Oleg Dal was one of the most striking and controversial figures of Soviet theater and cinema.

This man was very subtle and vulnerable, even cocky at times. But they forgave him for a lot of things: harshness, maximalism, and sometimes drunkenness. He could start rehearsing, and then, deciding that the film or performance was not good enough, he could refuse the role. Those around him understood: he was not like everyone else. He has his own path, his own road, which constantly winds between heaven and hell.

Biography, personal life, career, everything that concerned this person certainly has an incredibly bright character.

The decision to enter the theater, or speech impediment

Was born future artist in 1941 on May 25 in a Russian family. As a child, Oleg Ivanovich dreamed of being a pilot, but to enter the aviation institute I couldn't. And then I decided: since they don’t take me on as pilots, I will become an artist. When the parents found out about this, a scandal began. All relatives on my mother’s side are hereditary teachers and philologists. Oleg's dad is a railway engineer, a party man.

Could they then have imagined how famous artist will become Oleg Dal. Biography, nationality and other facts from life famous people very often studied by specialists. And there is information that, according to some sources, Oleg Ivanovich is the great-grandson of the famous compiler of the dictionary. It is quite natural that the parents considered the stage a frivolous activity for their son. In addition, Dahl had a speech impediment; he had been lisping since childhood. But I constantly tried to overcome it. He studied at the central home for the children of railway workers in the literary arts studio. As a result of this, his unusual manner of speech, phrase structure, and pauses were born. The specialist taught him how to pronounce words with a little thought.

This is how the artist Oleg Dal is born, whose biography will now be associated only with theater and cinematography.

Completion of studies and beginning of a creative journey

After graduating from the Shchepkin College, Oleg Ivanovich ends up in Sovremennik. At that time it was one of the most famous theaters in the country. Then it seemed that Dahl had pulled out a lucky ticket. But work in the theater, unfortunately, does not work out. Oleg feels that he is capable of much, he is constantly waiting in the wings, but five years have already passed for long years, and he never had a single serious role in Sovremennik.

I only had to learn some quick introductory roles, when the text was given in the morning, and by the evening the performance was staged on stage. And not a single serious character. Thus, over a long period, the actor has accumulated not only great amount unspent energy, but also resentment.

Oleg Dal was a very hot-tempered person. His biography includes many stories from his relatives and friends, who characterize him as a rather emotional person. The same thing happened this time, Oleg Ivanovich left the theater, slamming the door.

Salvation in cinema

When there were no serious roles in the theater, cinema saved him. Filming of the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” began in 1966 in Peterhof. The center of the team was two actors - Oleg Dal and Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov. Both are young, ambitious and completely different. When they were together on film set and began to joke, none of those around could stop laughing.

It happened that after the end of the working day, the artists forgot to hand over their equipment to the costume designer. They were so used to fighting that they continued to play war even after the camera had already turned off. Mikhail Mikhailovich Kokshenov himself often recalls how at that time they wandered around the city in uniform and were stopped by a patrol, asking where they were from.

Character problems, or Filming under police escort

But what was Oleg Dal really like? Biography, personal life, what tormented the actor - all this became interested in people only after his death. And then on the set Oleg Ivanovich was the ringleader, but no one knows what was going on in his soul. Numerous problems that overwhelmed the actor’s soul began to express themselves in binge drinking. The director often deliberately places him with his back to the camera. From drinking the day before, Oleg Ivanovich’s face swells and his eyes become cloudy.

And yet, everyone forgave him. In the midst of filming, Oleg Dal again went on a drinking binge. Moreover, he ended up in police custody and received fifteen days for violating public order. Director Vladimir Motyl understood that filming was under threat. In order not to disrupt the schedule, he negotiates with the head of the police department and Oleg Ivanovich is brought to the site under escort, and taken away again in the evening.

The dialogue when Dal’s character Kolyshkin talked with Zhenechka, sitting in the guardhouse, was filmed during this period. Perhaps that is why he was played so touchingly and authentically. Such was the actor Oleg Dal.

The biography, personal life, and filmography of this person were, of course, very colorful. And there is hardly a reader whom this personality will leave indifferent.

