We use Compact Mini M. When we bought it, I didn’t like the quality of the components right away - only with the help of a well-known mother we managed to push the ventilation corrugation into the hole, which is burned out like some kind of soldering iron at the factory. Also, the mechanism for scattering peat turned out to be absolutely useless - in which direction you don’t turn it - it gets where it should be extremely rarely, it’s better to sprinkle it with a scoop.
The second point - it is better to immediately drain the urea in the bottom, and not leave the one provided by the manufacturer, as I did - you can see it in the photo in the attachments.
The third point - if ventilation is done - then the smell in the room is really not felt, which is good.
The fourth point: flies - it is worth a couple to get inside the bioreactor - and that's it, they multiply at a wild speed - in a couple of days more than fifty adults. And they make their way there calmly - despite the tightness of the cover declared by the manufacturer - they crawl under the cover without any problems. Therefore, if you have a room with a toilet without an airlock and flies can get in there - then after you have "done the job" - put an additional piece of cardboard on the hole, and then lower the toilet seat with a lid. In principle, you can glue a thick piece of foam rubber on the lid so that it tightly closes the hole. It is also necessary to provide an obstacle for the penetration of flies through the ventilation - I glued pieces of the remnants of a mosquito net to the ventilation holes of the pipe head, and they should also not be able to climb through the urea drain. You can not do all this - but then stock up on a fly remedy, and you will have to spray it often and inside the pot too, which is not good - fertilizer with dichlorvos obviously will not be a useful top dressing for plants.
Another problem is condensation. In principle - while the nights are warm - this is not so obvious, but when the temperature difference between day and night is significant - quite a lot of condensate falls inside the ventilation. The bioreactor works and generates heat, and the moisture from the exhaust settles inside the pipe and even on the plastic lid of the pot. As a temporary solution, I insulated the ventilation - but this does not help the campaign much, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of condensate from the ventilation, and if, again, glue foam rubber on the lid of the pot - this, in addition to saving from flies, should save from condensation on the lid.
I consider it economically inexpedient to do forced ventilation with the help of fans, the operation of the toilet is already costly - in addition to paper, you also need to buy peat, and if you also have to spend electricity - well, such a pot in the bathhouse. And without fans, there is no smell ...

This article will talk about what a peat toilet is for a summer residence and how to choose the most suitable model. The characteristics of such toilets are given for various situations, positive and negative sides that you need to pay attention to. After reviewing this article, it will be possible to choose a model for use, which will combine comfort and reliability with reasonable cost.

peat toilet for a summer residence will allow you to get rid of the problems that annoyed when using a regular toilet with a cesspool Source tvoysad.ru

What is this

Disposal of organic waste is a problem that everyone who has a dacha faces. One of the most convenient options is the decision to use a peat dry closet.

Its important advantage is that when using it, it is not required to connect electricity, water supply and sewerage.

This is achieved through the use of peat in the processing process, gradually converting biological waste into compost. This requires:


    Hose for draining a small amount of liquid.

In the event that a peat toilet was installed under open sky, ventilation and a drain hose can be dispensed with.


In appearance, such a toilet resembles a regular toilet. Nearby is a container where peat is stored. After using the toilet, you need to take a little with a scoop or spatula and sprinkle it on top. In some models, the container is located above the toilet, and peat is added using a dispenser.

Source gentr.ru

Biological waste that enters the working tank is gradually converted into compost.

In this case, a small amount of water is released, which is discharged through a hose installed at the bottom of the device. Its length does not exceed one and a half meters. It must be placed with a downward slope. Through it, the liquid can simply drain into the ground, and sometimes a hole is made for this, having a depth, length and width equal to 40 cm. It is recommended to lay the bottom and walls with a layer of spunbond or geotextile, the hole should be filled with some kind of drainage material (rubble or small stones) .

A ventilation pipe extends upwards from the working tank, designed to remove carbon dioxide, which is formed during chemical reaction. Ventilation must be outside the room. The fewer bends on the pipe, the more efficiently it will work.

If you install a peat toilet outdoors, then the hose and outlet pipe will not be needed.

After each use of the toilet, it is enough to cover the waste with peat Source el.decorexpro.com

When a lot of waste peat accumulates, it should be cleaned. To do this, it is transferred to compost heaps, where it will ripen for about a year. The compost can then be used as fertilizer.

