The human brain is an incredible thing. How many abilities he hides! Did you know that a person can tickle himself mentally, that it is more difficult for him to look at an image than to play dominoes, lotto, or chess? The human brain analyzes objects much longer than it takes to imagine a future vacation in the Maldives. I wonder what computer games They teach you not to focus on one thing. Shooters and quests disperse attention and allow you to react with lightning speed. By training your brain every day, you can achieve brilliant results in any field: in the humanities or mathematics, in sports, cooking, develop memory, motor skills, learn to juggle and fold a Rubik's Cube.

At what age is it better to develop the brain?

It is better to keep yourself busy with studies, sports training, learning languages, playing the piano, reading encyclopedias, dictionaries and other things between the ages of 2 and 11. Then the most rapid development of the brain occurs. The best way to develop it is to help full immersion into an unfamiliar field of activity.

How do you know which hemisphere is dominant?

To test your abilities, you can find out which hemisphere predominates over the other using a simple test. A picture of a spinning girl has already spread all over the Internet. This type of testing was invented by creative designer Nabieki Kayahara. He feels at ease in his homeland because Japan has the largest percentage of people with an IQ above 111.

Take a look at the spinning female silhouette. Is the girl spinning clockwise or counterclockwise? Left or right direction will determine the abilities of your brain. But before you find out the result, try scrolling through it reverse side. Any imagination can do this.

“Right-sided” (clockwise) movement indicates that the “left-sided” movement is better developed, respectively, the left. Statistics show that a larger percentage of people use the left hemisphere.

If you are unable to change the direction of movement, take a look at the following picture, consisting of 3 parts. Take a look to the left, to the right, then the central “dancer” will be able to spin in both directions.

Left Brain Capabilities

This part of the brain is great at processing verbal information. From here a person is given the talent for learning languages, controlling his speech, the ability to write, and work as a journalist or announcer. The left hemisphere remembers important events, tries to keep facts, dates, names and surnames in his head. These are your analytical and logical abilities. Numerical series, formulas, physical diagrams and even valency chemical elements- all this is on the “shoulders” of the left hemisphere. If this is what you have developed, then you like to organize your life “on shelves” and act consistently.

Right hemisphere capabilities

This hemisphere processes nonverbal information well. Symbolism and fantasy “rule” here. With a developed right hemisphere, you see dreamers, writers, science fiction writers, people creative professions, writers incredible stories since childhood. Such people are drawn to the fine arts, to sheet music, run to art faculties, and complete courses acting etc.

IN Yale University conducted another test and found that people who can change the movement of a spinning girl “once or twice” have a very high IQ (from 160).

Children's verbal and logical thinking is not yet developed. As soon as they pick up a pen or pencil and try to repeat the letters of a number, you may notice a mirror image of the symbols. This is exactly how the brain works in children between the ages of 2 and 6; the hemispheres “compete” for the right to gain leadership. You can also instantly determine whether you are right-handed or left-handed using the following tests:

  • clasp your fingers. Is the thumb on top of the right or left hand?
  • Cross your arms over your chest, which one is on top?

This asymmetry of the hemispheres will indirectly influence your choice of profession.

Now let’s move on to a test that allows us to determine which hemisphere of the brain is dominant in a given person or whether this person has the happy property of balance between both hemispheres, as well as to establish the strengths and weaknesses of the dominance of one or another hemisphere.

Let me remind you that for most people, the left hemisphere of the brain deals with analysis, operates in a mode of consistency and logic, and controls language functions, academic acquisition and rationality. The right hemisphere is characterized by creative thinking and intuition. It is here that, as a rule, ideas for works of art and music are born.

The proposed test is aimed at identifying the relationship between the roles of the functions of the cerebral hemispheres. For this, four signs are used that are congenital and, as a rule, do not change until the end of life. True, with one amendment: with strong excitement, the leading hemispheres can change roles. Therefore, for the purity of testing, a certain tranquility of your mood is required (classical music is turned on).

Test "Right or left hemisphere

So let's get started!

1. Interlace your fingers several times, and you will notice that the same finger is always on top. An emotional person will have the left finger on top, and if an analytical mindset predominates, the right finger will be on top.

