Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs, he is Gemini, she is Aquarius - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman seem to be created for each other. This couple can be called ideal - the partners are so suitable for each other both in appearance and in character. With the very minimum of effort, partners can create such a lasting and great happiness that will accompany them throughout their long life together. Problems and misunderstandings in this couple can be easily resolved if the partners are interested in maintaining their romantic relationship.

Always windy and agile, the Gemini man, upon seeing the Aquarius woman, will fall in love with her at first sight. She will seem to him airy - light, like a fairy who has descended to earth. The Aquarius woman will also be fascinated by an active and cheerful lover. Their relationship will be romantic and playful, this gives them the opportunity to communicate easily and naturally, without infringing on the freedoms and interests of each other. The Gemini man at first will be absorbed by these sublime relationships, not noticing anything around. Then his essence will require new experiences and changes, pushing for new acquaintances, communication with friends and even betrayal. This is one of the main dangers of this relationship. As soon as the Aquarius woman finds out, or at least suspects her faithful one of treason, she will break off all relations with him once and for all, never returning to him again - despite all the remorse, pleas and tears on his part. Therefore, if a Gemini man values ​​\u200b\u200bhis feelings, he should not take liberties in his behavior, personally setting himself the framework that will separate acceptable behavior and freedom from unacceptable. By by and large, the Gemini man will never meet such a suitable partner for him, and therefore it makes sense to make efforts to preserve this union. The relationship between the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman is very dynamic, developing, and promising. They will be happy to learn from each other new qualities for themselves, developing in parallel. This marriage can show the world a very strong duet that will outshine everyone in business or creativity. Each of this couple in a relationship becomes much stronger than without them, and therefore the marriage between a Gemini man and an Aquarius woman is in itself a start to a better life each of them. Some inconsistencies may arise in financial matters - partners have completely different views on money spending. However, these issues can be easily resolved in a constructive dialogue, for which both of this pair are always ready. The great enthusiasm and optimism of the Gemini man can serve as an incentive for the development of a creative streak in a partner, and the rich spiritual world of the Aquarius woman will awaken a real reformer and fighter in a partner.

A pair of Gemini man and Aquarius woman will exist only if there is freedom and independence for each of the partners in this union. As soon as one of them claims absolute authoritarianism, all relationships and feelings will cease immediately.

He is Gemini, she is Aquarius - compatibility with other signs

Gemini and Aquarius: compatibility speaks in their favor

For all horoscopes, Gemini and Aquarius provide good compatibility, so it’s worth revealing the reasons for the possibility of such a union. No matter how it seems from the outside that these signs of the Zodiac do not fit together at all and no matter how many questions arise about why they are still together, it is simply impossible to destroy the mental connection of Gemini and Aquarius.

Aquarius and Gemini perfectly find a common language, they do not need many words to understand each other, attraction occurs at the level of feelings and emotions. Because the active and mobile Gemini admires the lightness, ease and mystery of Aquarius. Sympathy caused by admiration quickly develops into stronger feelings that are difficult to somehow change.

Despite the fact that Gemini and Aquarius find compatibility of signs very quickly, it is impossible to say that the absence of quarrels for the couple is guaranteed. Rather the opposite! Quarrels will be very global. Everyone around will think that this is a fiasco, the end of the relationship, but the couple of Gemini and Aquarius did not even think about ending the relationship. For them, quarrels are just additional fuel in a flaming furnace, from them their union becomes stronger, they get what they want. And they want only emotions, dynamics in actions, constant voltage and changing feelings. It is for this reason that Gemini and Aquarius provide good compatibility. Other couples would have fled a long time ago because of such an influx of passions, but not these two signs.

Of course, sometimes there are really serious disagreements that can be difficult to resolve, but Aquarius and Gemini cope with this issue without difficulty. It is very easy for them to have a diplomatic dialogue in which they are ready to mutually listen to each other, come to a common conclusion and tune in to a new level, in which all past problems are excluded and forgotten.

The compatibility horoscope Aquarius and Gemini is so surprising with its rosy outlook also because both signs are striving for change. The twins themselves are very changeable and unreliable: sometimes they outweigh on the right, sometimes on the left. Aquarius by nature is very freedom-loving and independent, he is drawn to new sensations, so constant change is his passion. Both signs understand each other's craving for everything new, and therefore do not limit their hobbies. For this reason, they are always interested in the two of them. Each changes in its own way, causing a new interest in the partner. Probably, due to such a balance in views, with all the desire to go to the side of one or the other partner, in a joint alliance, they will never go for it, because they know that betrayal will lead to collapse, and losing a like-minded person do not want at all. Yes, and constant changes do not allow Mrs. Habit to settle in the relationship of this couple, which makes the union strong and indestructible.

