The dynamics of the USE results in the history of 2018 in relation to the results of 2017 and 2016 is shown in the table below.

The table shows that the results of the exam in 2018 are comparable to the results of the USE in 2017. Apparently, this is due to the stabilization after 2016 of the examination model of the USE in history.

More detailed analytical and methodological USE materials 2018 are available at the link.

Our website contains about 3500 assignments for preparing for the exam in history in 2018. Overall plan examination paper is presented below.


Designation of the level of difficulty of the task: B - basic, P - advanced, C - high.

Content elements and activities to be checked

Task difficulty level

Maximum score for completing the task

Estimated time to complete the task (min.)

Exercise 1. From ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century. (history of Russia, history foreign countries). Systematization historical information(ability to determine the sequence of events)
Task 2. VIII- beginning of XXI V. Knowledge of dates (matching task)
Task 3. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century) Definition of terms (multiple choice)
Task 4. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century) Definition of the term according to several criteria
Task 5. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena (task for establishing compliance)
Task 6. VIII - 1914 Work with a textual historical source (assignment to establish correspondence)
Task 7. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century) Systematization of historical information (multiple choice)
Task 8. 1941–1945 Knowledge of basic facts, processes, phenomena (task for filling in gaps in sentences)
Task 9. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Knowledge of historical figures (matching task)
Task 10. 1914–2012 Working with a textual historical source (short answer in the form of a word, phrase)
Task 11. From ancient times to the beginning of the XXI century. (history of Russia, history of foreign countries). Systematization of historical information presented in various sign systems (table)
Task 12. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century). Working with a textual historical source
Task 13.
Task 14. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century). Work with historical map(scheme)
Task 15.
Task 16. One of the periods studied in the course of the history of Russia (VIII - early XXI century) Working with a historical map (scheme)
Task 17. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Knowledge of the main facts, processes, phenomena of the history of Russian culture (task for establishing compliance)
Task 18.
Task 19. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Analysis of illustrative material
Task 20. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Characteristics of authorship, time, circumstances and purposes of creating the source
Task 21. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Ability to search for historical information in sources of various types
Task 22. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Ability to use the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when working with a source
Task 23. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Ability to use the principles of structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis when considering facts, phenomena, processes (task-task)
Task 24. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. Ability to use historical information for argumentation during the discussion
Task 25. VIII - the beginning of the XXI century. (three periods at the choice of the examinee) Historical essay

Correspondence between the minimum primary scores and the minimum test scores of 2019. Order on amendments to Appendix No. 1 to the order Federal Service on supervision in the field of education and science. .


The order of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points, confirming the development by the participants of the exams of the main general educational programs of the secondary (full) general education in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education. HISTORY THRESHOLD: 9 primary points (32 test points).

Download forms in high quality possible by

Each graduate is well aware that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to prepare well for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the highest possible points. What does it mean to “pass the exam well” and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will cover the following important questions:

First of all, it is important to understand what exists:

  • the minimum score that gives the right to receive a certificate;
  • the minimum score that allows you to apply to the university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for real income to the budget in a particular specialty at a particular university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

The minimum USE scores are set for compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics basic level and in 2018 are:

Having overcome this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to apply to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is the threshold value that gives the right to enter the university. In other words, persons who have overcome the test threshold theoretically have the right to join the fight for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost impossible to enter highly rated universities with minimal performance.

In 2018, in all subjects, except for the Russian language and basic mathematics, test minimum scores The USE coincide with the attestation ones and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


Foreign language


Computer science


The principle of calculating the success of passing the unified state exam assumes that the subject must demonstrate a high, average or sufficient level of knowledge, corresponding to grades "5", "4" and "3" in the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing for a score that the examinee himself considers insufficient for himself, graduates are given the right to transfer passing the exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties based on the points scored in the USE.

