Guys, hello! There are 3 Zhenyas in our class: me, another Zhenya and Zhenya's boyfriend. So what about Zhenya, I can say this: option 2 suits him. But about sports, no. He will even pull himself up and 3 times will not be able to. And so Zheka the boy is nothing. Sociable, really smart and savvy. He speaks English like Queen Elizabeth herself (I think the 2nd?) Likes to chat, but not in vain, but on business. Like, in the classroom, with bros, and the like. He comes from a wealthy family, so he's a little spoiled. Sometimes it can offend someone. I don't like that about him. As for the girls, this is not his topic! He doesn’t need anyone, and he doesn’t need anyone. Although recently I began to notice that I was reaching out ... And then, after 3 months, I began to follow Katyuha, like ... But no one noticed this except me and Katya. And yet, it seems to me that he is somewhere in the depths of his soul a coward ... Guys, do not be offended and just do not run into me. But I think he will sag away from the army. He's weak and can't even wash floors. Although he is a guy, he must be able to, agree

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    My husband Zhenya is the best man!!! Much of what is written here is true. nonsense about alcohol and other muck - does not use. very kind, sympathetic, smart and inventive, he tries to do everything with his own hands. Loyal!!! very ardent opponent of change. Stubborn, but you can put up with it, because in everything else I just adore him! and many of Zhenya's acquaintances also have very attractive character traits! So, Zhenya - you are super!!! I would even call my son that, it’s a pity it just doesn’t sound ...

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    but in fact, 70-80 percent coincided ... damn it ... pzd ... I'm studying to be a programmer, I want to become a hacker ... there were a lot of girls but I didn’t get serious ... I want to fall in love))) I’m a little unsure of myself when meeting new people ... but in a familiar company soul )))… head cooks… very skillfully lying)… I don’t like sports… I’ve been dancing professionally for 12 years… I can’t stand Russian and English… I’ll start working with my determination))… I don’t succumb to other people’s influence)… I’m not closed in myself

    SHORT ZHEKI COX))))))))))

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    we Zheks, the kings of all Rus', fit the description, it’s just that many Zheks don’t recognize this, we are psychos, yes, but there’s no need to take us out, we are amorous, that is, that is, but if we betrayed, then you will end up on the list of enemies, and you know that just words, we stick in ourselves, I would say that we comprehend life and its impact on us, on Eugene the Excellent, Magnificent and very Wise, kind, well, what they are, the generosity of our souls knows no bounds, in general, the most, the most, but so that ordinary people

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    There is truth and untruth. For example, the highest results will be achieved in the field of mathematics and exact sciences. For me personally, this is not so. On the contrary, there is a great desire to leave a major mark on art. As regards, "in free time can write poetry and mess around with children” – that’s right. In general, I agree with the interpretation of the name "Eugene" by sixty percent. I will not fully tell everything that converges and what does not in my name.

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    I have ex Zhenya, 90% match! I’m shocked, especially about cheating, he had so many women during my time, horror, it doesn’t fit in my head and there are no equals about lies, As it turned out later, he lied always and everywhere with honest eyes, even on trifles. I have doubts, is it normal? And flashes of aggression from scratch and a coward when it smells of fried ...

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    • To the point ... And I also had it - now with the "former" ...

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      I have a brother Evgeniy - nothing suits him here, only option number 3 is a little lower) Zhenya is strong, brave, stubborn, proud, loves to eat but looks after his form, handsome just, always stands up for me, damn I adore him , but damn soon he will go to the army, with whom am I going to rage at home? Zhenya! Damn I love you damn it!!!

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      To be honest, everyone is different. written in sports media. the result and I’m a 12-year-old champion of Europe in freestyle wrestling. It’s written cowardly and don’t beat me like that for often just because I’m afraid to cripple, I’m just afraid and I’ve served the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 4 years. myself

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      damn, I don’t understand how about falling in love I’m still 14 and I’ve already met with more than 20 girls and kissed almost all of them really, but what’s the catch on me the first half of all the girls threw me after that, no, I kiss well, but it just didn’t work out ... what the hell a!?

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      I agree with Gelchik - a stubborn fool, FIG will help around the house. but a smart bastard, prudent always one step ahead of the rest. and in a dream it looks like a huge baby, sleeps sweetly and a lot. family truth - my husband is an Aries - so draw your own conclusions

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      I think this is all bullshit. I don't have a preference for point science. I agree with amorousness. I do not agree with the lack of courage, indecision is not about me. I think that they forgot to point out that Evgeniev's tongue is "hanging".

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      • Answer

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        Yevgeniev's language is, for sure, "suspended" - how! Already from school. They are very good at writing. And in life, Evgenia is very eloquent, owns a great vocabulary. Many are literary gifted: YEVGENY Yevtushenko - a poet, YEVGENY Grishkovets - a prose writer and publicist,

        EUGENE Yevgeny Yevtushenko, prose writer -

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        To everyone: we won’t fit Evgenia 100% under any horoscope or decoding of names ... Since ... The sign of the zodiac still affects ... And here it is necessary in this case to describe to which Eugene under which sign of the zodiac something is inherent ... Who agrees ... +

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        I am Eugene, the exact sciences are just not for me! secondly, viability is nonsense, I don’t believe in love at all.

        And psychologically unstable - also not about me.

        And so option 4 is more suitable. by 20 percent.

