General Boris Kolesnikov is a well-known defendant in a scandalous criminal case. In the period from 2012 to 2014, he served as Deputy Head of the Main Directorate economic security and Anti-Corruption under the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation.

Biography of the security officer

General Boris Kolesnikov was born in Moscow in 1977. He began working in the police together with Denis Sugrobov, who later also became a general and Kolesnikov's immediate superior. Together they served in the department for combating organized crime of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Northern administrative district capital Cities.

Their work in the 90s was noticed and appreciated by the direct management. As a result, in 1999, both Sugrobov and Kolesnikov were transferred to the central regional department, which dealt with the fight against organized crime.

Up the career ladder

In 2001, the future General Boris Kolesnikov became an operational officer of the main department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which oversaw the Central Federal District.

Over time, Kolesnikov moved to the post of head of department of the tenth operational-search bureau. He was directly involved in the fight against organized crime. The Bureau was part of the Department of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 2011, a large-scale reorganization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place, after which the hero of our article became the head of department "B". His area of ​​activity included investigating crimes committed in public sector. The work was directly related to the detection of crimes among officials, including those holding very high positions, such as mayors of cities. Kolesnikov joined the new department. It was named the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 2012, he received the rank of colonel and became deputy head of this department. He began to supervise, in addition to department "B", also department "K", which was engaged in the fight against corruption, and department "M" (investigating crimes in the field of metallurgy and engineering).

Kolesnikov received the rank of major general of the police in the fall of 2013.

Among colleagues and acquaintances, he was characterized positively, was married, had three minor children.

Service success

The track record of General Boris Kolesnikov has many successful investigations, major corruption crimes, in the disclosure of which he took part.

In particular, the hero of our article participated in the disclosure of major frauds of officials in Kabardino-Balkaria, the investigation against the chief physician of polyclinic No. 2 under the administration of the President of Russia Anatoly Brontvein, who was accused of receiving the so-called kickback, which he got for concluding a large state contract with contractor.

high-profile cases

Interior Ministry General Boris Kolesnikov investigated scams related to the purchase of tomographs by medical institutions, this case was under the control of Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time served as president of Russia. Investigated a criminal case against Olga Zhdanova, acting department of Rossreestr, who was suspected of taking a large bribe for registering real estate, dealt with a case against one of the leaders of the South Russian state university economy and service in Shakhty, who was suspected of taking a bribe for his appointment.

General Boris Kolesnikov investigated the Oboronservis case, dealt with the case of the deputy director of the Herzen Cancer Center named Sergei Bezyaev. He was also suspected of fraud on government contracts. He also collected evidence against the director of the Accounts Chamber department, Oleksandr Mikhailyk. He was accused of taking a bribe for organizing an unscheduled inspection of the federal state institution "Sport Engineering".

The case against the FSB

by the most high-profile case General Boris Kolesnikov, whose biography is in this article, was an investigation into the actions of employees of the Federal Security Service. It was initiated at the very end of 2013, when the department, subordinate to the hero of our article, began developing against Valery Alexandrovich and Igor Leonidovich. Who these specific employees, what their ranks and positions are, was not specified.

Versions were expressed in the media that it could be the head of the public fund of former FSB officers, whose name was Valery Aleksandrovich. According to unconfirmed reports, Igor Leonidovich is the deputy head of the sixth service of the ninth department of the FSB named Demin.

According to law enforcement officials, one of the intermediaries who was involved in the development of the FSB officers handed over operational information, with the help of which the Federal Security Service was able to initiate a response investigation. Soon, General Kolesnikov's subordinates were arrested, and in February he himself received a summons demanding to appear for interrogation at the Investigative Committee. Initially, he was given the status of a witness. True, very soon he became a suspect and was arrested.

Under investigation

The hero of our article himself was under investigation, by a court decision he was taken into custody. In the spring of 2014, the president stripped Kolesnikov of his general's post.

In April, already ex-general Boris Kolesnikov appealed to open letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin, in which he outlined his own version of events. In May, the situation escalated due to the fact that in the pre-trial detention center where the suspect was kept, he began to regularly receive craniocerebral injuries, which the institution's management described as domestic. His defenders filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights, arguing that their client is in danger, he may even lose his life.

Kolesnikov's suicide

On June 16, 2014, a tragedy occurred, to which many still have questions. Once again, ex-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Boris Kolesnikov was taken for interrogation to the Investigative Committee. Right during a conversation with law enforcement officers, for an unknown reason, Kolesnikov fell from a balcony located on the sixth floor.

As a result of the fall, he crashed to death. According to the official version, the former officer took advantage of the opportunity and committed suicide.

Versions of death

The death of General Boris Kolesnikov struck many people. Almost immediately after his death, they began to advance various versions what happened.

Some media began to present Kolesnikov as a high-ranking official who tried to fabricate a bribe case, and after his arrest, he smashed his head against the wall in the pre-trial detention center, after throwing himself from the sixth floor of the Investigative Committee.

Other publications presented Kolesnikov as a corruption fighter who was arrested after he managed to expose a high-ranking bribe taker from Federal Service security, who had the rank of general. After that, they hit him in the head in the pre-trial detention center, and after another interrogation in the Investigative Committee, they simply threw him out of the sixth floor.

There is also a version according to which this confrontation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB arose due to the redistribution of the so-called cash-out market, which oversaw the terminals cash payment. If you believe this hypothesis, then the market was supervised by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including Kolesnikov and his associate Sugrobov.

The fate of Sugrobov

Kolesnikov's colleague Denis Sugrobov also became a defendant in a criminal case on abuse of power. It was the loudest corruption scandal in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years.

According to the official version, which the investigation adhered to, Sugrobov and Kolesnikov tried to provoke an FSB officer to commit a crime. Under the guise of businessmen, they asked for general patronage for a solid reward - 10 thousand dollars a month.

An additional resonance to this case was given by the fact that Sugrobov was one of the youngest generals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, promising and promising. He received a major general at the age of 36.

In April 2017, he was sentenced to 22 years in prison and also stripped of all his titles. The Supreme Court later commuted the sentence to 10 years.

Kolesnikov Boris

Donetsk regional council, chairman. Was born on October 25, 1962 in Mariupol. He began his career in 1980 in the Kuibyshev ORS of the Production Association "Donetskugol". Education - higher, graduated from Donetsk State Academy management with a degree in economics-manager.

Since 1991 - CEO trading company "South", since 1997 - General Director of the production association "Kyiv-Konti". Since 1998 - Vice-President of FC Shakhtar.

In 1998 he was elected to the regional council. He headed the permanent commission on socio-economic development, foreign economic and investment policy, development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Since May 1999 - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council, since May 2001 - Chairman of the Regional Council. In March 2002, he was re-elected as a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council from the Konstantinovsky district of the Donetsk region.

President of the Football Federation of Donetsk region. Honored Economist of Ukraine. Owner silver medal"Independence of Ukraine" and the insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Law and Honor".

"The state is the private property of the bureaucracy." This expression of K. Marx is well illustrated by the events in Ukraine. The Donetsk government in this sense is no exception - through the "grabbing" of local authorities, the privatization of the entire region has been almost completed, in terms of the degree of monopolization of state, political and economic power, modern "statesmen" have long outdone the communists with their almost mystical ideology and fully implemented in their own way the official slogan-slogan of the Donetsk Regional Council: "The possibility is proven by deeds."

