Residents apartment buildings risk much more owners of cottages, dachas, private houses. The well-being of the former is affectedresponsibilityneighbors, management company or homeowners association. For example, neighbors from above may flood you, a fire may start due to poor-quality wiring or high voltage. That's whyapartment fire and flood insuranceis a popular service. In the article we will tell you what it is, how to insure property, what features the transaction has and how to save money on it.

What's happenedapartment flood and fire insurance

Insurance refers to the relationship between the insurer and the insured, aimed at protecting civil liability or property. That is, the insured is a person voluntarily contacting the respective company. He pays a certain amount and receives policy which spells out the terms of the deal. If it comes insurance in the case specified in the policy, the person receives a certain amount commensurate with the damage. The amount of payment cannot exceed the maximum amount specified in the contract.

Insurance contracts have several features:

💵 Timing.The term of insurance can be any - from 1 month to 1 year. Usually, short-term insurance is used by those who leave for another city or country and want to protect themselves from all possible risks as much as possible. A policy with a validity period of 1 year can then be extended, that is, to extend the deal.

💵 Terms of payment.If insurance comes happening - for example, the apartment was damaged by fire - the insured must prove to the insurer that he has taken all possible measures to prevent such a situation. For example, provide a record of a call to the rescue service or bring the results of an independent examination, according to which the source of ignition was in another apartment. Evidence is needed so that insurance companies can protect themselves from fraudsters who intentionally spoil property for compensation.

💵 Payout algorithm.To receive payment under the policy, you need to write a written application to the insurance company. Its employees will be asked to provide documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event, after which they will consider them and assess the damage. Within a certain period - it can be set by yourself companies , but usually it is 30 days - you will receive a payment. If the amount is significantly less than the amount of damage, it can be challenged in court.

💵 The beginning of the policy.Many people think that an insurance policy is valid from the moment it is received. This is wrong. Each contract must specify the start and end dates of the policy. If an insured event occurs before the start of the insurance period, you will not receive any payments.

Types of insurance: property insurance andcivilresponsibility

All types of insurance are divided into two large kind: insurance of own property and civil liability to third parties. In the first case, the insured receives the payment, in the second - the one who suffered from his actions. Let's consider both types in more detail.

Property insurance

A property insurance policy protects your apartment. Also, it can include all the items in it - household appliances, furniture. The policy will protect you in case a fire breaks out or you are flooded neighbours .

There is an important nuance here. If the fire is in your apartment, you will need to prove to the insurance company that the fire was not your fault. If the evidence is not enough, you will be denied payment.

Liability insurance

When you insure your civil liability, you are relieved of the obligation to pay damages to neighbors who suffered from a flood or fire in your apartment. It works like an OSAGO policy: if something happens, you will restore your property on your own, and compensation will be paid to the victims Insurance Company.

That is apartment fire and flood insuranceprotects your interests, but does not provide compensation to you. But in case of trouble, you will not have to take out a loan or sell expensive property in order to pay off your neighbors.

In both cases, taking out insurance will help to significantly reduce costs in case of emergency. For example, if your apartment suffers from a fire, you will have to pay not 300,000 ₽ for repairs, but 100,000 ₽ - 200,000 ₽ will be paid by the insurer. And if you forget to turn off the tap and flood two apartments from below in the amount of 500,000 ₽, the company can pay all the compensation. All you have to do is renovate your home.

The nuances of obtaining insurance against fire

If you choose to insure property from fire, choose what exactly you will protect - own property or civil liability. To ensure maximum protection , you can purchase two types of policy at once. Then you will receive compensation in case of a fire caused by your neighbors and will not pay if you yourself become the culprit of the fire.

№69-FZ"On Fire Safety" defines the key aspects of fire insurance. There are several factors that can affect real estate and the property located in it:

🔹 direct burning, when the source of ignition is located directly in your apartment or an open fire spread from neighbors;

🔹 from combustion products, for example, when an open fire in your home there wasn't, but the walls were black with smoke;

🔹 the actions of firefighters in extinguishing a fire, for example, when they flooded not only the neighbors' apartment, but also your home.

Read carefully what is written in the insurance contract. If it states that you are insured against direct fire, you will not receive any payout in the event of damage from combustion products or actions by firefighters. If the contract specifies all possible consequences fire, you are protected as much as possible.

The nuances of obtaining insurance against flooding

In this case, you can also take out property and civil liability insurance. It is also worth listing all possible reasons the occurrence of an insured event, for example, you can flood your neighbors not only because someone forgot to turn off the tap, but also because of the high degree of deterioration of communications and the subsequent accident.

