s.

As you know, during the Second World War, several modifications of the most massive American medium tank M4 "General Sherman" were produced. It should be emphasized that all of them did not fundamentally differ from the basic version in terms of their tactical and technical characteristics. The reasons that prompted the factories to start producing them were more of a technological nature, taking into account the capabilities of a particular enterprise, traditional allied factories, etc. From February 1942 to July 1945, six main modifications of the M4 tank were in mass production. the main distinguishing features of which were the type of power plant and the method of manufacturing the hull. So, the M4 and M4A1 models were equipped with Continental R-975 star-shaped carburetor engines and had a welded and cast body, respectively. General Motors 6046 diesel engines were installed on the tanks of the M4A2 variant, Ford GAA carburetor engines, M4A4 - blocks of five Chrysler A57 carburetor automobile engines and, finally, on the M4A6 - diesel RD-1820. All these modifications had welded hulls.

From the point of view of the layout of the power compartment, the General Motors 6046 and Ford GAA engines turned out to be the most successful. However, the first, which was a pair of automotive diesel engines, did not meet the requirements of the US Army, in which the carburetor engine was considered standard. Therefore, the M4A2 tanks were mainly supplied to the allies of the United States in the anti-Hitler coalition and only in small quantities entered service with the US Marine Corps. As for the second, it became the "heart" of the most massive modification of the Sherman.

The first copy of the new tank, designated M4AZ, was manufactured by the Ford Motor Company at the end of May 1942. Serial vehicles of early production still had viewing slots in the frontal part of the hull, but the transmission hatch cover was already cast, and the upper frontal hull sheet, unlike other models, was welded from a smaller number of parts. The release of the first M4AZ series with a 75-mm cannon and a dry ammo rack was completed in September 1943, and in February 1944, the production of these tanks, but with a wet ammo rack (model M4A3 (75) W), was started by the Fisher Tank Arsenal plant. Tanks with a 76-mm gun began to leave the shops of the Detroit Tank Arsenal plant, which was part of the Chrysler concern, in March 1944. Until the end of September, 1400 M4A3 (76) W were manufactured, which also had a vertical suspension and tracks 421 mm wide. But already in August, they began to produce the M4A3(76)W HVSS variant with a horizontal suspension, in the production of which from September to December 1944 the Fisher Tank Arsenal plant also took part, which produced 525 units. The production of the M4A3(76)W HVSS in Detroit ended in June 1945, when the last 1217th tank of this modification left the plant. Thus, a total of 1742 M4A3(76)W HVSS tanks were shelled.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning right away that the official index assigned by the Military Department is M4A3 (76) W HVSS, which contained in encrypted form all the main stages of modernization of the M4AZ tank (“76” - 76-mm cannon, W - wet ammo rack, HVSS - horizontal suspension system), did not take root in the troops. A simpler version of the index - M4A3E (J, which this tank was designated at the testing stage, on the contrary, gained wide popularity. Everyone called this car - from a soldier to a general. The letter "E" in the index, which in American system designations receive prototypes, the soldiers deciphered in their own way, giving the tank they loved the nickname Easy Eight - “convenient eight”. On this machine, deservedly considered best version M4AZ, it makes sense to dwell in more detail.

The hull of the M4AZE8 tank was welded from rolled armor plates. Its frontal part consisted of a massive cast part, which simultaneously served as a transmission hatch cover and a crankcase for the turning mechanism, and a top sheet 108 mm thick, located at an angle of 56 ° to the vertical. In its lower part, on the right, a ball mount of a 7.62 mm Browning М1919А4 machine gun was mounted. The sides of the hull were vertical and had a thickness of 38 mm.

The aft part of the hull consisted of two inclined (10 ° ... 12 °) sheets - upper and lower. The upper one was offset relative to the lower one so that a pocket was formed between them for the exit of air coming from the fans. In front of the hull roof above the control compartment, there were oval landing hatches for the driver and his assistant, located across the hull and having MB observation devices built into the covers; between hatches - exhaust fan. In the middle part of the roof of the hull, a fixed shoulder strap of the tower was attached, around which a protective armored visor was welded. In the aft part of the roof there was a large overhead hatch, closed with a double-leaf lattice cover.