2. Try, taking a pencil or pen, and at arm’s length, align it (her) with any vertical line (door, window). Now close your left and right eyes alternately. When you close your “dominant” eye, the object you are holding in your hand will move relative to the aiming line. The right dominant eye speaks of a firm, persistent, more aggressive character, the left - of a soft and compliant character. 3. If, when intertwining your hands on your chest, your left hand is at the top, then you are capable of coquetry, while your right hand is prone to simplicity and innocence. 4. If you are comfortable clapping with your right hand, you can speak of a decisive character; with your left, you often hesitate before making a decision.

Evaluation of results: If the results obtained are denoted by the letters P (right) and L (left), depending on the leading eye or hand, you will get a combination of four letters (one of 16 possible combinations). Each combination corresponds to a psychological mini-portrait. The difference between your own idea of ​​your person and the description of a mini-portrait should not surprise you, because in essence these are theoretical types, and each of us is always somewhere on their borders.

Now let's decipher the types! PPPP- the type is characterized by conservatism, orientation towards the generally accepted

opinion (on the stereotype). Does not like to conflict, argue and quarrel. PPPL- the defining character trait of this type is indecision. PPLP- the type is characterized by coquetry, determination, a sense of humor, and artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are necessary. This is a very contact type of character. It occurs most often in women.

PPLL- a rare type of character. Close to the previous one, but softer. There is some contradiction between indecisiveness (left applauding) and firmness of character (right leading eye). PLPP- a character type that combines an analytical mind and gentleness. More common in women - the type of “business” woman. Slow adaptation, caution, tolerance and some coldness in relationships. PLPL- the weakest and rarest type of character. Those with this character are defenseless and subject to various influences. They are usually found in women. BOB- this combination occurs very often. The main feature is emotionality, combined with insufficient persistence. The type lends itself to the influence of others, and this allows you to adapt to different living conditions. Happy with friends, gets along with people easily. LPPL- characterized by gentleness and naivety. Requires a special, attentive attitude towards oneself - the “little queen” type. LLPP- the type is characterized by friendliness and simplicity, some dispersion of interests, and a tendency to introspection. LLPL- the character of the type is dominated by innocence, gentleness and gullibility. A very rare type, almost never found in men. LLLP- emotional, energetic and decisive type. But he often makes hasty decisions that bring serious complications. The additional braking mechanism is very important. Men with this character are less emotional. LLLLL- a person with an anti-conservative character. Capable of looking at old things in a new way. Characterized by emotionality, selfishness, stubbornness, sometimes turning into isolation. LPLP- the strongest type of character. It is difficult to convince him of anything. Difficulty changing his point of view. But at the same time, he is energetic and persistently achieves his goals. LPLL- very similar to the previous type of character. The same persistence in achieving your goals. People with this character are stable people, and sometimes it is impossible to convince them. They are prone to introspection and have difficulty finding new friends. PLLP- the type has an easy character. Happily knows how to avoid conflicts, loves to travel. Finds friends easily. However, he often changes his hobbies. PLLL- the type is characterized by inconstancy and independence, the desire to do everything yourself. The ability to analyze helps to successfully solve complex problems. He usually appears gentle, but becomes demanding and even cruel when push comes to shove.

This is truly a fundamentally new psychophysiological test.

This test helps determine which hemisphere of your brain is more active. The test shows your condition on this moment. And yet, it is not only and not so much the picture that rotates in one direction or another, but the perceptual image of the moving space formed by your brain. In short, the girl is actually spinning in your head!! This is very cool! You identify the strongest aspects of your brain.

This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere asymmetry have dominance in brain function.

Ambidextrous- this is a special group of people with potentially inherent outstanding abilities [they may or may not be realized]. Suffice it to say that there are many such people among the Seyids - the direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, among the Levites and Kohanim, and others outstanding people. That is, these are people with potentially unique abilities. If you got into this company - congratulations!! :-))

Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. I do it myself. With the dominance of the left hemisphere, among “logicians” the girl rotates to the right. With the dominance of the right hemisphere, the “eidetics of the artistic type,” the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. For ambidextrous people, when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction, then to the right, then to the left!

Instructions for the test by Vladimir Pugach ( Copyright © 2009 ) for the presence of ambidexterity


This test shows your state and characteristics of perception of moving perceptual (subjective) spaces that your brain processes and “sees” at the moment. This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right). That is, people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere brain function.

