
If you do not know how to complete the task, find required item or defeat one or another boss in the game, then you are welcome to the section Walkthrough. Here we publish a wide variety of videos of passing each level, collaborating with users on YouTube.

We attach a small plot description of the game and a list of missions to each playthrough so that you immediately enter the course of the ongoing events described in the game. In addition, we mention the author of the walkthrough with an active link to his channel so that you can subscribe to other user broadcasts.

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Act I. Family Man

Chapter I. End of the Eighth Inning

The first episode of the game is a training and familiarization of the user with the features of the game, such as "hacking". The main character game is a professional hacker, and thanks to the ctOS operating system, his smartphone has access to almost all modern gadgets in the city.

The player is introduced to the main character under strange circumstances.

After the introductory video, you will be shown the interrogation scene. Aim at your victim and press the "shoot" button. The gun wasn't loaded, so you just spooked the guy. Now, as soon as you turn away from him, be ready to repel the attack with the "melee" button - Aiden will pull out an expandable baton and knock out the opponent. It is this gadget, in addition to weapons with a silencer, that you will use to silently eliminate enemies.

Close combat allows not only to neutralize the enemy close, but also to do it without noise.

Find a smartphone on the floor and hack it, then listen to the audio recording. Leave the room and watch another cutscene. After it, a new task will appear, “leave the stadium”.

Move along the right corridor until you reach a room with police officers. Use your smartphone to hack the washing machine. The cops will be distracted by her noise, and you can sneak past unnoticed.

As you exit the underground parking, jump on the garbage container to the second floor. Now carefully look up, there should be a security camera hanging there. Hack it and find the second camera through the lens. Similarly, switch to it, and now break open the door through the control panel.

Go through the opened doors and hide behind the bar. Before you will be parts for gadgets. Grab them and through the weapon selection menu, find the "Decoys" section. In it, create one such lure from the electric parts that you picked up and throw it in the far right corner of the room. When she falls, hack her with your smartphone. The policeman will be distracted by the noise, and you will make your way further to the elevator.

When you get to the room with the big glass, Aiden will call a familiar hacker. After the end of the conversation, you will again be able to control the character. Find the camera and hack it. Now, alternately hacking the cameras, when you come across an electrical panel, hack it. So you will get into the server room - a special room in which important digital data is stored. There you can turn off the electricity in the stadium. The doors will open and Aiden can continue on his way.

Enter the room and move on the left side. When the guards at the stairs move to the right, quickly run past and drop down to the lower floor. Exit the building.

Geordie Chin, your partner, will call you. He left the care car in a garage around the corner. Run through the cafe, run out into the street and turn into the alley on the left. A red car will be waiting for you there. Get in it and leave the search area. If you're lucky, you'll be able to escape before the police arrive. When everything calms down, a new mark will appear on the map. Ride to her, so you will get to your first shelter.

When morning comes, go outside. Around the motel is constantly crowded with people. Take out your smartphone and keep an eye on the guests. In a few minutes, you will receive a message about an impending attack on a nearby street. On the minimap, the "criminal" icon will be marked with a blue triangle. Do not immediately run headlong there, but carefully observe from the side. Otherwise, the perpetrator will escape.

As soon as you arrive at the place, connect to the camera and watch the conversation. As soon as the victim rate starts to rise, grab the villain. You can kill him with a shot from afar, but it's better to grab and stun him with a club. So you will be given more experience points and an increase in karma.

Chapter II. Older brother

Go to your nephew's birthday party. Drive through the gate to their street and look for a house with colorful balls. Follow the path to the courtyard (on the right). Chat with your sister until a stranger calls her. He will start threatening into the phone, and you, meanwhile, find him. Use your smartphone to trace the call and start chasing. There will be a car near the house, jump into it and catch up with the target. When the enemy is defeated, hack his phone.

Chapter III. Backstage pass

Go to the gun store and buy a 416 submachine gun for $1200. Do not rush to uncover a new weapon, you purchased it in the most extreme case.

Move towards the goal until you hit a closed construction site. Leave the car somewhere around the corner so that the guards do not see. Now it remains to get inside. To do this, hack the camera that hangs on the right pole. And so on the chain, until you reach the chamber above the stairs. It will give access to the tracking device inside the building. Switch to it and download access codes from the guard.

The skill tree consists of basic and alternative options that are responsible for the duration of the skills.

Switch back to the camera above the stairs. In front of you will be a gadget that, when hacked, makes a loud noise. Hack him. When the guard comes to turn off the device, switch to the camera on the guard. Wait until he does his business and returns to direct duties.

When he passes by the shield, hack it. This is the first puzzle in the game. Here the chain must be built so that the circles are closed. Sometimes you will have to return to the stages already passed, but the tasks do not promise any problems, they are very simple.

If everything is done correctly, you will be taken to the server room. Hack her. Congratulations, you now have access to ctOS. Thus, you did not need a weapon, and you completed the mission without casualties.

Smartphone gives detailed information about all the people of Chicago.

Chapter IV. annoying fly

Jordi asks to complete his task. Come to the garage. There you will be met by a black businessman who will need to be taken out of the area so that the police do not see you.

Move towards the South ("S"). Do not forget to monitor the minimap, where yellow zones will appear. If you do not have time to leave them in time, the police will find out about you and the chase will begin.

Thanks to hacking traffic lights, the chase can end as soon as it starts.

All bridges will be blocked, and the only possible exit from the island will be guarded by police forces. It's best to stick to the lanes, waiting for the patrol to pass. If you did not have time to hide, press the "melee" button. The main character will turn off the engine and lie down so that he is not visible. The cops will think that no one is in the car and will drive on.

As soon as you leave the island, drive to the mark on the map. There you will first see the main antagonist of the game, crime boss Lucky Quinn.

Chapter V. Open Your World

In the underground passage you will meet your old friend Hooligan17. Don't be put off by the fact that she's a girl. In the course of the passage, it is she (Clara) who will help you in difficult situations.

After talking with her, your phone will be upgraded, and the skill tree will finally be unlocked. And for all this to work, you have to get into the ctOS office.

Jump on the motorcycle and drive along the subway to the parking lot. She is under guard, so I advise you to go unnoticed. If possible, do not touch the guards so that the rest do not run to the shots or the corpse. Keep to the right as you enter the gate. Make your way behind the boxes, and at the very door, distract the guard with a makeshift squeaker.

The weapon selection wheel gives quick access not only to guns, but also to gadgets and special skills.

When you find yourself in a hall with columns, just kill all the guards, go up to the second floor and take the access codes from one of the corpses. Next, find the control panel and hack it.

