For many of us, set muscle mass can conjure up images of countless hours in gym but diet doesn't come to mind. Your body needs calories and nutritional support to feed growing muscle mass and adapt to various types activity. Before execution drastic changes in your lifestyle, you can consult a doctor, personal trainer and nutritionist.


What to eat

    Eat enough protein. The rule of thumb is that you need to consume 1-1.5 times your body weight in grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 75 kg, you should eat between 150 and 225 grams of protein per day if you want to gradually build muscle. Bodybuilders can eat two to three grams of their body weight in grams of protein, and sometimes more, but for most of us, this will be overkill. If you have overweight, replace your ideal weight body and calculate in grams. Proteins that are great for building muscle include:

    Learn the difference between complete and incomplete proteins. In order to build muscle, you need to consume complete proteins found in eggs, meat, fish, cheese, milk, and most other animal products. rule thumb: if it bled or breathed, then it is a complete protein. There are tons of non-animal complete proteins, which means you can still build muscle while being a vegetarian. Complete vegetarian proteins include:

    • soy
    • Quinoa
    • Buckwheat
    • Hemp
    • Beans or legumes with rice
  1. Eat foods high in PDCAAS (Protein Amino Acid Adjusted Digestibility Index). This is a measure of how well different proteins are absorbed by the body, based on the solubility of the amino acids in the protein. Think of PDCAAS as a classification of protein quality, where 1 is the highest score and 0 is the lowest. Here is a breakdown of the most commonly found proteins by their rounded PDCAA values:

    • 1.00: egg white, whey, casein, soy protein
    • 0.9: beef, soybeans
    • 0.7: chickpeas, fruits, black beans, vegetables, other legumes
    • 0.5: cereals and their derivatives, peanuts
    • 0.4: whole wheat
  2. Include carbohydrates in your diet. It's important to have carbs so your body can tap into muscle glycogen (energy) stores while you're working out. If you don't consume the right amount of carbohydrates, then your body will not have enough energy and will start using muscle instead! To build muscle, your diet should consist of approximately 40% - 60% carbohydrates, or about 1500 calories per day.

    Eat healthy fats. Not all fats are the same. In fact, there is reason to believe that healthy fats are actually good for you. You should be getting 20% ​​to 35% of your calories from fat. Eat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. They are "good" fats and include:

    • Olive, peanut, sunflower, rapeseed, and avocado oils.
    • Fish.
    • Nuts.
    • Flaxseed and pumpkin seeds.
    • Soy products such as tofu or soy milk.
    • Ice cream, candy, and packaged snacks.
    • Meat with a high fat content.
    • Lard, margarine and processed vegetable fats.
    • Fried food.
  3. Consume a large number of fiber. Remember, it's important to include green vegetables in your diet, such as spinach or broccoli, to make sure you're getting enough vitamins. Also, green leafy vegetables are high in fiber, which has great importance to remove waste from the body.

    Watch your salt intake. It is possible that excessive salt intake can lead to hypertension, but when you sweat, you lose a huge amount of sodium. In addition, sodium (a key electrolyte) helps muscles contract, which is why it is found in many sports drinks.

    How to eat

    1. Eat when you are hungry. It is obvious? Many bodybuilders are under the delusion that muscle-building diets have to be more complex than they really are. Eating what you like, within the parameters outlined in the previous section, is the key to consistent muscle building. If you do not regularly eat what you like, it will be more difficult for you to follow the diet. Here " example of a diet which will give you a better idea of ​​what to eat during the day:

      • Breakfast: egg white omelet with turkey; whole grain toast; banana.
      • Snack: mix of nuts; apple.
      • Lunch: tuna salad with olive oil, onions and capers; fried cabbage.
      • Pre-Workout Snack: Blueberry Cottage Cheese.
      • Snack after workout: protein shake; fried spinach.
      • Dinner: chicken breast in orange-soy sauce with quinoa; stew of carrots, onions, peas and peppers.
    2. Create a calorie surplus. For many bodybuilders, it's important to combine a protein increase with a calorie increase so that your hard work in the gym doesn't go in vain. You should stock up on enough energy to burn it off to build muscle, but don't eat too many calories so you don't store fat.

      • Your calorie count should be the number of calories you should be consuming on average per day relative to your average energy output to maintain your current body weight. For most people with a healthy body weight, this is about 2,000 calories.
      • Men need about 250 extra calories per day (2250 in total), while women need about 150 extra calories per day (2125 in total). In a given week, thanks to muscle building exercises and proper nutrition, this increase in calories should translate into about 0.11-0.22 kg of muscle mass.
    3. Be sure to have breakfast. Breakfast is arguably the most important meal of the day, outside of your post-workout meal. A breakfast full of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber will get your metabolism going. This will also keep your body from absorbing energy from the muscles. Remember the saying: "Breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, and dine like a pauper." Since you are not on a diet, however, you do not have to be constantly poor.

