Vsevolod Sanaev was born on the outskirts of Tula, back in imperial Russia, in a large working family. It is known that his parents introduced him to the theater back in young age.

Realizing that somewhere near the simple working days there is real magic, a little boy pulled there. However, he didn’t dare to think about trying himself as an actor himself: the grown-up children in the Sanaev family, and there were 12 kids in total, had to quickly master working specialties and quickly begin to help their parents feed themselves.

So did Vsevolod. While still a schoolboy, he became an apprentice to his father, who worked in a factory where accordions were made. The boy collected and tuned instruments, and at 16 he himself became a master. However, the teenager dreamed of something completely different.

First bells

Remembering the atmosphere of the theater that he felt in childhood, he decided to try himself on the stage. First he came as a listener to the Tula theater "Hammer and Sickle", then he began to play himself.

Believing in himself, the boy was set on fire with the idea of ​​entering the theater, but his parents, accustomed to hard labor, took the child’s ideas with hostility and even quarreled with him when he was going to the capital. However, he left anyway.

Sanaev entered the theater department of the workers' faculty in Moscow, then there was a theater technical school, half-starving life and constant part-time jobs in order to somehow make ends meet. But the young man strictly followed the path chosen once. After the technical school, he entered GITIS, and only after that he began to appear on the stage at the Moscow City Council Theater.

Lidochka: once and for all

While the novice actor honed his skills, he also had tours. From one such tour - to Kyiv - a young man brought a slender, emotional, spiritualized Lidochka Goncharenko.

It is known that Lydia Antonovna almost ran away from her home: her parents simply did not believe in the seriousness of the relationship with the handsome metropolitan actor, who was going to take their gullible amorous daughter so far. In order to leave with her beloved, Lida left the philological faculty and said goodbye to her parents. Both of them even then seemed to know that they would live in happiness all their lives, although it would be hard for them to get it.


The first test was life in a communal apartment. At first, a young couple in love did not lose heart: there is a roof over their heads and crazy devoted love, a baby was born - Alexei, there is a piece of bread, and okay. But the anecdote recklessly told by Lydia in the common kitchen played a cruel joke on her: a young cheerful neighbor, and even snatched off a handsome actor, was envied by many. Someone reported "where to go."

After the denunciation, the actor's wife was subjected to real interrogations. Impressed by what happened, she could not come to her senses for a long time, began to carefully monitor what she was saying, became withdrawn, was depressed, became depressed and acquired a persecution mania, which would later be officially placed in a psychiatric hospital.

Trial by war and death

The serious illness of his wife also knocked down Vsevolod Vasilyevich. Now he had a double responsibility: Lidochka needed care, food, and this needed money. He changed several theaters, but everything was not the same, and then for the first time he discovered cinema for himself. The wife managed to help, however depressive states and bursts of emotions will haunt her for the rest of her life.

After the improvements, even more difficult times came: the war began. After her announcement, Sanaev ended up on tour, and his wife and son were evacuated. The child was seriously ill there. Alyosha was dying in the arms of his mother, distraught with grief, for several days, and she understood that she could not help him in any way.


When the couple reunited, grief brought them closer together. According to the testimonies of relatives, it was hard for a family that had lost their son to be together, and even worse apart. The Sanaevs faithfully followed the oath of allegiance, being together in sorrow and in joy. Their prayers were answered.

Some time later, Lydia Antonovna became pregnant again. The daughter who is born will famous actress- Elena Sanaeva. However, as a child, she caused trouble for her mother: at a young age, Lena suffered jaundice. For the mother, this was another test: having just lost a child, she thought with horror that the same thing could happen to Lenochka.

Blow after blow, fate destroyed the subtle psyche of an already anxious and impressionable woman by nature. Their daughter in candid interview one day he will tell that his father did not want to come home: it was hard to be with Lydia, and once he admitted that on tour he often said to fans who were looking for his attention that he loved and was devoted to his wife and daughter.

How are they without each other?

