• Weapon special purpose is a professional tool for a certain level owner training. It is extremely diverse in terms of types of striking elements, device and methods of application.

We offer to consider the weapons of Alpha, one of the best special forces in the world.

AS "Val"

Developed in the late 80s by a group of designers from the TsNIITOCHMASH enterprise, led by the legendary gunsmith P.I. Serdyukov, AS "Val" quickly gained confidence among domestic special forces. Thanks to the silencer, the sound level of a shot from a machine gun does not exceed the sound level of a shot from a sports small-caliber rifle. This not only contributes to the secrecy of the use of weapons, but also reduces the acoustic load on the shooter himself and provides the opportunity voice communication when conducting special operations in tight spaces.

The rate of fire is 800 - 900 rds / min, the combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rds / min. The magazine is designed for 10/20 rounds. A special cartridge 9 x 39 mm SP was also developed for the machine. 6, which at a distance of 200 m can penetrate bulletproof vest 2-3 class.

SR-3 "Whirlwind"

SR-3 "Whirlwind" is a compact assault rifle, created in 1996 on the basis of the same "Val". Engineers from the Klimov TsNIITOCHMASH did their best, managing to combine such essential qualities as small size, convenience and power. Unlike AS Val, the SR-3 Vikhr is not equipped with a silencer, but has a smaller barrel.

The rate of fire reaches 900 rds / min., Combat rate of fire - 40 - 60 rds / min. 9 x 39 mm SP cartridges are used. 6. A machine gun from 50 meters successfully hits class 5 body armor.

VSS "Vintorez"

The VSS Vintorez sniper rifle is an excellent, balanced weapon, and due to its good range and high rate of fire, it becomes a real killer in the hands of an experienced specialist. Gained fame for its unique silent shooting.

For the rifle, a special SP sniper cartridge is used. 5 and an automatic cartridge with increased armor penetration SP. 6. A PSO-1 optical sight is also installed. The range of destruction is 200 meters, the rate of fire is 800 - 900 rounds / min, the combat rate of fire is 40 - 60 rounds / min. The magazine is designed for 10/20 rounds.

SR-1 "Gyurza"

The most powerful pistol of the special forces. He replaced the automatic genius of Stechkin, but confidently established himself in the ranks of the special forces. In the tests of the Gyurza, a bullet with a lead core from a distance of 10 meters pierces a block of dry boards 18 cm thick; at a distance of 50 meters, penetration of class A bulletproof vest or titanium armor plate up to 4 mm thick is guaranteed.

The store is designed for 18 rounds. Special cartridges are used: armor-piercing, low-ricocheting, expansive, armor-piercing tracer. Sighting range- 100 meters.

Knife "Antiterror"

Anti-terror was specially made by the Kazan company "Melita-K" for the power units of Russia. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it has a petal shape, which allows the maximum use of the working area of ​​the blade, which increases its secant properties. Due to the special configuration, the knife has high penetrating properties.

The Commandments of the Special Forces

1. Sweat saves blood.

2. The volume of the biceps does not affect the speed of the bullet.

3. The gun is just a working tool, the weapon is you.

4. It is not the weapon that needs to be brought to a normal battle, but the head of the employee.

5. The main value of the anti-terror unit is the instructors. (Signed: Instructors).

6. If a mistake is made at the selection stage, training is meaningless.

7. Equipment, like life, has no price.

8. The winner is not the one who shoots first, but the one who hits first.

9. For gaps in fire training, the opponent's bullet puts the mark "failed" in battle.

10. A weapon is not a source of increased danger, but your friend and working tool.

11. The best weapon the one you work with.

12. Your skills are the best fuse.

13. The level of the shooter is his worst shot.

14. best pistol- it's an automatic.

15. A pistol is needed in order to get to your machine gun, which did not have to be left anywhere.

16. The main means of preparing the anti-terror unit is realistic professional training.

17. Darkness is a friend of a trained employee.

18. Are you afraid to use weapons in the crowd? Get on your skis!

19. Mistakes in tactics can be corrected quickly and accurate shooting, errors in shooting cannot be corrected by anything.

20. Be a professional in combat, let the enemy die a hero.

21. The strength of the special forces is not in the muscles, but in the brains.

22. To destroy the enemy is a craft, and to make him shoot himself is an art.

23. All commandos died in fire contact, and not in hand-to-hand combat.

24. If you have reached the change of store in fire contact, then before that you missed too much.

25. No one has yet managed to miss so quickly to win.

26. The main means of combating terrorists is weapons. The rest is secondary.

27. Effective fire - accurate fire.

28. Nothing replaces a quick and accurate shot.

29. TEST: Night, distance 15 m. Target - the head of a terrorist. The hostage is your child. (Answer: Yes - employee / No - sportsman).

