Human Meat Dish by Mao Sugiyama

Taste qualities human meat

human meat- is practically not used in the human diet due to moral and ethical considerations, although cannibalism still exists in some tribes.

It is not possible to legally purchase fresh meat in almost any country in the world. However, there are exceptions, in 2012 the Japanese Mao Sugiyama cooked a dish from his own genitals and posted a sale announcement on Twitter. In February 2014, the Nigerian police closed a restaurant serving human meat dishes, according to the Daily Mirror.


Human meat tastes like pork. According to other descriptions - a cross between beef and veal. Polynesian and Colombian natives called him "long pig". In Germany, the criminal cannibal Miewes was interviewed, where he said: "The meat tastes like regular pork, a little bitter and tougher. It is quite tasty." In the 1920s, a German couple serial killers for a long time sold human flesh as pork.

In 1981, Japanese Issei Sagawa partially ate a Dutch student. Now he is already at large and in an interview he said that human meat practically does not smell, but if the opportunity arises, he would not refuse to try the meat of a Japanese woman.

Food and dietary supplements

Human tissues and organs are included in the list of plants and products of their processing, objects of animal origin, microorganisms, fungi and biologically active substances, prohibited for use as part of dietary supplements for food, introduced by the decision of the Commission Customs Union dated 04/07/2011N 622, as amended. decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of 09.12.2011 N 889.

The nutritional value

Human meat contains all the necessary amino acids in optimal ratios rich in vitamins and minerals. Calorie content depends on the fat content, ranging from 250 to 450 kcal per 100 g, there are quite a few carbohydrates, about 20% fast protein, fat content varies widely depending on the constitution and lifestyle of the individual.


The natives most often consume human meat in a fried form. Optimum temperature for baking in the oven 150-200 degrees. Get good reviews stews with potatoes. Raw consumption is not recommended.

Certified Dietitian Dr. Jim Stoppani. states that the most useful part is the brain and muscles. Muscles are a complete source of protein, while the brain is rich in phospholipids and many other nutrients.


The kidneys and liver contain quite a lot of toxins and metabolic products, so they should also not be included in the diet.

The city of Nizhnyaya Tura near Yekaterinburg. While playing in the swamp, local kids found a dismembered human body here. Moreover, the head, torso, arms and legs were placed in separate packages.

The police soon identified the victim. It turned out to be a local, previously convicted, 34-year-old resident Oleg T.

According to preliminary data, on August 16, during the joint drinking of alcoholic beverages, one of the suspects stabbed a Nizhneturinian, from which the latter died. In order to hide the traces of the crime, the attackers butchered the body, took it out of the house and threw it into the swamp. However, after the murder of the man, the criminals recorded a video in which they showed the process of dismembering his corpse. They joke and laugh at the same time. It is also assumed that at the time of the crime, young people were under the influence of drugs.

A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the murder.

Video source:

This step-by-step instruction how to cut a person into pieces of meat suitable for consumption. As in any other field, these are just some of the methods, so you can consider this opus more as advice than as a direct guide to action. You will notice that the practice of cutting up the "major" parts of the body into more specific (small) cuts will only be mentioned in passing. There will also be almost no mention of the use of entrails and fat, which is left to the most sophisticated cooks. These pieces, along with recipes and cooking suggestions, are almost endless in variations, so we leave that to you. We decided that these instructions are easy and clear, but always remember that there is always room for your imagination.

