Alena is dating an MGIMO graduate who has lived in South Asia for 13 years

Alena is dating an MGIMO graduate who has lived in South Asia for 13 years

43-year-old Alyona KHMELNYTSKAYA, apparently, decided to take revenge on her husband, Tigran KEOSAYAN, who left her for treason and two illegitimate children. And she appeared at the next social event arm in arm with an imposing man. She was immediately attacked with questions: who, for how long and how deep. But Alena kept the intrigue. However, people who know immediately recognized in the new gentleman the actress of the 45-year-old PR director of Megafon, Peter LIDOV. Express Gazeta could not deny itself the pleasure of studying the past and present of this character.

At the age of 15, schoolgirl Alena, the daughter of the ballet dancers of the Bolshoi Theater, fell head over heels in an intellectual, now a famous restaurateur Andrew Dellos(he is twice as old). They say that after almost a week of communication, these two began to live as husband and wife in Khmelnitskaya's apartment. The parents of the future movie star rubbed their hands, preparing to marry their daughter to him a few years later. But Andrew took and merged into France. Where, of course, he found the young lady - the Frenchwoman Veronique. A wealthy lady had an estate-reserve in the suburbs of Paris, consisting of buildings of the 15th-16th centuries, leased to aristocrats. The next “prince” of Khmelnitsky was the offspring famous dynasty Mikhalkov - Konchalovsky Egor. By the time they met, Alena had already graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and entered Lenkom without any problems. Which is not surprising: when she was 10 years old, her mother, along with Vladimir Vasiliev she staged choreography there in the famous play "Juno" and "Avos".

I then lived in England, so our romance was torn apart in time, - the director of Antikiller recalls that period. - But this is not the brightest page in my life, rather an episode, a Moscow adventure - nothing more.

Alena clearly thought otherwise, but just in case she kept it "in reserve" Tigran Keosayan, the son of the director of films about the elusive avengers, whom she met by chance in the early 90s. When Yegor returned to Moscow from England, the novel took on a sluggish character. Khmelnitskaya hoped for a marriage proposal, but it never followed.

- I was not going to associate life with Alena, - Konchalovsky confesses today. And he didn't want to marry her. Comrade Keosayan was found, and thank God. They are very suitable for each other.

On the eve of the wedding with Tigran, Alena had a lyamour with a then little-known actor Nikita Dzhigurda. They agreed on film set the film "Superman reluctantly, or Erotic mutant", where they played lovers. Nikita even dedicated poetic lines to his mistress: "I drank you like no other woman."

It is clear that Tigran, having learned the truth, did not pat Alena on the head. A real storm broke out. "He'll beat her for sure!" - in all seriousness discussed the scandal in the party. Of course, it didn’t come to assault, but a black cat ran between the spouses. In a crisis situation, Alena acted wisely - she immediately became pregnant ...

You can't roam in Pakistan

But as we all know, the sorrows we cause others come back at least twice. It is unlikely that Alena was glad to know that her already far from young husband was indecently gentle with a well-known journalist, clever Margarita Simonyan. Not only is the girl pretty, but “everyone knows” that she gave birth to a child from Keosayan. It is not surprising that in this situation, the marriage of Tigran and Alena collapsed completely. They are wise people, so they parted peacefully - without breaking dishes and bruising.

In September, Simonyan gave birth to another child - this time a boy. They called him Bagrat. Accurate to this event, Alena presented a new boyfriend.

Petr Lidov in a party - a famous person. It can often be found at private parties, such as: celebrating the dere of some it-girl or a luxurious presentation of something elite.

Before Megafon, a man worked for a tobacco company for 13 years, traveling around the countries of South Asia. His last place of residence was Pakistan.

A beautiful country, especially where the mountains begin: almost Switzerland. The Taliban, however, create tension in the mountains. The people here are friendly in an oriental way, I was surprised that they treat Russians very well, despite afghan war. But the conditions in Pakistan for life are not so frivolous, especially you can’t clear up: here I mostly sat at home, played tennis. A couple of times, when it became very sad, I flew to Tashkent. In Hong Kong and Indonesia, I could work indefinitely, but in Pakistan I felt that it was temporary. I often ask myself the question: why am I here? I did not find an answer and left, - this is how Peter tells about his life abroad.

