“It’s better to do it and regret it than not to do it and then regret it all your life” is a simple truth, but it turned out that I didn’t always follow it.

Now I am 25 years old and I understand that there are a lot of things in this world that I have never tried, or did them not consciously enough. Somewhere my modesty let me down, in some cases it was not possible, sometimes it was a pity for money and time, and sometimes there was simply no mood. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy acts or pleasant hobbies that my friends were into. And one day, when everyday life once again began to whisper in my ear that something needed to be changed, I decided to improve.

I made a list of 100 things to bring to life in the near future.

The idea is not new. The list is the main component of my favorite comedy series, My Name is Earl. A few years ago, I came across Leo Babauta's blog - every month he tried to get out of his comfort zone and give up the things he was used to. In "Life is interesting!" was also about lists and their miraculous properties. Well, recently I saw a YouTube channel ProjectOneLife, where a young guy videotapes all sorts of crazy things that he decides to bring to life. The coolest thing, in my opinion, is Repetition of the dance from the movie "Napoleon Dynamite" :)

Inspiration is the mother of movement, so I created my own list at the beginning of the summer. Until the end of August 2015, I plan to do 100 things:

  1. Throw your shoes on the wires
  2. Ride on the roof of a vehicle
  3. Make a real tattoo
  4. Learn to skateboard
  5. Play at the casino
  6. Shoot in commercials
  7. three days without speaking
  8. Watch Star Wars
  9. Complete any game
  10. Look at the house where I spent my childhood
  11. Come up with a song on the ukulele
  12. Learn to ride a bike without hands
  13. Take part in sports competitions
  14. Take part in the development of the application
  15. Ride a motorcycle
  16. Walk down the street with a boombox
  17. Ride a snowboard
  18. Master the music program and record a beat
  19. Learn to knit
  20. Do not shave your beard for six months
  21. Walk 50 km in one day
  22. Master Photoshop / InDesign or another professional program
  23. Go to a striptease
  24. Go to ballet
  25. Read "War and Peace"
  26. Voice the series
  27. Learn to juggle
  28. Ride the roller coaster
  29. Hitchhiking
  30. Take part in the creation of graffiti
  31. Listen to the entire Beatles discography
  32. Be a donor
  33. Cycle for 75 km
  34. Learn to cook something
  35. Walk in shoes, jacket and trousers for a whole week
  36. Visit a major open air
  37. Survive a week without internet
  38. Come up with a project with foreigners I meet
  39. Go to your university
  40. Learn to drive
  41. bungee jumping
  42. Spend the night outdoors
  43. Write a letter to an idol
  44. Participate in a tea ceremony
  45. Go to a classical music concert
  46. Have a party
  47. Learn to meditate
  48. Ride a horse
  49. Ride the surf
  50. Visit the birthplace or grave of a cult figure
  51. Travel with a backpack for several weeks in unfamiliar places and cities
  52. take a vacation
  53. Read a book on a topic you've never been interested in
  54. Launch a kite
  55. Try a raw food diet
  56. Be a vegan
  57. learn origami
  58. Tell five friends about the list and ask them to do the same
  59. Travel first class
  60. Learn Sign Language
  61. Participate in a costume party
  62. Wake up at five in the morning
  63. Stay under a waterfall
  64. Write a note, put it in a bottle and release it into the open sea
  65. Go to an unfamiliar city for the whole day
  66. Attend a football match in a giant stadium
  67. Ride a camel or an elephant
  68. Read the original "Harry Potter"
  69. Read the Bible
  70. Go for a massage
  71. Run on jollyjumpers
  72. Bathe in clothes
  73. Ride on a segway
  74. Watch Twin Peaks
  75. Go to the Bazhov Museum
  76. Try standing up
  77. Listen to a style of music you never liked
  78. Paint a picture
  79. Watch "The Godfather"
  80. pet the cow
  81. Make a bet
  82. Go to a concert by a musician you never loved
  83. Donate some of your belongings to the poor or needy
  84. Find old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and make the same
  85. Live a day without electricity at all
  86. No alcohol for a month
  87. Shoot with firearms
  88. Learn to drum a popular song
  89. Swim in a boat
  90. Learn to bowl
  91. Try archery
  92. Learn to play poker
  93. Learn tricks
  94. Learn how to make a cocktail
  95. Taste three exotic fruits
  96. Play the lottery
  97. Solve the Rubik's Cube
  98. Launch an airplane from a high altitude
  99. Order your portrait to the artist
  100. To write a book.

TO today I have already completed 17 items from my list, you can see them on my blog. In the same place, I will report on all subsequent items in the “done-wrote” mode. And for the readers of "Life is interesting!" I will be preparing monthly digests in which I will accurately and in detail sum up the results for “ reporting period". Until we meet again, friends!

P.S. I hope you paid attention to point number 58. I'm waiting for your actions :)

Read also

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    Class! Some of the points you listed have become life-turning points for me. Many have changed perceptions and become big discoveries.

    PS Do you happen to have a blog broadcast in LiveJournal? Or maybe email subscriptions? I would love to read it, but stand-alone blogs are hard to follow without notifications.