30. An employee of the anti-terror unit is the master of each of his shots.

31. Treat every shot like the only one.

32. Did you miss? Welcome! (Signed: Military Prosecutor's Office).

33. Good luck reinforces bad tactics.

34. The main quality of an employee is the ability to make an informed decision and make a quick and accurate shot in any conditions and at any range of actual fire.

35. What is worth your shot is worth another shot.

36. Anti-terror unit - the highest professional specialization of the special purpose unit.

37. No need to quickly dismantle a weapon, you need to quickly shoot from it.

38. Mental clock - balance of accuracy and speed.

39. Worse than a miss can only be a slow miss.

40. It makes no sense to shoot faster than you can hit.

41. Nothing is more inspiring than being shot at and not hit.

42. It's better to hit once with a PM than miss twice with a Glock.

43. You can’t nail a firing course to an employee’s coffin.

44. Money, information and cartridges do not happen much.

45. If a bully at a distance of 10 meters at the same time hit one knee with a 5.45 mm bullet and the other with 7.62 mm, then he will not notice the difference.

46. ​​Win and survive to win again.

47. Special Forces - quality, not quantity.

48. An effective anti-terror unit cannot be created on command - it takes decades.

49. People are more important than technology.

50. Employee - weapons - equipment - personal protective equipment and communications - equivalent elements of the combat kit.

51. In hand-to-hand combat, the one with the most ammo wins.

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"Falkatus" - armored car TsSN FSB Israeli special forces. The structure of the Israeli special forces Mosin rifle - native trilinear

Special purpose units carry out reconnaissance and sabotage operations. They are able to covertly penetrate the enemy's rear, conduct reconnaissance and, if necessary, destroy the enemy's most important military installations. However, in order to successfully conduct risky operations, a fighter needs special weapon special forces. About what types of such weapons are distinguished on this moment and will be discussed below.

There are many types of weapons specifically designed for use by intelligence agencies, special forces and counter-terrorism units. The fact is that some special tasks simply cannot be performed by standard means, which requires special weapons.

If some type of weapon is in service with special forces, then this fact does not yet allow it to be classified as a special-purpose weapon. In this case, we are talking about special designs developed taking into account the needs and characteristics of the work of special forces.

Weapons of hidden use

This group includes several types of weapons:

  1. Hidden application. First of all, we are talking about the weapon, the shot from which is produced with a minimum level of noise. For this reason, it is often referred to as "a weapon of silent and flameless shooting" or simply "silent". Most famous representative Such devices are the Soviet model 6P9, which does an excellent job with fire missions, but at the same time has a special quality that allows operations to be carried out in special conditions.
  2. Indirect weapon. It is a structure designed to fire from behind cover. In doing so, it is about hand weapons, not considering tanks, aircrafts and armored vehicles. Perhaps the most specific are curved aggregates. Such designs allow the fighter to remain invisible to the enemy, since the detection of the muzzle is extremely difficult. The most famous representative of the line is the Israeli development Corner Shot, currently used in the armies of various countries of the world.

High precision sniper rifles

T-5000 sniper rifle easily hits a target at ranges up to 1.5 kilometers

This type of weapon should be distinguished from universal rifles used for army needs. Special Forces sniper weapons are highly accurate and capable of destroying the enemy at a distance of up to one and a half thousand meters. If we are talking about a shorter range, then such a rifle is able to guarantee defeat after the first shot.

Special precision sniper rifles are often made to order. They use powerful optics and specialized ammunition.

The successful use of such weapons in combat requires special training and careful handling. The fact is that the high accuracy of fire and the aiming of the fire require some reduction in the trigger pull. This problem can be solved by using additional devices with fine tuning.

The most popular precision rifle model is the T-5000, manufactured by Russian company"ORSIS".

Assault weapon

As a rule, it is about automatic rifles, capable of creating high-density fire, which allows you to get a high lethal effect in close combat. This weapon is something between combat and specially designed for use by special services. Therefore, it is equally used both in the army and in special forces.

At the moment, one of the most popular models of such weapons is the T65 assault rifle. It was designed to replace the obsolete American model M14. The new generation assault rifles are the ultimate weapons capable of delivering high-density fire for long periods of time to assault or contain the enemy at short ranges.

Large-caliber rifled weapons

The B-94 rifle is used in special forces for close combat.

Due to the fact that weapons of this type are used in some armies, they also began to be classified as an intermediate class. Moreover, there is no unequivocal opinion on this matter: some experts say that we are talking about sniper weapon, while others classify it as a separate class.

large-caliber rifle designed to solve the following tasks:

  • destruction of vehicles and weapons;
  • disabling military equipment, including vehicles with light armor;
  • destruction of infrastructure elements;
  • sniper tasks involving the destruction of manpower at considerable distances.