You will again find yourself on the server, where another puzzle awaits you. After passing it, access to the security camera in the office of the head of the office will open. When his computer is hacked, an alarm will go off in the building. Run out of it as soon as possible through the doors on the second floor and hide from the police.

This will help you a new skill Jam Coms, which will block outgoing calls. Avoid the yellow zones on the map and get away from the police forces of the city.

Chapter VI. thanks for the advice

Run into the alley and climb up the boxes. pay attention to a large number of generators and blockers. Without touching them, connect to the shield.

On the cameras, get to one of the blockers and hack it. Now jump down and run to the elevator around the corner. Climb up it to the next cell, connect to it and break open the shield opposite.

Now run back to the ctOS panel and hack it. When you connect to the camera, you will see a room with a laptop. Hack the camera next to the laptop and use it to get to the phone. After that, Damien, your former accomplice, will call you.

After talking with him, armed thugs will flood the street. Use the generators to blow up most of them and shoot the rest. When the enemies are finished, get into the car and drive away until the next stage of the mission.

The alarm on the car allows you to distract the guards.

When you get to the monument, meet the same Damien. After a short conversation, the mission will end.

Chapter VII. And that's not pizza

You will learn that one of the wounded bandits in the stadium has survived. We need to deal with him before he gives Aiden to the cops.

Climb up to the second floor and talk to Jody. On the other side there is a base of hooligans who know where your target is.

On the boat you reach the neighboring pier. If you decide to go loud, then it's best to connect to the cameras first and blow up a couple of enemies. After that, finish off the rest, Jody will help you with sniper rifle.

Run to the door with bars, there Lance, the local boss, will already be waiting for you. After talking with him, the cops will turn up. If you have acquired the skill of hacking a helicopter, then getting away from them will not be a problem. Just return to the pier, get on the boat and leave.

Chapter VIII. Sticks in the wheels

Now your target is Angelo Tucci. But to get to him, you have to find his niece. Come to the place marked on the map and enter the building. Next to the musician will be our target - Helena. Hack her phone, but try to stay as far away as possible so you won't be seen.

When Aiden calls her, he will introduce himself as a police officer who is looking for her uncle. After talking with him, Helena will call the relative back and warn him. On call, we'll trace the signal of Angelo himself and follow him.
When you get to an intersection on the freeway, stop and take a position, because all this time the cortege will go straight. As soon as you can, turn on time dilation and shoot Angelo's car, and then cut off the traffic light. An accident is formed and you can easily kill his entire retinue.

Chapter IX. Red doesn't suit you

We learned that our target is now in prison. Aiden goes after him, turning himself in to the authorities. In prison, a gift in the form of a new phone is already waiting for you. Almost all guards have a webcam on their chest. Look out the window and follow the chain of guards' cameras to get to the camera in the control room, and from there open your cell.

In prison, you will have to constantly beware of the guards.

Move along the columns so that the guards do not notice you. As soon as the guard on the floor below turns away, run down the stairs.

Next, go to the block on the first floor, where two guards walk between two rooms. Hack the camera of one of them, then switch to the second and so get to the shield. This will give you access to the cameras in the yard. With their help, look for the target (he stands between two walls, the farthest camera looks at him). There you will learn that the guards are preparing to torture the poor fellow.

Raul Lionzo is the only survivor who saw you at the stadium. We need to get to him before the guards.

Exit the camera menu and use the guard to break open the shield. Now that the doors are open, make your way along the wall to the elevator. Wait for both guards to turn away and run inside.

In the room, take a shotgun and run to save the victim. There will be no problems with ordinary guards, but after their death, a juggernaut will appear. The easiest way is to get him into a through booth and blow up the generator, then he earth path will end immediately.

Break open the door and talk to the prisoner who was just rescued. After talking with him, run into the hall and break open the doors through the window. This will open the way to the roof for you.

As soon as you get outside, hide behind the nearest car, because a SWAT platoon is already waiting for you there. Drive off the roof of the building onto the rails and rush to the next station. There, get into the car and leave quietly, the police will not find you.

Act II

Chapter I

Damien made an appointment for you. Come to the indicated place and look at the huge screens. The hacker ended up in your sister's house, and now you need to quickly go to save them with your nephew.

You reach the house, but they were not there, only Damien. After talking with him, we learn that the nephew ran away from home. We need to find him before Damien's agents catch the boy.

When the threat is eliminated, run to Jackson.

Drive to railway station and kill the enemies. As soon as they are finished, get into the car with Jackson and leave.

Chapter II. fragile things

Get to the boat station, which, judging by the description of Jackson, is the base of Damien's mercenaries. It is best to go quietly from the back door. Carefully cut out enemies using a weapon with a silencer. The generic M1911 is best. Once on the stairs, go up to the second floor to the office of the chief, a certain Robert Racine. Hack the panel on the wall and the doors to his office will open.

There will be a computer on the table, breaking it, you will get access to the cameras. This way you will know that Damien has called Robert and warns of our arrival. After the conversation, Robert tries to hide.

Run out of the office. Immediately you will meet a juggernaut, which can be killed by blowing up a gas pipe with a phone.

Go downstairs and get into the car. While chasing Robert, don't forget to break into traffic lights and shoot at the car. When the enemy is killed, run away from the agents.

Chapter III. Collateral damage

Upon returning to the hideout, you will meet Clara. Damien's mercenaries will come along with her. Protect Clara by killing opponents. Watch the roofs, very often snipers sit there. When Clara is taken hostage, turn on time dilation and shoot the enemy.

Below, the easiest way to kill the mercenaries is by blowing up the generators on the street. When the enemies are finished, the girl will get into the car and drive away. Hack into any suitable car and hide from the territory of the shelter after it.

Chapter IV. One foot in the grave

After this mission, you will be shown a new hideout that has been featured in many game trailers. Come to the clearing, where Clara is already waiting for you.

Follow her under the bridge until you get to the homeless camp. Take out your phone and find a certain Kyle John. He will be on the phone with Tobias Fuhrer, that's our goal. After the conversation, we learn that not only we were eavesdropping, but also a group of eliminaters, which had already advanced behind Tobias's head. Chase them down and kill them, then run after Tobias. When you find yourself at the right house, go down to the basement and sit down at the gaming table.

To save time, put all your money on the line. Tobias will figure you out and try to escape. Now you have to catch up with the person whose life you saved 5 minutes ago.

Run after him, but in any case do not shoot. When you get to the critical point, press "melee" and knock Tobias off his feet. He will give you the bridge control panel, and now you can buy the necessary gadgets from him.

