There was information that Russian singer, presenter and actress Yulia Kovalchuk became a mother for the first time. The celebrity herself has not yet commented on the news.

Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov hid the news of the pregnancy to the last. When hiding was already problematic, Julia shared the news with fans by posting a picture with a rounded belly on the Web.

Recall that Kovalchuk and Chumakov have been together for eight years. In 2014, the couple got married in Spain, and since then, fans have tirelessly followed the personal lives of celebrities, wondering when the baby will appear.

Information about pregnancy appeared in early autumn. Julia then announced that she would give birth in Russia, despite the fact that she often lives in Spain.

“I can’t imagine how it is possible in these important points communicate in another language, not feel and not see your loved ones nearby, ”the singer admitted.

Recall that Alexey and Yulia got married in 2012 after 5 years of relationship. Last summer there was talk that the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" in the position, reports the portal For a long time the couple remained silent, officially confirming that they would soon become parents only three weeks ago

“I really trust my feelings and believe that my body will tell me how to respond to the magic that happens to me. In addition, pregnancy is a universal joy! From the very beginning, I knew that I would not have capricious, speculative, inherent a large number pregnant girls. It seems to me that this only angers and repels the beloved man.

Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth in 2017: information about baby Kovalchuk appeared on the network

According to some reports, the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" gave birth to a daughter. Fans leave their congratulations to the new mom in in social networks. Neither Kovalchuk nor Chumakov commented on the rumors about the birth of a child and did not confirm the birth of the singer.

According to Yulia, the pregnancy did not affect her everyday life. The artist explained that she did not have any whims regarding food or some other things.

Recall that Yulia and Alexey got married four years ago and since then rumors have appeared in the media that the singer is in a position. The couple hide the details of their personal lives from the press, so the couple did not reveal the gender of the unborn baby.

Note that the rumor that the artist is expecting a baby spread in the media and social networks this spring. The reason for the suspicions of the public was the rare appearances of the ex-soloist of the "Brilliant" group, the choice of free-cut outfits, as well as some changes in her appearance.

As expected, Kovalchuk will not stay on maternity leave for a long time. Earlier, the singer said that, despite the appearance of a child, she was not going to give up her career. The singer is scheduled to take the stage in November-December.

Kovalchuk said that the child in their family is long-awaited, which is why they hid the pregnancy from fans for so long. Apparently, they were afraid of the evil eye.

Many couples have to wait for the birth of children long years. And celebrities are no exception. The main thing, as experience has shown Russian stars, eventually becoming parents, do not lose hope. And then the long-awaited miracle will happen!

10 years

Kovalchuk became a mother quite recently, on October 13, 2017. In one of the elite metropolitan clinics, a girl was born to Yulia and her husband Alexei Chumakov. “There are no words in the world... There are no emotions that can describe this new feeling. Now there is no time, but there is an inexplicable love and dependence. Thanks to God, my beloved and all the doctors who were there for my daughter!” - the 34-year-old singer, ex-soloist of the Brilliant group, commented on the joyful event. Alexey Chumakov supported his wife and was present at the birth of the baby. “A man must be in this place. You see the "holy of holies", magic. It's not disgusting, it's not scary, it's not terrible. The epicenter of all the most beautiful is the birth of a person, - said the young father. “I saw the birth, and for me this is the main indicator that magic exists.” The next day, Kovalchuk posted on her blog on the social network a touching photo with tiny children's legs in the hands of doctors.

Julia and Alexey got married in October 2013, but before the wedding they had already been together for six years. “Only next to Lesha can I relax, feel how wonderful it is - when you don’t have to solve all the problems yourself,” Kovalchuk admitted. “From the first days of our life, he took on the role of the main breadwinner in the family.” Having bought a house in the suburbs, the lovers almost immediately equipped a nursery in it. Both have been thinking about adding to the family for a long time: Yulia dreamed of two heirs, Alexei dreamed of three. But he preferred not to force things: “As a man, I feel responsible for those around me. And I must be sure that I will give them everything they need. There is no 100% certainty yet." Julia also believed that everything has its time. Although purely feminine, she was looking forward to the moment when she would be in the role of a mother. She admitted: “When Lesha and I talk about these topics, I agree with his arguments. But if earlier only work occupied my thoughts, now I’m thinking about how to combine everything.” And yet, for a long time, the couple did not have children. “This is a divine question, let's be honest,” Kovalchuk shared. We don't want to resort to any wonderful means. As long as we're fine. We are healthy and want children.”