Such weapons are used for firing at medium and long ranges. The maximum distance to the object in this case is 1600 meters.

IN last years many types of short-barreled large-caliber weapons appeared. Often referred to as "carbines". Such designs are not intended for sniper tasks, but they perform well in close combat, hitting manpower and lightly armored vehicles.

The V-94 rifle, which has been used by Russian special services for more than 20 years, has gained considerable popularity. The weapon allows you to perform a wide range of tasks, and therefore remains one of the most popular in its class.

Weapons of combat swimmers

The pistol has a clip of four rounds.

It's about about devices for conducting underwater shooting. Due to the nature of their application, such weapons require careful development of ammunition and elaboration of every detail.

Should not be confused this species weapons with guns for spearfishing. The complexity of the design and firepower products designed for use in special forces cannot be compared with household hunting devices.

Underwater weapons are most often represented by pistols and rifles. One of the most famous models such pistols is SPP-1. This is a unique design, equipped with four smooth barrels combined into a block.

Rapid firing is ensured by the presence of a self-cocking trigger mechanism. Moreover, shots are fired alternately from each barrel.

Concealed weapon

Case - the machine is often used in the protection of VIPs

Another name for this weapon is "masked". Outwardly, it resembles those objects that we can meet in Everyday life and therefore does not attract special attention. This way you can disguise the following types of weapons:

  • knives;
  • spring-type weapons;
  • pneumatic throwing device;
  • firearms.

Outwardly, such an item may look like a construction tool, a piece of clothing, hand luggage, or a stylish accessory. The use of such weapons provides a significant advantage of surprise.

The most popular hidden design is the combat knife, which is additionally equipped with a miniature shooting device. Its competent use will allow the fighter to buy some time and take the enemy by surprise.

Portable support

This is about special grenade launchers which can be divided into the following groups:

  • portable;
  • active;
  • recoilless.

This category also includes mortars, which are significantly reduced and lightweight samples, which allows fighters to carry out special operations using such weapons. For example, today there is a whole line of "silent" grenade launchers, which are actively used in various special forces. This also includes anti-sabotage weapons and "silent" mortars.

Steel arms

The knife is designed so that, if necessary, it can be thrown at the enemy.
  1. NRS-2. This a new version the legendary HPC knife, which was modernized in 1986. The new modification is equipped with a silent cartridge SP-4 and is an excellent example of concealed weapons. To cock the trigger, a special lever is used, located on the handle of the knife, the descent is carried out by another lever located at the end of the product. Today, this model is in service with airborne units and the marines.
  2. Satan. Perfectly balanced edged weapon, which was developed specifically for the needs of the power unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. Thanks to the narrow blade, the weapon is capable of inflicting deep wounds, and the serreytor allows the fighter to special efforts cut the climbing rope, 12 mm thick. Due to its good balance, the dagger can be successfully used as a throwing weapon.
  3. Akela. A police knife that has a convenient attachment to ammunition, and it is possible to carry it in different positions. The presence of a rubber handle prevents slipping, providing a secure and comfortable grip. Great for working in narrow spaces and used by SOBR.
  4. Gyurza. The legendary blade, which is in service with the FSB. It has a narrow blade with one and a half sharpening. There is a serrator on the butt. The metal pommel is present in the design not by chance - it is designed to deliver shocking blows to the enemy.
  5. Katran-1. Since this knife is in service with combat swimmers, its design provides for a serrated sharpening and a special hook for cutting nets. The knife has a rubber handle and is stored in a plastic sheath attached to the fighter's leg. At the moment, there are three modifications of this knife: combat, underwater, used as a survival tool.
  6. Vityaz NSN. This knife is in service with the detachment of the same name. The knife has a massive blade with a narrow blade. The special design allows you to accumulate and maintain inertia during impact. At the same time, the knife itself is not very heavy, and therefore will not complicate the conduct of a special task for the operative.
  7. Smersh-5. The shape of this knife was borrowed from the classic prototypes used during the Second World War. The double-sided guard ensures a secure hold of the knife, regardless of the grip. To date, there are several modifications of the model, which is in service with the FSB and the GRU.

Thus, special forces weapons include a number of developments that allow complex special operations to be carried out. Such weapons are present in the units of all countries of the world.

Weapons for special forces have always been elite, some samples were produced in small batches, others almost individually, such as the ShAK-12 assault rifle system (uses powerful 12.7 × 55 mm cartridges), the SKTs-9 sniper complex, the Blizzard machine gun " and others. Some of these weapons were shown at an exhibition organized during Cyber ​​Anti-Terror 2016..

