Children should know:names, patronymics of teachers and other employees of the kindergarten;

names of pieces of furniture, games, toys, manuals, their location and rules for handling them;

location, purpose and name of rooms and groups in kindergarten: kitchen, swimming pool, music room, gym, speech therapist's office, dining room, manager's office, doctor's office, laundry; group; play corners, bedroom, dressing room, gym, art studio, green room;

job titles of kindergarten workers: speech therapist, educator, nanny, nurse, cook, caretaker, etc.

Extension vocabulary children:

titles: group, bedroom, corridor, dressing room, toilet, office, etc.;

signs : big, small, light, clean, wide, narrow, high, low;

actions : play, eat, practice, draw, sculpt, cut, glue, count, write, read, sleep, walk, etc.


explain to the child why he goes to kindergarten;

discuss what rooms are in kindergarten: group room, washroom, bedroom, locker room, speech therapist's office, sports and music rooms, explain the purpose of each room;

tell the child about the rules of behavior in kindergarten;

learn the names and patronymics of kindergarten employees, teach courtesy to adults.

1. Who does what Making proposals for demonstrating action(children from 4 years old)

What does the teacher do? - teaches, explains, helps, shows, cares, etc.;

what does the nanny do? - washes, cleans, wipes, helps, etc.; what does the chef do? - fries, boils, washes, cuts, bakes, etc.; what does a nurse do? - ... ; ... speech therapist? - ... etc.

2. "One - many" Formation of nouns singular and plural(children from 5 years old)

Room - rooms - many rooms,

bedroom - bedrooms - many bedrooms,

corridor - corridors - many corridors,

Locker room - locker rooms - lots of locker rooms,

office - offices - many offices,

hall - halls - many halls,

Playground - playgrounds - a lot of playgrounds,

veranda - verandas - many verandas,

pool - pools - many pools,

game - games - many games,

kitchen - kitchens - many kitchens,

toy - toys - lots of toys. Table - tables book - books

Wardrobe - cabinets chair - chairs Pencil - pencils

3. Formation of plural verbs

Playing - playing, standing - standing, sleeping - sleeping, eating - eating, drawing - drawing, sculpting - sculpting, counting - counting.

4. The game "Think and change"

Target: the use of singular and plural nouns in the accusative and instrumental cases.


The adult invites the child to complete the phrase by changing singular plural noun.

I took a toy from the shelf - the children took it from the shelf ... (toys).I hung a towel on a hook - the children hung on hooks ... (towels).

I feed the bird - the children feed ... (birds)

I draw with a pencil - children draw ... (with pencils) Etc.

5. The game “What do I play with, who do I make friends with…”

Target: strengthening the ability to make a proposal on questions.

Equipment: toys, photographs of children.

Description. I'll show you now

What do I play with, who do I play with?

Help Masha. First you need to select the pictures of her friends, and then the objects with which she plays.

Tell me who Masha is friends with. What is she playing with?

6. Whose? Whose?

Coordination of nouns with personal pronouns (children from 5 years old)

Mine - room, veranda, bedroom, playground, dining room, group, dressing room, kitchen, game, etc.;

mine is a hall, a pool, an office, a corridor, etc.

7.What kind?

Formation of sentences with homogeneous definitions

The room is large, bright, clean, beautiful; bedroom - large, bright, beautiful, comfortable; an office - small, cozy, beautiful, etc.

8. Formation of a compound sentence with the adversative union "a", connecting union"and" (children from 6 years old)

The room is wide, but the corridor is narrow;

the hall is large, bright and the bedroom is large, bright;

The group is large, but the classroom is small.

9. “How many syllables are there in a word?» Tap out with a pencil the number of syllables in the words: mother, grandmother, children, son, daughter, etc.

Finger gymnastics.



"Friendly Fingers"

Finger, finger, where have you been?

(fingers bend into a fist and unbend)

With this finger I went into the forest.

I cooked cabbage soup with this finger.

I ate porridge with this finger.

I sang songs with this finger.

(one finger is bent for each line)

"Our group"

All our friends are in our group.(rhythmically tapping fists on the table)

The youngest is me.

This is Masha

This is Sasha

This is Yura

This is Dasha. ( unclench fists, starting with the little finger)

"Fingers fall asleep"

This finger wants to sleep.

This finger - jump into bed!

This finger twitched.

This finger is already asleep.

The fingers are up. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

Physical education minutes

The sun hid behind the houses

("sun" above the head)

Leaving kindergarten.

(steps in place)

I tell my mother

(point to themselves and then to the imaginary mother)

About myself and about the guys:

(point to themselves and then to the other guys)

As we sang songs in unison,

How they played leapfrog

What we drank, what we ate

What did you read in kindergarten?

G. Ladonshchikov

On Monday
I took a bath on Monday
(Depicting swimming.)
And on Tuesday I painted.(Depicting drawing.)
Washed for a long time on Wednesday(We wash.)
Played football on Thursday. (Running in place.)
On Friday I jumped, ran,
(We jump.)
I danced for a very long time.(We circle in place.)
And on Saturday, Sunday(Clap hands.)
I rested all day.(Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)

We kick top top
We kick top top,
We clap-clap!
We are eyes in a moment,
We shoulders chik-chik.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
One - sat down, two - got up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
Sit down - get up, sit down - get up,
As if they had become a roly-poly.
All hands pressed to the body
And they began to make jumps,
And then they took off running
Like my bouncy ball.
Lined up again
It's like going to a parade.
One - two, one - two
It's time for us to get busy!

We stomp our feet
We stomp our feet.
Top, top, top.
(Walking in place.)
We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap.(clapping hands .)
We shake our heads. (
Head tilts to the right, to the left.)
We raise our hands Hands up.)
We lower our hands Hands down.)
We'll spread our hands Hands to the side .)
And we'll run around. (

We're tired, we're stuck
We are tired, sitting up
We wanted to loosen up. (
One hand up, the other down, jerking to change hands.)
They looked at the wall
They looked out the window.
Right, left turn,
And then vice versa.
(Body turns.)
Let's start the squats
We bend the legs to the end.
Up and down, up and down
Don't rush to sit down! (
And in last time sat down,
And now sit down. (
Children sit down.)


I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

(stroking movements from top to bottom along the torso)

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

("stroking the tail")

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

(riding an imaginary horse) A. Barto

Counting "Kindergarten".For each line of the counting rhyme, four rhythmic hits of the ball on the floor:

We love kindergarten

We will play in it, we will grow.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,

Clean up after yourself!

(children walk in a circle one after another)

Your hands are lazy

(clap hands)

Belt and trousers under the table


Not in the closet shirt

("draw" a quadrilateral)

Nikolai is a slut.

(threaten finger and shake head)



I go to kindergarten in the morning,

I lead Alenka by the hand ...

"This is a real brother!"

Said one passerby.

If people say

So, it means we are similar.

A girl Alenka

I'm not my sister at all.

B. Iovlev

Our towels

We are different pictures

They painted themselves

them over towels

They killed themselves.

Olino towel

Sasha will not take:

He does not confuse with a bird

Blue plane.

Knows his boat

Borya is a rookie,

Misha - strawberries,

Mashenka is a wolf.

Serezha has an apple,

Volodya has a pear,

A picture with cherries

Chose Katyusha.

Butterfly - Igor,

Hare - Natasha ...

We don't confuse at all

Our towels.

N. Naydenova


A newcomer came to our garden

We call him Molchok:

He is silent, does not eat, does not drink,

He does not sing songs with us.

And then, you see, you got used to:

With us together - lope and jump.

Talking and eating and drinking

And dancing and singing...

He is Petrus, not Molchok,

This boy is new!

A. Brodsky


We had a fight with a friend

and sat in the corners.

Very boring without each other!

We need to reconcile.

I didn't offend her

I only held Mishka,

Only with Mishka ran away

And she said, "I won't."

I will go and make peace.

I'll give her a Bear, I'm sorry

I'll give her a doll, I'll give her a tram

And I'll say: "Let's play!"

A. Kuznetsova

In our kindergarten

In our kindergarten - small tables.

In our kindergarten - pigeons and rabbits.

In our kindergarten - songs and fairy tales.

In our kindergarten - cubes and paints.

We are sitting at the table

And draw a Christmas tree

Next to the Christmas tree - a house,

Near the house - a heifer.

Here is a bird flying

Here comes the fox

The fox has red fur.

Whose drawing is the best?

O. Vysotskaya

New girl

Girl new

In kindergarten.

To a new girl

I will come now.

Why are you on the sidelines

After all, one is boring.

Here are our toys

Here is a clockwork elephant.

Here you see -

I turned it on with a key

Now it will pass

From wall to table.

Here are our cubes

We build houses.

You will also learn

Build yourself!

Come on, I'll take you to the guys.

All girls love kindergarten.

N. Naydenova

O. Vysotskaya

We come to kindergarten
There are toys there.
The guys are waiting.

There's pictures on the wall
And flowers on the window.
I want -
I'll jump
On a toy horse!

Everything in this house is for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
noisy dance,
Quiet time -
Everything in this house is for us!

What a nice house!
In it we grow every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.

* * *


Dmitry Sukharev

Kindergarten starts at eight
And by eight, our yard is filled with a swarm.
Human offspring, lover of fuss,
Silent and gloomy in the morning.

So it's time for me to work, I'm running,
The yard greets me with a chirping burr,
And the offspring is already piling up in the snow
Their towers, their labor quarters.

Sometimes the bulletin, sticking out at the window,
All I look, I watch for a long time, for a long time,
Like, free and violent, from dark to dark
Change is taught to order and duty.

And the guys leave in the seventh, in the twilight,
In a hurry, without saying "goodbye" to each other,
And hurry, mince on the frozen ground,
Holding on to my mother's warm hand.

* * *

New nursery

Z. Alexandrova

New nurseries are open with us,
The children will come to the nursery now.

There are beds in bright rooms
Children will be put into these beds.

Misha holds on to his mother's hem -
Misha came to the nursery crying.

Olenka boldly walks alone,
She ran into the nursery herself.

Cleaner wash, do not spare water -
There will be palms from soap whiter.

Cows eat delicious grass
They will give a lot of milk for the children.

The children began to dine in the garden,
There will be pancakes in honey today.

The new one spilled his milk
It's a pity that the pussy is far away now.

Grasshoppers chirp loudly in the field.
The boys were put to sleep in the cold.

Plump Petya is still very small,
Start walking and fell on the grass.

The guys sat down to play on the sand,
Serezha made a tall pie.

Olenka lives happily in a manger,
He loves to dance and dance.

Here comes the gray winter
White hats were worn at home.

New sleds creak in the snow.
The guys were called to the manger for the Christmas tree.

The guys stood in a wide circle,
Someone lit candles on the Christmas tree.

Olenka boldly steps forward,
A little white bunny gives a doll.

Everyone is happy with a good gift.
Have fun in the nursery with our guys.

* * *

To school
Z. Alexandrova

Yellow leaves are flying
The day is merry.
Leading a kindergarten
Kids to school.
Our flowers have bloomed
The birds are flying.
-You are going for the first time
to study in the first grade.

sad dolls sit
On an empty terrace.
Our fun kindergarten
Remember in class.
Remember the garden
A river in the far field...
We are also in a year
We will be with you at school.
The suburban train has departed,
Rushing past the windows ...
- They promised well
the best way to learn!

* * *

goodbye day
I. Demyanov

Maples are sad at the fences
Farewell day...
Goodbye Kindergarten
We sit at our desks
This autumn!
Even a teddy bear
Doesn't want to sleep...
Sitting on the floor in the corner
They said goodbye to him.
Here are the raindrops on the glass
It's a sad day for us guys
And cheerful.
Goodbye kindergarten.
Hello school!

* * *

Odezhkin's house
I. Demyanov

I take galoshes home
Lots of things to do today...
clothing house,
my locker,
You are completely empty!
And how filled it was in winter - sleeves stuck out ...
It happened, the door, my locker,
I barely closed
Another baby will take you
I'm going to study!
Clothes house, my locker,
Forever we say goodbye to you, like old friends!

* * *

Quiet time

The shutters are closing
The children are undressing.
- Hush, hush, hush, birds,
You do not sing under the window!
In a quiet hour, sleep so sweetly,
The boys are fast asleep.
You do not click, cicadas,
Do not crack - clack-clack-clack!
Guys need to rest
They need to get some sleep!
You do not croak, frogs,
Under the window of the guys!
There are folding beds
The boys are fast asleep here.
shutters open
Children dress up...
Tell me children
What did you see in your dream?

* * *

Olga Pavlovna
N. Naydenova

Who will tell about everything:
Why does thunder happen
How factories work
And what are the machines?
And about how gardeners
Breaking flower beds
And about the north, and about the south,
And about everything that is around
And about coal, and about gas,
About the taiga and about the Caucasus,
About the bear, about the fox
And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw
Build, sew and embroider,
Seating the guys in a circle,
Read them a poem
He will say: "Learn for yourself,
And then read to your mother?

Who will figure it out now
Why Oleg fights
Why Gali and Nina
He took the matryoshka
Why is the elephant made of clay
Misha immediately broke?

This is the teacher
This is Olga Pavlovna.

Loves Olga Pavlovna
All my guys
Very Olga Pavlovna
Loves kindergarten!

* * *

Breathing exercises

Let the baby take a deep breath through the nose, inflate the "cheeks - bubbles" and slowly exhale through the slightly open mouth. Repeat 2-3 times.

You ask questions, the child answers.
How does the steam locomotive speak? Tu-tu-tu-tu.
How is the machine buzzing? Bi-bi. Bi-bi.
How does the dough "breathe"? Puff - puff - puff.
You can also sing vowel sounds: o-o-o-o-ooo, oo-oo-oo-oo.

"Watch" Formation of diaphragmatic breathing

Sitting on a chair, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. take away left hand to the side and put on the back of the head: slowly leaning to the right, lightly pat right hand on the left side - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale completely (pull in the stomach, relax). The same on the other side.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The clock goes like this:

Tilt left, tilt right

Tilt left, tilt right.

"Inflate the balloon" Formation of diaphragmatic breathing

Choose a comfortable position (sitting, standing), put one hand on the stomach, the other on the side of the lower chest. Take a deep breath through the nose (the stomach protrudes slightly forward, and Bottom part chest expands, which is controlled by one or the other hand). After inhalation, immediately make a free, smooth exhalation (the abdomen and the lower part of the chest take their previous position).

Here we are inflating the balloon

And we check by hand:

The ball burst - exhale,

We relax our muscles.

“Legs are walking” Formation of diaphragmatic breathing

While walking in place - hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Our feet are walking.

Our feet are walking

On the stumps, on the bumps,

On the pebbles, on the pebbles

In the hole - boom! (Sit down.)