In 2018, you can focus on the fact that last season the average passing scores in all subjects of the Unified State Examination among applicants who entered MGIMO and other highly rated universities in the capital fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most regional universities of the Russian Federation, 65-75 points can already be considered a competitive result.

Converting the primary score to the resulting one

By completing the tasks proposed in the USE ticket, the examinee gains the so-called primary scores, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When evaluating the level of knowledge, such primary scores are converted into the resulting ones, which are entered in the certificate and are basic upon admission.

By using online calculator, you can compare primary and test scores in subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018 recruited with passing the exam scores affect the score of the certificate and, although the table for comparing the test score and traditional marks is not officially accepted, you can approximately compare your scores right now using the universal calculator.

Passing scores of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Saint Petersburg State University
Moscow state institute international relations
National research university"High School of Economics"
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk politechnical University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties in the same university can vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants who entered the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a kind of guideline for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

There are many factors that affect the minimum passing score, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who have applied and the scores indicated on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who provided original documents;
  3. the number of beneficiaries.

So, seeing your last name in 20th place in the list of specialty, providing for 40 budget places, you can safely consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are tuned to another university and applied for this specialty as a fallback .

2018-2019 academic year will be graduation for many Russian schoolchildren who are already concerned about the successful completion of the Unified State Exam and successful admission to a good university.

We will tell you how exam papers are checked in various subjects, how the scale for converting USE scores into grades works, and what innovations can be expected in 2019.

Principles for evaluating the work of the USE 2019

For several recent years USE system in a number of subjects has undergone significant changes and was brought to the optimal (according to the organizers) format, which allows to fully assess the amount of knowledge of the graduate in a particular subject.

No fundamental changes are expected in 2018-2019, and we can say with confidence that the same principles will be applied to evaluate the work of graduates as in 2017-2018:

  1. automated verification of forms;
  2. involvement of experts in checking tasks with detailed answers.

How does the computer evaluate?

The first part of the examination paper involves a short answer to the questions posed, which the USE participant must enter in a special answer form.

Important! Before starting the work, be sure to read the rules for filling out the form, as an incorrectly executed work will not pass an automated check.

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of a computer check. If the work was not counted due to the fault of the participant who incorrectly filled out the form, the result is equated to unsatisfactory.

How do experts evaluate?

In many subjects, in addition to the test part, there are tasks that require a full detailed answer. Since it is impossible to automate the process of checking such answers, experts are involved in the verification - experienced teachers with a long work experience.

Checking USE teacher does not know (and even with a strong desire cannot find out) whose work lies before him and in what city (region) it was written. Verification is carried out on the basis of uniform assessment criteria developed specifically for each subject. Each work is checked by two experts. If the opinion of the experts coincides, the assessment is put on the form, but if independent appraisers disagree, then a third expert is involved in the verification, whose opinion will be decisive.

That is why it is important to write legibly and accurately so that there is no ambiguous interpretation of words and phrases.

Primary and test scores

Based on the results of the test, the USE participant is awarded a certain number of primary points, which are then transferred to text (points for the entire test). In different subjects, a different maximum of primary points is provided, depending on the number of tasks. But after bringing the result according to the corresponding table, the USE participant receives the final test score, which is the official result of his final tests (maximum 100 points).

So, in order to pass the exam, it is enough to score the established minimum threshold for the initial score:

Minimum points



Russian language

Mathematics (profile)

Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




Focusing on these numbers, you can accurately understand that the exam has been passed. But what kind of assessment? The online scale of 2018 will help you with this, designed specifically for converting primary USE scores into test ones, which will also be relevant for the results of 2019. A handy calculator can be found on the website

Announcement of official results

Graduates are always concerned about the question - how quickly you can find out what result was obtained when passing and what will be the scale for converting points scored on the exam into traditional grades in 2019.