Chapter V. Entrance somewhere nearby

Now you have to connect all your logic and attentiveness, because the next mission will require you to constantly run around from point "A" to point "B". Please note the right way not always the hardest. Using the physics of the game, you can overcome many obstacles.

On the island, you will need to turn on three generators. The first one will be in the building to the right of the start of the level. Go around it to the right and take the elevator up. On the roof there will be a closed door, which can be opened from the security camera. If you go around the door on the right, you will see it. Connect and immediately jump to the next camera, and from there pick the lock. Through the open doors we get inside. It remains only to blow up the barrels and go through the hole in the fence, where the generator will be.

Now move towards the rail to the second generator. The entrance will be blocked by a high gate behind which there is a video camera. Hack it and turn right. Switch to the next camera, and the third one will be on the left. From it you activate the lift and break open the shield that it closed.
Once in the yard, climb the containers to the very top to the open green container. Get inside and hack it. He will carry you to the right shield.

Run to the warehouse and climb into the container. From it, hack a crane that will lift you up. Now move left and up. Once you're on a rooftop with yellow foliage, go around the fence on the left and hack the camera. Hack the shield from the camera.

When the doors are open, go through and jump down, from where you activate the last generator. Now you need to get into a new shelter. Go back to the containers and enter the designated one. He will carry you to the door to the building (like an elevator) and you will find yourself inside. It remains only to turn on the electricity, and Clara will turn on the computers.

Chapter VI. Hastily

You continue your search for Damien. The trail leads Aiden to the black quarter, where the Viceroys group runs everything. The district network does not have access to the city network, so you will have to connect manually.

The yard we need to get into is fully guarded by the forces of Iraq, a local gangster. In order not to provoke a whole army of bandits, you will have to act quietly. First, kill the snipers on the roof, then eliminate the remaining soldiers. The easiest way will be to hide behind concrete shelters and pull them out one by one.
Once everyone is dead, hack the three ctOS terminals. Now that the gate is open, you can unlock the tower.

Chapter VII. Brotherly devotion

Return to the hideout and connect to the Viceroys network. The camera pans out to a barred bench with two guards on either side. Hack the cell behind the bars and go to the shield. It should take you no more than 1 minute to solve this puzzle, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

When you are done, switch to the elevator, in the booth of which there is a camera. Jump on it and activate the elevator control panel. Climb on top floor, turn the lens to the left and hack the camera on the gangster. When he passes into the side corridor, switch to the camera on the wall, and from there break open the shield. When you find yourself in the room with the machine guns, switch to the camera, which will be visible in the hole on the floor. Hack into the laptop and read the email. Now switch to the camera on the left, look up and jump through the hole to the camera above.

On the table on the left, hack the laptop's webcam and go to the corridor. You will pass to the shield using a pair of cameras in the corridor.

You are now in an elevator shaft. Switch from camera to camera until you see the laptop. Hack it and look up. Through the camera on the wall, jump to the camera in the room, and then move into the blue corridor. From the closed door will appear the gangster Iraq, with whom Damien had common affairs.

Chapter VIII. Tyrone won't pull

your new goal will be one of Iraq's henchmen, a black guy Tyrone. First you have to find it. Tyrone Bedbug Hayes lives in the black quarter. Look for a house with red graffiti and hack the shield.

When you turn on the camera, find his phone and hack. After some time, Tyrone will leave the house and leave. You will have to follow him. Just don't get caught. Keep a distance of 45-60 meters. When he enters the closed "red" zone, turn right and race parallel to his car.

Tyrone will stop and leave the car. You don't have to follow him, just hack the cameras and follow the gangster. When he meets the man named Rabbit, the standard crime prevention mini-game will play. Wait until the threat rises to 70-80% and blow up the gas wire behind Tyrone. His victim will run away, and the enraged gangster will be left with a nose.

Aiden will call Rabbit. From now on, you will cooperate. First, take the Rabbit out of the quarter. Just hack the gangster's phone next to the Rabbit, and send him to the left, behind the fence. And since if you yourself did not appear in the restricted area, then just leave the quarter, no one spotted you.

Chapter IX. Uninvited guest

Jody made an appointment. Upon arrival, you will be given the new kind weapons - explosives. Try it out on the green ice cream van. The bomb is molded thanks to the plastid, and you can detonate it at any time with your phone or with a shot.

Drive towards the plant, where the arrow of the bandits is about to be. There will be two passages: pedestrian and railway. Take advantage of the first.

To the left of the entrance there will be a monitor through which you can view the previous meeting. After that, you will have exactly 2 minutes to mine everything and prepare a trap for gangsters. The most optimal points will be marked in red.

When the gangsters arrive, let them disperse around the room and only then undermine. Kill the rest and pick up from the floor mobile phone. It turns out that one of the gangsters still escaped. Get on the bike and chase him.

Thanks to your cell phone, you can stop the pursued at any traffic light by hacking it. Now move to the central park to meet with the Bedbug. You can’t drive close, it’s better to park further away and move towards it unnoticed.

After talking on the phone, the Bedbug's guards will flee, and you will be left alone with him. Hack the terminal in the bushes, and on big screen there will be compromising evidence on the Bedbug. Now he is yours with giblets.

Chapter X. Without Noise and Dust

A package that is important to us will be handed over at the newsstand on the embankment. As soon as the seller hands over the suitcase, follow the recipient.

In the crowd, try not to stumble upon gangsters (they are marked in red on the minimap). The suitcase will be handed over three times, after which one of the bandits will throw it into the boat and leave. Run forward and sit on the motorboat. Follow the target until he is at the docks on a small island. Land away from the pier and run to the boat on the crane. Hack the crane and climb up.

While you are hiding in the boat, hack the cameras around and look for the suitcase. You can get rid of most of the guards with the help of explosions and overloads of the system, just finish off the rest with a pistol with a silencer. If you did everything right, then the guards from the other part of the dock will not notice you.

Find the suitcase around the corner of the building and take a photo of the documents. Now get off the island.

Chapter XI. A look into the abyss

Now your task will be to contact the Chicago Crime Syndicate and impersonate one of the big bandits. To get started, drive to a car dealership and hack into its server. When you get access to the cameras, look around the building and find the man in the fedora. You will have to kill him.

All entrances are guarded by gangsters. But huge glass walls give you an advantage over the enemy. Climb to the top floor of the parking lot opposite and kill the target with a sniper rifle, and then everyone else. When everyone is killed, return to the salon and find a suitcase in one of the rooms that contains jewelry. When the gangster's phone is hacked, get into an expensive purple car and drive away.