When Ksyusha needs SIG Sauer

The stand of the Special Training Center was literally bursting with a variety of weapons and equipment. Employees of the organization train all special forces units of Belarus. Since 2007 - training of special forces of foreign states.

Vladimir Yevdokimov, head of the training department of the CSP, said that the weapons used by the center’s specialists are subject to special requirements, therefore, the cost of the “body kit” is often several times higher than the price of the machine itself, as was the case with the AKMS, AKS74U, Vepr-12 and Vepr-1V carbines shown at the stand.

Mainly used in the center Russian weapons. In addition to machine guns, carbines and sniper rifles, MP and IZH-71 pistols are used to train personnel, with Russian-assembled Glock on the way.

According to Vladimir Evdokimov, these pistols are in no way inferior to the Glocks assembled abroad, the only problems were with the cartridges of the Barnaul plant with a metal sleeve. When using the latter, the shutter quickly breaks, unlike brass.

AKMS, military copy. It has an L-3 EOTech collimator sight, a DTK-1 muzzle brake-compensator, an additional RK-6 handle, additional rails for attaching attachments, a magazine pairing device, and a telescopic stock.
Smooth-bore self-loading carbine "Vepr-12". It is equipped with a GK-01 muzzle brake-compensator, a collimator sight, an additional handle, a flashlight for shooting at night, an optical sight, a telescopic butt
IN skillful hands AKS74U - a formidable weapon in urban combat, especially if the machine gun is fitted to the shooter. The assault rifle in the photo is equipped with a comfortable pistol grip, a Zenith stock, a tactical flashlight and a SIG Sauer sight.
Carbine "Vepr-1V". New pistol grip, optical and red dot sights, telescopic stock with a niche for a spare magazine
Rifle ORSIS F-class caliber .308win. Such a rifle is not included in the list of serial production, it belongs to the Custom category, it is made only to order. The rifle is designed for long range shooting. The stock of the rifle is made of gun-grade wood laminate with cheek and butt pad adjustments.

Accuracy is the key to success

If in the DSP they prefer to use expensive American devices, then ordinary army units choose cheaper products, and here the sights of the Belarusian unitary enterprise "NTC" LEMT "BELOMO" are very popular.

In the hands of the head of the commercial department of LEMT, Nikolai Surko, is a POSP 12 × 50 sight, which is capable of withstanding 5,000 shots from a large-caliber sniper rifle. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

The specialists of the enterprise developed the PC-28S sight for the AK-12 assault rifle, which is part of Russian equipment soldier of the future "Warrior", as well as a sight for the Russian RPG-32 "Nashshab" grenade launcher system, manufactured by Jadara Equipment and Defense Company, and many others.

10 thousand hours on one battery

The PC-28S sight was developed specifically for Russian machine gun AK-12. The requirements for the collimator were quite strict - the Belarusian product had to withstand the recoil when fired from the GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher. It was necessary to expand the field of view, to make the device as compact as possible, shorter and more unpretentious.

PK28S. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

The sight is made in a closed hermetic case and is able to work in any climatic conditions. The PC-28S is capable of withstanding a shock load of 1000g, for comparison: conventional scopes are designed with an ultimate strength of 300-500g.

The sight for the "Warrior" is able to work on one ordinary finger-type battery for 10,000 hours. But even with a minimum battery charge, the PC-28S sight is able to function by adjusting the brightness depending on the degree of battery discharge.

Maximum protection

When assaulting urban high-rise buildings, it is impossible to hide behind the armor of an armored personnel carrier, so it is best to carry armor with you, and it weighs a lot. The photo below shows a bulletproof shield placed at the stand of the NPO KlaASS enterprise.

Buckler-K-R. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

According to the head of the marketing department, Irina Maisarova, the Buckler-K-R ceramic-composite shield is able to protect against a B-32 armor-piercing incendiary bullet fired from an SVD rifle at point-blank range. The shield glass holds a 7.62 mm OPS bullet.

The Spetsnaz body armor is capable of resisting the fire of a Kalashnikov assault rifle almost point-blank. The vest is equipped with an emergency release system, operated with one hand. On the outer side of the outer covers there are rows of belt loops in the form of horizontal stripes for attaching pouches with elements of weapons and special equipment, as well as shoulder rests for carrying weapons. The weight of "Spetsnaz" can reach up to 14 kg.

Weapons for the FSB

The ShAK-12 assault rifle system was created by order of the Russian FSB as a highly effective melee weapon. Due to the large caliber (12.7 × 55 mm cartridges are used in the machine), a high stopping effect of the bullet is ensured.

