People have long considered the giant octopus to be a dangerous sea monster. In fact, this is a smart, resourceful, amazing and completely harmless animal.

   Type - shellfish
   Class - cephalopods
   Genus/Species - Octopus dofleini

   Basic data:
Arm span: up to 9 m.
Weight: up to 70 kg; observations have shown that the deeper the octopus lives, the larger it is.

Puberty: about 1 year; adult females are larger than males.
Number of eggs: up to 100,000.
Incubation period: 160 days.

Habits: loners.
Food: shellfish, crustaceans, sometimes fish.
Lifespan: up to 6 years old.

The giant octopus is related to the garden snail, since both animals belong to the class of molluscs. Its closest relatives are other octopuses and squids.

   Octopuses are very unusual creatures. These mobile and extremely smart molluscs, having a good developed organs senses, perfectly adapted to the existence in the marine environment. Although they are classified as protozoa, biologists consider them to be the most real invertebrates.


   The giant octopus becomes sexually mature at the age of 3, and sometimes even 5-6 years. It is not difficult to distinguish a sexually mature male from a female - he has a modified right hand the third pair, which turns into a hectocotyl. During mating (at a depth of 30-100 m), the male transfers 1 or 2 spermatophores into the mantle cavity of the female with the help of a hectocotylus and places them in her oviducts. The female lays her eggs 40 days after mating. Octopus eggs are small, they are like grains of rice. The eggs are placed in mucous cords, which the female hangs from the ceiling of her "house". Throughout the entire period of incubation of the eggs, the female protects them and provides an influx of fresh water. She does not eat anything, weakens so much that, having given life to a new generation, she dies. After mating the male does not feed and also dies.After 160 days (sometimes more), larvae 3-4 mm long emerge from the eggs, which rise to the surface, where they stay for the first two months, and reaching 5 cm in height, sink to the bottom.


   The greatest danger to octopuses are sharks, seals and individuals of their own species, which outnumber them. The best protection from enemies is speed and dexterity - it is these features that allow the animal to hide in time in a safe shelter. Octopuses successfully hide from their pursuers behind a dark cloud of ink, which, if necessary, is released from the ink bag. The giant octopus is able to change color, becoming the same color as environment. Having lost one or more arms in a fight with the enemy, the octopus does not die - new limbs grow in it.


   The giant octopus spends most of the day in a shelter that is located in a rock gorge or other secluded place at the bottom of the sea, and only comes out to hunt at night. The permanent hole of an octopus can be found by the "garbage heap" that is located near it, the remnants of food - shells, shells and other parts of the body of the eaten prey. Octopuses feed on marine crustaceans, various types bivalves and snails. Thanks to the repulsive power of water, the octopus can walk along the bottom “on its fingertips”, relying only on the ends of its arms. This mollusk moves very elegantly in the water column, using underwater currents and its own funnel motor for this. average speed giant octopus is 4 km/h. If necessary, he can move faster.
   With the help of suction cups on the hands, the octopus is kept on rocks and rocky outcrops.


   The giant octopus eats absolutely everything that it can only catch and swallow. There are many legends about the bloodthirstiness of the octopus, although in fact it feeds mainly on crabs and bivalves, as well as holothurians, fish, shrimp and small octopuses. During the hunt, the octopus is guided mainly by vision. Noticing the desired prey nearby, the octopus stretches out most of its arms to it and grabs the prey.
   Along the perimeter of each disc-sucker are receptor cells that determine the edibility of a particular object. An octopus can kill its prey with the poison it releases. salivary glands, but usually powerful suckers are enough for this. The giant octopus splits the shells of bivalve mollusks with a strong beak, which is very reminiscent of a parrot's beak. The octopus assimilates the meat and soft tissues of the prey, and throws out those parts that it cannot digest.


  • The giant octopus is also called Doflein's octopus. The weight of the record-breaking octopus of this species reached 270 kg, and the arm span was about 9.6 m.
  • The giant octopus is a common inhabitant of the coastal zone. Rarely does it go deeper than 100-300 meters. This octopus is nocturnal. During the day, he usually hides in various shelters.
  • Blood throughout the body of an octopus is pumped by three not very hardy hearts, therefore cephalopod quickly gets tired and does not withstand a long struggle.