The end of filming of a popular film, or How life turns into hell

Oleg Dal was not happy with many things in the world around him, and he didn’t know who to express his dissatisfaction with, and this made him constantly nervous and wound up. With rudeness, mediocrity and narrow-mindedness, Oleg Ivanovich sorted things out with his fists. I had to fight not only in life, but also on the screen. The most famous hand-to-hand scene in the film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” took place in the dugout. For Dahl, this film brought unprecedented popularity. True, the artist did not have time to enjoy it. For thirty years this painting was banned. And the wording is quite simple. The film is immoral, and the main characters are drunks and hooligans.

After filming this film, Dahl's life turned into real hell. All film studios in the country were prohibited from filming this artist and generally forgetting who Oleg Dal was.

His biography indeed contains information that at that time he was on the black list of unwanted artists. But times change, and today this film is shown on every Victory Day.

A new twist of fate, or an unspoken order from management

Dahl was universal. He could play the Shadow in a children's fairy tale, create the image of a scout, a repeat offender, and even a prince. Oleg Dal was infinitely talented. The biography of this artist, starting in 1978, finally tells about some positive moments in his life. This year, Yevgeny Tatarsky begins work on the film “The Travels of Prince Florizel.” The director is sure that main role Oleg should play in this film. But it was almost impossible to approve Dahl’s candidacy at the film studio. For all Mosfilm officials, Oleg Ivanovich is persona non grata. Too picky, capricious, arrogant.

Other actors are happy with any offer, but Dal refused to work with Kazakov, Ryazanov, Gaidai. At the end of the 1970s, the film studio began to operate secret order manual, which read: Oleg Ivanovich Dahl should not be removed anywhere for three years.

The director's persistence and the start of filming

Tatarsky refused to work without Dahl. As a result, the director was given the go-ahead, but warned that Oleg Ivanovich was an uncontrollable artist, inadequate and a heavy drinker. The scandal broke out on the first day of filming during a costume fitting. To fit the jacket selected from the props onto Dahl’s figure, the suit was pinned together at the back. For Oleg Ivanovich, who was used to looking great, it was a shock. And he refused to play in an old suit that didn’t fit.

Dahl believed that the prince should look so that the audience, seeing him on TV, would start dressing the same as him tomorrow. Thus, Prince Florizel on the screen becomes the height of elegance, and Oleg Dal on the set becomes the height of professionalism.

Everyone who starred next to him knew: the actor constantly improvises. He is an unpredictable artist. Filming ended in 1979. Viewers saw the film two years later. Finally, Dahl was happy. At that time, Mosfilm had five films with his participation and all were banned. He understood: the fact that Florizel came out was a miracle.

Television, radio and newspapers attacked Oleg Ivanovich, he liked it. He gave interviews with great pleasure. And the journalists were interested in absolutely everything. What is Oleg Dal like? Biography, personal life, children and future plans in cinema.

Pleasant appearance and obnoxious character

Eyes, smile, strong-willed gait, unique way of speaking. Girls were attracted to all this like a magnet. On the set, half the group was in love with him, from the costume designers to the actresses themselves. Fans on the street did not allow Oleg passage. So who was the lucky girl chosen by Oleg Dal?

Many people loved Oleg Ivanovich Dal, but for a long time he could not find his other half. The artist’s personal life did not work out. The affair with actress Nina Doroshina ended right at the wedding. Dal lived with his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrova, for a little more than six months. It was almost impossible to bear Oleg's character.

Oleg Dal: wife, or In search of personal happiness

It seemed that Dahl had no chance of personal happiness. But on the set of the film "King Lear" there was a meeting that changed his whole life. On August 19, 1969, Oleg Ivanovich met Lisa Eikhenbaum. She worked as an editor on the film. And soon they got married. Introducing her to his colleagues, Dahl always spoke proudly and significantly.

Elizabeth was also very kind to her husband. She always made sure that he was not tired, hungry or cold. Oleg Ivanovich always took his wife with him to filming. This relationship was very tender. This woman was the only one who was able to find an approach to the most talented actor with an obnoxious character.

Another unfulfilled hope

Good artists are often compared to children. In the case of Oleg Ivanovich this best definition. After all, it was almost impossible to outplay Dahl, just like outplaying a child. Filming for the film "September Holiday" began in 1977. When Dahl found out that Lenfilm was preparing this film based on Vampilov’s play “Duck Hunt,” he immediately realized that they would offer him the main role. Naturally, I was waiting for the call. Melnikov delayed approving the roles until the last minute. When permission to film was received, I called Oleg Dahl. The actor worked selflessly in this film, and this became one of his best roles. However, the finished film was not allowed to be released; it was called decadent and was shelved for eight years.Another shock that Oleg Dal experienced.

