kvantun 01.06.2009 - 16:52

Individual combat skill and group work


1. Introduction.
This item includes a wider range of activities than the basics of firing and moving on the battlefield. Together with the ability to act as part of a patrol, it creates the basis for the survival of a soldier in battle. All other subjects follow from this section. In other words, the soldier must be able to advance to the object and, upon reaching, be able to destroy it. Without bringing to perfection these basic principles of individual combat skill, it is impossible to study other techniques and methods of action. It is very important to understand the concept of "combination of fire and maneuver" and "fire and movement".

2. What is "fire and maneuver" and "fire and movement"
A. "Fire and Maneuver". It is the basis of any tactical action and is a method of action in which a fire support group is assigned, which occupies the indicated positions and covers the advance of the assault group. Its task is to suppress or destroy the enemy, which can prevent the advance of the assault unit, whose task is to directly destroy the enemy defending the object.
b. "Fire and Movement". It consists in advancing the group to the target under the cover of continuous fire leading to the front. It is very important that the actions in this case cannot be divided into two stages, namely firing and moving. They are carried out at the same time. As a result of the existence of two inconstant factors, namely, the terrain and the enemy, several methods have been developed. These methods are used by subunits from squad to brigade, and not only by infantry, but also by mechanized and tank units. In combat, every soldier must follow this principle in order to survive.
V. The concept of "fire and maneuver" and "fire and movement".

Rice. 1. The concept of "fire and maneuver" and "fire and movement".

3. Reasons for applying the principle of "fire and movement"
A. It reduces unnecessary losses. One part of the assault group makes a dash, while the other part does not allow the enemy to raise his head by conducting concentrated fire and, thus, suppresses the enemy's fire.
b. It is the basis for all tactical theories. Any methods of movement in the conduct of hostilities are based on this principle.
V. It improves the following skills:
Field training. Due to the intensity of the firefight and in order to survive, the soldier is forced to make effective use of cover, routes and obstacles.
Weapon Handling. The survival of a soldier on the battlefield depends on mutual support (the so-called system of combat "twos"), and without professional possession of weapons, this support will not be effective enough, which reduces the chances of survival. The ability to shoot accurately, quickly and accurately change the store, eliminate delays is a must.
Interaction. In view of the fact that close cooperation is necessary for the effectiveness of fire and movement, there must be understanding between the members of the "two" and within the unit. "Deuces" by themselves cannot win the battle. They must act as part of the unit to achieve overall success.
Fire control. The effectiveness of suppressing the enemy by the fire of the support group allows the assault group to approach him. Secondly, it saves ammunition and, thirdly, due to the fact that the assault is carried out from several directions, the soldier must conduct aimed fire so as not to hit his comrades.

Control. Since several actions take place simultaneously in different places, the unit commander must skillfully lead subordinates. At the same time, each soldier must inform the commander and relay his commands.

Management. Each commander is vested with the power to control the actions of his subordinates in order to defeat the enemy. Unlike previous methods of warfare, when key factors was brute force and ignorance, modern combat requires a competent commander capable of making the right decision instantly.
d. It develops an aggressive spirit. The right combination fire and maneuver allows the soldier to get close to the enemy. Every person has an instinct for self-preservation. If your life is in danger, you, in turn, will also act aggressively to protect yourself. This awakens the instinct of murder.
e. It develops an offensive impulse and helps to increase the efficiency of the unit's actions. Successful firing and movement depend on the effectiveness of the interaction of each soldier. When this skill is mastered, the unit becomes a very efficient and well-oiled mechanism.
e. Capturing a guard position or flank position. The squad is able to clear a certain area of ​​​​resistance without slowing down the overall advance and maintaining the pace of the offensive. Otherwise, the entire unit would have to be deployed to destroy such a small enemy. The right combination of fire and maneuver allows the squad to act independently and conduct offensive operations. This allows you to effectively operate against superior enemy forces.

4. Principles of "fire and movement".
A. Control. Literally, this means that the commander must plan each movement and its route. This would make his job much more difficult. Therefore, everyone should take on this task in order to give the commander more freedom to plan the battle. Thus, cooperation and discipline are very important in the implementation of this principle. Management is everyone's responsibility.
b. Speed. Speed ​​is a very important principle for four reasons.
Firstly, it takes about 2-3 seconds to aim at a moving target. On the ground, this means 5 - 15 meters. Therefore, in order to survive, everyone must run from position to position as quickly as possible.
Secondly, it allows you to save ammunition, since it takes less time to reach the object.
Thirdly, it has a demoralizing effect on the enemy, since he is not able to effectively slow down your progress.
Fourthly, it is necessary to maintain the pace of the offensive.
V. Limit to a minimum movement in open areas without fire support. The reason for this is quite clear. If you are forced to move on open terrain, use the following methods:
Increasing the fire density of the support group.
The use of smoke.
d. The direction of attack should form an angle close to 90° to the direction of the covering fire.
(Remembering that the main task of the support group is to suppress the enemy, the first two diagrams show incorrect options for its deployment. Due to the fact that the minimum safety angle (the angle between the direction of fire and the direction of the direction of friendly troops) is 3., the fire of the support group in these two cases will be moved too early, leaving the assault team vulnerable to enemy fire.
The speed will slow down and the pace of advance will be lost.
Ammunition consumption will increase.
Vulnerability will increase, which can lead to loss of initiative.