Teachers are often taken to reassure students by working through the tasks of the USE tickets immediately after the exam and evaluating the quality of the work done by the pupils and the amount of primary points scored. Official results must be expected for 8-14 days, according to the established regulations for the USE-2019. On average, the organizers approve the following inspection schedules:

  • 3 days to check the work;
  • 5-6 days for information processing at the federal level;
  • 1 working day to approve the results of the SEC;
  • 3 days to post results online and transfer data to educational institutions.

In the event of unforeseen situations and technical problems, these terms may be revised.

You can find out the owl score:

  • directly at your school;
  • on the portal;
  • on the website.

Converting points to grade

Since 2009, the results of the USE have not been included in the graduate certificate. Therefore, today there is no official state system transferring the USE result into an assessment on a school 5-point scale. As part of the introductory campaign, the test score scored in the exam is always summed up and taken into account. But, many students are still interested to know how they passed the exam - 3 or 4, 4 or 5. For this, there is a special table that details the correspondence for each of the 100 points for each of the subjects.

Russian language


Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




Using such a table is quite inconvenient. It is much easier to find out how you passed the Russian language, mathematics or history using the online calculator, which also contains the USE score conversion scale, which is relevant for 2019 graduates.

Having received USE result, it is worth deciding on a university as soon as possible, comparing your capabilities with real competition for specialties of interest. Thus, the practice of past years shows that in a number of cases it is difficult to get into the most popular areas in metropolitan universities even with high scores, because not only holders of 100-point USE results, but also winners of the largest Olympiads of the 2018-2019 academic year will compete for places.

Each graduate who wants to become a student of one of the universities of the Russian Federation in 2018 faces a difficult task - to successfully pass the exam, as well as choose the right educational institution and faculty for submission of documents. The majority of 11th graders and their parents are faced with the final exam grading system for the first time and often find it difficult to find answers to the questions that arise. Therefore, we decided to shed light on important points.

In 2017-2018, the basic rules for passing the exam will not be significantly changed. This means that the 100-point system for grading final tests will still be relevant for graduates.

How is everything going?

In the course of checking the examination papers, for each correctly completed task, the graduate receives the so-called “primary points”, which, upon completion of the work check, are summed up and converted into a “test score”, which is indicated in the USE certificate.

Important! Since 2009, the scale for converting primary and test USE scores into traditional five-point grades for schools has not been officially used, because in 2017 and 2018 final exams are not included in the certificate.

Checking work is done in two ways:

  • automatically (using special programs and technical means);
  • manually (the correctness of detailed answers is checked by two independent experts).

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of an automatic check. If the basic rules were not followed when filling out the answer table, the computer may not protect the result, and only the graduate himself, who did not follow a number of mandatory rules, will be to blame for this.

If controversial issues arise during the expert review, a third specialist is involved, whose opinion will be decisive.

When to expect results?

The following time limits apply by law:

  • data processing (for compulsory subjects) at the RCSC should not last longer than 6 calendar days;
  • for data processing (subjects of choice) RTsOI give 4 days;
  • check in federal center testing should take no more than 5 working days;
  • approval of the results by the State Examination Commission - 1 more day;
  • up to 3 days to send the results to the USE participants.

In practice, from the moment of passing the exam to receiving the official result, it can take from 8 to 14 days.

Converting USE scores to grade

Despite the fact that officially in 2018 the scale for converting points in USE subjects into a five-point grade is not used, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use special tables or online calculators.

Table for converting OGE test scores into grades

Russian language


Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




The second method is a little easier and more convenient than searching for the desired values ​​in the cells of a huge table. It is enough just to choose a subject (mathematics, Russian, chemistry, physics, history, English language, social studies ... and other subjects), enter data and get the desired result in a matter of seconds.

We suggest trying how simple and convenient it is to use in practice the online calculators of the USE score and its conversion to a 5-point grade.

Transfer of points from primary to test

Converting USE scores to grades

Internet systems for applicants

The academic year 2017-2018 is over, the exam has been passed, the results are known, and even the interactive scale for transferring primary scores showed that the USE result is in a fairly good range ... But, is this enough to enter the desired university?