They say that B. Kolesnikov controls the Artyomovsk sparkling wine factory, which since 2003 has been trying to take over the Novosvetsky sparkling wine factory. The Antimonopoly Committee became an obstacle, but in 2004, according to available information, its resistance was overcome and the "Donetsk" received a "trump card wine" of the Crimea.

Rinat Akhmetov, the president of the Shakhtar football club, and Borys Kolesnikov, the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, are not included in the special project of the Party of Regions and Donbass-invest magazine, Donbass Elite. The Donbass Elite edition, published in Donetsk in a five-thousand print run, contains about a hundred photographs of people who, according to the editor of the Donbass-invest magazine Boris Kovalev, “are known at least in a single city.” But among them there is neither Rinat Akhmetov nor Boris Kolesnikov, the head of the regional organization of the Party of Regions, which sponsored the project.

Unfortunately, "Ostrov" failed to find the leaders of the project in order to learn the principles of forming the composition of the Donbass elite. Perhaps the reason for the absence of the two most influential people region are explained by a quote from Boris Kovalev's introductory remarks: “Work on the Donbass Elite faced, as we foresaw, two stereotypes: the habit of reference texts and head-on photos in the style of filming members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. To a large extent, these stereotypes were shaken, some of the potential characters of the project did not compromise their principles, which is why the cooperation did not take place ... ”(“ The Island ”)

B. Kolesnikov and R. Akhmetov have been friends for a long time, they have a lot in common, and there are many similarities in their biographies. Kolesnikov began his career in the Kuibyshev ORS in Donetsk. A. Bragin (Alik Grek) also came out from there, on the basis of this ORS, he and R. Akhmetov developed trading activities.

The next stage in the biography of B. Kolesnikov was the Central Market of Donetsk, which was taken over by the Yug company. After the murder of Alik Grek, R. Akhmetov picked up his case, and the arrival of B. Kolesnikov to the leadership of the Yug company was also preceded by the murder of the former head of this company.

R. Akhmetov became the president of FC Shakhtar and a recognized football authority, and B. Kolesnikov became vice-president of FC Shakhtar and head of the Donetsk Regional Football Federation. They even received official titles and awards in parallel - one honored sports figure, the other honored economist. The same approach to life was expressed, apparently, in the absence of a desire to "fork out for the elite."

Boris Kolesnikov, Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council, joined the Supervisory Board of Khartsyzsky Pipe Plant OJSC. In addition to him, the Supervisory Board currently includes representatives of CJSC System Capital Management: Igor Prasolov (General Director), Oleg Popov (Executive Director), Igor Syry (Senior Manager), as well as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ISD Corporation Sergey Taruta (Chairman of the Supervisory Board ).

The shareholders removed Anatoly Fedyaev and Nikolai Nesterenko from the Audit Commission, instead electing SCM representatives Roman Vodolazsky (manager, he became chairman of the audit commission) and Natalya Serzhanova (economist).

The recent meeting of JSC "KhTZ" also made minor changes and additions to the charter of the company. In particular, in the provision of medical and tourism services. Fedor Dermentli remained the director general of the enterprise, according to the Keramet Invest website.

Thus, Donetsk CJSC "System Capital Management" increased its representation in governing bodies OJSC "Khartsyzsky Pipe Plant" at the expense of representatives of the corporation "Industrial Union of Donbass".

JSC "KhTZ" produces high-strength steel electric welding gas pipes with a diameter of 478-1420 mm; steel electric welding pipes of general purpose for water and heat supply with a diameter of 478-1420 mm; steel electric welding water and gas pipes with a diameter of 27-89 mm, 19-102 mm and 4.76-12 mm, used in the production of refrigeration equipment. On October 17, 2001, ISD was entered in the register of KhTZ shareholders as the owner of 76% of the shares acquired at a privatization tender for UAH 126 million. 24% of the company's shares belonged to various legal entities and individuals. In the first half of 2003, a controlling stake in JSC KhTZ became the property of SCM, 90% of whose shares belong to the president of the Shakhtar football club, Rinat Akhmetov.

SCM manages corporate rights, develops strategy and attracts international consulting companies. SCM owns a controlling stake in the Azovstal metallurgical plant and other enterprises. ("Island"),

Popular rumor says that Boris Kolesnikov controls a number of enterprises in Donetsk: the Central Market of Donetsk (an important milestone in life - it all started from here), the Kiev-Konti confectionery concern, the firms Yug, Fruits of the World, a network of branded stores " Golden Key" and Donetsk McDonald's restaurants. A characteristic detail is that all firms have one address, which is very convenient: 83100, Donetsk, blvd. Shevchenko, 6-b. It seems that you have already understood that the Central Market is located at this address in Donetsk.

About "McDonads" especially. And that's why. McDonald's restaurants in Donetsk are located next to the Golden Key stores, in the same buildings. But recently, on the central square of Donetsk, in the premises of the former Rubin branded jewelry store (withstood the Soviet regime, perestroika, but fell under the onslaught of the McDonald's clown), a new separate restaurant was opened. There were a lot of disputes and protests about its opening, but… The Regional Council, apparently, considered this “victory” so important that it posted a separate photo report about the opening of the restaurant on its official website. Well, your own hand is the lord ... "

Boris Penchuk: Donbass has been on its knees for a long time. Before Akhmetov and Kolesnikov.

The struggle for ideals often looks not only irrational, but also meaningless. On the other hand, the pose of a defender of the oppressed can be very meaningful if it can bring political dividends (and therefore our politicians resort to such a pose, we see it all the time). But why this pose to a person without his own political ambitions? Or is the reason - naive idealism? I tried to get answers to these questions in a conversation with Boris Penchuk, an opponent of Boris Kolesnikov.

What is your stay in Kyiv? You are here for a long time, are you not going to return to Donetsk yet?

I now have the opportunity to communicate with many people, with representatives of different structures, it takes a lot of time and for me this is very unusual and unexpected. For several months now I have been living in a simply catastrophic regime. The earliest I go to bed is at one in the morning, I get up at the latest at six in the morning. Life in Kyiv is fundamentally different for me from life in Donetsk. One and a half million people live in Donetsk, and all interests are concentrated on two streets in the center. It takes very little time to get from one place to another. Although I began to get used to the specifics of Kyiv, because I have been here for a long time. There is a completely different level of people, a different level of understanding. I cannot return to Donetsk now, my family cannot be there. Why? Donetsk has not changed in any way since the beginning of the Orange Revolution, it has not changed at all. Those people who were the owners of Donetsk remained the same. Nothing changed.

In the process of investigating the Kolesnikov case, you provided the public with rather shocking information that no longer concerns the Kolesnikov case itself. Why do you need this? After all, a significant part of the foregoing will not affect the decision of the court.

My father's motto was: "First think about the Motherland, and then about yourself." And I don't just support this motto, I carry it like a flag. What I am doing now, I am doing purposefully and consciously. I know that others will follow me and provide law enforcement agencies with information about what happened not only in the Donbass, but in Ukraine in general.