Look at exactly what reasons for the occurrence of an insured event are specified in the contract. Flooding may occur through the fault of the management company, due to an accident, human factor a and so on. Among the most common specific causes:

🔧 the presence of fistulas in the heating system;

🔧 leakage of the roof of the building - in this case, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the management company, but you can receive a payment from the insurance company;

🔧 pipe leakage due to freezing of water in them;

🔧 leakage of stop valves, other equipment;

🔧 human factor - if the upstairs neighbors forgot to turn off the tap.

As with fire insurance, ask for all possible risks . This will keep you as safe as possible.

How to insure an apartment against fire and flooding: step-by-step instruction

Many companies today offer residential property insurance services. For example, large banks insure clients' real estate - this is done by Sberbank , Tinkoff, Alfa Bank and others. There are also specialized companies that deal only with insurance: for example, Rosgosstrakh, VSK, Sogaz, Ingosstrakh. If banks offer ready-made insurance products, then in specialized companies the list of offers is wider.

Compare before you buy a policycost and conditionsits registration in several companies. This will help you find the right one offer . But at the same time, pay attention to the reputation of the company: there are many scammers who can work under the guise of large reliable companies or provide services without a license.

An important nuance: a non-owner can issue a policy. That is, you can be registered in the apartment and insure it by indicating your data. But in the event of an insured event, compensation will be paid to the owner.

How to apply for a policy online

Find an offer that suits you price . You can find the price on the company's website or use calculator to calculate the price of an insurance policy in accordance with individual conditions .

To issue electronic policy online, fill out the form:

📝 indicate the type of property that you will insure - a private house, apartment or other;

📝 choose the risks against which the property will be insured;

📝 select the amount - the maximum amount of compensation in case of an insured event depends on it;

📝 indicate the data of the insured: last name, first name, patronymic;

📝 Provide information about object - exact address, including zip code, region;

📝 enter your phone number and email address - an electronic policy will be sent to it later;

📝 confirm the data, for example, enter the code from the SMS or follow the link in the email.

In different companies, the stages of issuing a policy may differ, but in general, the algorithm is suitable for most companies.

After filling in the required data, you will be redirected to the payment page. You can pay for the policy bank card or other means of payment, such as electronic money. After payment, an electronic policy will be sent to your mail. It has the same power as printed on hard copy. Instructions on how to act in the event of an insured event must be sent along with the letter. It can also be found on the company's website.

This design method has a minus - it does not take into account the individual characteristics of housing. Most often, companies offer to choose the sum insured from pre-formed ones and do not give “room for maneuver”. No one will evaluate your property, and standard conditions are not always suitable.

How to apply for a policy in the office

To get a policy offline, visit the office of the selected company. Take your passport with you, as well as documents for real estate, for example, a contract of sale. It is advisable to take papers confirming the cost of housing, for example, the results of the work of an independent accredited appraiser.

Discuss the terms of insurance with a specialist, select the appropriate program and sign the contract. In some cases, a specialist can go with you to the place to inspect the apartment that you are going to insure. This is necessary in order to adequately assess the value of real estate and all property in it.

After signing the contract, pay for the services and receive the policy. You will receive your copy of the agreement. It indicates the procedure for processing an insurance claim payment - if something happens, strictly adhere to it.

This method is more suitable for owners of non-standard apartments who want to receive the appropriate sum insured. The representative of the insurance company will assess the value of the property and set the amount of payment.

The price of apartment insurance against fire and flooding

The cost of apartment fire insurance, flooding depends on many parameters. First of all, on the value of the property itself that you insure, or on the amount of the sum insured when protecting civil liability. The higher the insurance sum or the cost of housing, the more the policy will cost.

The price is also affected by:

📍 wiring condition, engineering networks;

📍 the location of the property;

📍 year of construction of the house and the degree of wear of housing;

📍 type of building materials from which the building was erected;

📍 other parameters on which the cost of housing depends.

On average, owners pay about 0.05–0.07% of the property value for one year of insurance. If you decide to insure only an apartment worth 2,500,000 ₽ without furniture, you will have to pay from 1,250 ₽ to 1,750 ₽ per year, depending on the conditions of the insurer.

Also, the cost is greatly affected by the risks. The more possible risks are specified in the contract, the higher the cost of the policy. Therefore, insurance only against fire or against fire and flood is much cheaper than “package” insurance when you are still protected from explosions , aircraft crashes, thefts , natural disasters and other force majeure circumstances.