After all, Alexei's wife is Ksenia's godmother, youngest daughter couples. Photo:

For more than thirty years, Alena Khmelnitskaya has been pleasing her fans with her work almost every day, but according to the artist, the directors are used to seeing in her only the image of a strong but lonely girl who achieves everything by her own efforts. During her career, she has been not only an actress, but also a TV presenter, and has also had own business selling stylish clothes. In the personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya over the past few years, there have also been major changes. Read below what the artist is ready for for her children and how she managed to survive the difficulties in family life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alena Khmelnitskaya

Every day, the number of requests on the Internet about the artist’s height, weight, and age is increasing more and more often. For how many years Alena Khmelnitskaya is interested not only in fans, but also in people who are far from her work. The actress was born on January 12, 1971, that is, at the time of this writing, she is 46 years old.

She was born in the capital and spent almost her entire life here, working as a TV presenter and actress. Due to her rather high height - 173 cm, many do not believe that Alena weighs only 53 kg, because such a weight is catastrophically small for her. However, according to the actress herself, in her family along the female line, everyone was always tall and at the same time quite thin, so you should not be surprised.

Biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Looking at Alena Khmelnitskaya, one gets the feeling that time has absolutely no power over her. Girl with early years I was absolutely sure that she was destined to become a famous actress. And also on personal experience, she proved to everyone a fairly simple truth that in order to become the wife of a general in the future, it is necessary to initially marry an ordinary lieutenant. In comparison with many other actresses, the biography of Alena Khmelnitskaya may not seem so interesting, because she was born in the capital, and she already had a huge advantage when she entered the institute. From childhood, the girl was interested in theatrical skills and various dances.

In addition, both parents of the girl were ballet dancers who graduated from GITIS at one time. Therefore, no one had any doubts that the scene of the young artist was in the blood. As the actress became famous on the network, questions like Alena Khmelnitskaya, the cause of death, the date of death, increased interest in her person, but, fortunately, in reality, the information about the death of the artist was someone's cruel joke.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya after a divorce

In 1993, the artist's life changed dramatically. It is difficult to say, for better or for worse, but the fact remains: she married a fairly promising, handsome and young Tigran Keosayan. Then the first child was born, and the personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya began to interest an even greater number of her fans. For many years, their family was considered ideal, but in 2009 the first discord in the union came, which seemed indestructible.

In 2010 Alena gave birth to another child. She couldn't think of a way to save warm relationship within the family, and then the idea of ​​a second child seemed to her quite good. However, this did nothing to keep the family together. In 2010, the artist divorced. After the divorce, Tigran and Alena almost completely stopped communicating.

Alena later noted in numerous interviews: “While we were officially married, Tigran put pressure on me quite strongly. Now I feel like I'm breathing freely." Fortunately, the divorce did not negatively affect the children of celebrities.

Family of Alena Khmelnitskaya

As is the case with most Russian stars Alena Khmelnitskaya's family deserves special attention. Her mom and dad performed at the Bolshoi Theater for about twenty years. In parallel with performances in the theater, Alena's father, Alexander Khmelnitsky, decided to teach at one of the choreographic schools. Mother, Valentina Savina, after graduating from GITIS, decided to become a choreographer and was even one of Vladimir Vasiliev's assistants, who staged such well-known productions as Juno and Avos and Macbeth at the Bolshoi Theater. Starting in 1983, Savina worked for Vyacheslav Zaitsev in his Fashion House.

IN early childhood Alena, in parallel with her dreams of an acting career, was engaged in table tennis, as well as rhythmic gymnastics. She even performed at various competitions at the city level and won several times. After completing school exams, the girl immediately entered the Moscow Art Theater School and forever connected her life with the career of an actress.

Children of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Marriage with the famous director Tigran Keosayan gave the talented woman two children:

  • Daughter Alexandru (born September 21, 1994);
  • Daughter Xenia (June, 2010)

It was accepted in the family that the husband was the head of the family, everyone considered his opinion, including the children of Alena Khmelnitskaya, and the actress herself.