Gemini and Aquarius also explain the compatibility of signs by the fact that the affection of this couple is caused not only by passionate feelings, but, above all, by friendly affection. It is such an alliance that is based on strong friendly feelings that are difficult to understand for others. They can express themselves loudly and expressively. negative emotions in relation to each other, but will not allow such a valuable alliance to come to naught. Therefore, Aquarius and Gemini often become good friends, build family relationships or successfully complete projects at work. These two signs do not compete with each other, even being competitors. They calmly perceive the forward movement of one, knowing that the second will quickly establish itself at the same level, or even higher. Even such a race to success does not spoil the relationship of the couple, but only strengthens them and adds flavor.

Considering all the above characteristics, the pair of Aquarius and Gemini perfectly finds a common language and becomes attached to each other quickly and irrevocably.

Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility

This couple is in love

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is a rare harmony of two air signs, but even in this almost perfect union there are misunderstandings and contradictions. The element of Air gives them common aspirations, as well as a love of novelty, lightness and insight. But in the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Gemini, a certain feature is clearly traced, namely, an unequal understanding of the truth. The first sign is looking for the only truth - simple, clear and precise. Unlike him, for the second - absolute truth does not exist at all, he is sure that the false can become true and vice versa.

When the Sun, Moon and Ascendant of both partners are in a favorable position, the question of whether the signs of Aquarius and Gemini are compatible does not arise at all. They are perfect for each other, literally breathe and live in unison. With an unfavorable Venus or Mercury, serious inconsistencies in characters are possible. But most often - Aquarians love Gemini very much, and they reciprocate, because they are kindred spirits who are destined to be together.

AQUARIUS + GEMINI - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry

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Compatibility Aquarius man and Gemini woman. In �

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs. Compatible

Compatibility Gemini man and Aquarius woman. In �

possible compatibility of the Gemini sign with signs with

00:06 – Characteristics of Gemini 01:44 – Gemini – Aries 03:05

In addition to the location of the luminaries, it is worth paying attention to the year of birth of each of the partners. Influencing the characters of these zodiac signs, the year of birth leaves an imprint on the relationship between Aquarius and Gemini. So, Gemini, born in the year of the Tiger, sometimes turn out to be real owners in love, and those born in the year of the Boar, with age, begin to feel a craving for stability unusual for this sign. Similarly, Aquarians born in the year of the Snake are known for their ability to strike up relationships with lightning speed and are prone to excessive jealousy.

In general, for these signs of the Zodiac, any option will be successful: compatibility he is Aquarius, she is Aquarius, he is Gemini, she is Gemini, as well as compatibility, he is Aquarius and she is Gemini, he is Gemini and she is Aquarius.

Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman Relationship Compatibility

They found each other

In this union, the Aquarius girl finally finds her soul mate. Rarely any of the dreams, aspirations and desires of Gemini do not find feedback in her heart. And the fact that the partner is subject to a frequent change of these aspirations - today is one thing, and tomorrow is another, does not discourage her - she herself is inquisitive, mobile and has an inquisitive disposition. Compared to the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman will always be a little wiser, but this will not hurt, but rather help her to love and respect her partner with all her heart.

It will be difficult for her to come to terms with infidelity and deceit, since she herself is very faithful and open. But her attitude to the truth will also seem strange to her partner - she says what she has, but very often does not finish. IN sexual life they have the same mutual understanding as in all other areas. The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius in sex is a harmonious balance that often heals all the mistakes and failures of the past.

Even if relationships in marriage or love exhaust themselves, the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman always maintain friendship and remain close people for each other. So what makes them compatible? love relationships and family life?

  • The Gemini man and the Aquarius woman belong to the same element, they are very similar and understand each other perfectly. As related Aquarius and Aquarius, Gemini and Aquarius are perfectly compatible - they are connected by spiritual and intellectual closeness.
  • They are quite tolerant of their partner's shortcomings - due to the light nature and similarity of these shortcomings.
  • They base their love and marriage not only on mutual passion, but also on strong friendship, which gives high chances for a long and happy union.

Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man Relationship Compatibility

Harmony in relationships

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman often reaches the highest percentages, providing a bright, harmonious and long-term relationship. Charming Gemini does not cost anything to fall in love with a man - he will like her lightness and liveliness, the desire for change and novelty. In turn, she will find in a partner exactly the kind of friend she dreamed of - able to share with her the most unexpected ideas, travels, adventures. He is also attracted to change, but with only one difference - he loves when he changes. external world without affecting him.

A misunderstanding may arise between them when a man who previously happily flitted along with the Twin suddenly stops in one place, not wanting to give up an important position for him. Do not forget that in essence he is one of the permanent signs of the Zodiac. With no effort, the Twin will not be able to move him from his place and will get bored. However, she needs to take a closer look - despite the commitment to some kind of stability, throughout her life he will remain unpredictable and full of surprises.