Ambidextrous and “two-handed” are not the same thing, although they are close concepts.

People can be right-handed or left-handed:

  • by eye movements,
  • on the dominant eye (when shooting, for example).
  • And also through the auditory channel (to which ear the telephone receiver is applied),
  • by hand,
  • on the leg,
  • rotation of the heart axis on the electrocardiogram, etc.

That is, most likely, you are a combination of these individual communication channels...


Make yourself comfortable.

So, in the picture you see the silhouette of a rotating figure.

1st stage. Psychological adjustment.

The psychological adjustment of your brain lasts approximately 2 minutes.

2nd stage. Actually testing.

  • If the figure steadily rotates only clockwise, it means that your left hemisphere is dominant, left-hemisphere brain activity predominates. And this is logic, calculation, the ability to speak and express thoughts.
  • Rotating only counterclockwise means your right hemisphere dominates, and predominantly right-hemisphere activity predominates - eidetics, intuition, imaginative thinking, musicality, a sense of orientation in space and time.
  • If the figure rotates alternately in one direction or the other, this is a sign of ambidexterity, that is, the work of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

For some, this switching of silhouette rotation occurs when the head is tilted to the right, then to the left, and vice versa.

For others, a change in the direction of rotation is noted when the gaze is concentrated on the face, then it becomes defocus, and vice versa.

Or, alternatively, shift your gaze by about 15 degrees. left-down - rotates to the left. Shift your gaze to 15 degrees. right-down - rotates to the right.

Sometimes it’s useful to cover it with your hand bottom part the torso of a spinning girl - it works better.

P.S. I took this test a long time ago, about five years ago... then my girl was alternately spinning to the left, then to the right... I think you will also be interested in learning about new facet to you))

I hug everyone and thank you that we are together!

Do you want to take part in an interesting test and learn something new about yourself? As easy as pie.

Look in which direction the girl is spinning and...

If you see a girl spinning clockwise, it is assumed that your right hemisphere of the brain is more developed.
If you see a counterclockwise rotation, it's left.

More often than not, people see the girl spinning counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use the left side of the brain more.

But with concentration, you can change the direction of the girl’s movement.

Interestingly, several decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain special significance didn't give it. It was generally accepted that it was in some way meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality.

For those who cannot change the direction of the dancer’s rotation with their eyes, there are 3 pictures below. By briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain

Verbal information is processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all facts and is responsible for analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain

Nonverbal information is processed. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and daydream, and compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual arts and music. The right hemisphere processes many things at once various information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

And this is a new optical illusion.

Definition test dominant hemisphere brain is very simple - you need to determine, using the example of a 15-second video, in which direction the carriage with the passenger is moving.

If you think the train is moving right- the opposite is more developed in you - left hemisphere of the brain.

This hemisphere is responsible for our language abilities. Moreover, in the broad sense of the word, they exercise control over its development and ability to acquire reading and writing skills. Thanks to the left hemisphere of the brain, we remember, process information step by step, and analyze. Logic is his undoubted strong point. Often, those with the leading left hemisphere of the brain find it easy to engage in abstract numbers; they are strong in mathematics and other exact sciences.

The left hemisphere is often too literal, does not understand metaphors and allegories, and does not mix in the analysis of feelings. In the body, it controls the movements and reflexes of the opposite right side of the body.

And if it seemed to you that the direction of movement of the train car is still left side, then, on the contrary, your strong, dominant hemisphere - right.

The right hemisphere of our brain easily processes incoming information encrypted in images, symbols and words. Thanks to him, we perfectly visualize our fantasies, compose and dream, sometimes with ease.

But pictures are not all that the right hemisphere can do; this also includes a subtle perception of musical and visual arts. People with a predominant right hemisphere see the situation as a whole, without breaking it down into its component parts. Nothing prevents them from receiving new information from several sources at once - vision, hearing, smell, touch. They are more sensitive, emotional, better oriented in space, and tend to act intuitively. Such people can be made mystically dependent and overly religious.

What other ways are there to check the dominant functioning of the brain hemispheres?