Advantages and disadvantages

This type of toilet has several advantages:

    He possesses mobility. Since there is no need for sewerage and a water drain, you can install such a toilet in almost any place you need.

    Cheapness installation and use. Packets of peat for filling are commercially available. For not big family one such package can be enough for a year.

    During operation no unpleasant odor. This is due to the deodorizing ability of peat.

    It is possible to use such a toilet not only for cottages, but also in many cases where its mobility is important. One example would be when a home is undergoing renovations and the sewer is temporarily shut off. In this case, a peat toilet may be one way to solve the problem.

    Consumables (peat) does no harm environment.

Peat is a natural material that can later be used to fertilize the garden. Source agbz.ru

    Recycling waste to form compost, which can then be used as fertilizer.

However, they have some disadvantages:

    When using the toilet, it is necessary to ensure ventilation and drainage.

    When operating for winter period may have problems. For example, peat can freeze at low temperatures.

    Peat toilet - enough mobile option, however, a portable dry closet has an even more compact size.

A portable dry closet is a more mobile option that you can take with you on the road. Source: rosanneglass.com

Variety of options offered

Although the principle of operation is quite simple, there are many various options such toilets.

    Possible different capacity working tank. In various models, it can be in the range from 10 liters to 700 liters.

    Can be used as a mixture not only peat. Some models provide for the use of its mixture with sawdust. The addition of granulated clay can also be used. At the same time, peat in all cases is the basis for the working mixture. It is not only an adsorbent, but also a chemical catalyst for chemical processes and a source of microflora that performs biological purification.

    Toilets can be mobile or stationary. The former are intended for less frequent use and are comparable in size to a conventional apartment toilet. They can be easily moved and installed in a new location. Stationary units have a large tank capacity, may use electricity in some cases, and require a relatively complex installation process.

    In some cases, to empty the tank, you need it take out and take out.

Source supertualet.ru

In other models, holes are provided at the bottom of the device through which waste material is taken.

How to choose

When choosing the right option, you need to pay attention to various features offered models:

    When choosing, you need to consider for what purpose a composting toilet is purchased for a summer residence. If we are talking about a small family that rarely comes there, then a small amount is enough. Here a tank of 10-15 liters can come up. If there are always a lot of people there, it makes sense to buy a model with a large tank, for example, 100-150 liters or more.

    It must be taken into account which weight limit a toilet seat can be calculated. Since the toilet is mobile, its strength is lower than that of a stationary one. If there are people with significant weight in the house, the device should be selected in such a way that it is easy to support it.

    If buying inexpensive models, there is a risk that parts made of cheap plastic will quickly wear out and break. Buying such an important item for a long time will be reasonably guided, first of all, by high consumer qualities.

    If the toilet is to be installed on certain place , then when buying, you need to consider its dimensions.

If there is a need to move the toilet, it is better to choose a more compact and mobile model. Source bio-park.ru

    Different models may use different types of ventilation. For example, stationary models may require a hood.

    Need to pay attention to material quality from which the chair is made. It is convenient to use a plastic that does not cool immediately even in the case of low temperatures.

    When choosing, you need to consider where will it be installed: indoor or outdoor. This affects the features of ventilation and liquid drainage during operation.


When used in winter time there may be problems associated with severe frosts. If they regularly live in the country, then it is constantly heated. In this case, the peat toilet can be used without restrictions.

If they rarely come there, then the hose, if liquid remains there, may freeze. In addition, at low temperatures, the rate of chemical processes in peat will be reduced, which will affect the quality of cleaning.

Do not forget that such a toilet, when used in winter, requires insulation. Source fasaddomstroy.ru

In order to prevent this from happening, if you plan a long absence in the winter, it is recommended to carry out conservation. To do this, water is removed from the hose, and the working tank is completely cleaned of the contents. After that, it is washed with warm soapy water and dried.

Some models have electric heating. It allows you to use the toilet in the winter in normal mode.

It should be noted that in this case the height of the toilet bowl is less than in standard models.

When cleaning is carried out, it is advisable to take out the tank before it is completely filled. In this case, after emptying it is recommended to wash and disinfect it.

The most famous models and prices

You can choose and buy a suitable model in Moscow from various manufacturers:

    Finnish company Ecomatic offers models with a large volume of the tank. Finnish peat toilet for a summer residence is designed to use a mixture of peat with sawdust. Products are different high quality waste disposal. The price of a Finnish peat toilet depends on the configuration. The minimum cost in the basic version is 19 thousand rubles.