   Suckers: the octopus uses them to tear its prey and attaches itself to the rocks with their help. Sensitive receptors on the suckers transmit information about objects that the octopus touches.
   Funnel, or siphon: water enters it, from which the octopus extracts oxygen for breathing. Then the water is pushed out of the mantle cavity with force, due to which the mollusk moves quickly.
   Beak: With a strong horny beak, the octopus bites through the shells of crustaceans.
   Arms: the octopus has eight long arms with powerful muscles - which serve to capture food.

The giant octopus lives in the northern part Pacific Ocean, from Alaska and the Sea of ​​Japan to California in the south.
Pollution marine environment for the octopus is not dangerous. Unlike his hunted relatives, he does not need to be afraid of a person.

Messages about sea ​​monsters can be found almost anywhere the globe, including stories about huge sea serpents. But very interesting posts come from the resort paradise on Bahamas in the Caribbean. Something huge and ferocious lives in the local waters.

Dean's Blue Hole(not to be confused with the Great Blue Hole) - the deepest currently known blue hole on the planet (the term blue hole is common name for sinkholes filled with water and located below sea level).

Dean's Hole is located in a bay west of the town of Clarence Town (Bahamas) on Long Island. Its depth is 202 m. Dean's Hole is a very popular place for tourists to swim and dive divers, although the latter is considered a very dangerous activity.

At depth, divers can lie in wait treacherous currents, disorientation, narrow passageways, and a mysterious monster dubbed the Blue Hole Beast.

The locals have long told stories about a monster called Luska(Lusca). Luska is described as having many sharp teeth and long powerful tentacles like an octopus. The dimensions of Luska are huge and reach up to 60 meters.

She is said to be able to change color like an octopus and looks like a squid-eel-dragon hybrid. In general, Luska's descriptions may vary, but a couple of details will remain unchanged there - tentacles, as well as voracity and aggressiveness.

Locals say that Luska lives in several local blue holes, including Dean's Blue Hole, and comes out hunting at night and can even climb out of the water and attack people in the city. During the day, she sleeps in underwater caves.

Fishermen tell stories that they saw something pull boats with people under the water next to the blue holes. The deaths of many divers who died during a dive or even went missing underwater are often hung on Luska. And several times, the bodies of divers were allegedly found with traces of suction cups on the body, as if from the tentacles of a huge octopus.

While this may sound like just spooky tales for the entertainment of tourists, there are some cases that make sure that not everything here is made up by fishermen. In 2005, one of the divers said that when diving in blue hole he was attacked by a huge octopus, the length of which was at least 15 meters. The diver managed to escape, but the mollusk wrapped its tentacles around his camera and dragged him into his cave.

Another diver claimed to have seen a nurse shark being grabbed in the water by a tentacle "width of a telegraph pole" and dragged into an underwater cave.

There is also the story of a fishing boat crew who saw something very strong trying to tug on the buoys and drag them under the water. One of the buoys was attached directly to the boat and something grabbed it and dragged it along with the boat for some time.

Sonar on this boat at the same time showed some large "pyramidal" object under water, and after the buoys and traps attached to them, they were raised crumpled and twisted, as if they had been in a huge meat grinder.

TV show "Destination Truth", which tells about different anomalous phenomena, filmed a story about this creature and during the filming, their sonar showed the presence of a large animal under water, crawling along the cave wall.

Another popular TV show "River Monsters" (" River monsters") also made a story about Lusk in these places, and although host Jeremy Wade did not catch anything unusual, he suggested that a very large octopus could well be a monster.

"The giant octopus may well catch and even eat a person. My research on these creatures has shown that this is an amazing and agile predator, and with its behavior this is possible," says Jeremy Wade.

Could Luska be an as yet undiscovered species of a very large octopus? Quite possibly. In 2011, a strange carcass washed up on the shores of the Bahamas, which seemed to have only a head and a mouth. If we accept that these were the remains of an octopus without tentacles, then in general it would have been at least 6-9 meters in diameter.

The largest of known species octopus is a giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). Large individuals up to 150 cm in size and weigh about 30 kg. Specimens up to 50 kg in weight and up to 3 m long have been registered. There are also unconfirmed reports of sightings of these octopuses 4.3 meters long.