Their first child, daughter Alexander, was born just a year after the wedding. Today she is already studying in the USA and her parents, despite the divorce, are trying to give her as much free time as possible individually. The girl herself admits: “Despite the fact that my parents divorced, they did not make me feel like an abandoned child. Sometimes it seems to me that, together with them, on the contrary, I began to spend more time.

Thanks to the birth of her second child, Alena notes that she began to feel much younger. By the birth of Ksyusha, the actress was largely pushed by the first daughter Sasha, who constantly asked her parents to give her sister or brother.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Alexandra Khmelnitskaya

The eldest of the heirs of the famous actress is currently finishing her studies at the university and is making plans for future life. As you know, the daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya, Alexandra Khmelnitskaya, is famous for her uncertainty, and therefore she is quite worried about how her future life will turn out. She does not yet know where she wants to live permanently - in England, Russia or the USA.

The most important thing for her, as Alena notes, is to find her place in the sun and do what she loves, so that work is not a burden, but rather, on the contrary, exclusively a joy. If we talk about personal life, then here Sasha is still as calm as her mother.

Daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Khmelnitskaya

Alexandra, eldest daughter, famous actress I constantly took it with me to the shooting, as there was no one to leave it with. Actually, the daughter of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Ksenia Khmelnitskaya spent her childhood as well as her elder sister. Despite her young age, the girl is quite calm about the fact that her parents are well-known personalities in the country.

And, paying attention to the fact that now she is not yet fully aware that she is growing up in a family of popular filmmakers, she quite often answers the question of who her parents are, that they work for her as a dad and mom. This once again emphasizes the fact that the girl is growing up as a completely unspoiled child.

Former husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Tigran Keosayan

Happy marriage lovers could not be saved. In 2014, the well-known actress and already ex-husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya, Tigran Keosayan, officially ceased to exist as a couple. At first, the ex-spouses tried to hide the gap as carefully as possible. Later it became known that they had not lived together since 2012. The reason turned out to be quite banal - betrayal overtook this married couple, who once seemed ideal to fans.

The ex-husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya - Tigran Keosayan photo

After the divorce, Tigran quickly found a new lover for himself and married Margarita, with whom he is now happily married. Alena, on the other hand, plunged headlong into work processes, and now she tries not to remember her ex-husband, only occasionally in an interview talking about how grateful she is to him for her beautiful daughters.

Alena Khmelnitskaya does not hide from fans the fact that she often visits her beautician Gubanova E.I., which constantly encourages fans to look for photos of Alena Khmelnitskaya before and after the plastic surgery that was done. Nevertheless, the actress notes that it is very important for her to save her face and in the field of cosmetology she is exclusively a supporter of various preventive steps.

Each time in various interviews, the artist emphasizes that she did not do any serious operations, and it is unlikely that she will ever decide to cut her face in order to preserve her youth for an additional ten or fifteen years.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alena Khmelnitskaya

In the age of Internet technology, many are looking for Alena Khmelnitskaya's Instagram and Wikipedia, what they say about her. If we talk about the encyclopedia, then it presents to the attention of fans a fairly wide list of films in which different years the actress took part. Here you can see:

  1. "Ondine", released on screens in 2003;
  2. "The President and his granddaughter", 2009;
  3. "Peter the Magnificent", 2006 release, etc.

More recently, it was with the help of Instagram that Khmelnitskaya congratulated her eldest daughter on her next birthday, being several thousand kilometers away from her.

A new interest in the personal life of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was caused last news about the trip of the actress with her lover to warmer climes. Reason for divorce star couple in 2014, the director became infatuated with a new passion - the writer and journalist Margarita Simonyan. After the publication of a picture taken at the birthday of the former mother-in-law on January 28, 2018, the Internet was filled with admiring comments from the actress's fans about her friendship with the new passion of her ex-husband.

The worthy behavior of a woman who lived with a man for more than twenty years and managed to maintain honor and dignity after he left for a rival, increased the army of supporters of Khmelnitskaya's talent by several times.

About children, ex-spouse and loneliness

As she said in an interview with glossy publications, their separation from Tigran Keosayan had been brewing for a long time and she considers the reason for the divorce to be the mutual estrangement that arose in a couple.

According to the actress, she is also indirectly to blame for cooling her husband’s feelings - after the birth of her second daughter, Khmelnitskaya plunged into caring for the baby with such enthusiasm that she forgot about everything in the world.