Before proceeding to the main part, it should be noted that cutting a human carcass requires a lot of effort, space and time. If the reader does not wish to mess with a whole carcass, then The best decision for him is this: just cut off one or both legs just below the groin. After refreshing these parts, it is enough to cut them into chops (thickness at the whim of the cook). And here you have ready-made material for several dinners, without much fuss and fuss.
A human being (also referred to in culinary history as a long pig or hairless goat, in reference to younger individuals) is very rarely seen as a source of food. Looking at the human structure and skeleton, one can see that the animal is not designed to be raised for meat, a person cannot give as much meat in percentage terms as a pig or a cow can give (for example, for 1000 pounds of total weight from several carcasses, you get only 432 pounds of meat fit for consumption.The complex structure of the pelvis and the wide shoulder blade prevent the separation of fine cuts.An advantage is expressed in another way, an individual weighing 100-200 pounds can be easily butchered alone by a person with good training.
Here you should remember the warnings in choosing your meal. It is VERY IMPORTANT to remember that animals raised for slaughter are kept in artificial conditions and their diet is carefully regulated. Things are different with humans. The bottom line is not only that each person has his own, special taste, in addition, a person is also an object huge amount various diseases, contagion, chemical imbalances, as well as bad habits, and with age, things get worse and worse. Also, with age, human meat loses tenderness, it becomes fibrous and tough. For animals, the ideal slaughter age is 6-13 months. In choosing a person, it is worth adhering to the fact that you need a young, but physically formed individual, undoubtedly, with good health. Not a large number of fat, even desirable, from it the meat becomes juicy. The best choice- male 20-30 years old, no nationality special significance, all at your discretion. The butcher will need quite a lot of space to work, best in indoors, and a large table for direct cutting. The hook or any other device for hanging the carcass must be fixed in advance. Large basins or tanks for blood and excess parts should be at hand, as well as a source of water. For work you will need short and long, sharp knives, an ax or a cleaver and a hacksaw.
Body preparation: The choice of object depends entirely on your taste. For best results a healthy and fresh person is required. A live person before butchering is best, however, it is not always possible to have one at hand. If possible, make sure that the subject does not eat for 48 hours, but can drink enough. Due to this, most of the toxins will be removed from the body, bleeding will also occur more easily. Ideally, you should unexpectedly stun a person. A quick, short blow to the head is best, tranquilizers are best avoided as they can affect the flavor of the meat. If this is not possible without arousing the animal or causing it to react (which will cause too high blood pressure and too much adrenaline in the blood), a single bullet to the center of the forehead or to the back of the head will be quite convenient.
Hanging: Once an animal is stunned or dead, it can be hung. First raise your legs, then your arms, your head should hang down all the time. This is called the "Gain Configuration". The carcass can be tied with ordinary ropes to a beam under the ceiling. Or, by making an incision behind the Achilles tendon, you can hang the carcass on a special butcher hook by the ankles. The legs should be spread slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms should go strictly parallel to the legs. This will simplify access to the pelvis and hands, after gutting it can be easily removed. IN the best option feet should be slightly higher than the butcher's head.
Bleeding: Place a large, open vessel under the animal's head. Run a long knife down the neck from ear to ear, just below the jaw. This will open the internal and external arteries, including the carotid artery, the main blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the head, face, and brain. If the animal is not already dead, it will be a quick death and the blood will be able to come out of the carcass. After the first strong onslaught of arterial blood, the blood can be channeled and drained. The flow can be controlled by massaging towards the incision or by pushing and releasing, "rocking", the abdomen. An adult should contain about six liters of blood. There is no purpose for this substance unless some ritual awaits sacrificial blood. Blood works great as an emetic when a person is drunk, however it should be noted that it is possible to accidentally stumble upon an HIV-infected person, so it is strongly advised not to use blood unless you know for sure that the person is completely healthy. Nothing is known about how the cooked flesh of an HIV-infected person affects the body, one way or another, it is better to double-check.
Decapitation: As soon as the bleeding can slow down, proceed to decapitation. Continue the throat incision along the length of the larynx, right under the jawline, to the back of the head. Once all the muscles have been cut, it is fashionably easy to remove the head by taking it with both hands and pulling it towards you, twisting it slightly. Other parts of the body should be removed in the same way: first, an incision with a knife to the bone, then a hacksaw. Keeping the skull as a trophy is undesirable, for two main reasons. First: the skull may cause unnecessary suspicion to its new owner. Secondly, cleaning the skull is very difficult due to the large brain mass, which is difficult to remove without opening the skull. The brain is not very good for consumption. If you still decide to leave the skull, here are a couple of tips: the most effective way is to remove the tongue, remove the skin from the eyes and, putting the skull in a cage, put it on nature. The cage allows small scavengers like ants and ground beetles to freely peel off the flesh from the skull, and the cage also prevents large scavengers like dogs and children from carrying the skull away. After the main cleaning, you can simply boil your trophy to remove the remaining bits of flesh.