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        Yes, everything is true: mathematics, electronics, airplanes, poetry, stubbornness, aggressiveness, weak character, diplomacy, I have already changed two wives, about children too)) well, in short 99.9)) Zhenya don’t piss, we’ll break through))

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        I’m glad that my husband Eugene ... a lot of things coincided ... and he can help around the house, and the father is good for children, and sometimes freak out)) Well, there’s also the compatibility of our names ... Evgeny and Yulia are a good combination)

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        I have a lot in common in all options. But at the expense of relationships; I will never cheat on the girl I love. In general, to be honest ... Everything converges with me, but it depends only on my mood))))

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        damn fucking straight to the point! everything is real and about the bronchi and amorousness “love is a bitch” and the character is absolutely about everything 98-99 percent it’s me ... wow that dude is right as if he looked into the soul .; b)))!

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        Hello, you have a lot of options, choose what you like. I chose 80% coincidences for myself, maybe 85%, and it’s still pleasant as if I looked into my soul.

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        I do not agree with the fact that they are cheating, with those Evgeniy whom I encountered were ardent opponents of this. and in general, my Zhenechka is the best in the world, a lot of things converge.

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        • Unfortunately, Eugenes are opponents of treason only in words. The “new” feeling of falling in love captures them completely, and they eagerly rush to unravel the mystery of the “mysterious stranger”, completely forgetting about the vows of “eternal” love and fidelity to their current beloved. And since every woman has some kind of mystery, then you can deal with them at least all your life. Unfortunately, Eugene is very amorous and fickle, and also lazy ...


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          Well, not nearly, but true! No, they don’t cheat when they love, they sleep, yes, they sleep, they help a lot around the house, and everything else is just about the topic of our beloved Eugenes !!!)

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          Well, here about me 40% coincided I don’t believe in love I like sports English is not bad for me, I’m not balanced if I get very angry. And the rest is all nonsense written here

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          Amazing! Not a single horoscope characterizes me so accurately ... The percentage is simply huge ...! Dads and moms should think with their heads before naming their child somehow.

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          Well damn truth about everything, I love to lie. Sometimes I get so cold that I start believing myself. It’s not true about sleeping, I try not to sleep at all ... In short, ZHENKI rules ...

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          I have a boyfriend, Zhenya, I love him. He is such a sun. He sleeps ... but they didn’t guess very little. He spends all his free time with me. He works a lot.

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          My boyfriend Zhenya, 100% described, the only bad thing is “to improve their sexual capabilities they need to change their partner”, and what is there no other way out ?!

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          hmm my option is 5, because I cook well, there is a small connection, I have a teacher who prepared the world champion for math, an excellent teacher for physics too

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          I think that everything here is absolutely true, except for one thing, Evgeny and Elena are an excellent combination, and can become a wonderful couple, with great mutual understanding.

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          “Eugene lies skillfully, with wide-open and honest eyes, which is hard not to believe him”

          Just about me, it works great =))

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          • Answer

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned back in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

            Close [x]

            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

            Close [x]

            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

            Close [x]

            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

            Close [x]

            You correctly noticed this. In the art of deception, especially "love" Eugene has no equal. But rightly so for naive young ladies: - the truth that women love with their ears, Zhenya learned in early childhood. His speeches intoxicate and drive you crazy, especially inexperienced and gullible girls. It is necessary, at least sometimes, to turn on the "reason", otherwise it is too painful to fall "from heaven" to the sinful earth. But Zhenya's deceit is so sweet...

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            about science and electronics for sure. From my own experience, I like to be proud of myself (apparently, all Eugenes do this based on the comments). I don't really like sports.

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            But what about a person who is the creator of his own destiny? Is it possible that a name has such an influence on character? Pfff, I'm in shock and shock in me. 93-95% true and it's unfortunate...

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            I agree with Alina, since my wife is Alina, yes, we can drink, but not about what we want, but just the situation. So my option is 7 one hundred%.

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Flavius ​​Eugene (Flavius ​​Eugenius, mind. 394), usurper emperor of the Western Roman Empire (392-394)
Eugene I(Eugenius P.P. I, mind. 657), pope
Eugene II (Eugenius P.P. II, in the world - Eugenio Savelli, mind. 827), pope
Eugene III (Eugenius P.P. III, in the world - Bernardo Paganelli, mind. 1153), pope
Eugene VI (Eugenius P.P. VI, in the world - Gabriele Condulmer, 1383-1447), pope

Evgeny Baratynsky (Boratynsky, 1800-1844), Russian poet
Evgeny Vakhtangov (1883-1922) - Soviet actor and theater director, founder of the Student Drama Studio (now the Vakhtangov Theater)
Evgeny Mravinsky(1903-1988), Soviet conductor
Evgeny Evstigneev(1926-1992), Soviet theater and film actor
Evgeny Morgunov(1927-1999), Soviet and Russian film actor
Evgeny Svetlanov(1928-2002), Soviet and Russian conductor and composer
Evgeny Yevtushenko(name at birth - Evgeny Gangnus, genus. 1932), Soviet and Russian poet, prose writer, screenwriter
Evgeny Petrosyan(born 1945), Soviet and Russian satirist writer
Eugene Kaspersky(born 1965), Russian programmer, leading developer of Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Evgeny Platov(born 1967), Soviet and Russian figure skater
Evgeny Kissin(born 1971), Russian pianist
Evgeny Kafelnikov(born 1974), Russian tennis player
Evgeni Plushenko(born 1982), Russian figure skater

Evgeniy Grebyonka (Evgen Grebinka, Evgen Grebinka, 1812–1848), Ukrainian writer
Evgeniy Seleznev (Evgen Seleznov, genus. 1985), Ukrainian footballer

Evgeny Vatutin (Yauhen Vatutsin, genus. 1962), Belarusian drafts player, grandmaster

Eugene O'Neill (Eugene O'Neill, full name - Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, 1888-1953), American playwright, laureate Nobel Prize on literature
Gene Kelly (Gene Kelly, full name - Eugene Curran Gene Kelly born 1912–1996), American dancer, choreographer, actor, singer, and film director
Gene Simmons (Gene Simmons, real name - Chaim Witz, genus. 1949), one of the founders of the Kiss group