Maybe some of them reach especially large sizes? The problem is that giant octopuses live in the Pacific Ocean, not near Bahamas(Atlantic Ocean). However, it shows that huge octopuses may well be a reality and not a myth.

Giant octopuses are real-life and well-studied animals. Their scientific classification is as follows: the type to which they belong is called Mollusks, the class is Cephalopods, the order is Octopuses. The family they belong to is Octopodidae, the genus is Enteroctopus and the species is the giant octopus.

Such a definitive feature. It may be added that scientists who study soft-bodied or molluscs are called malacologists.


giant octopuses love cold water, comfortable for them is warmed up from 5 to 12 degrees of heat. It is natural to assume that this species of cephalopods does not occur in tropical seas. Their natural habitat is the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean. It extends from the Korean Peninsula and Japan to Primorye and southern Sakhalin. In addition, they are found near the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka, the Commander and Aleutian Islands. On the American coast, they can be found all the way to California.

Main distinguishing feature

Most often there are giant octopuses weighing from 1 to 10 kilograms and large individuals up to 30 kg. This octopus reaches 150 cm in length. Less common, but they are registered, specimens weighing up to 50 kg and up to 3 meters in size. There is evidence of nine-meter creatures.

How are giant octopuses arranged? Them distinctive feature is a funnel organ (it is inherent in all octopuses), which in this species has W shape. This organ promotes the exchange of water in the gills, and it is also the locomotor apparatus of the octopus. How is the movement? The cephalopod draws water into the mantle and compresses its muscles, as a result of which water is forced out through the funnel located in the gills through the funnel organ, which is a tube, the narrowed end of which is brought out. Thanks to this "jet engine" the octopus moves, and backwards. Thanks to him, at the moment of fright, the octopus from the ink bag available to these individuals throws ink towards the enemy, a kind of veil.

One more trait

Giant octopuses have another distinguishing feature- supraorbital folds. These are 3-4 outgrowths, one of which has the shape of an ear. The mouth of the octopus is located in the center of the ring formed by the upper ends of the paws, in the mouth there is a beak, very reminiscent of the inverted beak of a parrot, because the lower jaw extends beyond the upper one. By the beak, you can determine the age of the individual. In old octopuses, it has a dark brown color, while in young ones it is transparent. With this hard tool, the cephalopod easily pierces the shells of crabs and shells of mollusks. Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. One heart of the underwater "aristocrat" distills blood through the body, the other two push it through the gills, thanks to which the octopus breathes. But he can go a long time without water.


Giant octopuses (photo attached) look like this: they have a small soft body compared to the length of the tentacles (there are only eight of them, hence the name of the mollusk), the “arms” are interconnected by short membranes that are very elastic and can stretch to a transparent color. This allows the "arms" to be highly mobile. Each tentacle has suckers arranged in two rows, from 250 to 300 each. One suction cup can withstand a weight of 100 grams.

Other zoological details

Some species of giant octopus are not harmless. And it's not about the terrible pictures of the malacologist (a scientist who studies mollusks and soft-bodied) Denis de Montfort. On the western Pacific coast meet blue-ringed octopuses with unusually toxic poison.

It can be added to the description that in the tongue of these cephalopods there is a radula, or a horn grater, consisting of seven rows of transverse teeth, the largest of which are in the central row. But this is not an exhaustive description. It should be noted the extraordinary mind of these animals, which is equated to the mind of cats and dogs. The octopus also has skin, the cells of which are filled with multi-colored pigments, thanks to them, in just one second, the animal can change its color.

Real dimensions

The smallest octopus has a length of no more than 4 centimeters. Officially measured and listed in the Guinness Book as the largest mollusc of this species, the octopus had a tentacle length of 3.5 meters and weighed 58 kilograms. There are legends that once a specimen was caught weighing up to 272 kilograms with tentacles, the length of which reached 9.5 meters. These legends of the sea are passed down from generation to generation, but are clearly stated scientific facts There is no evidence to support these stories.

Everyday life of the octopus Doflein

In reality, there is a giant octopus, whose name in Latin looks like this - Octopus Dofleini (Doflein's octopus). This species is the most studied. It lives off the coast of Japan and Primorye, from America - from Bristol Bay in the north to California in the south. These octopuses are unusually homely. During the day, they do not leave the lair, which is usually located at a shallow depth. Favorite habitat - rocky ground, located at least 300 meters, and all kinds of shelters. Old octopuses sit at home, and young ones make seasonal (spring and autumn) migrations. They either walk along the bottom with the help of tentacles, or swim, moving 4 km per day.

