The singer spoke about her attitude towards Ukraine.

After a long silence, the popular singer Ani Lorak, who now lives in 3 countries, again declared herself. In a recent interview, the artist touched important topics return to Ukraine, true friends, plans and family, reports.

38-year-old Ani Lorak, who is periodically suspected of a second pregnancy, gave candid interview Ukrainian publication "KP in Ukraine", revealing many interesting and personal facts.

During the interview, Ani Lorak, who recently spoke about Ukraine at one of the concerts, admitted that she dreams of performing again at the largest venues in Ukraine and is even making plans for this. She also promised to release several songs in Ukrainian.

"With the greatest pleasure, I return to Ukraine, to Kiev. This is my Motherland, which I loved, love and will love. It is impossible to describe this feeling in words, because this music of love sounds inside you. My concerts and tours in home country- always a special feeling, and today I really miss it, I miss the Ukrainian stage and the audience. I would like the final concerts of my show "Carolina" to be held in Kyiv - we are now thinking about it."

Very soon, Ani Lorak will present a new concert program, where she will appear in a new image and with a new musical repertoire. In the meantime, she is undergoing a reassessment of values. In particular, her circle of friends has changed a lot.

ani lorak photo
"What can I say, it has changed a lot - in Lately I experienced many disappointments in human actions and, as a result, sadness. I was faced with the need to "re-account", "re-evaluate" people - many took off their masks. And before that, you didn’t feel anything and didn’t suspect, because they spoke with a smile on their faces exactly the words that you wanted to hear from them. And then - a click, like in a movie. And the moment of truth comes, people show their essence, which absolutely does not coincide with the idea of ​​them that you had. It's sad, it hurts. But the main thing is to remember that your closest friends are family. I have very few friends outside of my family. For me, “friend” is a very significant concept, I don’t scatter such words.

Carolina also spoke about Sonya's 5-year-old daughter. The girl grows very artistic: she loves the stage, sings, recites poetry and even appeared in a photo shoot, however, Ani Lorak does not want to follow in her footsteps.

"She grows up as a musical girl and constantly shows her artistic nature. She is open, attentive to everyone and loves people very much. Murat and I even sometimes make remarks to her that she loves them too much. Everyone who comes to our house, everyone, whom we see at meetings, Sofiyka wants to hug and kiss. “Sonechka, you can’t do that!” - “But what should I do, I love people so much!” She is a sun person, she always wants to give gifts to everyone, she warms everyone with her warmth It's too early to think about what profession my daughter will choose - for now we just observe her and give her the opportunity to enjoy the joys of a simple childhood, which, unfortunately, I myself did not have. her logic is well developed, she continues to learn three languages.

In addition, Ani Lorak, who delights fans with a slender body and a steel press, told how she manages to stay in perfect shape.

“Without internal discipline and willpower, breakdowns would be inevitable! Every morning starts with a charge. I also monitor nutrition and purity of thoughts (a healthy body is good, but without inner work not enough). Well, of course, I'm a living person, I can be lazy, feel an irresistible desire to eat "Napoleon" late at night, fried potatoes, a piece of lard. The main thing is to find a balance between the streams of desires and clearly prioritize. I have a priority to be healthy and slim, which I clearly follow. Two or three times a week I try to go to the gym to give strength training to areas that are especially important for girls.

On stage, she is dazzlingly beautiful, sexy and relaxed. It is this Ani Lorak that fans are used to seeing.

Photo: Ilya Vartanyan

We want to show you another Lorak - caring, gentle, homely. Such, what OK! saw Ani in her leading role- in the role of mother.

Aneither, this week you will celebrate your birthday. Do you love this holiday?

As a child, I probably loved more, but now it’s not that I love less, I just treat him more meaningfully. If as a child you expect gifts on your birthday, then, having matured, you yourself love to make gifts and get great pleasure from it. I no longer expect any material things on this day, I want impressions, emotions.

I think yes. In general, we wanted to do it on September 27, right on my birthday, but something didn’t match, and I decided: if it doesn’t stick right away, we’ll choose another date, closer. For my whole team, we celebrate my birthday on October 7 on the stage of Crocus. And I'm terribly worried. "Carolina" has already been awarded as the best show, and this obliges. When a viewer goes to the “best” show, we cannot disappoint them. We slightly modified the program: there are new hits, I will sing a song that has appeared only recently. Igor Krutoy and Igor Nikolaev wrote it to me. crazy beautiful song.

Is the song about love?