How to get compensation in case of an insured event and what to do if you are denied

To obtain insurance payment, follow the algorithm prescribed in the contract. For different companies, the sequence of actions may differ, but in any case, you need to:

❓ first report the incident to the relevant services: in case of fire - to the fire department, in case of flooding - to the Criminal Code, HOA;

❓ if you can, record the fact of contacting the services;

❓ apply to the insurance company and notify about the occurrence of an insured event;

❓ come to the office and write a written statement about the occurrence of an insured event.

You will definitely be visited by a representative of the insurance company to assess the amount of damage. If an employee deliberately understates the amount, attract independent experts. It is better to order a damage assessment before you start to restore something, otherwise the results of the procedure will be unreliable.

👉 Use a franchise.Franchise insurance is a more complex product. In this case, you cover all costs up to a certain amount yourself, and the insurance company pays above it. The amount of the franchise can be different, sometimes it reaches several million.

👉 Take advantage of the reduction factor.After each year of insurance and non-use of the policy, the cost decreases.

👉 Get a policy foronerisk.The less risk, the less risk the insurance company takes. Therefore, the cost of protection against one insured event is less than the price of a full package of protection.

Apartment insurance against fire, flooding is relatively inexpensive, but allows protect yourself from unexpected expenses. The insurance company can compensate both you and your neighbors if they are harmed by your actions. You can get the right policy online and offline.

Despite the fact that unforeseen situations with real estate (bays, fires, property thefts) happen all the time, our compatriots are in no hurry to insure their apartments. You can even say that almost every one of us unintentionally flooded our neighbors, or vice versa, was injured as a result of negligence or faulty plumbing. To eliminate these troubles (and not only them), it is urgent to find quite serious sums somewhere, but, despite this, home insurance in our country somehow has not become common.

In the framework of this article, we will talk about whether it is profitable to take out an insurance policy, what kind of insurance is, and how this measure can be useful in reality.

Real estate insurance culture in Russia

By the way

For the first time, the real estate insurance mechanism was described in ancient Babylon, the corresponding texts are already more than two thousand years old.

In countries Western Europe, on the North American continent, in Scandinavia and the British Isles, Japan is insured by everyone and everything, since the pragmatism of financially literate people suggests having some kind of plan for a particular life event. If any trouble occurs, then the money of the insurance company, and not the owner of the property, will go to eliminate the consequences. Moreover, it will not just be the amount formed by insurance premiums - insurance will cover all losses (or depending on the terms of the contract), even if the policy was purchased just a couple of years before the insured event.

How is the situation with apartment insurance in Russia? Needless to say, it doesn't matter. Traditionally, this method, which allows you to secure your own (as well as someone else's) property, has not taken root. Our citizens, and I must say, most of them do not receive excess income at all, they try to avoid any expenses in order to somehow meet the family budget, and some do not even think about the fact that trouble can happen to everyone. If in some countries the culture of residential real estate insurance has been developing for more than one hundred years, then within the Russian Federation this culture, unfortunately, is in its infancy - it exists, but it is clearly in no hurry to develop.

WITH statistics show (data from Rosgosstrakh) that the share of insured apartments is about 5% of all housing in Russia, in " VTB Insurance» believe that this share is somewhat higher, but does not reach 10%. As a rule, new buildings are insured, and, basically, mortgage new buildings. Issuing a policy for such an insured event as partial or complete destruction of an object is a standard requirement on the part of banks wishing to protect their funds issued for the purchase of housing. You can, of course, refuse insurance, but then the interest on the loan will be higher. Well, a certain contribution to the statistics is made by “conscious” citizens who understand the nature of the risks and do not want, in which case, to be left without support (especially if we are talking about cheap real estate).

What are we preparing for? What is most often insured against?

Naturally, the apartment, which is often the most valuable property, is at the top of the list of things that need to be insured. But often, when issuing a policy, not only the probability of an event occurring in which something happens to your apartment is taken into account. “Civil liability” is also insured - if your neighbors suffer due to your carelessness, it will not be you who will compensate them, but the insurance company.

The same applies to another trouble that may well happen to anyone - unauthorized entry into the apartment of intruders and, as a result, the disappearance of all more or less valuable property.

