May this year pleases almost summer heat, but this also has back side: two cases of snake bites have already been recorded in the Moscow region. These reptiles became more active with the onset of heat, and the townspeople who go out for walks in the forests and fields should be very careful. Read the material about precautions and what to do if the snake does bite.

Venomous viper

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Moscow Region, only two types of snakes live in the Moscow region: non-poisonous and non-dangerous snake (Natrix natrix) and poisonous viper common (Vipera berus).

“The statement that vipers live next to us is true, but not everyone can boast of meeting them. Even avid mushroom pickers have not seen all of them. The explanation is not only in the secrecy and caution of the snakes themselves, but also in the fact that the common viper is characterized by focal distribution. That is, relatively dense populations are separated by vast areas where snakes are absent. This is due to the availability of places for wintering. Because of this feature, you can live a few kilometers from the hearth and never meet snakes. Or vice versa: go into the forest once and find about a dozen individuals per 100 meters of the route, ”says the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Moscow Region.

Where are snakes found

Snakes are reptiles, they do not have their own thermoregulation, so they need warm and sunny places to "warm up" to the right temperature. This determines the zone of their habitat: marshland next to open glades, forests and groves with edges where snakes can bask in the sun.

It happens that snakes crawl to human habitation. To avoid this, you need to keep land plot in order: do not litter it with the remains of building materials and piles of boards, which can become a haven for vipers.

How to Avoid a Viper Sting

GIPHY website

Vipers feed mainly on rodents, chicks and small birds, frogs and lizards. For small animals, viper venom is deadly.

“Since a person is not included in the viper's food interests, there is no point in attacking him, as well as an elk, a wolf or a badger. And talk about natural malice and hatred for people should be classified as delusional, ”the website of the Ministry of Emergencies for the Moscow Region notes.

Vipers are very cautious and do not at all seek to meet a person. Most often, a person passes by a lurking reptile, not even knowing about its presence.

The viper will bite only if it regards the actions of a person as an attack: for example, he stepped on a snake or tried to grab it with his hand.

It is quite easy to protect yourself from a snake bite - tight closed shoes and wide tight pants will protect your legs. Snakes do not know how to jump high, 20 centimeters is their limit. In order not to hurt your hands, just do not touch the viper, do not try to throw it away - this will provoke an attack. Do not lean towards the snake, squat next to it and try to take a closer look.

If you do not attack first and do not provoke the snake in any way, then it will hiss and crawl away.

What is the danger of viper venom

The snake bites instantly and immediately tries to hide. Two points remain at the site of the bite, less often one - if the snake has a broken tooth or the bite turned out to be lateral.

Viper venom belongs to the hemotoxic type, that is, it has a hemolytic effect - it destroys red blood cells. In addition, it contains a neurotoxin that acts on the cardiovascular system.

“When bitten, the following symptoms develop: pain, swelling and multiple hemorrhages in the bite area. In addition, internal hemorrhages occur in various organs of the body, vascular thrombosis appears. Two deep wounds from poisonous teeth remain at the site of the bite (sometimes there is only one wound). The blood in these wounds quickly bakes, and there is almost no bleeding from them; surrounding tissues swell and turn blue. If the hand is affected, then after half an hour the fingers stop bending from a very painful swelling that can spread up to the elbow, ”the Rospotrebnadzor website for the Moscow Region says.

The victim may feel sick, the body temperature rises, chills appear. Dizziness and vomiting occur, as the circulatory system is damaged, accompanied by internal blood loss and a sharp drop in blood pressure. This causes severe weakness, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness. The viper's bite is most dangerous in the spring, but in the summer its poison weakens.

According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region, the bite of an ordinary viper is normally not fatal. At the same time, you need to understand that a snake bite is more dangerous for a child than for an adult who does not suffer from allergies. The same is true for the elderly and people who are weakened by illness.

What to do if bitten by a snake

First of all, you need to call ambulance. Inept actions can harm the victim more than viper venom can.

“To slow down the spread of the poison before the doctors arrive, you need to put a tourniquet on the affected limb (you only need to resort to this if you know how to do it), and then tightly bandage it along its entire length. Immediately after this, the tourniquet should be removed. Thus, the blood flow in the bitten limb will slow down. The blood will perform its function: to nourish the tissues with oxygen, but the poison will not penetrate far beyond the bite site. For the same purpose, it is very important to immobilize the bitten limb. The victim should be given as much drink as possible - pure water", - advises the instructor-methodologist training center"First Aid" Stas Zhuravsky.