The sexual compatibility of a Gemini woman and an Aquarius man is complete harmony, but still she is not the most important party their life together. Their relationship in bed is a cheerful game, one of the entertainments that bring light, almost childish pleasure. However, communication between them sometimes captivates and delivers even more pleasure than the most passionate intimacy.

So what makes the union of Gemini and Aquarius so successful?

Horoscope of the zodiac

for all occasions

Aquarius and Gemini Zodiac Compatibility

Compatibility of signs of the zodiac table shows that this indicator in Aquarius and Gemini reaches 100%. They can rightly be considered an ideal couple. In this alliance, adventures and frequent changes of impressions are guaranteed. Representatives of these signs belong to the elements of air and feel good about each other.

This will be appreciated by the Gemini, who are afraid of boredom and monotony. There is physical compatibility between them. Aquarians are attracted to light and sociable Gemini, who do not try to limit someone else's freedom.

They both love original phrases and play with words easily. The surrounding Aquarius seem strange and a little out of this world. Gemini will not require them to comply with social norms, they also often commit acts that are not approved by others. Aquarius will have to accept Gemini's tendency to lie. They break their word easily.

Sexual Compatibility Horoscope shows that the intimacy between these signs will be very pleasant, although from the outside it seems that there are no passions and emotions. Aquarius belongs to the fixed signs of the Zodiac, changeable Gemini will quickly be under its influence. Both partners love to communicate, have a wide range of hobbies, and easily relate to extramarital affairs. Their romance can quickly develop into marriage.

Aquarius Woman Compatibility with Gemini Man

They will notice each other the first time they meet. Sympathy will immediately arise between them. For a long time they will be good friends before their relationship develops into love. This is due to the fact that both signs are not too temperamental, and intellectual communication is more important for them than sex.

Having met Gemini man , the Aquarius woman will forget about the disappointments experienced. Finally, she found a person to whom she does not seem strange, eccentric. He does not reproach her for impracticality and mismanagement - he himself is like that. He is not afraid of her unusual friends and original hobbies.

In turn, she will consider his optionality and changeability as features of character, and not shortcomings that must be tried to correct. Sometimes they understand each other without words. They are able to continue the partner’s unfinished phrase, because they think equally outside the box.

The Gemini man loves surprises. He will admire Aquarius woman whose actions are difficult to predict. They will easily enter into each other's lives, they will not need to grind their characters. There is excellent compatibility between them. Both are tolerant, able to compromise. They have all the prospects to become a loving married couple.

Gemini woman compatibility with Aquarius man.

The Aquarius man is difficult to understand for representatives of other zodiac signs, but he easily finds a common language with the Gemini woman. He is able to make her laugh, surprise and show her something that she did not even suspect. Gemini woman not as mercantile as representatives of earth signs. Unlike fiery young ladies, she is not so passionate and temperamental.

She does not need emotions, which is different from water girls. But she cannot live without communication, information and new experiences, and this unites her with the Aquarius man. He likes her versatility. He does not require daily hot dinners and order from her. He gives freedom to her, and she to him.

Being in relationship with Aquarius man A Gemini woman can be herself. He will accept her for who she is and will not try to remake her. In turn, the Aquarius man will acquire new colors with her. After all, she will enthusiastically accept and support his ideas. They avoid manipulation. In this pair, both partners are smart, sociable, have a sense of humor and the same interests. There is harmony between them.

Gemini and Aquarius - sign compatibility

Gemini paired with Aquarius is an almost perfect, harmonious union. There is complete mutual understanding between them, which can become a solid foundation for creating long-term serious relationships, whether it be business cooperation, strong friendship or family. These two signs have much in common, they are like two magnets, drawn to each other. The desire for freedom, readiness for any changes and unpredictability unites them into one. Ideal Gemini and Aquarius Sign Compatibility based on the sea positive emotions, entertainment and jokes. Every day they are ready to arrange small holidays and big surprises for each other. This is the meaning of their coexistence.

They are quite ready to forgive each other some liberties: for example, Aquarius often turns a blind eye to the desire of Gemini to communicate with the opposite sex. Despite the fact that the love between these signs is like a fire that burns everything around, a truly crazy passion does not arise between them. Few are able to conclude marriage bonds such a freedom-loving partner as Aquarius. After all, he does not tolerate any attempts at coercion in his address. Gemini are excellent psychologists, they can convince their chosen one that he is eager to marry. The understanding between partners is simply amazing, but there are stumbling blocks that prevent Aquarius and Gemini from feeling truly happy. Such an understandable and natural compatibility of the signs Gemini and Aquarius does not apply to the material side of life, here the partners find themselves at an impasse, because none of them is ready to take care of the arrangement of life and financial support families. It is possible that both of them will be satisfied with a certain creative mess that reigns in the house, as well as making rash spending. They earn together and also suffer losses together. And does it matter if they make a profit or suffer a loss? After all, they strive to enjoy everything that happens in their lives!