Despite the fact that today almost every apartment has steel door, I would like to remind the reader that today they have not yet learned how to make such locks that could not be opened in one way or another. In addition, the quality of many of these doors leaves much to be desired, because many are trying to save on this, and the market, accordingly, responds to the needs of the population.

The nature of the most common insured events

Now consider statistics of a different kind. Approximately 80% of fires that have led to fires in real estate occur in residential areas. In some cases, the cause of fire is faulty or outdated electrical wiring. At the same time, 90% of the housing stock in the Russian Federation is apartments in houses with worn-out engineering systems. If fires occur due to faulty wiring, then apartments are flooded due to wear and tear of water supply, sewerage and heating systems. So, unless you are the lucky owner of an (insured) new build, the risk of something like this happening in your home is quite high.

Insurance products - what do insurers offer?

Participants in the real estate insurance market conditionally divide insurance policies into several types, which we will briefly describe now:

    Mortgage insurance. In such products, the number of insured events (damage to finishes, utilities, structural elements, etc.) is determined by the bank. The bank also calculates the coverage amount based on the loan amount. This view does not require a property inspection;

    Comprehensive insurance. A “boxed” product from insurers includes a specific list of risks, and also determines a fixed amount that the insurance company will pay in the event of an insured event;

    Individual conditions. The client can independently determine what exactly he wants to insure. This may be a liability to neighbors in the event that something happens in his apartment that entails damage to third parties, certain elements of decoration can be insured, etc.

Industry experts indicate that the vast majority of policies are comprehensive and include insurance for structural elements (walls), finishes, property located in the apartment, as well as civil liability.

The amount of coverage depends on the set of insured events reflected in the contract, which, in turn, also determines the amount of contributions. Economy options involve, most often, liability insurance or simple finishing insurance, and most often, insured events arise due to the banal flooding of neighbors from below. The amount that is paid by the insurance company in case of partial damage to real estate is determined by experts. Which, in turn, are based on the amount of costs that will need to be incurred to eliminate the damage.

How much does a helping hand cost?

It is interesting, but few people imagine how much home insurance costs, perhaps inflated ideas about the amount of contributions and repel citizens from the thought of apartment insurance. The cost of an annual policy (valid for one year) starts from just 500 rubles. That is, if you donate this money, the insurance company will take a financial part in eliminating the consequences, for example, of a slight flooding of your home by neighbors from above. If you are afraid of a fire, the annual insurance of the structural elements of the apartment will cost approximately 0.1% of the cost of housing.

It is sometimes difficult for the client to understand how insurance rates. To calculate the rate, insurers use the base rate applied to real estate. Then coefficients are added, each of them is included or excluded depending on the parameters of a particular object.

So, for example, the type of building materials that were used to build the house is taken into account (its fire resistance is assessed), the life of the property.

In general, the state of housing affects the tariffs quite strongly, since the infrastructure in new housing is completely new, respectively, the risk of flooding and fires is reduced, which, in most cases, arise precisely because of worn-out communications.

By the way, the tariff is affected not only by the condition and parameters of housing - the amount of the contribution may increase if there is an object in the building or on the territory where potentially flammable equipment is used (for example, there is a sauna in the basement of a residential building). The use of housing for commercial purposes also affects the cost of the policy, if the residence in the apartment is of a periodic nature - if the housing is not used, the risk of penetration and theft of property increases. The presence (or absence) of protective bars on the windows also affects the cost of the policy.

Some clients try to insure everything they can and sometimes put forward rather exotic claims, despite the fact that the standard insurance claims included in many policies are taken into account and covered in many situations. Even if we take such an incredible and unprecedented example as an attack on an apartment by aliens, then even this situation is reflected in the item “illegal actions by third parties”.

Insurance business "from the inside". How insurers make money

But why do insurance companies need all this? If until now we have considered the real estate insurance market from the point of view of consumers, now it's time to find out how this business works and how it works.

It would seem completely unprofitable to compensate anyone for the cost of damages with such modest contributions. All tariffs and insurance products are formed on the basis of statistical data, that is, information about how many premiums were collected and how much was paid for a certain period, allows you to calculate profitability. And the longer the company has been operating on the market, the more accurate the statistics, and the more people use its services, the more favorable rates it can offer its customers. The latter, by the way, can take part in various loyalty programs, accumulating additional discounts, and every year the tariffs for them turn out to be more and more profitable.

Besides than more quantity people who insure their homes, the lower the premiums for the industry as a whole become, since the price component plays a significant role in competitive advantages one company or another. Thus, in the countries of Western Europe, 90% of the population acquires policies and there are the lowest amounts of contributions.