The biography and cause of death of a favorite actor are always of interest to many admirers of the talents of Soviet cinema. And very often one can find in the fates of artists of that generation such a disdainful attitude of officials towards their talent. Of course, this has always had a negative impact not only on psychological state actors, but often undermined their health. The premiere of the film "Vacation in September" took place only in 1987, when Oleg Ivanovich was no longer alive.

The last days of the artist’s work

What else interests those who know and love such an artist as Oleg Dal? "Uninvited Friend" - last work Oleg Ivanovich. During filming, Vladimir Vysotsky passed away. For Dahl this became a sign. He understood that he and Vladimir Semenovich were walking the same road. They worked together on the set of the film "Bad and good man", even then, Vysotsky more than once warned Oleg Ivanovich against frequent drinking of alcohol.

In 1981, Oleg Dal was offered to star in a lyrical comedy. He is going to Kyiv. On the eve of departure, their last conversation took place with Evgeny Tatarsky, in which Oleg Ivanovich mentioned how often he dreams of Vladimir Vysotsky and calls him to him. On March 1, Dahl left for the capital of Ukraine, and on the 3rd of the same month he was gone.

They say you can't light a candle at both ends. It then ends too quickly. Oleg Ivanovich burned his candle mercilessly and did it deliberately. I tore my heart into pieces, and it couldn’t stand it. Oleg Dal passed away. Biography, children who might still appear with this wonderful person, further creativity and much more that Oleg Ivanovich was capable of, seemed frozen in this moment. He passed away at thirty-nine, but for those who were close to him, who watch films with his participation, he is still alive today.

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    Oleg was born in the city of Lyublino in the Moscow region. His father’s family goes back to the famous linguist, dictionary compiler Vladimir Dahl, and the future actor’s parent himself served in railway and held an honorary position. Oleg’s mother was a teacher, and in addition to her talented son, the couple raised him older sister IraidaDal grew up as an ordinary active boy. After the war (and he was born a month before the Nazi invasion of the USSR), he began to get involved in sports - he played basketball. During one of the classes, the child became ill, after which it turned out that Oleg had congenital heart problems. Doctors immediately banned him from sports activities.

    As a teenager he became interested in the arts. Oleg was especially fascinated by literature, but also art The ardent young man also did not deprive of his attention. On school activities The boy read “A Hero of Our Time” for the first time. Pechorin impressed him so much that Dahl wanted to become this famous hero himself. Did he know then that in 15 years he would fulfill his dream?!

    After some time, he realized that his fantasy could perhaps be realized. To do this you need to become an artist! The young man shared his guesses with his parents, but they were hostile to their son’s plans, saying that the earnings of people in this profession are too unstable, and besides, Oleg burrs!

    Therefore, he went to enroll after school, having quarreled with his family. I read Gogol and my beloved Lermontov at the entrance to Sliver, and got in the first time. Oleg corrected the natural burr that had haunted the guy since childhood through persistent speech studies already in his junior year.


    film “My Little Brother” (1962)He was one of the most talented students, which is why he was singled out by the Sovremennik artists who came to watch the graduation performance. Oleg was asked to appear to the chief director (he was Oleg Efremov at that time), and he took young actor to the troupe.

    Dahl quickly joined in, because Sovremennik always promoted its isolation and at a distance felt the natural nobility of the artists. Innate intelligence, fine features, blue eyes and graceful hands - this is what, in addition to talent, helped the artist get into this particular theater.

    However, for five whole years the actor was trusted only with a supporting role. Galina Volchek showed his dramatic charisma to the entire theater of Moscow when she staged “At the Lower Depths” and invited Dahl to play the role of the thief Vaska Ash.

    He prepared for it in a special way. He spent long evenings wandering around Moscow with his partner Alla Pokrovskaya, discussing the subtleties, all the facets of their characters’ characters, and one day he said that she should play a timid goat.