Rice. 2 The safety angle is too small.

Fig. 3 The safety angle is too large.

Rice. 4 The safety angle is correct - 90.

e. Use the terrain to your advantage. It is necessary to use any available shelters. Accordingly, plan the route of each movement.
e. Fire control. Each cartridge, grenade and projectile must be registered. The purpose of each shot should be to destroy the enemy. Much more can be achieved with one magazine expended on accurate shots than with five magazines fired blindly. The tendency to shoot blindly speaks of poor discipline and training of personnel.
5. Important requirements:
A. Aggressiveness.
b. Desire to kill.
V. Physical training.
d. Good training.


6. Rolls in groups. A group of 7 people (4 - assault group and 3 - support group) attacks the target with different directions.
A. This method is used when:
There are suitable positions for a fire support group, using which the enemy can be suppressed by accurate fire.
There are convenient approaches along which the assault group can approach the enemy.
The enemy has insufficient firepower.
b. Procedure.
One group provides fire support while the other moves. The groups move in this way until they reach advantageous positions from which they can begin to carry out their own tasks, namely, fire support and enemy attack, respectively.
The group commander manages the assault group, his deputy - the support group. The group leader should try to keep the machine gunner at a distance providing voice communication until he reaches the line of the final firing position. If this is not possible, he must use visual and radio signals.
If one of the groups is forced to move across open terrain, the other must cover them with fire. The angle between the two directions of attack should be as close as possible to 90. If this angle is less than the specified value, the assault team can increase it by moving to the appropriate side after reaching the starting position. The angle, at the same time, should not exceed 90..
The attack should be carried out as quickly as possible, but not at the expense of reliable control.
During the final throw, the machine gunner must fire at the enemy constantly and carry him as close as possible to the assault group (3. in a combat situation, 11. in class).
To make a final roll from the last firing position, the assault team may use one of the methods described in the following sections.

Rice. 5 Approximation by rolls in groups

7. Dashing. The group advances to the object from one direction by dashes in the composition of "twos", that is, one soldier performs a dash, the other covers him.
A. This method is used when:
The enemy puts up fierce resistance.
Requires maximum fire support.
The terrain does not provide enough cover.
b. Procedure.
Soldier #1 provides support to Soldier #2, who runs over 10 meters long or 3 seconds long.
Soldier No. 2 takes cover and opens fire.
N 1 advances to the line a little ahead of N 2, takes cover and opens fire, etc., etc.
The machine gunners advance as part of the assault group, mainly on the flanks.

Fig. 6 Approximation by dashes

8. Attack. This method is an extension of the "fire and move" principle. It includes the movement of the entire group deployed in a line towards the object. In this case, each soldier moves with a quick step towards the object and fires at the enemy and his probable positions.
A. This method is applied when:
There are no shelters on the route of advance.
The enemy is disorganized and does not offer organized resistance.
When pursuing a retreating enemy.


9. Introduction. This task is, without a doubt, the most important for a commander during a battle. He must constantly know the situation, not get carried away by the battle, and is located where he can constantly direct the battle. This task is facilitated by systematic training, the use of skills and abilities and the observance of combat discipline. To facilitate management, the following methods are used:
Hand signals.
Light signals.
10. Communication in battle. In the heat of battle, soldiers have to communicate with each other to exchange information. The commander must give commands clearly, clearly; commands must be communicated to the entire unit.
A. Arguments
This prevents isolation in combat. Mutual assistance and faith in one's comrade inspire soldiers to do things that, otherwise, they would never be able to do.
This improves fire control and ensures constant firing to the front.
Every soldier knows the situation.
This improves control.
This contributes to the cohesion of the unit.

b. Commands must be given in a loud voice. All orders must be passed along the chain. The unit leader must remember the following:
Think before you speak.
Arrange the message in a logical order.
Speak loudly and clearly.
Give the order piecemeal and pause to transmit it.
V. Giving commands in combat must be accompanied by signaling with gestures. Give the right signal and make sure it gets passed on.
11. Light signals. To indicate the positions of the enemy, both small-sized shooting devices and conventional ones can be used. flares. But at the same time, it must be remembered that this also gives the enemy the position of commander, which for him is the main goal. The assigned soldier must give the signal. These signals can be used to command a ceasefire.
12. Whistle. It is the most important means for issuing and executing commands. It is used to signal that a command is to follow, to start its execution, or to stop a previous action and follow. new team. Whistle and voice are the most important control methods and the only ones that are effective in combat.
13. The order of giving commands.
A. The commander blows a whistle - the personnel are waiting for the command and continue firing.
b. A command is given in combination with a gesture.
V. The command is passed along the chain.
d. The commander blows his whistle to indicate the start of the command.
e. Within 3 seconds, the entire personnel of the group conducts heavy fire on the enemy, and after that, advancement begins in one of the above ways.
14. You must use the following commands:
A. To move forward. "Group! In the direction of a single tree, in twos, in dashes, FORWARD!"
b. For a break. "Group! Detachment to the right / left, MARCH!"
V. To step back. "Prepare to withdraw!" (This is the only command that is accompanied by the word "prepare", since every second number must then prepare a smoke grenade and throw it on a whistle to create a smoke screen).
d. To attack. "Attack, GO!" The start of this command is not indicated by a whistle to maintain the pace of movement. It starts immediately after the command and is a continuation of the previous method of movement.