Genus extension

Octopus Dofleini become sexually mature at 3-4 years of age. However, offspring can only be given at the age of 5. By this time, the right tentacle of the third pair in the male is modified and turns into a hectocotylus. At the same time, 8-10 spermatophores appear in the male's sack, each of which reaches a meter. During copulation, which occurs at a depth of 20 to 100 meters, the male fertilizes the female, transferring 1-2 spermatophores into her mantle cavity with the help of a hectocotyl. And at this moment it is better for curious scuba divers and divers to stay away.

Mucous strings containing rice-like octopus eggs are hung by the female from the ceiling of her lair. After 160 days or even more, a larva appears. The female guards the offspring (sometimes up to 50 thousand eggs are laid) until the moment of her death, since after copulation both males and female octopuses die. First, the larvae (4 mm in size) rise to the surface and live there for 1-2 months, after which small (50 mm) octopuses sink to the bottom and, becoming benthofans (animals that feed on bottom organisms), quickly gain weight. Of course, young octopuses have many enemies - sea otters, sea lions, seals and other marine animals. But the main enemy, of course, is a man. Because of it, the number of giant octopuses is sharply reduced.


The giant octopus kraken, known to all from the stories of Icelandic sailors, is more fictional than real beings. The inhabitants of the "ice country", who gave them this name, passed the legends by mouth to mouth.

The "eyewitness accounts" of marine animals, which sailors and fishermen mistook for islands because of their gigantic size, accumulated so much that Eric Ponntopidan (1698-1774), who was Bishop of Bergen and an amateur naturalist, compiled a detailed summary of this peculiar marine folklore. But in love with everything fantastic, the zoologist Pierre-Denis de Montfort, already mentioned above, in a study published in 1802 described mythical monster and even classified it, giving it the name Kraken octopus. Scientists reacted to this ironically, and in the reprinted study, the kraken was no longer mentioned.

Not cannibals at all

Giant cannibal octopuses are also rather mythical creatures. There is a video in which such a cannibal attacks a scuba diver filming this incident on camera. I wonder how much the operator teased the aggressor before? And if an octopus wrapped its tentacles around the camera, this does not mean at all that it is a cannibal. Most likely, in this particular case, they will eat it. Yes, and the blue-ringed mollusks mentioned above, the poison of which is unusually poisonous, if they attack a person, then only in response, and not in order to eat him.

All octopuses are cautious and shy, and the sizes of the "killers" were given above. Cases that officially confirm unmotivated aggression from the cephalopod side, no. Giant octopuses remained in the legends of the sailors of the world. Attacking people if they do not poke an octopus with a stick also comes from there. Octopuses love shelters - grottoes and caves, holds of sunken ships. Even on level ground, the cephalopod digs in. He can attack only in defense. Therefore, in those places where octopuses are found, when approaching some kind of shelter, one must be careful.

Wonders of nature

Sometimes the ocean threw the carcasses of sea monsters from its depths onto the shore. The most famous monster is found on the coast on November 30, 1896 in the eastern part of the Florida peninsula. It was a giant creature with limbs up to 11 meters. The monster was photographed and some parts of it were alcoholized, which made it possible to conduct research in 1957, and in 1971, and in 1995. No specific data could be obtained. But most scientists agreed that the sea demon washed up on the coast of the Florida peninsula is most likely a giant octopus or squid. However, much has been said in the literature about “real” encounters with sea ​​monsters. In the network for lovers of animal cannibals, there are sites of a special orientation.

Most famous representatives cephalopods are octopuses. They are quite different unusual appearance- a short and soft body ends with tentacles, nature has not deprived them.

There are eight of them. And they all play the role of "hands", which are interconnected by membranes, and on the surface of which there is one row or more suckers. There may be about two thousand of them in general. And each can withstand up to one hundred grams of weight.

Blue blood

This cephalopod breathes with gills, but despite this, the octopus can do without water for quite some time. Another feature of the animal can be considered the presence of not one, but three hearts at once. One organ drives blue blood through the body, while the other two push it through the gills.