Exercise 6. "Inhale-exhale" Differentiation of nasal and oral breathing

Performed standing. Take a short, calm breath through the nose, hold the air in the lungs for 2-3 seconds, then make a long, smooth exhalation through the mouth. In the same way, a number of the following exercises are performed: inhale through the nose - exhale through the nose, inhale through the mouth - exhale through the nose, inhale through the mouth - exhale through the mouth.

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth(corresponding movements):

Breathe deeper and then

Step in place slowly.

How? Let's show the kids.


Grisha, Grisha, give me the knife.

You will not return back.

Give me, Grisha, a pencil.

You won't give back.

Grisha, Grisha, give me a rubber band.

You bite off half.

Grisha, Grisha, give me some ink.

Would you run and buy

"Blue Leaves" V.A. Oseeva

Friendship story for kids

Katya had two green pencils. But Lena has none. So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil. And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day. Lena asks:

Did mom let you?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed me, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, ask your brother again, - says Lena.

Katya comes the next day.

Well, did your brother let you? - asks Lena.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful, - says Lena. “Look,” Katya says, “don’t fix it, don’t press hard, don’t take it in your mouth.” Don't draw too much.

I, - says Lena, - only need to draw leaves on the trees and green grass.

This is a lot, - says Katya, and she frowns her eyebrows. And she made a disgusted face.

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised, ran after her:

Well, what are you? Take it!

No, Lena replies. In class, the teacher asks:

Why do you, Lenochka, have blue leaves on the trees?

No green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed like a cancer and said:

I gave it to her, but she won't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

"How Masha got big" E. Permyak

Little Masha really wanted to grow up. Very. And how to do it, she did not know. I've tried everything. And I walked in my mother's shoes. And sat in my grandmother's hood. And she did her hair, like Aunt Katya's. And tried on beads. And she put on a watch. Nothing worked. They just laughed at her and made fun of her. Once once Masha decided to sweep the floor. And swept. Yes, she swept it so well that even my mother was surprised:

Masha! Are you really getting big?

And when Masha washed the dishes clean and dry and wiped them dry, then not only mother, but also father was surprised. He was surprised and said to everyone at the table:

We did not even notice how Maria grew up with us. Not only sweeps the floor, but also washes dishes.

Now everyone calls little Masha big. And she feels like an adult, although she walks in her tiny shoes and in a short dress. No hair. Without beads. No watch. It's not like they make the little ones big.

"Good" V.A. Oseeva

Yura woke up in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. The money is good. And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

Here he sits and thinks: "What if my sister was drowning, and I would save her!"

And my sister is right there:

Walk with me, Yura!

Go away, don't stop thinking! The sister got offended and left. And Yura thinks: "Now, if the wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!"

And the nanny is right there:

Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nurse shook her head. And Yura again thinks: "Now, if Trezorka fell into the well, and I would pull him out!"

Trezorka is right there. Tail wags: "Give me a drink, Yura!"

Go away! Don't stop thinking! Trezorka closed his mouth, climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to his mother:

What would be good for me to do? Mom patted Yura on the head:

Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny clean the dishes, give some water to Trezor.

Rules of conduct in kindergarten.

Not tired? Enough strength? -

Flynn politely asked.

And he said: - Today I

I turn to those friends

To those of the little animals

Who is going to kindergarten.

How to be friends with guys

How to live a day without sadness

How to behave in the garden

To get along with everyone.

Keep quiet,

I'll start talking.


In the garden, as the kids know,

They've been walking since morning.

And they wanted, they didn't want

Gotta get out of bed fast

Don't make a fuss, don't scream

And don't yell at your mom.

Gotta learn, brothers

You wake up with a smile.

A new day has come again -

Hey friends, it's time to get up!


Mother of a white kitten

IN kindergarten led.

But a furry child

I couldn't calm down.

He began to meow, to cling

Paw for her hem,

I didn't want to stay in the garden

He didn't join the group.

Mama Cat was in a hurry

And saying sadly:

Lost from Kitten

And she left in tears.

No, don't do it guys.

Cry and scream loudly

Mom is in a hurry somewhere,

Mom might be late.

Moms love you all very much,

Waiting for a long-awaited meeting

Children will not be forgotten -

Will definitely come!


Our Kitten burst into tears

In the dressing room, on the floor

Sat down under the bench.

I sat in the corner for two hours.


Comforted me as much as I could

But the mode in the garden is no joke

And she went to others.

And the Kitten heard the group,

Heard games, jokes, laughter.

Finally decided it was stupid

Hiding in a corner from everyone.

Accept me into the group

I roared for the last time!

Aunt Duck, I'm sorry!

I promise to listen to you.

Yeah, don't be stubborn

I'll tell you not melting

The teacher is like a mother to you,

The group is a new family.


The fox was playing in the corner

And I didn't want to go to sleep.

Quietly hiding somewhere

And in a quiet hour did not appear.

Call, the teacher became -

The minx did not answer her.

Where could she go?

I had to get a little excited.

The fox was still found

Very angrily scolded

They said: - Do not play hide and seek,

Called - answer immediately.

Well, now run to bed,

It's high time for bed!


Elephant wanted raspberries

AND toothpaste ate:

After all, it had a picture -

Strawberry and raspberry!

He lost his appetite

His stomach hurts:

There is no toothpaste now -

Swallowed her sick!

If you want to eat something

Gotta read the inscriptions

After giving yourself the answer:

Will it be beneficial or harmful?


The duckling was very sad

But he didn't say anything

But he just sat, was silent, sighed,

Friends did not listen, did not play.

Then Aunt Duck came up,

She asked: - How are you?

Why the sad look?

Perhaps something hurts?

The duckling is sitting not himself,

Shakes his head quietly

Nobody can understand him

Maybe a doctor can help him?

Friends, when you are sick,

Don't be silent, really

Everything the educator should know

To call your doctor as soon as possible.


Climbed a tree Puppy

And caught on a knot

Hanging, whining, can't get off,

Shouts: - Save who is here!

There was a fox nearby,

Hastened to help a friend,

But just began to climb -

How he got stuck in a crevice.

Hanging on a tree together

And they whine very plaintively.

Squirrel hurries to them soon,

And to save my friends

She brought help

Big smart Goat.

When your friend is in trouble

He failed or got stuck

Always call adults for help

Skillful, experienced and tall.


The kittens were laughing, the kittens were playing

And suddenly they began to quarrel,

But the Mouse ran up and said:

Don't need kids!

No need to get angry

Scold and get angry.

I offer you

Reconcile quickly.

And this huge jar of jam

Rather, friends, reconciliation!

Please guys

Don't forget at all

Someone quarreled

Write down to reconcile!


A hare played with a doll -

The doll's dress was torn.

Then I took a typewriter -

Disassembled in half.

Found a small ball -

This ball is pierced.

And when the designer took -

Lost all the details!

What to play now others?

No, you don't have to be like that!

You take care of toys

And keep it carefully.


Rain outside again

We had to walk in the rain.

The puddles around are full,

But the animals don't care.

Jumping, running, playing

Boats are allowed in the puddles.

Walking away from the animals

Sprays fly to the sides.

Everyone got wet, they were taken out,

Two hours then dried!

No we won't go again

For a walk in the rain!


Animals fussed in the snow, like boys,

Wet and their mittens, and panties.

They should put everything in the dryer,

They forgot to dry their pants.

It's cold outside, winter and frost,

Animals will freeze, they are sorry to tears!

Dry your clothes, I advise you,

So that in the wet then do not go home.


What is it to be neat?

It means clean, neat,

That the pants did not know holes.

Those are trousers, not cheese.

But sometimes the kids

A T-shirt is falling out of panties,

Kneeling down the hole

From fighting in the yard.

So familiar Piglet

Spent my day in the garden

Very dirty child

Pope with mom in trouble.

Mom pampered her son

Dressed clean in the morning

Came to pick up

Couldn't recognize him!

She is ashamed of her son

So guys, no good!


Mouse poorly paws soap:

Only moistened with water

I did not try to wash with soap -

And the dirt remained on the paws.

Towel - in black spots!

How unpleasant it is!

Microbes get into your mouth

It may hurt your stomach.

So kids try your best

Wash your face with soap often!

Need warm water

Wash your hands before eating!


At the table puppy Antoshka

Eating fish with a tablespoon

I tried to eat soup with a fork -

I didn't want to listen to advice.

And although I tried my best,

So he remained hungry.

Well, where does it fit!

It's time for everyone to learn

Eat with a fork, eat with a spoon

And not to do like Antoshka.


Squirrel was sitting at the table,

In front of her was a plate

In it from bread, butter, lard

The squirrel was building a house.

So, friends, do not act

And they don't play with food.

Eat at the table, friends,

You can't mess around here!

And eat - you are free,

And play however you like.


Teddy bear chewed bread -

He dropped bread crumbs.

Spoke with a full mouth

What? Nobody could understand.

Then he took up the compote -

The table was doused with his stomach!

Everyone laughs loudly at him,

Embarrassed the teddy bear:

You do not know? At the table

You have to eat with your mouth closed

Don't rush, don't talk

Do not litter crumbs on the floor.

After getting up from the table

In a fur coat as clean as it was.


Moles are sitting at the table,

The nose is turned up, they do not eat:

We don't want this mess!

We don't eat black bread!

Give better than tea us,

Poor little Moles!

I will remind you of one thing:

Don't make faces at the table

Do not be capricious here -

Eat whatever they give you!


The group wants to have breakfast,

Everyone around is in a hurry to help

Bring dishes to tables.

Only the Hedgehog said: - I won't!

I won't go, I'll sit

And I will look at you

I don't want to help

Better to just wait.

It's unpleasant for everyone.

Everyone does not respect Hedgehog.

He himself is quite small,

And what a big laziness!


Everyone ate, got up

And they went to the toys.

The children began to have fun.

Who will clean up?

Who will take the dishes?

Who will wipe the tables then?

To keep flies away

And they didn’t sit on the crumbs,

Well, quickly, without words,

We're clearing the tables!

And with dishes, as we can,

Let's help our babysitter!


All the toys were taken apart

Belka wasn't enough.

Everyone around her was playing

And she was sad.

But she was tired of being sad -

Belka set to work:

Chairs moved into a circle

I began to build a teremok.

All the animals came running

Belka began to help

Bring your toys

They want to play in the teremok.

Take an example from Squirrel:

No toys - don't be sad

Make up your own games

From what is at hand!


Holiday, holiday celebrated!

Animals march together

Everyone dance and sing

And Ezha is called to himself.

But he curled up into a ball

rolled into a corner,

Just looked out of there

To say:

I'm not going to speak

Because I'm shy>.

But the prickly Hedgehog is wrong:

Will a talent emerge?

May sparkle on the stage

A real diamond!


Somehow a gray wolf cub

We took Bunnies into the game.

Quarreled all the Wolf cubs

And hurt the kids.

He boasted and teased

And deceived the Hare,

And now his Bunny

They don't even want to see it!

This is a quarrel. Here's a shame!

You don't have to hurt your friends

We do not need evil quarrels,

Tears, arguments and strife.


If it's warm outside

The sun blazed from the sky

And there won't be any rain

Dress for the weather!

Let's put away the fur coat!

You don't need a cape either!

Will you run and play

And sunbathe in the sun!

Everyone should always try

Dress according to the weather.


Dear friend, remember this -

hands after toilet

Wash with warm water.

To keep out of your mouth

So that the stomach does not hurt,

So that with you, my friend, trouble

Never happened!


Formerly Little Penguin

Was very, very alone

He didn't play with others.

And that's why he was bored.

But now he has changed.

He made friends with everyone

Have fun and laugh

Doesn't want to go home.

After all, it's interesting with friends -

Everyone knows this!


They did not like to play with the Raccoon.

More than once the Raccoon was told

What fists interfere with in a dispute:

They don't solve problems!

The raccoon did not try to understand.

Just a little - he immediately fought with someone.

And now one sits

He sighs heavily and mourns.

Nobody plays with him anymore

He does not invite him over.

It's simple if you figure it out:

You don't have to fight with your friends!


The bunny was fast asleep at first.

Suddenly woke up, it became clear -

It's time to go to the toilet.

Didn't dare to ask

You can go out or not

To run to the toilet.

He was silent, endured, tried,

Holding on tight to your stomach

He clenched his teeth with all his strength -

But the bed got wet!

And then my stomach hurt.

So why did he suffer?

It's bad, really!

If you really wanted

That troubles here, right, no

Ask to go to the toilet.

caregiver never

Won't want to harm you.


monkey monkey

Teased everyone around:

Hare, Squirrel, Dog,

Lion crocodile.

Called it any way

Splashed from a puddle -

And now one is left

Nobody is friends with her.

Monkey, be smart

Better try

Become kinder, kinder

And do not call names!

Everyone will be friends with you

It will be more fun to live.


Although the lamb was

Small in age

Willingly he gossip

I wrote about everyone.

Always very bad

He spoke about everyone

For this Lamb

Nobody loved.

And they don’t play with him, they don’t believe him:

- Tell stories to yourself!

When you don't know what to say

It's probably best to just keep quiet.


The animals played together

After sleep you need to go to bed.

Quiet time comes

Silence is needed now.

Even if you don't sleep

Lie down, don't make noise

Don't let your friend sleep

And rest easy!


At the end of a quiet hour

A sound sleep is gone from you.

If you can't sleep anymore

Still no fun

And you don't have to mess around

And throw pillows.

It's hard to jump on the beds.

Stay quiet better.

To keep the feathers from flying

Like February blizzards.

Lie down, shut up

And wait for the rise.


Time for a walk! Hurry up to get dressed!

But Bobrenok began to dig for so long!

Already all dressed, went for a walk,

And then they came back again

And he's still sitting in the locker room: - And me?

Have you walked without me, friends?

To keep up

From funny friends

Learn to dress

My friend, hurry up!


Red cat walking

I pulled a candy in my mouth

that lay on the road.

After that, everyone was worried:

His stomach hurt so much

That the cat got to the hospital!

Dirt is harmful, it is dangerous,

It has microbes! It is clear?


Bunny mom did not wait

And headed home:

- I'm very close.

I can easily run alone!

Aunt Duck won't let you in

Zayzu sternly explains:

- Never, please, my friend,

Don't go home alone!

You better wait mom

Just go with your mom!


Here comes the evening.

They come for the animals

Moms, dads, uncles, aunts,

You will go home now.

The teacher must know:

Have they come to pick you up yet?

Reported? Fine.

Goodbye! The day has passed.


We had such a case, they say:

The wolf came to the kindergarten for the kid.

Called the goat, said: - Do not be sad,

Mom asked me to bring you.

Well, do not linger, Kozlik, let's go

To the goat brothers

to your little house.

But there was no big problem

The goat did not believe him then.