Elena Vsevolodovna in her interview said that by the age of 75 her father's health had deteriorated greatly. However, he survived heart attack, as he later admitted - in order not to leave Lida alone. How is she without him?

Lidia Antonovna died in 1995, when Vsevolod Vasilyevich had already been diagnosed with lung cancer. The body of the actor's wife was cremated, and the ashes were at home. Elena Sanaeva later admits that she was deliberately in no hurry with her mother's funeral and wanted her to stay at home - so that dad would not rush after her to the next world. She will tell you that there was a special connection between the parents: “They grew into each other,” Elena Vsevolodovna will say.

However, Sanaev survived only ten months without his wife. He died at home, in his bed. His daughter and son-in-law Rolan Bykov were with him. A few days before his death, Vsevolod Vasilievich admitted that he did not want to live.

The famous Sanaev couple is buried on Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow, in one grave.

Hello dear blog readers BERGAMOT! Yesterday I decided to re-read the story "Bury Me Behind the Baseboard" , naturally, there was a desire to write their impressions about this ambiguous work.

It should be noted that the author of the bookPavel Sanaev , director and writer, is the son of a famous Soviet actressElena Sanaeva (Remember Lisa Alice from the movie "Pinocchio"?).Due to family circumstances (marriage of Sanaeva withRolan Bykov ) the boy's childhood passed in his grandmother's houseLydia Antonovna Sanaeva and actor Vsevolod Sanaev .

For seven years, the child was forced to live in an atmosphere of constant family scandals and disputes. Of course, this could not but leave a certain imprint on the formation of little Paul.

These facts make it possible to judge the autobigraphic nature of the work, despite the author's desire to slightly veil the real details, for example, by changing names and surnames. The story is a series of memories, sometimes mingling with each other, going at random, but, nevertheless, fully describing the world in which the hero exists.

It is important to note that the work is perceived and interpreted, as a rule, diametrically opposite: some see a lot of humor and irony in the description of the child's life, others note the cruelty that permeates the entire plot...

So, the story is told from the perspective of an eight-year-old boy:

“My name is Saveliev Sasha. I am in second grade and live with my grandparents. My mother traded me for a blood-drinking dwarf and hung me like a heavy cross on my grandmother's neck. So I'm with four years and hang" .

These lines immediately plunge us into the world of the Saveliev family, filled with shouting, scolding, insults, a world that seems terrible, unthinkable in its despotism. And I understand the reaction of those readers who saw a gloomy picture of bullying, humiliation, insults. But read the first words of the story again. Did you read it? Yes, these words are spoken by a child, but behind each of them is an adult. And the boy, like any child, full of spontaneity, only echoes what he hears every day about himself, about his mother, about people, often not delving into what he is saying, and simply not understanding, due to his age, the meaning of the words spoken. And here I begin to understand those whose work makes me smile. Some details of the story are also quite ironic, for example, the bathing story, or the grandmother's forgetfulness about the places to store money, or a visit to a homeopath.

"- Hello Hello! - an elderly homeopath greeted me and my grandmother.

- Forgive me, for God's sake, for God's sake! Grandma apologized as she crossed the threshold. - Grandfather didn’t take the car, I had to take the subway.

“Nothing, nothing,” the homeopath readily excused himself and, leaning towards me, asked: “You, then, are Sasha?”

— I am.

- Why are you, Sash, so thin?

When they told me about thinness, I was always offended, but I restrained myself and endured. I would have endured this time too, but when my grandmother and I left the house, one of the elevator attendants said to the other in an undertone:

“Here it is, poor thing. Again the consumption of this led to the doctor.

All my restraint went into not responding to the "consumptive" of any of my grandmother's combinations, and it was no longer enough for a homeopath.

Why do you have such big ears? I asked with resentment, pointing my finger at the homeopath's ears, which really made him look like an elderly Cheburashka.

The homeopath choked.

“Pay no attention, Aron Moiseevich! Grandmother got excited. "He's sick in the head!" Well, apologize quickly!