The Finnish peat toilet is not cheap, but its quality and volumes are worth it Source www.alphamarket.ru

    Two-chamber structures from the company "Biolan" characterized by high quality drainage system. This company is one of the leaders in this sector of the market. One of its features is a wide range of models. Budget-level models cost 16-18 thousand rubles, the highest quality ones will cost 60 thousand rubles or more when buying.

    Models that are manufactured by a Finnish company "Duomatic" can suit a family of 3-4 people who come to the country house for about 70 days a year. The prices of products of this company start from 10 thousand rubles.

    Firm "Ecolet"(Finland) offers a large capacity composting toilet. Its volume is 700 liters. The tank is divided into 4 parts, each of which is used in turn. Suitable for a large family that lives in the country permanently. Can be installed in a public place.

Video description

About the features of choosing a dry closet for giving in the video:

On our site you can get acquainted with the most - gazebos, garages, toilets and others, from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


An ordinary toilet in the country forces you to face a number of inconveniences. If you switch to using a peat toilet, this will create more comfortable living conditions. It will provide complete and environmentally friendly waste disposal, no smell, ease of maintenance - this is not a complete list of the advantages of such a solution.

A peat toilet for a summer residence is best solution if the layers of groundwater do not allow digging a storage hole. The structure is assembled from plywood or purchased in a store. A factory-made toilet is a plastic toilet seat that can be easily installed in an outdoor stall or inside the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of a composting toilet for a summer residence

A factory-made Finnish toilet for a summer residence has a huge set of advantages:

  • with a small number of people living in the country, the storage tank is filled slowly;
  • low cost of peat and low consumption for backfilling;
  • simple waste disposal;
  • no smell, provided there is a working ventilation;
  • a toilet seat is installed in any place convenient in the country;
  • models made of frost-resistant plastic are able to winter in outdoor booths.

There are also weak points in the peat dry closet. Main disadvantages:

  1. Each owner of a peat dry closet immediately faces the problem of the operation of the mechanism that scatters peat. To spread the powder, twist the handle back and forth. However, even such a tedious procedure does not guarantee high-quality backfilling of all waste. The mechanism does not throw peat under the toilet seat opening. The powder has to be added manually with a spatula. If this is not done, bad odors are guaranteed.
  2. The tank is equipped with a drain for liquid. The hose outlet is located high. The liquid will begin to drain when it reaches the correct level. Until that time, it accumulates, emitting an unpleasant odor. To speed up the drain, the tank will have to be lifted and tilted manually.
  3. Solid organic waste accumulates under the opening of the toilet seat. They are not able to distribute themselves in the reservoir. Perform an unpleasant procedure manually with a spatula.
  4. If a peat dry closet has a large reservoir, it is difficult for one person to take it out. You will need an assistant, but it is better to buy a model with wheels.
  5. There are no problems with ventilation when a peat dry closet is placed inside an outdoor cabin in the country. If you put a toilet seat in the house, it is advisable to have an exhaust fan, otherwise bad aromas will fill the room during the heat.
  6. Despite the small weight of the plastic toilet seat, the peat dry closet is considered a stationary structure. Move it to another place if absolutely necessary.

The compost toilet for a summer residence has many disadvantages, but the comfort design still surpasses the classic options with a cesspool.

The principle of operation of peat toilets for summer cottages

The appearance of the product resembles a toilet bowl with a tank, but instead of water, peat is filled inside the tank. The spreader is a mechanism driven by a rotating handle. Sprinkle organic waste after each visit to the toilet.

Important! During the powdering, it is necessary to ensure that the peat completely covers all the impurities.

The toilet has three names:

  1. Powder closet. The toilet is so named because of the way the waste is powdered with peat.
  2. Composting toilet. Sprinkled waste with peat is suitable for composting. There is a thermal toilet, in which ready-made compost is formed inside the tank.
  3. Dry dry closet. Waste after visiting the toilet is sprinkled with dry peat. The processed mass remains slightly moistened during unloading. Hence the third name.

Peat has a good absorbing property. natural material absorbs liquid that has not drained into the drain pan. Additionally, peat absorbs bad odors. Beneficial microorganisms multiply in the waste mixed with dry mass, processing sewage into compost. Decomposed organic matter does not have a sharp unpleasant odor, but it cannot be used immediately for fertilizer. Waste should first be rotted in a compost heap for 1-2 years.