      • Add protein to your breakfast. Omelettes, shakes (or smoothies) and cottage cheese are great sources of protein.
      • Eat complex carbohydrates for breakfast. While simple carbohydrates While sugars and donuts break down easily and cause a blood sugar spike, complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, bran, beans, whole grains) break down over long periods of time and do not cause a blood sugar spike.
    4. Eat less and more often. Eat at regular intervals to avoid being so hungry that you overeat. Your body will begin to feel hungry at a predetermined time when you eat because you have acted consistently.

      • Try to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, post workout, before bed (at least an hour before bed) and add two snacks in between. Snacks can include everything from nuts and seeds to vegetables or fruits.
      • If you're trying to build muscle and lose weight, skip meals before bed. Eating right before bed will cause the body to convert any undigested food into fat instead of energy or muscle. Your body's metabolism shuts down before bed.
    5. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to poor muscle recovery, so make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Drink water during your workout. The recommended amount of water for men per day is about 3 liters and 2.2 liters for women.

      • Purchase a water filter to filter your tap water. Purchasing a water filter is an economical way to transform your tap water into healthy, delicious water. Buy and see how your water consumption will increase.
      • Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink. Keep your body hydrated regularly so you don't gulp down water when you're dehydrated, which can damage your stomach during exercise.

    Safe Use of Food Supplements

    1. Decide if it fits or not nutritional supplements just for you. Natural protein and nutritional supplements for bodybuilders is an easy way to get more protein. Common are whey and soy proteins.

    2. Consider creatine. Creatine helps increase lean muscle mass and regenerate muscles when they are depleted. However, these are just nutritional supplements and do not necessarily build muscle mass. Up to 10 grams of creatine, 3-5 grams before and after workouts, can help boost adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and make you stronger during workouts, making it easier to build muscle.

      • If you are taking creatine, be sure to drink plenty of water because creatine dehydrates your muscles during regeneration and also leads to an imbalance in your electrolyte levels.
    • Balance your workouts. If you do a lot of aerobic activity of any kind and don't eat a high-protein diet, you will begin to consistently lose strength and muscle mass. Many athletes from high school and college wrestlers, for example, experienced a decline in strength during the season because they were not familiar with this fact.
    • Instead of eating all your protein or carbs in one meal, it's ideal to try and distribute them throughout the day. Five or more small meals the best option. If you eat all the protein in one meal, your body does not have the opportunity to use it completely. It's about keeping your protein levels high so your muscles can slowly regenerate throughout the day and even while you sleep.


    • No matter how difficult it may seem to build muscle, taking steroids is not the way to go. Steroids can be very harmful to the body and cause side effects.
    • Make sure you drink plenty of water. 3.5 liters per day will be enough. This will prevent harm to the body from your diet.

pump up perfect body even an ectomorph can increase muscle at home, that is, every thin guy will be able to pump up at home if he follows the regimen. Yes, it’s more convenient to swing in the gym, but you can gain muscle at home, although you have to try and do everything right, make a diet and workout schedule. Be sure to buy a scale to track your results every week, how weight will be gained and muscles will grow.

Do you want to transform your body, but do not have the opportunity to go to the gym? No problem! Basic exercises to gain muscle mass, you can do it at home, although you will need to buy some equipment for this. On the program for home workouts for weight will help you achieve the cherished results as quickly as possible!

Are you one of those who prefer to train in comfort? home environment rather than in a big and noisy gym? Too busy with work, school, kids to go to the gym every day? Or the budget does not allow to purchase a subscription?

Regardless of the reason, you can improve your physique at home using certain additional equipment. With a bench, barbell, dumbbell set, you can build muscle at home, burn fat and build the body you've always dreamed of. Each home weight training program is designed to different level preparation.

Training programs for gaining muscle mass at home

Split full body workout for beginners

Basic exercises for gaining muscle mass involve a large number of muscle groups in the work, as well as muscle growth. In all exercises, follow the technique. If you are not sure about the correct execution, watch the video tutorials.

Full body workout for beginners

1. Barbell Squats
2. Lunges with dumbbells
3. Rises on socks while sitting with a barbell
4. Bent-over dumbbell row with bench support
5. Push-ups

3 sets (to muscle failure)

6. Arnold press with dumbbells
7. Mahi dumbbells to the side
8. French Press

Intermediate level program

Split for top and lower parts bodies for intermediate fitness

The split for the upper and lower parts is usually the next step after the split for all parts of the body. It involves a greater variety of exercises, since in each of their 2 workouts you will work with different parts body. Train the upper body on Mondays and Thursdays, and the lower body on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

upper body

1. Bench press with medium grip

2 x to failure

4. Military bench press
5. Mahi dumbbells with one hand while standing
6. Close Grip Bench Press
7. Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing

lower body

  1. Barbell Deadlift - 4 x 6-8
  2. Front Squats - 4 x 6-8
  3. Dumbbell bench presses - 3 x 12
  4. Barbell Lunges - 3 x 25
  5. Squat jumps - 3 x 25
  6. Standing calf raises with dumbbells - 3 x 15