The compatibility of Gemini and Aquarius is largely due to the fact that both signs belong to the same element - the element of Air. Although Aquarius literally means "carrying water." Perhaps this is where its inconsistency and unpredictability lie?

Gemini and Aquarius go a little crazy, but it happens to them absolutely in the same rhythm. They feel, live, think on the same wavelength. The compatibility of the signs Gemini and Aquarius characterizes them as two pages of one book, closed to all other people.

Gemini and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility

In the bedroom of these partners, indomitable fun reigns rather than unbridled passion. Aquarius will rule here, he is the author of sometimes crazy erotic ideas, and Gemini is happy to bring them to life. Meanwhile, the latter should not meekly wait for instructions from Aquarius. Sometimes for Aquarius, love and sex are two completely different substances, and Gemini does not always get what they want. Therefore, Gemini should not be inactive. After all, as already mentioned, this is the only sign that can influence Aquarius with impunity.

Gemini man - Aquarius woman: compatibility

The Gemini man has one small, but quite significant drawback - his irrepressible desire to flirt with the opposite sex can make others blush. The Aquarius woman is not from the category of jealous and will not keep her beloved man on a short leash.

She will easily turn a blind eye to his pampering, at the same time freeing her personal space a little from her partner's constant attention. In these relationships, the rule of the "golden mean" dominates: for the Gemini man and the Aquarius woman, both independence and devotion are equally important. In addition, partners are very interested in spiritual communication, their intellectual level is quite high. The stars prophesy a comfortable and lasting union for this couple.

Gemini woman - Aquarius man: compatibility

The Aquarius man strikes the consciousness of the Gemini woman, seeking her, conquering the heart with insanely beautiful deeds. Relations with the Aquarius man are a constant novelty, pristineness in everything: whether it's a simple conversation, walks under the night sky, or amazing lovemaking. At the same time, the Gemini woman does not feel excessive pressure and obsession, leaving behind a little personal space. Such an alliance promises to be, if not ideal, then very fruitful for both partners.

Gemini and Aquarius Business Compatibility

Gemini and Aquarius will work great together, such a union can give rise to a large number of bright, fantastically tempting ideas. However, both of them lack some earthiness, they cannot soberly assess risks and work out algorithms for solving problems. Business Compatibility signs Gemini and Aquarius will bring good fruit if they cooperate with the signs of other elements - Fire or Earth. Then their activities will be coordinated and directed in the right direction.

Gemini - Aquarius zodiac signs compatibility

Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility

Despite the fact that Aquarius and Gemini are freedom-loving and independent natures, the compatibility of these signs is impeccable. Someone doubt, but, nevertheless, this is an ideal couple, which will eventually develop into a strong and loving family. Of course, in the relationship of such complex signs, grinding is not complete, but then a period of harmony and tranquility sets in, which can last more than one year.

He is a Gemini and she is an Aquarius

What can be said about the compatibility of two ardent hearts if the man is Gemini and the woman is Aquarius? Oddly enough, but the representatives of these freedom-loving signs very quickly make contact with each other, and the sincerity of feelings can be safely called love at first sight. She attracts with self-confidence, determination, optimism and a wonderful sense of humor. Whereas in the twin man there is a share of independence, activity, the ability to present oneself, perseverance and determination.

They immediately see interest in each other, and the first conversation can drag on for several hours. It turns out that they have so much in common, and the topics for a pleasant conversation are simply inexhaustible. The further union of Aquarius and Gemini is their common decision, to which they come, rather, on an emotional level. Hence the danger, in relationships such signs show inconstancy. If the feelings are fragile, then there is flirting on the side and a slight affair (mainly on the part of the Gemini). The partner will never forgive betrayal and deceit, and the relationship can be considered completed on this. The former trust in this couple, alas, is no longer returning.

If you study the compatibility horoscope of Gemini and Aquarius, it becomes obvious that this couple in love will never get bogged down in gossip, squabbles and everyday routine. Partners are constantly working on their relationship, so their positive dynamics are constantly observed. They know how to talk about problems, listen and hear each other, but finding a compromise is sometimes very difficult due to the specifics of each character. But this does not increase the number of scandals in relationships, since a flexible and far-sighted woman - Aquarius can stop the impending storm in a timely manner.