On the roof of the T23 cast tower there was a commander's cupola with six triplex glass blocks and a MB periscope observation device, an oval loader hatch, an MB observation device hatch, an anti-aircraft machine gun bracket and an antenna input. On the left side of the tower there was a hatch for firing personal weapons, and a fan of the fighting compartment was mounted on the stern. The walls of the tower had a thickness of 63.5 mm, the roof - 25.4 mm. In front of the turret, in the M62 mask installation (armor shield thickness - 90 mm), a 76-mm M1A1S or M1A2 gun with a barrel length of 52 calibers was placed. The gun barrel was equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake. Vertical aiming was possible in the range from -10 ° to + 25 °. The gun had a vertical wedge gate and copier-type semi-automatics. A coaxial Browning M1919A4 machine gun was mounted next to the cannon in a mask, and a 12.7 mm Browning M2NV anti-aircraft machine gun was mounted on the roof of the turret. A 2-inch MZ smoke grenade launcher was located on the left front of the turret roof. The aiming of the gun at the target was carried out using the M71D telescopic sight and the M4A1 periscope sight with the built-in M47A2 telescopic sight. The gun was stabilized in the vertical guidance plane. The Westinghouse stabilizer belonged to the type of gyroscopic stabilizers with indicator pendulum gyroscopes and a power hydraulic servo system.

The tower was driven by a hydroelectric rotary mechanism or manually. With the help of a hydroelectric mechanism, the tower could be rotated 360 ° in 15 seconds. The mechanism had an additional drive to the tank commander, when turned on, the gunner's drive was turned off.

The tank's ammunition consisted of 71 artillery arrows, 600 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber, 6250 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber and 12 smoke fans. The M4AZE8 tank had a so-called wet-type ammunition rack, as evidenced by the letter W in its designation (W - wet - wet). The ammunition was stored in two boxes located on the bottom of the hull and filled with water. So that the water does not freeze in winter, ethylene glycol was added to it. The placement of ammunition on the floor of the fighting compartment increased the survivability of the vehicle, and filling it with water helped save it from detonation.

In the power department, an 8-cylinder V-shaped Ford GAA liquid-cooled carburetor engine with a maximum power of 500 hp was installed. at 2600 rpm. The capacity of the fuel tanks was 635 liters of gasoline with an octane rating of at least 80.

The torque from the engine, located in the stern, with the help of a cardan shaft passing under the rotating polycom of the tower, was transmitted to the double-disk main located in the control compartment in the bow of the tank.

dry friction clutch, gearbox, double cylindrical differential and final drives Gearbox five-speed, mechanical with .. helical gears of constant mesh with synchronizers in all gears, except 1st and reverse

The undercarriage of the M4AZE8 tank in relation to one bot consisted of six double rubber-coated road wheels, interlocked in pairs in three balanoir trucks suspended on two horizontal buffer springs each, three single and two double support rollers of a rubber-coated guide wheel of the drive wheel front location with removable gear rims (lantern gearing) Each caterpillar had 79 single-ridged toaks 584.2 mm (23 inches) wide, the track pitch was 152 mm. Metal or rubber-metal tracks with a silent block. A hydraulic shock absorber was installed in each suspension bogie.

The engine, transmission and chassis allowed the 33.7-ton combat vehicle to reach a maximum speed of 42 km / h on the highway. The cruising range was 160 km.

All tanks were equipped with radio stations SCR 508, 528 and 538 The SCR 506 radio station was available only on command tanks.

M4AZE8 tanks began to enter the American troops in Europe on December 1, 1944 - at the height of the German counteroffensive in the Ardennes. In particular, the 4th Panzer Division of the 3rd American Army successfully used them in heavy battles near Bastogne in late December - early January 1945. From the previous version - M4A3 (76) W - these tanks differed only undercarriage, but this turned out to be a lot. Wide tracks made it easier for new tanks to move through snow and muddy ground, for which they immediately fell in love with tankers. And no wonder - // the body pressure in M4AZE8 was 0.77 kg / cm2 versus 1 kg / cm2 in M4A3! The use of T66 greasy caterpillars with developed grousers further improved patency. The crews also evaluated the characteristics of the horizontal suspension - it turned out to be much softer than the vertical one. When driving over rough terrain, the tank got rid of the longitudinal buildup, and on the highway, in terms of ride comfort, it became comparable to a car. The increased smoothness of the course also had a positive effect on the accuracy of shooting, reducing the load on the gun guidance stabilizer. All these advantages of the M4AZE8, combined with the reliability and ease of operation traditional for Shermans, apparently became the reason for its nickname.