Yes. ( Smiling.) As a rule, the most beautiful stories that touch hearts are about love. And often about unhappy love. Who truly loves must always be ready to strike, because perfect love can not be. It's only on beautiful photos- family, lawn, everyone is so smiling. But life is full of different colors. And not everyone has enough spiritual maturity to appreciate that you have real happiness in your hands, that you need to fight for this happiness, you need to work on relationships in the name of love. I believe that the ability to love is the same talent as the ability to sing, draw, bake bread, teach.

Do you think that everyone, without exception, has the ability to love?

Absolutely. We all have a need to give love and to be loved. It’s just that not everyone can “unpack” themselves and pull feelings out. Some people never succeed in this all their lives, but for someone it is pronounced from birth. Here I am looking at my daughter. It is immediately clear from her that her mother went on stage until the seventh month: Sonechka was given the desire to give joy, to cause smiles. All her people are wonderful, there are no bad people. She is very loving with us, and this is another extreme, we have to adjust so that she does not love everyone so much. ( Laughs.) You can not kiss, hug and stroke everyone. But this is our child.

Wonderful child! At what point did you decide for yourself that not all people are equally good?

Probably when I first fell in love. I had an unrequited love in a pioneer camp. I watched this boy from around the corner, but he was in the senior detachment, and I did not dare to say that I liked him. And then I heard that he expresses himself ugly and behaves very rudely, and that's it - love has passed. Because I fell in love with the image, invented it, created such a prince, endowed it with qualities that he didn’t even have close. Because endorphins, butterflies in the stomach - you do not see flaws, everyone sees, but you do not. But the opposite happens. You look at a man: he is inconspicuous in appearance, a man himself and a man, and suddenly some kind of life situation when this inconspicuous person performs an act. You think: “God, I would never have thought that such a beautiful human being is hiding behind this appearance.” Better surprise people in a good way than...

Was Murat a surprise for you, or did you invent him?

I think it's both. It is clear that in the beginning we were connected by love. But then, when he opened up, I fell in love with him even more. And so the good always goes with the bad together. It's like in a dish: a little salt, a little sugar, a little bitterness - for balance. It is clear that with a long conversation you will learn something and not the most pleasant. We are living people, not angels in the flesh. And since we are brought down to earth to become better, as I imagine, we must work on our souls. What are we here for? With some kind of talent, everyone fulfills his mission. Murat's mission is to be with me and help me.

Is that what you decided by default, or does he also think so?

He himself once said to me: “God sent me to you so that I would take care of you, because where are you without me ?!” It's on stage that I'm such a supergirl. In life, I’m not that helpless, I just love it when they open the door to me, give me a hand, I love it when they bring coffee to bed. This may be loved by many, but I really need it. ( Laughs.) On stage, I give a lot, and it is important for me that when I come home, there is native person surrounding me with warmth and care. I generally believe that a man plays in a woman's life key role. Because when there is a caring person nearby, worthy man then a woman can be beautiful. Even dresses fit well on her, because she does not get fat, so as not to disappoint her man.

And I, on the contrary, noticed that as soon as a girl gets married, she immediately gets into jeans, sneakers and stops using cosmetics. Why should she? She is no longer looking.

And what is the end of this relationship? It seems to me that a man should not like such a change. He married another, he chose her, she touched him. This image is now always with him, he wants to live with this image. I remember very well: when I gave birth to a daughter, Murat brought me my photo from Eurovision and said: “I want the one I took. Can it be like this? Can this picture be returned?

I wonder what you answered him?

She replied that I want that too. ( Laughs.) But you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty, so I began to work on myself. It was, of course, not easy, but it is even more difficult to keep fit every time, because there are many temptations around. This is a constant work, and an artist in general should not only keep the bar, but raise it a little, because there is already a queue behind you ... stage to be the best, the most beautiful. And for this you need to work, work, work.

You haven't starred with Sophia for glossy magazines for quite some time. What were you afraid of?

For example, on your shooting, and this was the second professional shooting in Sonya's life, there was such a moment. She says in my ear: “Mommy, you know, I like it better when I shoot alone.” ( Laughs.) She is in the spotlight, she is praised, she is told how beautiful she is. Sonechka is a coquette, she made eyes at your photographer, made everyone laugh, bathed in it, just like a real artist. For little man such things can be dangerous, so they should be dosed, I don’t want it to develop into some kind of narcissism when girls sleep with a mirror.

Children in early age very egocentric, they need not just attention, they need all the attention of their mother. How do you explain to her why you work so hard?