The main question: how to choose an insurance company

First of all, it is necessary to study the insurance companies that operate in the market, the choice of the insurer is perhaps the most important in this matter. In principle, today the tariffs on the market do not differ very significantly.

    You need to understand that companies that have been operating recently may simply disappear, and it is likely that this will happen before the insured event occurs. In this regard, it is recommended to pay attention to organizations that have successful experience work for ten years.

    It is useful to search the Web for information that relates to the interaction of a company with its customers, you can view court cases and open ones in connection with them. enforcement proceedings. This will allow you to find out about cases when the company refused to compensate for the damage, however, considering such cases, it is worth sorting out and finding out who is wrong, because there are always those who want to improve their financial affairs and receive insurance compensation in larger size than the damage suffered.

    You can find information about the ratio of implemented policies and the frequency of payments. If the company sells a lot of policies, and rarely makes payments, you should think about the fact that, if necessary, you will have to make a lot of effort to knock out your compensation. However, excessive generosity in such a matter can also lead to certain thoughts - perhaps there is illiterate management, as a result of ill-considered actions, such a company may go bankrupt.


Acquisition insurance policy real estate is the only possible way transfer the costs to the insurance company in case of such unpleasant incidents as fire, flood. In addition, the insurance will cover damage in case of theft of things from the apartment. Before choosing insurance risks, you need to soberly assess the likelihood of such incidents in your apartment and choose a reliable company that actually pays out insurance claims.

Igor Vasilenko

There are two ways to insure an apartment in Russia: start paying the premiums indicated on the utility bill, or contact the insurance company yourself. However, each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. talks about.

Default Insurance

Authorities began to offer voluntary housing insurance in receipts for payment of housing and communal services about 10 years ago. Then the amount of payments for an apartment with and without insurance coverage appeared in them. To insure housing, it is enough to start paying, and to refuse, not to do so. At the same time, such insurance cannot be called public. Apartments are insured by private companies that have won the competition and signed an agreement with the DEZ or a management company. You can find out which insurance company is in your area on the website of the city's home insurance center.

In this way, you can insure an apartment or housing that is in social rent, decoration, engineering equipment, communications, structural elements. Insured events include: fire, explosion for any reason other than a terrorist act, as well as an accident in heating, water supply, and sewage systems. It must be remembered that the apartment becomes insured the next month after the tenants start paying premiums. That is, if you paid in September, the insurance will take effect in October. Only persons registered in the apartment can use the service.

The advantage of such insurance is that residents do not need to choose an insurer, spend time on paperwork: it has already been done for them Management Company. In addition, such insurance is cheaper than in the whole market.

Subtleties of calculation

The contribution is determined at the rate of 1 rub. 21 kop. for one square meter housing. That is, for an apartment of 60 square meters. m per month will need to pay 72.6 rubles, and per year - 871 rubles. The maximum amount of compensation is 33 thousand rubles per square meter. Behind last years the largest amount of payments was 600 thousand rubles.

“The main disadvantage of this type of insurance is the small amounts of compensation that may simply not cover the cost of restoring the apartment. The maximum payment of 600 thousand rubles is an exceptional case when the apartment was almost completely destroyed. However, most often, payments for finishing housing are about 100 thousand rubles, while repairs in the case of, for example, a bay, can cost much more, ”says Nikita Sitnikov, head of the retail insurance department at RESO-Garantia. In addition, such insurance does not include civil liability insurance. That is, if you flooded the neighbors, it will not cover the damage.

But the most significant disadvantage is that most residents simply do not know what payments they are guaranteed, have never seen the contract and even have no idea what their insurance company is called.

Individual risks

Individual insurance is more flexible, but it also costs much more.

With regard to Moscow, the tariff for insurance of movable property is from 0.6% of its value and depends on its type (furniture, carpets, household appliances, etc.). The tariff for insurance of structural elements of the apartment (walls, ceilings, balconies and loggias, windows, doors) is from 0.07% of the cost of the apartment. Finish insurance rate and technical equipment- from 0.4% of their price.

For example, the price of home decoration insurance for 1 million rubles will be 4,000 rubles a year. Structural elements of the apartment for 4 million rubles - 2800 rubles a year. Furniture and other interior elements, household appliances worth 500,000 rubles - 3,000 rubles a year. Thus, it will be possible to insure housing with these parameters for about 10 thousand rubles a year.

