Small predators are great lovers of feasting on poultry, and often farmers are faced with sad cases of raids on chicken coops. The ferret, penetrating the barn at night, strangles and eats birds, chickens, chickens and even geese. Weasels, martens and ermines also occasionally hunt them. They live mainly in swampy areas, as well as in forests and fields. Small predators destroy rodents in the field, bringing great benefits to farmers. In turn, wolves and foxes feed on weasel and ferret.

Ferrets are very dangerous for chickens.

ferret behavior

If a ferret or a marten is noticed near the farm - expect trouble. During the hunt, small predators behave very carefully, so it is almost impossible to take them by surprise. If on a winter morning the owner of the chicken coop discovers peculiar traces in the courtyard, the so-called "two points", then the day before an uninvited guest was hosting here. Moving by jumps, these predators leave marks on the snow, by which it is easy to determine what kind of animal visited. In the weasel, the distance between the tracks is 20-30 cm, in the marten 30-40, and in the ferret about 50-60.

The forest ferret inflicts the most damage on bird farms. great harm. He is distinguished by cruelty and bloodthirstiness. Having a relatively small size (30-45 cm), it is capable of tearing apart and destroying so many poultry How much power is enough for him.

Chicken coop after a predator visit

The ferret attacks and crushes its prey with its paws and then eats it. It mainly prefers small chicken, but most of the prey is made up of chickens. A lot of birds remain untouched after him. A ferret can only eat one or two carcasses at a time. Catching its victims, the predator does not eat their head, it bites it off. The delicate tissues of the head quickly rot and spoil the whole bird's carcass.

Weasel and marten behavior

To get rid of petting in the chicken coop, you need to know a few facts about this animal and understand the reason for its penetration to poultry.

Weasel, like the ferret, is a merciless and cunning animal that eats domestic animals. You need to have considerable dexterity to catch affection. For a human, this is almost impossible. Despite her cute appearance, she ferociously strangles and tears her prey to shreds. After she is sated, up to several dozen headless chickens or chickens remain in the barn.

Weasels rarely raid a chicken coop. She mainly eats rats and mice. Only in the absence of this food, she begins to hunt for poultry. In villages, there are cases when she sneaks into people's houses and attacks cats and dogs. The weasel has very sharp, needle-like teeth, so it can easily kill a small goose or chicken.

Weasel is difficult to see and catch. With the help of traps, this mission can be completed quite effectively.

Marten - the enemy of chickens

The marten is a beautiful nocturnal predator, the owner of natural grace and well-developed dexterity. This animal has long been credited with mystical and supernatural properties, thanks to the ability to make lightning attacks on its prey, and then quickly run away. Habitat - deciduous and coniferous forests where the marten eats small birds, squirrels and rats. Leads a predominantly nomadic lifestyle. During the period of birth and feeding of her cubs, she settles in the hollows of trees or among the roots of old trees.

Usually the marten eats rodents and small birds, in rare cases it can catch a hare or black grouse. If there are villages with chicken coops near the forest, the animal may well become an uninvited guest there and feast on poultry. Making her way into the sheds or dwellings of a person, she first crushes and gnaws the throat of her victim, and then eats it. It is quite difficult to catch a marten in a chicken coop on your own due to the speed of its movements and dexterity. You will need specially equipped traps and traps.

Ways to get into the chicken coop

How these petty robbers get into sheds and chicken coops: it's all about the cracks and crevices formed in the foundation and walls of the premises.

The chicken house must be strengthened so that the enemies cannot climb

Anatomy allows these animals to squeeze through even very small openings. In the old, rotten walls of barns, it will not be difficult for a ferret to gnaw through rotten boards and get inside. They also use existing mouse holes. If there is not a single gap and there is no way to create a tunnel, the animal makes its way inside through the vent or independently digs a path under the chicken coop with claws and sharp fangs.

To prevent forest animals from sneaking into the room, all cracks and holes in the walls need to be repaired, and a grid should be installed in the ventilation system. When building a new house for chickens, geese and ducks, strong walls without cracks are very important, and the foundation must be made somewhat thicker than usual so that the animal does not make its way from the floor.

Protection methods

Getting rid of weasels and other pests is not so difficult. You just need to know the principle of operation of traps and make traps that will allow you to avoid the death of poultry in time. In order not to go broke after the raids of insidious ferrets and martens, people have come up with a lot of ways to catch them since ancient times.

To catch them yourself, you only need a few simple items:

  • large bucket;
  • ferret bait;
  • two liter bottle. Then a trap is made, for the manufacture of which you will need:
  • cut off the top and bottom of the plastic bottle;
  • at one end, a bait is set from those products that the predator eats.

Traps and traps can be used to fight predators.