Khmelnitskaya's parents have been living in Berlin for a long time, they are still in demand in their profession and devote a lot of time to working with ballet dancers, new productions, developing projects.

Therefore, Alena's mother could not warn the woman against the total passion for the second child. By the time Ksyusha was born, eldest daughter Alexandra was already building her own relationship with this world - she studied in the USA.

According to the actress, the departure of the older child was a great stress for her, and the news of the pregnancy was a true salvation from loneliness in an empty house.

By the way, Sasha and mom were with Alena in recent months actress pregnancy - a 38-year-old woman gave birth under the close attention of a French doctor in Nice on Cote d'Azur, for which Khmelnitskaya is extremely grateful to her husband.

Keosayan has always been an excellent host, able not only to love his “girls”, but also to provide them with more than a comfortable existence.

Tigran's departure to another woman, according to Khmelnitskaya, did not knock the ground out from under her feet. The woman is grateful to him for 21 years of a happy family life and for the many roles played in his films. In addition, the actress is in demand in professional field and tries to devote a lot of time to his youngest daughter.

According to Alena, Ksyusha is a very inquisitive child, with her difficult character and an endless flow of energy.

Her mother has to guide her - it is difficult for other people to cope with a too independent and restless baby.

Even dad does not have indisputable authority with his youngest daughter, the girl does not want to obey him.

Only Alena manages to cope with Ksyusha - Khmelnitskaya, with her inherent wisdom and patience, skillfully guides the aspirations of the little dictator, independently selects developing activities for her daughter and controls their attendance.

Although you don’t have to force Ksyusha to do something - her parents are sensitive to her tastes and preferences, trying not to miss the spark of talent.

Who is Margarita Simonyan

According to the mother of two children, the initiator of the relationship was Tigran Keosayan, who wrote a message to her on Facebook.

Margarita herself did not believe in such luck - numerous stories about fake heroes and Internet scammers made her wary of the manifestation of star attention through the World Wide Web.

According to Simonyan, the director accidentally heard a program about a young writer and wanted to support her. And so it happened that after dinner in a restaurant, the couple had a lot in common in their views on creativity, family and their own future.

As the journalist said in an interview with a glossy magazine, she never wanted to get married. In her understanding and in childhood memories, marriage remained a terrible test for a woman who exchanged for Wedding Dress all life.

There were fleeting novels with a common life and indoor flowers, but she did not want to turn into a downtrodden creature serving a man.

She had great ambitions and a desire to do what she loves in her beloved homeland - Margarita is an absolute patriot of Russia.

Even as a child, she could become a citizen of America, but she refused, deciding for herself absolutely that she would be comfortable only here.

So it was before the appearance in the life of a young writer Tigran Keosayan. Margarita did not want to become the reason for the director's divorce from Alena Khmelnitskaya.

If her aspirations for independence had frightened a man, she would not have insisted on continuing the relationship - the woman had been the head of one of the branches of the central media holding in Russia for many years and was used to difficulties.

Margarita was very worried that in the press she was called a homemaker - the beautiful television couple Khmelnitskaya-Keosayan was considered one of the most stable in the world of the film industry.

Simonyan says that Tigran left them to Alena common Home and every day he came to Barvikha so that Ksyusha's daughter would not feel deprived of her father's attention.

If a man, due to fatigue, did not want to go to these morning meetings, the journalist woke him up and insisted on continuing the daily ritual until her new man appeared at Khmelnitskaya's.

First wife, second wife...

Khmelnitskaya was the first to put an end to the gossip. She invited ex-husband for the birthday of the youngest daughter with his new family- Margarita, Bagran and Maryana.

Simonyan did not believe her husband, in a telephone message she asked the actress if this was true.

Alena, in her usual manner, replied that they had nothing to share and that they should all come to the holiday together.

The result of the joint meeting was a sincere conversation until the morning. Both women are delighted with each other, no one knows how sincere these feelings are. However, a stormy showdown did not follow.

As Margarita said, she was delighted with Alena and very glad that she didn’t need to share anything - Khmelnitskaya is happy, Keosayan is happy and Simonyan is insanely happy.