“Since I’m sick, there’s nothing to apologize for!” the homeopath laughed. “I’ll apologize when we’re cured.” Let's go to the office.

The walls of the study were hung with old clocks, and, wanting to show his admiration, he respectfully said:

- And you have something to steal.

- Wow! Yes, there is even more!

“Idiot, what to do…” the grandmother reassured the choking homeopath again…”

Of course, we can talk endlessly about the fact that a child cannot live in an atmosphere of endless harassment and abuse, cannot live without a mother, and I, of course, cannot but agree with this ...

“Cursed Gizel, hateful Tatar! Grandmother shouted, militantly shaking her reflector and clapping the palm of her other hand on her steaming skirt. “Curse you by heaven, God, earth, birds, fish, people, seas, air!” - It was my grandmother's favorite curse. - So that only misfortunes rained down on your head! So that you see nothing but retribution!

- Get out, you bastard!

Again the combination is already in my address.

- Damn you…

Favorite Curse.

- So that you end your life in prison ...


“May you rot in the hospital alive!” So that your liver, kidneys, brain, heart wither! To be devoured by staphylococcus aureus ...


- Get undressed!

An unheard of combination."

But it is important to understand the motives of adult behavior ...

I read many reviews and reviews of this book, in which they felt sorry for the boy, complained about his unfortunate fate, worried about the mother, who was deprived of the opportunity to see her child as often as she would like, scolded the crazy grandmother and henpecked grandfather, who agreed with her in everything , talked about personality psychotypes, etc. But never once did I come across a single word dedicated to a much more terrible tragedy. It is in the life story of Nina Antonovna Savelyeva, a grandmother, as Sashenka calls her, that the reasons for what we saw on the pages of the story lie.

I was struck to the depths of my soul by the terrible fate of this heroine, understanding which, you can understand everything. Very young, she, having fallen in love, leaves her native Kyiv, moves to a small room in a communal apartment, where she lives with her husband and newborn son Alyoshenka. With the outbreak of war, despite all the exhortations, her husband Semyon Mikhailovich sends her to evacuate to Alma-Ata, where she is settled in an unheated room with an icy earthen floor, where her little son soon dies of diphtheria. And she, all sick, having sold all her things, goes to her husband ... For support, for understanding, for attention and care, which she never felt from him. Therefore, when her daughter Olya was born, an unexpected and very expensive gift, she threw all her strength into protecting her child. Nina Antonovna began to overprotect her daughter, she wanted to make a real person out of her, to invest all the unspent love and tenderness, she dreamed that her child would be the most intelligent, talented, beautiful, happy. Therefore, it was so difficult for the girl to grow up, therefore she languished from the despotism of her mother, trying to isolate herself, to gain independence, therefore Olya’s choice caused stupid aggression and rejection in her mother, therefore she called her daughter’s husband a bloodsucker dwarf, because she didn’t see her as an ideal couple , therefore, she selected Sashenka, judging, to make from her grandson what did not work out from her daughter. This is where the curses that fall on the heads of the heroes, tantrums, screams, persecution mania, closedness, isolation of existence, the desire to hide every ruble, bribe, appease ... From hopelessness, from impotence, from all-consuming loneliness, from longing and misfortune ... There is not a single soul, who would listen, regret, understand this unfortunate old woman ... She does not cause anger and rage for her actions in me, I feel immensely sorry for her. It seemed to me that throughout the book I was present at a huge human tragedy ...

Soviet cinema is fundamentally different from modern Russian cinema not only in the quality of the films produced. Viewers of the entire CIS and now continue to watch "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" every New Year, and even outside the holidays, do not mind revisiting the film "Volga, Volga" by the director, "Hearts of Four" by Konstantin Yudin and others.

The secret of the success of the films of the period Soviet Union associated not only with nostalgia, historical value and directing, a great contribution to their popularity is made by the soulful play of the cast.