He adds that if this is your first first aid experience, don't use a tourniquet. Its inept use with a viper bite can lead to necrosis and even gangrene.

If possible, it is worth carefully treating the wounds with antiseptics: chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. The affected limb will swell, so all rings, watches, bracelets must be removed from it in advance.

What not to do with a bite

The most common advice for a snakebite - to suck the venom out of the wound - is at the same time the most controversial. The poison spreads very quickly from the bite site, and it is pointless to suck it out, especially after some time. But the infection can be brought into the wound. In addition, there are often small and inconspicuous wounds in the mouth - which means that there is a possibility that the poison will harm the caregiver as well.

Also, you should not try to squeeze out the poison - this will only accelerate its spread throughout the body and further injure the tissues already affected by the poison.

“In no case should you cauterize the bite site, rinse it with a solution of potassium permanganate, make cuts, drink alcohol inside. All this can only hurt. The victim can be given painkillers and allergy medication,” advises Zhuravsky.

Seeking medical help

Site of the city of Queen

Most often, a snake bite is not fatal to humans. However, poison has a negative effect on work internal organs and can cause a severe allergic reaction.

If you are bitten by a snake, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Doctors use a special serum, the components of which neutralize snake venom. Serum can be purchased independently, but a person without experience and medical education it is dangerous to administer it to the victim, since there is a special scheme and monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary.

“The serum does not act instantly, it may take several hours before the condition is relieved. It is likely that, in addition to the serum, other drugs will be required to correct the symptoms that the poison has already caused. With timely treatment, after 5-6 days, and often even earlier, all unpleasant sensations will completely disappear, ”consists on the website of Rospotrebnadzor in the Moscow Region.

IN last years cases of poisoning have increased significantly snake venom, which is associated not only with the growth of tourism, the mass exodus of the population abroad, the departure of children for a summer health campaign, but also with a significant appearance on the pharmacy market medicines containing snake venom.

Therefore, all poisoning with snake venom can be conditionally divided into two large groups:

  1. Poisoning with snake venom as a result of a snake bite;
  2. Poisoning with snake venom as a result of improper use of medicines containing this poison.

Poisoning with snake venom is the cause of acutely developing intoxication, requiring urgent and sometimes resuscitation measures.

The poisons of all snakes are usually divided into:

  • Neurotoxic, causing a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses from the motor nerves to the muscle;
  • Hemotoxic, having the ability to hemolyze (glue) red blood cells, disrupt blood clotting, increase vascular permeability.

The lethal outcome is often preceded by the development of vascular insufficiency associated with a pronounced decrease in the volume of circulating blood, as well as loss of blood plasma as a result of increased capillary permeability.

Poisoning by snake venom

Quite common, especially in summer period. While on a hike or on a picnic, we often forget the elementary rules of safe behavior in this situation. Most often, the victims of such careless behavior are children who try to “play” with a snake, put it in a glass jar, or simply approach as close as possible. close quarters. This is regarded by the snake as a signal to attack, as a result of which an attack and a bite occur.

So, if you or your child is bitten by a snake, don't panic. Soberly and calmly assess the situation. If there is no pain, swelling, signs of damage at the bite site nervous system (headache, heartbeat, shortness of breath, etc.), then most likely this snake is not poisonous.

Continue to monitor the victim, in any case, call an ambulance. If possible, save the snake for further examination, observing the rules of your own safety.

Bite poisonous snake most often accompanied by:

  1. Local reactions:
  • The presence of bite marks in the form of two triangular wounds;
  • Severe pain;
  • Intensive edema, rapidly spreading over a large area and reaching its maximum development by the end of the first hour after the bite. In the area of ​​edema skin have a blue-purple color.
  1. Signs of a resorptive lesion:
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • speech disorder;
  • Thirst;
  • Tachycardia, up to a thready pulse;
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • muscle weakness;
  • A state of depression and anxiety;
  • Violation of the act of swallowing;
  • "Double vision";
  • Numbness of the body, especially at the site of the bite;
  • Seizures may occur.
  1. Physiological disorders:
  • Increased capillary permeability;
  • Hemolysis of blood, a decrease in its coagulability;
  • Hematuria;
  • Renal and liver failure;
  • oliguria;

Death can occur as a result of progressive collapse and respiratory paralysis (from 20 minutes to 1 day or more).