    Lord, what's going on in your head

    We all have it going on in our heads. And, fortunately, only we ourselves can judge what will be and what will not be.

    Yeah? Well, those who intend to judge only themselves - do not put it out. And vice versa. If he decided that he needed to lay out, then he allowed others to judge.

    reminded the game "HappinessJoyPositive". Good luck in making your wishes come true!

    Um, thanks for the 100 crazy things to do list idea. From this perspective, I didn’t think about the list of “100 of my desires-wants”. I'll start making my list
    PySy. You have a week without Internet and a month without electricity. And how will you watch the internet without electricity for three weeks? :)

    You have strange comments for this site.
    The person spoke about an interesting tool, citing his own case as an example.
    By by and large, in Life is interesting, most of the materials are built on this principle - people share their experiences.
    And here, in my opinion, there is no right or wrong.
    There is "interesting" or "not interested"

    Oops. I confused a month without alcohol with a day without electricity.
    Although a month without electricity would be cool

    you have strange comments for this site :)
    the man told about interesting things - he is well done! (no sarcasm)
    the person wrote the list - well done! (no sarcasm and seriously)
    I read the list (well, probably well done too)
    I have my own opinion about the list - I said it. And pay attention:
    you put it in the sense that the list is good! - and you, too, well done!
    and I put it in the fact that no - do I have strange comments?

    Of course, it was curious that most of it was not implemented. The reasons were the internal "logical apparatus" that asked "why do you need this?" - in the end, I just sat out the evening behind the monitor. Strange choice in favor of the best action, isn't it?

    I also came to the conclusion that perhaps two months (weekends) would be enough to fulfill my list of 100 wishes. But as you correctly wrote at the beginning:

    “Somewhere my modesty let me down, in some cases it was not possible, sometimes it was a pity for money and time, and sometimes there was simply no mood. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy acts or pleasant hobbies ... "

    I found an unmeasured number of them, as a result, out of a hundred points, I sold only 15 in a year.

    Another interesting thing - I found that most of the items that were drawn up a year ago, after a couple of months lost their relevance due to the lack of interest in them. Although when the list was made - he was

    Sergey, hello,

    If you have not yet completed point 19, then we (I personally and the "Comfort" charity project) can teach you how to knit. We knit blankets and various other products for charity, and it turns out very beautifully. We have a cheerful team, and men have already begun to flicker there, who either knit, or decoupage, or draw with us. A man who knows how to knit or embroider or sew is cool (I have met a few in my whole life), much cooler than standing on his head or riding on the roof of a vehicle. Especially when you can help people in this way. Join and you will have a dozen more ideas of what else to try. We also bake charlottes and make festivals, draw fish and owls, etc. and so on.

    it seems that we can also help you implement paragraph 83, and we can submit an idea about paragraph 48

1. Give half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie in a day.
3. Curtain windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and take care of it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask stranger about help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don't say "I" throughout the day.
20. Speak in front of an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend a day on your own by turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend in paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of their hometown.
25. Make a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, go boating or sit on the beach.
29. Spend a day with children trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Without fear to walk on the ice.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give a handmade item.
37. Live for days without food and drink.
38. Freeze at a randomly selected moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk a cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Photograph lying down.
42. Walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk across the rope bridge.
45. Go to the bath.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Sculpt a figurine of yourself out of clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to a loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Remove from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands in mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your abuser.
57. See northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do morning exercises for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Take care of the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Do not look at the clock of the day.
66. Visit in.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and break it.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food on a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don't look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-warmed rocks.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet an elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Devote a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in a forest or park.
86. Splash cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie down on the water of a very salty reservoir.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend a day in the reading room of the library.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let go of your hair.
99. Walk in your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

Every day we do different things, perform different actions, sometimes mechanically, not noticing how life is swiftly rushing by. Something in our actions is imposed on us from the outside (TV, news, Internet, newspapers), we adopt something from friends and colleagues, something is simply fashionable. Sometimes we completely forget about creativity and creativity, which cannot be bought, but can only be created.

So, let your imagination run wild! We invite you to do 30 bright things that will color your everyday life in bright colors and will be remembered for a long time!

1. Draw your picture

It does not matter that you are not an artist and this will not be the work of da Vinci. Buy a canvas, a frame, an easel, and draw your own picture of life. Anyone can write a book, but with a picture it is more difficult. When you're done, hang your drawing on the wall.

2. Save someone's life

Donate blood, donate money for surgery. Learn to give first emergency care. Maybe someday it will be up to you to save someone from death.

3. Donate your belongings to the poor or needy

We often throw away in the trash a lot of unnecessary, in our opinion, things that others may need. It will be much more pleasant to make them happy with such a gift.

4. Plant a tree or garden

If you do not have a summer house or a place near the house, this can be done in a park or in a forest. And it does not matter that no one will see this, will not appreciate it and will not give you a medal. Do it for the planet, for the future we are sure to have.

5. Visit a holy place

Do this, regardless of religion and your views on faith. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your life. Maybe after that you will change something in your life, put things in order in your head, think about the meaning of people's existence.

Our life is not endless, and you are not God, and someday the moment of your death will come. So maybe it's time to start living and do something worthwhile than buying a new smartphone, watching stupid TV shows, being a consumer, and denying everything.