Advanced Program

Split for each body part for an advanced level of training

Monday: hands

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps - 3 x 8
  2. Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 8
  3. Alternate lifting of dumbbells for biceps - 2 x 10
  4. Extension of the arms from behind the head with a dumbbell - 2 x 10
  5. Sitting Dumbbell Curl - 2 x 15
  6. Extension of the arm lying with a grip from above - 2 x 15

Tuesday: chest

  1. Bench press lying on an incline bench with an average grip - 3 x 15
  2. Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 8-12
  3. Breeding arms to the sides with dumbbells lying down - 3 x 12
  4. Push-ups - 2 sets (to muscle failure)

Wednesday: rest

Thursday: back

  1. Overhead Bent Over Row - 2 x 8
  2. Bent-over row with underhand grip - 2 x 8
  3. Bent Over T Bar Row - 3 x 12
  4. Incline Dumbbell Row - 3 x 12
  5. Back extension with a barbell on the shoulders - 3 x 10

Friday: shoulders

  1. Seated Dumbbell Press - 3 x 8-12
  2. Mahi dumbbells to the sides while standing - 3 x 12
  3. Breeding dumbbells to the sides while sitting in an incline - 3 x 12
  4. Bench press sitting from behind the head - 3 x 8-12
  5. Standing Barbell Shoulder Raise - 3 x 8

Saturday: legs

  1. Barbell Squats - 3 x 5-8
  2. Deadlift - 3 x 5-8
  3. Lunges with dumbbells - 3 x 12
  4. Barbell Lunges - 2 x 12
  5. Bench raises with dumbbells - 3 x 15
  6. Dumbbell Calf Raises - 4 x 15

Sunday: rest

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass at home

Now that the training programs have been drawn up, it's time to talk about nutrition for muscle growth at home, which should go hand in hand with them, to properly gain muscle mass.

There is a stereotype that when gaining mass, you can eat everything and a lot. Most are used to believing that you need to gain as much weight as possible, then all this will turn into fat. This is a terrible delusion. Of course, as we grow, we need to have more calories in than we expend. AND percentage fat will also increase. But, the calories don't have to be of poor quality and come in randomly. And the percentage of fat should not be prohibitively high.

  1. No need to overeat

A big mistake is to eat as much as you see food on the table, you need to correctly calculate the amount of food. Therefore, the very first rule is not to overeat. This can only make things worse. Better calculate required amount calories and consume that much. To do this, you need to calculate the number of calories that you need to maintain weight (for example, using a calculator) and add another 300-500 kcal to this figure.

But not everything is so simple. After a week of such nutrition, you need to check the correctness of the calculation. If you have increased body fat when looking in the mirror, then you need to reduce the number of calories. If the weight stands still, then their number should be increased.

  1. Don't chase more protein

Remember that when training for muscle growth, carbohydrates are much more important to you. You don't need much protein. On average, it can be consumed somewhere around 1-2 grams per kilogram of your body weight. In this case, the last digit is an extreme case. Excess protein is actually just useless.

Try to consume amino acids at least a couple of times a day. Preferably before and after training. They can be replaced with leucine. It should only be taken with a protein shake or with meals.

  1. Eat Fat

When gaining mass, many low-fat foods can be helpful. Such as not very fatty cheeses, chicken legs and wings with skin. Dairy products do not have to be low fat, anything up to two and a half percent is perfectly acceptable.

Eggs are best eaten with the yolk. A small amount of fat will keep testosterone levels at a sufficient level. high level. Another tip is not to interfere with carbohydrates and fats in one meal, this is not very good. It is better to eat fatty foods in the afternoon.

  1. Follow 4-5 meals a day

One of the fairly common mistakes is a large amount of food at one time. It is better to make 4-5 meals during the day or even more. At the same time, the largest servings should be breakfast and a meal after a workout. After the load, you can safely consume fast carbohydrates, as well as some fat. In this situation, it will not bring harm and will even be useful to some extent.

  1. Don't eat at night

At night, the body must rest and recover from stress. Waking up to eat will disrupt normal sleep and cause chronic fatigue. Which will negatively affect the training process.

Although many consider nocturnal catabolism to be a terrible phenomenon, this is not entirely true. Muscles do not break down huge quantities at night. For greater peace of mind, you can take five to six grams of arginine at night or a protein shake. And then sleep peacefully.

Weight gain diet example

Apart from right combination proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the body needs other biologically active substances. Therefore, it is simply necessary to include various green crops in your diet. It can be sorrel, spinach, cabbage, various salads and more. They contribute to the normalization of metabolism and more active digestion. They will also become an obstacle in the way of diabetes.