At a press conference that was held at the Obozrevatel, I was asked the question: “Are you in general, in what state are you raising all this, talking about everything so openly? Maybe you are sick and need to be treated? I replied: “We are all sick. We are all healing. And we all started to get better. We only have a hospital in Ukraine, where Leonid Kuchma was the head physician. And he treated us all with pills, which made everyone feel bad. To the whole society." I have such a position - I will not be silent. Those people who have known me for a long time, they know that if I embark on this path, then I will not turn left or right. What I need? I need to think about those people who are driven and oppressed today. I need to think about those 55 murders of businessmen that absolutely no one is doing. During the pre-election period, the slogans of the white-and-blue headquarters sounded with might and main, that no one forced Donbass to its knees.

This is absurd - Donbass has long been oppressed, Donbass has long been on its knees. Before the same Rinat Akhmetov, before the same Boris Kolesnikov. Donbass is not only the city of Donetsk, and these are not even the two regions that are traditionally attributed to it. Donbass is all that is controlled by these people, and it is the fourth part of Ukraine. So, with these people - with Akhmetov and Kolesnikov - we are antipodes. Behind them are murders and corpses. And behind me there are others, those whose families were left without breadwinners, who were taken away absolutely everything, who do not know where the graves of their husbands and relatives, whose relatives were not just killed, but taken in trunks, beaten with an ax butt, buried alive in the ground . Now more than 30 corpses have been found, they are sorting out who they belong to. The UBOP of Ukraine is dealing with this case.

The fact that Kolesnikov is at large today is the negligence of the Prosecutor General's Office, conspiracy, following the letter of the law, what is it?

This is absolutely clear - collusion. If something happens in life, it means that someone needs it, and there is someone's interest here. That it was a deal, I just don't doubt it, I'm sure of it 100%, 200%, 300%, 500%. By the way, since Kolesnikov's release, neither he nor his people appear in the Prosecutor General's Office, do not get acquainted with the case materials. They are delaying the case until next year. And then Kolesnikov will declare himself a candidate for people's deputies. On September 6, the parliamentary week begins and, in general, the opening of the session. In fact, this is the beginning of the pre-election work of many opposing parties. What do they need? First of all, they need funding. Absolutely everyone. Who owns non-public finances today? We open the magazine and see my namesake. We turn the page and see another oligarch who has a crazy financial resource. Here the parties are fighting for these wallets. And I think the conspiracy took place at the level of the Prosecutor General's Office. By the way, on September 1, 2005, I filed an application addressed to Piskun Svyatoslav Mikhailovich with a request to initiate a criminal case regarding the leakage of information from those 16 volumes from the Kolesnikov case, which literally everyone can review today, for example, on the Internet - protocols of interrogations, face-to-face confrontations. Who leaked? Prosecutor General's Office? Of course.

I have been under guard for quite a long time, I am guarded by the Ukrainian special services, and my location changes from time to time. How can I explain that through the Internet you can find out where I am? The question is, who betrayed me? Prosecutor General's Office. I don't hesitate to say this.

How do you assess the prospect of personnel changes in the Prosecutor General's Office? Do you think it's real?

No one, no matter what power he possesses, can count on the fact that this power will be eternal. When there will be personnel changes in the Prosecutor General's Office, I cannot say. And I can't say who will replace the Prosecutor General.

Why do you think our president needs such a prosecutor general? What role does he play under the presidency?

This is not quite the right question for me. Today I am a dependent person, and first of all from the Prosecutor General's Office, which has not taken the case to court to this day. I spoke just a few days ago with the new investigator in the criminal case connected with Kolesnikov, and I had an absolutely clear conviction that they just want to shove the materials of the case into court and forget about all this. I have fears that people from Kolesnikov's entourage, having resolved their issues in the Prosecutor General's Office, are now engaged in the training of a judge with might and main.

Why is there a delay in a criminal case?

If all this starts, then they will have limited terms. Therefore, today they need to insure themselves not only by postponing the trial until January-February. They need to prepare a judge today. The judge, a citizen of Silkova, was, let's say, a secret link, which was prepared by the former Prosecutor General Vasiliev. This was a man who actually carried out the will of the Donetsk clan. Do you know who Prosecutor General Vasiliev is? Initially? This is a man who did not hesitate to call himself second after Akhmetov richest man in the Donbass. As a man who has spent his entire life public service, with income in the form wages an employee of the district prosecutor's office, an employee of the regional prosecutor's office, an employee of the Prosecutor General's Office, then becoming a People's Deputy, then returning to the Prosecutor General's Office as the Prosecutor General - how, you ask, did he become the richest person? The owner - in the literal sense - of factories, newspapers, ships? He has the KRT channel, which I think is a very dirty channel. The dirt they carry is not only directed against me. If we analyze their broadcasts, we can clearly draw a verdict that all the activities of the KRT channel are designed to split the state, to separate Donetsk from Ukraine. I consider the activities of the KRT TV channel as subversive, designed to split the state of Ukraine.

Tell me, is it true that, according to Kolesnikov, you are one of the largest shareholders of the White Swan shopping center?

After Kolesnikov - yes. And what is actually surprising about this? My father ran this business for 22 years. When he arrived there, the White Swan shopping center, now the largest in Ukraine, had a retail area of ​​3,000 sq. m. meters. And what is he now? These are several huge 5-9-story buildings. It was all built by my father. All this is his life. And after his dismissal, he continues to live by this. His rights are quite legal - the primary right to privatize objects had labor collectives. But before starting his expansion, Kolesnikov instructed absolutely all law enforcement agencies to find the hook that could hook us. AND brother Vasilyeva (he was then the head of the KRU of the Donetsk region, and now he is a people's deputy), I am sure, at the request of Kolesnikov, he started checking our privatization. From the 15th time I got an appointment with Vasilyev to ask one single question: “I represent labor collective, 13 thousand 800 shareholders of the open joint-stock company“Shopping center “White Swan””, in which there is not a single penny of state property. By what right is the CRU checking us, which exists to control state-owned enterprises and enterprises that have state property?

What answer did you get?

You know, there was no answer at all. There was a look somewhere in the distance. Deep sigh: "The city prosecutor's office sent us your case." Almizov Alexander Dmitrvich was the city prosecutor. Wonderful person and he did not sign this order. This order was signed by an unknown little head of a small department, a woman who clearly carried out what she was told. Although such enterprises are usually run by senior management.

With regard to the prosecutor, your position is clear. But tell me, what ethical principles, in your opinion, should a lawyer follow, taking into account the specifics of his work - is this work for hire?

I understand what you are talking about. My lawyer Chevguz Viktor Stepanovich is a person whom I deeply respect. I can really trust him, I can rely on him. He is absolutely the opposite of Fedur in everything. Fedur's work, I think, is not professionalism, but his own PR, and nothing more.

Donetsk residents now unanimously claim that with the change of leadership of the "White Swan" it has changed into better side. Why do you think they are talking about it? Out of fear of certain figures? Or for some other reason?

The first building of the White Swan complex was built in 1965. Then, in the 80s, other buildings were built.

At some point, the construction period ends, and then transformations begin. My father built, and they are already further transforming. On May 15, 2002, the first bandits came to me. Why did they come exactly on May 15? It so happened that my father was in the hospital for a long time, and at that time I was engaged in the reconstruction of the largest restaurant in the Donetsk region, Troyanda, which is located in the very center of the city, overlooking the building of the city executive committee. We made a concert complex out of it, which was visited by all the stars Russian stage(I'm not talking about Ukrainian). Name any singer, performer - they were all in Troyanda.