So, what factors influence the severity of the consequences if you are bitten by a poisonous snake.

For the victim:

  • Age (children and the elderly are most at risk).
  • Body mass. How smaller size body, the higher the likelihood of death, due to the faster spread of the poison throughout the body.
  • General health. The presence of somatic or chronic diseases, especially diseases of the heart and blood.
  • Behavior of the victim. The more intensively the victim moves, the more intensively the poison will spread through the systemic circulation.

For the snake:

  • Type of snake, its age and size, as well as the intensity of its fright. Young vipers are less dangerous. The most dangerous are cobras, rattlesnakes, gyurza.
  • Condition of the teeth. There are pathogenic microorganisms in the snake's mouth, therefore, sometimes intoxication is complicated by the development of tetanus, gangrene, and purulent-necrotic processes.

Also great importance there is a localization of the bite. When the lower extremities are affected, the symptoms do not develop as intensely as with bites to the neck or face, where large blood vessels are located. IN uh In that case, the poison will spread rapidly.

What to do

  • Reassure the victim;
  • Call an ambulance;
  • Give the body a horizontal position, forbid moving and talking;
  • If the snake is fixed at the site of the bite, it must be carefully removed, killed, then put in a separate container for further examination by specialists;
  • Release the victim from restrictive clothing and jewelry;
  • Immobilize the limb with improvised materials (boards, branches) with fixation of the adjacent joint. In the absence of improvised means, immobilization is carried out to a healthy limb or to the body.
  • Treat the bite site with peroxide. Apply a bandage slightly above the bite or any clean piece of tissue (one finger freely goes under the bandage);
  • Let the person drink as much liquid as possible;
  • Drink a pill of suprastin, tavegil, zirtek, zodak. (antiallergic drugs)
  • In case of cardiac arrest or no breathing, begin artificial respiration or cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Help with a snake bite

What Not to Do

REMEMBER!!! Do not cut (cauterize) the wound. Do not suck out the contents of the wound. Do not apply a tourniquet. Wait for the arrival of the doctor.

IN last resort if the victim is in the forest, and waiting for help for more than two hours, the contents of the wound can be sucked out with a rubber pear for 30-60 minutes.

What not to do


Long trousers, high boots or boots should be worn in areas where snakes are present. It is very important to be cautious and attentive, to look under your feet. The snake has no hearing. She feels with receptors. Therefore, when a snake appears, you should not freeze, but rather rustle loudly or stomp your feet in order to the snake, sensing danger, quickly crawled away. You should not even play with very small and "harmless" snakes, lure them into jars, wind them on sticks, tease the snake. You should carry a sharp knife or a long stick with you when hiking in the forest or mountains, as well as a bandage for bandaging, peroxide or chlorhexidine, a suction bulb, antihistamines.

Poisoning with snake venom as a result of improper use of medicines containing this poison.

IN Lately a significant number of drugs containing snake venom (viprosal, vipraksin, etc.) used as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs appeared on the pharmacy shelves. In therapeutic doses, snake venom preparations are not dangerous. But cases of poisoning are also known when these drugs are absorbed into the blood through damaged skin.

Rubbing and compressing snake venom preparations, for example, on the lower limbs, can give a sharp swelling that spreads to the buttocks, inguinal folds, genitals, and sometimes the abdomen. It can also worsen your general well-being. There is a headache, weakness, nausea, palpitations and other symptoms described above.

If you find such symptoms in yourself, you should stop exposure to the ointment by wiping the remnants with a napkin. It is necessary to seek help from a medical institution as soon as possible. Before the arrival of the doctor, you should drink as much plain clean water as possible (up to 5 liters), take a pill of suprastin, tavegil, zodak, zirtek, diphenhydramine, lie down on the sofa.

More than 90 species of snakes are found in Russia. Poisonous snakes living in Russia include:

  • viper (ordinary, steppe, Caucasian, nosy);
  • gyurza;
  • muzzle.