Drive to the target on the map. Upon arrival, go down to the basement of the club and surrender your weapons at the entrance. You will be taken to a VIP room with a dark-skinned dancer. She will mistake you for a recently murdered rapist and try to kill you. After talking with the girl, take the weapon and leave.

Chapter XII. risk move

Enter the Skipsun building using the map of the bandit you killed. All weapons will be taken away from you again. Move on to the auction. Here you will find out that the gangsters of Chicago and the nearest district are involved in human trafficking.

At the top you will meet Iraq and old man Lucky Quinn. Your task will be to steal information from the map of Iraq, which hangs on his chest. After that, Iraq will leave the room, and the same dark-skinned dancer will come for you and report that Aiden was revealed. We must leave.

Go down to the lower floor and there you will find a ladder that will take you to the basement. There, wait until the guard goes to the right, and run to opposite side. After jumping over the boxes, you will find yourself in another tunnel. Now move to the dead end where the guard is standing. When he leaves, make your way up the stairs. There, a guard will already be waiting for you, from whom it is better to hide behind the boxes. Hack the gadget to your right and distract the guards. When he leaves, run to the door on the right.

At the top, take all your weapons and break open the shield. After a successful hack, an ambush will already be waiting for you. Get behind the boxes to the right of the entrance and blow up the gas pipes. When all the guards are dead, run outside.

There is a whole platoon of soldiers sitting in the alley, which can also be killed with a strong explosion. Run upstairs. You will have a long break through the warehouse with a huge number of enemies. Climb to the very top, jump onto the container and move along it to the opposite side of the warehouse. Run to the street, there you need to open the gate.

By opening the gate, you will attract the remaining enemy forces. Better get in the jeep right away and leave. Do not even look in the direction of the motorcycle, you will be shot on it.

Chapter XIII. An example to follow

Jackson's nurse will call you and inform you that the guy has gone missing trying to find his kidnapped mother. Move forward along the bug that was previously on Jackson. The last place the alarm went off was at the beachfront hotel.

Upon arrival, shoot all the enemies around the building. Now that they're all dead, two more cars with reinforcements will drive up to the hotel. If you deal with them quietly, then this will be the end of it. Switch to the silenced pistol and finish off the remaining enemies. On the third floor, find Jackson and take him back to the nurse.

Chapter XIV. wiretapping

Pull up to the bar and dump in dumpster wiretapping. Now move to the black quarter. There, deal with the bandits in the yard quietly.

In the ATM room, call Bedbug and follow him through the video cameras. After the blackmail scene, Tyrone works for you.

Jumping from camera to camera, you lead Tyrone through the corridors so that he does not catch the guard's eyes. Sometimes it will be necessary to follow the Bedbug in order to gain access to new tracking devices.

Once you're in Iraq's room, hack the server. When you're done, Tyrone will enter the room and start downloading the data. Alas, Iraq will catch him and stick him in opened window. At this point, you will again have access to the management of Eidon.

Find a car in the yard and get out of the black quarter. It is best to wait for the enemies to leave further, and at that moment to slip past the patrol.

Chapter XV

Upon returning to the hideout, you and Clara decide to look for Raymond Kenny, a hacker. When you catch the signal, advance to a residential area. There, a group of bandits is already waiting for you. Kill them and find the old computer.

Waves of enemies will begin to roll on you. The easiest way is to hide from them behind the boxes and blow up the gas pipes one by one. When they run out, throw the remaining grenades and finish them off with weapons with a silencer.

When all the data on the computer is downloaded, erase the hard drive and run after the last survivor. He will get into the fire truck and the chase will begin. Follow him along the freeway until you find yourself in residential areas. Only then it will be possible to break the car, adjusting accidents at intersections.


Chapter I

Your path lies in the suburbs of Chicago. Come to the pier and hack the computer in the house through the window. In the middle of a hack, someone will block the computer.

Go around the area looking for the hacker. A hacker in a red shirt will stand on a round platform. Read data from his smartphone and hack the computer.

Now move to the mountains to the huge satellite dishes. Through the fence on the right, make your way inside and hack the camera. Through it you will see the shield you need. Immediately hack the platform itself to make the central satellite turn. From the approaching platform, hack the shield on the roof on the left.

In the courtyard, go up to the highest antenna. Hack the turn signal in the center, after which the platform will go to the side. Jump over the fence and climb onto the roof, and from it climb over to the next platform. Activate the turn signal again and climb onto the approaching platform. Once again, activate the turn signal and start the elevator. On it you go down to the ground.

Now go to the underground tunnel. Turn left, connect to the camera. Use it to blow up the gas cylinders in the chamber. Now go ahead and break open the shield. The door to the next bunker opened.

Go through the courtyard to the second bunker, go down into it and hack the ctOS tower. After that, an unknown hacker will call you and make an appointment.

A bearded hipster of 40 years old is waiting for you there. He invites you to compete: who will drink more. A mini-game will start, where you will need to press the buttons that appear on the screen.

Move the cursor through the indicated circles in time.

After the next bottle, a fight will start between the heroes, and Aiden will be knocked out with a stun gun. You wake up in T-Bone's house. There you agree to cooperate with him. After the conversation, he will untie you from the chair and show you his possessions, after which his first task awaits you.

The van we need will be in the yard of the ranch. Climb the water tower and kill the sniper. Now you can go down and finish off the rest (or shoot them with a rifle).

All events of the act will take place in the suburbs, and T-Bone's base will become a new shelter.

Immediately after you get into the car, the chase will begin for you. Break away from the pursuit so that the van remains intact. When it's done, return to T-Bone.

Chapter II. Steps behind your back

You will have to follow the helicopter. Get on a motorcycle and follow him. Especially you can not drive, the mission is not to fill up, even if you fall behind by 300 meters.

Above a small trailer park, a helicopter will hover in the air. Your task will be to find a pair of sheriffs with codes. Hack the camera on the turntable and look around the area. The first sheriff will be in the center, SW from the rooftop with the sniper. The second one is in the NE, near the mountain.

It remains to quietly kill the sheriffs and pick up the access codes. If they did see you, the targets will start to roll off, and you will have to catch up with them. After their death, hack smartphones and take the codes.

Chapter III. through

Buy explosives and as many grenades as possible before starting the mission. You need to stop the military cortege. The task will start halfway through the tuple's journey, and you will have less than a minute to complete.

Leave for the mountains. On the road, notice red dots. Put the car across the road, and go to the mountains yourself. It is better to mine the road.

When the motorcade arrives, blow up the car and immediately kill the juggernaut. Once the remaining enemies are killed, leave the crime scene.