Prince Eugene of Savoy(fr. Francois-Eugène de Savoie-Carignan, German Eugen Franz, Prinz von Savoyen-Carignan, 1663-1736), Austrian commander of French origin
Eugene Duering (Eugen Dühring, Eugen Duhring, full name - Karl Eugen Dühring 1833–1921), German philosopher and economist

Eugene de Beauharnais (Eugene de Beauharnais, Eugene de Beauharnais, full name - Eugene Rose de Beauharnais 1781-1824), son of Josephine de Beauharnais, stepson of Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of France, Viceroy of Italy
Eugene Francois Vidocq (Eugene-François Vidocq, 1775-1857), French criminal, later founder and head of the Main Office national security(Sûreté Nationale), as well as the world's first private detective bureau
Eugene Delacroix (Eugene Delacroix, full name - Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix, 1798-1863), French painter
Eugene-Charles Catalan (Eugene-Charles Catalan, 1814–1894), Belgian mathematician
Eugene Ionesco(fr. Eugene Ionesco, rum. Eugen Ionescu, 1909-1994), French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the theater of the absurd

Eugenio Beltrami (Eugenio Beltrami, 1835–1900), Italian mathematician
Eugenio Montale (Eugenio Montale 1896–1981), Italian poet, Nobel Prize in Literature

Eugenio d'Ors (Eugenie d'Ors, full name - isp. Eugenio d "Ors Rovira, cat. Eugeni d "Ors i Rovira, 1881-1954), Spanish and Catalan philosopher, writer, essayist

Eugenio de Castro (Eugenio de Castro, full name - Eugenio de Castro e Almeida 1869–1944), Portuguese poet and novelist
Eugenio German (Eugenio German, full name - Eugenio Maciel German, 1930–2001), Brazilian chess player

Evgeny Ermenkov (Evgeny Ermenkov, genus. 1949), Bulgarian and Palestinian chess player, grandmaster

Eugeniusz Romer (Eugeniusz Romer, full name - Eugeniusz Mikołaj Romer, 1871–1954), Polish geographer and cartographer

Evgen Zamechnik (Evzen Zamečnik, genus. 1939), Czech violinist, conductor and composer

Evgenia Kolosova (maiden name - Neelova, 1780-1869), Russian ballerina
Evgenia Sokolova(1850-1925), Russian ballerina, choreographer and teacher
Evgenia Mravina(real name - Evgenia Mravinskaya, 1864-1914), Russian opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano)
Evgenia Simonova(born 1955), Soviet and Russian theater and film actress
Evgenia Dobrovolskaya(born 1964), Russian theater and film actress
Evgenia Shishkova(born 1972), Russian figure skater
Evgenia Rodina(born 1989), Russian tennis player
Evgenia Kanaeva(born 1990), Russian gymnast

Evgenia Miroshnichenko (Evgenia Miroshnichenko, 1931-2009), Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano)

Evgenia Yanishchits (Yaўgeniya Yanishchyts, 1948-1988), Belarusian Soviet poetess

Eugenia Price (Eugenia Price 1916–1996), American writer

Eugenie de Guerin (Eugenie de Guérin, 1805-1848), French writer
Eugenie Dosh (Eugenie Doche, real name - Marie-Charlotte-Eugenie de Plunkett 1821-1900), Belgian actress

Evgenia Montijo (Eugenia Montijo, Spanish Eugenia de Montijo, fr. Eugenie de Montijo, birth name - Eugenia Maria Ignacia Augustina Palafox de Guzman Portocarrero and Kirkpatrick de Closebourn), Spanish aristocrat, French empress, wife of Emperor Napoleon III
Princess Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg(full name) Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena of Battenberg, Spanish Victoria Eugenia Julia Ena de Battenberg, 1887-1969), granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain, wife of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, grandmother of the current reigning King of Spain Juan Carlos

Eugenia Ratti (Eugenia Ratti, genus. 1933), Italian opera singer (soprano)

Eugenia Golia (Eugenia Golea, genus. 1969), Romanian gymnast

Eugenia Umińska (Eugenia Uminska, 1910-1980), Polish violinist

Evgenia Zhivkova (Evgenia Zhivkova, genus. 1965), Bulgarian fashion designer, granddaughter Secretary General Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party Todor Zhivkov (1911-1998)

Eugenia Manolidu (Ευγενία Μανωλίδου , genus. 1975), Greek conductor and composer

The bearers of the name Eugene are characterized by activity and sexuality, they are sociable and charming, they confidently go to the goal.

The name Eugene in Greek means "noble" and is the female version of the name "Eugene".

Origin of the name Eugene:

The name is a feminine derivative of male name Eugene, who came to us from Ancient Greece. It was originally pronounced "Eugenius".

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Eugene:

As a child, Evgenia is dreamy, she spends a lot of time in the world of her fantasies. She is calm and diligent, prefers quiet games, does needlework, is not burdened by loneliness. Attached to parents and older relatives, she studies willingly, especially in the lower grades. She is interested in fairy tales, legends, adventure novels, wildlife and animals. He behaves evenly in the company, is valued for his calmness and innate sense of justice. She is secretive and does not share her feelings and experiences with her friends, but is always ready to listen.

Evgenia is ambitious, fast-paced in her career. Haste often leads her to risk, and the lack of intuition does not allow her to predict the danger. Eugenia should be prudent and careful, carefully think through the consequences of her actions. They are not tied to a profession and easily change it, they are well realized in the administrative sphere and in the field of art, they are good artists, good doctors and talented photographers. They are neat and pay attention to detail, not prone to global thinking prefer to think in terms of "here and now".