I called adults for help soon,

The villain immediately escaped from the kindergarten!

You can not leave the kindergarten with strangers!

Only with friends, only with your own!


The children live in the kindergarten

Here they play and sing

Find friends here

They go for a walk with them.

Together they argue and dream

They grow imperceptibly.

Kindergarten is your second home,

How warm and cozy it is!

You love him kids

The kindest house in the world!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 13 "Scarlet Flower"

Verkhneufaleisky urban district.

Homework card index on lexical topics

for children 5 - 7 years old with general underdevelopment speeches

Prepared by:

Teacher speech therapist

Sayfulloeva Ekaterina Mikhailovna

Verkhny Ufaley


Dear colleagues, this manual is copyrighted. Author - compiler: teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Dubinina T.A.

The card file consists of 38 paired cards - tasks designed for homework on lexical topics by preschoolers of older and preparatory age speech group diagnosed with OHPIIIII levels.

Homework is designed to reinforce the knowledge gained by children and is completed on weekends with the help of parents. In the task for lexical topic included lexical and grammatical exercises, exercises for the development of coherent speech (writing stories), exercises for the development fine motor skills(coloring, drawings), exercises for development phonemic representations, memorizing poems for the development of memory, guessing riddles for the development of thinking and imagination.

Children of the speech group in our preschool educational institution are divided into 2 subgroups: subgroup I (preparatory) - these are children 6 - 7 years old, subgroup II (older) - these are children 5 - 6 years old. For children of different subgroups, taking into account age, tasks of various levels of complexity are offered.

Cards must be cut out, pasted on cardboard. On Friday evening, these cards are displayed in the speech therapy corner. Parents rewrite homework in the child's notebook. Tasks correspond to the lexical theme of the week.

In order for parents not to confuse homework, the card is pasted on cardboard of a certain color: for children preparatory group- onredcardboard, and for children senior group- ongreencardboard. If you wish, so that parents do not rewrite the task in a notebook, the cards can be duplicated and simply pasted into the child's notebook.

I will be glad if my developments are useful in the work of beginners!


( I subgroup)

    Name the toys you have at home. mark external signs every toy.

(I have a bunny at home, it is soft, fluffy, white).

    What is the toy made of? What is she?

- The machine is made of iron - itiron.

- The plane is made of plastic - it ...

- Matryoshka is made of wood - it ...

- The bear is made of plush - it ...

- The ball is made of rubber - it ...

    "Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

(reply complete offer)

- What toy did you play with yesterday?

What toy are you playing with today?

What toy will you play with tomorrow?

    Who works in kindergarten? (list occupations)

(They work in kindergarten ...)

    Learn a poem:

"Our Masha got up early,

I counted all the dolls

Two nesting dolls - on the window,

Two Tanyas - on a pillow,

Two Irinkas - on a featherbed,

And Petrushka in a cap -

On an oak chest."

    Draw in a notebook on a sheet on the left 1 large ball, and on the right - 3 small balls.



( I subgroup)

1. Answer the questions with a complete sentence.

- What season is it now?

What autumn months do you know? (learn)

    Tell me what kind of autumn it is

- If autumn has comeearly , then autumn ... (what?)

- If autumn has comelate , then autumn ... (what?)

    "Answer the questions" (the use of verbs in different tense forms in speech).


What is he doing? duet… … …

What will he do? Will blow… … …

What did you do? Dul………

What will happen Will blow … … …

    "Guess the word" (the use of singular and plural verbs in speech).

- wind dono , and the winds ... (duut ).

- Fly away birdno and the birds...

- Leaf yellowno and the leaves...

- rain drizzleit and the rain...

- Cold of the advanceno and the cold...

    Learn a poem.

“A crane flies to the warm south,

September gilded the leaves.

Took the leaves off the branches in October.

November covered the leaves with snow.



( I subgroup)

    "Call it sweetly"

cucumber - cucumber onion - ...

tomato - ... garlic - ...

peas - ... potatoes - ...

Carrots, cabbage - …

    "What is the name of the vegetable food?"

- Mashed potatoes - mashed potatoes.

- Cucumber salad - …

- Carrot juice - ...

- Pea soup - ...

- Cabbage pie - ...

    "Vegetable Comparison". Complete the sentence and then repeat it completely.

- The tomato is round, and the cucumber ... (oval)

- Carrots are oblong, and pumpkin ...

- Onions are bitter, and carrots ...

- The cucumber is green, and the beets ...

- The radish is small, and the radish ...

- The pumpkin is round, and the zucchini ...

    Answer the questions:

"Brother calls his sister for weeding in the garden."

Who is calling? …. Who is calling? …. Why is he calling? ….

5. Learn a poem

"One two three four,

Children taught vegetables:

Onion, radish, zucchini,

Horseradish, carrot, garlic.



( I subgroup)

    "Make an offer." An adult calls pairs of words and asks the child to say which of these fruits he will eat himself and which he will give to a friend.

Apple - pear

(I will eat the apple myself, and give the pear to a friend).

Peach - orange ...

Banana - lemon ...

Mandarin - kiwi ...

Apricot - plum ...

    "The fourth extra." What is redundant and why?

Apple, pear, tomato, orange.

Plum, peach, apricot, compote.

    "Name the Juice"

lemon juice...

orange juice...

apple juice...

plum juice...

    Compose a story - a description of "My favorite fruit" on the questions: What is the name? Where does it grow? What is its shape, color, taste? What can be prepared from it?

TREES: deciduous and coniferous

( I subgroup)

    Answer the question: "What trees grow in the forest?"

Aspens grow in the forest, ... ( continue listing )

Coniferous trees- This …

deciduous trees- This …

2. "One - many"

tree - trees - many trees

sheet - ... - a lot ...

bush - bushes - many bushes

trunk - ... - a lot ...

branch - ... - a lot ...

3. "Name a leaf and a branch of a tree"

maple leaf - mapleth , and the branch - maplesand I

the oak has a leaf - ..., and a branch - ...

a birch has a leaf - ..., and a branch - ...

rowan has a leaf - ..., and a branch - ...

4. "Count to 5"

one oak leaf, two oakexit leaf,

three four five…

one birch branch, two birchess branches,

three four five…

Birch leaves turn yellow on the maple.

When it rains, it's dry outside.



(I subgroup)

1. "Garden and forest berries"

Garden berries are strawberries,… (continue)

Wild berries are strawberries,… (continue)

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a strawberry, and the Gnome has a strawberry.

The Giant has blueberries, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a gooseberry, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has lingonberries, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has strawberries, and the Gnome has ...

    “We make jam and make juice from berries”


From sea buckthornoh sea ​​buckthornth

From raspberries ... ...

From strawberry...

From strawberries ... ...

From blackberries ... ...

From blueberries ... ...

From lingonberries ... ...

From cranberries ... ...

    "What is redundant and why?"

Strawberry, raspberry, pumpkin, blackberry

Orange, apple, banana, cranberry

Birch, currant, oak, maple


( I subgroup)

    "Choose a word." What can be done with mushrooms?

Mushrooms can be found...(continue listing)

    "Edible - inedible"

The adult lists the names of the mushrooms, and the child says: “edible” or “inedible” (write the child’s answers in two columns).

Honey mushrooms, russula, grebes, porcini mushrooms, fly agaric, milk mushrooms, pigs, volnushki, chanterelles, gall mushrooms, boletus, cobwebs, boletus.

Edible inedible

    "Count to 5"

One red fox, two red foxes, three..., four..., five...

One red fly agaric, two red fly agarics, three ..., four ..., five ...

One White mushroom, two white mushrooms, three ..., four ..., five ...

    "What is redundant and why?"

White mushroom, volnushka, cranberry, mushrooms.

Blueberries, blackberries, fly agaric, raspberries.

    Name the mushroom for the sound [M] - boletus, fly agaric;[L] - ..., [V] - ..., [S] - ..., [G] - ..., [B] - ..., [P] - ....


( I subgroup)

    Name your clothes: jacket, …

Name your shoes: boots, …

Name your hats: a cap, …

    "One is many"

hat - hats - many hats

scarf - ... a lot ...

skirt - ... a lot ...

dress - ... a lot ...

shoes - ... a lot ...

boots - ... a lot ...

    "Fix the Mistakes of the Dunno"

My boots, my hat, my gloves, my scarf.

    "Tell me what these things are"

rubber boots - rubber boots

wool hat...

leather gloves...

straw hat...

fox fur coat - ...

    "Let's count in pairs"

one pair of boots, two pairs of boots... five pairs...

one pair of shoes, two pairs... five pairs...

one pair of gloves, two pairs... five pairs...



( I subgroup)

    Name the item of utensils by sound:

[h] - kettle, …[b] - ... [n] - ... [v] - ... [l] - ...

[k] - ... [s] - ... [t] - ... [m] - ...

    "Where do the products live?"

sugar lives in a sugar bowl salt lives in a (salt shaker)

crackers live in ... butter lives in ...

pepper lives in ... tea lives in (teapot)

herring lives in ... coffee lives in ...

Lettuce lives in...

sweets live in...

    "Explain what this item does?"

meat grinder - mince meat

samovar - ...

vegetable cutter...

bread slicer...

juicer - ...

egg cutter...

garlic press...

    "Name this dish"

Tea utensils are a samovar, ...

A coffee utensil is a coffee pot...

Tableware is a tureen, ...

Cookware is a pot...


( I subgroup)

    "What foods do you know?"

Dairy: kefir, ... (list)

Meat products: sausages, ...

Fish products: smoked fish,

Bakery products: bread, …

Confectionery: marmalade, …

    « What is redundant and why?»

Milk, cheese, cucumber, sour cream

Sausage, sausage, ham, marshmallow

Cake, marmalade, fried fish, chocolate

    "What is the name of?"

Bouillon Porridge Soup

from chicken - chicken from buckwheat - buckwheat from mushrooms - …

from fish - ... from rice - ... from rice - ...

from meat - ... from millet - ... from peas - ...

    "Count to 5"

one fried cutlet Apple pie

two frieds cutlets two apples pirogue

three... four... five... three... four... five...

    "Learn a poem"

« Lived - there were cheese, meatballs,

Marmalade, marshmallows, sweets,

Juices, vegetables and fruits,

We call them products

We call them food

We love them all the time!"


( I subgroup)

    name migratory bird to sound:

[A], [C], [G], [L], [L], [S], [F], [K].

    "Name the baby bird"

rook - he is a rook - they are rooks

stork - ... - ...

swift - ... - ...

crane - ... - ...

cuckoo - ... - ...

swan - … - …

starling - ... - ...

    "Guess and Name"

Which bird has the most Long neck? ... (at the swan)

Which bird has the most long legs? …

What bird has the longest beak? …

Which birds sing the best? …

    "Whose wings?"

at the crane - cranes

at the goose ...

at the rook - ...

at the nightingale - ...

    "Guess and learn the riddle"

"On one leg is worth,

He gazes into the water.

Pokes beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river



(I subgroup)

    "Continue Offers"

- In winter, people wear hats, ...

Winter brings frost...

- The water froze on the rivers, ...

- I like to ride in the winter on ...

    “What is behind what and before what?”

December after November and before January;

January for ... and before ...

February for ... and before ...

    "Say the opposite"

In winter, the night is long and the day...

The snow is white, and the asphalt ...

In winter, the wind is cold, and in summer ...

    "Count to Five"

one winter night, two wintersie nights, three ... five ...

one cold day, two cold dayss days, three ... five ...

    Learn a poem:

"Autumn ship set sail,

And frozen the riversDecember .

Starts the calendar

month with nameJanuary.

A white blizzard winds a shawl,

All in the snow cameFebruary »


( I subgroup)

    Name the animal of our forests by the sound at the beginning of the word:

[B] - ... [Mb] - ... [L] - ... [Z] - ... [L] - ... [B] - ...

    "Name the whole family"

dad Mother young cubs

wolf she-wolf cub cubs

bear … … …

hedgehog … … …

fox … … …

elk … … …

hare … … …

    “Whose tail, nose; whose head; whose ears, paws?

tail , nose head ears , paws

bear bear bear bear bear

at the wolf ... ... ...

at the fox ... ... ...

at the hare………

at the squirrel ... ... ...

    "Mysterious Animal"

What animals are the words from?

Medwolf - ...; bunny - ...; fox - ...;

It started - ...; belzay - ...; patchwork - ...

    "Count to 5"

One red fox, two redtheir fox, three ... four ... five ...;

One nimble squirrel, two nimbles squirrels, three ... four ... five ...

( I subgroup)

    Name your pet by sound:

[WITH] - …; [L] - ...; [TO] - …; [B] - ...

    "Name the whole family"

Mother dad young cubs

sheep ram lamb lambs

horse … … …

cow … … …

pig … … …

goat … … …

dog … … …

cat … … …

    "What is he doing He and what do they do They

kitten lakano and kittens lacquerut.

The calf lows, and the calves ...

The puppy is running, and the puppies ...

The goat jumps, and the goats ...

The pig eats, and the pigs ...

The foal jumps, and the foals ...

The lamb chews, and the lambs ...

    "Whose, whose, whose?"

tail, nose head ears

cow bovine bovine bovine

in a dog………

in a cat ... ... ...

at the goat………

at the ram………


( I subgroup)

    "Call it sweetly"

black feather - black feather

gray back - ... (grey back)

fluffy wings...

white neck...

red chest...

sharp talons - …

a long tail - …

    "Tell me which bird" (add word endings)

paint ... , fast ... , laugh ... , sing ... , shouting ... ,

lay down…, little…, worries…, hunger…, full….

    "For what?" (answer with a full sentence using the union to )

What is the bird's beak for?

What are bird wings for?

What are bird legs for?

What are bird eyes for?

    "Explain the words to Dunno"

long-tailed bird - the bird has a long tail;

gray-eyed - ..., red-breasted - ..., black-eyed - ...,

thermophilic - ..., sharp-beaked - ..., insectivorous - ...,



( I subgroup)

    Name winter holidays. Who are the main characters of the New Year?

    Complete the sentences with the same word "snowman" in the correct form.

We decided to blindsnowman.

We attached a carrot nose ...

We showed the neighbors of our …

We played with...

We talked about…

    "Count the pairs up to 5"

One pair of skis, two pairs..., three pairs..., four pairs..., five pairs...;

One pair of skates, two pairs…, three pairs…, four pairs…, five pairs…

    "What will we decorate our Christmas tree with?"

We will decorate our Christmas tree with balls, ... (continue listing).

    "What are you going to do on New Year's Eve?"

I will have fun - (what will I do?) I will have fun

I will be spinning...

I will rejoice...

I will laugh...

I will dress up...


( I subgroup)

    "For what?" (answer in full sentence)

What are the eyes for? (Eyes are for seeing.)