The singer has been “attributed” to pregnancy more than once, and she had to refute the rumors. At the same time, Julia said that when she was in interesting position will try to keep the secret as long as possible. “I know how many different energies are attracted to artists. And it can be not only good, ”Kovalchuk explained. And so it happened. Julia hid that she was pregnant for a long time, and announced this only a couple of weeks before the birth. “A child is not just the most important thing, it is magic and a miracle, and I am sure that you will understand why we have not advertised this event for a long time,” the singer addressed the fans. The appearance of the wife's daughter was marked by the premiere of Chumakov's video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes". touching video they consider it special for their family, because in addition to Alexei, Julia also starred in it shortly before giving birth.

Natalia Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov: “Fate tested us for a long time”

10 years

Natalya Podolskaya: “We decided not to predict the gender of the second child in advance” With her husband Vladimir Presnyakov and son Artemy Photo: Philip Goncharov

One of the strongest and happy couples domestic show business together for 12 years. Natalya and Vladimir met on the set of the Big Races program in 2005, they got married in 2010. And five years later, their long-awaited first-born son Artemy was born. Natalia admits that she always dreamed of a baby. “Yes, we waited a very long time for our child, we begged him,” she recalls. - And there were different moments, including moments of despair, tears, when I rolled on the floor and shouted: “Why then live if there is no child?” star couple sought help from the best European specialists in gynecology, Natalia underwent a course of therapy in Beijing, made a pilgrimage to the holy places of Russia, Belarus and Israel. The appearance of Artemy radically changed the lives of artists - naturally, in better side. “It didn't work before. Something was testing us. Although I actively worked on it ... In three shifts. But we always believed that one day we would have a child, ”said the happy Vladimir after the birth of his son. Now the couple is already dreaming of a second baby. “I hope this will happen soon,” says Podolskaya. - Of course, the kit is good. But when your child appears, you absolutely do not care if it is a boy or a girl. You are just insanely happy and happy. So Vova and I decided not to guess the gender of the child in advance.

They became parents for the first time in mid-September this year. For the first time, Chumakov decided to publicly reveal why he and his wife took so long to give birth. The singer told the details of his personal life to the host of the show "Secret for a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva. So, for example, Alexey dispelled rumors that he and his wife allegedly could not have children due to health problems.

Chumakov said that they did not have children for so long for only one reason: he and Yulia decided to seriously prepare for the issue of having a child. According to the artist, due to the heavy workload, they didn’t even have time to think about having offspring before. However, years ago, after having a serious talk on this topic, they decided to first take care of their health, see doctors and, of course, have a good rest.

Alexey Chumakov said that his daughter looks more like him than Yulia Kovalchuk

Upon learning of the pregnancy, Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov made a decision: they would not tell anyone about this, even the closest people. The star couple was afraid of possible complications during pregnancy. As a result, Julia calmly spent nine months before the birth of her daughter. However, as Aleksey explained in the Secret for a Million show, even now they are not going to show their daughter to the public, at least until the christening. Moreover, the couple also decided not to name the girl's name yet. But the singer nevertheless told some details. So, for example, he admitted that he was present at the birth. And I'm sure it couldn't be otherwise.

In the program of Lera Kudryavtseva, footage of the happy young dad Alexei Chumakov walking near the pond with a stroller was shown. Gently looking into the stroller, the singer said that, nevertheless, the daughter, in his opinion, is more like him: “Some features sometimes slip: once - Julia. Sometimes will turn - exactly me. Part of Yulin's nose, part - my. What a beautiful symbiosis. But my black blood, of course, won: it is black. And her eyes will probably be brown».

"Secret for a Million": Alexey Chumakov

Recall that Alexey Chumakov and Yulia Kovalchuk officially formalized their relationship on October 1, 2013, although they have been living for ten years. According to the singer and TV presenter, she considers herself very happy woman because there are nearby strong shoulder: “Sometimes my independence takes over, but I catch myself in time: “No, I can’t do it myself!” We had a stage in life when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adjust. As soon as I began to yield, he began to yield too.