The advantage of this form of insurance is the ability to choose the company you trust the most, as well as the specific risks against which you want to insure your home. Therefore, when choosing what to protect your apartment from, you need to know the statistics of the most frequent insured events.

Most of all (more than 92.2%) of insured events occur in the bay of the apartment and insurance of civil liability associated with it (about 20%). 2.1% relates to compensation in case of fire, 3.3% - illegal actions of third parties (vandalism), 0.4% - natural disasters, 2% - theft and robbery. Most often, insured events relate to the decoration of housing and what is in the apartment (furniture, appliances, carpets, etc.), and less often - to the property itself.

In case of trouble

One of the most common reasons for the refusal of the insurance company to compensate for the damage is the lack of documents that would confirm the fact of the occurrence of the insured event and indicate its cause. These documents must be issued state organizations working at the scene - firefighters, police, repair services. Therefore, whatever stressful situation no matter where you are, you must not forget about these papers.

After receiving them, you need to apply to the insurance company with a statement within 3 days, providing a passport and a certificate of ownership, single payment receipts. After that, an employee of the insurance company must visit the apartment, on which it depends whether the payment will be made and in what amount.

It is important to remember that the insurance company will refuse to pay compensation if the accident was the fault of the tenants. For example, if they forgot to close the tap, which caused a flood, and of course, if the insured event occurred due to their malicious intent (for example, arson). Damage to the apartment will not be compensated if they were received as a result of a special operation (for example, the liquidation of terrorists) or in the event of a catastrophe (for example, when an airplane fell on the house). In this case, the responsibility for compensation for losses lies with the departments and companies through whose fault the damage was caused, and they independently determine the amount of payments.

If there is no home

Insurance at a price of 10 thousand rubles a year, not to mention cheaper, will not cover the entire cost of housing, and if as a result natural disaster, hostilities or disasters, your house will be destroyed, you can only count on the maximum amount of insurance payments, which, however, can be a good help.

“The state must provide people left without a roof over their heads with temporary housing, and then permanent housing. Most often, these issues are resolved individually, but expect that new flat will be no worse than the lost one, usually it is not necessary. In this regard, for many years the government has been discussing the issue of introducing compulsory insurance real estate, following the example of car insurance, which will minimize the burden on the budget. This situation became especially relevant after the summer floods in 2012, when the authorities had to pay billions in compensation to people left homeless. However, no concrete steps have been taken in this direction so far. According to the current federal law“On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” dated December 31, 1997, whether to insure your home or not, each citizen decides for himself, ”Tamara Kasyanova, first vice-president of the All-Russian public organization"Russian club of financial directors".

9254 10/09/2019 6 min.

Before carrying out the procedure for real estate insurance, you should determine what exactly you need to insure the apartment against. There can be a large number of reasons for insurance, including protection against damage to property, the actions of third parties, etc. Which type of insurance is suitable, you choose specifically, based on your preferences. An equally important issue is the choice of an insurance company that can be entrusted with this extremely responsible business. It is necessary to take into account the reputation of the insurer, reviews about the company, the cost of services and many other criteria, which we will talk about in today's article. Below is the rating of the best insurance companies.

What to look for when choosing an insurance company?

It is important to understand that the goal of any insurance organization is to make a profit, otherwise there would be no point in their existence. Any client applying to such an organization pays a certain amount, which allows him to feel confident in the event that an insured event occurs. Read about apartment fire and flood insurance.

A person acquires a policy on the basis of which he can receive monetary compensation if an insured event occurs.

It is also worth noting that total insurance premiums significantly exceeds the number of insurance situations, so the amount of payments is greater than the cost of the policy itself.

It turns out that clients who did not experience any negative events, pay compensation to those persons who have an insured event. Naturally, this does not happen directly, but through the insurance company, on the basis of current legislation.

On the video - What you need to know when insuring an apartment:

Thus, the main functions of insurance companies include:

  • Formation of capital from which payments will be made to insured clients of the organization.
  • Pay monetary compensation in the event of an insured event.
  • Prevention of such cases, as well as reduction of possible losses.
  • Protecting the interests of your clientele.
  • Investing funds taken from customer deposits in order to receive dividends.
  • Various business activities.
  • Increasing own clientele through various advertising organizations and other marketing means.

Now there are many organizations engaged in similar activities, such as, and others. Some of them are engaged in a wide range of services, while others focus on some narrow specialization -, etc.

License check

If an organization does not have extensive famous name, then the first step is to find out if the company has a license allowing it to engage in such activities.