So, during the period when my father was ill, we made a reconstruction, expanded the Troyanda, so that as much as possible more people could come and watch these performances, so that, for example, the Lyube group, which loved to perform with us, or Alexander Buinov, or Garik Krichevsky liked to perform in front of us big amount of people. We have made classrooms with a large number of seats.

And on May 15, when everything was ready for the opening, the bandits came to me, just then. They waited until the moment when the measures to improve the premises took place. The fact that now the "White Swan" has become handsome is natural. After all, it was we who started doing this, and it was my schemes for optimizing and improving retail space that worked there.

And who took your shares?

Now eight people are wanted in the White Swan case. Name names? Akhmetov Igor Leonidovich - brother. Next - Kiy, Rinat Akhmetov's assistant, former driver- the bodyguard of the late Alik Grek, who was blown up at the Shakhtar stadium. Chertkov is a confidant of Rinat Akhmetov, who holds the entire Petrovsky district of the Donetsk region. Next - Zhigan Tartashov, the investigator's namesake, former vice-president of the Shakhtar football club. Mikhail Mikhailovich Lyashko, nicknamed “Misha Kosoy” for his tough temper, is a man who owns a large number of casinos. Here are the main owners now. Kolesnikov prudently freed himself from all his shares, resold them to his trustee Andrei Babak, who, after Kolesnikov left the post of general director of Yug, took his place. Babak is a young guy, he is 32 or 33 years old. Do you know where Kolesnikov came from? This is a person whose biography has the same white spots as Rinat Akhmetov. My entire biography is written in work book. But no one knows what Akhmetov did for six and a half years, just as no one knows what Kolesnikov did for six and a half years of his life.

Just at the time when big business was just beginning, when there were gangs, skirmishes. Kolesnikov was listed at one tenth of the rate of the trading and purchasing cooperative at the Central Market, then he moved to a higher position - one quarter of the rate. At that time, the strongest firm "South" appeared in Donetsk, which was located on the territory of the Central Collective Farm Market. She privatized it and started supplying exotic fruits to the Donbass and other regions. Sergey Vladimirovich Roman developed this business, invested his own capital in it.

And now there is an absolutely complete parallel between the origin of private ownership of Rinat Akhmetov's Sarmat plant and Boris Kolesnikov's Yug firm. Yura Pavlenko was shot dead - Akhmetov became the owner. And then Sergei Roman with his wife and driver were shot near the house - Kolesnikov became the owner. They are like two brothers, they always go together and do everything the same way.

Tell me, Kolesnikov's opportunity to get into parliament exists. Why is she dangerous to you?

Dangerous for the whole society is its existence outside the pre-trial detention center. After all, it was only me who started talking about what was happening in the Donbass and what was happening to me. And other people are just afraid. Those who began to cooperate with the internal affairs bodies fell silent again with the release of Kolesnikov. And everything keeps going the same way. Take the same bandit "black box offices".

Employees of the Organized Crime Control Department of Ukraine made a documentary filming of how the “black box office” appeared in the “White Swan”. Through it, 30% was distributed to the state, and 70% to the side. Why is the general director of the "White Swan" by the name of Chizhikov on the wanted list today?

I can show you his official ID with a photo, which says: “To all employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs, border service provide strict assistance in the movement. He has the right to carry service weapons, colonel general of the special services. Number certificate. Who made him such a certificate? And who is this man, Chizhikov, who felt so unpunished?

Now the party "Regions of Ukraine" is gaining momentum. How do you feel about it?

I'm not afraid of it. I will give you an illustration-allegory. During the formation of the Ukrainian state, when Ukraine became independent, at a time when we received our own constitution, our own parliament, our own leader, the first president, at that time, remember the story, the Communist Party led by Petro Symonenko scored very well in our country. Why do people trust Regions today? It's all the same nostalgic notes. People remember how they lived a month ago, two, a year or ten, and they want to return the past.

You consciously found yourself on the edge of a political scandal, and therefore it is impossible to talk about you as an ordinary businessman. Political ambitions - do you have them?

My political ambitions were proclaimed by our esteemed president and ex-prime minister there, on the Maidan, in the winter. My political ambitions are that no one should forget the slogans of the revolution. At that time, a lot of my friends were on the Maidan. Although they, "Donetsk", they were not among those drunken fools who were rounded up by the people of Kolesnikov and Akhmetov and brought to the railway station.

My friends were at headquarters under a different color. They went there to say goodbye to their families.

They knew that, God forbid, if something starts there, they will stand up for their views. As is customary in the Donbass - to the last. I am from Donetsk, I know what "to the last" means. The last time they told me two weeks ago: “You are a corpse.” The guys from Donetsk came and said. I laughed, I said: "What nonsense."

In the end, I'm not alone, my guards are standing. “Remember, no one will add you to the Red Book,” this was what I was told for the last time two weeks ago. This is the second threat to me after Kolesnikov's release. I myself wanted to be here during the Orange Revolution.

Unfortunately, my mother died. She had been dying for more than three years, being in oncology at the Donetsk Regional Hospital, and was in a very serious condition. But I had headphones all the time, I listened to everything that was happening here, people called me all the time. And in the same oncology in the Donetsk regional hospital, very bad things happened. There was a tough campaign that Yushchenko was an American, a Bandera, a fascist, that he would destroy the Russian language.

How can a dying person have such things hammered into his head? Kolesnikov, in one of his last interviews, said that posters with SS symbols and a photograph of Yushchenko were hung out in Donetsk at the command of Yanukovych. What nonsense! Who owns these advertising firms? Who is in command? Akhmetov's people are in command.

Are you personally acquainted with Rinat Akhmetov?

No. I do not know him and do not want to get acquainted, to be honest. Whom I would like to meet is those people who have pure thoughts, clean hands and bright head. And with those for whom completely different things, I think, let them get to know them better law enforcement.

Interviewed by Niele Linkeviciute, HALL Politician

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Boris (Petit-Boris) Smelov To drive a little naked girl around the room with a knitting needle. His photographs are fascinating. The magical play of light and shadow and the accuracy of the composition instantly captivate the viewer into the inner space of the photograph, and at exhibitions move away from any of the works

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Boris (Gran-Boris) Kudryakov A glass of lead Boris Kudryakov, aka Grand-Boris, or simply Grand, was probably the most mysterious and closed person Petersburg underground. Any word spoken about him, or even a flashing thought, is always inaccurate and needs immediate attention.

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 246 (33 1998) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov THE BURNING GENERATION Once again about the “children of 1937” So the next year, 2008, has ended; melted with March snow in the New Year's darkness, disappeared noiselessly. But in our memory the bright pictures of the past year, its main, turning points, their

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 247 (34 1998) author Tomorrow Newspaper

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 826 (38 2009) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Vladimir Kolesnikov WE WON'T GET OUT OF RUSSIA ALONE... IN THE STEPPE This withered undead, The overgrown burdock, Suddenly incomprehensibly softens Amidst the desolation of the steppes.