I constantly tell her that mommy works, that toys are bought with the money that mommy earns with hard work. I started to accustom her to work early too: “Collect the toys, then we will watch a cartoon.” It is very easy to spoil, especially since she is alone, it seems that she does not need to share with anyone. This is me from large family and I always knew that I could not eat all the raspberries, because, besides me, there are two more brothers. I want her to grow up a good man, it's important to me. I bring up in her kindness, empathy, mercy, but sometimes I am strict. I used to think that everything can be solved only with love, but no, sometimes discipline is needed. Sometimes you need to say that so that the child moves.

When does Sofia realize that her mother is no longer joking?

I have an intonation that she doesn't like. She even asks: "Don't talk to me so disgustingly." I very rarely turn on this intonation, it’s hard for me to leave later, I’m also emotional. But if this is not included, then you no longer exist - there is only she and her desires. I'm sure my personal experience help me bring out the best in her. Daughter should know that I am her best friend that I can tell everything. And for me it is also a school. Now I understand what a feat women with many children accomplish. My mother had three children, she was a single working mother. How is this possible?

Did you treat your mother differently when you yourself became a mother?

Of course, I am incredibly grateful to her for the fact that we grew up healthy, that we grew up, although not in abundance, but we had a mother, that our mother loved us. Until the age of six, she was there, it was then that I went to a boarding school, but it was a necessary measure. In the boarding school we had everything: food, clothes, and care was what could be in those conditions. At least we weren't outside.

You didn't rebel? Did you run away from boarding school?

No, I was interested there. You run away when you get bullied, and I was the school's favorite. Firstly, in the first grade, I immediately declared that I would be an artist, and began to participate in all amateur performances. I started to bring the first places to the school, and I was respected, loved.

And there was no envy?

Somehow strange, there was less envy and anger in the boarding school.

Maybe you just didn't pay attention to it?

Perhaps, but before, the children were kinder. In the boarding school, we were all united. What do we have to share? We all ate together, slept together, no one had anything. I knew that in a year I would be wearing the pants that a girl in a class above wears. There was some leveling in this need. But we soon realized that there is no value in things. Today I have one clothes, tomorrow I will have another.

Now is a completely different time: people suffer from materialism, fixated on prosperity. Sophia is brought up in different conditions than you were at the time.

Therefore, I inspire her that happiness is not in this, that matter cannot be higher than the soul. Every year we collect toys that she no longer plays with for those children who do not have toys. For her, of course, this is torture every time, from time to time she changes her mind, but more often I manage to convince her. Today, yes, everything has turned upside down in the world: we are told that the rich are better than the poor, that wealth is the main thing to strive for. But you should not strive for this, it will come to you by itself. The main thing is to be useful to the world, to do something, to create something, to be a person with whom everyone wants to do business. If you learn to love people for real, and everything will turn out great for you. Because... What is neighborly love? This means that you build relationships with a person on the principle of "he is you." Love your neighbor as yourself. And they will love you back too. Here Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy just called and said: “I wrote a song for you. I want to give it to you."

Miracles only happen to those who believe in them. Don't you think so?

I am absolutely sure that there are miracles, but they are not open to everyone. No need to pretend, you need to enjoy life, try to be a kind, bright person. This is also work. I came to this through my mistakes, analysis, work on myself. But it seems to me that this is the only correct form of existence - to be sincere, open, loving. Because if you behave differently, there is a danger of waking up in the morning and not finding people nearby. That is, they may be, and even a lot, but they will be as fake as the feelings that you express. As long as you have money, recognition, then friends are around ... But sometimes it happens that suddenly there are no friends, no one calls.

Have you had such a moment, or is it just your inference?

There was a moment in my life when I experienced this feeling. It was my birthday the day before and a large number of friends congratulated me with the words: “You are incredible. I am your friend and you can always rely on me." And then some inexplicable misunderstanding happened, when some labels were undeservedly hung on me, and many “friends” turned away from me. I had to make excuses all the time. Although for what? For the fact that I took the position of tolerance, love for everyone without exception, for the fact that I do not divide people according to national characteristics, skin color, religion ... This is where the moment of truth came: I, as it were, became a little unprofitable for friendship . Those people who were with me yesterday and told me how incredible I am, immediately disappeared. And if they just disappeared. These people started talking nasty things about me. I looked at this new reality for me and did not understand anything. How? For what? What I did to you? And they succumbed to some kind of excitement ... But I was able to see real faces people as if they had taken off their masks. How would I know they were wearing masks? It's a shame that I still can't understand how I offended them.

Didn't hurt anything. It’s just that you are successful and beautiful, everything is fine in your life. You judge by yourself, but people are different. Anger, envy - it's from inferiority.