15. Introduction.

A. Choosing a firing position requires knowledge of the characteristics of the weapon and the ability to use the properties of the terrain. These requirements vary depending on the task. So, for example, in an offensive position should provide a convenient transition to the attack; when conducting a defense, a more important requirement is to provide a covert location. During the advance, before fire contact with the enemy, the group leader must choose possible positions in which his unit could take cover in the event of opening fire by the enemy.
b. Finding the ideal position is not always possible. you need to remember the following:
Fire is also cover, but should be used as such in exceptional cases.
Grass, bushes, and small trees provide cover only from observation, not from fire.
In the absence of cover, it is necessary to lie down on the ground in order to present a smaller target for the enemy.
16. The ideal firing position must meet the following requirements:
A. Should provide cover from enemy flat fire.
b. Should provide cover from enemy observation.
V. Should provide convenient use of weapons, including hand grenades.
d. Should provide a wide sector of fire and observation.
e. Should provide superiority over the enemy in firing and observation.
e. Should not be obvious. Avoid perfect hiding places.
and. Should have a convenient approach route.
h. Must have a convenient route to advance to the next position.


17. Introduction. In combat, fire control is the responsibility of the group commander and his deputy. Without reliable fire control, all the advantages of a good firing position will be lost. In order to control the fire of the unit, the commander must know the following:
A. How to target.
b. How to correctly determine ranges.
V. What weapon to use.
d. What kind of fire to use.
e. Where to be yourself for better management group.
18. The purpose of a fire control order is to direct fire on the enemy as quickly and effectively as possible. The most difficult part of such an order is target designation, especially during an attack. During defensive battle every soldier knows the terrain, distances and landmarks. The following are the types of fire control orders:
A. Complete order.
b. Brief order.
V. Advance order.
d. Individual order.
e. Target designation with tracer bullets.
19. During an advance or attack, one has to act on an unfamiliar piece of terrain, in the absence of landmarks. The enemy may be in well-equipped, camouflaged positions that are difficult to detect. During training, it is usually accepted as a rule that the commander sees the enemy first and sets the task of destroying him. In reality, this is not so. Any soldier can spot the enemy first. Therefore, it is very important that everyone can give target designation.
20. Every soldier must understand the need for fire control in order to save ammunition. While approaching the enemy, it is sometimes necessary to fire without seeing the target, but by firing at likely positions, you can count each shot.