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 149 (2009 1) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov FOLK POET On the 95th anniversary of Viktor Bokov My poetry is not fashionable, I knew it. But it is folk through and through. I said everything! Viktor Bokov On September 19, the wonderful Russian poet Viktor Fedorovich Bokov turns 95 years old ... I remember the golden happy childhood,

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 157 (2009 9) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry KOLESNIKOV BURNING GENERATION. A WORD ABOUT "CHILDREN OF 1937" So the next year, 2008, has ended; melted with March snow in the New Year's darkness, disappeared noiselessly. But in our memory the vivid pictures of the past year, its main, turning points, will live for a long time.

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 158 (2009 10) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov THE PEOPLE'S POET OF RUSSIA FOR THE 95TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTOR FYODOROVICH BOKOV My poetry is not fashionable, I knew it. But it is through and through the people. I said everything! Viktor Bokov September 19 to the wonderful Russian poet Viktor Fedorovich

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 137 (2008 1) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry KOLESNIKOV THE IMPERIAL ACCORD The brilliant poem "Commander" by Irina Semyonova, published in the December book of "Our Contemporary", can rightly be called the best poetic work not only of the last year, but also of the first decade of the 21st century. TO

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 138 (2008 2) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov THE RUSSIAN GENIUS OF VLADIMIR VYSOTSKY. By the 70th anniversary of the poet Listening to Vysotsky, I, in fact, for the first time realized that the ancient Greek Orpheus, playing on the strings of his own heart, is no fiction, but the real truth.

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 129 (2007 5) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov HERO OF OUR TIME Alexander Prokhanov is 70! This harsh biographical fact is simply impossible to believe, watching his passionate, energetic appearances on television, reading his bright and fascinating artistic editorials in

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 165 (2010 5) author Literature Day Newspaper

Dmitry Kolesnikov AND UNLIFTABLE LIFTING... Alexander Segen. Roman "Pop", w. "Our contemporary", 2006, No. 6-7. Alexander Segen. Pop. Roman, publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery; M., 2007. In the March issue of the magazine "Our Contemporary" for 2006, appeared on the cover

From the book Newspaper Day of Literature # 166 (2010 6) author Literature Day Newspaper

From the book Who's Who. On the couch of President Kuchma author Melnichenko Nikolay

Dmitry KOLESNIKOV A WORD IN DEFENSE... We don't like people of the Sixties now. Only the lazy do not scold them now in the press. Several years ago, the well-known philosopher and political scientist Alexander Tsipko consistently outlined the reasons for this in his fundamental article "Code

From the book Road. Moleskin Notes author Goncharova Marianna Borisovna

Boris Kholod Former head of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting. He is among the admirers of Kuchma. Kholod is not any independent political figure, and has no authority in journalism and media management. Conversation with him on April 17

From the author's book

Boris Burda At the airport, people ran up to him, mostly bright girls, to take pictures. I tell my friends, here, they will take a picture with Burda, post it on Facebook or Vkontakte, they will reluctantly answer the admiring questions of friends: “Wow!!! Is that Boris Burda? It's you with Boris

Boris Viktorovich Kolesnikov was born in the Donetsk region in Mariupol, October 25, 1962.


In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk Technical School of Soviet Trade (majoring in commodity science). In 1997 - Donetsk Academy of Management (specialty - management in the production sector).


  • 1980-1985 - the seller of the Kuibyshev department of the working supply of Donetskugol. 1985-1986 - the seller of the Donetsk wholesale and retail plant. In 1986, he worked as a carpenter at the Donetsk Maintenance Center for Metalworking Equipment. 1986-1992 - Procurer, seller of the Donetsk city association of collective farm markets.
  • 1992-1993 - Deputy Head, Head of the Trade and Procurement Enterprise of Donetsk. 1993-1996 - General Director of the Collective Trading Company Yug.
  • 1996-1999 - General Director, Chairman of the Board of CJSC Firm Yug. At the same time, Kolesnikov held the post of chairman of the Kyiv-Konti CJSC, which belongs to him, specializing in the production of confectionery products (since 2006, the company has been called KONTI; today it controls significant shares of Ukrainian and Russian market"confectionery", consisting of three factories with a staff of 9 thousand people).
  • In 1999, businessman Kolesnikov came to power. Until May 2001, he was deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Then another five years - the chairman of the regional council.
  • In 2006 and 2007 becomes a People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Party of Regions. Worked in the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy.
  • Since March 2010 - Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012 in the government of Mykola Azarov. On December 9, 2010, as a result of the ongoing administrative reform, he became Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.
  • From December 2012 - people's deputy Ukraine of the VII convocation from the Party of Regions (No. 8 in the list). Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Transport and Communications.

About person:

Boris Viktorovich's hobbies include his passion for hockey and football. In a certain period of his career, he was seriously involved in the management of FC Shakhtar Donetsk. And in 2010, he acquired the Donetsk hockey club Donbass.


Wife Svetlana.

Son Konstantin (born 1992)

Daughter Ekaterina (born 2004)

Compromise and rumors:

On May 9, 2016, it became known that Kolesnikov and his wife took the Konti confectionery company offshore. The Konti confectionery company, whose beneficiaries are Rinat Akhmetov's brother, Igor, and an ex-deputy, a member of the opposition bloc, who is called the "opposition prime minister" there, Boris Kolesnikov, was taken offshore. She was registered in December 2014 in the British Virgin Islands.

On July 28, 2016, it became known that ex-Deputy Prime Minister Kolesnikov probably joined the ranks of the Ukrainian "diaspora" in Moscow. And it is likely that he has very good reasons for emigrating. Some media write that Kolesnikov simply broke his leg and allegedly this happened about a month ago. If so, this is the second time trouble has happened to him, the first time Boris Kolesnikov had such an adventure in 2007 while skiing. However, as it became known from a trusted source, the former Deputy Prime Minister has been absent from Ukraine for almost two months, so he left for Moscow. And while he has no desire to return to his homeland. European Council on Foreign Relations expert Andrew Wilson in his blog on the website Financial Times claimed that only for the execution of work for Euro 2012 "kickbacks" reached 40%. Domestic media called other figures - from 60 to 80%. “White” flows are also impressive: in 2011-2012, the National Agency for the preparation of Euro 2012, controlled by Kolesnikov, approved 304 purchases made under the non-competitive procedure “from one participant”, for total amount 18.8 billion hryvnia. According to one version, Kolesnikov himself "rolled back" only part of the promised pie. Therefore, probably, someone asked a simple question: where are the others? There is no money, and therefore Boris Viktorovich is selling his business. The source claims that in a friendly environment, the ex-deputy prime minister was sympathetic to the unpleasant turn in his fate. Someone, perhaps, took pity on him, but did not dare to intercede. In addition, the position of the business group, to which Kolesnikov belongs, has been preserved. Assets are even multiplying - recently Akhmetov bought Ukrtelecom.

In 2011, journalist Sergei Leshchenko published information about Kolesnikov's involvement in non-transparent construction tenders in preparation for Euro 2012.

At the end of December 2010, a contract was signed with Hyundai Corporation for Ukrzaliznitsa to receive 10 new interregional electric trains. High-speed trains purchased from a South Korean company do not withstand frosty winter break and stand idle for hours. Kolesnikov calls the problems with high-speed trains a technical misunderstanding.