I have developed a diet for a 80kg man that involves a slight calorie deficit. It will help anyone who is overweight burn fat and maintain muscle mass. If you're underweight, then increase portions to ensure you're taking in enough calories to build muscle. The diet is high in protein and relatively low in carbs, but should be consumed before and after workouts and at breakfast. I also included healthy fats to help keep you feeling full.

First meal

Egg white - 5 pcs
Whole egg - 1 pc.
Oatmeal - 1/4 cup
Blueberries - 1/4 cup

Second meal

Third meal

Chicken - 140 g
Brown rice - 1/4 cup
Asparagus - 1 cup

Fourth meal

Fifth meal

Steak - 140 g
Olive oil - 30 g
Avocado - 30 g
Vegetables - 1/2 cup

The diet involves 3 meals and 2 cocktails, so you will constantly consume calories throughout the day. Thanks to this approach, diets are very easy to follow, and cocktails are generally famous for their convenience in use. If you have any questions regarding supplements, please email me.

Results for weight gain at home

Of course, training at home has certain limitations, but this does not mean that they cannot be carried out to gain muscle mass at home. It is enough to purchase the necessary equipment. As you can see, there are many muscle-building exercises that require only a barbell, a bench, and a set of dumbbells. So stop making excuses that you can't build a great body because you can't go to the gym. Follow these programs and achieve the desired results!

Before starting any training, you should remember one simple rule - you need to eat right and eat well.

This statement is true for people of any complexion - both feeble and full. You need a complete, accurate and balanced diet, and at least 4 or 6 times a day. There should be a specific schedule for eating.

During a period of intense training, hunger is a direct enemy to every athlete. Therefore, you should never go hungry. You need to clearly and carefully monitor your condition and, at the first hint of hunger, immediately satisfy it.

Here, too, you need to follow certain rules because eating anything is not right. You need to consume more high-calorie foods in order to have a positive energy balance.

All foods consumed should contain only useful substances, such as vitamins, trace elements, minerals, and antioxidants.

For the exact amount of calorie intake, you can calculate the required daily calorie intake, but for this you need to know your metabolic rate, that is, metabolism. In order for muscles to grow, you need to consume many more calories than you expend.

When doing exercises, you should remember that the body needs protein, which is the best building material for muscles. After training, it is advisable to drink a protein shake.

What should be given up?

First of all, you need to delete from your menu products that contain calories that are “harmful” to the body:

  • Confectionery with a lot of refined sugar;
  • Fried food cooked in oil with the formation of carcinogens;
  • canned food should only be used in extreme cases when it is not possible to prepare or store fresh food for a long time.

Progress in sports is incompatible with smoking and drinking alcohol. Even a person who does not play sports should permanently abandon these bad habits. And they are directly contraindicated for health-conscious athletes.

You will also have to permanently remove from your life night discos and midnight sitting in front of the TV. After physical activity the athlete's body enters the recovery phase. For full recovery and progress in sports, we need not only proper nutrition, but also in a sufficient amount of rest and, first of all, in a night's sleep. It is at night, when we sleep, that the main muscle-building processes take place: growth hormone is released, repairs and the construction of new muscle fibers are in full swing.

What foods will help you get bigger?

Protein is animal and vegetable. The first is more valuable for gaining muscle mass, but the second is cheaper. Our muscles get protein when we eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese and very healthy plant foods like soy. In addition, the share of vegetable protein is found in lean foods: cereals, potatoes, bread.

Carbohydrates are the fuel that the body needs during training and in the process of life. Carbohydrates also come in two types: fast and slow. The former supply us with energy quickly and burn out just as quickly. Among fast carbohydrates, only fruits and sports bars should be consumed. Slow carbohydrates are the basis of the diet. “Porridge is our strength,” says one folk proverb. “Rye bread is our own father,” another echoes her. Add pasta and potatoes to this.

It is important to understand that not all carbohydrates will help build muscle, not fat mass. It is necessary to focus on slow connections:

Remember to include as many vegetables as possible in your diet, especially green salads. The fiber they contain serves as an additional source of energy, improves digestion and lowers insulin levels in the blood.

Stage 2: choose the right exercises

There are quite a few different programs that allow you to train at home, building muscle mass. The technique below focuses on working out the muscles that are above the belt. To pump your legs, you can use another program that you can read.


You need to take an emphasis lying down. We place our hands not very wide, legs are straightened, the pelvis does not touch the floor. If you are a beginner, then it is enough to do 4 sets of 20 push-ups.

Between repetitions, you should rest from thirty seconds to a minute. You should not rest less, as such an intensity of training will lead to premature fatigue.

You need to do it gradually and after a few weeks you can increase the number of push-ups. However, this should be done gradually, adding, for example, 1-5 repetitions per set.