21. Introduction. To effectively use a support weapon, the team leader must be familiar with the weapon and its characteristics, its capabilities and limitations. Using support weapons effectively can mean the difference between victory and defeat, life and death. A good mortar and machine gunner is worth its weight in gold for a small unit.
22. Tasks. The main task of the machine gunner is to maintain supporting fire for the assault group during the attack. Additional tasks are:
A. Blocking the enemy's escape routes.
b. Firing in defense.
V. Covering the "destruction zone" during an ambush.
d. Prevention of enemy reinforcement actions that impede the advance of the assault group.
23. Accommodation. When using a machine gun as part of a support group, it must be placed in a position with an open sector of fire. When used as part of an assault group, machine guns should be placed on the flanks. After the attack, they should be placed in the most possible direction of attack of the enemy.
24. Application. In order to use the weapon effectively, the machine gunner must fire in short bursts (2-3 shots each). This saves ammunition and increases the likelihood of hitting the target. The number of bursts is determined by the type of target and the required fire power. Constantly use provocative fire. Increasing the rate of fire does not mean an increase in the length of the queue, but an increase in the number of queues per minute.
25. Management. The deputy team leader is responsible for the correct placement and use of weapons. When used as part of an assault group, the machine gunner himself must determine his place in the battle formation. It is also the responsibility of the group's deputy commander to keep his troops safe.
60 mm MORTAR
26. Tasks. The main task of this type of weapon is to suppress enemy fire. Another important task is to block the enemy's withdrawal routes.
27. Accommodation. In order to perform the main task, the mortar must have an overview of its sector of fire. Basically, he operates on his own, with the exception of the case when he is attached to a support group under the command of a second-in-command. He must always remember the following points:
A. Keeping an eye on your sector.
b. Absence of any objects above the head.
V. Shelter from fire and observation.
d. A level surface for placing a mortar.
28. Application. The mortar is a very effective weapon. If he does not even kill or injure the enemy, then at least it will demoralize him. At close range, it is quite possible to hit the mine directly on the target. He should conduct provocative fire, and not try to repeatedly destroy the target. With the beginning of fire contact, the mortar must immediately throw 2 - 3 mines in the direction of the enemy. The mortar is part of the assault group and the mortar must move behind its commander. After using up ammunition for the mortar, the mortar must take its place in the battle line. Its place and further task is determined by the group commander. He is usually located in close proximity to the commander. The mortar operator must always take into account the speed of the group and the flight time of the mines to ensure the safety of his troops, especially when firing over the heads of the attackers.
RPG - 7
29. Tasks. Due to the presence of fragmentation and anti-tank grenades the use of a grenade launcher is quite flexible. However, the main task is to fight against armored targets. Frag grenades are used to destroy enemy manpower.
30. Accommodation. The grenade launcher should be in the support group (if possible) and used to destroy specific targets. The shooter must have good review and open fire sector. When used against manpower during fire contact, the shooter must be in the assault group and fire at the command of the commander.
31. Application. Due to the large firepower, the capabilities of the grenade launcher should be used to the maximum. The following must be remembered:
A. Do not use HEAT grenades to shoot at enemy manpower, the M79 will do it better.
b. The grenade launcher must change firing position immediately after the shot.
V. If the grenade launcher is not used, the grenade launcher must fire from an individual weapon.
RPG - 7 is very effective in cases where a high density of fire is needed, namely, immediately before the start of movement.
32. Management. The grenade launcher fires only at the command of the commander, with the exception of cases when he can hit an advantageous target that the commander does not see.
M79 (grenade launcher)
33. Tasks. This weapon is used with great efficiency to destroy manpower. Allows you to have a large and varied wearable supply of grenades.
34. Accommodation. For achievement best results must be in the assault group. Accurate fire can be used to quickly destroy profitable targets. This means an increase in the firepower of the assault group. When operating on terrain densely overgrown with bushes, it must be remembered that a grenade can explode from contact with a branch immediately in front of the group's battle line. During the regrouping, the grenade launcher should be placed in the likely direction of the enemy counterattack.
35. Application. Due to the fact that the weapon allows firing in a wide range of ranges (from small to 350 meters), its use is very flexible. Some use cases:
A. Use against manpower during fire contact.
b. Covering enemy withdrawal routes.
V. Destruction of point targets.
d. Purpose designation.
36. Management. The shooter must be close to the commander, but can fire on his own initiative.


37. Introduction. It is very important to know that there is a difference between the order of actions when meeting with the enemy, the order of actions of a soldier in critical situations and a sudden attack (attack) on the enemy.
A. The order of actions of a soldier in critical situations. This is the course of action to follow in this situation. This order is standard and is performed by the soldier on his own, without a command. It includes the procedure for under fire, the procedure for replacing an empty magazine, the procedure for eliminating delays, etc.
b. The procedure for meeting with the enemy. This is the order of actions of the group during the battle. Changing into a line, moving forward or backward, rebuilding to repel an enemy attack from a new direction, etc.
V. Sudden attack (attack) on the enemy. This is a method of action in which the group leader decides to attack the enemy after a quick assessment of the situation. It will be discussed in detail in chapter 7.