Chapter IV. The future is not far off

Your path lies in the heart of ctOS, namely the main center of the Bloom company. The entire mission must be completed quietly, otherwise you will have to restart.

Go to the left gate and hack the camera. From there, switch to the webcam at the guard on his chest. He looks directly at the shield, which you need to unlock. Once the job is done, the doors will open.

Once you're inside the courtyard, only kill the guards with silenced weapons. If the path is clear, go to the specified goal. A shield will hang on the wall, but it is protected by a pair of blockers. Track where the wires go and disconnect them. Remember, each blocker will have two guards.

Now hack the ctOS panel itself. You will find yourself on a server that also needs to be hacked. After that, you will be shown a video recording of the conversation between the hacker Damien and a representative of the Bloom company.

At this point, an alarm will be raised and they will start looking for you. Get out of the building and hide somewhere. When the guard passes by, run away through the gate. From the gate to the right, there is a motorcycle waiting for you.

Chapter V. Portfolio

T-Bone's house was attacked. Return to him and fight the agents. There is no timer on the mission, but if you drive for a long time, the mission will be considered failed.

Use the robots that T-Bone himself showed you earlier. Hack them and they will start shooting at the soldiers. Get ready to repel the waves of enemies coming at you. The first will go through the tunnel in the center. When they are finished, new ones will come. Throw them car grants, so no one even has time to get out. Don't forget to hack robots.

Protect the hacker while he mines the site. It is best to stand nearby and scan the area. As soon as enemies appear, turn on time dilation and shoot them. If a juggernaut appears among them, throw bombs at him.

There will be two bombs in total, which T-Bone will plant. When the second is finished, you will run through the tunnel to the pier. There, the boat will already be waiting for you, on which you will return to Chicago.

Chapter VI. By any means

Return to the black quarter. With T-Bone's support, you can easily hack Iraq's server room. On the way to the entrance, use silent weapon, so the gangsters will not be aware of your presence and will not send reinforcements after you.

Once inside, enter the elevator and return to familiar places. Here you drove the Bedbug, if you remember.
On the elevator shaft in the South-West ("SW") we get to the room of Iraq. We download all the files of interest from there and meet the gangster himself. After a short conversation, he will start to run away.

Follow him to the roof. You will be attacked by his thugs, who can be easily dealt with using explosives. When Iraq itself appears, do not change tactics, but blow it up.

Sit behind cover and shoot heavy opponents with a machine gun if you run out of grenades.

Iraq is dead and with it the Viceroys.

Act IV

Chapter I. Knocked

All data is now on your server. But, all of a sudden, some hacker gets into your network and starts deleting data. In the course of hacking, you will have to block the hacker himself. It's still the same mini-game with blocks turning, but now they will change on the go.

You saved more than half of your files, but an unknown hacker blocked your server. Only his name is known - Default.

Chapter II. Face to face

You are going to meet an old friend of Damien's. But plans change and an old hacker sets you up. Now the whole city knows the face of Aiden Pierce, you need to hide as soon as possible.

Stay off the sidewalk or people will call the cops. Climb down the stairs and walk across the lawn to a parked car. Get in it and drive to the TV studio van. Damien's accomplice is sitting in it, which must be disposed of.

After killing him, you will be given 4 wanted levels. We'll have to leave through underground tunnels or by sea. In any case, you must have a helicopter hacking skill to hide from the police.

Chapter III. rat's nest

T-Bone tried to hack into Default's computer, but was himself ambushed. You will have to rescue a friend. You will find yourself in the underground parking at the entrance to the restaurant. Cross the road and hack the control panel.

It is always easier to break in and shoot the enemy.

When you connect to the camera, you will see T-Bone, who is running away from the guards of the building. Switch to Aiden and look for cameras on the street that look directly at T-Bone. As in the case of the Rabbit, lead the hacker through the guard posts. If you are too lazy to do this, just run in there and shoot them all with a pistol with a silencer.

Now the car chase begins. At this point, Default will control traffic and traffic lights, beware of explosions of gas pipes and other cars. You can escape from Default in any underground parking.

Chapter IV. default situation

You found out where the Default is located. He gave a party in one of the trendy clubs in Chicago. Hack the security phone and go inside.

Now start scanning guests. The easiest way to do this is through a video camera. I must say right away that Default is not among them. There are simply dressed as well as himself. When you find three such people, switch to the second floor. From there, hack the server room and find the real Default. He's behind the DJ console.

The most social mission - walk around the club, listen to music and calculate the Default among the guests.

Run to the second floor. He is already aware of the pursuit and runs out onto the roof. Break through the crowds of guards. When he jumps into the car, follow him. Keep in mind that you are chasing a hacker who, like you, can hack devices on the roads. It's best to stay away from him.

When Aiden hacks his phone, get closer and closer. When 100% of the data is downloaded, turn on the traffic lights at the nearest intersection. Get out of the car and execute Default.

Chapter V. The Younger Sister

You finally found out where Niki is. Drive to Damien's warehouse. Find the shield there and crack it. Now you can see the warehouse from the inside. Blow up the guard and call your sister.

Lead her in the same way as before this T-Bone and Rabbit. Again, if this option does not suit you, break into the warehouse and put all the enemies with your own hands. When Nicky gets into the car, leave the warehouse and go to her house.

Chapter VI. ghosts of the past

Nicki decided to take Jackson and leave Chicago. Aiden must lead them to the suburbs through the police posts. There is nothing difficult in this mission, just try to stay away from the cops.

Chapter VII. There is no way back

Aiden declares war on Lucky Quinn himself. Come to the hotel Merlo, where the events of the prologue took place. Hack the ctOS shield and follow the mayor's press conference. When it's over, Quinn and the mayor will retire to a room. Follow them.

Hack into Lucky's phone. Now you know that he sent a band of thugs after Clara. Now from Lucky's room go to the security room. Hack the alarm.

Go around Merlot on the left. Kill the pool guard and enter the building. There are several agents wandering around that can be killed one by one.

When you find yourself in the penthouse, an ambush will already be waiting for you. Talk to Quinn and kill all of his henchmen. With the juggernaut, out of habit, we deal with explosives.

Get out of hiding - die. Until you deal with more than half of the enemies, do not even think about sticking out.

On the roof will great amount enemies. Shoot them one by one while in cover. Temporarily neutralize the sniper on the helicopter by hacking the helicopter. When all enemies are killed, finish off the shooter. Move on.

Connect to the camera and open iron curtain in Lucky's room. It's still behind bulletproof glass. Listen to his long speech and then hack the pacemaker. Then, one more time. Chicago's top mobster is dead. Upload a video with compromising material on the mayor to the network and run away from the building.