Skinning: After removing the head, thoroughly wash the rest of the body. Due to the fact that there is no open market for the sale of human skin, there is no particular need to remove it in one big piece, thanks to this fact this stage of work is not very difficult. The skin is basically big organ and by removing it, you not only expose the muscle mass you need, you also remove all the hairline and tiny, unpleasant glands that produce sweat. For this operation, you will need a knife with a short blade so as not to damage the muscles and entrails. The skin consists of two layers: the first, thinner, covering the second, thicker layer. When skinning, always examine the surface to be sure you don't cut too deep. Separate pieces of skin along the line of muscles, separate slowly, not in large pieces that are easy to handle. Pull the skin back a little with one hand, and with the other, slowly, holding the knife at a right angle to the skin, remove the connective tissue. The genitals are not particularly difficult to process. In the male, it is necessary to cut off the penis and testicles, and in the female, it is enough to simply remove the anterior labia. It is very important at this stage not to touch the anus, leaving a circle of skin around it. It is not necessary to burden yourself with skinning the palm and foot, unless you are going to make soup from these parts. The skin can be thrown away or made into greaves.
Evisceration: next important step carcass gutting. To begin, make a deep incision from the central part of the solar plexus, at a point between the central part of the ribs and the abdomen, almost to the anus. Be very careful if you accidentally cause a bowel contraction, the surrounding area will be contaminated with bacteria and feces (if this happens, everything must be carefully cleaned up). Good way avoid this: stick a knife in abdominal cavity, blade towards you and slowly make a cut on yourself.
Make an incision around the anus and tie it to the string. This will also avoid contamination from faeces that may have been in the intestines. Cut the pubic bone with a hacksaw. Bottom part the carcass is now completely open and you can start cleansing the body from the internal organs and cut off the unnecessary mass from inside ink.
For the upper body, first cut the diaphragm from the inside of the carcass. This is the muscular membrane that divides the upper, or thoracic, and lower abdominal cavities. Remove the breastbone by cutting off the ribs from the sides to the collarbones. Some prefer to cut straight down the middle, it depends on what kind of pieces you want to end up with. Now you can remove the heart and lungs, then cut the pharynx to remove the larynx and trachea. As soon as everything internal organs removed, you can remove the remaining blood vessels or remaining pieces of connective tissue from the inside of the carcass, then rinse thoroughly.
Removal of hands: Now it's time to move on to the actual cutting of the carcass. Cut the arm from the armpit to the shoulder and remove the arm bone from the humerus, collarbone and shoulder blade. Break off your palm two centimeters above your wrist. Here, the bulk of the meat is concentrated between the elbow and shoulder, there are more muscle groups, and there are two bones in the forearm, which makes it difficult to separate the meat from the bones. Another way to separate is to cut off the deltoid muscle from the upper arm, near the shoulder (leaving it attached to the body) before removing the penis. This reduces the amount of meat available for consumption, but makes it easier to remove the meat from the shoulder. This is entirely a matter of personal preference. Cut off the unnecessary forearm and now two pieces of meat, from each hand, are ready to eat. Human flesh must always be properly and well cooked before consumption.
Butchering the Torso: You can now butcher the main part of the body. Some prefer to cut the body straight down the spine from the cervical vertebrae to the buttocks. This leaves intact that part of the muscles that cover the ends of the ribs. Anyway, this part is very difficult to carve, since the meat is very tight to the bone, so it will be more profitable (if at all) to cook soup from it.
Body Bifurcation: Carcass halves can now be placed on a cutting table if it is long enough. If, nevertheless, there is not enough space, you can cut the carcass in two between chest and pelvis. Now it's time to think about how you want to cook the flesh, because it depends on which parts you should cut off. It also depends on the physical condition of the individual you have chosen. First, cut off the feet at a point 10 centimeters above the ankle. In the place where the leg connects to the foot, the bones are very thick. Now you should divide the meat into two main portions: the ribs and shoulder, and the pelvis and leg. The pieces near the belly can go for fillets or steaks if the carcass is fat enough, if not, then the place can be made into bacon if thinly sliced. Thin and wide pieces of flesh can be rolled up and fried afterwards as a side dish. Decide if you want to use a steak rump and cut it accordingly.
Cutting the top half: You can cut off the neck, or you can leave it in place. The first major step in this part is the separation of the scapula and collarbone. The best and easiest way that we have found is to remove the shoulder blade along the contour, cutting off small pieces of meat. To remove the clavicle, you just need to make a few cuts along the bone and pull it out. Depending on the development of the chest, you may find it to be a tidbit, but it should be removed before cutting the ribs. It is most convenient to cut the ribs in two and remove one by one. It is preferable to make a barbecue from this part, but if there is enough muscle mass, you can make steaks from it.
Cutting the lower part: The main part of the meat is located here, a person is an upright animal. The greatest muscle mass on the legs and in the rump. The pieces here are so large that there are simply no boundaries for the imagination of culinary delights. Are the main parts here? Buttock or rump, and upper leg or thigh. Our cutting process is as follows: first separate the leg, in the upper part of the buttocks and then remove the patella and all the muscle mass, next to it. Anyway, before that, you may want to remove the shank, because that's the best part. The thigh can now be used in any variation, thick, round steaks are highly recommended. The rump should be separated from the pelvis by a triangular incision. The legs are snug at the thigh in front, so there will be a slight hedge when you cut along the curve of the pelvis. The remaining meat will be on the thighs, in front of the pelvis. That's all.
A medium-sized freezer is enough to store meat. Waste and other unnecessary parts should either be buried or fed to animals. Bones, after baking them in the oven, will be crumbly, so they can simply be sprayed.

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