    Alla was taken aback: hearing slang from the lips of such an intellectual was at least strange. When Oleg began to explain himself, it turned out that he had no intention of using slang. Dahl really associates the heroine Alla with this animal, so he asks to endow her with wild, animal habits.

    All life is theater

    film “Chronicle of a Dive Bomber” (1967)He was always considered more of a theater than a film actor. So changes in his personal life began to happen to him in the theatrical environment.

    Dahl's first significant love was Nina Doroshina. An actress known to viewers for one of the main roles in the film “Love and Doves,” she played Nadezhda, the mother of the family that is at the center of the story.

    Dahl urgently decided to get married. The actress was introduced to the groom's family, the wedding was scheduled. But, according to the recollections of the actor’s sister, right at the celebration, Nina disappeared somewhere, and Oleg Efremov disappeared with her.

    There was no doubt: they disappeared together and did not appear for a long time. Half the evening own wedding the actor remained alone until the bride just as suddenly appeared again. Following her, Efremov suddenly appeared in the crowd of guests.

    Oleg had no doubt about the betrayal of his beloved and, in revenge, he himself disappeared somewhere after the wedding for three whole days. After the mutual disappearances, the young people lived together for another week. Apparently, they never managed to clarify their relationship, because a week later they simply separated.

    Not a walker

    film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” (1967)This incident was one of those that would break the artist and gradually make his character the way Dahl’s loved ones remember: difficult, inflexible, uncompromising.

    He had already starred in several films and became famous, he was already shaping up as a man with an irrepressible temperament and endless melancholy in his eyes, who seemed to be eating himself up from the inside, as if he himself didn’t know what he wanted from life, when he met his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrov.

    Joint happiness with her also did not work out. He has already begun to show his negative qualities and little by little he is getting closer to the bottle. She, also a creative and temperamental actress, could not tolerate this, and besides, she herself demanded increased attention. They quickly dispersed.

    There weren't many women in Oleg Dal's life. His friends remember: Dahl was not a walker. And growing up, he really wanted to go home, to his family. Or maybe it was his third wife, Elizaveta Apraskina, whom he met while working on the set of King Lear.

    Happiness in your personal life

    film “Bad Good Man” (1973)Lisa worked as a film editor. He immediately laid his eyes on her, and it was completely impossible to refuse the impetuous handsome man, in whom, according to the recollections of the actor’s relatives, the masculine principle was always felt.

    After the wedding, the young couple settled down with Lisa - they lived with her mother in a very small apartment, and only much later the family received their own, more spacious housing. There is a whole story connected with this too.

    According to the actor’s widow, when he came home, he never started a conversation until he cleaned his shoes, he had such a thing. So on this day he rubbed them with special care, and then announced: “We are going to look at the new apartment. Here's the warrant."

    The house where Dahl brought his wife and mother-in-law was built for senior military officials. The apartments are huge, the windows look onto the Kremlin, the area - you will admire it. When the family first entered Oleg's last home, the rooms were flooded with the midday sun.

    Dahl's wife noted: new apartment he became a better family man. Then he was already really drinking heavily, but even when drunk, stripped to the skin by street hooligans or drinking buddies (sometimes he came without shoes, without outerwear), late at night and early in the morning, he always went home.

    Was he happy? In any case, with my Lisa, I am much happier than in other periods of my life.

    Went to die

    film "Shadow" (1971) Nervous and explosive, the talented Dal always seemed to be broken somewhere deep inside, but most of all his Pechorin-like alienation, the feeling of the meaninglessness of life began to manifest itself after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky.

    It was at the funeral that he predicted his death: “I’m next,” the actor said, laughing hysterically.

    They had a difficult relationship, but after the funeral of the great actor and musician, Dahl seemed to understand how close death walks next to life. This thought changed him before his eyes. The eternal theatrical definition: “he is sick with delusions of perfection” now began to resemble a real diagnosis.

    Oleg Ivanovich became more demanding of others, but he always tried to achieve the highest results from himself.

    After another binge, Dahl agreed to “sew a torpedo” - to be coded for alcoholism in the then accepted way. He was on tour in Kyiv when, leaving a table in a restaurant, he explained: “I’m going to my place to die.” The actors with whom Dahl toured decided that this was another portion of black humor from the maestro. Connect with us.