Assess the real chances of entry, based on test scores and the minimum passing threshold set by the university.

Important! The minimum passing score is formed by the university itself. It will directly depend on the scores of applicants who apply in 2018. The more popular the specialty, the higher the passing score will be.

Often, at the TOP faculties, even 100-point results are not enough for admission to the budget. Only winners of the Olympiads, who give significant additional points, have a chance to see their last name in the lists of applicants for such areas.

In 2018, the most popular services for selecting a university and monitoring the entrance score threshold for various specialties will be:

  2. Apply online
  3. Calculator high school economy
  5. Typical entrant

Finding these services is very easy. It is enough to enter their name into any search engine.

When passing the Unified State Examination (USE), a special place is occupied by the minimum score of the USE. This is the minimum threshold of knowledge in USE scores, upon overcoming which a USE certificate is issued in compulsory subjects. Or in other words, this is the USE score corresponding to a satisfactory mark. In case of receiving a score less than the minimum in subjects of choice, nothing is entered into the certificate. The minimum USE score in all subjects is set annually after passing the USE and before the announcement of the results.

Table of minimum USE scores 2018 in all subjects

Item Minimum USE score
Russian language 36
Mathematics (P) 27
Mathematics (B) 27
Social science 42
Physics 36
Story 32
Biology 36
Chemistry 36
English language 22
Computer science 40
Literature 32
Geography 37
German 22
French 22
Spanish 22

However, each university has the right to set the minimum USE score higher than recommended by Rosobrnadzor. The difference can reach 20-40 points and even more. For example, in order to enter the St. Petersburg National Research Academic University in 2018, you will need to score at least 65 points on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and at least 75 points on the Unified State Examination in mathematics and physics. At the same time, in universities subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the minimum USE scores in one subject may differ depending on the specialty and location of the university (region): the minimum threshold for universities located in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. higher.

Scale for transferring USE scores 2018 in all subjects

In order to convert primary scores into test scores, a special table is required developed by Rosobrnadzor (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated April 26, 2017 No. 920-10). It is called "Correspondence between primary scores and test scores in all academic subjects according to a hundred-point grading system."

Meanwhile, in any rule there is an exception, it was found here too. This is the exam in mathematics at the basic level. The results of this exam are issued in primary scores and converted into a five-point scoring system.

We translate the USE test scores into a school grade

Officially, the scale for converting scores in USE subjects into a five-point grade has not been used for a long time (namely, since 2008). However, many still want to interpret their result in a more familiar "school" system. To do this, you can use the table below or online calculators.

Item "2" (failed) "3" (satisfactory) "4" (good) "5" (excellent)
Russian language from 72 57-71 36-56 0-35
Mathematics from 68 50-67 27-49 0-26
Social science from 70 58-69 42-57 0-41
Chemistry from 73 56-72 36-55 0-35
Geography from 67 51-66 37-50 0-36
Biology from 72 55-71 36-54 0-35
Foreign languages from 84 59-83 22-58 0-21
Literature from 67 52-66 32-54 0-31
Story from 68 50-67 32-49 0-31
Physics from 68 53-67 36-52 0-35
Computer science from 73 57-72 40-56 0-39

Is it possible to retake the exam in compulsory subjects in 2018

Yes, 2018 graduates can retake the USE in a compulsory subject. Examinations in Russian language and mathematics are obligatory. But the procedure for conducting the state final certification in Russia does not allow retaking the exam to improve the result for everyone who wishes it.

The order is strict, and it looks like this:

  • you can retake the exam in only one of the two compulsory subjects,
  • The exam can be retaken only if the grade is unsatisfactory.

Thus, if a graduate failed both mandatory exams: both Russian and mathematics, retake on reserve dates at the end of June will not be possible for him. If unsatisfactory grades are obtained in both compulsory subjects, the student will be able to go for a retake only in September, when the autumn wave of retaking the mandatory USE takes place.