What you need: ears, nose, mouth, tongue, legs, teeth, hands.

    "Find Dunno's mistake and say it right"

The eyes need nostrils.

Ears need eyelashes.

Legs need elbows.

Neck needs knees.

The head needs nails.

The back of the head needs heels.

Shoulders are needed for the stomach.

    "Think and Answer"

How many eyes do two children have? (Two children have four eyes)

How many ears do three boys have?

How many fingers are on two hands?

How many toes are on the right foot?

How many noses do four boys have?

    Game "Giant and Gnome"

Once upon a time there was a Giant and a Dwarf. The Giant had everything huge, and the Gnome had everything tiny.

Nose: The Giant has a noseische , and the Gnome has a noseik .

Eyes: The Giant ..., and the Gnome ...

Lips: The Giant ..., and the Gnome ...

Ruki: The Giant ..., and the Dwarf ...

Legs: The Giant ..., and the Gnome ...


( I subgroup)

I live with …

    Complete the sentence (pay attention to word endings):

I eat and dadeating.

I sing, and my mother ...

I sew, and my grandmother ...

I cook and my sister...

I play, and brother ...

I plan, and grandfather ...

    Game "And you?"

Our family is big and wemore.

Our family is strong, and we ...

Our family is small and we...

Our family is friendly and we...

Our family is kind, and we ...

Our family is brave, and we ...

    Who is older and who is younger?

Daughter - mother: Daughter is younger than mother, and mother older than daughter.


Son - dad ...

Grandfather - mother ...

Grandma - dad ...

Grandmother - granddaughter ...

Grandfather - grandson ...

Son - mother ...


( I subgroup)

    Name the profession in sound: [U], [V], [P], [S], [K].

    "Who's doing what?"

The teacher - the doctor teaches - ...

Builder - ... cook - ...

Educator - ... hairdresser - ...

Driver - ... fireman - ...

Seller - ... surgeon - ...

Singer - ... postman - ...

    "He, she and them"

He, she is it, and they at.

He, she go to bed it, and they …

He, she is a swift et, and they …

He, she brought up no, and they …

He/she is for sale et, and they …

    “Who works on this type of transport?”

The tractor works ... (tractor driver).

The excavator works...

The crane works...

The train drives…

The car drives...

Flying on an airplane…

    “Explain what a person of this profession does”

Bread grower - grows bread; Gardener - ...

Fisherman - ... Beekeeper - ...

Lumberjack - ... Chimney sweep - ...



( I subgroup)

    Name the profession of a person who:

Inserts glass - ... (glazier)

Operates a crane...

Operating an excavator...

Laying bricks...

Covering the roof...

Makes electrical wiring...

Paints walls, windows...

Repairs faucets...

    Collect sentences from words.

Crane operator, climb, into, his, cabin.

Excavator, dig, earth, huge, bucket.

    From what profession did these surnames come from?

Stolyarov - carpenter

Goncharov - ...

Plotnikov - ...

Kuznetsov - ...

    "Count to 5"

One crane, two ... three ... four ... five ...

One Brick wall, two ... three ... four ... five ...


( I subgroup)

    Name a piece of furniture with a sound: [K], [D], [C], [W], [T].

    What kind of furniture is this?

plastic furniture - plastic

wooden furniture - ….

iron furniture...

Furniture for kitchen - …

office furniture - …

    What is this piece of furniture for?

a lid is needed for ... (table)

the back is for...

Legs are for...

Doors are for...

boxes are for...

Mattress is for...

Armrests are for...

    What room is this piece of furniture in?

Bed, wardrobe, bedside table, dressing table - in ...

Sofa, armchairs, coffee table – in …

Children's bed, chest of drawers, desk- V …

Dining table, chairs, wall cabinets - in ...



( I subgroup)

    What applies to this mode of transport.

Passenger is...

Freight is...

Underground is...

Special is...

Water is…

Air is...

    How to name a stop:

Trams are…

Buses -…

Trolleybus - ...

    Name a car that:

Carries milk - milk truck

Concrete interferes - ...

Carrying water...

Scoops up the earth...

Laying pipes...

Crushes stones...

    Fix Dunno's bugs:

The house pulled up to the car.

Gasoline ran out because the car stopped.


( I subgroup)

    Continue suggestions:

There are many soldiers in the army...

Our defenders know how to fight...

    "What are they doing?"

pilot - flying in an airplane

helicopter pilot...

tankman - …




sapper - ...

border guard...

    "Correct Dunno's mistakes and say it right"

The pilot lifted the plane into the air and dispersed it along the runway.

The bomb exploded because a crater formed.

    "Who is superfluous and why"

Sniper, sapper, tanker, artist

    "Count to 5"

One heavy tank, two ... five ...

One submarine, two ... five ...

( I subgroup)

    What professions of our mothers do you know? (transfer)

    Choose the correct answer:

Mom is older than daughter (sometimes, always, never);

Grandmother is ... (dad's wife, mother's sister, mother's friend, mother's mother).

- How is your mother's name? (FULL NAME.)

- How old is your mother?

- How many children does your mother have?

- What is your mother like?

- What does she do at home?

- How do you help her?

    Fix Dunno's bugs:

First a daughter was born, and then a mother.

Grandmother is younger than mother.

I am a grandmother's daughter.



( I subgroup)

    What is VESNA? What is SPRING this year?

Spring is…

Spring this year...

    "Spring Months". Finish the offer.

Learn the verse!

Spring is in a hurry to start

in streams spring month

A bumblebee came out of the old leaves,

Blooming snowdrop...

Drive out Burenka to the meadow -

Came with green grass...

    Find a common word.

It pours, murmurs - ...

Blowing, noisy - ...

Warms, blinds - ...

Blue, high, clear - ...

    Correct Dunno's mistake and say it right.

The sun shone because it was warm.

Spring has come because the rooks have arrived.

Snow melts because streams flow.

    Say the opposite.

Heat - ... Day - ...

Dirty - ... Morning - ...

Light - ... Spring - ...



( I subgroup)

    Tell me in one word what kind of fish it is:

Ruff, catfish, minnow live in the river - this is ... ( river fish);

Flounder, pink salmon, herring live in the sea - this is ...

Carp, crucian carp, roach live in the lake - this is ...

gold fish, guppies, angelfish live in an aquarium - this is ..

    What can you do with fish?

You can catch fish, … (continue)

    "Whose tail, whose head?"

Catfish - catfish tail, catfish head;

Shark - ... tail, ... head;

Pike - ... tail, ... head;

    "The Giant and the Gnome Fishing"

The giant caught a crucian, and the Gnome caught a crucian.

The giant caught the minnow, and the dwarf - ...

The giant caught a bream, and the Gnome - ...

The giant caught a catfish, and the Gnome - ...

The giant caught a carp, and the Gnome - ...

The giant caught a ruff, and the Gnome - ...

    "Count to 5"

One small perch, two..., five...

One predatory pike, two ..., five ...



( I subgroup)

    Name houseplants to sound:

[F] - ...; [G] - ...; [T] - …; [X] - …; [B] - ...; [A] - …

    What is redundant and why?

Violet, ficus, dandelion, chlorophytum

Begonia, fat woman, birch, aloe

    Story - comparison "Ficus and violet"

Ficus grows in a large pot, and violet - ...

Ficus is tall, and violet is ...

The ficus has a thick trunk, and the violet has ...

Ficus has large leaves, and violets have ...

Ficus leaves are smooth, while violets have ...

    "Count to 5"

One scented geranium, two scented geraniums, three... four... five...

One tall ficus, two tall ficuses, three... four... five...


( I subgroup)

    Name bakery products by sound:

[B], [R], [X], [K], [P], [Pb], [C], [C].

    "What kind of bread is there?"

Wheat…, rust…, fresh…, hard…, gesture…, taste…, crunchy…, groin…, aroma…, appetite…, fried…, muffin…

    Game "Giant and Gnome"

The Giant has bread, and the Gnome has bread.

The Giant has a pie, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a gingerbread, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has a bagel, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a loaf, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a kalach, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a cake, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a cracker, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a cheesecake, and the Gnome has ...

    What is redundant and why?

Gingerbread, kalach, candy, loaf

Milk, cake, pastry, muffin

    Learn a poem:

"Rain, rain, water,

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be drying,

There will be sweet cheesecakes!”

( I subgroup)

    Continue the offer:

There are many comets in space...

    "Which? Which? Which?"

earth - he is earthly, she is earthly, it is earthly

sun - he ... she ... it ...

moon - he ... she ... it ...

star - he ... she ... it ...

space - he ... she ... it ...

    Make a sentence from the words:

Moon, this, Earth, satellite.

Moon, Earth, less.

Moon, rotate, Earth, around.

    Say "opposite"

Far close


Dark - ...


Fly away...

Take off -…

"Shines, sparkles, warms everyone"


( I subgroup)

    Name a musical instrument for sound:

[R], [Gb], [G], [Pb], [B], [C], [T], [A]

    Name the profession of the musician who plays

On the piano - pianist On the balalaika - ...

On the accordion - ... On the drum - ...

On the guitar - ... On the violin - ...

On the accordion - ... On the trumpet - ...

    Fix Dunno's bugs:

The violinist plays the trumpet.

The pianist plays the drum.

The drummer plays the balalaika.

The accordion player plays the guitar.

The guitarist plays the button accordion.

    "He and she"

He is a cellist and she is a cellist

He is a pianist and she...

He is a guitarist and she...

He is an accordionist, and she ...

He is a violinist, and she ...

He is a drummer and she...


( I subgroup)

    Answer the questions:

What is the name of the main street of St. Petersburg?

What is the name of main theater Petersburg?

What is the name of the most great cathedral Petersburg?

What is the name of main square Petersburg?

    There are a lot of lanterns in St. Petersburg. How to name a lantern that stands:

On the street - street

In the theatre - …

On the boulevard...

At the train station…

In the park - …

    What is redundant and why?

Petersburg, Moscow, Nevsky prospect, Novgorod

Car, street, avenue, alley

    Plan your story:

State the address where you live.

Why do you need to know your address?

To whom can you tell your address, and to whom not?

    What is common and what is different?

Street and embankment City and village

( I subgroup)

    What holiday is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War?

    Finish sentence:

- Many years have passed since this war, but people remember the heroes...

- A lot of films are devoted to this, ... (what else?)

- Not all the heroes survived, many ...

- They were given...

- Burning in their honor...

- People lay to the Eternal Flame ...

- On this day, there is a military ...

    "Say the opposite"

young - old strong - ...

brave - ... smart - ...

    Game "One - many"

Veteran - veterans - many veterans

Warrior - ... a lot ...

Order - ... a lot ...

Hero - ... a lot ...

Reward - ... a lot ...

    Learn a poem:

"May holiday - Victory Day

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

They are called in the morning by the road to the solemn parade,

And grandmothers look after them thoughtfully from the doorway.


( I subgroup)

    Continue the offer:

In the spring, people dig in the gardens, ... (what else do they do?)

    "One is many"

Shovel - shovels - many shovels

Greenhouse - ... a lot ...

Bed - ... a lot ...

Garden - ... a lot ...

Garden - ... a lot ...

Greenhouse - ... a lot ...

    "Change the Word"

plant - replant - race ... - otsa ...

drip - dig - for ... - from ... - about ...

    "Fix the Mistakes of the Dunno"

The flowers were watered because they had grown.

We dug up the potatoes, and then they watered and spudded them.

    What is first, what is next, and what is at the end?

Onions were sown before radishes, but later than garlic.

Tomatoes were planted before cucumbers, but later than peppers.

    "What is redundant and why?"

Dig, plant, pickle, water

Garden, garden, rake, flower bed.

Rake, doll, shovel, chopper



( I subgroup)

    Name the seasons, summer months

    "What summer?"

Summer is hot, warm ... spring ... heat ... cold ... rain ... sy ... green ... long ... short ... harvest ...

    "What do they do in the summer?"

In the summer, they relax, start ... pla ... dive ... play ... swim ... ride a bicycle ...

    "What kind of flowers are these?"

Daisies, cornflowers grow in the field, these are ... flowers.

Roses, carnations grow in the garden, these are ... flowers.

Bluebells, lilies of the valley grow in the forest, these are ... flowers.

    "Friends - not friends"

Summer is friends with scooters, but not friends with sleds.

Summer is friends with flowers, and with snow ...

Summer is friends with mushrooms, and with leaf fall ...

Summer is friends with roller skates, and with skates ...

Summer is friends with a thunderstorm, and with icicles ...

Summer is friends with a dress, and with a fur coat ...

    Learn a poem

Let's play in the summer

Let's swim and swing

Let's run and sunbathe

And collect flowers!


( I subgroup)

    Name an insect by sound:

[ F] , [ S] , [ M] , [ K] , [ P] , [ G ]

    Who is redundant and why?

Beetle, butterfly, swallow, dragonfly

Starling, nightingale, caterpillar, rook

    Continue the offer:

Birds eat insects: beetles, …

    Fix dunno's bug

The furry caterpillar ate the cuckoo.

The worm pecked at the rook.

    What is common and what is different?

Butterfly and swallow

    Guess riddles, draw riddles.

"In the town at the stump -

hustle, running,

That people are working

It scurries and fusses ”(M ...)

"Twisted like a rope,

Deftly on a leaf,

The whole chrysalis will freeze,

A butterfly will wake up "(G ...)


(I subgroup)

    Name the animals of hot countries for this sound:

[A] - [B] - [S] - [AND] - [T] - [WITH] - [L] -

[K] - [TO] - [ABOUT] - [V] - [H] - [H] -

    "Compare These Animals"

The elephant is tall, and the giraffe is even ... (higher)

The hippopotamus is heavy, and the elephant is still ...

The horse is hardy, but the camel is still ...

The hare jumps far, and the kangaroo still ...

    "Explain the Word"

Bactrian camel; one-humped camel; rhinoceros; swift leopard; marsupial kangaroo

    Guess riddles, draw riddles

"I'm a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me"

“With his mouth open wide, the lazy one lies ...”

"Thick skin and sharp horn,

Walking heavily, walks ... "


(I subgroup)

    Name the appliance for this sound:

[F] - ..., [M] - ..., [S] - ..., [Y] - ..., [T] - ..., [M] - ..., [X ] - ..., [K] - ..., [L] - ..., [Vb] - ..., [E] - ..., [P] - ..., [P] - ...

    "Finish the sentence"

Mom is washing clothes in ... (washing machine).

Dad is cleaning the carpet...

Daughter ironing clothes...

Grandma got the meat from ...

Mom is warming up dinner at...

Cartoons are shown on…

    "And you don't have..."

I have a TV and you don't have a TV.

I have a tape recorder, but you don't...

I have a vacuum cleaner and you don't...

I have a chandelier and you don't...