    Oleg was born in the city of Lyublino in the Moscow region. His father’s family goes back to the famous linguist, dictionary compiler Vladimir Dahl, and the future actor’s parent himself served on the railroad and held an honorary position. Oleg’s mother was a teacher, and in addition to her talented son, the couple raised his older sister Iraida.

    Dal grew up as an ordinary active boy. After the war (and he was born a month before the Nazi invasion of the USSR), he began to get involved in sports - he played basketball. During one of the classes, the child became ill, after which it turned out that Oleg had congenital heart problems. Doctors immediately banned him from sports activities.

    As a teenager he became interested in the arts. Oleg was especially fascinated by literature, but the ardent young man also did not deprive himself of fine arts. At school, the boy read “A Hero of Our Time” for the first time. Pechorin impressed him so much that Dahl wanted to become this famous hero himself. Did he know then that in 15 years he would fulfill his dream?!

    After some time, he realized that his fantasy could perhaps be realized. To do this you need to become an artist! The young man shared his guesses with his parents, but they were hostile to their son’s plans, saying that the earnings of people in this profession are too unstable, and besides, Oleg burrs!

    Therefore, he went to enroll after school, having quarreled with his family. I read Gogol and my beloved Lermontov at the entrance to Sliver, and got in the first time. Oleg corrected the natural burr that had haunted the guy since childhood through persistent speech studies already in his junior year.


    film “My Little Brother” (1962)

    He was one of the most talented students, which is why he was singled out by the Sovremennik artists who came to watch the graduation performance. Oleg was asked to appear to the chief director (he was Oleg Efremov at the time), and he took the young actor into the troupe.

    Dahl quickly joined in, because Sovremennik always promoted its isolation and at a distance felt the natural nobility of the artists. Innate intelligence, fine features, blue eyes and graceful hands - this is what, in addition to talent, helped the artist get into this particular theater.

    However, for five whole years the actor was trusted only with a supporting role. Galina Volchek showed his dramatic charisma to the entire theater of Moscow when she staged “At the Lower Depths” and invited Dahl to play the role of the thief Vaska Ash.

    He prepared for it in a special way. He spent long evenings wandering around Moscow with his partner Alla Pokrovskaya, discussing the subtleties, all the facets of their characters’ characters, and one day he said that she should play a timid goat.

    Alla was taken aback: hearing slang from the lips of such an intellectual was at least strange. When Oleg began to explain himself, it turned out that he had no intention of using slang. Dahl really associates the heroine Alla with this animal, so he asks to endow her with wild, animal habits.

    All life is theater

    film “Chronicle of a Dive Bomber” (1967)

    He was always considered more of a theater than a film actor. So changes in his personal life began to happen to him in the theatrical environment.

    Dahl's first significant love was Nina Doroshina. An actress known to viewers for one of the main roles in the film “Love and Doves,” she played Nadezhda, the mother of the family that is at the center of the story.

    Dahl urgently decided to get married. The actress was introduced to the groom's family, the wedding was scheduled. But, according to the recollections of the actor’s sister, right at the celebration, Nina disappeared somewhere, and Oleg Efremov disappeared with her.

    There was no doubt: they disappeared together and did not appear for a long time. The actor spent half the evening at his own wedding alone, until the bride just as suddenly appeared again. Following her, Efremov suddenly appeared in the crowd of guests.

    Oleg had no doubt about the betrayal of his beloved and, in revenge, he himself disappeared somewhere after the wedding for three whole days. After the mutual disappearances, the young people lived together for another week. Apparently, they never managed to clarify their relationship, because a week later they simply separated.

    Not a walker

    film “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha” (1967)

    This incident was one of those that would break the artist and gradually make his character the way Dahl’s loved ones remember: difficult, inflexible, uncompromising.

    He had already starred in several films and became famous, he was already shaping up as a man with an irrepressible temperament and endless melancholy in his eyes, who seemed to be eating himself up from the inside, as if he himself didn’t know what he wanted from life, when he met his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrov.

    Joint happiness with her also did not work out. He has already begun to show his negative qualities and little by little he is getting closer to the bottle. She, also a creative and temperamental actress, could not tolerate this, and besides, she herself demanded increased attention. They quickly dispersed.