Childhood and youth

Vsevolod Vasilyevich Sanaev was born in Russia (then Russian empire) February 25, 1912 in a poor large family workers (12 children per family). The boy grew up on the outskirts of the industrial city of Tula. Studying at school was given to Vsevolod with difficulty, and he studied reluctantly. For this reason, Vasily Sanaev took his son out of school and sent him to learn a working profession at a factory that produced accordions.

So the future actor became an apprentice at the enterprise where his father also worked. The young man's duties included assembling and tuning musical instruments. At the age of 16, Vsevolod himself taught the profession to two apprentices. While working at the factory, the young man did not leave the thought that he was not doing what his soul lay in.

As a child, Vsevolod and his mother went to the theater, where the touring Moscow Art Theater showed a performance based on the play Uncle Vanya. The boy was very impressed with the acting, the atmosphere of the theater, but he did not even dare to dream of a theatrical career. However, Vsevolod began to attend the Hammer and Sickle amateur theater in Tula with pleasure as a listener. Having achieved positive results in acting, the young man, although not the first time, entered the drama studio.

Vsevolod Sanaev in his youth

Already in 1930, Sanaev became an actor in the backup of the theater, which worked at the Tula Cartridge Plant OJSC. His career was rapidly going up. A year later, Vsevolod was already working as an actor at the Tula State Academic Drama Theater. For further professional development young man it was necessary to obtain a specialized education.

The senior mentor in the theater prepared Vsevolod for the entrance exams to the theater working faculty in Moscow. Despite the censure of the family (parents of working professions did not take seriously the hobbies of an adult son), Sanaev left for the capital to study.

After graduating from the workers' faculty, Vsevolod increased his professionalism at the theater college under the guidance of Nikolai Plotnikov. Given the acute lack of finances, the young man had to work hard in the evenings. Vsevolod's zeal helped him, after graduating from a technical school, enter State Institute theatrical art, where the talented director Mikhail Tarkhanov became the mentor of the future actor.

Since 1943, Vsevolod has changed several more theaters, on the stage of which he performed. In 1943, he worked at the State Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Academic Theater named after the Moscow City Council, and in 1946 at the State Film Actor Theater. In 1952, Sanaev wanted to move to the Moscow Art Theater, but the proposed roles did not suit him: the actor's wife became seriously ill, and the family was in dire need of money.


After graduating from the institute, Vsevolod Sanaev got a job as an actor at the Moscow Art Theater. Despite the popularity of art in those days, there was little work, and competition was high, so the aspiring actor turned his eyes towards the only developing cinema.

In 1938, a musical comedy with the participation of Vsevolod "Volga, Volga" was released on Soviet television screens. The actor made his film debut in two small roles at once: the young man played a musician and a lumberjack. But two years later, Sanaev was waiting for the first big and serious role of the worker Dobryakov in feature film"Girlfriend".

In total, the actor has 89 roles played in Soviet and Russian films, 2 roles in television performances and one voiced cartoon.

Personal life

The biography of Vsevolod Sanaev in terms of the personal life of the actor until recently remained a blank spot, until the grandson of Vsevolod Sanaev released the biographical book Bury Me Behind the Plinth, which tells about the family life of the famous grandfather.

WITH future wife The actor met Lydia Antonovna (nee Goncharenko) on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, when he was on tour in Kyiv together with the theater troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Almost from the very moment he met Lydia, a student at the Faculty of Philology, Vsevolod decided to marry a young beauty. All the girl’s relatives were against their marriage, but you can’t command your heart - Lydia left for Moscow with Sanaev.

Lidia Antonovna was sincerely devoted to her husband and family, but suffered from a depressive disorder, which complicated family life Sanaev. After one recklessly told anecdote in the common kitchen (the family lived in a communal apartment), the special services became interested in the girl's personality, as a result of which the impressionable Lydia ended up in a psychiatric department with an official diagnosis of persecution mania.

With the outbreak of war, Vsevolod Vasilyevich went on tour to Borisoglebsk, leaving his wife and young son in Moscow, but could not return due to hostilities. Lydia with a baby in her arms was evacuated to the territory of Kazakhstan. There, two-year-old Aleksey caught measles and diphtheria, from which he soon died. The loss of the firstborn was a terrible blow for Lidia Sanaeva.