All peat dry closets are equipped with a ventilation outlet. Air ducts can come with a toilet seat or they can be purchased separately, depending on the model. The hood is placed 2 m high without turning. If it is not possible to install a straight pipe, the connection is made with elbows, and the air duct is equipped with a fan to improve draft.

On the video, a peat toilet for a summer residence with an exhaust fan:

How to choose a peat toilet for a summer residence

Factory-made compost toilets are almost the same, but there are differences in some nuances. When choosing a model for giving, consider the following points:

  • toilet seat height, toilet seat size;
  • the volume of the tank for the accumulation of sewage;
  • equipping with an indicator of filling the tank with waste;
  • permissible load on a plastic toilet seat.

Immediately you need to think about where the toilet will be in the country. At the installation site, determine the length of the drain hose and air ducts for ventilation.

Advice! When using a peat dry closet in the winter in a street booth in the country, heated toilet seats are chosen.

How to install a peat toilet in the country

The installation of a peat toilet begins in the country with unpacking the product and studying the instructions. The toilet seat is temporarily placed on permanent place, mark the holes: in the wall for the drain hose and on the ceiling for the ventilation pipe.

After the installation of communications, the product itself is installed. The toilet seat is fixed with screws to the floor. Peat for a peat toilet, bought separately in a bag for giving, is poured into the tank. The ventilation pipe and drain hose are attached to the outlet pipes. By turning the handle, the peat spreader mechanism is tested.

During installation, the most difficult process is the arrangement of effective ventilation. For a street booth in the country, the question is uncritical. When installing indoors, correctly calculate the diameter of the duct:

  • a pipe with a cross section of 40 mm is enough if the tenants of the cottage use the dry closet up to about 20 times a day;
  • if the number of visits to the toilet reaches 60 times, put two air ducts with a diameter of 40 mm and 100 mm;
  • when the number of use exceeds 60 times a day, additionally with air ducts with a diameter of 40 mm and 60 mm, exhaust fans are installed.

The exact installation rules are specified in the instructions for each toilet model.

Do-it-yourself peat toilet for a summer residence

Looking at a photo of home-made peat toilets at a powder-closet cottage, it is easy to visually develop a plan for making it yourself. To correctly determine the design, first choose the location of the toilet in the country. The lack of a cesspool allows you to put the toilet seat anywhere. Usually, in the country, a room is allocated for a toilet inside the house or a street booth is placed.

The chair is made of wood. First, a rectangular frame is assembled from a bar. All sides are sewn up with plywood to make a box. A hole is cut in the top shelf with a jigsaw. To finish it, it is convenient to use a plastic cover removed from an old toilet bowl.

The storage tank is made from a plastic bucket. A hole is drilled from below, the fitting is fixed and a hose is put on to drain the liquid. The bucket is inserted into the cut hole, tightly covered with a lid.

The toilet seat is fixed to the floor of a booth or a designated room inside the house. An additional container with peat and a spatula is installed nearby. Drainage hose lead to the street. The room is ventilated.

Caring for a peat Finnish toilet for a summer residence

A peat dry closet will not take much time from the owner of the cottage during care. The whole process is based on the removal of the storage tank after it is filled. Waste is stored in a designated area. The compost obtained after 1-2 years is used to feed horticultural crops.

After emptying, the tank is rinsed. Water is used with the addition of detergents. Preparations are bought specially designed for composting toilets. They contain additional components that eliminate odor and contribute to the rapid processing of organic waste.

Not so long ago, the most common type of toilet for a summer residence was a design with a cesspool. However, this system has a number of disadvantages, so Lately summer residents increasingly prefer peat dry closets, to which this article is devoted. In it, we will get acquainted in detail with the features of such a system, and also consider which peat toilet is better for giving.

What is a peat toilet

So, what is a peat dry closet for a summer residence? As it is not difficult to guess from the name, it is based on peat, which acts as the main chemical reagent ().

The toilet itself consists of two containers:

  • accumulating waste;
  • Containing peat with sawdust.

The second tank has a handle, with which you can fill the fecal mass with a mixture of peat and sawdust. After the storage tank is filled, it is taken out to the compost pit, where the waste processing process is completed.

Note! Sometimes summer residents, in order to save money, do not buy a peat reagent, but use peat from a forest or their own plot. However, in such a peat there is no required amount micro-organisms, resulting in unrecycled waste.