I have a radio and you don't...

I have a floor lamp, but you don't...

I have a computer, you don't...

    "Count to 5"

One two-chamber refrigerator, two two-chambernyh refrigerators, three... four... five...

One washing machine, two washernye cars, three... four... five...

One microwave, two microwavesyou stoves, three... four... five...


( II subgroup)

    Name the toys you have at home.

(I have a typewriter at home, ...)

2. What is this toy made of?

- Iron machine madefrom iron.

- The wooden matryoshka is made of...

- The rubber ball is made from...

- The plastic spatula is made of...

3. The game "one - many"

one cube - many cubes

one doll - many ...

one machine many...

one ball many...

4. "Call me affectionately"

ball - matryoshka ball - ...

doll - ... machine - ...

“Not offended, but inflated.

He is being led across the floor." (…)

    Learn a poem:

"They dropped the bear on the floor,

They cut off the bear's paw.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good."


( II subgroup)

    Complete the sentence with the plural:

The golden autumn has come.

The wind is swinging…

Yellowed on the trees...

There are many in the sky...

It drizzles very often...

After a lot of rain...

    "What is he doing? What are they doing?

What does autumn do? (comes, comes)

What does the wind do in autumn?

What do the leaves do in autumn?

What are the clouds in the sky doing?

    "Which? Which? Which?"

What is autumn? (golden, early, cool, warm, late, colorful, cold…)

What are the leaves like in autumn?

What is the sky like in autumn?

What is the wind like in autumn?

    "Count to 5"

One puddle, two puddles, three...four...five....

One cloud, two... three... four... five...

    Learn the poem "Autumn"

"Autumn walks along the path,

Wet her feet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light

Lost somewhere summer!


( II subgroup)

    Answer the question:

What are vegetables?

Where do vegetables grow?

    "Which? Which?" (list signs)

What onion? (round, hard, smooth, yellow on the outside, white on the inside, juicy, bitter, healthy, evil)

What cucumber?

What kind of carrot?

What tomato?

What potato?

    What vegetables like a lot of "clothes"?

Many "clothes" love ...

    "What can be done?" (list actions)

With potatoes? (plant, weed, spud, dig, peel, cut, fry, cook)

With a tomato?

With cabbage?

    "Winter preparations"

Draw a jar in a notebook, pickled vegetables in a jar: tomatoes or cucumbers.

    Learn a poem:

“We take vegetables in our hands,

In two rows on the table we put:

Onions, carrots, zucchini,

Tomatoes, peas, onions.


( II subgroup)

    Answer the questions:

- Apple, orange, pear, banana - what is it?

- Where do fruits grow?

- When is the fruit harvested?

- What fruits can be prepared?

    The game "I have, and you have ...".

I have a lemon, and you have ... (lemons)

I have a pear, and you have ...

I have a banana, and you have ...

I have an apple, and you have ...

I have a peach, and you have ...

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has an orange in the garden, and the Gnome has an orange

The Giant has a tangerine in the garden, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has a banana in the garden, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has an apple in the garden, and the Gnome has ...

    "Count to 5"

One plum, two plums, three... four... five...

One banana, two bananas, three... four... five...

    Learn a poem:

"Vegetables and fruits -

Delicious products.

In the garden and in the garden

I'll find them for food."


( II subgroup)

    "Answer the questions"

Birch, maple, aspen, linden - what is it?

What other trees do you know? (transfer)

What color were the leaves on the trees in summer?

What color are the leaves on the trees in autumn?


The oak is large, and the mountain ash ... (what?)

The oak has a thick trunk, and the birch ...

The pine is tall, and the bush ...

The birch has leaves, and the Christmas tree ...

    "At home and in the forest"

Maple grows near the house, and grows in the forestut ... (maples )

A birch grows near the house, and in the forest grow ...

An oak grows near the house, and in the forest grow ...

A Christmas tree grows near the house, and in the forest grow ...

    "Count to 5"

(when counting, bend one finger at a time)

one pine, two ... three ... four ... five ...

one oak, two ... three ... four ... five ...

    Guess the riddle, draw the riddle:

"Winter and summer in one color"


( II subgroup)

    "One berry - many berries"

One strawberry, many strawberries

One blueberry, many...

One blackberry, many...

One lingonberry, a lot ...

One cranberry, many...

One raspberry, many...

    "Count to 5"

One strawberry, two..., three..., four..., five...

    "Which berry is bigger?"

Strawberry or strawberry?

white currant or gooseberry?

    "Sweet, bitter or sour?"

What does raspberry taste like? …

What does strawberry taste like?

What does cranberry taste like?

What does gooseberry taste like?

What does lingonberry taste like?

    "Where do the berries grow?"

Raspberries grow in the garden and in the forest.

Strawberries grow in...

Blackberries grow in...

Cranberries grow on...

Currant grows in ...


( II subgroup)

    "Continue offer"

We went to the forest for honey mushrooms, butterflies ...

    "One is many"

One porcini mushroom - many porcini mushrooms

One fox - a lot ...

One wave - many ...

One russula - a lot ...

One fly agaric - a lot ...

One load - a lot ...

    "What can be done with mushrooms?"

Mushrooms can be picked, cut, ...

    "Call it sweetly"

Borovik - boletus

Mokhovik - ...

Russula - …

Stump - ...

Forest - …

Lukoshko - ...

    Guess and learn the riddle, draw the answer.

"He is never shod,

But without a hat - nowhere!


( II subgroup)

    "What is redundant and why?"

Jacket, hat, boots, scarf;

Shoes, slippers, sneakers, fur coat.

    "Clothes or shoes?"

Sort items according to purpose: shoes, sneakers, bathrobe, sandals, dress, felt boots, fur coat, scarf, boots, jacket, shorts, T-shirt, sneakers, pants, sweater.


    "Say the opposite"

adult clothes - ... (children's clothes)

big boots...

clean shoes...

long scarf...

dry gloves...

    "I have you"

I have a shirt and you have shirts.

I have a jacket, and you have ...

I have a T-shirt, and you have ...

I have a dress, and you have ...

I have a scarf, and you have ...

I have a raincoat, and you have ...


(II subgroup)

    "Which piece of utensil has this?"

The nose has…

There are holes in...

The lid has…

One handle is...

There are two handles...

The blade has…

There are four teeth...

    "What is redundant and why?"

Pot, spoon, soup, plate.

Knife, fork, frying pan, meat.

    "Count to 5"

One glass, two..., three..., four..., five...

One bowl, two..., three..., four..., five...

One bucket, two..., three..., four..., five...

    "Compare a cup and a glass" (for clarity)

A cup with a handle, and a glass ...

The cup is low, and the glass ...

The cup is wide, and the glass ...

The cup is porcelain, and the glass ...

A cup for tea, and a glass for ...

    Guess the riddle, draw the riddle:

“From a hot well, water flows through the nose.”


( II subgroup)

    "What are they made of?"

cheese is made from milk)

butter are made from...

sour cream is made from...

bread is made from...

Meatballs are made from...

borscht is made from…

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The giant cooks soup, and the Gnome cooks ... (soup)

The Giant bakes a cake, and the Gnome bakes ...

The giant is frying a cutlet, and the Gnome is frying ...

The Giant eats candy, and the Gnome eats ...

    "Count to 5"

one cutlet, two cutlets, three..., four..., five...

one cake, two cakes, three ..., four ..., five ...

    "What did they do with this product?"

fried potatoes - fried potatoes

frozen cranberries...

salty fish - …

smoked fish - …

sauerkraut – …

boiled vegetables...

chop meat - …


( II subgroup)

    "Call it sweetly"

chick - chick

feather - …

head is...

neck - …

wing - ...

beak - ...

    "One is many"

he is a rook - they are rooks - many rooks

he is a swift - they ... - a lot ...

he is a stork - they ... - a lot ...

he is a starling - they ... - a lot ...

he is a crane - they ... - a lot ...

he is a nightingale - they ... - a lot ...

she is a swallow - they ... - a lot ...

she is a cuckoo - they ... - a lot ...

    "Who is superfluous and why?"

Swallow, cuckoo, parrot, nightingale

Crane, stork, heron, chicken

    "Who's screaming?"

Duck: "Quack - quack" - quacks

Rook: "Kra - kra" - ...

Swallow: "Chief - Chief" - ...

Cuckoo: "Ku-ku" - ...

Crane: "Kurly - kurly" - ...

    "Guess and learn the riddle"

"This bird never builds a nest for chicks"


( II subgroup)

    "Answer the questions"

- What season is it now?

- What is winter like? (evil, ...)

- What is snow like? (soft, …)

What can snowflakes do? (fly, …)

    "Where does it happen?" We teach children to answer questions in full sentences.

- Where is the snowflake? (The snowflake lies on the ground.)

- Where is the icicle hanging?

- Where is the ice frozen?

- Where do the children ride?

- Where was the snowman made?

    "Say with a word No»

winter - no winter

snow is not...

frost is not...

blizzard - no ...

ice is not...

    "Count to Five"

One snowflake, two snowflakes, three ... four ... five ..

One snowman, two snowmen, three...four...five...

    Learn a poem:

"On the branches of snow fringe,

The frost is cracking, winter has come!


( II subgroup)

    "Name the dwelling of the animal"

The fox lives in ... (burrow).

The bear sleeps in winter in ....

The hedgehog climbed into the winter in ....

The squirrel sits in ....

The bunny is trembling under ....

The wolf sits in ... (den).

    "Who will be who?"

The hedgehog will be a hedgehog.

The fox will be...

The wolf cub will...

The teddy bear will...

Bunny will be...

The elk will be...

    Compare these animals:

The hare is small, and the bear ...

The hare has a short tail, and the wolf ...

The hare has long ears, and the fox ...

The hare is soft, and the hedgehog ...

The fox has paws, and the elk ...

    Make up a story "Wild animal of our forest"

- Who is this?

- Name the body parts of the animal.

- What does it eat?

- Who are the cubs?

What is the name of his house?


( II subgroup)

    "Who was who?"

The dog was a puppy.

The horse was...

The cow was...

The pig was...

The cat was...

    "Name the baby affectionately"

kitten - kitten

puppy - …

piglet - ...


calf - ...

    What animal talks like that?

barks - ..., neighs - ..., grunts - ..., bleats - ..., grunts - ...

    “Who (what) is superfluous and why?”

Horse, ram, hoof, bull.

Sheep, goat, cow, elk.

    "Guess and learn the riddle"

"At the threshold is crying,

Hiding claws.

Quietly enters the room

Murmurs, sings."


( II subgroup)

    "Here there"

Here - a tit, there - tits, a lot of tits

Here is a dove, there ... a lot ...

Here - forty, there ... a lot ...

Here is an owl, there ... a lot ...

Here is a crow, there ... a lot ...

Here is a sparrow, there ... a lot ...

Here is a bullfinch, there ... a lot ...

    Count to five"

One bullfinch, two ... five ...

One crow, two... five...

    "Who is superfluous and why?"

Crow, sparrow, swallow, bullfinch.

Starling, nightingale, crane, magpie.

    "Man - animals - birds"

A man has children, and a bird has chicks.

A man has a nose, and a bird has a ...

Animals have wool, and birds have f...

A cat has paws, and a bird has ...

    "Guess and learn the riddle"

Swallowed a worm

He drank water from the spring.

On the lawn, jump and jump:

"Chick - chi - rick, chick - chi - rick !!!"


( II subgroup)

    "Answer the questions"

Santa Claus is coming to us, what is he driving?

Who is Santa Claus traveling with?

What is he going with? What's lucky?

Why is he coming to us?

    "Fix the Mistakes of the Dunno"

The mask put on Masha.

The Christmas tree is dancing near the Snow Maiden.

The tree was lit up with light bulbs.

Santa Claus brought gifts with bags.

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has snow, and the Gnome has a snowball.

The Giant has a Christmas tree, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has balls on the tree, and the Gnome has balls on the tree ...

The Giant has a star on the Christmas tree, and the Gnome has a Christmas tree ...

The Giant has a sleigh, and the Gnome has ...

    “What is superfluous, who is superfluous and why?”

Skis, sleds, bicycles, skates

Snowman, Santa Claus, Thumbelina, Snow Maiden

    Draw a Christmas tree and balls on it

    Learn the poem:

"To our Christmas tree, oh - oh - oh,

Santa Claus is big!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus -

He brought us presents!


( II subgroup)

    Game "One - many"

Forehead - foreheads elbow - ...

Mouth - ... ear - ...

Nose - ... cheek - ...

Eyebrow - ... finger - ...

Hand leg - …

    "Correct Dunno's mistake and say it right"

They jump with their hands and touch with their feet.

They sniff with their eyes and look with their nose.

They eat with their ears and listen with their mouths.

They clap their feet and stomp their hands.

They take it with their nails, and scratch with their hands.

    Game "He and I"

He eats - I eat; He sleeps - I ...

He walks - I ... He sniffs - I ...

He drinks - I ... He plays - I ...

    Answer the questions:

How many legs do you have (arms, fingers on the 1st hand, on two hands; on the 1st leg, on two legs; how many eyes, ears, noses, hair)?


( II subgroup)

    Answer the question: "Who do you live with?"

I live with …

    "Call it sweetly"

mother - mother daughter - ...

father - ... son - ...

grandmother - ... grandson - ...

grandfather - ... granddaughter - ...

brother - ... sister - ...

    The game "My, my, my"

Whose mom? Mothermy.

Whose grandmother? …

Whose grandfather? …

Whose parents? …

Whose brother? …

Whose sister? …

    "Correct Dunno and say it right"

Mom is older than grandma.

The father is younger than the son.

Grandpa is younger than dad.

The daughter is older than the mother.

The granddaughter is older than the grandmother.

The grandfather is younger than the grandson.


( II subgroup)

    "Who's doing what?"

Postman - ...

Cook - …

Educator -…

Doctor - …

Driver - …

    "Who needs it for work?"

Newspapers, letters, magazines...

Pots, pans, frying pans...

Thermometer, syringe, spatula - ...

Bus, car...

    "Correct Dunno's mistakes and say it right"

The driver treats, and the doctor drives the bus.

The cook delivers newspapers, and the postman cooks soup.

    "One is many"

Cook - a lot ...

Postman - a lot ...

The doctor is a lot...

The driver is a lot...

The teacher is a lot...

    "Count to 5"

One chef, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...

One postman, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...


( II subgroup)

    What is the name of the house:

From blocks - ... (block)

Made of brick...

Made from wood…

If there are many floors - ...

If one floor is...

    Game "Giant and Gnome"

The Giant has a hammer, and the Gnome has ... (hammer)

The Giant has a nail, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has an ax, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a shovel, and the Gnome has ...

    Which word is missing and why?