Today, on the Internet, mainly in social networks, one topic is touched upon: Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth! Indeed, this event is long-awaited and very pleasant not only for young parents, but also for all fans of the singer. Yulia Kovalchuk, together with her husband Alexei Chumakov, recently admitted that for several years they have had to listen to the fact that they still have not thought about procreation, because the years have long allowed them to become parents. They said that they always had their own point of view, and even the opinion of their favorite fans did not interest them.

When to give birth or adopt a baby is a personal matter for each person, and outside opinion is not taken into account here at all. Julia and her husband always picked the right moment to give birth to a child. Her pregnancy was caused by a great desire to become loved and loving parents, and not constant gossip and reproaches from fans. They did not want to live for someone, to adapt to the wishes of other people, they did not listen to advice. And now came the exciting and long this moment- Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child in 2017. There is no official confirmation yet, but all fans are sincerely sure that Yulia wanted her last photo let everyone know that she has already managed to become a happy mother.

Since the singer never advertised her relationship, and even more so until the last time she hid her pregnancy, no one knew about the exact date of her birth. Today, there are a lot of comments on the network with the words: "Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to a child." Fans have always watched the singer very carefully, wishing her in the comments quick and less painful childbirth and a healthy baby. Julia probably reads all this, but does not react in any way, which further panics the fans.

Today, Yulia Kovalchuk added a photo in white underwear, which does not show the stomach. And immediately, comments with congratulations for the singer immediately “fell down”. Julia wrote under the photo that she just loves trying on new underwear, and that this has nothing to do with childbirth. Who gave birth to Yulia Kovalchuk and when, it is difficult to determine from the photo. But all the fans hope that soon the singer will post on her page that their assumptions were correct. Fans claim that they are insanely happy for Yulia and Alexei, and want to believe that she really has already become a mother.

Some subscribers confidently declare that Julia gave birth to a girl. They substantiate their assumptions by the fact that at the time of pregnancy, the singer changed her facial features, became even more tender and feminine. Also, experienced mothers could not help but notice the shape of the abdomen. She fully corresponded to the fact that Yulia carries a charming daughter inside herself. Journalists are not distracted from their work for a minute, they want to prove with facts that the fans' assumptions were correct. It remains only to wait for the appearance of the photo on Instagram of the singer with the child.

Pregnancy Kovalchuk

Yulia Kovalchuk never liked to talk about her personal life, she gladly devoted her fans to all working moments, shared her creativity, but she always believed that her personal life concerns only her and her husband. That is why fans learned about Yulia's pregnancy shortly before the birth itself. Today on the Internet you can see amazing news - Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth to her first child. For some inactive fans, this news was really shocking, because if you didn’t personally follow the life of Kovalchuk and her husband, it would be difficult to find out about the pregnancy.

Even from the first months of pregnancy, when the singer diligently concealed her position, she was sure that these 9 months would be the happiest, simplest and most memorable for her. Kovalchuk was in good health, and even went on stage until the moment when her position could be hidden under the outfits. Her cheerfulness, her husband's love and her favorite work were enough to feel confident, not to be afraid of complications and other problems.

The birth of the first child at 34 is considered a late date, but this fact did not bother the singer at all. She was sure that together with her husband they could handle it.

Julia all the time tried to hide her position under wide outfits, she did not show photos in which her belly was visible to the naked eye. And for a certain time she managed to hide everything, if not for attentive and curious journalists. They added a photo of 2017 with a belly, where it is clear that Yulia Kovalchuk is pregnant.

It no longer made sense to hide your position, because journalists would still be able to expose the singer after going to secular parties. Even in the fifth month, the singer confidently went on stage, but tried to hide her position behind wide pants and blouses. And it is worth noting that she succeeded, because the fans found out about the pregnancy quite recently.

Rest Kovalchuk during pregnancy

Throughout her pregnancy, the singer rested and worked, she felt the strength to travel abroad, go on stage and give fans her work. Shortly before giving birth, the singer added a photo to her Instagram page, in which she drinks champagne from a glass. Under the photo, Julia wrote: "Kayfushechki." This photo shocked all her fans, they quickly began to write comments with questions about the singer's pregnancy.