When journalists ask Alena Khmelnitskaya why she so openly expresses sympathy for her ex-husband's new wife, the actress replies that they will still remain family people with Tigran - for so many years joint relations impossible to cross out.

And now their main goal is to make friends with children, because they are all brothers and sisters, the ambitions of adults against this background should go into the shadows.

The task of adults is to create an atmosphere of love and joy for kids, quarrels and showdown should be set aside so that in the future children can find their happiness in life.

No matter how painful the reason for the divorce of Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya was, it should not affect the younger generation.

On the eve of the New Year 2018, the series “Actress” was aired, filmed according to the script of Simonyan by her beloved man and the father of her illegitimate children.

It turns out that Margarita is one of the most powerful women world according to Forbes 2017.

Alena Khmelnitskaya is an actress who does not get tired of making us happy with more and more new interesting films. She has been acting in films for more than thirty years, however, despite this, she still remains organic and natural on the silver screen. Alena Khmelnitskaya is a woman, as if created to act in films.

But is it really so? How it started actor career our today's heroine? And how did her life develop at different stages? The biographical article prepared by us is the key to the secrets of the actress.

The early years, childhood and the family of Alena Khmelnitskaya

Alena Khmelnitskaya was born on January 12, 1971 in Moscow. Her parents were representatives of the artistic environment, namely, artists ballet troupe Bolshoi Theatre. They often toured Europe, breaking the stormy applause of the public everywhere and everywhere.

The girl's parents were real ballet stars, however, despite this, their daughter was always rather cold towards this art form. The reason for this was very, very banal - because of her love for sweets, Alena was a rather large girl in her childhood, and therefore it was not necessary to speak seriously about a ballet career.

However, the genetic love of art still did not pass her by. At the age of ten, our today's heroine somehow got into the Lenkom Theater, for which the artists of the Bolshoi Theater choreographed. On that day, she met the main theater stars - Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Yankovsky and some other famous actors.

This meeting in literally turned the whole life of little Alena. She became an ardent admirer of the theater and literally fell ill with the stage. Some time later, our today's heroine firmly told her parents that she wanted to become an actress. And they supported her choice.

Thus, already at the age of twelve, a young girl first appeared on the set. At that time, she played one of the roles in the production of "Karambolina-Karamboletta", with which her career began. long haul to acting recognition. After graduating from the prescribed ten classes and receiving a secondary education, Alena entered the Moscow Art Theater School and returned to the Lenkom Theater as an actress in her second year.

Young Alena Khmelnitskaya in the video "Time Machine"

During that period, the actress played roles in productions of Juno and Avos, as well as in Memorial Prayer. In 1992, the young artist graduated from school and got a job at Lenkom on permanent job. However, surprisingly, she worked here for only two years - until 1994.

Star Trek actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, filmography

my first leading role in the movie, the actress played in 1991 (in the last year of the university). After that, there were also roles in the projects "The Tale of the Merchant's Daughter and the Mysterious Flower", as well as the Ukrainian film "Murder at the Sunshine Menor". The actress performed roles in these films even before graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School. And therefore, after receiving a diploma, her film career began to rapidly gain momentum.

Alena Khmelnitskaya starred in several films a year, and therefore, she was soon forced to leave her native Lenkom in order to continue her cinematic career. However, the bet on the cinema very soon turned into a failure.

In the "depressive" nineties, cinema in Russia and Ukraine practically did not develop. And therefore, at some point, proposals from directors simply stopped coming to Alena.

Left without a job, the actress, like many other Russians at that time, decided to go into business. She got a job in a boutique fashion clothes, for which she acquired the latest collections, and also selected staff. However, in her own words, she did not understand economic aspects at all, and therefore at some point the “fashion business” simply bored her.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

The actress had a chance to return to the world of cinema in 1999, when a certain thaw began in the cinema of the post-Soviet countries. In the same period, the career of Alena Khmelnitskaya again began to gain height.

At the turn of the century, our today's heroine was noted in such films and TV shows as "Christmas Mystery", "The President and His Granddaughter", "Directory of Death", "Turkish March", "Silver Lily of the Valley" and some others.

However, the real success awaited the actress after the release of the series "Ondine" and its continuation. This television project was very fond of the audience, and therefore subsequently brought great popularity to our today's heroine.