Painter, brush, hammer, screwdriver

Glazier, bricklayer, planer, plumber

Trowel, hammer, planer, syringe

    Learn a poem:

"Hammer and ax

We are building a new house.

The house has many floors

Lots of adults and kids"


( II subgroup)

    "One is many"

Table - tables - many tables

Sofa - ... a lot ...

Wardrobe - ... a lot ...

Armchair - ... a lot ...

Chair - ... a lot ...

Bed - ... a lot ...

    "Without what does not happen?"

There is no table without a lid

There is no chair without...

There is no closet without...

There is no chair without...

There is no sofa without...

There is no chest of drawers without…

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a table, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a bed, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a closet, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a sofa, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a chair, and the Gnome has ...

    Learn a poem:

"One two three four five,

Armchair, chair, sofa, couch,

Shelf, wardrobe, bed, bench"



( II subgroup)

    Name what can

Fly - …

Ride -…

Swim - …

    Say the opposite:

Moved away from the house - drove up to the house

Came up the hill...

Came out of the garage...

Flew by plane...

Went on a boat...

    What is redundant and why?

Airplane, helicopter, eagle, rocket.

Tram, trolleybus, stop, bus.

    Learn the poem:

"If the light turns red -

So it's dangerous to move!

Yellow light - you wait

And green - come on!


( II subgroup)

    What is the name of a person who:

Helicopter flies - helicopter pilot

Riding in a tank...

Serving in the infantry - ...

Skydiving -…

Serves on a submarine - ...

Flying in an airplane...

    "One is many"

soldier - soldiers - many soldiers

fighter - ... a lot ...

pilot - ... a lot ...

tanker - ... a lot ...

submariner - ... a lot ...

    "Who needs it for service?"

Need an auto...

Need a dog...

Need a parachute...

Need a tank...

The plane needs...

    "What is redundant and why?"

Pistol, rod, rifle, shotgun

    Guess the riddle, draw the riddle.

“Not a tractor, but with caterpillars.

Not a fortress, but with a tower,

Not a gun, but with a muzzle


( II subgroup)

    What is the name of "Mother's Day"?

Is this holiday winter or spring?

    Tell me what your mom is like.

My mother is dear, ... (continue listing).

    Guess a riddle:

"Whose hair the snow is whiter,

Are your hands wrinkled and dry?

Whom I love and pity

About whom did I write poems?

    Tell me how you help your mother, grandmother.

    Who is older:

- Grandmother or mother?

- Daughter or mother?

- Grandmother or granddaughter?

    Tell me about your mom according to the plan:

- How is your mother's name?

- How old is your mother?

- Where does your mother work?

- Where is you mom work?

- What does mom like to do at home?


( II subgroup)

    "Seasons". Finish the sentences.

It's warm...

And it was cold...

After spring, hot weather will come ... .

And then it gets cold...

After autumn comes the cold ... .

    "Answer correctly." Answer with a full sentence.

Is the sun hot or cold in spring?

Does the snow melt or freeze in spring?

Are streams flowing or standing in spring?

Does the grass turn green or wither in spring?

Do bugs wake up in spring or hide?

In the spring, do children ride a scooter or a snow scooter?

Do people wear fur coats or jackets in spring?

    "Colors of Spring". Answer with a full sentence. Draw pictures.

How is the sun in spring? In the spring the sun...

What is the sky like in spring? Spring sky...

What is grass in spring? Grass in spring...

    Count the flowers up to five.

One snowdrop, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...

One mimosa, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...

    Learn a poem

“All night the drops are not up to sleep.

The snow has melted - spring has come!


( II subgroup)

    Name 5 fish you know

I know five fish: ...

    Where do fish live?

Fish live in the seas...

    Name the body parts of a fish

The fish has a head...

    Name a fish dish

Fish soup is fish soup (uha)

Fish cutlets are...

Fish casserole is…

Canned fish is...

    What kind of fish is this?

Canned fish is canned fish

Fried fish is...

Cooked fish is...

Smoked fish is ...

Salted fish is...

    Count the fish to five.

One pike, two... three... four... five...

One perch, two... three... four... five...

One shark, two... three... four... five...

One crucian, two ... three ... four ... five ...


( II subgroup)

    Name the houseplants that you know. Why are they called so: "houseplants"?

    Name the parts of the plant.

The plant has a root...

    Game "One - many"

Ficus - ficuses - many ficuses

Violet - ... a lot ...

Root - ... a lot ...

Trunk - ... a lot ...

Sheet - ... a lot ...

Bud - ... a lot ...

    "Count to Five"

One violet, two... three... four... five...

One ficus, two ... three ... four ... five ...

    Game "Giant and Gnome"

The Giant has a flower, and the Gnome has ... (flower)

The Giant has a root, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a leaf, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a bud, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a violet, and the Gnome has ...

    Guess the riddle Draw the riddle

“Egorka has a strange hedgehog -

On the window sits in a bucket.

Day and night he sleeps

Hiding feet in the ground


( II subgroup)

    Name baked goods.

Bakery products are a loaf, ...

    Game "One - many"

Baton - loaves - a lot of loaves

Gingerbread - ... a lot ...

Bagel - ... a lot ...

Pie - ... a lot ...

Kalach - ... a lot ...

Rusk - ... a lot ...

Cheesecake - ... a lot ...

    What is redundant and why?

Baton, loaf, butter, roll

Drying, cracker, cookies, kefir

    Learn a poem:

"Bublik, lamb,

Baton and loaf

dough baker

I baked early."


( II subgroup)

    Answer the questions:

Who flies into space?

What does an astronaut wear?

What do they fly into space?

What is in space?

    Game "One - many"

Rocket - rockets - many rockets

Planet - ... a lot ...

Comet - ... a lot ...

Star - ... a lot ...

Satellite - ... a lot ...

    "Count to 5"

One rocket, two... three... four... five...

One satellite, two... three... four... five...

    Finish the sentences and make pictures.

"In the morning, let's look out the window -

shining towards us…”

“She shines on us at night,



( II subgroup)

    Name it in one word.

Guitar, piano, balalaika, violin, trumpet, button accordion, drum, piano - this is (what?) ...

    The game "I have, but you do not"

I have a guitar and you don't have a guitar

I have a drum and you don't...

I have a button accordion, but you don't ...

I have a violin and you don't...

I have a balalaika, but you don't ...

    Game "Giant and Gnome"

The Giant has a balalaika, and the Gnome has ... (balalaika)

The Giant has a violin, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a pipe, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has a drum, and the Gnome has ...

    "Count to 5"

One violin, two... three... four... five...

One piano, two ... three ... four ... five ...

Memorize: one piano, two pianos, three pianos, ... five pianos (does not decline)


( II subgroup)

    "Where do you live?"

What is the name of the town where you live?

What is in our village, name.

Give your address (street, house and apartment number).

    Game "Here and There"

Home here, home there

Here is the street, and there ...

There's a shop here, and there...

Here is a pharmacy, and there ...

Here is the square, and there ...

    "Say the opposite"

The Gnome has a low house, and the Giant has a high house.

The Gnome has a narrow street, and the Giant has a street ...

The Gnome has a small house, and the Giant has a house ...

The Gnome has a short balcony, and the Giant has a balcony ...

The Gnome has a bright room, and the Giant has a room ...

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a house, and the Gnome has a house.

The Giant has a store, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a market, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a hospital, and the Gnome has ...

    "Count to 5"

One shop, two... three... four... five...

One street, two... three... four... five...

    draw your house


( II subgroup)

    Finish sentences:

Everyone congratulates veterans on...

On this day, veterans are given ...

People go to lay flowers at...

At eternal flame there's already a lot...

The Red Square is…

    "Here and There"

Soldiers here, soldiers there

Here is a warrior, and there ...

Here is a veteran, and there ...

Here is a hero, and there ...

    Finish the words:

Our heroes dare..., courage..., strength..., fearlessness..., decider..., mind..., brave...

    What did our veterans do?

During the Great Patriotic War, our veterans fought ..., defended their homeland ..., fought ..., with the enemy bi ..., died in battles ...

    "Count to 5"

One order, two ... three ... four ... five ...

One medal, two... three... four... five...

One award, two... three... four... five...


( II subgroup)

    What grows in the garden? What grows in the garden? What grows in a flower bed?

Growing in the garden...

Growing in the garden...

Grow in the flowerbed...

    What should be done in the spring in the garden, in the garden?

In the spring in the garden you need beds to ..., the land is convenient ..., the seeds are ..., the seedlings are ...

In the garden, you need trees and bushes..., poly..., trees without...

    "Here and There"

Here is a flower bed, and there ...

Here is a greenhouse, and there ...

Here is a garden, and there ...

There is a garden here and...

Here is a bed, and there ...

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a garden, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a garden, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a greenhouse, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has a garden bed, and the Gnome ...

The Giant has a greenhouse, and the Gnome ...

    "Count to 5"

One bed, two ... three ... four ... five ...

One garden, two ... three ... four ... five ...


( II subgroup)

    Finish the sentences.

The long-awaited...

It shines brightly in the sky ... It has become ...

The trees have become ... They have a lot ...

They fly ... crawl on the ground ...

Chirping merrily ... Children bathe in ..., ride on ... People wear dresses, ...

    "Say the opposite"

Cold in winter, but in summer...

In the winter they go sledding, and in the summer…

In winter, they make a fortress out of snow, and in summer - out of ...

It snows in winter and it snows in summer...

It blows in winter cold wind, in the summer - …

Fur coats are worn in winter, and fur coats in summer ...

    "Make suggestions"

Grew up, clearing, on, cornflower.

Bathe, river, children, c.

On, sat down, butterfly, flower.

    "Which word is longer?"

June August

poppy - chamomile

rose - bell

oak - birch

    Learn a poem

“Everything around is green,

Reddened and sang!”


( II subgroup)

    Call it in one word.

Beetle, dragonfly, ant, mosquito, wasp, bee, fly, caterpillar is...

    Name the body parts of an insect.

The insect has a head, bru…, wuxi…, wings…, six…

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a mosquito, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a bee, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a beetle, and the Gnome has ...

    What is the name of this insect's home?

A bee's house is called...

The wasp's house is called...

The ant's house is called...

    Guess riddles, draw riddles:

"Move at the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He fluttered and flew away"


Flying over the lawn

Pat over a flower -

He will share the honey."


(I I subgroup)

    "Finish the words"

In hot countries live slo ..., cro ..., be ..., ze ..., both ...,

leo ..., ti ..., zhi ..., ver ..., noso ..., che ..., ken ....

    "Say it right"

Who is faster tortoise or cobra?

Who is heavier crocodile or kangaroo?

Who stronger tiger or zebra?

Who more elephant or a lion?

Who is taller a giraffe or a tiger?

    Who has what?

Elephant and lion. Who has a trunk and who has a mane?

Giraffe and crocodile. Who has fangs and who has spots?

Hippo and camel. Who has a huge mouth, and who has two humps?

Turtle and leopard. Who has the skin, and who has the shell?

Kangaroo and rhinoceros. Who has a bag on his stomach, and who has a horn on his nose?

    "Guess the riddle, draw the riddle"

Lives in the rivers of Africa

Evil, green ship.

And who got into the river -

Everyone will be swallowed up...


(II subgroup)

    Answer the questions

What is the power supply for electrical appliances?

Where does electricity come from for homes?

Where is the electricity in the house?

Why can't you touch sockets?

    "The Giant and the Gnome"

The Giant has a vacuum cleaner, and the Gnome has ... (vacuum cleaner)

The Giant has a floor lamp, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a lamp, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a refrigerator, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has an iron, and the Gnome has ...

The Giant has a tape recorder, and the Gnome has ...

    "What is he doing?"

The electric kettle boils water.

Iron …


Vacuum cleaner …

Electric heater …

Microwave …

Washing machine

Fridge …

    Guess the riddle Draw the riddle

“We have a robot in our apartment -

He has a huge trunk.

He willingly swallows the dust,

Not sick, not sneezing!”

List of used literature

    Agranovich Z.E. Collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents to overcome lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers with ONR. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2006.

    Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly. Album 1 of exercises on teaching literacy to children of the logo group preparatory to school / O.S. Gomzyak. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.

    Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly. Album 2 of exercises on teaching literacy to children of the logo group preparatory to school / O.S. Gomzyak. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.

    Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly. Album of 3 exercises on teaching literacy to children of the logo group preparatory to school / O.S. Gomzyak. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.

    Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N. Poems and stories about flora. Didactic materials on the development of speech of preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

    Gromova O.E., Solomatina G.N., Pereverzeva I.V. Poems and stories about the animal world: Didactic materials for the development of speech of preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

    Krupenchuk O.I. Teach me to speak correctly! / A guide to speech therapy for children and parents. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2005.

    Skvortsova I.V. Speech therapy games. For children 4 - 6 years old. - M .: CJSC "OLMA Media Group", 2008.

    Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 5-6 years old with general underdevelopment of speech: A guide for speech therapists, defectologists and educators. - M .: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2006.

    Smirnova L.N. Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children 6-7 years old with general underdevelopment of speech: A guide for speech therapists. Defectologists and educators. - M .: "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2006.

    Stepanov V.A. Reading lessons: ABC and riddles. LLC Flamingo Publishing House, 2005.

Sounds [s], [s "]. Letter Ss

Lesson 1

Consolidation of ideas about the necessity and importance of the work of adults. Expansion and clarification of ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions» (profession, work, teacher, kindergarten head, educator, psychologist, speech therapist, music director, head of physical education, doctor, nurse, massage therapist, cook, storekeeper, laundress; educate, teach, exchange, practice, help, manage, heal, cook, cook, fry, cut, wash, iron, store, massage; necessary, necessary, useful, beloved). Development of phonemic representations (selection of words for a given sound). Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words. Automation of pronunciation of sound [p] in open syllables and words with them.

The development of coherent speech, speech hearing, visual perception and attention, articulation, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. Magnetic board, carpet maker, subject pictures with images of people working in children's lard; ball, containers with pencils, notebook No. 1 P on the number of children, a planar image of the train.

Preliminary work. Preparation of specialists of the institution for conducting conversations with children during a tour of the kindergarten. Preliminary excursion and preparation of children who will compose stories in class. Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [p] in open syllables in individual speech therapy classes.

This complex lesson is carried out with all the children of the group. During the excursion, children are accompanied by a speech therapist, educator, assistant educator. After this, there are no other classes on that day. After joint activities children with a teacher go for a walk. During the walk, the speech therapist conducts his individual lessons.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time . [Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

Teachers invite children to the locker room and invite them to line up in pairs,

Speech therapist. Today we have an unusual lesson for you. We will go on a tour of the kindergarten and listen to the stories of those adults who work here. This week you will learn a lot about the professions of people working in kindergarten. I ask you to be attentive, remember all the stories. I also want to remind you how to behave during the tour. Don't make any noise, because all the groups have started their classes. Do not run or push when going up and down stairs. Do not touch anything without permission in the rooms where we will enter. Do not forget to say hello, thank that story, say goodbye.