Some suggested that she was not pregnant at all, while others could not compare her position and drinking alcohol. Others did not stop discussing the pregnancy of Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband Alexei Chumakov.

The singer felt great, and could afford to late term pregnancy relax with a glass of champagne. Nothing threatened her health and the health of the baby, because she regularly examined the doctor, took care of her health, nourished the body with all the necessary vitamins to maintain the normal development of the baby.

The last months of Yulia Kovalchuk's pregnancy

As already mentioned, the singer's pregnancy passed without any problems and deviations. Julia could afford to travel, despite the fact that after the sixth month of pregnancy, doctors categorically forbid flights. Despite this, until the ninth month, Kovalchuk and her husband were in Spain. She is madly in love with this country, the singer noted many advantages for herself, namely:

  • beautiful architecture and the opportunity to enjoy pleasant air;
  • professional doctors, to whom Yulia was ready to entrust herself and the baby during childbirth;
  • quiet and peaceful rest outside noisy Moscow;
  • the opportunity to forget about all the working moments and calmly prepare for childbirth.

Julia added a photo on her Instagram in which she is standing on the seashore, enjoying the sea waves and clean air. She wrote on her page that she was very careful about her position, which is why she left dirty Moscow to find herself in a real fairy tale, gather her thoughts and prepare for childbirth. Her husband is not visible in the photo, so the subscribers suggested that Alexei had a lot of work in Russia, and he could not leave Moscow for a holiday in Spain. There were also suggestions that the birth of the singer will take place there.

The stars have their own home in Spain, where they were going to live after giving birth. and Aleksey Chumakov have been expecting a baby for several years, so they always wanted them to have comfortable living conditions, peace and quiet during childbirth and immediately after them, allowing them to enjoy replenishment in the family. Until the last moment, they planned to give birth to a baby in Spain, but then they decided to return to Moscow.

Julia risked her position very much by surviving the flight. But, fortunately, everything worked out. Alexei's career forced them to return to Moscow, he began a new television season, so he simply could not be in Spain at that time.

In order not to leave their wife with a newborn child, they together decided to return to the capital. She did not tell anyone in which maternity hospital the singer would give birth. Even curious and professional journalists failed to declassify this moment.

Marriage of Yulia Kovalchuk

Fans have been watching the married couple of Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexei Chumakov for several years, and only after so many years did the singer decide to give her husband a child. It is worth noting that the couple has been together for 10 years, and their marriage began only in 2013. For many fans, the couple of Yulia and Alexei is considered an example of love and understanding.

There has already been a lot of gossip on the network that their marriage is on the verge of parting, but this, fortunately, is not the case.

The singer's pregnancy changed everything, they began to spend more time with each other, attend more social events, plan for the future and choose a name for their baby.

Yulia and Alexei have been married for 5 years, and it is difficult to call their family inferior. Everyone knows that the star has little time for personal life, for them work comes first. But this family has its own views on life and priorities. They are ready to be exemplary parents, spend time with their baby and family, pay more attention to him. All fans are convinced that this is how it will be.

Fans do not stop discussing the topic that supposedly Julia has already given birth to a baby, she simply hides this event, like her pregnancy. Journalists also at the moment have not been able to confirm the assumptions with facts, but they may well assume that Yulia will hide such a grand event for another month. Yulia's husband, Alexei Chumakov, also does not give out any information, his social network page never shows his personal life, which further confuses fans.

Julia's late pregnancy, what is the reason for this?

Since childhood, Yulia Kovalchuk was an energetic child who tried to achieve everything in life that he wanted. Being already a singer, for Yulia there was no limit to perfection. She put her career first because she wanted to fulfill herself as much as possible. famous person and only then build your personal life. But, at the age of 24, Julia met her current husband, adding him to her life. Now, in addition to the beloved work, there was also a beloved man.

For a long time they did not start a topic about what needs to be created real family, and even after the wedding, they did not immediately plan a baby.

Since their career was quite eventful, the young family did not want to infringe on their baby in attention, give him up to nannies while spending time at work. And now, when Yulia is 34, and Alexei is 36 years old, they have already reached the heights in their careers, gained popularity, became famous and loved.