6. Hitchhike

Take the risk, it's worth it! New impressions, acquaintances and a forgotten feeling of the unknown.

7. Learn a foreign language and make friends from this country

Every new language is another personality in you. A new language is a whole layer of culture, customs, relationships and impressions. Don't deprive yourself of this pleasure! The more languages ​​you learn, the more fuller world will open for you.

8. Travel with Coachsurfing

Coaching is a network of open and helpful people. You will be provided with free accommodation and other assistance during your trip. And it doesn't matter which country - there will always be a couple of suitable options. Plus, with its help you can implement the previous point.

9. Get a job as a volunteer

There is nothing better than helping others. Clean up the park, help the homeless, feed the hungry, move grandmothers across the street. In general, show your human qualities.

10. Live alone for 7 days outside of civilization

Without the Internet, TV, telephone and computer, far from people and means of communication. Sounds like a feat, right? The way it is! Just a week, and you will return a completely different person. The brain and soul will be cleaned of unnecessary files, clarity and the desire to move forward will come.

11. Keep a personal diary, write down all thoughts and ideas there

And then pass it on to your children or grandchildren so that they get to know you and yours better. inner world. Everyone would love to get one from their father or grandfather. Make it a family tradition.

12. Find a person (or several) who has the same dream as you

And try to achieve it together. You can start with something small. And who knows, maybe in the process you will meet not only a friend to achieve goals, but also a life partner? After all, you will have so much in common and interesting!

13. Buy a bouquet of flowers and give to passers-by

One flower - like a trifle, but everyone will be pleased. You will feel it when you see smiles and grateful eyes.

14. Take your children's things or toys to the orphanage

You can also make a cash contribution or just go to visit the kids. There are so many kids in the world, deprived of their fate, in need of attention, love and warmth. Don't be indifferent to them. You will get a hundred times more.

15. Organize or participate in a flash mob

It can be anything! You can feel like an actor or dancer in Indian TV shows. It will bring a lot of laughter, joy and positive.

16. Find an old photo with your friends, collect them again in the same place and take the same photo, but only where you are already adults

You probably haven’t seen some friends and acquaintances in the old photo for a dozen years - it will be a great reason to see you again. And suddenly old friendships will come to life and you will find loved one again?

17. Make a family tree

At least up to 10 generations, and better more. You must know who your ancestors are and honor their memory. Who knows - maybe the glory of your family will begin with you or noble blood flows in you? Do this while your old relatives are still alive.

18. Do not lie all day, do not be hypocritical

Say whatever you think and feel. Difficult challenge. But try to go beyond, do not be afraid of the consequences. In 10 years, you are unlikely to remember the problems that arose because of your sincerity. This day can change your life forever! So that you will never again be cunning either in front of others or in front of yourself. Interesting? Dare!

19. Create your inspiration board

Not to be confused with the visualization board, they are completely different things. We all sometimes get angry, feel bad and experience anger, aggression. Everyone sometimes gives up and does not have the strength to continue to fight and achieve goals. Create a board or poster with photos, drawings, things that can 100% always cheer you up, inspire, motivate and inspire confidence in yourself.

20. Make a gift with your own hands

And give it to a relative or a loved one. Put all your imagination, all your abilities and desire to make it nice. But give just like that, without expectations! Remember, the main focus.

21. Throw a surprise party for your loved ones

And it doesn't matter how much money you have. Just decorate the house with balloons, bake a cake, learn a song. After all, it is not the cost of the holiday that is important, but the strength of the feelings that you put into it, and the surprise and happiness that you give.

22. Live a day without electricity

At all. Even without a refrigerator =). Another, out of the box, but very useful act. Break the pattern, break the system, at least for a day. Be at one with yourself and nature. If you break even once, this day does not count.

23. Be a Vegetarian for a Month

Believe me - you will not cause any harm to health, but you will save a few innocent lives, and you may like it.

24. Set aside a small amount EVERY day

And after 5 years, with the money raised, together with friends, do what you always wanted, but did not have enough money. Make your dream come true, even after 5 years. This will instill in you perseverance and determination. Prove to yourself that you are worthy!

25. Sewing your own clothes

And maybe dress up. We all wear clothes, but someone creates them. Become the creator of your own clothing line for yourself. Creative ideas for you! quality materials and more color!

26. Learn some kind of applied skill

For example, beekeeping, or gardening, woodcarving or bricklaying. In an era where everything can be done right hand holding it on the mouse, it will become a sip for you clean air. It's so nice to be able to do something material, even if it's fixing the plumbing.

27. Plant 7 oaks, grow them and cut them down in 20-30 years

For what? To make boards and lay oak parquet in his son's house! And when he walks on this floor with his children, and the floor creaks softly, he will remember that you made this floor for him. And your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will know about it.

28. Write real letters and give real cards

Somewhere they wrote that after the era of mankind there will be no information left, since everything is stored in in electronic format. So it may be worth giving real cards to loved ones, writing real letters on paper, and not in sms and e-mail, printing photos in albums, and not posting them on the wall in social networks. networks?