SHAK-12. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

Weighs ShAK-12 - 4.5 kg without cartridges, there are two types of magazines for the machine - for 10 and 20 cartridges. Fire from weapons can be fired in single shots or bursts.

The ammunition used is PD-12 subsonic bullets (a cartridge with a double (duplex) bullet, two bullets are inserted into one another), supersonic bullets with a high stopping power PS-12A (a cartridge with a light aluminum bullet, at a distance of 100 meters it loses speed so much that unable to kill a person, such as a random civilian).

PS-12B - this cartridge is able to penetrate most body armor and is even dangerous for lightly armored vehicles.

No silencer, but silent

The PSS-2 is an upgraded version of the Russian PSS Vul silent pistol. The novelty surpasses its predecessor twice in terms of the power of the bullet at the target.

PSS-2 fires specially designed for him silent cartridges with locking powder gases in the sleeve. The weight of the pistol is 850 g, the caliber is 7.62 mm, the muzzle velocity is 300 m/s, and the weight is 10 g.

Only for special forces snipers

The 9-mm target sniper complex SKTs-9 is designed to engage enemy personnel at a distance of up to 1000 m. It includes a SR4 sniper rifle and a specially designed 9 × 69 SP14 cartridge.

The weapon provides accuracy at the level of 1MOA, reloading is carried out manually, it is possible to install a silencer. The rifle weighs about six kilograms, the length with a silencer is 1490 mm, without it is 1230 mm. The initial speed of the bullet is 860 m / s.

No person in and on the territory modern Russia, who would not be familiar with the legendary special forces "Alpha". There are plausible and not very stories about the fighters of this formation. They say that they dodge bullets, own the technique of surviving in any conditions, and much more. This is something like superheroes for the Russians.

The special unit "Alpha" is a vivid dream of every second boy. What the special forces actually are, we are unlikely to find out, but there is public information that is going to be a good picture.

History of creation

At least twice the KGB came to power. We all know one, and the first was Yu. Andropov. On his orders and the initiative of the head of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB, General A. Beschastny, on July 29, 1974, the Alpha group was created. Spetsnaz was originally called simply group "A" of the ODP service of the 7th KGB Directorate. Who came up with the idea of ​​such a harmonious name is already unknown, but in 1991 the formation became known as Alpha.

The main task of the group was the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages, Vehicle, buildings, objects on the territory of the USSR and abroad. Initially, there were 40 fighters, but their number was constantly growing, and by the collapse of the Alpha Union, there were already 500 officers with branches in various cities, such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Alma-Ata, Kiev, Minsk, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk. Parts that ended up abroad became the basis for the formation of national special forces units of seceded countries, such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

In 1991, during the coup in Moscow, the Alpha special unit became a horror story for the defenders of the White House. They frightened the special forces soldiers, they were expected. However, the officers refused to participate in the assault. Unfortunately, V.V. In 1998, Putin issued an order to reorganize the Alpha special forces, not only Group A, but also Group B - Vympel. Headquarters, departments and support units were disbanded. The combat groups were brought to the Antiterrorist Center. Having heard about this, representatives of the United States came to Russia to offer high-class specialists a job. According to official sources, none of the officers left - they decided that they would find a job in their native country.

At the moment, Directorate "A" includes a headquarters, 5 departments, one of which is in Chechnya, as well as regional divisions and services.

Groups "A" and "B"

If the Alpha special unit is the A group, then it is logical that there are others. The second most famous special forces unit is the "B" group, or "Vympel". The fates of these two formations are strongly intertwined. There are officers who served both there and there. There were joint operations, for example, the assault on Amin's palace - then it was the Zenith group. She didn't last that long. "Zenith" and "Cascade" on August 19, 1981 were merged into group "B" ( official name- Separate The educational center KGB USSR).

The main task of Vympel was to conduct reconnaissance on enemy territory, sabotage activities, and the fight against terrorists. IN Peaceful time fighters check the security of specially protected objects of their state, perform conditional sabotage in order not to lose their skills and keep the protection of objects in good shape.

The fighters participated in military conflicts in Baku, Yerevan, Karabakh, Abkhazia, Nakhichevan, Chechnya, Transnistria, Moscow.

Notable Operations

One of the first operations was the transportation in 1976 of a Soviet dissident to Switzerland and his exchange for a place. Despite the nervous situation, everything went well.

The loudest operation, after which they began to fear the Alpha group, was the assault on Amin's palace in Afghanistan in December 1979. With the support of a battalion of paratroopers, two groups of special forces broke through under heavy fire inside and crushed the resistance. Despite good training protection, advantageous position and number of 250 people, the Alpha special unit completed its task, losing two people during the operation. They were awarded the Orders of the Red Banner posthumously.