With distant people, Evgenia is arrogant, quarrelsome and touchy. Easily flares up over trifles, remembers even the smallest quarrels for a long time. Needs love and understanding of loved ones, deep affection to parents does not lose, even starting his own family. For the sake of relatives, he will go to great lengths. AT adulthood she should avoid inactivity and laziness - this can cause spiritual callousness and health problems. She is responsible and punctual, knows how to please, and everyday insight helps her to guess other people's desires. Soft-bodied, susceptible to other people's influence.

In love, Eugenia is shy, preference is given to courteous, slightly old-fashioned men with good manners. The theory of love practice is drawn from books, they really do not like public conversations on intimate topics. Evgenia always strives to better understand the nature of her partner, without this it is difficult for her to fully unite with him. Enamored Evgenia surrenders to feelings, becomes demanding, tender and vulnerable, gladly gives love and affection to her chosen one. Impetuous and capable of selfless love, it gives her great pleasure to guess the desires of a loved one and give him pleasure.

Secretly, Evgenia strives to get married as soon as possible, with pleasure she arranges the house, thinks through the family life. The household does not seem like a swamp to her, especially if there are often guests in the house, in front of whom one can boast of cleanliness, comfort and exquisitely cooked food. Mother's praise means more to Eugenia than her husband's compliments. She brings up children gently, compliant, rarely has more than one child. Friendly to animals in the house.

Evgenia is approaching - Peter, Konstantin, Arkady and Yegor, you should be careful when linking fate with men named Maxim, Vitaly, Vsevolod and Eduard.

The most quick-tempered, stubborn and persistent Evgenias are born in winter. "Autumn" - realists, closed, but quickly find a common language with children, understanding. "Spring" - proud, impulsive and eccentric, and "summer" - soft, friendly and attentive to people.

Evgenia is a temperamental and very bright person. She is stubborn, always true to her beliefs and principles. This is an independent woman, able to cope with all the difficulties on her own, but sometimes her actions are not subject to any logical explanation. Because of this, reaching an understanding with Evgenia is sometimes very difficult.

Name origin

The name Eugene is female form male Eugene. The word comes from the ancient Greek "eugenes", which means "noble" in translation.

On the territory of Russia, the names Evgeny and Evgeniya became very popular in the 19th century. Often so called children from the nobility. The female name in those days could most often be heard in the French version - Eugene.

Forms of the name Evgeny

Name abbreviation:

  • Zhenya;
  • Zhek;
  • Evgenia;
  • Genya;
  • Zhenyura;
  • Zhenya;
  • Jenna;

Diminutive forms:

  • Evgenyushka;
  • Zhenechka;
  • Zhekachka;
  • Zhenyushka;
  • Zhenyusha;
  • Evgesh;
  • Evgenok;
  • Evgenyushka.

Brief addresses Eva and Jenna also act as independent names.

When writing poems about a girl named Eugene, you can use the following rhymes: moment, surprise, behavior, admiration.

Photo gallery: name forms

Eugenia - full name
Zhenya - the most popular short form of the name Yevgeny Zhenechka - a common affectionate appeal to Yevgeny

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - EVGENIIA.

The word Eugene is in Orthodox saints, so you can baptize newborns with that name.

Table: name in different languages

LanguageIs writtenread
EnglishEugenia (Genie)Eugenia (Gini)
Chinese叶夫根尼 Efugenny
Korean고귀한 Gogvikhan
Japaneseエフゲニイ Efugenia
Arabيفجينيا Yafjiniya
GreekΕυγενία Evgenia
UkrainianEvgenia (Їvga)Evgeniya (Yivga)

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Evgeny:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Vasilevna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Grigorievna;
  • Ivanovna.

Nickname options for social networks

When creating a personal channel on Youtube or Instagram, Evgenia can use the following nicknames:

  • jenya;
  • evgesha;
  • jane;
  • jenis;
  • zhenia.

Saint patrons of Eugenia, name day dates

Saint patronesses of the name:

  • virgin and venerable martyr Eugenia of Rome;
  • Princess Eugenia Serbian Milica;
  • Martyr Evgenia (Domozhirova).

The Great Martyr Eugenia lived in Alexandria, in the family of an Egyptian governor. She was a modest, good-natured girl, distinguished by kindness and mercy. I got an excellent education. Christian teaching struck Zhenya to the very depths of her soul, and she decided to secretly receive Holy Baptism from her parents. For the depth of her faith, the Lord gave the new convert the ability to heal any disease.

Confessing the Christian faith, Eugenia and her mother Claudia traveled a lot. They supported widows and other Christians who were threatened with expulsion from their hometowns. As a result, the pagan government could not tolerate such acts, and the girl and her mother were executed.

Evgenia Rimskaya - the patron saint of girls with this name

Zhenechki celebrate name day:

  • 6 and 18 January;
  • August 1;
  • 12-th of September.

On Eugene, January 6, they predict the weather by the stars. If they are bright, there will be good weather, dim - you should expect bad weather.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive qualities of girls named Eugene:

  • sincerity and mercy;
  • the ability to make friends;
  • willingness to make any sacrifice to protect their loved ones;
  • honesty, intolerance to lies and betrayal;
  • striving for justice and equality.

Of the negative qualities, the most striking is worth noting: Zhenya is constantly worried about something, tends to look for bad intentions in the actions of those around her.

Zhenya in childhood

Little Zhenechka is a smart, calm and dreamy girl. She likes to play with her girlfriends with dolls, and is also not averse to chasing with the boys. But most of all the baby prefers singles. In the team, Zhenya is the absolute leader, she has been striving to uphold justice since childhood. Peers appreciate the girl for her honesty and responsiveness.