29. Make your own personal time capsule

And put in it your message to future contemporaries. Send a piece of yourself on a journey through time. Suddenly it will help the descendants to unravel some mystery of the past?

30. Add your personal item to this list and complete it

It may be your cherished dream, or something that you are very afraid to do. The list would not be complete without this item =)

Good luck and bright impressions!

Share your successes with your friends and inspire them to do crazy things.

Prepared for you interesting list of the 100 things that you must do in life in order to live it to the maximum and interestingly! Life itself is the greatest miracle given to us by the Creator.

I want something interesting and bright to happen every day. The world around us is interesting and diverse. There is so much in it that it is very difficult to make a choice. Where to go when there are so many interesting countries? What to cook for breakfast, because there are so many delicious things in the store? Every minute we have to make a choice.

But it's impossible to do everything. One person (unfortunately the authorship is not known) made a list of 100 things that, in his opinion, is the most important thing to do in life.

And here is the list of 100 things you need to do in life:

1. Sleep under the stars

2. Turn off your cell phone for a week

3. Swim with dolphins

4. Scuba dive

5. Try tequila in Mexico

6. Learn English

7. Climb trees

8. Make love on the beach

9. Blow bubbles

10. Write your life story

11. Write a letter and send it in a bottle to the sea

12. Plant a tree

13. See penguins

14. Learn to dance salsa

15. Create your business

16. Fall in love without memory

17. Be a member of the jury

18. Dance all night

19. Stand under a waterfall

20. Celebrate Halloween in America

21. Lie on the ocean and listen to the sound of the waves

22. Learn to skate

23. Participate in the carnival in Venice

24. Write your plan for the year and follow it

25. Watch a lunar eclipse

26. Meet New Year in an exotic place

27. Skydive

28. Love yourself

29. Ask a stranger on a date

30. Have sex in a restaurant bathroom

31. Buy very expensive clothes

32. Learn to drive

33. Visit Paris

34. Spend a whole day with a book

35. Meet real friends

36. See the sunset in Bali

37. See live 7 wonders of the world

38. Jump into the sea from a cliff

39. Overcome the fear of failure

40. Play with koalas

41. Go on a sea voyage

42. Play big game on friends

43. Climb the Eiffel Tower

44. Donate anonymously

45. Surprise your loved one

46. ​​Smoke hookah

47. Create your website or blog

48. Hang out in Ibiza

49. Make your own family tree

50. Spend a weekend at the spa

51. Run a marathon

52. Go snowboarding

53. Meditate for 3 hours

54. Hold a live butterfly in your palms

55. Ride a horse along the coast

56. Meet someone on the street

57. Give your breakfast to a homeless person

58. Participate in a flash mob

59. Learn how to use a computer well

60. Eat a potato cooked over a campfire

61. Spend the whole day with your loved one in bed

62. Go to an unfamiliar city for the whole day and wander there alone

63. Make your own movie

64. Build a house

65. Get an autograph from a star

66. Attend a football match in a giant stadium

67. Go hunting

68. Ride a bike for at least 100 kilometers

69. Make something with your own hands and sell it

70. Fly on hot-air balloon

71. Ride a camel or an elephant

72. Visit all continents

73. Attend a carnival in Brazil

74. Climb the slope of some great mountain

75. Spend a day in the woods eating whatever you find there

76. Surf

77. See the Vienna Opera

78. Visit all the capitals of Europe

79. Learn to take beautiful pictures

80. Learn to speak Italian

81. Learn to dance tango in Argentina

82. Swim in clothes

83. Swim naked at night

84. Participate in a tasting in a wine cellar

85. Completely change your image

86. Climb the volcano

87. Visit a nude beach

88. Try a dish that causes fear

89. Get on the cover of a magazine

90. Win a contest

91. Ride on the back of a turtle

92. Run through puddles in a thunderstorm

93. Ride in a convertible

94. Meet a Hollywood Star

95. Overeat strawberries

96. Exchange souvenirs with the leader of a wild tribe

97. Get a tattoo

98. Write a book

99. Write a list of 100 of your achievements

Everyone dies, but not everyone truly lives.
William Ross

Perhaps you are familiar English expression bucket list is a list of everything you want to do in life.

Today we're going to talk about why it's so important to make a to-do list for life, and tell you what you should definitely add to your list.

Why make a to-do list for a lifetime

90% of the people living on planet Earth, day in and day out, are engaged in current affairs, which fall on each of us in an endless flurry. And sometimes we get the feeling that our days are completely useless: we live either work or household chores and wake up every day so that this everyday whirlwind swirls us again.

What have you achieved in the past three months? What are your goals for the next three months? I bet that most of the cases will be from the category of everyday - work or household chores-business-business. But let's imagine: if we find out that we only have a couple of days left to live, these cases will still have great importance for us?

A to-do list for life, unlike our daily-week-monthly to-do lists, reminds us of what really matters. He will help us make the most of every passing day.

How to make your to-do list

How long does it take you to create a to-do list for life? On average, it takes from 30 minutes to an hour if you just list the goals without specifying them. If you approach the matter more responsibly and write down each of your goals in detail, then you will spend several hours compiling a list. But trust me, it's worth the time.

You may already have a similar list, in which case this article will help you complete it.