  • a piece of pork or lamb is perfect for this, as fresh meat emits a characteristic smell and is an accessible prey;
  • in the place where the animal was often seen, a chair is placed on which the bottle is placed so that the bait is on the edge of the chair;
  • then a bucket is placed under the chair, with the expectation of catching the ferret when it falls off the chair;
  • on the bucket you need to fix the lid so that at the slightest vibration of the bucket it falls from above and closes the opening of the bucket.

After the trap is set, all that remains is to wait for the new visit of the intruder and hope that the trick will work. When the ferret picks up a piece of meat, its body weight will outweigh the bottle, and it will fall into the trap. It is important to hear the noise in time and have time to tightly fix the lid. After that, the caught pest is taken away from the dwelling and released into the wild.

Large mousetraps, which are usually used to catch rats, will help keep the ferret away from the chicken coop. Having previously placed the meat there, the mousetrap is placed in the most visible place. Weasel and ferret quickly fall into such a trap.

Types of traps

To get rid of small pests and successfully deal with them, several types of traps were created, which are used to firmly hold the beast. They give a high guarantee and are plate and frame. When the animal gets into it, with the help of springs and plates, the device tightly pinches the neck and paws, completely immobilizing it. There are times when an animal runs away with a trap. To prevent this from happening, it must be tightly attached.

For petting, frame devices are used, which are relatively smaller than plate devices designed for large predators. The cunning animal is able to gnaw through the canvas, which serves as the basis of the trap, and escape.

To ensure that the ferret in the chicken coop remains only a bad memory, when building a farm, it is important to adhere to all safety rules and build rooms strong and without gaps.

Predators are different. Many believe that this order of mammals is limited to tigers, brown bears, wolves and other large creatures of the animal world. However, the world of carnivores also exists in a smaller version. Weasels, weasels, ferrets or martens are predatory animals in miniature.

With the onset of cold weather, many farmers are faced with the problem of attacks by small robbers on chicken coops, cases of weasel attacks are especially frequent. How to get rid of affection and protect your pets is an urgent problem and, fortunately, easily resolved.

These petty farmland thieves are excellent hunters and love flesh: two distinctive molars in the jaw, designed to cut meat, speak for themselves. Raiding a nearby chicken coop is a trifling matter for them. Moreover, the methods they choose are not the most humane: a ferret, for example, climbs into a poultry house under cover of night and, despite its small size - only 50 cm in length, can easily strangle a chicken or even a goose. The raids of representatives of the marten family, to which these half-meter creatures belong, become more frequent with the onset of cold weather, but also in summer time years, this problem is topical.

Before you protect your pets, you should make a detailed dossier on the representative of this huge family. Kuni - a family very rich in different kinds, in the center of which is the European pine marten. Mink, grison, ferret skunk, badger, wolverine, otter, weasel, ermine - not a complete list of these nimble and agile inhabitants of forests, fields and swamps. Russian farmers most often encounter weasel attacks.

Weasel: habits and body features

This representative of marten is characterized by:

  • small growth;
  • short paws with 5 fingers;
  • elongated body;
  • thin and thick hair;
  • the ability to exist for a long period of time without personal housing;
  • quickly getting used to the closeness of a person and, ultimately, the loss of fear of him.

Before choosing ways to deal with a ruthless hunter, you should study its features and habits. This cute animal proudly bears the title of the smallest mammalian predator:

  • male body length: 16 - 26 cm;
  • female body length: 11 - 21 cm;
  • male weight: up to 250 g;
  • female weight: up to 100 g;
  • male tail length: up to 8 cm;
  • female tail length: up to 6 cm.

Despite the grace inherent in complexion, their neck is quite massive. The muzzle is small, narrowed, and the ears, on the contrary, are so round that they are not directed upwards. Some zoologists note a slight identity with the snake: swift movements, great mobility and the ability to overcome most geographical obstacles. With the onset of cold weather, the animal's coat thickens and changes its color from brown to white, which allows the predator to remain invisible in the snow. AT warm time year, the brown color returns, and the fur thins. Weasel is sometimes mistaken for an ermine: the differences between these species are poorly identified, but still there.

Differences between weasels and stoats

In addition to the black brush on the tail of the stoat, each species has its own characteristics.

FurPractically not of interest to huntersHighly valued in the fur industry
DimensionsSlightly smaller stoatThe larger individuals
TailThin, no black tassel at the endThicker and longer
Features of the dietAT winter time experiencing a shortage of food resourcesNot picky about food, can even eat insects

The weasel, unlike the ermine, has a rather uneven distribution, which narrows its prey search area for it. However, unlike the stoat, small size body makes her more mobile and gives her superiority in tracking and catching forest trophies. On the other hand, a fine texture determines a more saturated energy exchange.

In a disadvantageous period in terms of food availability, the stoat demonstrates high adaptive abilities and is able to comfortably exist with a small concentration of animals that it can catch. In taste preferences he is less whimsical compared to affection. Bird, fish, insects - he can eat everything that falls under his paw, so he cannot be called a gourmet.