Little Zhenechka is a leader in the team, she is assiduous and attentive

At home, Evgenia is a quiet and obedient girl. Even left unattended, he will not be mischievous and play pranks. She does not cause unnecessary worries to her parents. True, it can be touchy and wayward. Sometimes it can show character, become stubborn and intractable, but only if the situation for Zhenya has great importance.

Zhenechka is very good-natured and modest, but extremely trusting. Without hesitation, a girl can accept someone else's opinion, so parents need to carefully monitor their daughter. By naivety and ignorance, the baby can incur big troubles.

At school, Zhenya studies diligently, she is rather assiduous and attentive in the lessons, but she comprehends knowledge without much enthusiasm. At the same time, her desire to take a leadership position among her classmates gives her good motivation to reach for knowledge. If her efforts remain unnoticed by teachers, or parents do not praise her daughter for diligence, then the schoolgirl will lose all desire to learn.

teenage eugenia

In adolescence, Evgenia becomes more intractable, she increasingly shows her character. The girl strives to achieve a fair attitude towards her, she is very upset if it doesn’t turn out the way she would like. He is extremely hostile to any criticism addressed to him. She believes that her opinion does not require any discussion.

In her youth, Evgenia manifests a dual character. She can be very polite and good-natured, but if you anger or offend her, the girl becomes cruel and vindictive. Zhenya is sociable and cheerful, she strives to make many friends, but at the same time she wants to set her own rules, which must be followed by all her relatives. The owner of this name is not inclined to concede and compromise, because of this, she has a difficult relationship with her peers.

The girl is always reasonable and persistent, making serious plans for the future. Becomes financially independent early. The first money earned is usually spent on the purchase of cosmetics and new clothes. At the same time, Zhenya, as a rule, carefully plans purchases and tries to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Already in adolescence, Evgenia takes money seriously and does not allow herself rash spending

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Eugenia cannot long time being alone, she has a constant need to communicate with people. This is a smart and rather prudent woman, but in emergency cases she is capable of reckless and even risky actions. Zhenya has no illusions about his future. All her plans are quite real, one has only to make efforts to implement them. In business, she is used to relying only on her own strength, strives to gain material independence. The owner of this name prefers a bright, eventful life. She is not afraid of change, ready to change her plans at any moment and go on a journey. Some of the girl's actions can discourage others. Relatives trust Zhenya, because if she promised something, she will definitely keep her word. This is an enterprising and cheerful woman, without her optimism, the life of many people would be gray and monotonous.

Boris Khigir claims that Evgenia has a well-developed intuition, in important matters the girl relies only on her instinct. The owner of this name is inclined to analyze her actions, is able to draw deliberate and adequate conclusions about the results of her own actions. He does not like to shift his responsibilities to others and does not know how to delegate authority. She believes that no one can do a better job than her. Zhenya is quite reasonable and stress-resistant, in difficult situations she is able to remain calm and make the right decision in a short period of time. A girl in love can understand her partner perfectly. She is attentive and caring, actively shows interest in the preferences of her chosen one.

Talents and hobbies

Evgenia is an energetic and diversified woman. She has needlework skills, she can try herself in the image of a musician. Zhenya may also have a natural talent as an artist. The owner of this name has many hobbies that help her calm down and relieve fatigue after a hard day's work.

Zhenya, a childhood friend of the author of these lines, is a musician with excellent abilities. The girl successfully graduated from a music school in violin and piano classes. She has a wonderful ear and sense of rhythm. At the same time, Evgenia at school did not focus only on music, she went in for athletics, performed in theatrical performances and participated in almost all school games of KVN.

Evgenia can have many talents: musical, artistic, literary

Evgenia at work and in business

Evgenia is very responsible, strives for career growth. In his work, he shows accuracy, diligence, delicacy and discipline. Such a girl does not want to be in submission for a long time, therefore she seeks to take leadership position. Having received it, she becomes a demanding and fair boss. At the same time, Zhenya solves all problems through peaceful negotiations in a calm atmosphere.

The owner of this name can prove herself in the exact sciences. Evgenia becomes an excellent accountant, scientist or engineer. In work, he does not tolerate monotony and monotony, loves frequent trips and business trips. Such a girl is also able to reveal her potential in creative professions, because she is very creative and loves to experiment.

Evgenia is strong-willed and purposeful, therefore she can open her own business and lead it to success. In the fight against difficulties, she is able to show perseverance. The only thing that can interfere with the favorable conduct of business is Zhenya's excessive emotionality. AT emergency situations can flare up and show a rude attitude towards employees and partners. She should remember that the leader must think sensibly and raise the working spirit of the entire team, only then can one count on a decent result.


From birth, Evgenia has been distinguished by strong immunity. But because of her temper and irritability, sleep disturbances and problems with the cardiovascular system are possible. In his youth, Zhenya is prone to injuries and fractures.

Parents should pay attention to the health of their daughter's eyes, in childhood her eyesight may be impaired. Owners of this name are also prone to allergic reactions to sweets and chocolate products.

Evgenia's eyesight may deteriorate even in childhood, so it is important for parents to carefully monitor the condition of their daughter's eyes.

Zhenya in love and marriage

Eugenia's love is sensual, passionate and all-consuming. In a relationship, she is selfless, for the sake of her soulmate she is ready for a lot, but only if her chosen one has sincere feelings for her. In choosing a partner, Zhenya is guided not only by feelings. Her man should be serious, persistent, perhaps somewhat old-fashioned in his views, but with firm principles and a desire to develop.

An intimate connection in a relationship for Eugenia plays a significant role. The girl is quite demanding of her partners and wants them to be gentle, strive to diversify them. sexual life. Men are attracted to Eugene by brightness, emancipation and a desire to experiment.