In 1943, the Sanaevs had a daughter who suffered from jaundice in early childhood. Against the backdrop of a serious illness of her daughter, Lidia Antonovna developed an acute fear of losing her daughter after her son, who accompanied the woman all her life. This problem greatly complicated the family life of the spouses. As a result, according to the artist's grandson, Vsevolod Ivanovich often did not want to return home, although he devotedly loved his wife.

Vsevolod Vasilyevich's relationship with his daughter was also difficult: the domineering Lydia Antonovna did not want to accept her daughter's choice, and her father did not want to argue. Elena Vsevolodovna first married engineer Vladimir Konuzin, and the director became the girl's second husband. From her first marriage, Elena gave birth to a son, Pavel, who became a writer, director, and actor.

Death of Vsevolod Sanaev

Vsevolod Vasilyevich with irrepressible life energy worked for film set until the end of life, as long as health permits.

At the age of 75, the actor suffered a serious heart attack, but survived, according to his daughter, solely for the love of his wife - he was afraid to leave her without support. In 1995, Lidia Antonovna died, and ten months later, Vsevolod Antonovich also died.

The cause of death of the actor was a serious oncological disease - lung cancer. The grave of Sanaev and his wife is located at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

In memory of the actor's contribution to theatrical cinematography, in December 2011 a postal envelope was issued with a photo of Vsevolod Sanaev printed on it.


  • 1938 - "Volga, Volga"
  • 1941 - "Hearts of Four"
  • 1948 - "Young Guard"
  • 1959 - Ballad of a Soldier
  • 1963 - "Optimistic Tragedy"
  • 1969 - "Strange People"
  • 1983 - "White dew"
  • 1987 - "Forgotten melody for flute"
  • 1995 - "Shirley-myrli"

The book of my son Pavel "Bury me behind the plinth" - piece of art! This is not a chronicle of my dad's life, People's Artist USSR Vsevolod Sanaev, and his wife, my mother Lidia Sanaeva. Something was right, but something was not quite right or not at all...

Recently, I was once again struck by the result of research conducted by the Moscow bookstore. He identified the three most books read- this is a series about Harry Potter, "The Da Vinci Code" and ... "Bury me behind the plinth" by Pavel Sanaev, my son. At this point, an exclamation mark would look natural as a reflection of maternal joy for the success of Pasha's book, but I would also put a question mark.

Photo: From the archive of E. Sanayeva

After all, if everything is very clear to me with the first two favorites, they are fully consistent with the mainstream reader interest, then the bronze medalist clearly falls out of this series. That's where the mystery is for me ... I think time will gradually deal with this. While the fact remains - the book, written in 1994, has already gone through more than fifteen reprints in large editions, it continues to be read and re-read by millions, and I never cease to be pleasantly surprised by this.

But I am very tired of repeating the obvious (at least write your own book!): Pavel Sanaev's book - comical and tragic, bright and gloomy - is a work of art! The story of an eight-year-old boy Sasha Saveliev, who lives with his grandparents, because she does not trust the upbringing of a child to her "dissolute" daughter, who abandoned her son for the sake of a "bloodsucker dwarf", drunkard and "mediocrity", is not documentary.

This is not a chronicle of the life of my father, People's Artist of the USSR Vsevolod Sanaev, his wife and my mother Lidia Sanaeva. At the very least, it is unreasonable to identify us with the characters in the story: the actress Elena Sanaeva with that young mother, and the brilliant Rolan Bykov, actor and director, with the impoverished artist from Sochi. And the very personal experiences of the little narrator should be taken literally as the experiences of the author - writer, screenwriter and director Pavel Sanaev. Well, it's literature! It would be otherwise, she would never have hit the hearts of people so accurately.

And judging by the film, which has nothing to do with the story except for the title, without exception, all the heroes of this story are complete moral freaks.