    There weren't many women in Oleg Dal's life. His friends remember: Dahl was not a walker. And growing up, he really wanted to go home, to his family. Or maybe it was his third wife, Elizaveta Apraskina, whom he met while working on the set of King Lear.

    Happiness in your personal life

    film “Bad Good Man” (1973)

    Lisa worked as a film editor. He immediately laid his eyes on her, and it was completely impossible to refuse the impetuous handsome man, in whom, according to the recollections of the actor’s relatives, the masculine principle was always felt.

    After the wedding, the young couple settled down with Lisa - they lived with her mother in a very small apartment, and only much later the family received their own, more spacious housing. There is a whole story connected with this too.

    According to the actor’s widow, when he came home, he never started a conversation until he cleaned his shoes, he had such a thing. So on this day he rubbed them with special care, and then announced: “We are going to look at the new apartment. Here's the warrant."

    The house where Dahl brought his wife and mother-in-law was built for senior military officials. The apartments are huge, the windows look onto the Kremlin, the area - you will admire it. When the family first entered Oleg's last home, the rooms were flooded with the midday sun.

    Dahl's wife noted: in the new apartment he became a better family man. Then he was already really drinking uncontrollably, but even drunk, robbed to the bone by street hooligans or drinking buddies (sometimes he came without shoes, without outerwear), late at night and early in the morning, he always went home.

    Was he happy? In any case, with my Lisa, I am much happier than in other periods of my life.

    Went to die

    film "Shadow" (1971)

    Nervous and explosive, the talented Dal always seemed to be broken somewhere deep inside, but most of all his Pechorin-like alienation, the feeling of the meaninglessness of life began to manifest itself after the death of Vladimir Vysotsky.

    It was at the funeral that he predicted his death: “I’m next,” the actor said, laughing hysterically.

    They had a difficult relationship, but after the funeral of the great actor and musician, Dahl seemed to understand how close death walks next to life. This thought changed him before his eyes. The eternal theatrical definition: “he is sick with delusions of perfection” now began to resemble a real diagnosis.

    Oleg Ivanovich became more demanding of others, but he always tried to achieve the highest results from himself.

    After another binge, Dahl agreed to “sew a torpedo” - to be coded for alcoholism in the then accepted way. He was on tour in Kyiv when, leaving a table in a restaurant, he explained: “I’m going to my place to die.” The actors with whom Dahl toured decided that this was another portion of black humor from the maestro.

    In the morning, Oleg Ivanovich was found dead on the floor in his room. The official diagnosis was “cardiac arrest,” and his colleagues stated that upon returning from the restaurant, he drank a bottle of vodka. At the moment of death, calmness and a smile were imprinted on his face.

    Thursday and Never Again (1977)

    You can’t keep track of celebrity marriages: some get married, others separate. No wonder, because their life is constant touring, filming and meeting new people. Today we will tell you about those marriages that you may not have known about, or if you knew, you forgot.

    Vladimir Basov and his women

    Vladimir was instantly attracted to women, he was not afraid of any obstacles, so he achieved everything he wanted. Basov chose women younger than himself as his wives. The first marriage, with actress Rosa Makagonova, did not last long. She starred in his films “The Collapse of the Emirate,” “An Extraordinary Summer” and “School of Courage.” After the divorce, Rosa stopped acting in Basov’s films, although she maintained friendly relations with him.

    The actor’s second wife was Natalya Fateeva, whose marriage lasted 5 years. Natalya gave birth to a son to Vladimir, who later became a famous director.

    The actor's third marriage was the longest and lasted for 17 years. His wife was Valentina Titova, who was 19 years younger than Vladimir. In their marriage, Valentina and Vladimir had two children: Alexander and Elizaveta. It’s interesting that Valentina left Basov for cameraman Georgy Ivanovich Rerberg. During the divorce, the children remained with their father.

    Evgeny Urbansky and his women

    Evgeniy's first wife was Olga Urbanskaya. The marriage was early and short, but still fruitful. From Evgeniy Olga gave birth to a daughter, who was named Alena. While working at the Stanislavsky Theater, the actor met actress Tatyana Lavrova; their marriage ended in divorce a few years later. They simply did not get along together because they were both too confident and strong personalities.