During the exercise, you can put your hands wider or narrower: the greater the distance between them, the stronger the pectoral muscles will be loaded, and the smaller, the more work the triceps will perform.

Analogue of push-ups on the uneven bars

Since the room is not a gym and there cannot be bars here, chairs are used instead. The height of the chairs should be such that you can lean on them with your hands and, tucking your legs under you, freely lower yourself with your hands.

The number of such repetitions on chairs can vary from twenty to thirty times. Approaches can be done 3-5. A high number of repetitions is not recommended, as this will dry out the muscles rather than stimulate their growth. If the exercise is too easy, then you can increase the load due to weighting agents.

Bench press

This exercise is considered one of the most effective for the development pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle. However, for it you will need a barbell (can be replaced with dumbbells), a bench. Best done with a partner who will give you a sports equipment and help you complete the last reps.

You need to lie on the bench, take the barbell a little wider than your shoulders. We squeeze the projectile up and slowly lower it to the chest. So you can perform 4 sets of 10-12 times.

Standing dumbbell or barbell press

You can perform both with dumbbells and a barbell (this version is called an army bench press). If there is neither one nor the other at home, then we take the bottles, fill them with sand and use them instead of the previously mentioned sports equipment. This exercise will help make your shoulders bigger and stronger.

We put our feet shoulder-width apart, bend our knees a little for a more confident and stable stance. We hold dumbbells at the level of the deltas. As you exhale, raise your arms up and unbend them at the elbows (not completely, so as not to damage the joints). Then slowly lower to the starting position. So we do 3-4 sets of 12-15 times.

Incline dumbbell row

  1. Grab a dumbbell that is heavy enough for you right hand;
  2. Place your left knee on the edge of the bench, and rest your left hand on the bench;
  3. Gently pull the projectile up, pressing the shoulder closer to the body and pulling the elbow back;
  4. Hold your hand at the top point, count to 2 and slowly return the dumbbell to its original position in a controlled movement;
  5. At the bottom point, lower the arm with the projectile as low as possible, stretching the upper back.

You can do this exercise without a bench. Put one leg forward and rest on the knee with the same hand of the same name. An incline of 45-75 0 is quite enough to effectively work out the back. Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps.

Incline arm extensions

  1. Take in both hands one not very heavy dumbbell;
  2. Put your feet together, feet parallel to each other;
  3. Lean forward to an angle of 450 or even lower. At the same time, make sure that your back is not rounded in the lumbar region;
  4. Lower your hands with dumbbells down, while palms should look at each other;
  5. Slowly raise your arms through the sides, without bending them at the elbows and without straightening;
  6. Hold for a second or two in the top position and also smoothly return to the starting position.

The two exercises described above allow you to work out the back muscles and the posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle. In addition, the trapezius and biceps help move the weight when doing bent over rows. Do 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps.

Standing arm curls

But this exercise trains the biceps directly. You can perform it with both a barbell and dumbbells. Stand as described in the previous exercise, holding a dumbbell in each hand or holding the bar with an underhand grip. Raise and lower the weight by contracting the biceps of the shoulder - the biceps.

For many years, athletes and coaches have been arguing about which version of this exercise is better: with dumbbells or with a barbell. There is no definite answer, although dumbbells give more variations: bending the arms alternately, with the turn of the hands, you can hold the projectile with a grip from below, from above or vertically. Various implementation options allow you to use different areas biceps. It is enough to do 3-4 sets of 8-12 times.


Of course, there are a great many exercises for "cubes". But we will consider the most basic thing that everyone is familiar with, at least from school physical education lessons. For its implementation, as for push-ups, no equipment is required, except for a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent;
  2. Secure your toes under heavy furniture or have a helper hold them;
  3. Raise the body to the knees over and over again, exhaling. Then lower yourself back and inhale.

Often, when performing this exercise, the body is raised completely, tearing the lower back off the floor. In fact, it is not necessary to do so. To pump the press, it is enough just to tear off the shoulder blades from the floor and pull them off. abdominal muscles. Do 4-5 sets of 20-30 reps.

What rules must be followed?

Of course, training at home can be less effective than training in specialized gyms, which have all the necessary equipment.

However, by adhering to certain rules, you can achieve the results that were planned:

  • It is better to perform all exercises with a partner. Invite a friend over and work out together. He will be able to insure you in case of anything.
  • Perform exercises until complete muscle failure. Only in this way will you be able to maximize the use of all muscle fibers.
  • You should not be distracted by external stimuli - TV, sofa, computer, etc. The temptation is great, you can put on headphones, turn on the music louder and start exercising. Try to focus all your attention on what you are doing.

When exercising at home, one should remember the only rule of any training - this is constancy. This will help to achieve the result that will be obvious to everyone.