In the troops, the “comfortable eights” were not subjected to any alterations and improvements, with the possible exception of the constant desire of the crews to at least somehow strengthen their armor protection. . tanks of those years of the Soviet T-34-85 and the German Pz.IV. With the latest M4AZE8, he could generally fight on an equal footing! But the Germans also had a "Panther" and an 88-mm cannon Pak 43 - the most terrible nightmare American tankers Both of them easily "pierced" an American tank at a distance of 1000 m and even more. In fact, from the moment they landed in Normandy, American tankers began to hang caterpillar garlands on the sides of combat vehicles. In the 14th Panzer Division, they went even further and welded on board frame structures filled with sandbags. But perhaps the most professional and thorough approach to solving this issue was in the 3rd Army of General George Patton. After the end of the fighting in the Ardennes, armor plates began to be welded onto the M4A3E8 hulls. carved from wrecked American and German tanks. Moreover, exactly the same sheet was welded onto the inclined sidewall sheet, which doubled its thickness. Thinner sheets were fastened to the cast cover of the transmission side of the hull and turret. Very quickly, the 3rd Army realized that it would not be possible to cope with such work with the help of army repair shops alone. Therefore, in February 1945 By the end of the month, 106 M4AZE8 tanks for three tank divisions - the 4th, 6th and 11th - were involved in strengthening the armor protection of the tanks. Thus, each received 36 cars.

Work on strengthening the armor of tanks turned out to be very popular with the crews of Tak nappimer. according to tankers from the 6th Panzer Division, tanks with additional armor easily withstood the shelling of the 75-mm gun of the Panther tank. As a result, in March 1945, the armoring of combat vehicles continued. The example of the 3rd Army was followed by separate formations of the 7th and 1st armies. In some, for example, in the 3rd Panzer Division, additional armor was carried out according to the appeal developed in the army by General Paton, in others they created their own schemes.

In the meantime, in the 3rd Army, ridimo not satisfied with one additional armor, they started re-arming the "convenient eights" On the part of the machines, a coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun for yenili on a large-caliber - 12.7-mm At the same time, its barrel protruded noticeably beyond the dimensions of the anti-aircraft mask installation the large-caliber machine gun was moved forward by welding its bracket in front of the loader's hatch. Well, in front of the commander's cupola they placed the bracket of the non-standard 7.62-mm Browning М1919А4 machine gun. With such an additional armament, the air defense capabilities increased slightly, since it was impossible to shoot at the aircraft from both machine guns at once - they simply interfered with each other But for the battle in the village, for the shelling of the lower floors of buildings, where the German "faustniks" could sit down. two machine guns were most welcome

The M4AZE8 tanks, as well as the Shermans of other modifications, fought until the end of the Second World War, and then were in service with the battalions of medium tanks of tank divisions until the mid-1950s. These combat vehicles were actively used in the war in Korea

It must be said that the situation tank units p USA by the summer of 1950 was deplorable. Numerous American armored forces after the end of the Second World War were almost completely demobilized. On the territory of the country there were only three (!) Tank battalions of the 6th (M26 tanks), the 70th training in Fort Knox (M4AZ and M26 / and the 73rd in the infantry school in Fort Beniing (M26; Under these conditions, the command 8th Army, Military, which were located in Japan and South Korea, removed from storage and repaired 54 M4AZE8 tanks and formed the 89th battalion from them, which arrived at the Pusan ​​bridgehead at the end of July 1950, and entered the battle on 2 August. A company of "Shermans" attacked the Serero-Korean positions near Masan, "ran into" the positions of a 45-mm platoon anti-tank guns lost 8 tanks and withdrew

There were few tank battles in Korea. The main losses of the side were from artillery fire, bazooka and anti-tank rifles Against the Korean T 34-85 tanks, the Americans sought to use their M26 and M46, which surpassed the Soviet machine in both firepower and armor protection. The first clash between the T-34-85 and M4AZE8 occurred at the end of September 1950, when the American troops that landed at Inchon made their way towards the troops from the Pusan ​​bridgehead. M4AZE8 were knocked out in a matter of seconds. Then one T-34-85 “ironized” the transport convoy, smashing 15 trucks and jeeps to pieces, and was hit by a point-blank shot from a 105-mm howitzer. Another four T-34-85s became victims of bazooka fire, and the core of the Serero-Korean tanks knocked out the main forces of the 70th tank battalion that had approached from the rear

At the end of 1950, American troops in Korea numbered 1,326 tanks, 679 of which were M4AZE8. The Chinese People's Volunteer troops went on the offensive in October 1950, at first they had no tanks at all. However, having abandoned 31 infantry divisions against 18 American ones, the Chinese pushed them back beyond the 38th parallel by the beginning of 1951. By mid-January, 670 tanks remained in the 8th Army, of which 317 were M4AZE8 and M4AZE5). Active in April fighting on the land front in Korea ended. At the same time, the combat career of the "convenient eight" was practically over.