Photo: From the archive of E. Sanayeva

Vsevolod Sanaev is a famous film and theater actor. For a long time he not only participated in many theatrical performances Moscow, but also starred in in large numbers films where his characters are remembered and loved by the audience. His life was rich and tragic. But from all the problems and troubles he was saved by the work that gave him the meaning of life.


Vsevolod Sanaev was born at the end of February 1912 in the city of Tula. His family was not rich, but had many children. In addition to the future actor himself, there were eleven more children in the family. The area where the Savina family lived was not rich, but industrial.


At school, the future actor studied poorly. He didn't like this job at all. Therefore, soon the father took Vsevolod from school and sent him to work.

Factory work

The boy came early to work at the accordion factory. At first, Vsevolod Sanaev studied the craft, and then gradually began to get involved in the working profession. His father also worked at the same factory, so the boy was his apprentice. His duties included not only assembling the instruments, but also tuning the accordion.

It is known that at the age of sixteen Vsevolod Sanaev himself taught apprentices. But even then he realized that it was none of his business. The teenager did not have a soul for this craft, he did not like it.

Passion for theater

WITH early childhood mother took Vsevolod to the theater. The capital's art theater constantly came to their city. He especially remembered the play "Uncle Vanya" based on the play by Anton Chekhov. The whole atmosphere of the theater, the magnificent play of the actors made a strong impression on Vsevolod. But at that time he could not even think about becoming an actor himself.

When the Hammer and Sickle amateur theater appeared in Tula, he immediately began to visit it with great pleasure. Vsevolod managed to enter this circle not the first time, it took a lot of effort.

Theatrical career

In 1930, Vsevolod Vasilyevich Sanaev became an actor in the theater, which operated at the cartridge factory in the city of Tula. But at first, a young and aspiring actor was taken only to the backup team. Soon his theatrical career began to take shape quickly and successfully. Soon he began to work already in the State Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky.

But in order for his theatrical career to advance further, it was necessary to get some kind of theatrical education. As a mentor, he began to prepare Vsevolod Vasilyevich for exams at a theater college in Moscow. And that his parents were against it, Sanaev nevertheless left for Moscow to enter.

When the working faculty in the theater institution was successfully completed, Vsevolod Sanaev, whose photo is in this article, remained for some time within the walls of the theater institution in order to improve his professionalism. His teacher for acting skills became But he did not have enough money, so he had to work in the evenings.

The zeal and desire to get an acting profession led to the fact that he soon entered the Institute of Theater Arts. He was lucky, and his teacher was a talented and famous director Mikhail Tarkhanov.

Since 1943, Vsevolod Sanaev has been performing in the theater, but he cannot stop at one theater. So, in 1943, he went to work at the Mossovet Academic Theater, and three years later he moved to the film actor's theater. It is known that in 1952 he was offered to go to the Moscow Art Theater, but the roles that were offered did not suit him at all. Just at that time, his wife was seriously ill, so he needed money. Vsevolod Vasilyevich had to refuse such an offer.

Cinematic career

Despite the fact that the famous actor Sanaev, after graduating from the institute, worked in the capital's art theater, there was little work. Therefore, Vsevolod Vasilyevich decided to try himself in cinema. The first film starring Vsevolod Sanaev, whose personal life is interesting to the public, was the film " Private life Petr Vinogradov directed by Alexander Macheret. This motion picture was released in 1934, and a talented actor plays a small and episodic role of a Red Army soldier.

Success and popularity come to Vsevolod Vasilyevich after he starred in the film "Volga, Volga" directed by Grigory Alexandrov. In this film, which was released in 1938, he played two small roles at once. According to the plot of the film, he plays first a musician from the orchestra, and then also a lumberjack. In this film, he was noticed and job offers soon followed.

So, in 1940 he played his first major male role in the film "Beloved Girl" directed by Ivan Pyryev. According to the plot of the film, the famous turner Vasily Dobryakov, who works in the capital's car factory, gets an apartment and invites Varya, who is expecting a child from him, to move in with him. But already on the first day life together they are arguing. Young people are not painted, and the words thrown by Vasily hurt Varia greatly. And she immediately runs away to her house.