Increasing progress

Before you start developing muscles at home, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Make sure you have enough space in your home and the equipment you need for training. It would be useful to recall the general state of health: were there any physical exemptions at school due to chronic diseases of the heart or musculoskeletal system. If there are no restrictions on the motor regime or any temporary injuries, then nothing prevents you from doing home fitness training.

In any city apartment, it is quite possible to allocate a little space for sports equipment. In modern sports stores, you will find a wide selection of all kinds of devices for developing muscles: from primitive rope expanders to bulky and expensive weight machines. If you want to make a smart investment in your future training, get a steel set: barbell racks and an adjustable-angle bench.

You can develop muscles only with the help of weights. Therefore, you will need a pair of dumbbells and a barbell. It is very important that the dumbbells are collapsible, as this will allow you to adjust the weights in different exercises. For training at home, it is better to purchase discs rubberized. Such shells look aesthetically pleasing, do not knock during classes and, most importantly, will not damage parquet or linoleum in the event of a fall.

To diversify the set of exercises will allow the crossbar for pull-ups and parallel bars. You can buy a ready-made horizontal bar in the store or assemble it yourself from improvised materials.

Gaining muscle mass at home is quite possible. It all depends on the person himself and his purposefulness.

  • It has long been known that muscles that are used often become more powerful, while those that do little work weaken and lose volume. In this article, we will talk about how you can quickly gain muscle mass, how to train and eat for fast muscle growth. We will also touch on the issues of supplements for muscle growth a little.

    Obviously, you need to train the muscles that you want to build and make stronger more often. To do this, there are many sports, various exercises and workouts, during which blood flow increases in the muscles, and they grow more intensively.

    And, nevertheless, the question remains unanswered: “How to quickly build muscle, looking at which others will endlessly admire?” Here are the most actionable advice, which will quickly help your muscles become strong and stay in great shape.

    After reading our tips, you will learn how to quickly gain muscle mass.

    1. Find out how many calories you need

    The calorie requirement depends on your age, sex, weight and active lifestyle. For simplicity: multiply your current weight in kilograms by 40. If you weigh 70 kg, that's 70 x 40 = 2800 calories per day. What, not used to eating so much?

    Workouts for fast muscle growth

    2. Train large muscle groups to jump-start your muscle-building process

    Research shows that training large groups muscle starts the process of growth of muscle fibers, which leads to rapid and powerful weight gain. Make sure you work all of these muscle groups at least once a week. These include the muscles of the legs, back and pectoral muscles.

    3. Increase the weight you lift gradually

    As the muscles get used to the load, you need to stimulate them by constantly changing the weight with which you work. If you bench press 50kg in the first week of training, try adding 5kg in the second week. Add another 5 kg for next week, and so on. The same for other parts of the body.

    Gradual weight gain ensures that your muscles don't stop growing. Weight will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers, since its intensity directly depends on the load experienced. Just watch your muscles get bigger and stronger every week.

    4. Change your workouts

    If you train two body parts three times a day, try spreading your workouts over six days for only one body part per day. Or if you work your chest and biceps on Mondays, and your back and triceps on Wednesdays, then reverse the order: work on the chest and triceps first, and then the back and biceps. By loading the body in unusual combinations, you will stimulate the growth of muscle fibers more intensively.

    5. Take different approaches

    Instead of doing three identical sets in a row, do only a third of the required reps on the first set, two-thirds on the second set, and the full number on the third. This reverse load will allow you to lift more weight on the first set and less weight on the second and third.

    Sports nutrition for fast muscle gain

    6. Use nutritional supplements

    Supplements, of course, should not be your only source of nutrition. They play a supporting role because they fill gaps in your diet that occur when you don't get enough. nutrients to enhance muscle synthesis. Here are some well-known supplements widely on the market:

    Whey Protein

    This supplement should almost always be used when looking to build bulky muscle, increase performance, and lose fat. Whey protein is an essential part of the diet for those who want to increase muscle mass. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body.


    Casein is the twin brother of whey protein. This is another type of protein found in milk. Compared to whey protein, our body digests casein more slowly. By consuming casein before bed, you can prevent the development of catabolism, protecting hard-earned muscles from being converted into fuel for internal use.


    The advent of creatine was one of the most important discoveries in the field of sports supplements for last years. It increases the amount of energy flowing into the muscle cells, so it becomes possible to do more reps and lift more weight.

    Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

    Leucine, valine and isoleucine, called branched chain amino acids, are the most important amino acids for muscle tissue repair and synthesis.


    Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in human body. It increases the amount of leucine in muscle fibers and reduces the intensity of muscle breakdown. It has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

    One bonus tip:

    How to lose weight

    It may seem to you that this is contrary to your goal of gaining pounds through muscle tissue, but without this stage, you will never get the body of your dreams. You ate a lot and lifted weights during the first two months of your program, the next mandatory stage of preparation is weight loss. Along with powerful muscles, most likely, deposits of fat can be noticed on your torso, arms and legs. These "reserves" appeared during a massive weight gain, when you needed to eat a lot. You will have to cut back on food so that others can see your big, ripped muscles that you work so hard on.