They were not supplied to other countries - there were enough "Shermans" of other modifications, which turned out to be in abundance in the USA, Great Britain and France after World War II. Apparently, the most recent and noticeable combat episode with their participation is associated with Cuba. Seven M4AZE8 were in service with the Batista regime and were used against the rebels. In December 1958, in the city of Santa Clara, the partisans captured five Shermans without a fight - Che Guevara persuaded the tankers and they went over to the side of the rebels. On January 1, 1959, Havana rebelled, Batista's regime was swept away. And on January 8, the Rebel Army entered the city. Fidel Castro greeted the jubilant havanzers, standing in the open hatch of a comfortable figure eight.

M. Baryatinsky,
"Model designer" No. 3 "2006

This tank, launched into serial production in 1942, soon became the main one, which was armed with armor tank forces not only the USA, but also England. The Sherman tank was also supplied under Lend-Lease to the USSR. It differed from the M3 series mainly in the hull configuration and armament layout. The power transmission scheme, its layout and design of the main units remained the same, which was due to the desire during the transition to new type machines to maintain high production rates.

In an effort to improve combat performance, American designers during 1942 and 1943 developed seven modifications of the M4, of which four were adopted: M4 (basic version), M4A1, M4A3 and M4A4. Cars various modifications differed from each other in manufacturing technology (for example, the frontal part of the hull was made entirely by casting or assembled on bolts from three cast parts, or welded from cast and rolled parts), armament (guns with a caliber of 75-mm and 76.2-mm, 105- mm howitzer), engines, chassis design and power transmission. Two variants of the M4A3 modification are evaluated as the most successful: M4A3E2 and M4A3E8. The first variant is distinguished by enhanced armor protection: the thickness of the turret armor has been increased to 152 mm, shielding has been installed in front and along the sides, due to which the armor thickness has been increased to 77 mm. The second option, M4A3E8, has armament reinforced by installing a long-barreled 76.2 mm gun and armor reinforced by 15 - 20 mm. This variant was produced from 1945 as the main medium tank. In total, more than 48 thousand M4 tanks of all modifications were produced during the Second World War.

In April 1941, the Rock Island Arsenal presented five draft versions of the M4 tank to the command of the armored forces. As a result, we chose the most a simple circuit using M3 elements with a completely new cast or welded body. The 75-mm cannon was placed in a turret, on the roof of which a machine gun was installed in the turret. As in the M3, hatches were provided in the sides of the hull. The model of the machine, designated as T6, was built in May 1941, and a prototype with a cast hull and some design changes (without a turret) was also assembled at the Aberdeen Proving Ground on September 19, 1941.

Looking at the Canadian tank "Ram" one could assume that the T6 had an influence on him. However, documents and chronological comparison of events refute this. The first production Ram, built by the Montreal Locomotive factory, was tested at the Aberdeen Proving Ground from July to October 1941 and is compared in reports to the M3 rather than the T6.

After the German invasion of Russia in June 1941, on the personal order of President Roosevelt, the production level planned for 1942 - 1000 medium tanks per month - was doubled. To do this, it was necessary to attract new enterprises: Pacific Car and Foundry, Fisher, Ford, and Federal Machine and Welder. In October 1941, the T6 entered service under the designation M4 and planned its mass production, including at 11 factories that produced the M3 in 1942. In September 1941, Fisher was offered to organize a second line in Grand Blanc, Michigan . The construction of the Grand Blanc Tank Arsenal, focused on the production of the M4, began in January 1942, and the production of vehicles in July of the same year, although at that time Fisher was already producing the M4 at one of its factories.

The M4 prototype, built by Lima Lokomotiv in February 1941, is distinguished by the absence of side hatches. IN next month firms Lima, Pressd Steel and Pacific Car and Foundry produced the first M4A1 machines with a cast body. By the autumn of 1942, all the factories involved in the program had launched mass production, and in October the British M4 entered the battle near El Alamein for the first time. M4 tanks were the most massive in the Allied forces during the Second World War. Although it did not have strong armor and armament compared to German and Soviet tanks, the M4 successfully combined ease of maintenance, reliability, speed, strength and uncomplicated design. This contributed to the development of mass production of machines for commercial enterprises who did not have Peaceful time experience in the production of military products. In terms of cost / efficiency, the M4 was optimal for its time, and this was reflected in production in 1942-46. 40,000 M4 tanks (and vehicles on its chassis).

The M4 had the same chassis as the M3. However, in addition to the earliest modifications of the bogie, the suspensions were changed: the supporting rollers were attached behind, not in the middle. The hull could be welded, cast, or welded with a front piece assembled from cast and rolled parts, while the 75 mm gun was mounted in a simple cast turret and equipped with a gyroscopic stabilizer, as on the M3 tank. Initially, the tank was equipped with an air-cooled Continental radial engine, but their constant shortage (they were also used in the aircraft industry) forced the use of other variants of power plants, which increased the number of serial modifications. M4 "Sherman" had a crew of 5 people, could fire armor-piercing shells.