The register of insurance companies is located on the website of the Bank Service Russian Federation. Particular attention should be paid not only to the availability of a license, but also to the place of registration. If the company is registered abroad, then it is better not to trust such a company.

Financial stability assessment

IN open access you can find information regarding the authorized capital of the organization. Trust is caused by those companies if this figure exceeds 120 million rubles. If the company is engaged in life insurance, then its minimum authorized capital should be at least 240 million rubles.

You can also find information regarding the amounts of cash payments to customers, the profit of the organization for billing period etc. Find out about the description of the company Jaso - insurance.


On the Internet, you can find customer reviews of various companies that are posted on specialized forums. A large number of negative reviews should be a concern, but be aware that there may be paid reviews from competitors online. In addition, people tend to write negative reviews more often than positive reviews.

Analysis of company services

Examine information related to the activities of the company, i.e. the services it offers to its clients. The presence of various insurance products and cooperation options will indicate the appropriate level of organization. He will tell about the essential terms of the personal property insurance contract.

Foundation date

With this point, everything is extremely simple - the longer the organization operates, the more it inspires confidence. Give preference to those organizations that have been on the market for more than ten years.

Company rating

You can find various ratings of companies compiled by competent rating agencies, or ordinary people. You can analyze the ratings for several years, evaluating the positions of companies in the TOP. The more often it is in the top positions of the rating, the more reliable it is.

You can also consult with your acquaintances and friends who have already used the services of a particular insurance organization. First-hand information is always very trustworthy, especially if your friends have already received insurance claims.

Rating of the best insurance companies for apartment insurance - comparison

Let's consider the list of the most popular and reliable insurance companies, which are on the first lines of the rating from year to year.

Alpha Insurance

The Alpha company is very popular among customers, because it operates on the very high level. She offers many various options cooperation, including health insurance, auto insurance and insurance of apartments of citizens. Find out which insurance company is better for issuing OSAGO by.

Provides the possibility of obtaining insurance remotely, as well as convenient mobile app. There are accumulative insurance systems that allow you to pay not only for insured events, but also to accumulate money until the child comes of age and in other cases.


This company is one of the oldest organizations working in this field. If we consider from the moment of foundation, then this period is 90 years. The company is engaged in insurance against various cases, including accidents, illnesses, apartment insurance, car insurance, etc.

VTB Insurance

The authorized capital of the company is more than 5 billion rubles. Here you can also take out accident insurance, insure your real estate, car, etc. The organization is a division of VTB Bank, which is one of the leaders in banking services in Russia.

How to insure real estate and property in Ingosstrakh for an individual

The company was founded in 1947 with many branches in different regions countries. The firm has been rated A++, i.е. it is one of the leaders in this market segment.

The company provides several possible schemes for cooperation with clients who wish to insure their apartment:

  • Platinum- the program involves the departure of an employee of the company. On average, registration takes from three to twelve months.
  • Express- This is the most affordable option in financial terms.
  • Vacation- the policy is issued for a short period from a week to two months.
  • Freedom- the policy is issued if the apartment is inexpensive.

The size of the minimum insurance payments may differ, depending on the region of residence of the client. If for Moscow the minimum figure is 100 thousand rubles, then for other cities it is half as much - 50 thousand rubles.

Reliable company Sogaz

The company has the highest degree quality - it is rated A ++. The organization offers an apartment insurance policy, including the cost of the property itself, as well as civil liability.

Thus, the amount of home property insurance can range from two hundred thousand to five million rubles. As for civil liability, the amount is from one hundred to two million rubles. The company implements the possibility of issuing a policy in the office, as well as through an online application.

Is it profitable to insure housing in Gazprombank

This company provides its customers with the opportunity to issue an insurance policy without visiting the company's employees of the apartment itself. The policy includes household property, civil liability, and engineering equipment.

It is noteworthy that the insured himself chooses the amount for which he wants to insure his property. The minimum amount of insurance is 230 thousand rubles.

If we consider these companies in terms of the optimal cost of the services provided, then the most affordable policies are sold in Sogaz and Alfa Insurance - about 1000 rubles each. This amount will need to be paid every year.

And in the mind modern people already looks not only as a means of survival in critical situation, but as effective method loss prevention. The constant rise in real estate prices only confirms the fact that insurance is a necessary and effective tool.

Developing, the real estate insurance market is more and more influenced by competition, forcing insurers to create more favorable conditions for customers, improve the quality of service and simply reduce the number of refusals to pay out.