38. Introduction. These are techniques that are performed automatically and completely according to the decision made by the soldier himself. In combat, there are several tricks that must be performed correctly in order to stay alive.
39. The order of actions under enemy fire to kill. This is the fire that forces to turn into battle formation in order to prevent losses. The procedure is as follows:
A. If possible, fire three shots in the direction of the enemy (Everyone who is in a position that allows you to shoot back) and indicate the direction of the enemy with your voice.
b. Quickly fall to the ground, roll and crawl behind cover. Do not try to run to the nearest cover, which is 20 meters away, you will NOT RUN.
V. By crawling or short dashes, stretch out in a line in the direction of the enemy. Runs should be no more than 10 meters.
d. Determine the position of the enemy or his probable location.
e. Make sure that the scope of the weapon is set correctly.
e. Open fire on the enemy.
40. Replacing the store. In a team of 6 people, 1 person makes up 17% of the firepower. Thus, this technique must be performed very quickly. The store is replaced in the following order:
A. Warn your partner that you are going to replace the magazine because:
he cannot move without your fire support.
he will have to increase the density of fire to replenish your 17%.
b. You must not fire the magazine completely, as in this case you will have to pull the bolt back again to load the weapon and thus lose time. The last five rounds in each magazine must be tracer rounds to alert the shooter that the magazine is low.
V. Never move around with an empty magazine.
d. Magazine replacement should always be done behind cover.
e. Make sure the magazine is inserted correctly. Always check the weapon for performance by firing two shots in the direction of the enemy.
e. Alert your buddy when you are ready to move.
and. Empty magazines must be stowed in the front discharge pockets.
h. Magazines must fit properly into pockets. The magazine feeder must face down to protect it from dust and sand.
And. The full magazine is removed from the pouch pocket; an empty magazine is separated with the same hand. A full store is attached, an empty one is removed. You can't change hands.
j. Magazines are replaced in the following cases:
Empty store.
Before the final throw (in the starting position for the offensive).
Upon receipt of the command to withdraw.
l. Keep magazines and ammunition dry and clean.
41. The procedure for eliminating delays. There is very little chance of delays with careful handling of weapons, but if it does occur, it is very important to eliminate it immediately. The time factor has great value. In doing so, the following order must be followed:
A. Take cover.
b. Warn your partner.
V. Eliminate the delay.
d. Check the weapon.
e. If you cannot resolve the delay immediately, inform the commander.
e. If the delay cannot be eliminated, inform the commander and use the pistol.
42. Actions on positions in the offensive. These actions involve more than just shooting at the enemy. You must also do the following:
A. Listen and pass commands.
b. Report on all identified enemy positions.
V. Choose your next firing position.
d. Determine how you are going to move from this position.
e. Choose a route to the next position.
e. Always know where the rest of your group is.
43. Change of firing position. In this case, the following rules must be observed:
A. Warn your partner that you are about to change firing position.
b. Don't leave a position the same way you took it.
V. Do not fall immediately behind cover - roll or crawl to it.
d. Don't get up directly from behind cover - roll out from behind it first.
44. Movement between positions. Observe the following rules:
A. Move in a zigzag pattern.
b. Move crouched.
V. Speed!!!
d. Both hands must hold the weapon.
e. Do not cover your partner's fire.
e. Keep distance between each other. If you are too close to each other, you are an excellent target. If it is too far, control is difficult.
and. If necessary, treat the position to which you are advancing with fire.
45. Detection of the enemy. The duty of each soldier in the group is to detect the enemy. The following main methods are used for this:
A. By the flash and the sound of the shot.
b. Movement.
V. Provocative fire.
d. Calling enemy fire with your movement.
e. Other features such as shape, shadow, dimensions, silhouette, surface, and spaces.
46. ​​Fire control. It is impossible to destroy the enemy without ammunition. Therefore, do not bargain with yourself on how many stores to have - two or three. Use the following rules:
A. To cover your teammate's run, you must not let your opponent raise his head.
b. Always aim through the scope, otherwise you won't be able to shoot accurately.
V. Put yourself in the position of the enemy and shoot where you would take cover, namely to the left of trees and other cover, since most people are right-handed.
d. Fire from below. The enemy is rarely at the top of the trees, and the one that is - does not pose a big threat to you.
e. Constantly shift your fire to shoot through the entire area, for example, from left to right and away from you - in depth.


47. These are techniques that are used by a group under enemy fire, as well as for retaliatory actions when the situation changes.
48. Order of actions.
A. When the enemy opens fire, it is necessary to perform the actions specified in clause 39.
b. The soldiers who are behind move forward and take up positions in battle formation - in a line.
V. With the help of provocative fire, enemy positions are revealed.
d. Target designation is carried out and fire missions are set (if necessary).
e. The commander makes a decision and issues a command.
e. The group opens heavy fire and suppresses the enemy.
and. The group continues to complete the task.
49. Options for action when meeting with the enemy.

Rice. 8 Actions when meeting with the enemy. Marching order "Scorpion".

Rice. 9 Actions when meeting with the enemy. Marching order "Klin".

Rice. 10 Actions when meeting with the enemy. Marching order in a column one by one.

50. The following must be remembered:
A. Don't bunch up when changing lanes.
b. Rebuilding in line should be carried out as quickly as possible to achieve fire superiority over the enemy.
51. Flanking movement. Applies in the following cases:
A. When changing direction to the enemy.
b. When an enemy appears from another direction.
V. When entering the flank of the enemy.
d. On departure.
e. To ensure the evacuation of the wounded when it is necessary to remove them from enemy fire.
52. Performing a flank movement.
A. Procedure.
The commander gives the command: "Withdrawal to the right (left)."
The density of the fire increases.
The whistle is signaled.
The group starts moving until the next whistle.
b. The following must be remembered:
The second soldier starts moving first, from the flank towards which the movement is carried out.
The fourth one starts moving next, and so on.
The twos work together and adjust the speed according to the speed of the group.
The movement is carried out from the rear of the battle formation.
Movement can be covered with smoke.

Rice. 11 Move to the right.

Rice. 12 Move to the left.

53. Changing the direction of contact with the enemy. There are several factors that lead to a change in the direction of contact with the enemy:
A. Counterattack by the enemy.
b. More persistent resistance on one of the flanks.
V. The enemy retreats in a certain direction.
54. Change of direction of attack. In order to undertake retaliatory actions in the event of a change in the direction of contact with the enemy, the group must change the direction of the attack. All actions are carried out on the commands and signals of the commander, but at the same time, each soldier must anticipate subsequent actions.
A. The first one to notice a change in the direction of contact should inform the commander about it.
b. The commander gives a signal with a whistle to stop movement in the same direction.
V. The battle line of the group is deployed in the direction of the enemy by turning around the commander (who is in the center of the battle formation). This means that one flank moves forward while the other moves back.
d. If the threat comes from the flank, the group will not have time to quickly deploy in the manner indicated in the previous paragraph. In this case, it is necessary to proceed in the same way as in the case of deployment from marching formation into a column one at a time when meeting with the enemy from the front. In this case, the commander takes a place in the center of the battle formation. The personnel must take their places in the line independently, while avoiding crowding on one flank and lack of cover on the other.
Note: Don't try to use the number system. The battlefield is not a parade ground and in an unpredictable, changing environment, the procedure cannot be the same for all cases. Deal with any comrade who is nearby, as with your partner.
e. If the line is displaced in any direction relative to the center of the target, the commander uses a flank movement to align before the start of the attack. e. The command to perform this trick could be:
Whistle (forward movement stops, firing continues).
"The enemy is on the right, in line, FORWARD!" (At the same time, the commander marks a new line with his arms outstretched to the sides).
Whistle (command start).
55. Coverage. Can be done in the following ways:
A. Occupying a position by a cover group for firing on the flank of the enemy.
b. Masking enemy fire when attacking on the flank.
56. Order of execution:
A. Occupation of the position by the cover group.
The support group performs a flank movement until it reaches its position (90. to the direction of attack).
b. Concealment of enemy fire.