Early vehicles had a three-piece bolted nose hull and inspection hatches (later removed) for the driver and his assistant. They had a narrow mask of the M34 gun mount. On the following machines, a one-piece cast nose part of the hull and the M34A1 gun mount with a wide mask were used. On the machines of the last batches (from the end of 1943), the forehead of the hull was made of cast and rolled parts.

M4 were produced by the following companies:

  • "Press Steel" (1000 tanks, from July 1942 to August 1943)
  • "Baldwin" (1233, from January 1943 to January 1944),
  • "Amerikam Lokomotiv" (2150, from February to December 1943),
  • "Pulman" (689, from May to September 1943),
  • Detroit Arsenal (1676, from August 1943 to January 1944).

In total - 6748 tanks.

М4А1- the same M4, but with a cast body. The machines of the first batches had undercarriage bogies similar to the M3, 75-mm M2 guns with a counterweight to the muzzle of the barrel, and coaxial fixed course machine guns in the frontal hull plate. These machine guns, as well as the viewing hatches in the front plate, were soon eliminated, and after the release of several machines, 75-mm M3 guns began to be installed. The bow of the hull, assembled from three parts, was replaced with one cast part, and on the machines of the following batches gun mountМ34А1, wings and anti-dust screens of caterpillars.

М4А1 were produced by firms:

  • "Lima" (1655, February 1942 to September 1943)
  • "Press Steel" (3700. from March 1942 to December 1943)
  • "Pacific Car and Foundry" (926, from April 1942 to November 1943).

In total - 6281 tanks.

M4A2. The second serial modification differed from the M4 by the installation of two General Motors diesel engines due to a shortage of Continental engines. This modification did not receive the bow part of the hull made of cast and rolled armor parts.

М4А2 were produced by firms

  • "Fischer" / "Grand Blanc" (4614, from April 1942 to May 1944),
  • "Pulman" (2373, from April 1942 to September 1943),
  • "American Locomotive" (150, from September 1942 to April 1943),
  • "Baldwin" (12, from October to November 1942),
  • "Federal Machine and Welder" (540. from December 1942 to December 1943).

Total - 8053 tanks. Used only by the US Army. Most went to lend-lease supplies (including the USSR).

Not so long ago, another Hollywood military blockbuster "Fury" with Brad Pitt, who played a tough tank sergeant, came out in the world film distribution. The film turned out to be rather ambiguous and caused a lot of discussion, but everyday work tank crew it shows up pretty well. However leading role it was not Pitt who played in this picture, but the famous American M4 Sherman tank, which in the film has given name Fury - "Rage".

M4 "Sherman" was the main medium tank of the American army during World War II. The tank got its name in honor of American General William Sherman.

In addition to the US armed forces, this combat vehicle was also supplied to the American allies: Great Britain, the USSR, Australia, and Canada. After the end of the war, the Shermans were in service with Israel, Pakistan, Italy, France, India, Japan and Yugoslavia.

As part of the lend-lease program, the USSR received more than 4,000 Sherman tanks. Soviet tankers called this combat vehicle "emcha" (from the designation M4) and loved it. To get to serve on an American tank was considered good luck. The convenience of the crews favorably distinguished the M4 from any Soviet vehicles. Also, Soviet tankers noted the high level of production of Shermans, excellent quality appliances and a powerful walkie-talkie. Every American tank was equipped with a coffee maker, a fact that invariably produced Soviet soldiers powerful impression.

Starting in 1943, the Sherman became the main tank that came from the United States under Lend-Lease. In significant quantities, this combat vehicle was also supplied to the UK.

The Sherman tank began its combat journey in North Africa, followed by the Allied landings in Normandy and military operations in Europe. The Americans used the M4 in the Pacific theater of operations.

And after the end of World War II, the service of this combat vehicle continued. The Sherman was in service with the US Army until the end of the 50s, and took part in the Korean War, where it clashed with Soviet T-34-85 tanks.

Due to the huge number of manufactured combat vehicles, after the war, the Americans willingly handed over the Shermans to the armies of the liberated countries and the allied states. M4s were in service with the Israeli army during the War of Independence and the Six Day War. During the Indo-Pakistani conflict of 1965, these combat vehicles were used by both India and Pakistan.

The M4 Sherman is one of the most massive tanks in history, in three years (from 1942 to 1945), the Americans managed to produce more than 49 thousand of these combat vehicles. Only the Soviet T-34 and T-55 are more massive.

Many experts - primarily foreign, of course - call medium tank The Sherman was the best combat vehicle of World War II, placing it ahead of the Soviet T-34. This issue is highly debatable, but these two tanks were definitely worth each other and are comparable in terms of combat power and armor protection.