A huge crowd of guards is chasing you. Drive the car to the left from the entrance to the pier. Get into the boat and hack the helicopter. Get as far away from the city as possible.

Clara is being assassinated. Find out that she went to the cemetery. Follow her. When Aiden is at his niece's grave, he will see Clara's death. Quinn's mercenaries shot her in front of him. Shoot the thugs and listen last words girls.

Act V. Exit

Chapter I. Everyone loses sometime

When you get to the shelter, upload dirt on the mayor to the network. But the quiet life of Aiden, and for one thing and the whole city, is interrupted by Damien, who will take full control of the ctOS system. Chaos reigns in the city, all traffic lights are out of order, gas pipes are on fire.

Move towards the ctOS central office. You need to disconnect Damien from the network. But, alas, this is not to be. The traps set by the hacker work and you are left with a nose. Then T-Bone proposes extreme measures: upload a virus to ctOS.

Rush up to three points in different parts of the city. Damien and the maximum wanted level will interfere with movement. Each point will have a terminal. Wait for the virus to load 100% before leaving.

After the first goal, your navigator will break and start showing a bunch of different points. Move from memory to the right goals. Keep in mind that the real goals are always the same, and the false ones change. You have connected all three terminals. Now drive to the coast and jump into the boat. On it, get away from police pursuit.

Return to the ctOS office and hack the network again. There you will learn that Damien sat down at a lighthouse off the coast of Chicago. Go there. When Aiden climbs the lighthouse, an old friend will already be waiting for him. Aim at him. At this time, our old colleague, Jody Chen, appears on the scene. He points a gun at Aiden. Hack the lighthouse. The explosion will stun everyone around. At this point, you throw Jordie over the fence and shoot Damien.

After the credits, Aiden arrives at Geordie's assigned location (as it turns out, the Asian survived). As an apology, Chen leaves a gift in the garage - your niece's killer. Kill him or let him live, it's up to you. It won't affect the plot in any way.

A long time ago you were all promised an action game where main character, can connect to the information network of the city, try to take control of a millionth city, while receiving absolutely full permission to any points of information. The game will take place in a world of complete freedom of action. After viewing this passage, you can understand all the details of the game.


The game starts at the Merlot Motel and you play as a single hacker named Aiden Pearce, he breaks the security system with his friend. And then a surprise, someone turned on the automatic security system, so our hero had to go on the run. Next, they show a video where it becomes clear to you that someone called a certain Maurice and gives an order to deal with Aiden's relatives, thereby frightening him. Then the next video, 11 months have passed. The protagonist finds the killer and tries to find out who ordered his family.

End of the eighth inning

You need to shoot at Maurice with blanks, after he pounces on you, fight him off, scan his phone and listen to the audio recording on your phone. After leaving the locker room, Georgie will meet you. When the cops show up, just run down the corridor and sit behind the box, when the cops turn away, run to the left side and go up to the exit. Since your exit will be closed, connect to the camera on your left. With this camera, look through the bars and find the next camera. After found, you can connect from this camera to two more new ones and find weakness at the policemen.

Hack the stadium network

Enter the room with the cop. There will be electronic components on the table, make a trap and throw this device on the wall, in order to divert the attention of the policeman, at this time, you can run past him. Walk past the crowds of people to the glass, where the stadium with the most fans is located. After you receive a call from HOOLIGAN17, go to the room where the watchman stands and connect to the camera, what you will see, after from this camera, connect to the next one and in the center of this stadium, there will be a guard and a cop who communicate with each other . The access codes will be with the policeman. To get into the server part of the stadium, you need to turn left, the cop you taught the codes will have a kind of shield with which you can get to the northern part. In the server room, turn the camera to the right and you will have access to the server room.

Arrange a blackout

When you get to the conference room, you will unlock one skill, so use the blackout to turn off the lights in the entire stadium. After it becomes completely dark everywhere, make your way quietly to the entrance. As soon as you leave this stadium, run quickly to the transport that was left on the Georgie Chin area. Break away from the police by car, after you leave the cops, drive to your hideout and go to bed.

Eliminate crime

Near your shelter, scan all passers-by, but no matter how hard you try, the crime scene cannot be determined in any way, so you need to find a new potential victim. When you find. Wait for her to enter the alley and hide behind her. After the killer rushes at her, wait for a mark that will allow you to protect her in order to quickly interrupt this attempt, activate the technique that is behind them, an explosion will occur and all that remains is to catch up with this maniac and neutralize it.

Older brother

After you get a call from a girl named Nicole, drive to her house in the backyard to celebrate the birthday of the boy Jackson. Go to the girl's house, and wait for the call to occur, when the call is received, arrange a listening device on the phone. As a result of listening to the conversation, you will find out that someone is trying to terrorize your little sister. Get out of the house and track the cell phone. Further you learn that he is near the house, sitting in the car. He will try to run away from you. Keep chasing him. Near the traffic light, get into the system to switch it, after which, a potential threat in his car will crash into other cars. After that, go out and go to him, neutralize him and take the mobile phone to find out all the secrets of the mobile phone.

Backstage pass

Here answer the call of the HOOLIGAN17. Tracking down who placed the threatening call on your sister would require hacking into the ctOS high ground in the Loop district. Go to the gun store and buy a rifle for yourself. Go to the construction site where this hill is located. Go inside and break all surveillance cameras, use these cameras to find a guard who has access codes, they will allow you to find the location of the guards.

On the floor above, there is a shield, you can either sneak in unnoticed or with a loud fight, you need to remember that if you engage in battle, then get ready for a rather difficult battle. In general, as you pass this stage, reach the shield, after which you will need to hack this protection system. In this hack, there is nothing complicated enough. The puzzle is that you need to turn unusual figures in different directions, the blue line will have to be connected to the castle. After hacking, you will have access to the server room, where you can see how ctOS constantly monitors lives ordinary people. Then hack the tower and leave the construction site as soon as possible.

The passage of the Watch Dogs story campaign was recorded on PC at medium and maximum difficulty levels. Complete walkthrough the game with all the side quests took about 15 hours.

Note: beware SPOILERS!

Chapter 1: Family Man

Chapters: "End of the 8th Inning", "Big Brother", "Backstage Pass"

A year after tragic death Aiden Pearce's niece is on the trail of the killer.

Chapters: "The annoying fly", "Open your world".

Geordie Chin asks to do him a small favor and deliver one person to the appointed place.

ctos - what is it?

it computer program that governs Chicago. With it, you can control traffic on roads and in the subway, draw bridges, monitor lighting, and watch what is happening with the help of video cameras from anywhere in the city. In addition, ctOS stores all the personal data of every Chicago resident.