Rice. 14a Coverage - masking enemy fire.

Rice. 14b Coverage - masking enemy fire.

V. The command to take the position of the support group may be: "Support group, coverage on the right, FORWARD!" The deputy commander of the group exercises command of the cover group during the advance to the position. The assault group increases the density of fire to cover the advance of the cover group.
d. In the second case, the movement begins on the command "Group, coverage on the right, FORWARD!"
57 Departure. It does not consist in fleeing from the enemy, but in an organized, controlled movement.
58. Reasons for leaving.
A. Incorrect assessment by the commander:
Enemy numbers.
enemy firepower.
The capabilities of your department.
59. Ways of withdrawal.

Rice. 15 Retreat and flank

60. Factors determining the mode of withdrawal.
A. The presence of "dead spaces" on the flank.
b. Dense vegetation on the flank.
V. Concentrated enemy fire.
d. The need to pick up the wounded or abandoned backpacks. In this case, the direction of withdrawal becomes the direction towards them.
61. Procedure. In view of the fact that withdrawal is usually undertaken in the event that friendly troops fail, management plays a very important role and it is difficult that in such situations people are prone to panic. During the training, it is necessary to work out the procedure for leaving. The following course of action is recommended:
A. The group commander gives a whistle, the group stops further movement and takes the battle formation in line.
b. The commander gives the command "Prepare to withdraw!"
V. The second numbers are preparing smoke grenades.
d. The commander blows the second whistle - the pause between the previous command and the second whistle should allow enough time to prepare the grenades.
e. Personnel throw smoke grenades and increase the density of fire.
e. The group begins to withdraw.
62. The use of smoke grenades.
A. When using smoke grenades, the direction and strength of the wind must be taken into account.
b. Smoke does not give shelter from fire - only from observation.
V. The opponent's movement cannot be seen either.


63. Introduction. The chance of being ambushed while following the movement rules is very low. Patterned actions, driving on roads, disregard for discipline and disguise are the most common reasons for getting into an ambush. When ambushed, the most important factors are the speed of action, firepower and decisiveness. It is necessary to pay the same attention to the development of anti-ambush actions, as to any other.
64. Ambushes on the roads. Your actions will be determined by the following factors:
A. The number of the enemy and the order of battle of the ambush.
b. Removal of enemy positions.
V. Times of Day.
d. The nature of the terrain (the presence of a slope of the terrain, the street in the village, etc.).
65. You must adhere to the following rules:
A. With a very close ambush, the only chance is to break through battle formations the enemy with firing at his possible positions.
b. At a greater distance (200 meters or more), the usual procedure for meeting with the enemy applies.
V. At night, you need to quickly take a prone position and crawl out of the affected area.
d. Use every opportunity, such as thick bushes, to get out of the affected area.
e. Remember! Your life depends on the speed and decisiveness of action.
66. Ambushes in open areas. Ambushes are usually organized near water sources, while being pursued by the enemy, when crossing borders, and in cases where the enemy has discovered you first and ambushed you on the move. The procedure is usually the same as in a normal encounter with the enemy. Usually only part of the group is in the affected area. At the same time, the rest of the group undertakes a counterattack on the enemy's flank in order to give their comrades the opportunity to leave the affected area.


67. Introduction. This is nothing but a surprise attack by the enemy. The enemy is spotted first, the set signal is given and the group organizes an ambush on the move.
68. Procedure. The personnel of the group should deploy as quickly as possible in a line without unnecessary noise and unnecessary movements. If possible, the enemy should attack in the flank. The group leader waits until the enemy is in a certain position. When the enemy detects someone from the group, fire opens immediately. If the enemy forces are significantly superior to the forces of the group, it is necessary to deliver a massive fire strike and withdraw until the moment when the enemy comes to his senses and takes retaliatory actions.
1) The group detects the enemy and immediately takes a position for an ambush.
2) When the enemy approaches, the group destroys him.

Rice. 16 Carrying out an ambush on the move.