However, before starting a review of the Sherman tank, a few words should be said about the history of its creation and vehicle modifications.

History of creation

The US Army approached the beginning of World War II without not only tank troops, but even a normal medium tank in mass production. With a serious automotive industry and a developed tractor industry, American generals did not consider tanks to be something worthy of serious attention. It was believed that enemy vehicles would be destroyed by artillery fire and self-propelled guns.

Although, serious work in the field of tank building was carried out in the USA: the tanks of the American designer Christie became a model for the creation of the English Crusader and Soviet BTs.

The history of the Sherman tank begins in 1939. The US military was dumbfounded by the epic tank battles that took place in Europe, as well as the efficiency with which the Wehrmacht used tank troops in their campaigns. At the same time, the US Army possessed several hundred tanks, which, in terms of their characteristics, could not be compared with their European counterparts.

The only serial American tank was the M2, armed with a 37 mm cannon and eight machine guns. It was planned to launch it into large-scale production in 1940, but at the last moment the order was canceled. Compared to the characteristics of German tanks, the 37 mm gun looked absolutely pathetic and unpromising. And install a more powerful 75-mm gun in existing tower was impossible. It was then that the idea was born to create a multi-turreted tank with a 75-mm cannon in the side sponson.

This is how the M3 "Lee" tank appeared. However, he also ceased to satisfy the US military already at the development stage. M3 "Lee" was nevertheless put into mass production (more than 6 thousand units were produced) and put into service. This "freak" was even supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease and received from Soviet soldiers well-deserved nickname "mass grave" (the crew consisted of seven people).

In parallel with work on the M3, the development of another tank began, which was supposed to be armed with a single 75-mm cannon placed in a circular turret. In its design, it was planned to use the chassis of the M3 tank, its undercarriage, suspension, transmission and engine, that is, almost the entire lower part of the combat vehicle. The prototype of the future Sherman was ready on September 2, 1941 and received the designation T6. It had side doors and a commander's cupola, which were removed after the prototype was shown to the military leadership. There were other minor comments, after completion the tank was put into service.

Serial production began in February 1942. A modification of the tank with a welded hull received the designation M4, and with a cast - M4A1.

Initially, the tank was planned to be equipped with a new 76-mm M3 gun, but due to its unavailability, the old 75-mm gun from the M3 Lee tank was installed on the Sherman.

The cost of one M4 tank was 45-50 thousand dollars, which was ten percent less than that of the M3 Lee.

The prototype of the T6 tank was made at the Aberdeen Proving Ground by military personnel and technical personnel. Dozens of private contractors were involved in the mass production of the machine. Usually one plant was engaged in the manufacture of one or another element: parts of the chassis, engine or weapons.


Sherman had a large number of modifications, and a feature of this machine was that the various versions of the tank did not appear as a result of modernization, but simply had significant technological differences and were produced in parallel. Often they were associated with the characteristics of the enterprises in which the combat vehicles were made. So, for example, the M4A1 modification is formally considered the second, but it was put into production several months earlier than the M4.

The main differences between various modifications of the Sherman tank are the method of manufacturing the hull and a different type of power plant. At the same time, different types of combat vehicles were periodically subjected to various improvements, but this happened at about the same time. At the same time, the upgraded tank received additional letters in the designations: W, (76) and HVSS. The factory designations were different, they included the letter E and a number. For example, the M4A3E8 Sherman tank.

Here are the main modifications of the combat vehicle:

  • M4. One of the first modifications of the tank, its production began in mid-1942 and continued until January 1944. The car had a welded body and a Continental R-975 carburetor engine. Total tanks of this modification - 8389 pieces, 6748 of which were armed with M3, and another 1641 - 105-mm howitzer.
  • M4A1. The very first modification that went into mass production. This tank had a cast hull and a Continental R-975 engine and is almost identical to the T6 prototype. The production of this combat vehicle continued from the beginning of 1942 to the end of 1943. The total number of vehicles produced was 9677, 6281 of which were armed with the M3 gun, and 3396 tanks received the new M1 gun. Initially, the M4A1 had an M2 gun and two forward machine guns.
  • M4A2. Welded hull modification, equipped with a power plant consisting of two General Motors 6046 diesel engines. Its production lasted from April 1942 to May 1945. The total number of manufactured vehicles of this modification is 11,283 pieces, of which 8053 were armed with the M3 cannon, 3230 vehicles received the M1 gun.
  • M4A3. Modification with a welded body and a Ford GAA gasoline engine. The tank was produced from June 1942 to March 1945. Total number: 11,424 units, 5015 of which had M3 guns, 3039 units (M4A3(105)) were armed with 105mm howitzer, and 3370 units (M4A3(76)W) with M1 gun.
  • M4A4. A modification that had a welded elongated hull and a power plant consisting of five automobile engines. A total of 7499 combat vehicles of this modification were produced. All of them were armed with the M3 gun and differed in a slightly different turret shape, a radio station was located in the aft niche, and on the left side of the turret there was a hatch for firing personal weapons.
  • M4A5. This designation was originally reserved for the Canadian Ram tank, but it was never assigned to it. This machine is curious in that, in fact, it is a significantly modernized version of the M3 tank. The combat vehicle was armed with an English 6-pounder gun, it had a cast turret and a cast hull with a side door, the undercarriage was almost the same as the M3. A total of 1948 cars were produced. M4A5 did not participate in hostilities due to a too weak gun, but several armored vehicles were made based on it.
  • M4A6. Modification with a welded hull, similar in shape and size to the M4A4, but with a cast frontal part. Power point consisted of a Caterpillar D200A diesel engine. A total of 75 tanks of this model were produced.
  • Grizzly bear. This is a modification of the M4A1 tank, which was mass-produced in Canada, the vehicles had slight differences in the chassis. 188 tanks of this model were produced.

In addition to modifications, there were also special tanks created on the basis of this combat vehicle. For example, Sherman Firefly - tanks of modifications M4A1 and M4A4, armed with an English 17-pounder (76.2 mm) anti-tank gun, or Sherman Jumbo - an assault tank with reinforced armor and a 75-mm M3 gun.

Very interesting vehicles were the so-called rocket tanks: Sherman Calliope and T40 Whizbang, equipped with rocket launchers. On the basis of the Sherman, demining vehicles (Sherman Crab), engineering (M4 Dozer) and flamethrower tanks were created.

Design description

The Sherman tank was made according to a scheme more typical for German tank building of those years: its transmission and control compartment are located in the front of the hull, and the engine compartment is in the rear. Between them is a fighting compartment with a circular rotation turret, which is located in the center of the hull. The crew consisted of five people.

Inside the tank was lined with foam rubber, which protected the crew from shrapnel.

Such an arrangement increased the height of the combat vehicle: the designers had to place a cardan shaft in the body, which went from the engine to the gearbox. Increased the height of the tank and the vertical position of the engine.

Different modifications of the tank differed little in their design, therefore, below is a description of the M4A2 model with a diesel engine, which was most massively supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease.

In front of the hull there was a control compartment, which housed the jobs of the driver and his assistant, control devices and control levers, transmission elements and a course machine gun with ammunition.

Behind him was a fighting compartment with a rotating turret. It housed the places of the vehicle commander, gunner and loader, gun ammunition, fire extinguishers and batteries. The turret housed a gun, sighting devices and observation devices, a cannon lifting mechanism, a coaxial machine gun and a radio station. Also in the fighting compartment was a mechanism for turning the tower.

In the rear of the tank was the engine compartment, which was separated from the combat by a special partition.

The hull of the M4A2 modification tank was made of rolled armor plates, which were connected by welding. The frontal part of the machine was one massive cast piece, which was located at an angle of 56 ° and had a thickness of 51 mm. The thickness of the sides of the hull was 38 mm. On the right, at the bottom of the sheet, there was a ball machine gun mount. There was a hatch in the bottom of the hull, which was used to evacuate the crew under enemy fire. Above the control compartment were two landing hatches with built-in observation devices.

The Sherman had a cast turret with a small aft niche, the thickness of its frontal armor was 76 mm, the sides and stern had 51 mm armor, and the gun mantlet had 89 mm armor. On the roof of the tower there was a double-leaf commander's hatch, which was used to evacuate all crew members in the fighting compartment. On later series of the machine, another hatch for the loader was added to it.

Initially, the main ammunition of the tank was in the fenders, which had additional armor on the outside. However, practice has shown that such an arrangement led to the detonation of the ammunition, so on the machines of the later series it was transferred to the floor of the fighting compartment, and the so-called wet ammo rack was used: the shells were filled with water with the addition of ethylene glycol.

Initially, a 75-mm M3 gun was installed on the M4A2 modification tank, and from 1943, a 76-mm M1A1 gun was installed. A machine gun was paired with a cannon, a 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun was mounted on the roof of the tower.

The sights of the tank consisted of the M55 telescopic sight and the M38 periscope. The Sherman gun was stabilized in a vertical plane.

The M4A2 power plant consisted of two GM 6046 diesel engines with six cylinders each. The total power was 375 liters. With. The capacity of the fuel tanks of the tank was 590 liters.

