The building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences must have been seen by every Muscovite. The 22-storey skyscraper adorned Moscow in the early 90s of the last century. They built this miracle for almost twenty years. The decision to build it was made in 1966. The sketch of the building was made by an outstanding Soviet scientist-engineer in the field of mathematics and mechanics - Mstislav Vsevolodovich Beldysh. Construction of the building began in 1974. Architects - Y. Platonov (head), A. Batyreva, L. Barshch, S. Zakharov, A. Zvezdin; engineer A. Levenshtein; co-authors - A. Timakov, E. Antonov and A. Nikiforov. Architect Yu.P. Platnov later became (since 1992) the chief architect of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1997 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts for the creation of the Golden Brains. The place for the presidium was chosen very well - on the high bank of the Moskva River. Therefore, it offers a very good view of the city.

1. The middle of December turned out to be unusually frosty in Moscow. The temperature dropped far beyond minus 10 degrees, but this did not stop us, on the contrary, it is best to shoot at night and before sunset, in such weather it is best.

2. The peculiar design on the roof has given rise to more than one myth among people with a rich imagination.

3. Starting with simple myths that this design is covered solar panels, to supply the building with electricity, ending with the fact that the decorative decoration of the roof is a disguised device for zombifying the population of the capital.

4. But, on the roof of the presidium, there was no desire to eat each other's brains, the will was not suppressed, no aliens were noticed and no connection with space either. The only thing we felt was a wild cold, which is logical, the temperature was already minus twenty and the wind appeared.

5. On top of this platform, it was impossible to take pictures with a tripod, apparently she was also very cold and she was shaking non-stop.

6. Let's switch to the views from the roof, because for them we climbed here. CHPP-20.

7. Two pipes of CHPP-12, each 180 meters high.

8. Pushkinsky bridge, and behind it the favorite bridge of suicides in Moscow - Krymsky. Fans of the paranormal often write about bad energy and it is she who allegedly makes people jump from it, but in fact the reason for suicides from this bridge is trivially simple - it is very easy to climb on it (I was there myself).

9. Main higher institution of our country - Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.

10. Luzhnetsky bridge. Above is a flyover for cars, and under it is the longest station of the Moscow metro "Vorobyovy Gory" (282 m.).

11. Large sports arena of the Olympic complex "Luzhniki". It was from here that the Olympic bear flew to the closing Olympic Games in 1980. The largest stadium in Russia. It is planned to reconstruct for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Rumors are circulating online about the demolition and construction of a new stadium instead. I hope this is just a rumor. Behind the stadium spoils the landscape "House on Mosfilmovskaya". This house good example the fact that you can spit on any laws and do what you want. In short, the house violated the high-rise regulations of Moscow, and also significantly increased its area compared to the approved plan. But not to demolish such “beauty”? So the Moscow government scored on violations. If I were the mayor, I would distribute the entire area built over the agreed project to those who are in dire need of housing (veterans, large families etc.) So that I send rays of diarrhea to the Don-Stroy Invest company.

12. Sports complex "Friendship".

13. The stronger the frost, the more effective it is to remove the CHP.

14. Once again, Moscow State University.

15. The sunset is slowly ending, and the hands and face are numb from the cold. Therefore, we periodically go down a little lower and bask near the warm walls.

16. Central office of Sberbank of Russia OJSC. Very unfriendly security inside.

17. Leninsky Prospekt.

18. Evening traffic jams.

19. A white house is visible to the right.

20. “South-Western Gate”. As planned, both houses form the main entrance to Moscow. They were built in the 40s by the hands of prisoners, among whom was A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

21. Novoandreevsky road and Andreevsky railway bridge.

22. Structures on the roof of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

24. A fragment of the decoration of the Golden Brains. For some reason, this design reminds me of dwarven ruins from the series computer games about Morrowind.

25. Finally zadubev from the cold, we descend from the roof of the building. Next time we will climb there only in summer, it is too cold in winter.

26. Finally, we make a frame of the building and run to warm up. That's all.

The building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences must have been seen by every Muscovite. The 22-storey skyscraper adorned Moscow in the early 90s of the last century. They built this miracle for almost twenty years. The decision to build it was made in 1966. The sketch of the building was made by the outstanding Soviet scientist-engineer in the field of mathematics and mechanics - Mstislav Vsevolodovich Beldysh. Construction of the building began in 1974. Architects - Y. Platonov (head), A. Batyreva, L. Barshch, S. Zakharov, A. Zvezdin; engineer A. Levenshtein; co-authors - A. Timakov, E. Antonov and A. Nikiforov. Architect Yu.P. Platnov later became (since 1992) the chief architect of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in 1997 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts for the creation of "Golden Brains". The place for the presidium was chosen very well - on the high bank of the Moskva River. Therefore, it offers a very good view of the city.