In October 2010, the first host cities of Euro 2012 received 49 buses with the symbols of the tournament in Lviv. During the ceremony, a high official became the initiator of the accident - Kolesnikov suggested that representatives of city administrations get behind the wheel of buses painted with Euro 2012 symbols and make a lap of honor around the plant. The Deputy Prime Minister himself got behind the wheel of a bus destined for Donetsk and after driving several tens of meters, crashed into a traffic police escort car, which was standing on the side of the road.

In August 2005, the head of the Donetsk Regional Council promised to put behind bars the "orange" who set law enforcement officers on him (first of all, ex-Minister of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko). Nevertheless, having come to power in the 2006 parliamentary elections, the Party of Regions did not imprison any of the high-ranking "orange" competitors. And Kolesnikov himself was not against the creation of a "broad coalition" with pro-Yushchenko's Our Ukraine.

Since 2005, Boris Viktorovich has been an ardent opponent of Yuriy Lutsenko. One of the reasons is that Kolesnikov considers the Minister of Internal Affairs to be the initiator of his arrest, so he is not shy in his expressions: “Lutsenko is a cynical bastard. In the summer of 2007, before the early parliamentary elections, we met with him in Viktor Baloga's office. The head of the secretariat asked our headquarters not to destroy Lutsenko in the elections. The minister, out of fright, drank a bottle of cognac in the rest room of the head of the president and cried for forty minutes, asking to forgive him. He asked for forgiveness from me and my wife. I then asked him only one thing: once to apologize publicly. He replied: "Then I, as politics, will come to an end." I said: “Yuri Vitalievich, one way or another, the end will come to you” (“Ukrainskaya Pravda”, March 4, 2009). Yuri Vitalievich refutes what Boris Viktorovich said: “The scenes described by Kolesnikov did not exist and could not exist in principle. I knew that Kolesnikov was a six, but I didn’t know that he was also a false six” (“Focus”, March 20, 2009).

After the 2004 presidential elections and the Orange Revolution, Kolesnikov fell under the guns of political opponents who came to power. As part of the implementation of Viktor Yushchenko's election slogan "Prisons for bandits!" law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. In particular, he was charged with taking possession of the shares of the fashionable Donetsk shopping center "White Swan" with the use of extortion. The politician spent several months in a pre-trial detention center. Eminent foreign and domestic lawyers, with the support of authoritative regional politicians, secured the release of Kolesnikov from custody and the closure of the criminal case "due to the lack of corpus delicti." And later, the victim in the "Kolesnikov case", the former co-owner of the "White Swan", himself came under investigation - "for giving false testimony."

Kolesnikov has been friends with Rinat Akhmetov from a young age, the richest Ukrainian, owner of SCM, and one of several of the heaviest figures in the Party of Regions. It is no coincidence that the oligarch entrusted Kolesnikov with the post of vice-president of the Shakhtar Football Club - not the most profitable, but one of his favorite business projects.

Political ambitions

Kolesnikov has long been one of the most famous and authoritative businessmen and politicians in the Donetsk region. Recently, he has been an inhabitant of the political Olympus of Ukraine. He is one of the most influential members of the Party of Regions. In the early parliamentary elections of 2007, he took the same number 10 on the electoral list as in 2006, although, according to observers, this place does not at all reflect his real weight in the party. Headed the campaign headquarters of the PR. Deputy head of the party and faction of the Regions in parliament. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the PR. 47-year-old Boris Viktorovich, like his leader Viktor Fedorovich, must daily praise the Maidan. It was the events of 2004/05 that turned candidate Yanukovych into an icon for a good half of the country.

It was the Orange Revolution that made a politician of the first echelon out of a specific princeling. If there were no Maidan, there would be no Severodonetsk, no White Swan case. This means that fame and influence could bypass the ex-head of the Donetsk Regional Council. A native of Mariupol, a confectionery baron, vice-president of Shakhtar and a longtime partner of Akhmetov, he is conceited, stubborn, categorical and feverishly enterprising. The right hand of Rinat Leonidovich in football, media and political affairs is a passionate and dedicated character. Kolesnikov was one of the main ideologists of the alliance between Yanukovych and Tymoshenko. His experience, knowledge and devotion earned him the trust of Akhmetov. The head of the SCM did not hide the fact that he wanted to see him in the government. However, the head of the Presidential Administration made every effort to prevent him from getting there.

And you can't call Yanukovych Kolesnikov's favorite either. Kolesnikov was considered as a candidate either for the post of prime minister or for the post of first deputy chairman of the Cabinet. Later, he was matched to the chair of the secretary of the Security Council. At the last moment almost unhooked at all. However, a friend of the president made an effort, and Kolesnikov eventually got the portfolio of the football vice-premier. However, according to an informal agreement, Akhmetov's eye will look after not only the correct distribution of the Euro-2012 budget. The State Property Fund, the Antimonopoly Committee and the Ministry of Defense should also be in his field of vision. environment. Kolesnikov plans to expand Akhmetov's media business and expand his influence in this business. Kolesnikov is a very active person. In the current situation, this may not be a plus, but a minus.

He knows firsthand about football issues, and his entrepreneurial experience and seething energy could help to establish normal preparations for the football continental championship. But Boris Viktorovich is a highly conflicted person. And his forced partner Surkis - in the list of personal enemies takes second place after Yuriy Lutsenko and before Sergei Levochkin. There are suspicions that the Deputy Prime Minister can use all his skill as a schemer and all his experience as an organizer in a war with the head of the Football Federation. The new Deputy Prime Minister will not fail, if the opportunity presents itself, to wrestle with Lyovochkin, Boyko, Tabachnik, Tigipko (the list goes on). But for the sake of the interests of business (his own and Akhmetov's), he is able to make a variety of compromises. And with almost anyone.

Kolesnikov Boris Viktorovich
Former Chairman of the Party of Regions. People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the VIII convocation, co-chairman of the Opposition Bloc political party. Former Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of the Cabinet of Ministers Mykola Azarov, member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the Party of Regions


Born on October 25, 1962 in Mariupol, Donetsk region. In 1991 he graduated from the Donetsk Technical School of Soviet Trade (with a degree in commodity science). In 1997 - Donetsk Academy of Management (specialty - "Management in the industrial sector").

  • 1980-1985 - Seller of the Kuibyshev department of working supplies of the Donetskugol production association.
  • 1985-1986 - the seller of the Donetsk wholesale and retail plant.
  • 1986 - carpenter of the Donetsk maintenance center for metalworking equipment.
  • 1986-1992 - Procurer, seller of the Donetsk city association of collective farm markets.
  • 1992-1993 - Deputy Head, Head of the Trade and Procurement Enterprise of Donetsk. 1993-1996 - General Director of the Collective Trading Company "South".
  • 1996-1999 - General Director, Chairman of the Board of CJSC "Firma" Yug ". At the same time, Kolesnikov held the post of Chairman of the Board of CJSC PO Kiev-Konti, which belongs to him, specializing in the production of confectionery products (since 2006, the company has been called KONTI; today it controls significant shares Ukrainian and Russian "confectionery" markets, consisting of three factories with a staff of 9 thousand people).

In 1999, businessman Kolesnikov came to power. Until May 2001, he was deputy chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. Then another five years - the chairman of the regional council.