Yes, I agree, you need to be a holistic person in order to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Apparently, this was my price for success, apparently, I flew high, I felt what I had achieved, I got off the ground. ( Smiling.) But now I have with me those people who stayed close these days. I say at almost all my concerts: "Good always triumphs over evil." I believe in it, it guides me through life. Because once upon a time I could only dream that a small part of what happened in my life would really happen. When I recently went on stage in St. Petersburg, David Foster, a sixteen-time Grammy winner, the author of the song I Will Always Love You, accompanied me, and I sang this song on stage. If they told me, a little girl from the city of Kitsman, “The world star David Foster will play for you, and you will sing a Whitney Houston song on stage”, I would go crazy.

But you announced to everyone in the first class that you would sing. So it was in you.

It's just the power of desire. I believed in it and went to it, worked hard for this. Sometimes they say to me: “You just got lucky. I don’t have those conditions right from the start.” What kind of conditions? We must tear, go forward, believe in your dream. And people give up, give up, feel sorry for themselves. Do you have arms and legs? What's wrong? Live, work, achieve - opportunities are given to everyone. How much would a blind person give for sight!

You have concerts in London scheduled for November. The desire to perform in the British capital came from you, or were you invited?

It was our desire, we turned to partners, and they believed in this idea. Yes, this is an amazing event for which we are specially preparing. On November 26 on the Troxy stage I will show a full-fledged show "Carolina" with 3D graphics, ballet, musicians, various tricks, disappearances... Before London, we will show this program in St. Petersburg on November 10. In general, this year was successful for us: we traveled across America, were in Germany, in Spain, in the south of Russia, in the Baltic states. Soon London. And today I am close to my cherished goal - to perform at the best venues in the world. I want to go on stage at Madison Square Garden...

And one day win a Grammy?

Yes, but first I would like to sing a cool song that would touch hearts, and as a result - get a Grammy. Because I have enough figurines. I don’t want candy right away, I want to do something so that the candy becomes a reward.

Your horoscope is Libra. Do you often manage to find balance in life?

The moments when I achieve absolute harmony are very rare. But maybe this is life, because I'm never bored, I'm always in a state of search, overcoming the situation. But there is no aggression in me, I am an understanding person. It is easy for people with me, because I always try to get into a position, to understand. But! Recently, I came to the conclusion that only “my” people should be with me: those who share my values ​​and views. Everything should be for love: work, children, and life. That's the beauty of it. Let it be an illusion, an ideal... if everything was for love, how beautiful our world would be. But you create your own happiness. If today you are not where you would like to be, the answer must be sought in yourself. So go ahead and start today. I believe in it, I live it.

Style: Polina Shabelnikova. Hairstyles: Natalia Fomicheva

She admitted that she dreams of performing again at the largest venues in Ukraine and is even making plans for this. She also promised to release several songs in Ukrainian.

With the greatest pleasure I return to Ukraine, to Kyiv. This is my homeland, which I loved, love and will love. It is impossible to describe this feeling in words, because this music of love sounds inside you. My concerts and tours in my native country are always a special feeling, and today I really miss this, I miss the Ukrainian stage and the audience. I would like the final concerts of my show "Carolina" to be held in Kyiv - we are now thinking about it.

She grows up as a musical girl and constantly shows her artistic nature. She is open, attentive to everyone and loves people very much. Murat and I even sometimes make remarks to her that she loves them too much. Everyone who comes to our house, everyone we see at meetings, Sofia wants to hug and kiss. "Sonechka, you can't do that!" - "But what can I do, I love people so much!" She is a man-sun, she always wants to give gifts to everyone, she warms everyone with her warmth. It is too early to think about what profession my daughter will choose - for now we are just watching her and giving her the opportunity to enjoy the joys of a simple childhood, which, unfortunately, I myself did not have. She shows talents in all areas - she solves mathematical problems that are difficult for her age, she has a well-developed logic, she continues to learn three languages.

In addition, Ani Lorak, who delights fans and told how she manages to stay in perfect shape.

Without internal discipline and willpower, breakdowns would be inevitable! Every morning starts with a workout. I also monitor nutrition and purity of thoughts (a healthy body is good, but one cannot do without inner work). Well, of course, I'm a living person, I can be lazy, feel an irresistible desire to eat "Napoleon" late in the evening, fried potatoes, a piece of salsa. The main thing is to find a balance between the streams of desires and clearly prioritize. I have a priority to be healthy and slim, which I clearly follow. Two or three times a week I try to go to the gym to give strength training to areas that are especially important for girls.

Ani Lorak was so frank in a new interview. And we recall that recently.