What is the danger of affection

In order to find the answer to the question of how to neutralize a weasel or marten, for example, it is necessary to understand the degree of threat they pose.

This animal, like the ferret, belongs to the category of cruel and ferocious predators who love to feast on domestic animals. Why waste time and energy looking for food in the forest when you can sneak around and treat yourself to plenty of “free” food.

It is impossible to catch these cunning thieves on your own, without the use of improvised means. They are too fast, agile and maneuverable. Do not be deceived by their cute triangular faces: in a fit of hunger, they are able to tear their prey into small pieces. What can be dangerous caress : to satisfy her need for food, she is not limited to one bird. Her appetite is so great that after she finishes her meal, up to several dozen headless birds can remain in the house. However, she does not often commit such carnage, preferring to make do with mice and rats, which are much easier to get. He decides on such dubious actions only if there is no more suitable food in the area.

If the animal is completely distraught from lack of food, it may even enter the house and attack a small cat or dog. Weasel teeth are very sharp, which allows her to easily kill individuals larger than herself.

Signs of the appearance of an uninvited guest

Weasel, seen near the poultry house, is a harbinger of the imminent death of pets. Opening the hunting season, she displays skillful tracking tactics and excellent knowledge of camouflage. Considering the fact that, like a ferret, it is impossible to surprise her, you should prepare for defense.

With the first snow falling, it is quite easy to detect signs of the appearance of intruders. Animals leave specific two-point tracks: they move by jumping, after which characteristic marks appear on the snow surface. By the distance between the paw prints, you can calculate what kind of mustelids visited:

  • weasel - 20-30 cm;
  • marten - 30-40 cm;
  • ferret - 50-60 cm.

As practice shows, it is the ferret that causes the greatest damage to farmers, because compared to other family members, it is the most bloodthirsty and ruthless.

Ways to get into the chicken coop

It is not difficult to guess which path the little bandits choose for their bloody intervention. To enter the house, they use any available slot. Cracks in the foundation, gaps invisible to the eye - all this becomes a potential entrance to the chicken abode.

Due to their physiology and small size, even small openings become for them the door to gastronomic paradise. If the walls of the room do not contain holes, but are rotten under the influence of time and humidity, the animals can easily gnaw through the damp boards.

Since petty robbers have learned to use mouse holes as tunnels leading to a chicken coop, the solution to the problem of how to get rid of weasel in the yard , becomes as important as the safety of the poultry house itself. Even if there are no cracks or holes in the surrounding area, weasel can enter through the ventilation system or, in last resort, will dig on their own: the sharp fangs and claws of the animal allow this manipulation to be carried out as soon as possible.

For safety reasons, each square meter poultry house and, if necessary, patch all openings and cover the ventilation system with a mesh. When designing a house for birds, one should take into account the fact that the foundation must be made thick in order to avoid the penetration of animals through holes.

How to catch a weasel: ways to catch small predators from a chicken coop

Bird house robbers are not so difficult to catch: knowing the habits and addictions, you can weaken their onslaught. For centuries, farmers have used traps and other traps to trap small predators.

Homemade devices

How to get rid of affection - quite simply! To do this, you need only a few items that are always at hand.

Setting up a homemade weasel trap

1 It is necessary to cut off the bottom and top of the bottle.
2 At one of its ends, you should install bait in the form of one of the mustelids' favorite products: a piece of fresh lamb or pork meat will be an excellent bait, since they will not be able to resist the strong smell of blood emanating from it.
3 In the place where traces of the animal were found, a chair should be placed.
4 Place the bottle on the edge of a chair.
5 It is necessary to put a bucket under the chair, into which the beast tempted by the bait should fall. At the same time, the lid from it should be fixed so that it slams shut at the slightest hesitation.

It is important not to miss the moment when the animal falls into a trap in order to have time to fix the bucket lid in time. Otherwise, the animal can get out of it and all the efforts aimed at solving the problem: how to catch and get rid of weasel in the hen house , will be in vain.

It doesn't matter how the predator was captured, after catching it, it should be released away from its site.

Large size mousetraps

Continues the list of items that help in solving the issue: what to do so that the weasel does not climb into your chicken coop, a large mousetrap.

It is difficult to find an animal that would not be trapped containing a delicious piece of meat. Zürner's rat trap is very popular with farmers.

Prices for repellers and traps for birds and rodents

Repellers and traps for birds and rodents

You can buy it in the store: the average market value is 1200 rubles, or make it yourself. The manufacturing process is quite simple and does not require large financial costs. It is a small but roomy box made of boards. The peculiarity of this trap is in the bridges connecting 2 windows located parallel to each other. They form a solid corridor hanging in the air. Above the cover of the device, metal hooks with bait are installed, located above the point of adhesion of two bridges. The animal climbs onto the bridge in order to swallow the bait and falls into the box.


As a preventive measure, you can try to scare off an uninvited predator. Works well for this purpose. electronic repeller, which should be placed in the poultry house or in the area adjacent to it.