2. Tour of the kindergarten. [Consolidation of children's ideas about the necessity and importance of the work of adults. Expansion and clarification of ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions.]

The speech therapist takes the children to the kindergarten. They visit the manager's office, medical office, health center, laundry, pantry, kitchen. The head of the kindergarten, the doctor, the nurse speak to the children with stories about their professions; massage therapist, physiotherapy nurse, laundress, storekeeper, cook. They acquaint children with the premises of the kindergarten, show equipment, devices, tools.

3. Conversation on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions in kindergarten.[Expanding and clarifying ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions. The development of coherent speech.]

Adults bring children to the group room, offer to take places at the tables.

Speech therapist. This is the end of our kindergarten tour. Remember where we have been, what we have seen, what we have learned. Each of you should tell about one part of our tour. For example, Dasha will tell us about the manager's office.

The speech therapist puts on a magnetic board pictures with images of those people that the children talk about. You can use pictures from the manual« Doing together” or taking photos.

1st child. We visited the principal's office. There we saw a computer, printer, scanner, fax, telephones. The manager needs technology, because she manages the work of the kindergarten. She has many important things to do.

Speech therapist. Very good. And Vadim will tell us about visiting the medical office.

2nd child. We visited the medical office. The doctor and the nurse showed us scales, a height meter, a cabinet and a refrigerator with medicines, thermometers, syringes, and a stethoscope. Weight is necessary to monitor our health.

Speech therapist. Arina and Kirill will tell us about visiting the health center.

3rd child. IN wellness center We were shown to the massage room. There are massage tables. There are many different creams and ointments in the closet. Masseurs work in the massage room. They give children massages to keep them strong and healthy.

4th child. They also showed us the physiotherapy room. This office is staffed by a nurse. She does various procedures for children so that they do not get sick. There are many different devices and devices in this office. There is a device that makes a delicious oxygen cocktail.

Speech therapist. Great stories! Nastya will tell us about visiting the laundry.

5th child. There is a laundry service in the laundry. She washes and irons bed sheets, towels, tablecloths. She has very large washing machines, dryers and ironers. There are clean sheets on the shelves.

Speech therapist. Diana will tell about what we saw in the pantry.

6th child. A storekeeper works in the pantry. In large refrigerators and cabinets, he stores food: meat, eggs, butter, cereals, vegetables. The storekeeper gives food to the cook, so there are scales in the pantry.

Speech therapist. And finally, Vanya will tell about visiting the kitchen.

7th child. The chef met us in the kitchen. She prepares breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea for us, cooks cereals, makes salads, bakes buns. There is a large stove in the center of the kitchen. Soup and compote are cooked on the stove in large pots. The kitchen also has a steamer, a meat grinder and a dishwasher.

Speech therapist. Very good. See how many new and interesting things you learned today. And yet you did not see all the kindergarten workers. Who haven't we met today?

Children. We did not see the musical director, the head of physical education, the psychologist.

Speech therapist. Right. You can also call a speech therapist, educator, assistant educator. These teachers who conduct classes with you teach you to think, speak correctly and beautifully, draw and count, sing, dance, jump and run. They raise you to be honest, kind and fair. They do a very important the right job. Our moms and dads are calm for you when they go to work and leave you in kindergarten. Now let's go to the carpet and play ball.

4. Ball game “Who is doing what?”[Expanding and clarifying the verbal dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions.]

The speech therapist invites the children to the carpet, picks up the ball. Children form a large circle on the carpet.

Speech therapist. I will throw a ball to one of you and name a profession. You will catch the ball and list what this person is doing. Assistant teacher.

1st child.sweeps And washes floor, washes dishes, wipes dust, ventilates premises.

Speech therapist. Psychologist

2nd child. Teaches children think, play And draws with them, is reading them.

Speech therapist. Speech therapist.

3rd child. Teaches children correctly and beautifully speak, tell, read And write.(and so on.)

5. The game "Chain".[Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [p] in open syllables.]

The speech therapist invites the children to play one more ball game.

6. Finger gymnastics "Our group".[Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.]

The speech therapist removes the ball and invites the children to do the familiar finger gymnastics.

All our friends are in our group. Rhythmically knocking fists on each other


The youngest is me. Unclench fingers, starting

This is Masha from the little finger.

This is Sasha

This is Dasha.

7. Work in notebook No. 1[Development of visual attention and perception. Prevention of violation of written speech.]

The speech therapist and the educator invite the children to the tables, distribute notebooks to them, put containers with pencils on the tables

Speech therapist. Look at the right page. On it you can see images of objects, the right people working in kindergarten. Choose one of the items, circle it, then color it in and tell us what you chose and who needs this item.

Children perform the task, the speech therapist and the educator conduct individual conversations with them, evaluate their work. The speech therapist invites the children to the magnetic board, and the teacher removes notebooks and pencils.

8. The game "Familiar letters".[Development of phonemic perception, improving the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.]

The speech therapist places cards with the letters P, K, V, M on the magnetic board.

Speech therapist. I put the letters you know on the board. Place under these letters those pictures whose names begin with them.

Children put under the letter P pictures with images of a cook, a laundress, a psychologist, an assistant teacher; under the letter B - pictures with images of a doctor and an educator; under the letter K- storekeeper; under the letter M- masseur, nurse The speech therapist and educator make sure that all children take part in the work. The speech therapist removes the rest of the pictures from the board.

Speech therapist. Pay attention to those pictures that are under the letter M. What sounds do their names begin with?

Children. Word masseur starts with the sound [m], and the word nurse - from the sound [m "].

Speech therapist. How are these sounds similar and how are they different?

Let and. The sounds [m] and [m "] are voiced consonants, but the sound [m] is hard, and the sound [m"] is soft.

The speech therapist removes the letters from the board and shuffles the pictures.

9. The game "Merry Journey", [Improving the skill of syllabic word analysis.]

The teacher invites the children to go out on the carpet, offers to sit down in Turkish, puts the carpet in front of them. A planar image of a locomotive and two wagons is fixed on the carpet grapher. Number on the first car 2, and on the second- 3. In front of the children on the carpet, the teacher scatters pictures (cook, laundress, janitor, psychologist, nurse, massage therapist, speech therapist).

Speech therapist. Let's send those people who work in kindergarten on a journey. Put in the second car those whose names of professions have two syllables, and in the third - those whose names have three syllables.

The children are doing the task. The teacher evaluates their work.

10. End of class[Evaluation of children's work.]

Lesson 2

Correctional and educational goals. Activation and updating of dictionaries on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions. Improving the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Cs. Prevention of violations of written speech.

Correctional and developmental goals. The development of coherent speech, speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, thinking, articulation, fine and general motor skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. Magnetic board, container of lentils, small items, semaphores, primers, workbooks and "Let's do together" workbooks by the number of children, chips, ball.

Preliminary work. Preparation for the game "Family of Words" in an individual lesson with a speech therapist. Preparation for compiling a story based on a series of pictures "A Day in Kindergarten" with educators.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.[Clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions. Improving the skill of syllabic analysis of words. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, Announcing the topic of the lesson.]

The speech therapist meets the children at the door of the office, organizes a greeting, invites the children to the table on which there is a container of lentils. Small objects (a toy ladle, a syringe, a tube of cream, a probe) are hidden in a container with lentils.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue the conversation about the professions of kindergarten workers, get acquainted with a new letter, read and play. First, put your hands in the container and select one item at a time. Tell what you have chosen, who needs this item.

1st child. I chose the syringe. He needs a nurse.

2nd child. And I have a cook. The chef needs her.

3rd child. I made a probe. He needs a speech pathologist.

4th child. And I found a tube of cream. He needs a massage therapist.

Speech therapist. Divide the names of these objects into syllables.

1st child. Syringe. One syllable.

2nd child. Ladle. Four syllables.

3rd child. Probe. One syllable.

4th child. Tube. Two syllables.

2. The game "Raise the semaphore."[Development of phonemic perception.]

Speech therapist distributes semaphores to children.

Speech therapist. Listen to the poem and think about which sound is found in it more often than others.

Sasha's sleigh broke,

They remained on the snow.

Children. Sound [c]

Speech therapist. Let's say the sound [s] all together.

Children, together with a speech therapist, pronounce the sound [s].

Speech therapist. Feel: when we pronounce this sound, the tongue is “bridged” behind the lower teeth, and the teeth are almost clenched. So, there is a barrier of teeth in the mouth. Do you think the sound [s] is a vowel or a consonant?

Children. Consonant.

Speech therapist. Right. You can't sing it with your mouth open. What circle will we designate this sound?

Children. Blue.

Speech therapist. Put your hand to the neck, pronounce this sound and determine whether it is voiced or deaf.

Children. He is deaf.

Speech therapist. Hard or soft?

Children. Solid.

Speech therapist. Right. It is a consonant hard voiceless sound. You will raise the semaphores as soon as you hear the sound [s].

S, t, s, s, d, w, i, s, c, s.

Sa, that, sho, su, for, with, before.

Sledge, lock, braid, jump, stomp, set, dry, wide, simple.

Children listen and raise semaphores when they hear the sound [s].

Speech therapist. Well done! You were attentive and did not make mistakes.

3. Exercise "Who is sooner?"[Development of sound analysis and synthesis skills]

The speech therapist removes the semaphores.

Speech therapist. And now the game "Who is faster?" I will list the sounds, and you will think what happens if you sit down to pronounce them together. Whoever thinks it out sooner will get a chip. The winner must have the most chips. S, a. What happened?

1st child. Sa.

Speech therapist. Right. Get a token. S, oh what happened?

2nd child. Co.

Speech therapist. Right. Take a chip.

Similarly, work is being done on the synthesis of syllables and words: su, si, mustache, juice. The speech therapist together with the children counts the chips, determines the winner and rewards him with a sticker on the notebook.

4. Work on the book "My primer".[Introduction to the letter Ss. Formation of the skill of conscious reading. Development of phonemic perception, coherent speech:]

The speech therapist gives the children primers open to page 50

Speech therapist. Look at the picture at the top of the page. I will read the poem to you again.

Sasha's sledge broke.

They remained on the snow.

Which words in this poem contain the [s] sound?

Children. The sled, Sasha's, broke down, the snow remained.

Speech therapist. Right. Now look at the letters to the left of the picture. These are capital and small letters Ss. Below them you see two circles: blue and green. What does it mean?

Children. This means that the letter Cs denotes two sounds: [s] and [s /].

Speech therapist. Right. Let's help the boy Sasha find in the picture at the bottom of the page all the products and objects whose names begin with the sound [s].

Children. Salad, sausages, plum, frying pan, salt shaker, sugar bowl, glass, tablecloth table, chair.

Speech therapist. Well done! You quickly found all the items. I'm proud of you.

Speech therapist. Now let's read what is written next to the green circles.

1st child. Sa.

2nd child. Su.

3rd child. Co.

4th child. Si.

1st child. Sy .

2nd child. Mustache.

3rd child. Wasp.

4th child. Wasps.

1st child. Som.

2nd child. Juice.

3rd child. Dream.

4th child. Nose.

1st child. Kvass.

2nd child. Spit.

3rd child. Soda.

4th child. Juices.

1st child. Geese.

2nd child. Tail.

3rd child. Stack.

4th child. spouts.

1st child. Oksana.

Speech therapist. Now look at the pictures and read the captions below them.

1st child. Stack.

2nd child. Spit.

3rd child. spouts.

Speech therapist. What are spouts?

Children. These are maple seeds.

Speech therapist. Now read the sentences.

1st child. Oksana has a braid.

2nd child. Oksana wears beads.

3rd child. A cat is walking across the bridge.

4th child. The cat has a mustache.

Speech therapist. You are reading very well today. Well done! Please note: the word Oksana written with a big capital letter. Why?

Children. People's names are always capitalized.

Speech therapist. Great. You can close the primers.

The children close the primers. The therapist removes them.

5. Finger gymnastics "Our group".[Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. (Repetition. See: Lesson 1 Theme "Kindergarten, Professions".)]

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet and invites them to do finger exercises.

6. The game "Chain".[Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [r] in open syllables.]

Speech therapist. Now remember how to pronounce the sound [r]. We will pass the ball along the chain and pronounce syllables with it.

The pronunciation of syllables is practiced: ra, ry, re, ro, ru.

7. Work in notebook No. 2[Development of fine motor skills.]

The speech therapist invites the children to the table, distributes notebooks to them, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Look at the right page. What do you see at the top?

Children. Table, chair, large and small letters Cs.

Speech therapist. Right. Color both letters first. What kind of pencil do you need for this?

Children. Blue because the letter C is a consonant.

Children color the letters.

Speech therapist. Now think about how to color the table and chair correctly. Complete the task.

Children perform the task, the speech therapist controls them and provides assistance if necessary.

Speech therapist. Now put the colored pencils and take the simple ones. Let's write the letter Ss. See how I do it on the board. I write from top to bottom in a semicircle open to the right. Write four large and three small letters in dots. We will write words and sentences in individual lessons. Close your notebooks.

8. A story based on a series of pictures "A Day in Kindergarten."[Development
connected speech.]

The speech therapist distributes the notebooks “We study together” to the children.

Speech therapist. Let's look at the pictures and make up the story "A Day in Kindergarten". What is shown in the first picture?

1st child. In the morning, the mothers brought the children to the kindergarten. They were met by the teacher Nina Nikolaevna.

Speech therapist. What did the children do?

2nd child. The children undressed, said goodbye to their mothers and went to the group room.

Speech therapist. Look at the second picture. Where did Nina Nikolaevna invite the children? What did the children do?

3rd child. Nina Nikolaevna invited the children to wash their hands.

4th child. The children washed and dried their hands well.

Speech therapist. Consider the following picture. What happened next?

1st child. The children went to breakfast. The cook Natalia Borisovna cooked them delicious porridge and cocoa.

2nd child. The children ate porridge, drank cocoa and thanked Natalia Borisovna .

Speech therapist. Look at the fourth picture and tell what happened next.

3rd child. After breakfast, the children went to a music lesson. Together with Tatyana Sergeyevna they sang and danced.

Speech therapist. Turn the page. What do you see in the next picture?

4th child. After the music lesson, the children went to the art studio. Anna Andreevna taught them to draw an autumn landscape.

Speech therapist. What happened after painting? Look at the next picture.

1st child. After classes, the children went for a walk with Nina Nikolaevna. They walked in autumn park, collected leaves, played tag.

Speech therapist. Consider the following picture. What happened after the walk?

2nd child. After the walk, the children changed their clothes, washed their hands and went to dinner.