Blue-ringed octopuses are found off the western shores of the Pacific Ocean. They are the most dangerous creatures in the world. Their venom is extremely toxic.

Extraordinarily smart

Interesting fact: octopuses are quite intelligent animals. In terms of development, they can be compared with dogs and cats. These cephalopods are able to change the color of their coloration, and quite quickly, literally in one second. And this is thanks to the skin cells that are filled with the pigment of the most different colors. Special muscles pull the cells, the color pigment begins to spread and occupy a huge area. Therefore, the shade of the body changes.

The smallest octopus is only four centimeters long. But scientists argue about the size of the largest and still cannot give an exact answer. They say that once they caught a representative of the species of cephalopods, in which the span of tentacles reached 9.6 meters. The weight of the giant was exactly 272 kilograms. However, there is no confirmation of this fact.

Most big octopus

Doflein's giant octopus is called the giant octopus for a reason. The size of his head is approximately 60 centimeters. The tentacles have a span of more than three meters. The maximum weight of the animal is about 60 kilograms. And these are already proven and proven truths.

Doflein's octopus lives in the North Pacific Ocean. The animal prefers quite low temperatures. It is more comfortable for him to live if the water warms up to a maximum of 5-12 degrees above zero. Expanse is provided to them on the surface and at a shallow depth. Therefore, Doflein's octopus can often be seen by tourists with scuba gear. And, as a rule, flocks of giant octopuses are found. And in most cases, for an animal, the meeting ends in failure - it is caught and, usually, eaten. And only after that, lovers of exotic dishes wonder why the octopus has a rubbery taste. The answer, by the way, is simple - you need to be able to cook it.

And a little more about the habitat, the octopus prefers rocky soils. The animal hides in caves, in crevices and among boulders. In summer, the giant octopus lives in all types of soils. Often a cephalopod can be found on the border of sandy and rocky soils, near steep capes. It is almost impossible to stumble upon it in the center of deep bays in pebbly and sandy soils. And in open areas, the octopus digs wide holes with its tentacles and uses them as its lair.

As for Doflein's appearance, scientists say it's hard to believe that the octopus has blue blood. It turns out an aristocrat from the depths of the sea, but with a rather original appearance. Nature created him different from others, a kind of bag with tentacles and eyes. The length of the body of an octopus from the rear end of the body to the middle of the eyes (this is the standard measurement of the animal) is 60 centimeters. And the total length is about 3-4 meters. The weight of the cephalopod is up to 55 kilograms. The largest specimen, which was measured and entered into the Guinness Book of Records, had a length of tentacles, excluding the body, exactly 3.5 meters. Its weight was 58 kilograms.

jet powered animal

On each of the eight tentacles of a giant octopus, there are two rows of suckers, 250-300 on each foot. The membrane between the tentacles is not deep, but can be greatly stretched, and in this form is so thin that it is almost transparent. If you manage to shoot an animal hovering in the water with a camera against the sun, then you get a very effective picture. From the bottom of the head, the octopus has a tube called the rostrum. This is a kind of jet engine that serves as a means of transportation. Few creatures in the world have such a "device". To swim, the octopus draws water into the mantle, then contracts the mantle muscles and abruptly throws the water out through the funnel. By the way, the octopus swims backwards, the tentacles are behind the body. In water flight, the two outermost tentacles with stretched membranes are used as wings, while the rest serve as a fuselage, as in an airplane. And through the rostrum, at the same time, a “smoke screen” is placed, that is, ink is ejected, but this is when frightened.

All about octopuses

But the mouth of an octopus is in the center of the ring of paws. And in the mouth there is a beak, which is very similar to the beak of a parrot. However, the lower jaw extends slightly beyond the upper, and not vice versa. In adult giant octopuses, the beak is usually dark brown in color, while in young it is transparent. Therefore, the darkening of the beak is a kind of sign of puberty. There is a horn grater on the tongue of the animal (this is a radula). She has many transverse rows of small cloves - seven in each row. The central row is the sharpest and largest, it acts as a rotary drill. With it, the octopus drills through the shells of crabs and shells of shells. Usually the color of the animal is red-brown with a mesh pattern on the body and light stains. But a giant cephalopod can instantly change its color from white to dark purple.