Prices for various types of electronic rodent repellers

Electronic repeller

The device emits signals at low purity, provoking panic attacks in animals and a desire to get out of the territory as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, you can install a flashlight with a built-in motion sensor that will respond to the approach of intruders with noise and sound warnings.

Folk methods

Protection measures against the little robber can be quite simple. For example, effective tool considered to be tar. Rural farmers believe that walls plastered with this resinous product will give off a smell that repels caresses. However, this method is rather dubious: the weasel can get into the chicken coop through the roof or dig a hole, thus not touching the walls.

Types of traps for fishing

To understand how to get rid of weasels, you should familiarize yourself with a method that has been worked out for centuries: setting a trap.

Traps of this kind are very effective in pest control. They are available price category: depending on the modification, the cost ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles. The following types of trace traps are used, which are the most common group:

  • plate;
  • framework.

Basically, they are fixed on the path trodden by a predator. There are 3 types of plate type:

  • with internal spring;
  • with a cross;
  • without a cross.

The most versatile among them is a trap with a cross.

Frame traps are also found in several varieties: The base of such traps can be:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • rectangular.

They are used in conditions where it is quite problematic to catch an animal.

At that moment, when the animal falls into the trap, the springs firmly fix its neck and paws, preventing it from moving. To catch the weasel, mainly frame options are used, since they are smaller and more efficient compared to plate ones designed for larger animals.

Strengthening the chicken coop from a predator

Prices for chicken coops for birds

chicken coops

If there is no time and desire to purchase funds that will tell you how to get rid of affection in the chicken coop , you should turn the house into an impregnable fortress and cover up any cracks and holes. It is also necessary to acquire good security: a competent, trained dog will be an excellent guardian that protects against any attacks of predators. It is recommended to surround the poultry house and the walking area with flat slabs in order to prevent undermining. Make sure that there are no empty boxes or other objects in the surrounding area that can serve as a hiding place for predators.

The dog is a good protector of birds

If you take timely measures to protect and protect pets, you can avoid significant losses of livestock, and not face the need for contact with predatory representatives of the marten family.

Video - Trap for ferrets, martens, weasels, rats

Weasel - a little brave robber

Weasel, or common weasel(from lat. Mustela nivalis) - predatory mammal mustelidae family, species of the genus weasel and ferret (Mustela). In the CIS, 8 subspecies of the common weasel are distinguished:

Northern weasel Mustela nivalis nivalis - lives in the northern and middle parts of Eastern Europe, in the steppes of Western Siberia and from southern Siberia to the Pacific Ocean.

Southern weasel M. n. vulgaris is common in Western Europe and in the southern part of the former USSR, with the exception of Crimea.

Crimean weasel M. n. nikolskii inhabits the Crimea and adjacent parts of Ukraine.

Greater Caucasian weasel M. n. dinniki and the lesser Caucasian weasel M. n. caucasica are characteristic of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

Turkestan weasel M. n. pallida lives in the mountains Central Asia, in the Tien Shan, Pamir and Kopet-Dag.

Siberian (tundra) weasel M. n. pygmaea - inhabits Far East Russia. She is very small in size with a short tail. The summer fur on the back is pale brownish, with a dull rusty tint.

From Latin weasel is translated as "snowy". It comes from the Slavic laska "love, affection". Akin to bald - "affectionate, flattering, greedy, greedy for goodies." Further here lat. Lasc-vus - “frisky, playful; unbridled, voluptuous."

It lives on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Range Europe, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Asia Minor, northern Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Mongolia, China, Korean Peninsula, Japan, North America, Australia. Lives in fields and forests, in mountainous and low-lying areas, not avoiding populated areas. Settles under stones, in hollows, ruins, burrows, barns.

Weasel is the smallest representative of the order of carnivores. Body length 10-25 cm, tail about 5 cm. Weasel weighs 50-100 grams. The weasel's body is thin, flexible, elongated, with very short legs armed with sharp claws. On a long powerful neck, an oblong narrow head, with small rounded ears. The weasel has a pretty, blunted muzzle, a sharp mustachioed nose at the end of a blunt and slightly forked, eyes shining like beads. The tail is short, at the base there are musky glands that emit an unpleasant odor. The structure of a long, flexible body and the color of the fur are very similar to the ermine, but it differs in small sizes and a shorter one-color tail; it does not have a black tassel on the tail.

The weasel's fur is short and tight. The density of fur in summer and winter is the same, but summer wool is shorter and thinner than winter. Summer weasel fur from dark brown to baked milk color. The throat, chest, belly, edge of the upper lip and the inner surface of the legs are pure white. Behind the corners of the mouth - a sharp border of dark spots. In autumn, in cold areas, the weasel changes its summer brown outfit for snow-white winter fur, only the eyes and nose remain black. Only in the southern areas of habitat, where there is very little snow, the animal does not change its coat color.