74. Introduction. In view of the fact that chaos and confusion may arise if the above rules are not followed, this issue should be given Special attention during lessons. Moreover, the unit may panic due to the forced withdrawal.
75. Order of actions. Exit to the collection point is used in case of forced withdrawal.
A. Withdraw to the assembly point, which should be located at a distance of 500 meters during the day and 300 meters at night in the direction from the place of collision with the enemy.
b. Separation: requirements.
Don't bunch up.
Do not move without your partner or possessions.
Do not panic.
V. After leaving the assembly point near the meeting point with the enemy, go to the assembly point assigned in case of danger.
d. The first one to arrive at the rally point assumes command until the group leader arrives.
e. Upon the arrival of other members of the group, all-round defense is organized.
e. The wounded are placed in the center and receive medical care.
and. Upon the arrival of the group commander, the acting commander reports to him the number of arrivals and other available information.
h. Contact headquarters and report the situation.
And. The collection point is open until the arrival of all members of the group or within 15 minutes from the arrival of the first soldier.


76. Due to a number of problems that arise when conducting an offensive at night, it is undesirable to carry it out. These issues include:
A. Unfamiliar area.
b. Inability to determine the size of the enemy.
V. impossibility effective management group.
77. In a certain situation, fighters can be located in positions with good sectors of fire and fire at the enemy. If there are lighting facilities, an attack is possible, but reliable control must be organized.
78. Usually, if the enemy did not notice you and his number is unknown, the group should not open fire, should lie low and wait until the enemy leaves or quietly withdraw.
79. If the enemy has noticed you, fire opens, the whole group is rebuilt in a line and fires with maximum intensity. After that, a withdrawal is made. Usually, after a few short dashes, contact with the enemy is interrupted.
80. Withdrawal is carried out to the collection point, located 300 meters back in the direction of the group. If someone is lost, the search is organized at dawn. At the same time, it is necessary to beware of an ambush at the meeting point with the enemy.


83. Than more group, the more difficult it is to manage and the less participation of the commander in the firefight should be. He fires only at important targets. To complete the task, it must provide the following:
A. Careful assessment of the terrain and the enemy before making a decision.
b. Precise targeting.
V. Suppress the enemy with fire before moving.
d. Give commands in time.
e. Stop moving if you lose control.
e. Constantly know who is where.
and. Control the fire of the support team.
h. Follow the movement of the enemy.
And. Decisions must be made quickly and implemented decisively.
j. Don't take unnecessary risks.
84. Conclusion. The success of a group in a firefight depends not only on the commander. It depends on the individual combat prowess of each soldier, his ability to act as part of a group, and on having a determined and competent commander capable of directing the group's actions in the most effective way.

MIXED gangs of Chechen fighters, scattered into small shock troops 10-15 people each, created dozens of underground mini-cache. Well-camouflaged and dug deep into the ground, erected according to all the rules of fortification art, underground garrisons are located under the noses of the federal forces.

The fighters adopted the tactics of the Baltic and Ukrainian nationalists, who waged a guerrilla war from underground caches until the mid-1950s.

Recently, one of these secret dungeons was discovered and destroyed by the officers of the Center special purpose FSB of Russia. This military KGB operation with the involvement of combined detachments of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was code-named "Chechen catacombs".

ON THE BASE Russian special forces in Chechnya, in a front-line way, it’s crowded, but it’s cozy like at home. Spinning underfoot, stupefied by barracks exoticism, is the lame Shamil, whom the special forces "captured" in Grozny. True, not that one-legged brigadier general, but a little mongrel dog. Shamil is a universal favorite, although he bears a hated name for many military men.

Officers of the FSB special forces - in languid expectation of front-line "work". In the afternoon, a combat order was signed to conduct a special operation in mountainous Chechnya. The voice of the host of the nightly program "Vremya" is intertwined with the clicks of equipped automatic magazines. Someone lovingly wipes the green "carrot" - shells for the RPG-7 grenade launcher. Like exotic snakes with a copper sheen, machine-gun belts fit into the boxes. War is unpredictable, like a woman, and everything must be taken into account here to the smallest detail. Even up to what is better to eat a sandwich before a combat trip. Of course, it's better with lard. Every wise warrior knows that bacon at the front is not only the first snack, but also almost the main meal, and is valued more than the "coolest" sausage.

We go to the MOUNTAINS through Grozny. They say it's safer this way. Especially at night. Heavy fog like semolina, envelops the ruins of a front-line city. The fog is so dense that, it seems, it will not be "broken" by machine gun fire. But a treacherous chill of fear spreads throughout the body. Only fools are not afraid of death. There are even shadows of militants supposedly shooting from the ruins. I shudder from the commander's voice on the radio.

Attention! Shootout ahead. All to fight!

Click! Click! Click! Automatic shutters clang. A cartridge in the chamber. Special forces are ready for battle. And I immediately feel protected.

Suddenly, in the headlights, a large electoral billboard "pops up" with a stupid slogan "To live in Chechnya - to be a hero!" And behind him in a row several blue signs "Doctor-gynecologist." It means that life in Chechnya is going in the right direction. (During the day there are continuous traffic jams in Grozny. A special squeak among Chechen fashionistas is driving cars “with traces of a shootout.” I myself saw a brand new “bug-eyed” Mercedes, stitched with at least dozens of machine gun bursts. special stickers imitating bullet holes.)