As a rule, in summer and autumn, the octopus makes seasonal migrations. On the eve of spawning, the animal moves to shallow depths and lives with its relatives, that is, clusters. And in autumn, after spawning, octopuses disperse throughout their habitat for several days, live outside the clusters and inhabit the rocky ground.
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For many centuries, the minds of sailors were excited by a possible meeting with a giant kraken - a monster the size of a small island, which drags careless ships into the depths of the sea with its tentacles. whether there is the largest octopus in the world or real prototypes this monster does not differ in impressive dimensions.

Top 4 largest octopus species

Cephalopods are characterized by a predatory disposition, but more often become victims of humans and more large inhabitants ocean, including sperm whales and killer whales. There are about 200 species of octopuses. Most of them are small benthic animals. Giants are worth looking for among the pelagic species plowing the depths of the oceans.

4. The long-tentacled octopus lives in Mediterranean waters. It was first described in 1826. The bright red body of the animal is covered with luminous white spots. It leads a nocturnal lifestyle, hunting fish and smaller octopuses. The octopus does not refuse crustaceans and bivalves. From spring to late summer, the female long-tentacled octopus mates, and then makes a single clutch. The octopus guards future cubs until the appearance of 4 mm fully formed babies. Shortly thereafter, the mother octopus dies of exhaustion. The mantle extends 15 cm, but the tentacles lengthen total length octopus body up to 1 m. An adult cephalopod mollusk weighs 400 g.

3. The common octopus is the most common species of this order in the world. He lives in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean. The brain is well developed. Able to change color depending on the situation, but the usual color is brown. Feeds on plankton, fish, mollusks, crustaceans. Females take care of the clutch and do not leave the nest for half a year, which is necessary for the cubs to develop in the egg. It is of commercial interest to humans and is mined as a food product. The body length usually reaches 25 cm, and the tentacles - 90 cm. However, specimens with limbs up to 130 cm come across, which gives the total length of the creature about 170 cm.

2. Doflein's octopus, sometimes called the Giant octopus, is common in the northern coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean. Arranges a lair on rocky ground: in underwater caves and secluded crevices. The Japanese and Koreans catch them as a game animal. The average representative grows up to 2 - 3 m with a weight of 25 - 50 kg. There is evidence of the existence of specimens up to 9.6 m in length. It is he who holds the title of the largest cephalopod in the world, according to the 2015 Guinness Book of Records.

1. The seven-armed octopus received such a strange name not at all because it is disabled without one limb. The hectocotylus of this species is folded into a pouch under the right eye. This is the modified eighth tentacle hidden from view, which the octopus uses to fertilize the female. In length, these creatures grow up to 3.5 m, and weights reach up to 75 kg.

Largest Known Octopus Specimens

The legends of the notorious krakens did not come from sailors' susceptibility alone. Sometimes the ocean waves washed ashore the corpses of the monstrous inhabitants of the depths. How big can individual members of the octopus order be?

  • In 1945, a specimen up to 8 m long and weighing 180 kg was caught off the coast of the United States.
  • Once, a Doflein octopus with 9-meter tentacles and a mass of more than 270 kg was caught in the net.
  • Off the coast of Tasmania, a representative of the octopus order, 3.7 m long and almost a meter across, was caught. In the stomach of an octopus, fishermen found a piece of T-shirt from the previously missing crayfish hunter Shaw Burke. It is not known whether the clothes ended up inside the animal by accident or if it attached a tentacle to the death of a person. And so the legends about the kraken are born.

In the last 20 years, octopuses weighing about 50 kg come across much less frequently. Maybe, smart creatures decided that large size is not such a profitable evolutionary acquisition. Large representatives are easily noticed by sperm whales and killer whales, caught for human consumption. It is easier for small octopuses to hide in secluded gorges from dangerous predators. The giants of the eight-armed clam world are a thing of the past.

On the this moment the largest and heaviest octopus in the world this is a representative of either seven-armed or doflane. However, in the future, they are also crushed, giving way to other giants of the deep sea. of this detachment served as the basis for the myths about the legendary kraken - a monster that drags entire ships into the depths of the sea. Jules Verne dedicated an entire scene to him in the immortal Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Even if large octopuses cease to fall into the nets of fishermen and divers' cameras, the legend about them will not cease to live in the minds of dreamers.