Now grab a pen and paper or create new document on the computer. After that, start writing down whatever comes to mind as you read the following questions:

  • What would you do today if you knew that you would be gone tomorrow?
  • What would you do if you had unlimited time, money and other resources?
  • What have you always wanted to do but haven't done yet?
  • What places (countries, cities, etc.) would you like to visit?
  • What are your main goals and cherished dreams?
  • What kind of person do you want to become?
  • What experience would you like to have?
  • What do you want to remember in your old age?
  • What skills do you want to acquire?
  • What would you like to do with your loved ones?
  • Do you have any idols you dream of meeting in person?
  • What do you want to achieve in all areas of life?
  • What do you need to make your life meaningful?

Don't stop until your list is at least 101 items. If you feel that you are at an impasse, then try to loosen up: there is no place on your list for doubts and thoughts about possible failures. It will contain everything you dream of, what you want to achieve, everything you want to see and feel.

101 things to do in life

The list below will hopefully inspire you and point you to a few items you might want to add to your own list. :)

1. Travel around the world


Traveling is what helps us get new experiences, expand our horizons, get out of our comfort zone and meet new people.

If you want to travel, then add this desire to your list, but be sure to specify which countries you want to visit. For example:

2. Learn a new language

Learning a new language is never easy, but imagine how great it is when you can speak fluently with a foreigner! People who speak multiple languages ​​fluently deserve respect. Why shouldn't you be one of them? :)

3. Find a job in another field

Firmorama Design Studio/Flickr.com

Think about what profession you have always dreamed of. Maybe now is the time to try to find your dream job? Or maybe you have a favorite hobby that you want to make a life's work?

Although it’s not at all necessary to change your life so drastically if you are completely satisfied with your current job, and if you want to develop new skills or try something else, you can sign up as a volunteer or become a freelancer.

4. Reach your ideal weight

Jeanette Goodrich/Flickr.com

We all want to look healthy and attractive. I do not urge you to starve yourself in pursuit of your ideal, but each of us can eat right and play sports.

5. Run a marathon


If you set yourself such an ambitious goal, then its implementation will require some preparation and a lot of effort from you. Running a marathon is a real feat. If it seems to you now that it is very difficult, think about the benefits that you will receive: you will become more resilient and persistent, improve not only your physical, but also mental health.

6. Take part in a triathlon

jonny baker/Flickr.com

Swimming, cycling and running - triathlon will test your endurance and you will have a reason to be proud of yourself!

7. Try a new sport

Francois Peeters/Flickr.com

Exercising is a great way to stay healthy and keep fit. Choose the sport that suits you.

8. Scuba dive

See with my own eyes undersea world and all its inhabitants - this is one of those experiences that last a lifetime!

9. Ski down the mountain

Shawn DeGroot/Flickr.com

This is an activity that is certainly breathtaking and an incredible experience, but do not forget that it is not always safe for beginners. So before you start riding alone, you should go through some preparation.

10. Walk the Inca Trail

This is the most famous route, one of the five best in the world. The incredible beauties that you will meet along the way are worth seeing with your own eyes.

11. Go horseback riding


This is a great sport to help you relax and unwind. In addition, you will learn to take care of another living being and, most likely, make a true friend.

12. Skydiving

Every second person in the world dreams of skydiving. :) You probably dream of doing it too.

The reasons why people want to conquer the mountains can be different: some want to increase their endurance or overcome feelings of fear, while others simply enjoy it.

Of course, climbing a mountain is a real feat that deserves to be on your list.

14. Learn to play chess


Playing chess is not just a way to have a good time. This is a game that will teach you to be more attentive, think logically and always think before you act.

15. Visit school teachers

gualtiero boffi/Shutterstock.com

Of course, it is likely that you have long forgotten many school teachers. But surely among them there is at least one who taught you something important, inspired you to something, or simply helped with life advice.

Find time to visit them, for example on Teacher's Day.

16. Let the other know how much this person means to you.

Vera F/Shutterstock.com

Feel free to say "I love you" to the most important person in your life.

17. Surprise someone

Michael Fletcher/Flickr.com

When you are in last time gave anyone a surprise? Remember how nice it is? So get ready romantic dinner or send flowers to your girlfriend.

18. Do a good deed without expecting anything in return.

This is the problem with most of us: if we provide someone with a service, we always expect that they will give us something in return.

Try at least once to do a good deed without expecting anything in return. There are probably orphanages or animal shelters in your city that need your help.

19. Change someone's life

Koosha Jafari/Flickr.com

Surely among the people close to you there are those whose life you can change for the better: your parents, your loved one, your children or your friends. If you can make their dream come true, help them achieve a goal, or solve a difficult problem, then go for it.

20. Become a mentor to someone


This is a mutually beneficial exchange: teaching something to others, at the same time we develop ourselves. No matter what area you are an expert in, you can always teach others what you know and can do.

21. Do what you love

Our life is too short to do what we don't like. If your job does not bring you pleasure, you should change it.

Try to figure out what you want to do in life. Paint? Sing? Become a trainer at a fitness center? Try to find opportunities to do what you really enjoy.