Chapters: "Thanks for the advice", "Remember", "And this is not pizza."

Aiden Pearce is on the trail of Damien, his old buddy. It's time to pay him a visit.

Chapters: "Spokes in the wheels", "Redhead does not suit you."

Someone is ready to expose Aiden Pearce. According to the information received, this person is in prison. You have to make him shut up.


Reputation - a system that allows you to determine the reaction of society to the actions of Aiden Pearce. If the townspeople support the protagonist, then I will talk about him in the media as a hero. If Aiden has a bad reputation, then people will start to shy away from him. However, this will not be displayed in the gameplay or plot.

Chapter 2: Who is Raymond Kinney?

Chapters: "Hold on baby", "Fragile things", "Collateral damage".

Damien grabbed Pierce's sister so he could work with him on the same team.

Chapters: "One foot in the grave", "Entrance somewhere nearby", "Hurry up".

Clara found out something about the secret bunker where ctOS was being developed. It is necessary to find it and restore the work.

Commercial companies in Watch Dogs

AT real life Chicago is the second largest city in the USA. It is the economic, industrial, transportation, cultural capital of the entire Midwest. In Watch Dogs in Chicago, not only large, but also small commercial companies are doing business.

Blume- the company that created the ctOS system. Her responsibilities include the development and maintenance of a computer program.

WKZ TV is the largest television channel in Chicago.

bogen- a company that manufactures small and comfortable cars.

Pharmingtons- network of pharmacies.

Chicago Transit Authority- public transport operator. In real life, it is a city corporation that also operates in Chicago.

Proviblue Bank- city bank.

Brewed Delight- the most famous cafe in the city.

Chapters: "Brotherly devotion", "Tyrone will not pull."

The tracks lead to the base of the criminal organization Viceroys. Pierce must check everything before visiting the bandits' lair.

Chapters: "Uninvited guest", "Without noise and dust", "Look into the abyss".

Aiden Pierce wants to use Bedbug for his own purposes. He needs him to steal the codes from Iraq (the head of the Viceroys).

Organizations Watch Dogs

deadsec- a hacker community that opposes the use of ctOS.

Black Viceroys- gangster group, consisting of some African Americans. It is headed by Delford Wade, nicknamed "Iraq".

Fixers- An organization of mercenaries led by Geordie Chin (acquaintance of Aiden Pierce).

Default is a hacker organization that is at war with DeadSec.

Chapters: "Risk move", "Role example", "Wiretapping", "Against the rules".

The main character had to pretend to be a millionaire Lucky Queen in order to get to a closed auction. However, Pierce is quickly exposed. He has to take off his feet.

Chapter 3: Between One and Two

Chapters: "Steps behind your back."

Help from ctOS creator T-Bone is needed to decipher the code.

Chapters: "Ahead", "The future is not far off", "By any means".

T-Bone asked to have his biometrics removed from Bloom's network.

Levels of Suspicion

Suspicion levels - warning system. There are four levels of suspicion in Watch Dogs.

white level: no one suspects the main character.

yellow level: When the police start scanning the area, yellow circles appear on the mini-map. The longer you stay in them, the sooner you will be noticed. If the yellow bar reaches 100%, the police instantly find the main character and start hunting for him.

red level: bandits or police will hunt you until you hide from them. To do this, you need to break away from the chase, and then, when the hero is out of sight, get out of the white circle.

911 : when you stop the car and throw the driver out to take his place, he can call the emergency services. Before he calls the police, he needs to take away his phone. Then the call will be interrupted, and the driver will simply run away. There is also an option to quickly escape from the scene of the crime.

Chapter 4: Revenge

Chapters: "Face to Face", "Rat's Nest", "Default Situation".

Damien decides to take revenge on the protagonist after he again refuses to work with him.

Chapters: "Younger Sister", "Ghosts of the Past", "No Way Back".

Aiden manages to find and save his sister. Now we need to take her to a safe place.

Multiplayer modes in Watch Dogs

The game has four multiplayer modes:

1. "Invasion"

In the common people, this game is called hide and seek. You invade another user's game and start copying their data. The enemy's task is to find the hacker, your task is not to catch his eye.

2. "Decryption"

4v4 team battles. Both teams fight to upload a file to the Web before their opponents. The one who did it first wins.

3. "Spying"

You find yourself in the game of another user and get important information before you escape.

4. "Racing"

Competitions on cars through the streets of Chicago.

Additional tasks in Watch Dogs

In addition to going through the story campaign, in Watch Dogs you can investigate crimes, save civilians from hooligans, destroy gangster dens, interfere with the underground arms trade, catch serial maniac or slave traders, as well as to conduct free time for mini games. There are only six of them: poker, thimbles, chess, "who will drink whom", NVZN (you need to destroy the aliens with a laser), Cash Run (a race during which you need to collect gold coins).

Chapter 5: Exit

Chapters: Everyone loses sometime.

Damien is completely mad. He got under the control of ctOS and is doing everything in order to eliminate Pierce.

Achievements in Watch Dogs

  • Family Man - Complete the first part.
  • Who is Raymond Kinney? - complete the second part.
  • Between the first and second - complete the third part.
  • Revenge - Complete the fourth part.
  • Exit - complete the fifth part.
  • Hello everyone - interrogate and stun Moriss.
  • End of the Road - Complete 40 Eliminator contracts.
  • Scarecrow - Destroy 15 bandit dens.
  • Peephole - invade privacy 30 times.
  • Fighter - catch 20 criminals.
  • Clear signal - unlock all ctOS towers.
  • SysAdmin - Hack 16 ctOS towers.
  • Sanity Test - Collect eight Disposable Phones.
  • No disk space - open all songs with "SongSneak" app.
  • In position - check in at each Hotspot.
  • Known as the "Avenger" - complete all investigations in the game: "Human Trafficking", "Missing", "Arms Trade", "QR Codes".
  • Threads of Darkness - Complete the final mission of the Lost Investigation.
  • Road Wars - Complete 18 Elimination missions.
  • Freebie - Unlock all skills in the skill tree.
  • Scrap Metal - Destroy ten cars.
  • Haunted - Become the object of surveillance 5 times.
  • Communication error - interrupt 10 calls to the police. Not a single citizen should be harmed.
  • Bookmarks - mark 100 targets.
  • Fairy Smoke - Kill four enemies in a row in concentration mode.
  • Gambling - take part in five different mini-games.
  • Houdini - Get away from the police chase 15 times.
  • Object "White Rabbit" - hide from police scanners 15 times.
  • Invisible - Escape the Level 5 Police Scanner.
  • Explosive Hat Trick - Kill 3 enemies with a single explosion.
  • Equipment failure - shoot tires 15 times on cars.
  • Read Only - Scan 16 "QR Codes".
  • Saturday Show - Complete the final task of the Arms Trade investigation.
  • Revocation of client rights - Complete the last task of the investigation "Trafficking in Human Beings".
  • The tongue is untied - outsing three opponents at the 10th level of the game "Who will outdrink whom."
  • Hacking - Successfully complete the "Network Hacking" mission 10 times.
  • On the Tail - Successfully complete the "Network Surveillance" mission 10 times.
  • Freeway - Successfully complete the "Online Racing" mission 10 times.
  • Phantom - conduct network surveillance without being noticed.