Weasel fur, unlike many other mustelids, has no industrial and hunting value, so it is not currently hunted. Weasels only accidentally fall into traps or traps when catching other animals - ermines, polecats, minks, moles. Earlier, in the post-war period of the 20th century, affection was considered valuable. fur-bearing animal, every year from 3 to 20 thousand weasel skins were harvested.

Weasel is very agile and agile, runs fast, climbs and swims well, is distinguished by great courage and bloodthirstiness and is a dangerous enemy for all small animals. The ability to crawl through the narrowest gaps and holes is its main strength.

Weasel is an unusual pet

To date, affectionate relationships with people are quite complicated. On the one hand, she is disliked for her tendency to brazen robberies and robberies, on the other hand, she is respected for her ability to quickly exterminate rodents. It is curious that if she settles next to a person, she never harms her immediate "owner". But all the neighbors in the district suffer from her daring tricks. However, if the poultry houses are sufficiently well protected (they do not have slots, manholes or windows), then the weasel switches to house mice and rats, which helps the locals a lot.

They escort the weasel from the farm plot, starting a goat or a goat in the barnyard. Like any underground animal, the weasel is sensitive to earthquakes. Therefore, it is enough to install a pair of windmills that transmit vibrations through the pole to the ground. Along the way, such a device will protect the site from moles, shrews, the same rats and mice. In summer, you can also stick mole repellers and all kinds of vibrators into the ground.

Weasel is a very aggressive animal, known for its bloodthirstiness and daring robberies in human households. It is interesting that nature has endowed a tiny and cute animal with such courage. Despite its small size, weasel has earned the fame of a robber. The weasel has many enemies: wolves, foxes, badgers, raccoon dogs, hawks, golden eagles, owls and eagle owls - they all dream of eating a nimble animal. However, the agile and toothy beauty does not give up without a fight: she is able to gnaw through the throat of the offender, deftly twisting out of his paws at the last second.

When meeting a person, the weasel is absolutely not afraid, but rather takes an aggressive stance. If you approach her, she, without hesitation, will rush to the attack. More than once, weasel itself attacked a person, and it is not so easy to get rid of the sharp teeth of this small animal. It seems that the weasel holds the record for hooligan antics among animals. In a word, weasel is a real robber who attacks everyone he meets.

Weasels are quite easy to tame, especially in early age. Unfortunately, most of them die in captivity. But there are times when weasels live for 4-6 years. Hand weasels, unlike their wild relatives, fully justify their name. They are very curious, affectionate and faithful friends. They sleep with people, play with cats and dogs, and some of them never leave their owner's side. One Englishman was even forced to take a weasel with him to work, since, you see, she did not want to be left alone. Here she is such a sweet, cunning, kind and very cute little animal, quite corresponding to her name.

AT Ancient Rome and early medieval Europe, the weasel was a pet because it hunted mice. Weasel is very agile and agile, runs fast, climbs trees and swims well, is distinguished by great courage and aggressiveness, is a dangerous enemy for all small animals. Weasel in huge quantities, up to 2-3 thousand per year, exterminates mouse-like rodents, thereby bringing great benefits to nature and man. However, due to the poor tameness of the weasel and, to a greater extent, with the appearance in Europe of the gray rat, which was difficult for the weasel to cope with, other animals replaced it as a protector of stocks in this role - ferrets (ferret), cats and genets.

Weasel is an amazing affectionate animal

In the old days, a lot of superstitions and prejudices were associated with affection. In some places, it was believed that she brings happiness to the house, while in others she was treated very badly. Among many Slavic and other peoples, weasel is revered as the guardian of the house:

“A weasel lives in every house. She loves animals very much, and it is because of them that she comes to the house. She braids the manes of horses, runs on the backs of cows. However, if he dislikes the animal, he will tickle.

“Weasel, dove, or lax is a mythical beast, house. In the old days, they believed that weasel is the same brownie who, in addition to everything else, takes care of cattle.

Also in Sicily, they ask the weasel living in the neighborhood not to strangle the chickens: “Dove, dove, do not touch the hens, and I will marry you as soon as I have the opportunity. If you are a woman, I will give you a king's son; if you are a peasant, I will give you a king's daughter."

Among many Slavic and other peoples, weasel enjoys great reverence as the guardian of the house. Montenegrins, in order to lure affection, bring a nest with her cubs into the house. In Bosnia, it is believed that if the weasel leaves the house in which she lived for many years, this means misfortune for the house.

According to some beliefs, the soul of the hostess is embodied in caress, the soul of the owner is embodied in the snake. Therefore, no one can kill them. Among the Slavs of the Zilskaya Valley, they are most afraid of killing the white weasel. For Estonians, caress is a sign of happiness. "Each farm has its own caress." Among the many beliefs about affection, there are those in which it helps a person become rich. The Poles of the old Sącz believe that if you call “lady weasel” several times, she will appear, caress the person and show the treasure. The Greeks believe that as a reward for a good attitude towards her, weasel finds enchanted money and transfers it to the house. There is a belief among Polish Jews that the one on whose bed the caress ends up will be rich.