In those cases when Gemini and Aquarius decide to tie their fates in marriage, the initiative, as a rule, comes from a man. It is he who makes a marriage proposal, but the Aquarius girl is in no hurry to answer. After the wedding, they have a happy family life, which can hardly be called boring and insipid. At first they live on the same wavelength, but later there are disagreements. For example, a man - Gemini and a woman - Aquarius do not know how to control their family budget, and money conflicts are escalating more and more often. Both are prone to waste, but each sees his own material values, and considers the partner’s wishes to be awkward and unnecessary.

Also, a misunderstanding may appear in the family, which will alienate people who once loved each other. Perfect match signs Aquarius and Gemini are lost over the years, and if people do not learn to be friends and cooperate, then most often they come to the final decision to leave. Otherwise, they live in constant dissatisfaction, illusions and mutual claims.

She is a Gemini and he is an Aquarius

It is very difficult to determine compatibility, where Gemini is a girl and Aquarius is a guy, since the representatives of these signs are distinguished by particular inconstancy and radical differences in character. If the female Gemini is prone to extraneous flirting, deceit and rash decisions, then Aquarians of the stronger sex belong to the category of homebodies, love only the truth and are stable in sexual preferences. But what then unites these two, it would seem, completely different natures from each other?

Both are prone to adventurism and just love adventure, noisy companies, fun. Both are passionate natures, and they make their sex life rich by attracting third parties. They love to be talked about a lot, they adore themselves in relationships, but they do not consider them depraved and free. For Gemini and Aquarius, the principles of morality and spiritual food are not alien, therefore, in life, both try not to commit shameful acts.

If the girl is Gemini and the guy is Aquarius, then it is impossible to predict the development of the relationship. They quarrel over trifles, but then they also violently reconcile, get used to each other. But even in the strongest scandal, they manage to come to a compromise, save relationships that are in the balance. In their life, feelings every day acquire completely unexpected shades, but together they are never bored.

Sexual and life and future offspring of Gemini and Aquarius

The sexual horoscope Gemini and Aquarius is also characterized by its richness and sharpness of feelings. Both partners believe that the best truce happens in bed, and practice this theory diligently. In fact, the Aquarius man is less temperamental than his companion Gemini, but the alpha male makes him a great experience, fantasy and self-confidence. A woman responds to his games and passion with joy and coquetry, so a harmonious couple cannot be found in the entire Zodiac circle. So the compatibility of a woman - Gemini and Aquarius - a man begins precisely with an ideal sex life, which lasts for the entire period of a romantic relationship.

> Gemini and Aquarius Compatibility

There is a prejudice that people with such a love of freedom are unlikely to make an ideal harmonious union. But somehow they succeed. Sympathy arises when meeting, because they do not experience problems with understanding. Of course, their differences sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Gemini does not accept the fact that Aquarius sometimes needs to close in on itself. And Aquarius is surprised that the mood of Gemini directly depends on others. Their attitude has potential, and only they will decide how to use it.

Gemini and Aquarius Love Compatibility

In love, everything is just great. Sex becomes not just a marital duty or a means of pleasure, but also a way of reconciliation. Aquarius is not temperamental, but it is a big dreamer. He is not against innovations, adventures, which attracts a partner so much. There is a lot of unpredictability in intimacy and this attitude is never boring.

Initially, they have a good starting position, so that they can achieve harmony without putting in the maximum effort. Undoubtedly, they also have skirmishes, but the spouses do not let them develop into something serious.

She makes a stunning first impression and attracts the attention of a man. He will conquer with his cheerfulness and activity. A spark of passion jumps between them, and communication takes place at ease and playfully, as if they had known each other for a hundred years. The connection promises to be strong, because they do not seek to deprive the spouse of personal space or remake it for themselves.

A possible reason for the collapse will be the inconstancy of the signs. The girl is endowed with extraordinary insight. If she realizes that Gemini is cheating, then he will lose her forever. So in alliance with her, it is important to control your inclinations and not give a reason. It will be very disappointing to miss an almost perfect soul mate.

Their relationship is filled with dynamics and development. These people develop the habit of adopting the missing qualities from a loved one. Thus, over time, they will become a reflection of each other. Thanks to her beloved, she will be inspired to conquer new heights, and Gemini will feel resilient. There are disagreements about money, but a calm discussion will settle the issue.

The connection is strengthened if they do not get hung up on routine or hoarding. The focus should be on spiritual enlightenment and mental development. The glue will be friendship (otherwise they will perceive what is happening as an illusion) and a certain degree of independence.

This is fertile ground for a promising marriage. You can forget about silence and calmness, but disagreements end in peaceful debates. They become not only lovers, but also friends, partners and advisers.

Sometimes each of them experiences a surge of negative emotions. This leads to scandals. But unlike other couples, such quarrels are necessary as a stimulus for evolution. They are attracted by the search for new experiences. Sometimes they decide to lightly flirt with strangers. Moreover, such freedom is negotiated in advance and brings freshness to a constant relationship. It is interesting that in such a scenario, no one has the thought of going to the left. They change their roles so often that intimate life does not lose its novelty.