From that moment on, the career of Alena Khmelnitskaya no longer faded. Over the years, she played in the films and television series "The Hare Above the Abyss", "Mirage", "The Most Beautiful", "Oasis of Love", "Who, if not me", " Men's work”, “Petya the Magnificent”, “Three Half Graces”, as well as some others.

Alena Khmelnitskaya at present

In addition, since 2009, the actress has been hosting the You and Me program with her husband Tigran Keosayan, which airs on the Russia channel. In this context, it is worth noting that by the time the filming began, Alena Khmelnitskaya already had experience as a TV presenter. In 1994, she for a long time hosted the famous music and entertainment program "Morning Mail".

Currently, the actress organically combines household chores with successful career. She is removed less often, but new films with her participation still continue to come out. In 2012, our today's heroine played one of the roles in the project "God has his own plans." In 2014, another film with the participation of Alena Khmelnitskaya should be released - the mini-series "Fashion Model", which tells about the Soviet stars of the glossy podium.

Personal life of Alena Khmelnitskaya

As briefly noted above, the husband of Alena Khmelnitskaya was the Armenian film director Tigran Keosayan. The marriage with him was concluded on August 27, 1993. Both grew up in a creative environment and often crossed paths at work. And then the working relationship turned into love. And so the family was born.

The eldest daughter Alexandra was born on September 21, 1994, and the youngest Xenia - in June 2010. The first daughter followed in her father's footsteps, graduated from school in Russia, studied for a bachelor's degree in England and then entered the Tisch School of the Arts New York University, on the faculty Film and Television.

But unfortunately, "nothing lasts forever under the moon." Since the end of 2011, the couple no longer appeared together at social events, which at first became the cause of gossip. Then the journalists found out that Tigran had a new relationship with Margarita Simonyan, who bore him a son. In August 2014, the couple officially divorced.

January 4, 2018, 21:03

I don't know if it was on the site or not...

But when I read the news, I was very happy.

I am happy for Alena Khmelnitskaya. In the situation with Tigran, Simonyan and Khmelnitskaya, I was definitely on her side and I think that Tigran in this case did not act very nicely.

Well...not for me to judge. Of course, I don't know the exact circumstances.

And when I saw in the news feed that Alena Khmelnitskaya was not alone now, this pleased me from the bottom of my heart.

Actress and ex-wife director Tigran Keosayan is happy in a new relationship.

About the novel Khmelnitsky and Sinyushin started talking back in October last year. At the premiere of the musical Cinderella, the artist in the auditorium was supported by a businessman named Alexander.

At first, Alena tried not to talk about it.

“Yes, Sasha and I are dating! However, for now, that's all I'm willing to talk about. We do not need any kind of publicity, ”the actress told reporters.

But now a year has passed, and they are together!

In an interview with one of Russian media Khmelnitskaya admitted that she is absolutely happy in a relationship with Alexander. Her new chosen one easily got along with the daughters of the actress from her marriage to Tigran Keosayan.

A man younger than Alena in age, he is 34 years old, but the age difference does not prevent lovers from communicating on an equal footing.

Recall that earlier Khmelnitskaya was married to Tigran Keosayan. The union of the actress and director has long been considered exemplary among the stars of domestic show business.

The couple raised their daughter Alexandra together, who is now 22 years old, and are raising their daughter Ksenia, she was born in 2010.

Three years ago, after 21 years life together The couple's marriage broke up.

Interview with Alena:

More than once for long years of our acquaintance, I watched you and Tigran together, and it was always felt how you fit together, what a lively relationship you have ...

It's definitely alive. We had both crises and difficult stages in work and personal relationships. We are emotional people. So everything was stormy.

- Did you share your experiences with Sasha?

Naturally. After all, she lived with us and knew and understood everything perfectly. We are close people, so I did not hide anything. In general, Tigran and I did not pretend that nothing was happening. Sasha has been worried about our relationship all her life (laughs), as well as for many other things with us. She is a touching, sensitive person.

- Maybe for Sasha your parting was easier because she left and she was distracted by a new life?