    Evgeniy met his third wife, Dzidra Rigenberg, at the Moscow Film Festival in 1960. Three weeks after the first meeting, Dzidra was admitted to the hospital, and after discharge, Urbansky took his beloved to the registry office. Their marriage was happy and could have lasted forever if not for tragic death Evgeniya on the set of the film “Director”. In their marriage, Evgeniy and Dzidra had one child.

    Oleg Dal and his women

    The actor's personal life was as interesting as he himself. At the Sovremennik Theater Oleg met his first wife, actress Nina Doroshina. It is interesting that when Nina married Oleg, she loved another man, so their marriage did not last long. Dal lived with his second wife, actress Tatyana Lavrova, for only 6 months, after which he divorced.

    On the set of the film King Lear, the actor met Elizaveta Eikhenbaum, a woman who made him happy. It was with Elizabeth that Oleg lived until his death. The actress herself considered her husband a real treasure and after his death did not marry, because she did not see a worthy replacement for him.

    Alexander Zbruev and his women

    Famous Russian actor was married twice. Alexander’s first romance began with Valentina Malyavina; they got married when they were both only 17 years old. Valentina even had to transfer to evening school and obtain special permission from the district council. First in family life Everything was fine with Alexander and Valentina, but the relationship gradually faded away. The reason was Valentina’s unsuccessful pregnancy, which ended in a miscarriage. After 4 years life together young people divorced.

    Zbruev has illegitimate daughter Tatyana from actress Elena Shanina.

    In 1967, the actor married actress Lyudmila Savelyeva, with whom he lived for a long time. happy life. But in the 90s, rumors appeared about the divorce of Alexander and Lyudmila, which the actor did not comment on. It is known that Lyudmila gave birth to a child for Alexander. In addition, Zbruev has an illegitimate daughter, Tatyana, from actress Elena Shanina. Currently, Alexander is not married.

    Lyudmila Tselikovskaya and her husbands

    Lyudmila’s first marriage occurred in her second year at theater school. Then she married her classmate Yuri Alekseev-Meskhiev, but their marriage did not last long. The actress's second husband was the writer Boris Voitekhov, with whom she lived for several years, but ultimately also divorced.

    In 1943, on the set of the film “Air Cabby,” Tselikovskaya met the famous comedian of Soviet cinema, Mikhail Zharov, whom she married. By the way, Mikhail was 20 years older than Lyudmila, but this did not stop them from being together.

    In 1948, fate brought the actress together with the architect Karo Alabyan, as a result of which Lyudmila left her husband Mikhail. The comedian was inconsolable. From Karo, the actress gave birth to a son, Alexander, whom she simply doted on. It was the marriage with Alabyan, despite all the difficulties in family life, that Lyudmila considered the happiest. But in 1959, Caro died. In the 1960s, Lyudmila married for the fifth time - to the chief director of the Taganka Theater, Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov. The marriage with the director lasted 20 years and was the most dramatic in the actress’s life.

    Tatyana Samoilova and her men

    Soviet actress Tatyana Samoilova was married four times (3 officially, 1 in a civil marriage). The star's first husband was Vasily Lanovoy, whom she met while studying at the Theater School. Shchukin. This marriage lasted two years.

    Tatyana's second marriage took place in 1958, she married the writer Valery Osipov. The marriage lasted 10 years, but it is known that the actress cheated on Valeria with director Solomon Shulman.

    The actress’s third husband was the administrator of the film actor’s Theater Studio, Eduard Mashkovich, with whom the marriage lasted 5 years. In marriage, Tatyana gave birth to a son, Dmitry. After the divorce, Edward did not see his son for 40 years, and their meeting took place in 2013 on the “Let Them Talk” program.

    Liya Akhedzhakova and her men

    The famous actress was married three times.

    Leah's first husband was Maly Theater actor Valery Nosik, with whom she worked at the Youth Theater. Valery and Leah did not have children, this was one of the reasons for the divorce. The second husband was the artist Boris Kochashvili, from whom the actress also had no children. What was the reason for this divorce is not known for certain.

    In 2001, Leah married Moscow photographer Vladimir Persiyaninov. Vladimir became a real support and support for the actress; next to him she literally became younger. The photographer is several years younger than Leah, and they almost never appear together in public. In one of the interviews, Leah said that Vladimir was the man she had been looking for all her life. The only thing the actress regrets is that she doesn’t have children.