22. Start your own business


Of course, entrepreneurship is an area associated with great risks and uncertainty. But if you feel like you have an entrepreneurial streak and have always dreamed of starting your own own business then you should definitely do so.

23. Fly in a hot air balloon

See the world from a bird's eye view, feel free and get a lot of new experiences. Feel free to add hot air ballooning to your list. :)

24. Sing in public

Candice Linkie/Flickr.com

If you love to sing, then don't keep your passion to yourself! The next time you get an opportunity (corporate at work, family celebration etc.), feel free to sing along.

25. Try yourself as a volunteer

Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire/Flickr.com

There is so little kindness in the world, but you always have a chance to bring something bright into it.

Most of our acquaintances and friends are school and college comrades, work colleagues, people who live in the neighborhood or with whom we rested together, etc.

Few of us dare to make acquaintance with a stranger, even if we liked him. Stop being shy and take action. Libraries, cafes, concerts, museums, even the line at the supermarket - there are so many places in the world where you can find a true friend or even your soul mate, so don't miss your chance. :)

27. Buy a cup of coffee for a stranger

The next time you visit a coffee shop, buy two cups of coffee, keep one for yourself, and give the other to a stranger. At a minimum, you will find yourself a company and will not drink coffee alone. :)

28. Walk/dance barefoot in the rain

We all know: before you go out, you need to get dressed and put on shoes, and if it rains, take an umbrella with you.

Of course, an umbrella is a good thing, it helps us not to get wet and not to fall down with a cold. But at least once in your life, break the “umbrella and shoe rule”: run out into the street in the rain barefoot and dance! This is an incredible feeling, you can return to a carefree childhood again for a while. And, of course, it's good if you take a couple of friends or a loved one with you to the dance.

29. Run barefoot on the sand

Another small event that can bring us back to childhood and give us a boost of vivacity and good mood.

30. Meet the dawn and see the sunset

Coleman Sheehy Jr/Flickr.com

Sunrises and sunsets are one of the most beautiful gifts of nature.

People applaud the fireworks, but not the sunrise.

Do not forget that the beautiful is next to us every day.

31. See the northern lights

People come from different corners land to admire this beautiful sight. You can see the northern lights in Norway, Iceland, Scotland, Finland, Canada and more.

32. Witness a solar eclipse

Another natural wonder worth seeing.

33. See the starfall


…and make a wish that will surely come true. :) This is a favorite dream of all romantics, but even if you are not one, you still cannot remain indifferent to such a magnificent sight.

34. Plant a tree and watch it grow

Do you know that there are old-timers on our planet that are several thousand years old? And all these trees were once planted by people.

Plant your tree and watch it grow. On average, it takes a tree 10 to 20 years to grow.

35. Get a pet

This will help you become more responsible and caring, and a devoted friend will always be waiting for you at home.

36. Publish your book

Eri Crapulence/Flickr.com

If you have something to say to the world, then create your own work. Who knows, maybe one fine morning you will wake up famous.

37. Give a speech in front of 1,000 (or more) people


Public speaking is one of the biggest fears of many people.

But when you learn to hold yourself and get a taste, you will realize that performing in front of people is very exciting.

38. Throw a Mega Party

Moyan Brenn/Flickr.com

At least once in a lifetime, everyone should arrange such an event. Invite your friends and acquaintances, as well as friends of your friends and acquaintances of your acquaintances.

Remember that we arrange holidays for ourselves. Even if it's far from your birthday or other significant event, you can have a party without a reason. :)

39. Dramatically change your image


We all need change from time to time. If you feel that now is such a time, then change your hair, update your wardrobe, sign up for a gym. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment, try something new.

40. Taste different types of wine

One of the noblest drinks is worth trying.

41. Sign up for an etiquette course

Amanda King/Flickr.com

In our time, it is very important to be polite and be able to behave in society. You don't have to be a celebrity or high society member to enroll in etiquette classes.

First of all, pay attention to those courses in the program of which there is business etiquette.

42. Help someone find their love


If among your friends or acquaintances there is a guy and a girl who can’t find their soul mate in any way, then introduce them. Who knows, maybe it's fate?

Of course, everything here depends entirely on who you introduce, but you can also play your small role in this - become a catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction.

43. Go on a blind date

Many people think that going on blind dates is the prerogative of desperate people. But this is a prejudice. Blind dating is just one of the fun ways to meet a new person, there is nothing shameful or flawed about it.

So if the person you met, for example, through social networks, invites you on a date, then do not rush to refuse.

44. Continue your education

Svein Halvor Halvorsen/Flickr.com

No matter how long ago you graduated from school or university, no matter how old you are now, you need to engage in your education throughout your life.

If you already have a degree in higher education, then no one is stopping you from getting a second one. And, of course, do not forget about self-education.

45. Learn to play one of the musical instruments

Lester Guijarro/Flickr.com

Guitar, piano, cello, violin... There are so many beautiful musical instruments in the world, and it's never too late to start playing them.

46. ​​Win the lottery

Heike Brauer/Shutterstock.com

It is not necessary to aim at multi-million dollar sums, because we all know that the chances of winning, although present, are small.

But no one canceled win-win lotteries. Let you win some trifle, but you will still be pleased.