Evgenia chooses a serious, persistent man as her wife

Zhenya approaches the choice of her future husband very intelligently. For her, not only moral character but also the social position of the chosen one. Such a girl will not marry by calculation, but even without financial prosperity, she will not dare to create a family either. Eugene is very interested in the past life of her chosen one. If a man had a dark past, she will not plan a joint future with him. The owner of this name also does not want to have anything in common with married representatives of the stronger sex, even if she has strong feelings for such a person. In a relationship, Zhenya is prudent and accommodating, her husband can forgive a lot, but not betrayal.

In a marriage with Evgenia, stability should not be expected, because she is emotional and very irritable. Only if a man gives her enough love and attention, the girl will be able to pacify her quick temper. Zhenya is a hospitable hostess, loves to receive guests. She knows how to cook well, loves to pamper her family and friends with delicious dishes.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship features
Dmitry100% 50% In this family, the spouses have completely different views on life. Dmitry wants his wife to do housework and raise children. But this does not suit Eugene at all, even in the family she strives for independence. In addition, the girl attaches great importance to her position in society. She can't quit her job for her family. Such disagreements lead to frequent quarrels, as a result, the union breaks up.
Alexander90% 50% Relations between Eugenia and Alexander are extremely unstable. Spouses often show irritability, constantly sort things out. However, if the feelings between them are strong, they will be ready to forgive each other for emotional outbursts.
Evgeniy80% 70% In this marriage, the spouses respect each other's opinions. They are ready to give in to their partner. They are able to look at any problem from a logical point of view instead of immediately giving free rein to feelings. Such a marriage can last forever.
Sergey80% 40% Power-hungry and demanding, Eugenia is constantly striving to take the place of a leader in the family. Freedom-loving Sergei does not want to recognize the supremacy of the chosen one, because of this, quarrels often arise. Such an alliance usually ends in a break in relations.
Andrey90% 70% This couple has many common interests. Lovers are able to understand each other perfectly. Evgenia and Andrey are trying to diversify life together they travel a lot. The couple enjoy each other's company. Love and joint plans make their union even stronger.
Alexei80% 70% Partners are emotional and quick-tempered. Evgenia and Alexei stubbornly try to prove their point of view to each other, conflicts arise due to misunderstanding. But if the spouses learn to give in and solve all problems in a peaceful and calm environment, their marriage can be happy and lasting.
Yuri80% 60% Romance and passion can turn the heads of Zhenya and Yuri, but their relationship usually does not stand the test of time, as the spouses have completely different views. The girl is purposeful and demanding, and the man prefers to go with the flow, his main drawback is indecision. This behavior often annoys Evgenia, and if Yura is not willing to reconsider his habits, they will go their separate ways.
Oleg50% 30% The relationship between Evgenia and Oleg can be wonderful, but only during candy-bouquet period. Everyday problems kill the feelings of spouses. Partners are wayward and freedom-loving, they do not want to change. Quarrels and scandals do not subside in their family, no one wants to listen to their soul mate, in this union every man is for himself.
Vladimir80% 70% In this family, the spouses complement each other perfectly. Evgenia is a creative person, she has a lot of different ideas. Vladimir is ready to translate them into reality. They can become good business partners. Their relationship is built on trust, mutual understanding and strong feelings.
Denis80% 50% Very passionate and romantic feelings can flare up between Denis and Evgenia, but they can go out as quickly as they appeared. Partners have completely different views on a joint future, because of this, disagreements may arise that will lead to separation.
Artyom90% 70% In this marriage, the man manages to pacify the rebellious temper of Eugenia, to become a leader in the family. The girl completely trusts her husband and fully supports him. With Artyom, the wayward and independent Eugenia can become a loving and caring wife.
Anton50% 30% In this family, disagreements and quarrels do not subside. Each of the spouses is not inferior in leadership. The partners have different views on the distribution of material resources and leisure activities. The lack of common interests can lead to a break in relations.
Igor90% 50% No matter how beautiful and romantic the relationship of this couple is, there will be no stability in their family. Stubborn and wayward Evgenia and Igor do not want to hear each other, and even more so - to negotiate. Often such an alliance does not bode well.
Vitaly60% 70% The strong-willed and purposeful Vitaly sometimes does not have enough patience to calmly treat Evgenia's impulsive actions. If Zhenya manages to become wiser and more courteous, then nothing can destroy such a couple.

Important years of life

The most significant events in the life of Eugenia occur in such important years of her life:

Songs with this name: "Evgenia" by Willy Tokarev, "Denim Zhenya" by the group "Garry Pineapples and Co", "And the motor ship up the Volga" by the group "Ladybug".

Table: name matches

PlanetMarsSuch a woman has a courageous and strong-willed character. Often she is extremely unrestrained and straightforward. To restore justice, it can use brute force (and it's not so much about the use of physical force, but about psychological cruelty). Nothing can stop her from achieving what she wants.
Zodiac signCapricornStubbornly goes to his goal. Thanks to prudence and the ability to sensibly assess her strength, she is able to bypass any obstacles and achieve the desired result.
ElementFireUnpredictable, quick-tempered, sociable, talented and strong. Can be too stubborn, imposing her opinion on others.
Number5 An inquisitive and free-spirited individual. He gets along well with everyone, prefers to choose as friends people with similar preferences and character traits. Diversified, does not like constancy and routine. Passion for travel awakens in such a girl inspiration and a desire to realize her ideas.
ColourGreenA symbol of mercy, good nature and sincerity. Such a woman is successful and strong-willed. At the same time, for her, material well-being is far from the most important thing in life. Inclined to continuous self-improvement, strives to achieve harmony with herself and the world around her.
totem animalHippopotamusVery good-natured and delicate, but only if their pride was not hurt. Otherwise, they can be extremely aggressive and cruel.
TreeFirSymbol of rebirth. A talisman made of such a tree gives patience, enhances positive qualities and improves financial situation.
PlantThistleA symbol of restraint and endurance. Used in magical rituals to protect against dark forces.
A rockEmeraldSymbol of knowledge and purity. Can enhance divination abilities. Clears the mind of negative thoughts. It helps to maintain sincere and trusting relationships between people.
MetalTinA symbol of activity, pragmatism, tolerance, but at the same time good nature and responsiveness. In communication, they are calm, it is easy to agree with them.
auspicious daySaturday