In January 1991, troops entered Vilnius, seizing a television center and a television tower. Already 23 hours later, in agreement with the government of Lithuania, 67 employees of the Alpha group arrived under the guise of It was necessary to stop broadcasting and take control of the facilities, while preventing civilian casualties. Special forces soldiers made their way through the crowd with the help of butts, the most worst site was in front of the building. The group was well lit, and fire was opened on them. Someone from the crowd also started shooting. As a result, one of the employees was shot in the back. The barricades failed to stop the special forces. The guards were disarmed, and the activities of civilians were stopped.

During the riots in Moscow in 1991, the special forces refused to participate in the storming of the White House. The fighters tried not to interfere in such events when the forces within the country are fighting for power. Their help was required only in negotiations. If there is an opportunity to solve the case without victims, you need to go this way. The fighters think the same way, because this is Alpha!

Special Forces. How to get?

Get into Elite combat unit not easy. The selection takes place in several stages. The FSB special forces recruit candidates from officers, ensigns and cadets of military schools. First you need to get a recommendation from an employee of Vympel or Alpha, or from a veteran of such units. Preference is given to cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and institutes of the FSB.


For candidates, as well as for assault units, there are restrictions on growth. The fighter must be above 175 cm. This parameter appeared due to the peculiarities of the equipment - heavy armored shields are very large and, with a smaller height, will be dragged along the ground. They can make an exception only if the candidate's merits outweigh his shortcomings. For example, small flexible fighters who can crawl through narrow hatches and hard-to-reach places can get into the Alpha special unit.

The second limitation is age. You must be under the age of 28, or have combat experience and come from other structures of the CSN.

Physical testing

This is not the biggest obstacle for a trained fighter or a good athlete. In group A, the requirements are slightly higher than in Vympel. Special forces "Alpha" of Russia give their candidates less rest and more loads. The exercises are standard: pull-ups, running, abs, push-ups, complex strength exercises and sparring. hand-to-hand combat here it is not the same as during the certification for the maroon beret. It is necessary not only to survive, but also to show what you are worth.

Passive defense is discouraged, a fresh hand-to-hand man may give the candidate a chance to work. Injuries are possible, but if you are afraid of this, then you should not go to such a unit. For candidates from other formations presented Additional requirements such as swimming and shooting.

Special training

After the series psychological tests and the polygraph is a conversation with the candidate's family. They must also agree to the service. At the initiation, the fighter is presented with a branded knife, which the Alpha group uses in its operations. Special Forces conducts training quite tough.

All fighters, without exception, undergo landing and mountain training and other special disciplines. As part of the units, a fighter studies for three years. It is also necessary to master a specialization in order to be an expert in your field. For insufficient zeal, they are expelled from the unit.

Alpha is a special unit of the FSB, and according to an unspoken rule, fighters serve in it for at least five years. This is necessary for the preparation of a first-class specialist. Many continue to serve.

Official losses

Despite the training, the officers of the Alpha group are dying in operations. According to official figures, during the history of its existence, the unit lost 16 fighters. Two died during the storming of Amin's palace, one - in Vilnius was shot in the back from a crowd of civilians, another - during the riots in Moscow in 1993. Three were immediately lost during the operation in Beslan.

I wish you a pleasant study.

Sincerely, Ermak

Weapons used by TsSN FSB RF

The main feature of the weapons of the Anti-Terrorist and Intelligence Centers of the FSB is the supply of military personnel with some foreign copies.

Earlier, many said that the TsSN FSB is arming itself with trophy items. Today, this news can be refuted. Now the ministry has a number of sponsors, which supplies foreign weapons.

But to say that the FSB is really armed mainly with NATO models is stupid, because. they are armed with only a small part of foreign sniper rifles, shotguns and a few samples of pistols.

According to some reports, since 2010, the FSB has refused to use foreign submachine guns and terminated a contract with a well-known European military corporation to supply Sig Sauer brand pistols to Russia, considering them not so effective. In addition, the famous "Rooks" (Yarygin Pistols) rushed to replace them en masse.

Below is the armament of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation. (Later I will add shotguns!)

(!) Did not add underwater weapons. I think that it is not necessary for modeling, and such airsoft samples cannot be found, if only on order.


1) Automatic 9A-91


2) Automatic AEK-971


3) Kalashnikov assault rifles (Modernizations and modifications):











AK 107 and AK 108


AK-101, AK-103


AK-102, AK-104, AK-105


4) Nikonov AN-94 assault rifle


5) Automatic AS Val


6) Automatic CP-3 "Whirlwind"


-OTs - 11 "Teess"


7) Silent shooting and grenade launcher complex "Canary"


8) Small-sized automatic machine A-91


9) OTs-03AS sniper machine (not to be confused with IEDs!)