The marriage is in jeopardy if they are categorical about cheating. Geminis by nature tend to embellish. Although the guy is attached to fantasies and dreams, he needs transparency. Therefore, he requires honesty from his beloved. And in this matter, I do not agree to compromises.

From the point of view of logic, such a tandem is simply not able to exist. They are ready to forgive a loved one for something that they would never let down to someone else. But at the same time, their love is bursting at the seams from a trifle. Society notices only a small part of the manifestation of their true feelings. They will be together as long as they are held together by attraction and interest. A mystery beckons them in their personality, which they will unravel until old age.

Gemini Articles

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  • Who are Geminis most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

Articles dedicated to Aquarius

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who is Aquarius most compatible with? ;

For all horoscopes, Gemini and Aquarius provide good compatibility, so it’s worth revealing the reasons for the possibility of such a union. No matter how it seems from the outside that these zodiac signs do not fit together at all and no matter how many questions arise about why they are still together, it is simply impossible to destroy Gemini and Aquarius.

Aquarius and Gemini perfectly find they do not need many words to understand each other, attraction occurs at the level of feelings and emotions. Because the active and mobile Gemini admires the lightness, ease and mystery of Aquarius. Sympathy caused by admiration quickly develops into stronger feelings that are difficult to somehow change.

Despite the fact that Gemini and Aquarius discover very quickly, it cannot be said that the absence of quarrels for the couple is guaranteed. Rather the opposite! Quarrels will be very global. Everyone around will think that this is a fiasco, the end of the relationship, but the couple of Gemini and Aquarius did not even think about ending the relationship. For them, quarrels are just additional fuel in a flaming furnace, from them their union becomes stronger, they get what they want. And they want only emotions, dynamics in actions, constant tension and change of feelings. It is for this reason that Gemini and Aquarius provide good compatibility. Other couples would have fled a long time ago because of such an influx of passions, but not these two signs.

Of course, sometimes there are really serious disagreements that can be difficult to resolve, but Aquarius and Gemini cope with this issue without difficulty. It is very easy for them to have a diplomatic dialogue in which they are ready to mutually listen to each other, come to a common conclusion and tune in to a new level, in which all past problems are excluded and forgotten.

The compatibility horoscope Aquarius and Gemini is so surprising with its rosy outlook also because both signs are striving for change. The twins themselves are very changeable and unreliable: sometimes they outweigh on the right, sometimes on the left. Aquarius by nature is very freedom-loving and independent, he is drawn to new sensations, so constant change is his passion. Both signs understand each other's craving for everything new, and therefore do not limit their hobbies. For this reason, they are always interested in the two of them. Each changes in its own way, causing a new interest in the partner. Probably, due to such a balance in views, with all the desire to go to the side of one or the other partner, in a joint alliance, they will never go for it, because they know that betrayal will lead to collapse, and losing a like-minded person do not want at all. Yes, and constant changes do not allow Mrs. Habit to settle in the relationship of this couple, which makes the union strong and indestructible.

Gemini and Aquarius also explain the compatibility of signs by the fact that the affection of this couple is caused not only by passionate feelings, but, above all, by friendly affection. It is such an alliance that is based on strong friendly feelings that are difficult to understand for others. They can loudly and expressively express their negative emotions towards each other, but they will not allow such a valuable union to come to naught. Therefore, Aquarius and Gemini often become good friends, build family relationships or successfully complete projects at work. These two signs do not compete with each other, even being competitors. They calmly perceive the forward movement of one, knowing that the second will quickly establish itself at the same level, or even higher. Even such a race to success does not spoil the relationship of the couple, but only strengthens them and adds flavor.

Considering all the above characteristics, the pair of Aquarius and Gemini perfectly finds a common language and becomes attached to each other quickly and irrevocably.

This is the union of two similar people. It can be built on friendship and understanding, or maybe on great love.

In both cases, Gemini and Aquarius are well together, and they stay with each other until selfishness separates them in different directions. But even then they remain friends or even continue to love each other.

Gemini-Aquarius Compatibility: How to Seduce an Aquarius Man?

Gemini will interest Aquarius with a lively disposition, curiosity and lack of prejudice. Most of all, the Aquarius man does not like "blinkered" people living with stereotypes, and the townsfolk. The Gemini woman is easy-going and open to new things. She herself does not like philistinism and boredom. These two will find a common language, and in the eyes of Aquarius, Gemini will also be the ideal of a woman. Physical intimacy is of little importance to both, but they will flirt until they drop. Gemini needs to focus not on sex appeal, but on flirtatiousness and love talk. Aquarius, like Gemini, is not a very temperamental sign in terms of physiology; feelings are more important for both. In this couple, there may be sparkling flirting and playful hints that give pleasure to both, or there may be a huge romantic love, but sex will never be something decisive for them. In no case do not put pressure on Aquarius. He is even more freedom-loving than Gemini. Gemini also value freedom, so they understand Aquarius well. He will undoubtedly appreciate the fact that a woman is not trying to control him and arrange scenes of jealousy.