The Sherman was equipped with a 5-speed manual gearbox, the torque from the engine was transmitted to it using a cardan shaft.

The undercarriage of the tank consisted of six single road wheels on each side, they were combined in pairs into three carts, each of which was suspended on two springs. In addition, there were three support rollers on each side, a driving front wheel and steering wheels. In the middle of 1942, the undercarriage of the tanks was somewhat modernized.

Powerful radio stations were installed on the Shermans.

Efficiency and combat use

The first Shermans began to enter the army in the middle of 1942, but American tankers it was not possible to master the new technology: soon all the combat vehicles were handed over to the British. At this time, the British units were fighting hard in North Africa, and the situation there was clearly not in their favor. Churchill personally asked the American president for help.

In September 1942, 318 Sherman tanks arrived in Egypt and were thrown into battle almost immediately. For the Germans, the appearance of hundreds of modern tanks in the enemy was a real shock. Most of the tanks of the German Afrika Korps could not penetrate the armor of the American tank. We can say that the battle of El Alamein was largely won thanks to the Shermans.

American tank crews in Shermans first came into action during the landings in Tunisia. Due to the untrained crews in the first battles, many vehicles were lost, but later, having worked out tactical methods, the Americans very successfully used the Shermans. In general, it should be noted that this tank was perfect for desert conditions. In February 1943, the M4 first met with a German novelty - a heavy tank PzKpfw VI Tiger. It quickly became clear that the Sherman could not oppose this German car on equal terms.

Tanks M4 and M4A1 took part in the landing of the Allied troops in Sicily. True, there were practically no major tank battles in Italy.

The next significant operation involving the Sherman was the Allied landing in Normandy. American cars in Normandy had a hard time. The Germans actively used the latest Panther tanks against them, against which the M4 had little chance. In addition, the rugged terrain of the north of France did not allow the Shermans to demonstrate their best qualities: speed and maneuverability. Big losses American cars carried from "

In nine months of fighting, the 3rd Panzer Division alone lost 1,348 combat vehicles.

In November 1942, the first M4s arrived in the Soviet Union. In the USSR, the diesel modification of the M4A2 tank was most massively supplied, since gasoline Western tanks did not "digest" domestic fuel too well. The 5th Guards Tank Army in the North Caucasus was the first to receive new vehicles.

M4 was actively used in the campaigns of 1944 and 1945. The Shermans were used most massively during Operation Bagration, although these vehicles fought along the entire line of the Soviet-German front, from the Black Sea to the Baltic.

Soviet tankers loved the American tank. It was much more convenient for the crew than Soviet combat vehicles. But, most importantly, he was usually much more reliable than them. The undoubted advantage of the Shermans was sights and observation devices, a powerful radio station, a high level of armor and sufficient firepower. The suspension of the M4 was much softer than that of the T-34, it made much less noise. The cannon of the American tank had stabilization, which increased the accuracy of shooting while moving.

The design of the Sherman used many components and assemblies of serial vehicles, which ensured the high reliability of the tank.

Among the minuses can be called the design of the track tracks, which were not very suitable for the conditions of the Russian winter. They provided poor traction with the ground, which is why the tank often slipped. The disadvantages of the Shermans include too high a silhouette and a peculiar hull shape. The fact is that the Sherman was tall and narrow, which, combined with unsuccessful caterpillars, often led to the car tipping over.

The 75-mm M3 cannon roughly corresponded to the Soviet F-34 gun, the 76-mm M1 cannon allowed the Shermans to confidently hit the German Pz.IVs, but for a duel with the Tigers and Panthers, it was necessary to use sub-caliber shells.

Sherman vs T-34

A lot of controversy raises the question of which of the tanks was better than the T-34 or the Sherman. These tanks repeatedly encountered in battle, but after the Second World War. During Korean War The main opponent of the Sherman was the Soviet T-34-85, which was controlled by Korean and Chinese tankers. Most often, the confrontation between Soviet and American tanks ended in favor of the latter.

T-34 and Sherman were machines of the same class: they were not inferior to each other in armor, the American 76-mm gun due to ballistics and ammunition best quality at least it was no worse than the Soviet 85-mm ZIS-S-53, and the mobility of these tanks was similar. However, the Sherman had an advantage due to the greater convenience of the crew, the accuracy of fire and the rate of fire of the gun. The sights of the "American" were also of higher quality.

Another important advantage of the M4 was its reliability. The build quality of the "thirty-four" wartime very often left much to be desired.

Given the state of the US tank industry at the beginning of the war and the almost complete lack of experience in this area, it should be recognized that the creation of the Sherman in such a short time is a huge achievement for the Americans.

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