The meaning of each letter of the name

E - extremely stubborn and intractable. They have their own opinion on everything. People with this letter in their name are very sociable and open. Absolutely selfless, they want to achieve goals that are of great importance not only for themselves.

B - cheerful, sociable, sincere and attentive people. Very attractive, they try to maintain warm and friendly relations with everyone. Usually monogamous.

D - constant striving for self-improvement. Differ in accuracy, attentiveness and diligence. People with this letter in their names often show politeness and delicacy, but in their hearts they are very squeamish and intolerant of even the slightest shortcomings of an interlocutor or partner.

H - carefully choose people for communication, and even more so - joint business or romantic relationships. Very responsible and pragmatic in their work. Take care of your mental and physical health.

And - people with this letter in their name try to lead a healthy lifestyle, strive to achieve peace and harmony, have their own unique image. Inclined to self-improvement. In communication, they can be sarcastic and overly straightforward.

I - self-esteem is very important for such people. They strive to realize themselves in society, to receive recognition and approval of others. They cannot be alone for long.

Seven letters in the name of Eugene mean that this is a woman who rules. It unconditionally accepts the laws established in the collective and society, both public and unspoken. Such a girl is sure that success can only be achieved if this charter is strictly observed. Therefore, she can be intolerant and irritable towards those who do not share her beliefs.

When was Zhenya born?

Winter Eugenia is endowed with courage, strong-willed character. Ready to overcome any difficulties to achieve the desired result. She is self-confident and willful. In dealing with people, he does not hide his true attitude towards them, preferring to express everything in person. But for her husband she will become a caring and loving wife who will support in any endeavors.

Spring Eugenia is extravagant, selfish, extremely intractable. He likes to impose his opinion. This usually pushes people away, and because of this, the girl is often lonely. She devotes most of her time to work, since realization in society, career, business is more important for her than family. Zhenya, who was born in the spring, marries quite late.

Evgenia, who was born in the spring, devotes most of her time to her work

Summer Eugenia is good-natured, sincere and sympathetic. She tends to sympathize and worry about others no less than for herself. Very vulnerable and receptive. A wonderful friend who will never leave in trouble. The meaning of life is found in the family and children. This is a wonderful hostess. loving wife and caring mother. She gets married early, usually devotes all her time to her family.

Autumn Eugenia is secretive and silent. She adequately assesses her strengths and capabilities, all her plans are quite real, she only needs to make a little effort to implement them. Reasonable and pragmatic, she can adapt to any life circumstances and at the same time not feel discomfort. It will be difficult for her to create happy and stable family relationships - Zhenya, who was born in one of the winter months, is very stubborn and not inclined to compromise.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesResponsive, straightforward and quick-tempered woman. Succumbing to emotions, she is able to tell a person everything that she thinks about him. This usually does not feel guilty. Evgenia-Aries is not used to a monotonous life, does not tolerate routine. She prefers to travel a lot and get a variety of experiences.
calfA devoted, sincere, reliable woman. Eugenia-Taurus is absolutely disinterested. She is a wonderful friend, friendship for her is not an empty phrase. Very purposeful and hardworking, she is able to independently overcome all obstacles on the way to the desired goal. A talented and creative person, constantly improving her skills, always optimistic and friendly in communication.
TwinsArdent, reckless and frivolous. In business, he does not like to take responsibility. She is extremely indecisive, hesitates for a long time in making a decision, needs the advice of loved ones, and such delay often leads to a negative result. Evgenia Gemini is a very dreamy woman. Wants to achieve goals without putting in much effort.
CancerImpressive, tender and touchy. Strives for high, sets ambitious goals, but is afraid of difficulties. As a result, he gives up halfway through. Indecisive and unsure of herself, she needs constant support from family and friends. Very vulnerable, able to worry for a long time because of trifles.
a lionEgocentric, quick-tempered and extremely irritable, Evgenia-Leo strives for independence and financial well-being. He never does anything just like that, he never misses a profit in anything. In order to achieve the desired, she is able to use even not entirely honest methods.
VirgoA modest, prudent and practical woman. Evgenia-Virgo tends to analyze her actions, correct mistakes. She does not make spontaneous decisions. Disciplined and punctual in work. She does not like change, stability is important to her.
ScalesA friendly, sincere woman, but too secretive. Eugenia-Libra is afraid to hurt other people's feelings, so she often acts contrary to her convictions. It's hard for her to say no to people. Afraid of change in life. Very dependent on other people's opinions. Usually unhappy in marriage. In work, she is not inclined to develop and strive for career growth.
ScorpionAn arrogant, ambitious, selfish woman. Extremely intractable and stubborn with people, she is not able to compromise, even if her happiness depends on it. Eugenia-Scorpio can be rude, but few people know that a vulnerable soul is hidden under the mask of indifference and cruelty. The girl does not want to open up to people, as she is afraid that she will be betrayed. She has practically no friends.
SagittariusFriendly, sincere, accommodating and sympathetic. Evgenia-Sagittarius is able to attract good luck and prosperity. She is successful in her work, strives for career growth and sets high goals for herself, which she overcomes without much difficulty. Easily converges with people, often makes interesting and long-term acquaintances. She has quite a few friends. But such luck in life can negatively affect the character of a girl, she can become frivolous and arrogant.
CapricornPurposeful, persistent, prudent woman. Strives for impeccability, therefore carefully analyzes his actions. Evgenia-Capricorn does not tend to act thoughtlessly, she can paint her life for years to come and be sure that her goals will be realized. Very hardworking and dedicated to her work. The success of the girl is the result of only her hard work. She has few friends, but not because she is secretive and unsociable. It’s just that Zhenya doesn’t allocate so much time for her personal life to make new acquaintances.
AquariusFar-sighted, independent. In making decisions, she is able to be prudent, listen to the voice of reason, and not act according to the call of her heart. Evgenia-Aquarius is not very talkative, as she prefers to show her knowledge and feelings with her deeds. Her courage and iron will can only be envied. Many admire the success of the girl, and some shamelessly spread false rumors about her.
FishSensitive, gentle and romantic nature. She has an excellent intuition. Such a girl was able to foresee a lot in her life, and this does not leave others indifferent. True, many of her actions are devoid of any logic, and sometimes Eugene, who was born under the sign of Pisces, is difficult to understand, so many do not trust her and treat her with some suspicion.