    Anastasia Vertinskaya and her men

    IN student years Anastasia met Nikita Mikhalkov (a famous director and actor), with whom she immediately fell in love. The young people got married in 1966, when they were 21. At first, the newlyweds had to live with Nikita’s brother, Andrei Konchalovsky. Nikita and Tatyana have a son, Stepan, a famous restaurateur.

    The marriage lasted 3 years, after which the young people divorced by mutual consent, without reaching full mutual understanding.

    In 1976, Anastasia married famous singer Alexander Gradsky. Marriage did not bring the actress either disappointment or joy. Anastasia herself did not consider Gradsky a real husband.

    Concerning civil marriages, the longest-term companion in Anastasia’s life was Oleg Efremov, whom she never married.

    Oleg Dahl's last wife, Elizaveta Eikhenbaum (née Apraksina), was born in 1937 (died in 2003). She was the granddaughter of the famous Leningrad literary scholar Boris Mikhailovich Eikhenbaum, and lived in the same house with Anna Akhmatova. Mother Olga Borisovna Apraksina (1912-1999), was the wife of theater artist Alexei Apraksin (1901-1941). Lisa's father died of starvation in besieged Leningrad.

    Meeting my future husband and life with a great actor

    Elizaveta Eikhenbaum met her future husband on August 19, 1969 in a restaurant in the city of Narva, where she celebrated her 32nd birthday. This was during the filming of King Lear. famous director Grigory Mikhailovich Kozintsev. The great master was a friend of her grandfather and was well known to the family, so the young woman’s communication with the director on the set was quite free. Lisa then worked as an assistant editor, and rushed around with the actor like a nanny: feeding him, making sure he didn’t get tired. But they didn’t have any romance on King Lear. It’s just that Lisa, laughing, invited Oleg to her place in Leningrad. And he arrived... But not quite on time. Just at this time, Elizabeth met with Sergei Dovlatov, then still serving as secretary at famous writer Vera Panova. That evening he was sitting at Lisa’s house. Oleg called and asked if he could come. And the two men spent the entire evening trying to win the affection of their beloved woman. And she called Oleg into the hallway, invited him to leave now with Sergei, and then return himself. He didn’t like it terribly, he didn’t like it and didn’t know how to be cunning. But he came... And early in the morning he had to urgently go to the airport - he was flying out on another tour... Before leaving, Oleg asked to wake up Liza’s mother and said that he wanted to ask her for Liza’s hand in marriage. This was in May 1970, and on November 27 of the same year they officially became husband and wife. Lisa said that she was not going to change her last name, but at the registry office Oleg looked at her so sternly and beamed like Small child, when she paused and agreed to become Dahl...

    She tried to please him in everything; their house was always in perfect order, because Oleg was extremely pedantic. Before the wedding, Elizabeth never took care of the house, but after that she became an ideal housewife.

    Women's patience is not enough

    They lived together for 10 years... And it all ended on December 31, 1980. Lisa was waiting for her husband on the stairs at the entrance. And when the elevator opened, Oleg simply fell out of it - he was so drunk. Addiction famous actor Alcohol has previously been a cause of marital discord. It’s even strange, Oleg, like Lisa, hated feasts, he had no friends. But, nevertheless, people constantly gathered in their house, drank, complained to each other about their problems, not understanding how and how to help. Lisa put a mug behind the flower and poured everything that was poured into it, and the rest drank; the mug was filled more than once during the evening. Dahl was coded, threw himself into his work, she always forgave, loved and hoped. But that New Year’s “surprise” turned out to be the one the last straw in the cup of her feminine patience.

    She never remarried. The money accumulated with Oleg quickly ran out. Year of the widow famous actor lived with her mother and mother-in-law on their two pensions. It was impossible to find a job in my specialty. But she still managed to get a job at Soyuzsportfilm. The years of long break took their toll, and Elizaveta Dal had to learn her usual craft again - then improved 16mm film appeared at the studio. But in less than a year she could already head the sound editing department.

    Recent years have brought her many trials: in 1999, her mother, the most close person, then I had to survive clinical death. But the main pain remained there, twenty years ago, when they buried Him, and with it that Lisa, who had been with him for 10 years. “Now I’m not thinking about myself, but about Lisa and Oleg. He made me, but he also took me.” (E. Dal)