An UNDERGROUND cache of militants was found not far from the road, almost on the outskirts of the village. Several dugouts are located in a circle and are connected by covered ones, almost in full height underground passages. In order to get to the main object - a residential dugout - you just need to jump into a hole overgrown with bushes and crawl on all fours into a hole closed wooden door. Everything was done capitally, with the expectation of a long wintering. Next to the entrance is a makeshift pyramid for weapons. Just for 15-20 mole militants. A 252-meter bathhouse has been dug into the ground, in which you can stand. The roof in the bathhouse is covered with logs in three rolls, and the walls are covered with two-layer polyethylene. In the corner there is a solid stove-heater with a pipe led out under the barrel big tree. The smoke is almost invisible when burning. It spreads along the tree trunk and branches. Cunningly conceived: the "steam room" is almost impossible to see from a helicopter with a thermal imager that reacts to the slightest thermal radiation.

In the residential dugout, niches-bunks were dug in the side walls. Near the refrigerator, rather, a food pit. It contains a skinned ram of 40 kilograms. In bags - potatoes, onions, rice and even fresh butter in plastic jars, chocolate candies. Especially militants are dragged by "snickers". This is their favorite energy food to keep them strong in the mountains. The norm for a day is two chocolate bars and a liter of mineral water. Cheap and cheerful.

The underground bastion has its own workshops and a fuel depot. Just in case, gas 50-liter cylinders are stored there. And if they need to be charged from the gas main, then there are special adapters and 50 meters of armored cable for this. In this cache, apparently, only neat people gathered: the garbage is folded into a special narrow "well" in the ground. There is a chic, of course, by natural standards, toilet, with a narrow, almost slit, "point", disguised by withered foliage.

Indestructible in war, permissiveness and the pursuit of trophies often lead to tragedy. Experienced warriors are well aware that all Chechen caches, even those left by militants for a short time are necessarily mined. How many fighters have been blown up by these surprises! (Recently, a deadly lesson for police officers was the explosion of a weapons depot in the Ingush village of Troitskaya. Curious local riot police, in violation of all safety rules, en masse bent over a discovered landmine. As a result of the explosion, 5 people were killed and 11 wounded.)

But, as they say, "the lesson is not for the future": it is not known what made the explosives instructor Misha from the Internal Troops climb into the cache. In the darkness, he began to rummage around the bunks. As always, a characteristic click sounded unexpectedly - shooting checks from a grenade. The count went by seconds - one, two, three ...

Comrade lieutenant! Athas! Stretching! shouted the nearby soldiers. These were last words, which the ensign heard before his death. A grenade exploded under Misha's stomach, blowing him to pieces (the soldiers, thank God, managed to jump out). Almost simultaneously with the grenade, with an interval of one second, two more powerful explosions thundered. The explosion was so strong that even the machine gun was twisted beyond recognition.

TODAY the military base in Khankala has noticeably "lost weight". Some parts of the Ministry of Defense were transferred to the mountainous part of Chechnya. There, the army team "cut" new combat missions for the destruction of unfinished militants. There is a smell of shit in the air - the sewers in the 42nd division broke through. Helicopters are still taking off and landing in camouflage smoke. There is still a danger of their defeat from MANPADS, of which the militants still have enough. But the smoke screen, smelling of dust, does little to save from plane crashes in Khankala. Almost in front of my eyes, a Mi-24 combat helicopter is falling right on the taxiway. From a height of ten meters, the "crocodile" so "blurted" on the ground that the main rotor flew off 50 meters. Turns out he's a veteran. army aviation combat helicopter Mi-24 flew in the Afghan sky. A rotorcraft, like a person, dies sometime ... The pilot, getting out of the crumpled car unscathed, hit ZSh ( protective helmet pilot) on the concrete and cursed with relish:

Full p .... c! We don't need to be hit. We fall ourselves.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) successfully liberated the territory of the capital province of Damascus and this moment sapper units of government troops are actively working in this region of the country, clearing the liberated lands from mines, shells, dangerous traps and other similar traces of the presence of jihadists. At the same time, quite remarkable finds left by Islamists in their caches in the vicinity sometimes fall into the hands of soldiers. settlements Yalda, Beit Sahm and Babbila.

So, according to the FAN report, in the south of Damascus, with the assistance of local residents a large cache was opened. At the same time, the source notes that the caches of the militants showed an abundance of not only a large arsenal, but also a number of interesting finds. As a result, correspondents of the Russian edition managed to demonstrate that the militants had at their disposal not only large stocks of various weapons and ammunition, but also home-made equipment for the production of explosives, as well as underground work.

Journalists, among other things, demonstrated the terrorists' specialized equipment for the production of explosives, as well as various kinds of explosive devices. In addition, in the total mass of finds of the CAA, a home-made tunneling machine of jihadists is of interest, with the help of which they laid communication tunnels, and also developed their underground infrastructure, in which they hid from the attacks of government troops, and also placed warehouses and laboratories. At the same time, interesting samples of improvised rocket launchers can be found in the arsenal of jihadists.

video source: youtube.com/FEDERAL NEWS AGENCY