47. Take up dancing

Vladimir Pustovit/Flickr.com

Dancing is not only fun, but also a great way to keep yourself in good shape. Salsa, for example, helps burn about 200 kilocalories in just 30 minutes, which is the equivalent of running.

48. Learn martial art

Martial arts are a great way to self-defense. In addition, by training, you will learn self-discipline and perseverance, temper your character.

49. Go hitchhiking

A great opportunity to relax without spending money on the road.

50. Try hiking

Feel free, enjoy great views to be alone with nature. Hiking is an exciting adventure that you can take on yourself.

51. Go on a spontaneous journey

Instead of buying an all-inclusive package with a predictable itinerary, pull out a map of the world, poke (without looking, of course) anywhere, and go there. :)

52. Swim with dolphins

If you are looking for experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime, then be sure to swim with dolphins. It is said that this activity can save a person from depression.

53. Live in another country for at least six months

Of course, it's great to go on vacation to another country. But in a few weeks you will not be able to fully get to know another country and culture, to feel it. Another thing is if you decide to live in this country.

You will be able to see it from the inside, not through the eyes of an enthusiastic tourist who is new to everything, but through the eyes of a resident who can tell not only about local attractions.

54. Play a role in a motion picture

Many of us love to watch films, and many of us at least once in our lives wanted to try ourselves as an actor.

You don't have to aim for Hollywood - pretty much everyone has a camcorder these days, so you can make an amateur movie with your friends.

55. Give an interview to the media

Roland Lausberg/Flickr.com

You will be shown on TV, written about in the newspaper, or you will hear your own voice on the radio. This is nice for anyone! Let the world know about your even small achievements.

56. Knit a scarf

Knit a scarf and give it to a loved one. It will be a gift from the heart, and it is much more valuable than bought in a store.

57. Furnish your dream apartment

We spend half our lives in our homes and apartments, and those who work from home spend two thirds. So why not make your apartment a beautiful and inspiring place that will delight you?

You do not need to be a millionaire, because in order to make your apartment cozy and pleasing to the eye, it is not at all necessary to spend fabulous sums on repairs.

58. Cook dinner for your loved one

Prepare for a loved one favorite dish. Believe me, gourmet dishes from the most expensive restaurants cannot be compared with it.

59. Bake a cake or pie for someone's birthday

Brady Lea/Flickr.com

Of course, it's much easier to go to the store and buy finished cake or a pie. But a delicacy prepared by yourself is a gift from the heart.

Even if you have never baked a cake or a pie, do not despair, because there are many recipes on the Internet that will help you with this.

60. Being alone with nature

We live in the concrete jungle, called megacities, and so rarely get out into nature. Fix it! Go hiking, see a waterfall, camp in some wilds... Feel the nature!

61. Play snowballs

Kevin Frost/Flickr.com

We all loved this business very much in childhood, but who said that we should leave exciting game, becoming adults? Wait for the snow and act. :)

62. Take pictures of the same place at different times of the year

It's fascinating: you can watch how nature falls asleep and wakes up again. And who knows, maybe a great photographer is quietly dozing in you?

63. Read a book from an unexpected area

As a rule, we read only those books that are interesting to us. But at least once make an exception to this rule and read a book that is outside of your circle of interests. For example, if you are a programmer, then read a book on knitting, and if you are an accountant, read a book on journalism.

According to The Medici Effect, innovative ideas come to us when we step out of our familiar domain and look around.

64. Provide support to sick or old people

Ed Yourdon/Flickr.com

We are not magicians and cannot heal a sick person, but we can surround him with care and attention, take care of him, just be there and support him.

In this way, you will not only help sick people - you will appreciate more own life and, perhaps, look at the world in a completely different way.

65. Fly a kite

This simple and enjoyable activity will allow you to have a great time with loved ones and give positive emotions all day.

66. Sleep on the grass

Sleeping outdoors is good way relax your body and soul, become closer to nature. Before you decide to take this event, you should:

  • take a rug and pillow with you;
  • choose a safe place (without snakes and wild animals);
  • bring mosquito spray and sunscreen.

67. Thank a company for a quality product or service

Many of us complain when we encounter poor service or purchase a poor quality product. But think about it, how often do we thank companies for a job well done?

With your "thank you" you can please your employees, inspire them to create something even more wonderful. Write email, call by phone or express gratitude in person - it will take you only 5 minutes.

68. Try to become a vegetarian for 21 days

Marji Beach/Flickr.com

By the way, if you are planning to lose weight, then a vegetarian diet is considered one of the most effective. Try to become a vegetarian for at least 21 days, make a bet with yourself. Can you handle it? :)

69. Hug mom as often as possible

abigail morellon/Flickr.com

No comments. You already know how important this is.

70. Cook your favorite dish yourself

We all have our favorite food. Perhaps it was prepared for you as a child or you tried it in some restaurant. At least once in your life you should cook it yourself.

71. Make 1,000 paper cranes and give them to people

Give good and good mood because doing it is so simple and important.