01. Mid-December turned out to be unusually frosty in Moscow. The temperature dropped far beyond minus 10 degrees, but this did not stop us, on the contrary, it is best to shoot at night and before sunset, in such weather it is best.

02. A peculiar structure on the roof has given rise to more than one myth among people with a rich imagination.

03. Starting with simple myths that this structure is covered with solar panels to supply the building with electricity, ending with the fact that the decorative decoration of the roof is a disguised device for zombifying the population of the capital.

04. But, on the roof of the presidium, there was no desire to eat each other's brains, the will was not suppressed, no aliens were noticed and no connection with space either. The only thing we felt was a wild cold, which is logical, the temperature was already minus twenty and the wind appeared.

05. On top of this platform, it was impossible to take pictures with a tripod, apparently she was also very cold and she was shaking non-stop.

06. Let's switch to the views from the roof, because for them we climbed here. CHPP-20.

07. Two pipes of CHPP-12, each 180 meters high.

08. Pushkinsky bridge, and behind it is the favorite bridge of suicides in Moscow - Krymsky. Fans of the paranormal often write about bad energy and it is she who supposedly makes people jump from it, but in fact the reason for suicides from this bridge is trivially simple - it is very easy to climb on it (I was there myself).

09. The main higher institution of our country is Lomonosov Moscow State University.

10. Luzhnetsky bridge. Above is a flyover for cars, and under it is the longest station of the Moscow metro "Vorobyovy Gory" (282 m.).

11. Large sports arena of the Olympic complex "Luzhniki". It was from here that the Olympic Bear flew off at the closing of the Olympic Games in 1980. The largest stadium in Russia. It is planned to reconstruct for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Rumors are circulating online about the demolition and construction of a new stadium instead. I hope this is just a rumor. Behind the stadium spoils the landscape. This house is a good example of the fact that you can spit on any laws and do whatever you want. In short, the house violated the high-rise regulations of Moscow, and also significantly increased its area compared to the approved plan. But not to demolish such "beauty"? So the Moscow government scored on violations. If I were the mayor, I would distribute the entire area built over the agreed project to those who are in dire need of housing (veterans, large families, etc.) So that I send rays of diarrhea to the Don-Stroy Invest company.

12. Sports complex "Friendship".

13. The stronger the frost, the more effective it is to remove the CHP.

14. Once again, Moscow State University.

15. The sunset is slowly ending, and the hands and face are numb from the cold. Therefore, we periodically go down a little lower and bask near the warm walls.

16. Central office of JSC "Sberbank of Russia". Very unfriendly security inside.

17. Leninsky Prospekt.

18. Evening traffic jams.

19. A white house is visible to the right.

20. "South-West Gate". As planned, both houses form the main entrance to Moscow. They were built in the 40s by the hands of prisoners, among whom was A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

21. Novoandreevsky road and Andreevsky railway bridge.

22. Structures on the roof of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

24. A fragment of the decoration of the Golden Brains. For some reason, this design reminds me of dwarven ruins from a series of computer games about Morrowind.

25. In addition to the "golden crown" on the central building, there are also interesting decorative delights in the complex, but on a smaller roof, which we visited a few months earlier.

26. Among which is a huge watch with four dials different color: green, red, white and blue - directed in different directions.

27. Initially, there was no clock in the layout and plans of the complex of buildings of the Presidium of the Academy of the USSR. Most likely they decided to add them later.

Photo from the layout

28. In a photograph from the magazine "Construction and Architecture of Moscow" dated 1984, it is clear that in the place where the clock now stands, some work is being done.

29. In addition to its design, the watch is also unique in that all dials show different time. It didn't take long for me to figure out why the time on the clock was different. But after walking on the roof for about an hour it dawned on me - they do not work. It's amazing that on the main building Russian Academy sciences are worth a broken watch.

It is said that they never worked at all due to the fact that a number of parts were not delivered from abroad. If that's the case, then it seems to me that those who monitor the state of the building should be ashamed that they are not able to fix them. It seems that the frozen hands of the clock symbolize the stoppage of science in our country.

30. We photographed the clock when it was warm, and this time on the roof of the main building we were completely numb from the cold, so we go down from the roof of the building.