    While resting, do aerobic exercise such as jogging or walking. Aerobic exercise is The best way losses excess fat. Just don't do cardio with weights during the day, or you'll burn muscle that way.


    It takes time to build beautiful muscles. Even if you do everything right, you will gain only 3-9 kg of muscle mass per year. If you follow the tips mentioned above, you will certainly get voluminous and sculpted muscles for a long time and in the shortest possible time.

    According to materials:

    To build muscle mass, you need regular exercise. Moreover, they must be carried out with the use of weights. This does not mean that you only need to work out in the gym. You can buy collapsible dumbbells, a barbell and a few pancakes at home.

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    The most important thing when doing exercises both in the gym and at home is to follow the technique. After all, doing with weight, it is easy to get injured due to sudden movements. In addition to training, you need to eat in a calorie surplus and let your muscles recover.

    Basic rules for recruiting muscles

    For some people, gaining weight can be much more difficult than losing those extra pounds. This is due to the genetic characteristics of the physique and metabolism.

    Muscle building is based on three key components:

    1. 1. Heavy power training. If the goal is to gain mass, weight training is indispensable. The weight should be such that it is possible to do no more than 8-12 repetitions per set with it. Moreover, the latter should be given with difficulty. It is in this range that the muscles receive an incentive to grow. In order for muscles to grow, over time, you will have to increase weight. But at the same time, it is important to monitor the correct execution of the exercises. Otherwise, there is a high risk of serious injury.
    2. 2. Special diet. It is impossible to build muscle by eating without a surplus. Therefore, you need to make a balanced diet. It should be dominated by protein foods. It is believed that on the set you need to consume 1.5-2 g of protein for every kilogram of weight. Getting that amount from food can be difficult. So don't give up sports nutrition(protein, gainer, etc.). The diet must also contain carbohydrates. After all, they are a source of energy for hard workouts.
    3. 3. Sufficient time for rest. Muscles are destroyed during exercise. Their growth occurs during the recovery period. Here it is important to distinguish between the concepts of compensation and supercompensation. You should not carry out the next workout if the muscles are still sore after the previous one. After all, this means that compensation for the damage received has not yet come. After the muscle pain has passed, it is worth waiting a couple more days to achieve supercompensation - muscle recovery above the original level. This is due to the fact that the body is trying to create a margin of safety before subsequent loads. If training is irregular, this supply will not be needed, and the muscles will stop growing.

    In addition, for muscle growth in a short time, proper sleep is necessary. You should follow the regime - go to bed before 24:00 and sleep at least 8 hours.

    It is not recommended to engage in a set of muscle mass for adolescents under 18 years of age. After all, their body is not fully formed. Using heavy weights can cause injury or slow growth.

    Muscle building should be carried out in a course for 2-4 months. After that, you can proceed to drying to get rid of the fat layer and emphasize the relief.

    Gaining muscle mass for women - training program and nutrition

    Women's Workout Program

    When building muscle mass, it is important to make effective program workouts. Strength exercises help to correctly place emphasis on the development of certain muscle groups.

    Women should pay more attention to the lower body. After all, many thin girls want to pump up their ass and tighten their legs. But in no case should you forget about the top. In order for the body to be harmoniously developed, it is necessary to work out all muscle groups.

    Training should be built on a split system. That is, at each lesson, one or more adjacent muscle groups should be pumped. Moreover, the exercises should be predominantly basic (multi-joint). These include: squats, deadlifts, bench press, etc. Also, isolation should be included in the program - exercises that involve only the target muscle.

    You need to train for 40-60 minutes. During this time, on average, you can do 5-8 exercises. After 1.5 hours physical activity in the body in large quantities cortisol begins to be produced. This is a hormone that leads to the development of catabolic processes that destroy muscles.

    An approximate training program for women, designed for 3 days a week, is presented in the tables.

    Monday - legs (emphasis on the buttocks).

    Exercises Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Squats3–4 8–12 Legs, buttocks
    2 Romanian deadlift with dumbbells3–4 10–12 Biceps, buttocks
    3 Lunges with dumbbells3 for each leg10–12 Legs, buttocks
    4 Glute Bridge4–6 15–20 Buttocks
    5 Leg abduction with rubber band3-4 for each leg15–20 Buttocks

    Wednesday - top (back, arms, chest muscles).

    Exercise Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Dumbbell pull to the belt in emphasis3 for each hand12–15 Upper back (lats)
    2 Sitting lower pulley4 12–15 Lower back
    3 Bending arms with dumbbells3–4 15 Biceps
    4 Standing Dumbbell French Press3–4 12–15 Triceps
    5 Seated Dumbbell Press3 12–15 Shoulders
    6 Lifting dumbbells in front of you3 15 Shoulders
    7 4 15–20 Lower back

    Friday - hamstrings and buttocks.