If the country peat toilet is used moderately, for example, by one person or family only on weekends, then the reagent will be enough to absorb the liquid. Thus, the mass will always be dry.

If the operation is increased, then the toilet is equipped with a special pipe to drain the liquid. In addition, a peat dry closet is necessarily equipped with an exhaust pipe, which is located vertically. The length of the pipe is usually about 4 meters.

Peat toilet features


Among the advantages of a peat toilet, the following points can be distinguished:

  • There are no unpleasant odors that can spoil the rest of summer residents.
  • Due to the fact that peat absorbs excess liquid, the need for cleaning is much less common compared to other dry closets.
  • To operate the toilet, electricity, installation of sewerage and water supply are not required.
  • The resulting mass can be used as fertilizer, because bacteria turn it into environmentally friendly compost.. Moreover, the volume of fertilizer is quite large, since the storage capacity on average holds about 110 liters.
  • Installing such a toilet is not difficult with your own hands.
  • Frost resistance - the plastic case of such structures is able to withstand frost down to -50 degrees Celsius.


There are also disadvantages to peat toilets, among them are:

  • The storage tank after full filling is quite heavy, so it is difficult for one person to overpower such a load. However, it is not necessary to clean the container every half a year, as the manual for the dry closet recommends. You can carry the tank to the compost pit at least every month, in addition, some models are equipped with wheels, which simplifies the cleaning process.
  • The mechanism for filling peat into the storage tank is not very convenient, as a result of which it is necessary to additionally use a scoop to level the peat mixture.
  • Also, the disadvantages include the need to install a drain and ventilation pipe.

The choice of peat dry closet

Recently, many manufacturers, both foreign and domestic, began to offer peat dry closets. Therefore, before purchasing such a toilet, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the selected product, as well as compare the prices and characteristics of models from different manufacturers.

Ecomatic RUS

The Ecomatic RUS dry closet is made by a Russian manufacturer using the technology of a Finnish company. Moreover, the manufacturer uses Finnish components.

However, there are models with the Russian body. In this case, the product has the inscription "Ekomatic Russia" or "Peat". Its performance characteristics and workmanship are somewhat lower than those of the Finnish counterpart.

Among the advantages of this model, one can single out a large tank with a volume of 110 liters, thanks to which this toilet will last for a long time even for a large family.

Model Features:

In the photo - model Piteko-201


This model is also represented by a Russian manufacturer. Its main feature is the presence of a drainage system for draining liquid. Existence of the filter provides clarification of liquid waste.

In addition, the storage tank has concealed flaps that open when the contents are unloaded.

Model characteristics:

In general, we can say that this is an easy-to-use and convenient toilet.


Biolan is an excellent Finnish sixteen-kilogram peat toilet.

The peculiarity of this model is the presence of a separator, i.e. the storage tank consists of two parts:

  • Tanks for liquid waste;
  • Tanks for solid waste.

In such a toilet, as a result, they accumulate separately solid waste, while liquids flow into a container located outside.

The following items are included in the product package:

  • Ventilation tube;
  • Cover from flies and precipitation;
  • drainage system;
  • Wheels for storage tank.

The cost of the product fluctuates around 560 dollars.

As we can see, all models are generally similar to each other. The differences are in the amount of storage capacity, some additional options and equipment. Depending on this, their cost also differs.

However, all of the above toilets are easy to use, hygienic and comfortable.

Toilet installation

Installing a peat toilet in the country does not take much time and effort, however, this operation requires some additional work. In particular, you should choose a suitable place and level the site, and then install the booth. For reliability, the site can be poured with concrete.

The product kit usually includes a drain hose and a ventilation pipe. The supply of the compost pit with oxygen depends on the correct installation of these elements, optimal humidity, as well as the removal of unpleasant odors to the outside.

The ventilation pipe should be installed so that it rises slightly above the highest point of the roof and is located strictly vertically, without bends.

Advice! The gaps between the roof and the pipe can be closed with sealant or rubber gaskets, which are included in the delivery.

To avoid overfilling the container with liquid, install a drain hose. To do this, the hose is connected to the body with a fitting and brought out into a special drainage container. You should also prepare a compost pit into which a filled storage tank will be poured.

Here, perhaps, and all the main points self installation dry closet. Every home master can cope with this task.


Peat dry closets are a modern and practical solution for summer cottages. In addition to being environmentally friendly, these toilets are also quite comfortable. The only thing you need to do is to choose the right model and install it correctly (