  • Interlace your fingers, which one thumb will be on top
  • Cross your arms over your chest, which one is on top
  • Determine the dominant eye
  • Determine the starting leg when jumping

Development of the weak hemisphere of the brain

But, even if you notice that you definitely dominate something, this does not mean that the other, weaker hemisphere cannot be developed. To do this, you just need to load exactly the weak hemisphere; to develop logic, we solve problems, and to stimulate intuition and develop feelings, we read fiction or visit an art gallery.

When a person has one leading, dominant hemisphere of the brain, left or right, determines the type of personality: mental or artistic, and with it, the way of perception, thinking, memory and other cognitive and personal characteristics of a person.

We present to your attention simple tests to determine the leading, dominant hemisphere of the human brain, including a test for the currently dominant hemisphere, proposed by the Japanese psychophysiologist Nobuyuki Kayahara (girl, ballerina).

Test for the leading, dominant hemisphere of the brain - spinning girl, ballerina

Look at the spinning girl carefully, if you see that she is spinning to the right, then you have a dominant left hemisphere, and if she is spinning to the left, then you have a dominant right hemisphere.
If, with appropriate turns of the head, the ballerina rotates in one direction or the other, then your brain alternates between the left and right hemispheres - perhaps you are ambidextrous.

Test to determine the dominant, left or right hemisphere of the brain

To complete this simple test to determine the leading, dominant, left or right hemisphere of the brain You will need your own hands and a pen with a piece of paper.
1) Fold your hands into a lock; do this several times without thinking or looking at your hands. Then, look at the thumb of which hand, left or right, is on top. Write down the corresponding letter (P or L).

2) Stretch both hands forward, folding them like a pistol, find a point and aim with both eyes, taking turns closing one eye and then the other. When closing which eye, right or left, the aiming point shifted, write down that letter (P, L).

3) Stand up and cross your arms over your chest in a Napoleon pose. Do this several times without looking or thinking, then see which hand is on top. Write down the result (P, L).

4) Clap your hands. Write down the letter corresponding to the top palm.

Upon completion of the test for leading hemisphere You will get a set of letters, for example, PLPP, then you can look at the interpretation of the results on

The hemispheres of the human brain perform different functions: The first is responsible for imagination, creative skills, imaginative thinking, and the second performs logical, abstract tasks, it is also responsible for language and mathematical abilities. A person cannot exist normally in society if the functioning of one or another hemisphere is significantly impaired, but, as a rule, parts of the brain are developed differently in different people. Depending on heredity, upbringing conditions, and brain training, a person may have better developed one or the other, it dominates the second and takes responsibility for solving many problems.

Without special medical equipment, it is impossible to say for sure which hemisphere is better developed in a person and to what extent it predominates over the second. But there are a few pretty simple tests, which make it possible to identify which part of the brain a person uses in certain cases, which helps to roughly establish his “right hemisphere” or “left hemisphere”.

One of the most popular tests is physiological. It checks which part of the body you use most often. different situations, and depending on this, suggests which hemisphere works better. The left hemisphere is responsible for the functioning of the right side of the body, and vice versa. Clasp your hands and see which hand's thumb is on top. Now cross your arms over your chest, noting which hand is on top. You can also clap your hands and see which is more convenient for you - when your right or right hand is on top. left hand. Based on these three simple tests, you can decide which hand you use most often. If it’s right, then your left hemisphere is better developed; if it’s left, then your right hemisphere is better developed. But this method is very approximate; it does not allow us to identify the brain with great accuracy.

You can use the visual method. There are special animations that test the functioning of the hemispheres. You can find them on the Internet; most often they use the image of a spinning girl. People with developed left hemispheres see that it is spinning clockwise, others think that it is moving counterclockwise. The more one hemisphere dominates, the more difficult it is to “restructure” your vision and see the girl in the opposite direction.

The most accurate method for determining how your brain works is to take more detailed tests with questions that help determine not only what hands you use and how you see certain pictures, but also your abilities in mathematics, language disciplines, and art. , your habits and preferences. Such texts can be found in specialized literature or on the Internet. They include questions such as “Do you consider yourself a conservative?”, “Are you good at navigating the terrain?”, “Do you like it?”, “Do you trust your intuition?” Based on the answers, we can conclude which one predominates: the left part of the brain is responsible for orientation on the ground, conservatism is also inherent in people with a developed left hemisphere, and “right-hemisphere” people have more developed intuition.