10) Shooting and grenade launcher complex "Silence"


11) Shooting and grenade launcher complex OTs-14 "Groza"


12) Shooting grenade launcher complex TKB-0239



13) AW-50 rifle


14) Large-caliber rifle Falcon OP 96


15) Special sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez"


16) Barrett M82A1 sniper rifle


-large-caliber sniper rifle Stoner SR-50


-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett M90


-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett XM 500


-large-caliber sniper rifle Barrett M99


17) Covert Sniper Rifle


18) DSR-1 sniper rifle


19) Erma SR100 sniper rifle


20) Super Magnum Sniper Rifle


21) ASVK sniper rifle


22) VSK-94 sniper rifle


23) KSVK sniper rifle


Large-caliber sniper rifle B-94


24) OSV-96 sniper rifle


25) OTs-44 sniper rifle


Large-caliber sniper rifle VSSK Exhaust


26) SV-98 sniper rifle


27) SVD sniper rifle


SVDS sniper rifle


SVU AS sniper rifle



28) Automatic pistol OTs-23 "Dart"


29) Automatic pistol OTs-33 "Pernach"


30) Pistol Yarygin "Rook"


31) Pistol 6P35


32) Five-seveN Pistol


33) Glock 17 Pistol


34) Pistol MP 444 "Bagheera"


Pistol MP 445 "Varyag"


Pistol MP 446 "Viking"


Pistol MP 448 "Skif"


35) Silent pistol PB


36) Pistol OTs-27 "Berdysh"


37) P-96S pistol


38) Pistol SR-1 "Gyurza"


39) Pistol APS


40) Pistol SPS



41) Submachine gun OTs-22


42) Submachine gun "Bizon-2"


43) Vityaz submachine gun


Submachine gun Vityaz-SN


44) Submachine gun "Kedr-B"


45) Cypress Special Submachine Gun


46) AEK 918 submachine gun


47) Submachine gun AEK 919 "Chestnut"


48) Submachine gun OTs-39


49) OTs-39P submachine gun


50) Submachine gun PP 2000


51) Submachine gun PP 9 "Klin"


52) PP-90M1 submachine gun


53) Submachine gun SR-2 "Veresk"



54) Single machine gun AEK 999 "Badger"


55) Modernized machine gun Kalashnikov PKM


Modernized machine gun Kalashnikov PKM Stankovy


56) Machine gun "Pecheneg"


57) Kalashnikov light machine gun upgraded RPK-74M


Kalashnikov RPK light machine gun


Kalashnikov light machine gun RPK-74


Grenade launchers:

58) Automatic easel grenade launcher AGS 30


59) Magazine grenade launcher GM 94


60) Grenade launcher "Showcase"


61) 6G30 revolver grenade launcher


62) Hand grenade "knuckles"


63) RGS 50M hand grenade launcher


64) RPG-18 "Fly" hand grenade launcher


65) Hand grenade launcher RPG-22 "Net"


66) RPG-26 "Aglen" hand grenade launcher


67) RPG-27 "Tavolga" hand grenade launcher


68) Hand grenade launcher DP-64 "Nepryadva"


69) Underbarrel grenade launchers GP - 25 and GP-30



"" TsSN FSB RF """

It is worth starting a discussion of the topic from 2004, from the moment of the tragedy in Beslan.

Since then, a large amount of video and photographic material has appeared on the Internet, testifying to the tactics, dexterity, equipment and weapons of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation.

There is enough material about this department to do modeling. More information only in the archives of the department itself.

Let's take a look at the highlights

As you know, the FSB has three departments. A, B, and C (pronounced "ES", not "C").

The departments of Alfa and Vympel took part in the release of the hostages.

Consider control gear "A":

Uniform: KLMV "Partizan" (Frog) in "SS-Summer" colors; uniform in Woodland colors.

Shoes - Crispy.

Armor protection:

Slam - "Altyn", "Lynx" and TIG.

Bulletproof vests by FORT Technologies, models OK DEFENDER, Redoubt M and Redoubt T5.

Unloading: RPS "Smersh".

Armament - AK74S, AKMS, VALs, VSs, SR-3 "Whirlwind", "Aglen", "Bumblebee".

For the first time, Lobaev's sniper rifles - OVL and SVL, which had just entered service, were used.

Consider control "B".

Form: KLMV "Partizan" (Frog) in the colors "Dusk" and "Mabuta" Glass.

Shoes - Crispy.

Armor protection: Helmets - Lynx, TIG and Altyn.

Body armor - FORT models "OK DEFENDER".

Unloading: SPLAV bibs not considered by us and on several fighters of the SSO "Huntsmen" with toggles.