72. Conquer your biggest fear

Seth Oliver Photographic Art/Flickr.com

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, the reckless, faceless, unjustified horror that paralyzes the necessary efforts to turn a retreat into an offensive.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

We all have fears and even phobias. Someone is afraid of heights, someone is afraid of spiders, someone is horrified by the sight of blood, fear of failure, fear of being rejected, stage fright.

Of course, there are fears that protect us from danger, but most fears are irrational. Good news: fears can be overcome, subjugated them. Manage your fears, don't be led by them.

73. Share your to-do list with at least 10 people and invite them to create one.


This way you can learn about the goals and dreams of your loved ones, or maybe there are similar items on your lists that you can accomplish together.

Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

Tell the world what you want to do. Today, in the boom age social networks, it is quite easy to do, plus you can quickly find like-minded people.

77. See the cherry blossoms in Japan


In Japan, there is such a tradition - to admire the flowers (in Japanese, "hanami"). Watching cherry blossoms is an incredibly beautiful sight that simply cannot be described in words, so it is worth watching it yourself.

78. Forgive people who once hurt you.

To forgive is to release the "prisoner" and discover that you were the "prisoner".

Do not carry resentment in your heart, forgive those people who once hurt you. In the end, harboring resentment, anger and a desire for revenge, you only torture yourself.

79. Let go of everything that makes you unhappy

Children's insults. Past relationships that we still can't forget. Insults thrown at us in the heat of a quarrel.

Each of us has a past, and no one can change it. But we can control our thoughts and not remember the negative again and again.

If you've seen a bad movie, you probably won't ever watch it again. So why do you keep thinking about what makes you unhappy?

80. Organize a picnic for yourself and friends

Instead of spending the weekend again in some mall while eating fast food and watching another stupid comedy, it is better to go on a picnic with friends, breathe fresh air, enjoy nature and tasty and healthy food.

81. Do something funny and stupid

Serghei Starus/Flickr.com

I understand what your trouble is: you are too serious. A smart face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the stupid things on earth are done with this facial expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!
From the movie "The same Munchausen"

Our everyday life can be quite boring and monotonous. You wake up at the same time, wash your face, drink coffee, go to work along a long-studied route ...

Liven up your day! Start a conversation with a stranger, arrange a surprise for your colleagues and smile-smile-smile!

82. Fly first class (at least once)

Yes, it's expensive. Sometimes it's even damn expensive. But sometimes it's worth pampering yourself.

83. Win at darts

And to win, you have to practice well. Of course, this will not change your life, but you will rest and have a good time.

84. See an erupting volcano

There are about 6,000 volcanoes in the world. Three quarters of volcanoes are underwater, 1,500 are on land. About 50 of them erupt every year.

Only the brave will be able to decide on such an adventure, but they should not forget about safety precautions.

85. Fly in a helicopter

Soaring above the ground enjoying magnificent views is a tempting prospect, isn't it? And if you are a romantic, you can fly with your soulmate - both of you will remember this day for a long time.

86. Meet the one you always dreamed of meeting


The author of your favorite book, the artist you admire... We often think we'll never be able to meet them in person, but so will they. ordinary people who walk the streets, go to events and even sometimes (well, this is big secret) ride the subway.

87. Tell your family members that you love them as often as possible.

Family is your closest people. Very often we do not take the time to express our love to them, and this should be corrected as soon as possible.

88. Ride a rollercoaster

Many people think that life is like a rollercoaster: it also has its ups and downs. To try such a “life in life” and experience completely new sensations is something that every person should try.

89. Go on a cruise

And you won’t be bored on board at all, because there are so many surprises, entertainment and new acquaintances waiting for you.

90. Try to work as a waiter

This is an invaluable experience that will help you in the future in any professional activity. You will learn to be polite, patient and endure human stupidity.

91. Fall in love

Giulio Bernardi/Flickr.com

No comments. :)

92. Build strong relationships based on love and respect and have a baby


Falling in love is half the battle, it is much more difficult to build a strong relationship in which both people are comrades-in-arms and support each other in everything. But if you still manage to do this, then you can be called a happy person.

And, of course, you should leave someone behind.

93. Organize a romantic getaway for your significant other

A romantic date is too easy and anyone can do it. But to organize a whole romantic vacation ...

You may have already had a honeymoon, but why not repeat it?

94. Learn to do somersaults

…and be proud of yourself!

95. Visit an old castle

Miami Love 1/Flickr.com

There are so many countries in the world that have amazing old castles. You should see with my own eyes at least one of them.

96. Change the world

Kelsey Elisa/Flickr.com

The beach will be clean if each person cleans up their garbage. Heroes don't change the world. Remember that each person can make his own, albeit small, contribution that will make the world a little better.

97. Help someone in need

There is always someone who is worse off than you. And you can always help him.

98. Learn Sign Language

Very useful if you want to better understand people.

99. See the Mona Lisa (Louvre, Paris)

Ilia Goranov/Flickr.com

And to be photographed against its background, of course.

100. Attend a costume party

A great way to transform into a hero or heroine of a fairy tale loved since childhood, for example. Feeling like a witch or a princess, a robber or a knight - it must be very funny, right?

101. Live every day

Balazs Kovacs Images/Shutterstock.com

And rejoice, despite everything that this crazy world can bring us. :)

What would you like to add to your to-do list? Share in the comments.