3rd child. They ate pea soup with appetite, mashed potatoes with a cutlet, drank apple juice.

Speech therapist. Great. You will come up with the end of the story with Nina Nikolaevna after quiet time and repeat the entire story. Now open your notebooks.

9. Ball game "Family of words".[Expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions ”(formation of single-root words).]

The speech therapist again invites the children to go out onto the carpet, picks up the ball.

Speech therapist. All teachers bring up children in kindergarten. Let's try to form words from the word bring up.

There is a ball game.

Speech therapist. What is the name of the person who raises children?

1st child. Educator.

Speech therapist. What kind of children are in kindergarten?

2nd child. Raised.

Speech therapist. What do teachers call children?

3rd child. Pupils.

Speech therapist. What do children receive in kindergarten?

4th child. Upbringing.

Speech therapist. Great. It was a very difficult task.

10. End of class. [Assessments of children's work.]

At the request of the speech therapist, the children list the tasks they performed, talk about what they learned new and interesting. The speech therapist evaluates the activity of each child.

Lesson 3

Correctional and educational goals. Updating the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Improving sound analysis skills. Automation correct pronunciation sound [p].

Correctional and developmental goals. Development of coherent speech, phonetic perception, thinking, articulation and fine motor skills, general speech skills.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of benevolence, independence, initiative, responsibility. Development of a sense of justice.

Equipment. Magnetic board, pictures with images of kindergarten workers, small subject pictures with images of tools and tools, traffic lights, and cubes for determining the place of sound in a word by the number of children, blue and green flags by the number of children, a ball, exercise book No. 2 by the number of children , container with pencils.

preliminary work. Determination of the place of sound [s] in words and differentiation of sounds [s] - [s /] (“My primer”, p. 52) in individual lessons with a speech therapist. Learning quatrains about kindergarten workers with educators, working on general speech skills (“System corrective work in a speech therapy group for children with general underdevelopment of speech”, p. 305).

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.[Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.]

The speech therapist invites the children to the office, organizes a greeting. Children take their places near the chairs around the table. On the table are pictures of kindergarten workers.

Speech therapist. Look at your pictures. The one who will make a proposal according to his picture will sit down. Tell what the person depicted on it is doing.

Children take turns making sentences and sitting down.

1st child. A speech therapist works with a boy at the mirror.

2nd child. The cook cooks vegetable soup.

3rd child. The head of physical education calls the children to play ball.

4th child. The nurse prepares the boy for the vaccination.

Speech therapist. You have made beautiful suggestions. Well done.

2. The game "Necessary items."[Improving the grammatical structure of speech]

The speech therapist scatters on the table small subject pictures of a ladle, a frying pan, a pan, a skipping rope, a ball, a hoop, a syringe, medicine, cotton wool, a mirror, a nipple, a spatula).

Speech therapist. Now let's choose the items that kindergarten workers use. Choose three items each, put them under your big picture and make a sentence - the answer to the question "Who uses what?"

1st child. The speech therapist uses a mirror, a spatula, a pacifier.

2nd child. The cook uses a ladle, a pot, a frying pan.

3rd child. The head of physical education uses a hoop, a skipping rope, a ball.

4th child. The nurse uses a syringe, medicine, cotton wool.

Speech therapist. Fine. Now I will remove some items, and you will answer the question "Who does not have what?"

The speech therapist removes those items in the names of which there is no sound [s].

1st child. The speech therapist does not have a mirror and a spatula.

2nd child. The cook has no ladle.

3rd child. The head of physical education does not have a hoop and a ball.

4th child. The nurse does not have a syringe and cotton wool.

Speech therapist. Great. You have completed a very difficult task. I am proud of you.

The speech therapist removes large pictures, and hardly places small ones on a magnetic board.

3. The game "Determine the place of the sound in the word."[Skill Development phonemic analysis(determining the place of sound in a word).]

The speech therapist hands out “traffic lights” to the children and places a container with small cubes on the table.

Speech therapist. Let's pronounce the names of the items that we have left

Children. Pacifier, pot, frying pan, skipping rope, medicine.

Speech therapist. What consonants are in all these words?

Children. Sounds [k] and [c].

Speech therapist. Let's determine the place of the sound [s] in words. Think at the beginning, middle or end of a word pacifier this sound is located. Place the die on the red, yellow or green rectangle.

Children. This word has two sounds [s] - at the beginning and middle of the word, so the cubes must be placed on both the red and yellow squares.

4. Exercise "Blue - green» [Development of phonemic perception (differentiation of sounds [s] -).]

The speech therapist invites the children to go to the carpet and gives them blue and green flags.

Speech therapist. And now let's learn to distinguish between sounds [s] - in words. Hearing the sound [s], you will raise the blue flag, and hearing the sound [s"], you will raise the green flag,

Next, the speech therapist pronounces a chain of layers (teacher, nurse, thermometer, frying pan, educate, fair, wash, blue, draw, tell), and the children raise the necessary flags. The speech therapist monitors the correct performance of the task by the children.

5. Finger gymnastics "Our group" [Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh]. Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. (Repetition. See; Lesson 1. Theme “Kindergarten. Professions”)]

The speech therapist takes the flags from the children and invites them to do finger exercises.

6. Ball game "Chain".[Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [r] in open syllables]

The speech therapist invites children to play a game with a ball.

Speech therapist. Now remember how to pronounce the sound [r]. We will pass the ball along the chain and pronounce syllables with it.

The pronunciation of syllables is being practiced: ra, ry, re, po, ru

7. Work in notebook No. 2[Development of sound analysis, fine motor skills]

The speech therapist invites the children to come to the table, distributes notebooks to them, puts a container with pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Look at the top of the left page. Whom do you see?

Children. These are wasps.

Speech therapist. Let's do sound analysis this word. List the sounds in order.

Children. Oh, s, s

Speech therapist. Color the circles in your notebook in the appropriate color.

Children color the circles and comment on their actions at the request of the speech therapist.

Speech therapist. Now color the drawn wasps and close your notebooks.

The children are doing the task. The speech therapist evaluates their work.

8. Guessing riddles.[Development of thinking, coherent speech.]

The speech therapist removes notebooks and a container of pencils and invites children to solve riddles.

Speech therapist. Tell me who's so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup.

Smelly meatballs.

Salads, vinaigrettes?

Children. This is the chef. He cooks delicious meals for us.

Love nature.

Respect all work.

Speech therapist. You solved riddles and gave explanations of how you did it. Well done!

9. Telling quatrains about kindergarten workers.[Development of general speech skills.]

The speech therapist invites the children to remember the quatrains that they learned with the teachers

Speech therapist. Remember the poems about kindergarten workers. Try to tell them expressively, pronounce the words clearly, follow the pronunciation of sounds.

1st child. All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He pricks - do not cry.

Have fun looking around:

A children's doctor is a friend to the children. A Stepanov

2nd child. The janitor will rise at dawn,

The snow will clear in the yard.

Janitor picks up trash

And sand will sprinkle ice. V. stately

3rd child. For us to be healthy.

All the sounds were made

Who takes care of us?

Speech therapists - this is the time

Masseurs, nurse

And, of course, doctors. N. Nishcheva

4th child. Who greets us with a smile

And make crafts?

Our educators -

We are friends friends N. Nishcheva

The speech therapist invites the children to choose the one who recited the poem best of all. The winner receives a sticker on the notebook.

10. End of class[Evaluation of children's work.] The speech therapist sums up the lesson, invites the children to tell what they were interested in doing in the lesson, evaluates the work of the children.

Lesson 4

Correctional and educational goals. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic “Kindergarten. Professions. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving the skills of composing and reading words.

Correctional and developmental goals. The development of coherent speech, speech hearing, thinking, articulation, fine and general motor skills, tactile sensations.

Correctional and educational goals. Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. A type-setting canvas, a magnetic board and a set of felt-tip pens for it, a container with peas, stencils, sheets of paper according to the number of children, a container with pencils, pictures with images of kindergarten workers, a ball, notebook No. 2 according to the number of children, cards with syllables.

Preliminary work. Drawing up a plan for a story about a kindergarten worker in a speech development class. Making complex sentences with words in order to because in private lessons with a speech therapist. Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [r] in words with open syllable("Let's speak correctly" pp. 84, 85) in individual sessions with a speech therapist.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.[Development of coherent speech. Perfection grammatical structure speech. Development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity. ]

The speech therapist greets the children, invites them to the office at the table. On the table is a container with peas, in which stencils are hidden.

Speech therapist. Dip your hands into the container, find one stencil each.

Children take out one stencil from the container. The speech therapist removes the container.

Speech therapist. Attach the stencil to the paper, circle it, color the object, and then say what it is, to whom and why this object is needed.

Children circle the stencils and color the resulting images.

1st child. These are dumbbells. They are needed by the head of physical education in order to develop strength in children.

2nd child. This is a mirror. It is necessary for a speech therapist to conduct articulation gymnastics with children.

3rd child. This is a saucepan. The cook needs it to cook soup in it.

4th child. This is a piano. It is necessary for the musical director to engage in singing and dancing with children.

The speech therapist evaluates the children's answers and removes their drawings.

2. Drawing up a story about the profession according to a pre-planned plan.[The development of the story according to a pre-planned plan.]

The speech therapist distributes pictures with images of kindergarten workers to children.

Speech therapist. And now you will tell about the kindergarten workers according to the plan that you made with Inna Nikolaevna. Look at the picture, say who it is, where he works, what he does, what he needs to work.

1st child. This is an educator. He works in a kindergarten. He teaches children to draw, sculpt, count, work. For work, he needs a book, notebooks, paper, pencils, scissors, plasticine.

2nd child. This is the music director. He works in a kindergarten. He teaches children to listen to music, sing, dance. For work, he needs a piano, metallophone, maracas and other musical instruments.

3rd child. This is the head of physical education. He works in a kindergarten. He teaches children to be dexterous, strong, courageous. For work, he needs balls, jump ropes, hoops, ropes.

4th child. Ego speech therapist. He works in a kindergarten. He teaches children to speak, tell, read correctly and beautifully. For work, he needs a mirror, probes, spatulas, letters, pictures.

The speech therapist evaluates the stories and rewards the children with small figurines, stickers, or stickers.

3. Rebus "The Most Necessary".[Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis.]

The speech therapist places pictures with images of a laundress, a janitor, an educator, a speech therapist, a doctor on a magnetic board.

Speech therapist. And now we will solve the rebus "The Most Necessary". We will find out what everyone who works in kindergarten needs for work. Look at the first picture. Who is this?

Children. This is a laundress.

Speech therapist. What is the penultimate sound in this word?

Children. Sound [k].

Speech therapist. Go to the board, Vanya, and write the letter corresponding to this sound under the first picture.

The child writes the letter K.

Speech therapist. Who do you see in the second picture?

Children. This is the janitor.

Speech therapist. Divide this word into syllables


Speech therapist. Identify the first sound in the second syllable.

Children. Sound [n / ].

Speech therapist. Go to the board, Arisha, and write the letter corresponding to this sound under the second picture.

The child writes the letter N

Speech therapist. Who is in the third picture?

Children. This is an educator.

Speech therapist. Divide this word into syllables.

Children. Vos - pi - that - tel.

Speech therapist. Identify the second sound in the second syllable.

Children. Sound [and].

Speech therapist. Go to the board, Liana, and write the letter corresponding to this sound under the third picture.

The child writes the letter I

Speech therapist. Who is in the fourth picture?

Children. This is a speech pathologist.

Children. Sound [g].

Speech therapist. Go to the board, Kirill, and write the letter.

The child writes the letter G.

Speech therapist. Who is in the last picture?

Children. This is a doctor.

Speech therapist. Determine the third sound in this word.

Children. Sound [a].

Speech therapist. Go to the blackboard, Vanya, and write a letter

The child writes the letter A

Speech therapist. Read the resulting word.

Children. Book.

Speech therapist. Now you know what everyone who works in kindergarten needs. You have completed a very difficult task. Applaud yourself.

The speech therapist removes the pictures and wipes the board.

4. Finger gymnastics "Our group".[Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [sh]. Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. (Repetition. See: Lesson 1. Theme "Kindergarten. Professions")]

The speech therapist invites the children to go out on the carpet and invites them to do finger exercises.

5. Ball game "Chain"[Automation of the pronunciation of the sound [r] in words with an open syllable]

The speech therapist invites children to play a game with a ball.

Speech therapist. Now remember how to pronounce the sound [r]. We will pass the ball along the chain and pronounce the words with this sound that you have learned to pronounce correctly on individual jams.

6. The game "Who is superfluous?"[Development of speech hearing, thinking, coherent speech.]

The speech therapist invites the children to sit on the carpet in Turkish.

Speech therapist. I really want to check how attentive you are. Let's play the game "Who's the extra one?" Listen carefully, identify what is superfluous and explain why you have decided this way. Educator, machinist, speech therapist, psychologist. Who is extra?

1st child. An extra driver, because he does not work in a kindergarten. And the educator, speech therapist and psychologist work.

The speech therapist offers the attention of the children three more chains of words in order for all the children present at the lesson to answer

7. Work in notebook No. 2.[Development of fine motor skills, phonemic representations (differentiation of sounds [c] and [c / ]).]

The speech therapist again invites the children to go to the table. He gives them notebooks, puts a container of pencils on the table.

Speech therapist. Look carefully at the right page. What is on it?

Children. Moose, mask, orange, sled.

Speech therapist. Take your pencils and color in the pictures.

The children are doing the task.

Speech therapist. Now take a blue pencil and circle the pictures that have the sound [s] in their names. And with a green pencil, circle the pictures with a fat [s /] in the names.

The children are doing the task. The speech therapist controls the implementation and talks with the children, and then puts away the notebooks and pencils.

8. Exercise "Compose and read the words."[Improving the skill of composing and reading words.]

The speech therapist places cards with syllables on a magnetic board and invites children to the board. Children in chorus read syllables.

Speech therapist. And now from these syllables make one word at a time and read these words.

Children compose and read words: juices, geese, braids, beads. The speech therapist evaluates the task.

9. Exercise "Pick up the words."[Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.]

The speech therapist removes cards with syllables, invites the children to go to the carpet and stand on it so as not to interfere with each other.

Speech therapist. And the last task. Now I will stomp the words, and you will pick up the names of the professions of kindergarten workers with the same number of syllables.

The speech therapist stomps once, twice, three times, four times. Children pick up the words doctor; in a var, laundress, yard-nick; lo-go-ped, psycho-ho-log, re-pi-ta-tel. The speech therapist positively evaluates their work.

10. End of class[Evaluation of children's work.]

The speech therapist invites the children to list the tasks that they performed, and then sums up the study of the topic. Finally, he evaluates the work of each child.

February, 2nd week

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