What does an ideal couple look like: Gemini woman - Aquarius man?

They are never bored. They have many different activities and hobbies. But among all the various activities, they do not lose each other. They are for each other best friends and the most understanding interlocutors. This couple is good, even if there is not much love in it. They remain like-minded, freely develop their character without pressure from a partner, they do not have quarrels on serious issues, but there are many skirmishes over trifles, and this enlivens the relationship. If they also love each other, then these are very strong romantic feelings with some idealization of the partner. Gemini in alliance with Aquarius learn to see beyond their nose, they develop fantasy and intellectual courage. Aquarius does not allow Gemini to bend under the pressure of public opinion and become an ordinary housewife with a monotonous life. Aquarius is an egoist, he dreams of benefiting humanity, but does not notice the needs of loved ones. The Gemini woman does not require guardianship, she herself will take care of herself and her man. Paired with her, Aquarius is freed from guilt and from the burden of obligations.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Gemini woman and an Aquarius man?

Gemini and Aquarius will go through any trials together, but some trifle will become the reason for parting or quarreling. They often argue about everything: where to relax, with whom to communicate, how to manage the household, what to spend money on. They have disputes on abstract topics, both like to discuss philosophical theories and works of art, and their opinions do not always coincide. A quarrel can start out of the blue, because of the choice of one cafe out of two identical ones, or because of which of your friends to visit. Both are not shy in expressions and do not spare each other's pride. Such fights can be refreshing if the couple loves each other. If they are united by the similarity of characters, friendship and respect, then, having quarreled, they may one day forget to make peace - everyone has too many other interesting things to do. They do not sort things out, do not pursue a partner, but peacefully disperse in different directions, carried away by something or someone new. 1250 rub

Compatibility of Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man at Work

They work together as one person. Both are sociable, work quickly, do not like routine. But where weak spots one sign, weaknesses and the second. Therefore, in difficult cases for them, they need outside help.

Compatibility of Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man - Colleagues or Partners

They are smart and sociable. The work is taken quickly, but often they are brought to the wrong place. Working without the control of their superiors, they are unlikely to achieve the result that was originally intended. These are experimenters, they succeed in cases in which the process is important, and not the material result: journalists, teachers, communications workers.

When the Gemini woman is the boss, and the Aquarius man is the subordinate

This is a complex union. They understand each other well, but Aquarius is stubborn and does not like control, and Gemini is soft and does not know how to insist. Therefore, both perform their business roles with difficulty.

When the Gemini woman is a subordinate, and the Aquarius man is the boss

Aquarius is a democratic boss, but he does not tolerate laziness and narrow-mindedness in subordinates. The twins are attractive to him with their quick wit and mobility. Gemini does not always understand the revolutionary, innovative ideas of the authorities, but compensates for this with a quick learner and compliance.

Compatibility of Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man in Friendship

They are great friends. Both are intellectuals, both love new things, are sociable and mobile, both do not interfere with intersexual relations in friendship and are able to communicate on an equal footing with people, regardless of their gender. Aquarius values ​​​​friendship more, and Gemini is more often scattered to communicate with many. If we were talking about a couple of men or a couple of women, Gemini would sooner or later offend Aquarius with frivolity. But since Aquarius sometimes wants to relax in an all-male company, Gemini has a lot of time to communicate with other people. Gemini and Aquarius often start something, constantly in plans or in their implementation, they do not have to be bored. Both are very cold physically, but they easily relate to sex without obligations, and, depending on the mood, they can cheat on their "halves" with each other.

Mutual interest arises between them from the first minutes of acquaintance. Literally a couple of abandoned phrases - and the partners immediately feel that they are thinking similarly. Namely, compatibility in intelligence for Aquarius and Gemini, as representatives of the air element, does not play last role. Therefore, their general compatibility is expressed not only and not so much in romantic feelings, but in sharing interests, supporting ideas and simply inspiring communication. You can draw an analogy that the brain of Aquarius and Gemini is tuned to the same frequency, so they understand each other without interference.

The common element of Air gives them unity in the breadth of thinking, creativity, unquenchable craving for everything new. Yes, they are adventurous, as others notice, but still there is no thoughtless risk in them and they do nothing illegal. A typical adventure for this restless aerial couple is to break loose, leaving everything from their familiar place on a long journey with a minimum of luggage. Although, it is worth recognizing, Aquarius and Gemini can also appear in the summaries of criminal chronicles as clever schemers. But more on that below.