Viper and muzzle are found almost throughout the country. Gyurza is the closest relative of the viper family, but larger (up to 1.5 meters in length), lives in mountain-steppe and semi-desert regions.

Already ordinary and already water, all varieties of snakes, as well as common copperhead are harmless to people. Their bite in rare cases is accompanied only by an allergic reaction.

To avoid the consequences of allergies, take any drug for allergies: Suprastin, Tavegil and others.

Non-venomous snakes of Russia

The snake does not attack first, all its throws, hisses and attempts to bite are self-defense. To avoid snake aggression and to protect yourself from a bite, be careful: do not disturb the snake and it will not touch you.

Favorite places for snakes - anything that will serve as a shelter:

  • high grass,
  • overgrown lakes,
  • swamps,
  • stone ruins,
  • abandoned quarries and buildings,
  • stumps, roots and trunks of trees,
  • a stack of hay,

It's better not to go to such places. with bare hands and carefully look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on a snake.

Poisonous snakes of Russia

External differences between venomous and non-venomous snakes

Poisonous snakes differ in body type, color, pupil shape, and bite shape.

The body of the common viper is thick, short; grey, black or brown. Distinctive feature in the color of the viper - a “zigzag” on the back (with a black color, the “zigzag” may not be visible).

The non-poisonous and harmless common snake, which is often confused with the viper, has a long and subtle body gray or black with yellow or red spots on the head. Thanks to such bright "ears" it is easy to distinguish the snake from the viper.

All venomous snakes have vertical pupils ("cat's eye"), while non-venomous snakes have round pupils.

It is likely that when meeting with a snake, you can forget about all the differences from fear. Therefore, if you still did not show caution and the snake bit you, try not to panic!

The bite of a venomous snake is different from the bite of a non-venomous one.

Signs of a venomous snake bite

A venomous snake has teeth through which venom is injected when it bites. Therefore, the bite wound has two large points. Around such a wound, within a short period of time (from 5 to 15 minutes), a tumor forms, severe pain is felt and the person has a high temperature.

Signs of a non-venomous snake bite

From the bite non-venomous snake small, barely noticeable dots are formed in several rows (usually from 2 to 4). Such a bite has no side effects, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, medical alcohol, etc.)


  1. Reassure the victim and lay him down horizontally. Remember: when moving, the blood circulation spreads the poison in the body faster.
  2. Keep the affected limb at rest. If the bite was in the arm, then fix it to the body, if in the leg, lay it on the board and tie it.
  3. Disinfect the wound and apply a sterile dressing.
  4. Take the victim to a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. Give as much liquid as possible.

An outsider is not always able to squeeze out or suck out the poison, and, moreover, cut the wound. The safest thing, after providing first aid for a snake bite, is to take the victim to the hospital.

What not to do when bitten by a snake

  • Drinking alcohol. By expanding the blood vessels, alcohol will instantly spread the poison throughout the body.
  • cauterize the wound. Causes burns and severe shock. Does not contain snake venom chemical elements, which disintegrate from heating, so cauterization will not help, but will aggravate the condition of the victim.
  • Apply tourniquet. Due to circulatory disorders, soft tissue necrosis (death of a skin area) can be obtained. Severe cases lead to limb amputation.
  • panic. Does not allow a person to soberly assess the situation.

Regardless of which part the globe there is a person, there is a risk of a snake attack. The greatest danger lies in fatal bites poisonous snakes. The level of aggressiveness of reptiles towards people depends on which species and family the reptile belongs to. Everyone should be able to provide first aid in the event of an attack.

It is necessary to take into account the important fact that in some cases bites are not felt, and the consequences are manifested by a significant deterioration in the well-being of the victim.

Remember, a snake bite is very dangerous if you do not provide medical assistance to the victim in a timely manner. Each person should know what to do with a snake bite, what are its symptoms and consequences. It is important that the actions are coordinated and fast.

There are about three thousand varieties of reptiles, and only fifteen percent of them are often found. For example, in the United States of America, about twenty percent of poisonous and very dangerous snakes. Snake bites in the US are responsible for about ten deaths each year. As for other countries, such cases are much more common and claim the lives of more than a hundred thousand people every year.