Weasel is the patroness of cattle, especially horses. In eastern Polissya there is a custom, in Maundy Thursday go with the consecrated Thursday candle to the barn to see the weasel there and determine by its color what color the cattle should be kept. In Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, they believe that cattle breed in the color of the weasel. “De in the stoic є lasici, there is thinness,” say the Rusyns of Galicia. To find a dead weasel among Estonians - unfortunately with cattle. In the Minsk region, it was believed that weasels protect cattle from witches. They tell how in one village all the cattle died, because the weasel was persecuted there.

The Ukrainians of Pokuttya believe that "weasel will bring happiness if it comes to the hut for the winter." The Poles and the French believe that the weasel brings only happiness to the house, and if you kill it, the weasel's brood will eat all the hats in the house and poison the food. Among all animals, no one kills weasels and swallows, the Hutsuls say. The Hutsuls also do not kill the weasel, fearing revenge from her relatives.

Weasels cannot be beaten, but the way a person dies, so he can die, - they say in the Lviv region. Lasochka is such a little mouse, black to the beast, from the bottom - a big one, - the Belarusians say. Lasochka - out like a kitten, - they say in the Zhytomyr region. “Lasochka is God's mitten with right hand, dove - that's God's quote.

In ancient beliefs, under the guise of affection, a woman often appears - a fairy, a sorceress, a sorceress or seductress, a bride or a young married woman, depending on the circumstances. The word itself literally conveys the nature of female charms used to divert attention and achieve the desired result.

Aesop's fable tells how Aphrodite turned a weasel into a girl in love with a young man so that they could get married. But during the wedding, the bride saw a mouse, chased it and turned back into a weasel. In Spain, in Catalonia, there is a belief that if you see a caress and tell her “you are beautiful”, she puffs up, puffs up, turning into a person, showing her joy in every possible way. A kind word, as they say, is pleasant to caress.

The Greeks, in order to protect their daughter’s dowry from affection, speak to her: “Little girl, we will give you gold and silver, we will give you a husband so that you get married, have your own house and become a mistress.” The Greeks in the house where the weasel settled put a spindle with yarn, because "she loved to spin while she was still a girl." Greek legend says that a girl who loved to spin turned into a weasel.

Among the Hutsuls, weasel is dedicated to the day of St. Catherine - November 25 (according to the old style), because weasel is the patroness of spinning and marriages. It is believed that the appearance of affection helps a woman giving birth. As you know, a caress ran past Alcmene, who could not give birth in any way, and caused the birth of Hercules. According to another belief, Hera turned the servant of the mother of Hercules into a caress because she helped the successful birth of the future hero.

The Serbs believe that if you do not give the pregnant woman what she asks for, then such a person will be gnawed through the clothes by caress. It is believed that a child, under whose cradle a weasel ran, will be healthy.

The southern and western Slavs have such an epic: mowers, plowmen and reapers, while working in the field, find a caress nest, and in order not to damage them, they transfer it to another place. Weasel, not finding her cubs, pours poisonous saliva into the vessels with water, but when she finds out that the mowers are moving the nest to its original place, she overturns all these vessels so as not to poison people. She never does evil in vain.

In European fairy tales treacherous woman acts in the form of a fluffy weasel, trying to seduce or knock the hunter off the trail. In Serbia, they say that if a hunter shoots at a weasel, the bullet will turn around and hit him. It is also said to protect people from being bitten by snakes.

Weasel should not be offended, she can gnaw off eyebrows or hair at night. If weasel is teased, she will spit in the eyes and the person will go blind. In some parts of Europe, the belief is rooted that the bite of a weasel is considered paralyzing.

Weasel is a kind brownie. What color she is - such and cattle are selected, a dog, a cat, and sometimes a bride. They turn to her: "Welcome, my sweetheart, welcome, my daughter-in-law."

Weasel is a symbol of intuition, it helps to easily distinguish between lies and truth, to understand the actions of people. Weasel is chosen as a talisman by those who lack attentiveness, acuity and reaction.

Among other things, the weasel is a well-known exterminator of mice. In different regions of Bulgaria, when they want to get rid of rodents in the house, they invite affection “to the wedding”. Serbs believe that weasels can exterminate mice original way She inflates them and they burst. Among the Estonians, those people are happy that they saw affection. In Thebes, the weasel was revered as a sacred animal.

In the old days, there was a legend that at night the brownie torments horses standing in the stable - braids their manes, and sometimes brings them to "white sweat". They fought with the brownie: they kept a goat in the stable, which, as it were, the evil spirits are afraid of. It turned out that the brownie is none other than a weasel. Weasel is often found near a person’s dwelling, if there is food for it there. She runs along the scruffs and backs of horses who are terribly afraid of her, trying to throw off themselves and sweat a lot from this. Weasel, clinging to the mane, so as not to fall off, licks the protruding sweat, receiving the necessary mineral salts. There is a belief that a weasel, having climbed into the ear of an elk, can bite him to death.