From this we can conclude that insurance today may not seem mandatory, but under the current conditions it will never be superfluous for property owners. The price of the insurance policy is quite acceptable, and the benefits from it will be much greater than, for example, ten years ago. Therefore, asking the question, “why do this?” - it's pointless.

What should be considered when making a decision?

Before concluding a contract for real estate insurance, you need to make a precise decision about the amount of insurance. The amount can be fixed - proceed from those offered by the insurer, or based on the value of the insurance object. In the latter case, you can not do without a full assessment of the insured property.

IMPORTANT! It is worth knowing in advance that the amount paid under insurance may not cover all possible damage. After all, some objects in the apartment may not be included in the insurance, and they will have to be insured separately.

And in the case of an expensive apartment renovation that cannot be insured, all the damage will definitely not be covered.

Also need to think about the type of risk to insure- after all, the percentage of payments will fluctuate.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of insurance is its main purpose - the payment of funds after an accident. In addition, many insurers can provide good conditions, with a pleasant amount of payments. And in the end, a person will be able to cover the damage caused by, which may occur at any inopportune moment.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting that the damage will not always be fully covered by the payment. And there is also a chance that you simply may not receive a payment - after all, the insurer will pay only if the situation strictly fits the insurance conditions. And if a little something went wrong, there is a threat that the person will not receive the sum insured.

It is worth considering the factor of fraud. An overly trusting client can fall into the network of a scammer who will bribe the client with favorable conditions, various "100%" promises of payment, and other frauds. And as a result, a person can even pay insurance premiums non-existent company. In the future, his confidence in insurers will noticeably decrease, and real insurance can be really very important to him.

But fortunately, the risks of being deceived in real estate insurance today are very small - fraudsters are much more likely to catch people on completely different types of insurance, for example, a car, and fraud on real estate insurance is becoming less and less profitable for them.

How to protect yourself in a house under construction?

You can insure a home that has not yet been built. At first glance, the benefits of such insurance are difficult to discern - what's the point if you don't even live in an apartment? BUT, in fact, there are also risks of losing unfinished housing, and they can hit the wallet especially hard if a loan has already been taken out for real estate.

Insurance of an apartment under construction will protect against the following risks:

In another case, we are talking about investing in construction. Then, in case of unforeseen situations, the insured person may return a percentage of the funds invested in the construction, but at the same time he will lose the right to own real estate.

From the payment receipt

It's another one interesting view insurance. This insurance will be paid in the event of a fire or explosion (not taking into account a terrorist attack), an accident in the sewerage, water supply or heating systems. And not only the apartment itself is covered by insurance, but also interior decoration, internal communications and engineering equipment.

Insurance premiums are paid monthly, according to a payment for housing and communal services. Each installment insures the apartment only for a month in advance, and with next month regarding the payment of the contribution (fee in February - insured from March, etc.). The amount of payments - up to 33 thousand rubles per square meter.

ATTENTION! The insurance contract is usually brought to the mailbox once a year. And it comes into force immediately after the first paid installment.

When buying real estate on the secondary market

In the case of buying an apartment on the secondary market, it is worth taking out its title insurance.
It will provide protection in the event of loss of ownership (or other rights) to the property, and protection against recognition of the purchase transaction as illegal - but only if due to those events that were not known to the buyer at the time of signing the purchase agreement.

Thus, title insurance helps to protect not only those events that can happen, but also those that could have happened in the past.

Since it is impossible to foresee absolutely all risks in advance, such insurance may be necessary for many people. The most typical risks when buying on the secondary market are:

  1. Errors in paperwork for the transaction (what documents are needed for apartment insurance, read).
  2. Fraud.
  3. In the event that the interests of the heirs, including minors, were not taken into account.
  4. If previous sales transactions were not legal.

It is worth highlighting additional benefits:

  • The contract can be concluded at the stage of preparation for the transaction.
  • A pre-insurance examination will be carried out, with a full study of the legal history of the insured object.
  • can be represented in court as an interested person.

Is it worth it?

As it becomes clear, the insurance market has undergone significant changes over the past years, and has changed almost only in better side. People gradually get rid of stereotypes about the unprofitability of this process, and more and more accept it. positive sides. In many cases, insurance will provide significant benefits, and sometimes not only from the financial side.

That's why we can safely say that it is definitely worth insuring real estate today, but you need to do this not with a hot head, but with the mind. After all, this is an important decision, it must be finally verified before putting your signature on the contract.