Since March 2010 - Deputy Prime Minister for Euro 2012 in the government of Mykola Azarov. On December 9, 2010, as a result of the ongoing administrative reform, he became Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

Kolesnikov is one of the most famous and influential businessmen and politicians in the Donetsk region.

  • On December 3, 2012, he was dismissed from the post of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine in connection with his election as a People's Deputy of Ukraine.
  • In March 2015, he received the post of prime minister in the shadow cabinet of ministers created by the Opposition Bloc party.

Family and connections

Kolesnikov's connections
Family The politician is married. He has a son (born 1992) and a daughter (born 2004).
close ties

*Kolesnikov has been friends with Rinat Akhmetov from a young age, the richest Ukrainian, the owner of SCM, and one of several of the heaviest figures in the Party of Regions. It is no coincidence that oligarch No. 1 entrusted Kolesnikov with the post of vice-president of the Shakhtar Football Club - not the most profitable, but one of his favorite business projects.

  • Herman Anna Nikolaevna, adviser to Yanukovych.
  • Bogatyreva Raisa Vasilievna, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.
  • Bakhteeva Tatyana Dmitrievna, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, member of the Party of Regions.
  • Vasiliev brothers (Gennady, ex-Prosecutor General, and Oleksandr, both people's deputies of Ukraine of the VI convocation, members of the Party of Regions)
  • Klyuev brothers (Andriy, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economic Development and Trade and Serhiy, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, member of the Party of Regions).
  • Larin Sergey Nikolaevich, ex-people's deputy of Ukraine of the VI convocation, member of the Party of Regions, chairman of the Kirovograd Regional State Administration

Communicates closely with former football players- Igor Petrov, Viktor Grachev and composer Igor Krutoy.

Problematic connections *Group of "gas hucksters": Dmitry Firtash, Yuri Boyko, Sergey Levochkin.


Guest houses, 608 square meters

Private bussiness

In 2006 and 2007 Boris Kolesnikov becomes a People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Party of Regions. He worked in the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Economic Policy. He is one of the most influential members of the Party of Regions. In the early parliamentary elections of 2007, he took the same number 10 on the electoral list as in 2006, although, according to observers, this place does not at all reflect his real weight in the party. Headed the campaign headquarters of the PR. Member of the Presidium of the Political Council of the PR

Yushchenko's victim

During his stay in the pre-trial detention center in 2005, Boris Kolesnikov was supported by Raisa Bogatyryova. Photo: TabloID

After the 2004 presidential elections and the Orange Revolution, Kolesnikov fell under the guns of political opponents who came to power. As part of the implementation of Viktor Yushchenko's election slogan "Prisons for bandits!" law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council. In particular, he was charged with taking possession of the shares of the fashionable Donetsk shopping center "White Swan" with the use of extortion. The politician spent several months in a pre-trial detention center. Eminent foreign and domestic lawyers, with the support of authoritative "regional" politicians, secured Kolesnikov's release from custody and the closure of the criminal case "due to the lack of corpus delicti." And later, the victim in the "Kolesnikov case", the former co-owner of the "White Swan", himself came under investigation - "for giving false testimony."

Borys Kolesnikov was detained in April 2005 after interrogation at the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. The chairman of the Donetsk Regional Council was summoned to the Prosecutor General's Office as a witness in the case of separatism (the case was initiated in connection with the holding of a congress of representatives of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine on November 28, 2004 in Severodonetsk. The congress decided to hold a referendum and declare Donbass autonomy if Viktor Yanukovych is not recognized President of Ukraine).

Reference: In the spring of 2005, the head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, the author of the books Donetsk Mafia. Anthology and Donetsk mafia. Reboot Boris Penchuk accused the then head of the Donetsk Regional Council, Boris Kolesnikov, of extorting a controlling stake in one of the largest shopping centers in Donetsk, White Lebed.

On April 6, 2005, Kolesnikov was arrested and spent several months in the Lukyanovsky pre-trial detention center. On July 13, 2005, he was released from custody. Some time later, the Prosecutor General's Office closed this criminal case due to the absence of corpus delicti. In July 2006, Kolesnikov sued Penchuk, accusing him of libel and extortion.

On March 2, 2009, the Voroshilovsky District Court of Donetsk sentenced Penchuk to eight years in prison with confiscation of property under Part 4 of Art. 189 (extortion) and part 3 of Art. 383 of the Criminal Code (giving false testimony). The Supreme Court of Ukraine, where the defendant's lawyers applied, reduced the term of imprisonment to four years. Penchuk was released early a month ago.

Reference: Speaking on April 7, 2005 in the Verkhovna Rada, Prosecutor General Svyatoslav Piskun said that Kolesnikov was detained not at all in the case of separatism, but in the case of extortion: "On March 25, 2005, the Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine initiated a criminal case against the head of the Donetsk Regional Council of People's Deputies Kolesnikov Boris Viktorovich on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 189 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely "Extortion of the transfer of someone else's property or the right to property by an official using his official position, the threat of murder, which caused damage to property on an especially large scale." Piskun added that in this moment Kolesnikov is "in the temporary detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the city of Kyiv as a suspect." Kolesnikov's state of health is satisfactory, the Prosecutor General noted, he underwent a medical examination several times. In addition, the detainee "is provided with the right to defense and lawyers work with him from the first minute of detention."
Reference: Former Deputy Prosecutor General Piskun Shokin, who filed a case against Kolesnikov, stated that for the first time he learned about the Kolesnikov case from Piskun, who instructed him to find out if the materials that came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the head of the regional council contained a crime. Shokin handed over the materials to his subordinates, who allegedly discovered a possible corpus delicti, about which Shokin informed Piskun.

It was Piskun, according to his former deputy, who then said that it was necessary to initiate a case against Kolesnikov. Shokin also claimed that he had never heard of proposals to Kolesnikov to “buy out” his arrest, and he did not discuss this issue with the then head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko, or with the then secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Poroshenko. He told Segodnya about this, commenting on the information that in 2005, together with Poroshenko, he proposed to the then Prosecutor General Svyatoslav Piskun to arrest Boris Kolesnikov and the brother of businessman Rinat Akhmetov Igor and "earn" two billion dollars in this way.

According to Shokin, Piskun was fully aware of the "Kolesnikov case." "If I did something wrong, why didn't Piskun, having all the powers of the Prosecutor General, stop the case?"

As you know, then the media wrote that Piskun also testified to the GPU in the "Kolesnikov case" and during interrogation allegedly said that shortly before Kolesnikov's arrest, Poroshenko came to him and allegedly stated that he knew "how to earn 2 billion dollars" . It is necessary, they say, to arrest Kolesnikov and brother Akhmetov, "then Rinat will give everything for the two of them." Piskun, he said, refused. After that, Poroshenko allegedly said: "Well then, we will go to your deputy Shokin."

Having left the pre-trial detention center in August 2005, the head of the Donetsk Regional Council promised to put behind bars the “orange” ones who set law enforcement officers on him (first of all, ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Yuriy Lutsenko). In 2010, Yuriy Lutsenko was hidden in the same Lukyanovka pre-trial detention center.