The weasel and the ferret are some of the confusing animals if they don't stare. It seems to be a cousin of the other, which has long tubular bodies, albeit in different dimensions. They belong to the scientific parent name Mustelidae. However, there are significant differences between these species, as this article is developed as follows.

What is a weasel?

With a long tubular body and a long tail, the weasel is a wild and often solitary animal compared to the ferret. It has subtle body, which often comes to life when it hunts its prey in small holes. Typically, weasel body size ranges from 6.8 to 8.5 inches. It has a long tail which also gives it balance when hunting its targeted prey. Females are smaller than males.

In appearance, the weasel has red-brown coats with a white undercoat. The figure below shows the difference between these animals.

The weasel rarely becomes a pet due to its aggressiveness even to humans. It has been known to prey on the bird, which is why it is rarely considered a pet by many homeowners. Weasels prey on snakes, birds, mice, rats and rabbits. He can even kill for a trophy, as most of his kills go blank. Unlike the ferret, the weasel is not a nocturnal animal. It sleeps at night and hunts during the day. Also, weasels rarely come in groups, as they often fight.

There are 17 species in the Mustelidae family and weasels belonging to 10 of the 17 species. On the other hand, ferrets are a subspecies in the ferret division Mustelidae. Both of these animals have thick fur and a thin body. Hunting habits, characteristics and appearance are different.

What is Ferret?

As noted above, the ferret falls under the Mustelidae division of ferrets. The ferret has a longer body with a shorter tail compared to the weasel. Because of their companionship, ferrets have been domesticated for over 2,000 years. They can keep rats, mice and snakes under control in household so they are liked as pets. In addition, ferrets can be found in groups, unlike weasels.

Ferrets are crepuscular and nocturnal animals and may hunt their prey to drink blood. Typically, a ferret has a black brown coat with some white accents. Ferrets are usually larger than weasels, but have a shorter tail of about 5 inches, whereas a tail tail is about 13 inches long. Ferrets can grow up to 24 inches while weasels can grow from 5 to 18 inches.

Main Differences Between Weasels and Ferrets

Origin of Weasels Vs. ferrets

Both ferrets and weasels fall under the scientific name Mustelidae. Fins are part of 10 species of 17 species in the Mustelidae. Ferrets, on the other hand, are subspecies within the choroidal division of Mustelidae.

Appearance of weasels Vs. ferrets

Ferrets have a dark brown appearance with a large tubular but thin body. It has longer legs than weasels. Black and brown ferrets have a mixture of white or cream colors. Weasels have a red-brown appearance with a white underbelly.

Body and tail length for Weasels Vs. ferrets

Ferrets can grow up to 24 inches from nose to tail with a tail size of 5 inches. Weasels can grow up to 18 inches with a tail size of 13 inches. Both animals have a thin and tubular body. Although ferrets are relatively longer and larger, they have a shorter tail.

Behavior and hunting for weasels Vs. ferrets

Ducks are solid creatures because they fight if they are in groups. In addition, they hunt during the day and sleep at night. Ferrets, on the other hand, are nocturnal creatures. The creatures eat meat, i.e. mice, rats, snakes, rabbits and many others. Ducks can kill and leave those killed untouched. Ferrets can kill and drink their blood to kill them.

Commonwealth Weasels Vs. ferrets

Ferrets have been domesticated for over 2000 years in many countries due to their companionship. They can be good snake and rat deterrents in households without being a danger to the owner. On the other hand, weasels are not user-friendly creatures. They can be aggressive and feral to humans, which is why they are rarely tamed. Ferrets can be taught tricks. However, weasels can be domesticated at a very early age before maturity.

Comparative table of weasels Vs. ferrets

Summary of Weasels Vs. ferrets

  • Ferrets have longer bodies up to 24 inches with a tail growing up to 5 inches
  • Weasels, on the other hand, have longer tails and longer bodies, but smaller than those of ferrets.
  • The ferret can hunt at night and the weasel can hunt during the day
  • Ferrets have been used as pets for over 2000 years.
  • Lights are rarely, if ever, used as pets due to their aggressive behavior
  • These creatures feed on small animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, snakes, birds, etc.
  • Ferrets have a black and brown coat with a mixture of white
  • Weasels have a red-brown coat with a white underbelly
  • Both animals fall under the Mustelidae family.
  • They have thick fur on a thin tubular body
  • Very fast animals enter even narrow openings when hunting for their prey
  • Their hunting habits are different. Ferrets can drink the blood of their dead, and weasels can kill to leave the dead untouched.

Weasel is a very aggressive and bloodthirsty animal. capable of committing daring robberies in the private households of the population. However, the most surprising thing is that this weasel animal, if the place of which nature has "endowed" with such characteristics, is a very tiny and cute creature - its body length reaches an average of only 16-18 centimeters in length.