31. Finally, we make a frame of the building and run to warm up. That's all.

Design organization: Gipronia of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Design: 1974-86, construction: 1974-94
Authors. Arch. Yu. Platonov (supervisor), L. Barshch, A. Batyreva, S. Zakharov, A. Zvezdin. Eng. A. Levenshtein
Co-authors. Arch. E. Antonov, A. Timakov. Eng. A. Nikiforov

The complex of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences is spectacularly located on a cliff on the high bank of the Moskva River in the area of ​​Sq. Gagarin, forming a high-altitude dominant against the background of the extended, forested spaces of the Neskuchny Garden and Voroyevy Gory. The volume-spatial composition is based on a combination of a paired high-rise 23-storey building and several low volumes grouped around a square courtyard, open through the openings of the lower floor towards the Moskva River and the Neskuchny Garden. Another smaller patio is located in the southeastern part of the complex between the Large Conference Hall and the classroom block.

The complex is located on a square stylobate measuring 168x168 m. The layout is based on a single spatial modular system, a grid of supports with a step of 36x36 meters. Bearing structures - metal and precast concrete. Claydite-concrete panels lined with marble were used as enclosing structures. Widely applied various shapes and square stained glass surfaces in anodized aluminum and tinted glass.

A variety of rooms are grouped according to their functionality into several spatially separate blocks: a block of meetings and workshops, a block of exhibition halls, a large conference hall with accompanying rooms, an auditorium group surrounding a small square atrium in the southwestern part.

Already in the process of construction, the project was revised several times. The desire to create a representative and prestigious image of the main scientific institution country has led to excessive monumentalization and pomposity, sophistication of architectural forms and decorative techniques, excessive use of expensive facing and finishing materials. However, in general, a vivid and memorable artistic image was created, which had no analogues in the practice of Moscow construction of those years. There were no analogues and decorative and artistic compositions made of metal and glass, crowning the main volumes.

Photo from the layout

Third floor plan:
1 - hall of scientific exhibitions;
2 - meeting room of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences
3 - hall of working meetings of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences
4 - cabinets
5 - reception
6 - press center, post office, telegraph
7 - audience
8 - corridors
9 - library
10 - light yard
11 - conference hall for 1500 seats
12 - working rooms of the Presidium
13 - corridors

View of the complex from the river

northeast façade

Entrance to the patio

Main entrance to the administrative building

Decorative and artistic composition with a clock on the roof of the Large Conference Hall

Decorative and artistic composition crowning the administrative building

Main patio. View towards the Moscow River

Small patio between the Large Conference Hall (left) and classroom block (right)

The Moscow Art Deco Museum opened its doors to visitors on December 19, 2014. At the heart of its exposition is the collection of Mkrtich Okroyan. A significant part of the presented collection is decorative sculpture from bronze and ivory, as well as pieces of furniture and decorative panels.

Today, M. Okroyan's collection includes the largest number of bronze and ivory works of the period of the 1920-1930s, which includes more than 900 works. Among them are about 100 sculptures by Dmitry Chiparus, the most bright representative decorative plastics of the 1920-1930s. The remaining 800 pieces are works by Ferdinand Preiss, Paul Philippe, Otto Portzel, Pierre Le Fagoi, Claire Colin and other artists.

The museum also has pieces of furniture created by Edgar Brandt, who turned the forging technique into an industry, without losing its artistic quality. These are his set of dining chairs and console table. The exhibition features a large panel by Pierre Bobo (1902-1974), which once adorned the Roseland Ballroom in New York, where the most famous jazz performers performed. Next to it is the work of Jean Dunant (1877-1942) and Francois-Louis Schmid (1873-1941). Graceful figurines with musical instruments from different eras, as it were, tell the whole history of the music of mankind from ancient egypt to the jazz of the early 1920s, when this panel was created.

How much I have been working, but I have never been to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today I had to go there for work. What a beauty!

The house-estate-Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located in Neskuchny Garden. You turn off the noisy Leninsky and then silence, the birds sing, the gardener cuts the roses ...

It turns out that Lieutenant-General N.Yu. Trubetskoy arranged here for the reception of guests in the middle of the XVIII century, and early XIX For centuries public holidays and festivities were held in the manor park. Next to it, in the middle of the 18th century, the estate of Prince Golitsyn was built. The northern estate appeared much earlier, at the end of the 17th century it belonged to Count Orlov, and in the 18th century it was divided into several separate sections. It was on its territory in the middle of the 18th century that the famous aristocrat Demidov created a unique for that time Botanical Garden. In 1803 and 1804, husband and wife Robertson, who climbed from here to hot-air balloon, in 1830 there was a theater popular in Moscow. Its director was the composer A.I. Verstovsky, among the artists - M.S. Shchepkin, P.S. Mochalov. A.S. Pushkin and young I.S. Turgenev, who placed the heroes of the story "First Love" in Neskuchnoe.
Here's what was clicked on the iPhone:
neat rose garden

And so inside:

Smells old. The quality of the photos is not very good, everywhere is twilight. Chandeliers, a round conference hall - I was afraid to take a picture, otherwise academics go there, they look in strangely.
The view from the office in the attic is almost under the roof.