Symptoms and clinical picture

A snakebite has certain symptoms, no matter what species the reptile belongs to. Any snake bite has a standard clinical picture. In snake venom there are substances that have similar functions and properties of action:

  • hemolysin - a substance that can provoke the breakdown of blood cells;
  • cholinesterase is a special enzyme that can interfere with neuromuscular transmission and function;
  • neurotoxin - a component that affects all nervous tissues and structures;
  • cardiotoxin - extremely dangerous, capable of exerting a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the above toxins, in snake venom great amount various components that instantly and mercilessly destroy human tissues, cells and organs.

Main symptoms

You need to know that a snake bite has different symptoms.

Local manifestation:

  • bite marks that have salient feature- two triangular wounds, located on the same strip, have a size of about three millimeters;
  • severe burning sensation, pain, redness and swelling at the site of the lesion;
  • bleeding;
  • the skin becomes blistered, takes on a bluish tint.

General changes:

  • severe diarrhea with blood;
  • bloody, frequent and profuse vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • pain in the joints, muscles;
  • severe weakness;
  • dehydration of the human body;
  • numerous hemorrhages on the skin;
  • progressive renal and hepatic failure;
  • high body temperature.

Neurological disorders are as follows:

  • severe headaches;
  • weakness, drowsiness, apathy and lethargy;
  • general malaise;
  • vision is impaired;
  • swallowing problem
  • dizziness, clouding of consciousness;
  • impaired concentration and vision;
  • eyelids droop;
  • the face becomes distorted;
  • the body becomes numb at the site of the bite.

Violation of the full activity of the cardiovascular system:

  • painful spasms in the heart and chest;
  • labored breathing;
  • develops tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

If such symptoms are detected, the victim should receive medical attention. All actions should be aimed at the urgent removal of the poison from the site of the lesion.

Poisoning by snake venom

The extent, severity, and form of snake venom poisoning depend on a variety of factors that need to be considered:

  • the number of bites on the body of the victim;
  • age, variety, size of the reptile;
  • the total amount of poison in the wound;
  • the sensitivity of the victim to the components of toxic toxins;
  • the general state of health of a person, his weight, age and other information;
  • location, size and depth of the wound.

The danger of attack by various types of snakes

Snake bites are often fatal. Main danger consists in the fact that an extensive purulent wound is formed at the site of the lesion. The attack of some types of snakes ends with lightning death.

Most dangerous representative reptile is considered to be a royal asp. Clinical picture: minor pain, which are replaced by numbness of the whole body and limbs, muscle paralysis. If you do not get to a medical facility in a timely manner, a quick death occurs.

cobra bite

Typical symptomatic manifestations may be as follows: severe pain, which is accompanied by extensive erythrocyte hemolysis and the development of jaundice / liver failure. Significantly worsens the health of the injured person. Emergency hospitalization is required to avoid death.

Rattlesnake bite, pit viper

The following main symptoms are characteristic of rattlesnake bites: burning and terrible pain, instant swelling, blistering and blood outpourings, and the formation of necrotic wounds. Then the body temperature rises, general intoxication and fever begin, nausea and severe vomiting are present. Untimely provision of medical care threatens with life-threatening internal bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Rattlesnake, whose bite can be deadly, is one of the most dangerous snakes on Earth.

First aid

The bite of a viper or any other snake is extremely dangerous for health and life, so it is necessary to be able to provide assistance in such emergency cases. The bite of a viper demands to itself special attention, the same as in the case of a bite from another dangerous poisonous snake. The main rule is not to panic! Effective help possible if your actions are purposeful and consistent.

Needs to be done following algorithm help:

  1. Try to calm the victim, put on a flat surface to reduce blood flow and absorption of poison.
  2. If there are any jewelry, remove them, as in case of severe puffiness, additional problems may arise.
  3. Try to fix the bite in one position and make it immobile using a special splint.
  4. Then you need to suck out the poison. If possible, you can use a rubber bulb or a special suction. However, in their absence, such manipulation is carried out by mouth, if there are no various lesions on the mucous membrane.
  5. You can make small incisions near the wound.
  6. Next, you need to apply a bandage to compress the affected area of ​​​​the body, but the arteries must fully function.
  7. Provide the injured person with plenty of fluids to reduce the presence of toxins and poisons in the blood.
  8. In case of shock and a serious complication of the situation, an indirect heart massage and mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration will be required.