Outsiders can see only the foot of the relationship of this couple - the basis, consisting of intellectual, emotional and creative compatibility. Whereas the very peak is hidden far above behind the clouds, and is visible only to the partners themselves. And he carries in himself something higher and global, which gives the general meaning of life for Aquarius and Gemini, endowing their union with a spiritual beginning. Thanks to this, the couple is less obsessed, like many around, on the material and base, does not take life's failures so close to their hearts and believes in themselves no matter what.

To others, this relationship may seem too carefree, but Aquarius and Gemini know better that everything between them is as serious as possible. They can even, in the best traditions of air signs, live together for years without entering into a formal marriage, and at the same time not have a drop of doubt about each other's fidelity. And the reason for this is their type of compatibility, called "Parent and child." Where the role of "parent" goes to Aquarius, thus checking how mature and wise he is in order to be responsible not only for himself, but also for the relationship as a whole.

"Child" - Gemini next to Aquarius is childishly dreamy, spontaneous and infinitely sweet. No matter how mature and reasonable the Gemini may seem in ordinary life, in relations with Aquarius, they gladly shift all serious questions to him, becoming in fact wards. But the union does not suffer from this at all, because this state of affairs is natural for this type of compatibility.

The most important thing is that they are not bored together. After all, a calm and measured life is not for them. Aquarius and Gemini together, like a gust of wind, quickly come up with new directions for themselves, rush towards them, then change goals and fly in a completely different direction. Fortunately, the partners are close in spirit and this does not cause controversy.

Acting in a pair for the elder, Aquarius sets the strategic direction, and Gemini shares the path with him. It is worth recognizing that Gemini can only live one day and the mentorship of a wiser Aquarius helps them find long-term goals.

Things to work on in an Aquarius-Gemini relationship

Of course living together not without problems, both large and small. The first and largest problem is, of course, material. Which, however, is typical for pairs of air signs or where the air sign dominates.

If the partners have not yet found their " gold mine”or did not receive a rich inheritance, then they will have to provide for themselves. And, of course, Aquarius, as a "parent", should take care of this in the first place. Fortunately, there are many successful innovators among Aquarians who can capitalize on their ideas. But, alas, for most Aquarians, in fact, it turns out that their self-esteem is too high for some kind of routine hard work. And all their ideas in a million rarely even reach initial stage implementation. And often Aquarius with Gemini spend their lives on activities that seem to bring some money, but in fact are temporary. So they live for years, expecting that just about some of their ideas will shoot, success will come and they will finally gain material and financial freedom.

The problem of fidelity also often arises in a pair of Aquarius with Gemini. And if on the part of Aquarius there are rarely reasons for doubts, then Gemini, especially men, sometimes do not hesitate to flirt even in the presence of their woman. What can we say about those moments when the Gemini, in the absence of the "parental" leash of Aquarius, indulge in intrigues, wanting to strengthen their self-esteem. So, contrary to the opinion that Aquarians know how to forgive, Gemini, as a “child”, whom they loved with all their hearts and took care of for so long, they will never forgive. It will be too difficult for Aquarius to step over himself in order to look at the Gemini with the same look, which effortlessly broke their thin airy heart.

Aquarius Woman and Gemini Man

On the one hand, in the person of the Gemini man, the Aquarius woman will find an endless source of joy and inspiration. He will become for her not only a harmonious partner, but also a true friend who understands perfectly. The Gemini man is witty, self-confident, and incredibly inventive with all sorts of nice romantic things. All this will appeal to the Aquarius woman when she gets to know him better.

On the other hand, candy-bouquet period sooner or later comes to an end, and the Aquarius woman will find that it is difficult to rely on her man. He is infantile and irresponsible, and his plans for life are very vague. Will the Aquarius woman be ready to stimulate her man so that he finally comes to his senses? Or will she take it all on her own shoulders?

Aquarius Man and Gemini Woman

The Gemini woman is a great match for the Aquarius man. She does not limit his freedom, as she appreciates it herself. She shares his craving for new experiences. And, most importantly, she is ready to support and develop any of his ideas. It is unlikely that with someone else the Aquarius man will be so comfortable.

But in order to enter into this relationship, the Aquarius man must prove, and, first of all, to himself, that he is worth something. The “parental” role, and especially in relation to a woman, implies 100% responsibility of a man for everything. It's no secret that air signs for quite a long time they can burn their young years, thinking that life will work itself out. Therefore, if an Aquarius man thinks about something more serious with a Gemini woman, then he must take seriously not only his own life, but also their common one. Otherwise, how will he show the way, not knowing his own?