I hope that's what happened, but she has long been an adult. I almost always felt like a junior next to her. But Ksyusha is different, just a child, and so far she mostly lives in her own world, in fantasies. And she is much more restless and active than Sasha. When she has a plan, she immediately tries to implement it. Can turn around and go somewhere without saying anything. Therefore, you must watch. (Laughs.)

- Without Ksyusha, would it be more difficult for you to survive the situation?

I don't know how it would be. Ksyusha is one continuous joy, and she gives me a lot of strength.

- And how did she take the fact that dad is now not around all the time?

She did not perceive it at all, because she was very small. And now he doesn't ask questions. Every weekend she goes to her dad and communicates well with her sister and brother there. Therefore, we have complete harmony.

I'm not an outrageous person at all. We just had a great time, took pictures, and we wanted to post a photo.

- And now you continue to communicate?

Certainly. We communicate with Rita. She and Tigran were visiting us at a birthday party, we were with them. She clever man. I'm generally in Lately I especially appreciate intelligence and adequacy. Stupid people are dangerous. They can be the sweetest, but often they don’t even realize that they are hurting a person.

Do you remember when you felt the need for love again?

No, I didn't want anything. She never looked for her. And at that moment, she dealt with herself. In principle, I am a self-sufficient person and I think that it is not at all necessary that if you are alone, then you are not successful. In this respect, I have no complexes. But I, not looking for any feelings and relationships, have never been deprived of them.

- But you had a time-out, didn't you?

Certainly. But I didn’t sit at home in proceedings with myself, but went somewhere, talked, got acquainted, but did not agree to anything. I acted, went to film festivals, got very involved in public life and did not give herself any opportunity to complain about what happened, to feel sorry for herself, to discuss the situation with someone. My girlfriends were out of it all.

- Has there been a reassessment of men as well?

Now I can no longer talk about it abstractly, because there is a person nearby. (Smiling.) This is businessman Alexander Sinyushin. I really appreciate the mind, especially in a man. But if you don’t feel anything with your heart, then why do you need this person? Chat just like that. There are people with whom you can have an interesting time, and then be happy to return home alone.

Certainly. The only thing is that I have become more selfish and now I think that together people should be better than alone. There is a wonderful phrase: “It should be good with a man, but I can live badly myself.” It is probably no longer possible for me to fall in love with a fool (although he does not have to be Spinoza), with a man who is not generous. I can not be with a person who does not respect and understand my work. And, of course, the most important thing is that I have a very strong maternal instinct, and a man must have contact with my child. I understood this clearly. Ksyusha immediately liked Sasha. And it was because of her attitude towards him that I had the idea that this could be a serious, full-fledged relationship.

- Are you the same age as Alexander?

No, he is younger than me, but not catastrophically. (Laughs.)

- How quickly did events develop after they met? I did not have time to come to my senses, how the heart was busy?

No, I still managed to come to my senses. (Laughs.) We talked with Sasha for a long time. Now we have been living together for almost a year, and before that we met, had a great time, and in principle, this could continue in the future. I liked this lightness - I am on my own, I have my own life. Everything suited us up to a certain point, and then we realized that we were already worse off separately, and this situation was annoying. We decided to carefully try to live together.

- Have you already wanted to take care of someone and receive care?

Yes, I wanted to, but specifically with this person.

- Do your views on life, on people, on pleasures coincide?

We have everything exactly as we would like. There is nothing that I would love, but he does not. Including preferences in recreation, and taste preferences are similar. Apparently it happens. (Smiling.)

Do you overlap areas of activity?

Hardly ever. He's in the music business, but on the technical side. And he loves what I love. (Laughs.) You just need to feel each other. Sasha has friends and acquaintances from acting world with whom he communicates, so for him all this is not new. In general, the profession does not matter at all. You don't have to be from the same circle. As long as we are in harmony. Let's hope that this will be the case.

- Alena, what do you think now: at forty-five, life is just beginning?

At least, a good life definitely continues. Naturally, some sad thoughts visit me, or rather, slip through, despite all my optimism. We are thinking people. (Laughs.) But I still have much more love for life. With age, there was more awareness and responsibility for actions, inner peace came, I see the connection of things. And I no longer go with the flow. I understand why I communicate with one person, but I don’t want to communicate with another. In general, life has changed, and what is happening in it now is my choice, not an accident.