It's time to think about the most important thing - the birth of a child. Since Julia and Alexei are secretive personalities, and do not like to talk about their family relationships, to find out the truth about when they started thinking about having a baby is very difficult.

As soon as it became known information about the fact that Yulia is expecting a baby, all the fans felt incredible joy for this family. This can be understood from numerous comments. It remains only to hope that Kovalchuk and Chumakov really became parents, and that Julia will soon confirm all the assumptions.

Fans are looking forward to a photo with a child, follow all the updates on social networks, hoping to be the first to know if Yulia Kovalchuk gave birth. Journalists, in turn, do not take their eyes off the singer, hoping to get exclusive news first, and bring it to the mass reader.

Marquise no angels

Remember how, as children, we clung to the TV screen when our favorite film, The Three Musketeers, was on there. As we admired the fearless trio of musketeers, we sang along with the young d. Artagnan "It's time, time, we will rejoice in our lifetime." And how unpleasant we were the cunning Cardinal Richelieu, Rochefort and the most negative hero of the novel - Milady. She - the Countess de La Fère, Lady Winter - constantly pursued our heroes, created intrigues and brought death with her. But at the same time, some force attracted to this woman branded with a lily flower, her strength and cunning also deserved admiration ....

Terekhova - Milady



I don't believe in a child.
Here on all psychological sites they write: the main thing is faith in the child, support from parents.
Excellent, gentlemen psychologists.
And if there is no faith in the child? Well, you don't believe in him.
Always stupid children, children with SR, unteachable - they are somewhere out there, far away, in other families.
And you're talking about faith like that.

What if you have? If you yourself have an unteachable degrading child?
Whereas? Chanting "We believe in ourselves!" like in the finale of the movie "Requiem for a Dream"?
Spit and not do at all?
So the public is pushing.
- Ah, he will go to a school for fools (and he belongs there anyway,
because he is a fool)!
- Oh, you yourself are ruining your child.
- But with Tanya-Kolya-Petya they are engaged, and they have progress, but you do not study, and Vasya loses his skills.

And how to deal with it? How to force yourself? How to force it, Egyptian power?
So he sat down to study - and the province went for a walk:
You give him a finger in a book, and he plays cars with his other hand.
You remove the cars - it just spins.
You try to read a book - at every word he interrupts and carries some kind of heresy.
And yelling, yelling, yelling, spitting (sorry) on your clothes, poking a finger in your eyes, throwing things...

Sometimes I want to talk about my problem.
But who will you talk to?
With husband? He himself is horrified.
With parents? They won't listen, they'll say, "It's my own fault," or, "I don't have the nerve for all these things."
It's good when you can just say "I don't have enough nerves" and go home (hang up the phone, log out of Skype...).
And you can't afford that luxury. You have to spend the rest of your life with this child.
Every day, day after day. Always. You're on life, darling.

And you're always to blame, no matter what you do.
Do you give pills? - Badly. Don't you? - even worse.
Doing - breaking down - yelling? It’s bad, you can’t yell, it loosens the already pampered system of the child,
that jumps on your head while you lie half dead.
Are you not busy? It’s bad - the child doesn’t shine even now, but it will grow even more trenchant.
I went for a walk with him on the street, does he beat passers-by there? Too bad, take him home.
Are you at home with him? It's bad, the child needs to move.
In short, from all sides bad, whatever one may say. For others, it is bad, but for oneself it is the embodiment of evil on earth.

You can go to the forum - there you will grab so much abuse that it lasts an average of six months.

Phew, I spoke up.
Let's chat, shall we?
Tell us about your difficulties with children and how you overcame them. Or not overcome.
If you really want to run with slippers - well, run, now what to do with you ...



Hello girls. lost today wedding ring, while I was engaged in meat, I decided to take it off and put it on a hundred, and forgot to put it on. After that, the table was wiped many times and still there is no ring of mine! Already searched everything, every corner. Now what to do with the husband's ring? Should I keep it the same or put it off for now? We are not painted, just started wearing since 2017. We were going to sign next summer.


The more I sleep, the less harm I do