When Varya has a baby, she hides from everyone who the father of her child is. But relatives and friends, taking care of the child and Varya, are trying to reconcile the quarreling lovers. In the cinematic box famous actor Vsevolod Vasilyevich Sanaev has about 90 roles.

Shooting in the film "White Dew"

In 1983, Vsevolod Vasilievich starred in the film "White Dew" directed by Igor Dobrolyubov. Main character- Fedor Filimonovich Khodos, who is successfully played by the actor Sanaev. The hero is already eighty years old, and he lives alone. But he is constantly concerned about the fate of his three sons. The eldest son is under the authority of his wife, the middle son is constantly at work and does not marry in any way, and the younger son is raising someone else's daughter and, having learned about this, wants to divorce his wife.

Personal life

For a long time nothing was known about the personal life of the famous actor. And the audience all the time wondered who the wife of Vsevolod Sanaev was. But everything became known about the personal life of the talented actor Sanaev after his grandson Pavel Sanaev, a writer, actor and director, published the book Bury Me Behind the Plinth. In this biographical work, which was published in 1994, Pavel Vladimirovich spoke about the family life of his famous grandfather.

Vsevolod Sanaev, whose films the whole country loves and knows, met his wife on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. On tour in Kyiv, where the famous actor was with the theater troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Lidia Antonovna Goncharenko at that time studied at the Faculty of Philology. Seeing her, Vsevolod Vasilievich fell in love at first sight and decided that it was imperative to marry her. But all the girl's relatives were against their union.

When the theater troupe returned to Moscow, Lidia Antonovna also left with them. She was a wonderful wife and mother, but family relationships were difficult, since Lidia Antonovna often had depression. Once she told a joke in the communal kitchen of the communal apartment where they then lived, and soon the special services were already interested in her. And soon after that, the impressionable woman began to feel that someone was constantly chasing her and watching her. Because of this, she even ended up in a psychiatric ward.

At the very beginning of the war, Vsevolod Vasilyevich went on tour to Borisoglebsk, leaving his wife and little son. But fighting did not allow him to quickly return home. At this time, Lidia Antonovna, together with the baby, was evacuated to Kazakhstan, where the boy caught measles and diphtheria. Alexei Vsevolodovich died at the age of two. It was a terrible blow for the whole family, but Lidia Antonovna suffered the most.

In 1943, a daughter was born in the family of a talented and famous actor Sanaev. It is known that in her childhood Elena fell ill with jaundice, and Lidia Antonovna was very worried about the girl’s health, fearing to lose her, like her son. At this time, the woman developed a fear of losing a child, which accompanied her all her life. And this also added difficulties to the family life of the Sanaevs.

And that the actor Vsevolod Sanaev, whose biography is interesting to the audience, loved his wife, sometimes because of his wife's aggravating illness, he did not want to return home. After all, he understood that sometimes any of his words could cause a quarrel or conflict. The same complicated relationship were with Vsevolod Vasilievich and his daughter. Elena's first chosen one was engineer Vladimir Konuzin. But Lidia Antonovna, a powerful woman, did not want to accept such a son-in-law. Vsevolod Vasilyevich did not want to argue with her, so he simply did not interfere.

But the first marriage collapsed pretty quickly. In this union, Pavel Sanaev was born. The second husband of Elena Sanaeva was the actor and director Rolan Antonovich Bykov.

Actor's death

Vsevolod Sanaev constantly starred in various films, as long as his health allowed him. But at the age of 75, he suffered a heart attack, was on the verge between life and death. But he could not leave his wife without support, therefore, according to his daughter, he survived. When Lidia Antonovna died in 1995, exactly nine months later the great and wonderful actor Sanaev also died. The cause of his death was oncology. IN Lately he had lung cancer. The spouses were buried nearby in the capital at the Novodevichy cemetery.