All are connected to each other. We are completely dependent on the novelties of the high-tech market, because thanks to this we learn what is happening in the world. Like any process in our dual world, it has a dark side. Every step we take leaves a mark. It's not just about ourselves. Cities are in the web of digital networks, the infrastructure is controlled by the most complex systems.

In Watch_Dogs Chicago is subordinated to the Central Operating System abbreviated as ctOS. Exactly this system filled with information about all the people of the city. Whoever has access to it will have control over the metropolis. Aiden Peep is an advanced hacker with a criminal past. To avenge his family, he went on the warpath. You went out with him. Aiden can hack and use everything that has access to the city information network: access to security cameras, upload personal data, track the movement of people, manage public transport and traffic lights. Chicago is now your weapon. The main thing is to learn how to use it.

Walkthrough Watch Dogs - Tutorial

The game will start with a little background. You will receive control when the massacre of the lined guy begins. Try to shoot, then disarm him. Go out into the corridor, watch the video. Follow the game tips, hide behind covers. Knock out a couple of cops, learn to use the phone to distract enemies.

At the closed door, start hacking. Move to the last chamber, find the highlighted wires. Break the lock. Go further, collect items for crafting. Make a bomb, throw it in the right direction. As soon as the guards go to check, go around from the side. Go to the surveillance camera. Hack the guard's phone. Break the camera, follow the instructions. We need to turn off the electricity. Then go further into the darkness.

For further passage of the game Watch Dogs, go outside, run from the cops. Ride to your hideout. When you leave the chase, go up to the second floor, go into the room. Get some sleep. Then go outside to look for criminals. Scan people on the street, look for the area where the crime was committed. Find the victim, wait for the criminal to attack. After calling the car, go to complete tasks according to the plot further.

Older brother

Go to the house, go to the side of the backyard. Talk to your sister. Find out about a person who constantly calls. Track the signal, catch up with the guy. You need to go to the store where the weapons are and go further.

Backstage pass

Go to the point of the building, enter the right door. Climb to the second floor, look for a guard with a phone. Hack and get codes. Then carefully walk towards the panel. The puzzle must be solved in order for the network to be hacked. Then it remains only to quickly escape from the building, go to the next quest.

annoying fly

Passage of the game Watch Dogs - go to the purple zone, find the destroyer. Examine all people to identify the right one. Deal with him. You now need to take the guy out of the search area. See the mini-map to avoid helicopters and barricades. Take him to the right place.

Open your World

Go down to the subway, follow the marker to the entrance to the garage. Here, turn on the signaling and run to hide behind the boxes. Now through the cameras, break the panel on the right on the wall.

Break-in carefully. The security guard who roams the first floor at the entrance has the codes. Now examine the second floor with the camera, find the guard with the camera on his chest. Wait for it to reach the right place, hack. Now we need to quickly run away. Take action, move on.

Climb higher to the source and turn off the panel through the camera, lower the loader. On the cameras even higher you will find the second shield. Hack a laptop and a mobile phone, shoot back from enemies, leave for a meeting.


Here you just need to go to the cemetery, watch the video.

And that's not pizza

When passing the game Watch Dogs, you will arrive at the place, climb up to the balcony. Talk and go down into the water to cross to the opposite side. Go around to the left, where there are fewer guards. When you reach the door with the guard, switch to the camera, hack the panel. Take out the guard and quickly run away until there are not many enemies.

Walk past the fence, then to the left and through the door. Cross the canal, get into the car. Get out of the chase quickly.

Drive to the right place, go to the glass pavilion. Find your niece, carefully hack her phone without drawing attention. After the call, repeat the hack. Now head to the place to sort it out. Quickly deal with the enemy, drive to the next task.

Red doesn't suit you

When the fight ends, drive further along the marker. When you are in the cell, open the cage by disabling the lock. You can hide behind cover, then go further into the room indicated by the marker. To complete the Watch Dogs game, wait until the guard turns away, move on.

Then break open the gate. Distract the guard, run to the exit. When you are at the checkpoint, then look through the camera of the nearest guard, then the second. Next, you need to break the panel and switch to the third camera. Then find a target.

Open the elevator, quickly run into it. At the bottom of the cells, turn off the electricity distribution panel. Go through the door, take a shotgun, deal with the enemies. Then you have to fight with a serious opponent. To make the fight easier, hack the valves when he is near them.

Talk to the prisoner, go outside. Change clothes and get into the car, jump forward. Then break away from the police.

Hold on baby

Go to the right place, look around. To complete the game Watch Dogs, go to your sister's house. Watch the video, then to the position. Ride to the train, hack it, go ahead. We need to intercept two cars. To do this, blow straight where the cars are rolled up. This will help cut them. Block the road, kill enemies, go to the train.

Go to the store, buy what you need. Then go to the control center. Enter it from the side of the garage. Remove the sniper, go through the cameras to the room in the center of the location. Hack the laptop as well as the system. Open the server room, get everything you need. Then you need to quickly dump.

fragile things

Here you need to get into the warehouse, using the cameras to find the person who has the code. Come in from the south side, deal with the guards, go to the room with the fence. Knock out the guard inside, look through the camera to the second floor.

With the further passage of the game Watch Dogs, move to the second floor in the garage, which is located nearby. Distract the guard at the entrance, run to the right, to the rise. Hack the computer, eavesdrop on the dialogue and quickly run to the car at the back entrance. Catch up with the guy and deal with him.

Collateral damage

Go home, watch the video, get ready for bed. Deal with the enemy outside and inside. The main thing is to protect the girlfriend of the main character. Don't delay and don't sit in one shelter for a long time. Kill the enemy wave and run to the car.

Seat a friend there, look for another car yourself. Now we need to get rid of the pursuers.