Archival dossier

Rumors circulated in the media about the possible involvement of Boris Kolesnikov in the death of his business partner, Sergei Roman. Kolesnikov denies these rumors: “My friend and partner Sergey Roman was never the general director of Kiev-Konti for the simple reason that he died six months before it was founded. He died on May 23, 1997, and the enterprise appeared only on November 22, 1997 Moreover, it was not the legal successor of any structure, but “rose” from “zero.” So, in vain they convince that Kolesnikov’s affairs went up only after the death of his partner,” Kolesnikov says. (“Observer”, May 24, 2006).

Reference: Sergey Roman, henchman of Akhyatya Bragin (Alik Grek). Like Alik's second henchman, Rinat Akhmetov was distinguished by outstanding organizational skills and personal qualities. Both claimed the role of "Leader No. 2" in Alik's group. At the same time, many of the views on doing "business" of these two people were radically different. Sergey Roman was a supporter of integration with the entire criminal community of Ukraine, and therefore did not see anything shameful in the penetration of criminal groups from other regions of the country into Donetsk, patronized them, and even had a close relationship with many "thieves in law" who "resolved" issues not only on the scale of Ukraine, but of the entire post-USSR. It was this that largely determined the split in the ranks of the "lads" from the village of the Otyabrskaya mine in the early 90s, when the "Kushnir gang", which later became famous, was formed. Although, in fact, it should be correctly called the criminal group of Sergei Roman, in which Kushnir only headed the "murder department." Roman, by the way, was followed by many of Akhyat Bragin's old "comrades-in-arms". That is why the criminal war between them was initially programmed not for the redistribution of spheres of influence, but exclusively for total destruction.

According to law enforcement officials, voiced in the indictment already at trial in 2003, which featured the surviving assassin Vadim Bolotsky, the "Kushnir gang" eliminated Alik Grek, as he prevented them from taking control of the financial flows of Donbass. After the explosion at the stadium, both Roman and Kushnir urgently left the territory of Ukraine, where they returned several years later to be immediately shot by "unidentified persons."

After the urgent departure of Sergei Roman to Switzerland, which happened immediately after the explosion at the stadium, Boris Kolesnikov was in charge of the business, but someone, under some pretext, lured Roman out of his shelter, guaranteeing his safety. The day after his arrival in Donetsk on May 23, 1997, Roman was shot in the very center of the city. As the ORD once wrote, the crime has not been solved so far. According to the investigation, Kolesnikov and Gudinets knew about the exact location of Roman and the time of his arrival.

Current events

Office of AK Engineering, the general contractor for the reconstruction of the NSC Olimpiyskiy

* In 2011, journalist Sergei Leshenko published information about Kolesnikov's involvement in non-transparent construction tenders in preparation for Euro 2012. As you know, as of the beginning of 2011, the official budget for the reconstruction of the NSC Olympiyskiy was 3 billion 266 million hryvnias (the final cost may still have to grow by 1-2 billion). What part of the money from the 4-5 billion estimate of the NSC Olimpiysky will be mastered by AK Engineering, controlled by Kolesnikov, will be established later.

AK Engineering was attracted without a full-fledged tender by the decision of the National Agency for Euro-2012 controlled by Kolesnikov. She deals with internal and external finishing work at the stadium, will carry out the installation of new equipment and the installation of engineering networks. Shakurov, Ivan Yuryevich, a former lawyer of Boris Kolesnikov at the Yug firm, a former deputy general director of Kolesnikov at the Yug firm, the general director of Ukrinvest CJSC - not just one of the firms in Kolesnikov's orbit, is most directly related to it. Ukrinvest CJSC was directly founded by Boris Kolesnikov and his wife Svetlana. This is evidenced by the report for 2008, posted on the website State Commission securities and stock market.

Ukrinvest CJSC is the company through which Kolesnikov became the founder of his main industrial asset - Konti Production Association CJSC.


Ukraine has long acquired in the European Union the glory of this contagious abscess that poisons the whole of Europe and, above all, Poland and Slovakia with smuggling of cigarettes, illegal immigrants, drugs, and, accordingly, corruption. It is no secret that this business is supervised by the top leaders of our glorious state. At one time, I was very surprised when a Pole friend said that "your Prime Minister Kolesnikov" is the head of the smuggling of "Marlboro" and "Parliament" to the UK, - Sergei Nikonov

Business dossier

According to Boris Kolesnikov himself, he started his business with the wholesale trade in fruits. "Since the time of the USSR, my friends and I already had experience of working with Soyuzplodoimport, and after liberalization foreign trade in 1990-1991 - directly with the largest fruit producers in Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Egypt,” says Boris Viktorovich.

According to him, Kolesnikov started his confectionery business in 1992 with tolling schemes, when he and his partners received a large batch of sugar and were forced to look for a use for it. They changed" White gold"on cookies. This is where it all started. After that, they rented several lines in Donetsk, then in 1997 they bought their own factory, then they built two more, bought a factory in Russia.

According to Boris Viktorovich, he and Akhmetov have only a few enterprises. “My stake in them is not at all large. The shares are managed by experienced managers, we participate only at the level of producing ideas. But this cooperation did not begin in the 90s, but already in the 2000s. In general, for Rinat Leonidovich and I, this is not then global, vital things, I would not focus on this," concludes Kolesnikov.

Hobbies, habits

Knows English. Wears a Lange&Sohne glashutte/SA watch. Drives Mercedes cars. Actively advocates the development of the Russian language in Ukraine. Favorite soccer player is Diego Maradona.

According to Sergei Rudenko, he likes to read political and historical literature. I used to like Bertolt Brecht, The Emigrants, The Golden Calf, The Twelve Chairs. Favorite performers - Bon Jovi, Queen, Rolling Stones, Makarevich, DDT, Italian singers of the early 80s. Likes to relax in the United United Arab Emirates. Wears clothes from Hugo Boss, Zilli and Brioni. IN free time goes to the theatre. Likes to ski.

Smokes. In 2010, he suffered a heart attack. Switched to electronic cigarettes.

car accident

In October 2010, the first host cities of Euro 2012 received 49 buses with the symbols of the tournament in Lviv. During the ceremony, a high official became the initiator of the accident - Kolesnikov suggested that representatives of city administrations get behind the wheel of buses painted with Euro 2012 symbols and make a lap of honor around the plant. The Deputy Prime Minister himself got behind the wheel of a bus destined for Donetsk and after driving several tens of meters, crashed into a traffic police escort car, which was standing on the side of the road. VIDEO

Ranks, ranks, regalia

  • Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Transport and Communications
  • Honored Economist of Ukraine. Winner of the silver medal "Independence of Ukraine" and the insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Law and Honor".

Current events

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine gave the go-ahead to the entry of a new shareholder into the company. Jere Holdings from the British Virgin Islands is buying more than 25% of the shares of the Konti production association, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has reported.

Group "Konti", formed in 1997, unites PA "Konti" (3 confectionery factories in the Donetsk region), and CJSC "Konti-Rus" (Russia). It is the second largest confectionery manufacturer in the country.

The main beneficiary of "Konti" is People's Deputy Boris Kolesnikov. Nominally, the largest shareholders of PA "Konti" are two individuals, each of which controls 24.99% of the shares. The permission of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine in theory allows Jere Holdings to concentrate both of these packages.

Kolesnikov previously announced his intention to sell the confectionery business. Potentially, the deal could pull up to $1 billion.