Armament - AK74S, AKMS, "Aglen", "Bumblebee".

Since Department "A" has sponsorship, and Department "B" does not, the equipment of Department "B" has survived to this day almost unchanged.

Therefore, in the following, we will consider only the equipment of Directorate "A", as representing the greatest interest to us.

2005 - 2007

The shape is constantly changing:

Black, Gorki-R, KLMK "Birch" (.....) KLMV "Partizan" in the colors "SS-Summer", KLMV "Partizan" in the colors "Dusk", Woodland, "Vertical", Multicam.

Perhaps, 2008 can be called a turning point in the supply of Department "A".

The sponsors have finally arrived!

This explains the emergence of outlandish and not inherent in domestic special forces equipment. The AK-series has undergone modernization and began to be massively “weighted” with RIS handguards and handguards. There were MAGPUL CTR stocks with SWAT ARMS adapters and the like, EoTech 551 holographic sights and 552 TDI tactical grips.

By the way, it was from the pennant that the name "Pokemon" came from.

Let us recall the shooting competitions among special forces officers dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Central Security Service of the FSB of Russia. September 2008

Clothing - Assault overalls from SRVV.

ShoesCrispy, BatesAndAltama.

Bulletproof vests - FORT "OK DEFENDER" and "Redoubts" (because special orders with individual fitting went, it is not possible to distinguish "Redoubt T5" from "Redoubt M").

Unloading: Molles from CAMELBAK, BlackHawk and SRVV. The KZ molle platforms used by us with Default are an exact copy (not a replica, but a copy) of the BlackHawk platforms, with the only difference that there are no BlackHawk checks and the cost is almost 4 times less.

Armament (not specifically for competitions, but for the period of 2008) - AK74S, SHAFTS, VSSy, Whirlwinds, PYa, SVL / OVL.

2009 - 20010

ShoesCrispy, BatesAndAltama.

Helmets - Altyn, LSHZ-2DT, LSHZ-2DT M, Mask-4.

Unloading: Molle platforms from BlackHawk, SRVV and SSO.

Armament - AK74S, SHAFTS, VSsy, Whirlwinds, PYA, SVL / OVL.

The AK103 and AK104 were also put into service.

Let's summarize this.

Since we are not modeling a specific time period yet, equipment from different years is still allowed.

In terms of equipment that is suitable for quality and convenience, as well as really used, we can list:

Clothing - Assault overalls from SRVV and French Nomex black and blue overalls, Multicam from CRYE PRECISION (for the contingent operating in Dagestan), KLMV "Partizan" in the colors "Twilight" and "SS-Summer", Gorka-R, Gorka-D, the good old Flora is back.

ShoesCrispy, BatesAndAltama.

Helmets - Altyn, LShZ-2 DT, LShZ-2 DT M (" Volcano"), Mask-4.

Bulletproof vests - FORT models "OK DEFENDER" and "Redoubt" (because special orders with individual fitting went, it is not possible to distinguish "Redoubt T5" from "Redoubt M").

Armored suits - fire and heat-resistant overalls FORT "Python", anti-fragment overalls "Sokol" and FORT "Reid-L".

Armored shields - VANT LM and VANT LM from FORT Technologies.

Unloading: Molles platforms from CAMELBAK, BlackHawk, SRVV and SSO.

Armament - AK74S, SHAFTS, VSsy, Whirlwinds, PYa, SVL / OVL, AK103 and AK104.

An example of an unloading and body armor platform: https://granit.0pk.ru/viewtopic.php?id=31

Types of camouflage used by the Central Security Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation: https://www.airsoftgunspb.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=30856

For teams modeling the CSN of the FSB of the Russian Federation on present stage:


Protective glasses

red bandage

Statutory headdress with masking properties.

High top boots

Gloves with maximum masking properties.

knee pads

Unloading system (preferably in "Spectrum" coloring)

First aid kit (iodine, bandage, gauze pads, cotton wool, painkillers and other drugs of the fighter’s choice)

Notepad with pencil or pen

Flashlight with interchangeable filters

Water tank (hydration system or flask)

Training rubber knife

Navigation system - GPS (compass initially)

Multitool (or equivalents)

Additional means of disguise such as scarves, nets, etc., as well as means of disguising parts of weapons, and especially magazines and overlays.

The rest is seats, joint protectors, etc. - optional.


Protective glasses

Uniform colors "FPS" or "Spectrum" depending on the department.

red bandage

Helmet 6b27

Bulletproof vest (Defender 2)

High top boots

Gloves with maximum finger protection.

knee pads

The unloading system is desirable in the colors "Spectrum".

Radio station operating in the range of 400-470 MHz