Famous women with this name

There are many women with this name who left their mark on history:

  • Evgenia Serbskaya - princess;
  • Evgenia Ginzburg - Russian and Soviet journalist, famous memoirist;
  • Evgenia Simonova - theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Evgenia Konradi - leader of the Russian women's movement, publicist;
  • Eugenia Montijo - French Empress and wife of Napoleon III;
  • Eugenia Umińska - Polish violinist;
  • Evgenia Dobrovolskaya - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Evgenia Medvedeva-Arbuzova - Russian skier, bronze medalist of the XX winter Olympic Games in the duathlon;
  • Evgenia Volodina - Russian top model;
  • Eugenia Ratti is an Italian opera singer.

Poems with this name: "Crystal Vase" by Sergei Mikhalkov, "Toast to Zhenya" by Yuri Vizbor, "Dine!" Elena Blaginina. In addition, in childhood, many were worried about Zhenya, the heroine of the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" by Valentin Kataev and the cartoon of the same name.

Photo gallery: famous Eugenia

Evgenia Volodina - Russian top model Evgenia Ginzburg - Russian and Soviet journalist Evgenia Dobrovolskaya - People's Artist of Russia Evgenia Medvedeva-Arbuzova - Russian skier Evgenia Montijo - French Empress Evgenia Simonova - theater and film actress Eugenia Uminskaya - Polish violinist

Evgenia's character can combine several qualities at once. It is purposefulness, and perseverance, and endurance. But at the same time - laziness, selfishness, pragmatism. The owner of such a name, if she wishes, will be able to independently achieve the highest goals. She is not afraid of change and strives for continuous self-development.

Career, business and money

Eugene can not be called a careerist. He does not like to bother himself at work in order to achieve climbing the career ladder. He is satisfied with the option of eternally searching for something better.

Therefore, for a long time, Eugene does not linger in any workplace. But at the same time, the boss appreciates such an employee, as he is punctual and obligatory. However, lack of initiative does not allow him to achieve great results.

Business is easy for Evgeny only in one case - if someone takes responsibility for fulfilling all hard work. He will work with his brains, offering interesting ideas to implementation.

Money for Eugene is very important, but he does not like to earn it, although he knows how, therefore he prefers to save on family needs, limiting his own needs and the needs of the family to only the most necessary.

Marriage and family

Eugene cannot be named exemplary family man. He will always consider himself a free wanderer, so he will never report to his wife, but he will always demand reports from her. Up to a minute, such a spouse will worry about the schedule of his woman's day. Extremely jealous, and this is the only thing that can piss off Eugene and provoke an outburst of anger with assault.

Eugene is always gentle and caring with children, loves to spend time with them. This man is generous to his offspring, but if he gets divorced, then he may well forget about children, and it is very difficult to get alimony from him. You will have to go through several court sessions, and if you manage to win, then be prepared to give a receipt every month for the amount received, attaching checks to it!

Sex and love

In Eugene fall in love often. He is charismatic, sexy, charming, knows how to present himself with better side to charm. He likes to conquer, but he does not fall in love.

Only one who does not succumb to his tricks and courtship is capable of falling in love with this man. The longer he conquers, the more he will be fascinated and fall in love himself.

Starts several relationships at once, but does not value any of them. Eugene easily not only converges, but also disagrees with his chosen one. Emotional experiences are not characteristic of him.

In sex for this man there are no restrictions. He likes to experiment and gladly accepts offers to try something new. intimate life it should not be boring for him, therefore, having contacted Eugene, one cannot count on standards. Anything but the usual sofa! Sex on the beach is easy! A date on the roof with a sequel - easily!


In childhood, they often get sick. Their body is not very strong. The cardiovascular system suffers quite strongly throughout life. In adulthood, mental problems may arise. Close people should be careful and always pay attention to changes in Eugene's behavior.

The physical condition of men with this name is usually good until old age. However, Eugenia often falls ill with schizophrenia. They are not stress-resistant, strongly insecure and prone to suicide.

Interests and hobbies

Eugene is an addicted person, but quickly cools down to his interests. He likes to learn something new, but there is no permanent hobby.

Among motorists there are quite a lot of Evgenievs - activists of various clubs. Cars are the only thing that can seriously captivate guys with this name.

Interest in creativity in Yevgeny disappears in adolescence. There just comes a moment when he realizes that he knows and can do everything and it's time to move on.