Prohibited actions

In addition, you must remember the actions that are prohibited after a bite:

  • bustle;
  • physical activity and activity;
  • establishing a tourniquet on the limbs of the victim;
  • the product of linear incisions at the site of edema;
  • cauterization;
  • warm and hot compresses;
  • a large amount of ice.

The implementation of such manipulations is fraught not only with serious consequences and complications, but also fatal. Therefore, it is very important to provide the patient with correct and effective first aid, and then hospitalize the bitten as soon as possible.

Examination of the patient

In parallel with the treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient. Required:

  • hemolysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • bilirubin;
  • biochemical indicators;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of liver enzymes.

There is no cure for snake bites, especially venomous ones. But there is certain rules visits to places where poisonous reptiles can be found: it is advisable to wear trousers and high boots / boots. In addition to such measures, you need to be extremely careful, careful and careful in order to prevent a snake from attacking.

Let's talk now about the viper's bite and what first aid should be for such a bite. First of all, to be honest, I have never been bitten by a viper (so far). Unfortunately (on the other hand, fortunately), I personally know people who have suffered from a viper bite. Unfortunately, because there is nothing pleasant about it. Fortunately, because they are alive and well. And even more: their immunity after a bite gains some resistance to possible subsequent bites.

Viper bite. How it happens

There is usually no reason for a viper to bite a human. The snake is small (compared to others, for example, with a gyurza), and the person is large. Vipers bite either at the moment of dangerous proximity of a person, when he accidentally steps on or touches the snake with his hands. Or when a person gets into the nesting place of the viper, and she protects the territory. The first option is much more common. The second usually happens in the spring, during the breeding season.

Conclusion from the above: In order not to be bitten by a viper, it is necessary to be careful and attentive in places where vipers live. Whatever they write, usually the viper warns of its presence by hissing. Hissing is not an attempt to bite. It's like the words "careful, I'm here." If you leave the viper alone, or even start playing with it with a long (not short!) Stick, it will certainly tend to crawl away.

But, if you touch the viper with your hand or foot (without a rubber boot), the result will be an almost lightning-fast bite.

Viper bite. First aid

Much depends on the size of the viper. The larger it is, the more poison will enter the wound. The more the bite will hurt.

What to do with a viper bite:

1. Do not apply a tourniquet. It's just not possible, that's all. Otherwise, tissue will die. You can not cauterize the wound, cut it and bleed. Viper venom spreads very quickly throughout the body. It is necessary to help the body cope with the received dose of poison as quickly as possible, and for this, the first thing to do is to reduce this amount as much as possible.

2. If possible, you must immediately remove some of the poison from the wound. Mouth, glass (as when placing cans on the back), in any way. It will not be possible to remove all the poison in this way, but even some of the poison, if removed, will affect the recovery process. It is clear that it is not difficult to independently remove part of the poison by mouth from the upper limbs. If you bite in the legs, you will have to use the same glass (or something similar) or ask someone for help. In any case, it is advisable to do this in the first 10 minutes after the bite.

3. If it is possible to contact the first-aid post and get help, then this should be done within 30-60 minutes after the bite. An antidote called Antiviper is introduced, which neutralizes the effect of the poison. If the antidote is introduced later, it will not help much.

4. If a bitten person does not have the opportunity to seek medical help, then, in principle, you can lie down at home. Without a doubt, the bitten limb will swell quickly. If the portion of the poison was large, and it was not possible to remove part of the poison, the edema can also go to the trunk. You also need to be prepared for the appearance of quite severe pain at the site of the bite. These are all the rules of the game. This is what happens after a bite.

5. If possible, take a Suprastin tablet to suppress possible allergic reactions after a bite.

6. Take a horizontal position, raising your legs above head level. It is desirable to maintain maximum immobility. This will make it easier for the body to fight the poison.

7. Plentiful sweet drink is desirable. You can't take alcohol. The body already has something to neutralize.

8. If it was possible to seek medical help, you need to understand that a person bitten by a viper will most likely be placed in a hospital for up to a week. Usually they put a dropper, which facilitates the process of processing the poison.

9. At home, it is also necessary to rest for several days until swelling and redness subside.

10. When bitten swamp viper The (common) lethality is usually less than 1 percent. But bites to the neck, bites of young children and people with severely weakened immune systems remain severe. In these cases, urgently deliver the bitten person to a medical facility.