Description of weasel

Weasel has a flexible, quirky, long, thin body and is the smallest representative of the order of predators. Outwardly, the weasel is very similar to the ermine, resembling it both in the structure of the body and in the color of the fur. The differences between them are in the smaller size of the weasel and in its uniform color a little more short tail than the ermine (up to 9 cm in length, without a dark tassel). At its base are special glands that secrete a secret with a disgusting pungent odor.

The paws of the weasel are small, armed with rather sharp claws.. The head is oblong, the ears are round and small. The nose is slightly forked and blunt at the end. The neck is long and powerful. The eyes are slightly protruding, dark and large. Outwardly, weasel females are no different from males - only in body size (they are 30 percent smaller). The length of the weasel fluctuates on average within 11.4 ... 21.6 centimeters, based on the species. Body weight ranges from 40 g to 100 g.

The weasel's fur is short and tight. Its color depends on the season. In winter, weasel has white color, and in summer it is brownish-brown on the outer side of the paws, in the tail, on the sides, back and upper part of the head - only inner side paws, belly, chest, edge at the upper lip and throat. In terms of the quality of the density of the fur, the weasel coat is always the same - both in summer and in winter, with the only difference being that in the warm season the hair is a little shorter and thinner than winter. In some southern habitats, the animal does not change color at all, remaining predominantly brown.

Weasel habits

Weasel excellently climbs, runs and even swims - it is so agile and dexterous animal. What distinguishes her habits is impudence, bloodthirstiness in attacks and courage, so she can often be found at night near a human dwelling, where she penetrates the economy through the narrowest holes and cracks. Weasel is active at different times of the day, but usually it comes out hunting at night or at dusk.

Traditionally leads a more terrestrial way of life. Moves hopping. Bypassing the territory, prefers to stick to bushes and other natural or artificial covers. He tries to avoid unprotected space. In one day, weasel is able to overcome one or two kilometers. In winter, it moves in snow voids.

Due to their small stature, weasels often die when crushed by more large animals, however, at the same time, they often manage to gnaw through their opponents' throats. At the time of fights, weasel males emit a very loud screech.

Weasels live territorially and lead a solitary lifestyle.. The size of their zones is quite small, extending within 10 hectares of land (this directly depends on weather conditions and plenty of food). Sometimes the areas of females are overlapped by those of males. The boundaries of the zone, as a rule, are marked by odor traces.

However, despite the size of the body, weasel is quite a dangerous animal, which is doubly enhanced by its excellent ability to run briskly, climb trees well and swim well - that is, this means that there are actually no barriers for the animal at all. However, it is very useful to humans, as it exterminates mice and voles.

Weasel habitats

The weasel's habitat covers very vast territories, which include Australia, North. America, Japan, Korean Peninsula, China, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq (northern part of the country), Asia Minor, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Europe. That is, this predatory mammal can be found on almost all continents of the planet. But the most widespread distribution of weasel is noted in North America, North Asia and Europe.

Where does weasel live

Weasel lives in a wide variety of biotopes, with the exception of the snow belt of the highlands and polar deserts.. Her dwellings can be found in alpine meadows, in the tundra, desert, along the banks of reservoirs, in swamps, the outskirts of fields, in low and mountainous areas, forest-steppe, steppe, in forests and even near people's homes.

The weasel does not specifically make a hole, mastering what is available: she equips her lair in barns, rodent burrows, in ruins, in low-lying hollows (up to two meters from ground level), wood masonry, in rock crevices, among deadwood, in tree roots and under stones among voids. The nest is lined with fern, chestnut leaves, mosses or any dry vegetation.

If outsiders suddenly discover or disturb her habitat, the weasel immediately leaves the nest - especially if she has cubs (she transfers them to another place). However, in case of extreme and sudden danger, the animal is capable of sacrificially, to the very end, defending its lair, protecting it. On one site can equip several permanent dwellings.

What does weasel eat

The weasel diet consists virtually entirely of mouse-like small rodents, which include rats, forest, field and house mice, as well as shrews and moles. She does not bypass the attention of chicks, pigeons, chickens, young rabbits, partridges, chickens. Do not mind eating eggs (of any birds), making several holes in them and thus sucking out all the contents. In seasons of lack of food eats crayfish, large insects, small snakes (snakes, copperheads, vipers), lizards, medium-sized fish and all kinds of amphibians.

But despite the fact that the weasel is a bloodthirsty predator and robber, capable of attacking any small animal, its daily food requirement is 30 ... 40 grams. The animal grabs small prey from above by the head or the back of the head, large prey - from below by the throat. Exterminating rodents, the weasel does not allow them to multiply, regulating the number in the territory where it lives, which helps a person a lot. Sometimes he makes stocks - for example, in one place you can often find from 1 to 30 mice and voles.

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