    Exercises Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Romanian deadlift3–4 8–12 Biceps, buttocks
    2 Bending the legs lying in the simulator4 10–12 Biceps femoris
    3 Hyperextension with a round back4 15–20 Biceps, buttocks
    4 Back leg swings with weights3-4 for each leg15–20 Buttocks
    5 Mahi leg to the side lying down with weights3-4 for each leg15–20 Buttocks

    You can do this program both in the gym and at home. If training takes place at home, you will need to purchase equipment. These can be dumbbells, a small barbell, or rubber bands.

    Beginners should switch to a split no earlier than six months after the start of classes. During this time, you need to strengthen and prepare the muscles for further stress, performing exercises for the whole body.

    Training program for men

    The men's training program for gaining muscle mass is somewhat different from the women's.

    There are many options for grouping muscles by training day. The effectiveness of each of them is individual.

    One of the schemes for compiling a training program is called "pull - push." It involves working the back and biceps on one day (pulling exercises), and the pecs and triceps on the other (pushing movements). The tables show an approximate training complex for men.

    Monday - back + biceps.

    Exercises Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Deadlift3–4 6–8 Back
    2 Pull-ups2–3 MaximumBack
    3 Bent-over barbell pull4 8–10 Back
    4 Barbell curls for biceps3–4 8–10 Biceps
    5 Hammer with dumbbells3–4 8–10 Biceps
    6 Hyperextension with arched back4 15–20 Lower back

    Wednesday - legs + shoulders.

    Exercises Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Squats3 6–8 Legs, buttocks
    2 Narrow stance leg press3–4 8–10 Legs, buttocks
    3 Barbell lunges3 for each leg8 Legs, buttocks
    4 Shoulder Dumbbell Press3 6–8 Delta
    5 Lifting dumbbells to the sides3 12-15 Delta
    6 Shrugs with a barbell3 6–10 Trapeze

    Friday - chest + triceps.

    Exercises Approaches repetitions Target Muscles Illustration
    1 Bench press3 6–8 Chest muscles, triceps
    2 Breeding dumbbells lying3–4 8–10 pectoral muscles
    3 Push-ups on the uneven bars3 8–10 Chest muscles, triceps
    4 French bench press3 8–10 Triceps
    5 Extension of arms on the block3–4 8–10 Triceps

    Another option for developing a training program for guys is to work out the back and triceps on one day, the chest and biceps on another, and the legs and shoulders on the third. Proponents of this scheme say that if you pump pulling and pushing muscles in different days, then more strength will remain on the biceps and triceps, which will increase the effectiveness of training.

    On the set, you can not experience hunger. Indeed, in this case, the body will begin to get rid of energy-consuming muscles. Therefore, you should eat 5-6 times a day.

    It is also important to correctly determine the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Protein is the building block for muscles. Therefore, it must be consumed in sufficient quantities. During heavy training, it is worth gaining 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. To do this, you need to eat meat, cottage cheese, eggs and other foods rich in protein.

    We must not forget about carbohydrates. They give the body energy for hard workouts. You should immediately understand that it is impossible to gain dry muscle mass without fat. Therefore, after building muscle, the stage of burning fat follows.

    Sports supplements

    Getting the required amount of protein from food is not easy. Therefore, athletes consume sports nutrition. The most common supplement is protein. Typically, one serving contains more than 20 g of protein.

    You can also purchase a gainer that additionally contains carbohydrates. Girls are encouraged to stop on protein. After all female body prone to gaining fat more than men.

    Protein or a gainer should be drunk after a workout to restore the destroyed protein structures. You can also drink a serving before training, at bedtime or in the morning.

    Before determining the right number of servings of sports nutrition, it is worth calculating how many grams of protein a person receives from food. The lack just needs to be filled with additives.


    The menu of a person gaining weight should include high-quality products that give strength and energy. To help the body absorb large amounts of protein and cleanse the intestines, you need to consume a lot of fiber. It is found in cereals, bran, vegetables and some fruits.

    The table shows an example of a daily diet for gaining muscle mass. It can be changed according to preference. Serving size will depend on the required daily allowance calories, which is calculated individually.

    In addition, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily. This will improve metabolism and help muscles recover faster.

    Many sources advise eating dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. But on the set you need to constantly provide the body with enough nutrients. Therefore, an hour before bedtime, you should eat 9% cottage cheese. In addition, it will help to compensate for the lack of calcium.

    After sleep, you also need to “feed” the muscles as quickly as possible. It is best to drink whey protein or BCAAs right after waking up. The protein from these supplements is quickly absorbed by the body, preventing muscle breakdown.

    And some secrets...

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