The reality is that among all the people you meet throughout your life, only a select few have a set of personal qualities suitable for a harmonious connection.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the likelihood of choosing “your man” based on the first impression is small. At the beginning of an acquaintance, a person tries to show himself from the best side, and "inappropriate" qualities often come to the surface after visiting the registry office. Even those negative moments that are visible to others are ignored by the partners themselves due to mutual attraction. Therefore, it is simply thoughtless not to find out in advance the compatibility for a couple.

Numerology by date of birth provides such an opportunity, compatibility in it is calculated based on the analysis of two numerological charts. At the same time, the horoscope reveals harmonious digital combinations in different areas... The more such successful coincidences, the higher the level of success in the relationship. The nature of such similar combinations indicates the nature of the future relationship: from light flirting to long-term partnership and marriage.

Calculation of compatibility by the Pythagorean square (psychomatrix)

The founder of numerology Pythagoras received knowledge about digital matrices from the priests Ancient egypt... The adapted version of the secret tables has survived to this day and allows everyone to calculate the compatibility by the psychomatrix.

Since the analysis of the psychomatrix is ​​carried out for all the qualities of two personalities, without exception, the complete similarity of all parameters is a rather rare case. Assuming that people with perfect compatibility met, they are unlikely to have a desire to check the stability of their happy union... Therefore, a person who is trying to find an ideal partner with an identical psychomatrix may simply waste precious time.

It would be much wiser to assess the similarity in key life positions. Using the Pythagorean square, compatibility can be calculated according to such priority character traits as purposefulness, desire for a family, stability, self-esteem and many others.

We suggest that you calculate compatibility by the Pythagorean square online to find out the secret vibration of the combination of the digital codes of the pair. According to the rules of numerology, numbers cannot carry positive or negative information, they only convey a flow of energy that can change and prevent undesirable situations in the future.

What gives the compatibility of signs in the square of Pythagoras in reality? You get specific answers to questions that are inevitable in the process of building relationships with your chosen one. Does he want and can he become a reliable partner? What actions to expect from him in vital situations?

By predicting the development of relationships in advance, you can avoid many complications. In particular, do not require loved one what is obviously impossible.

Remember that knowing the compatibility according to the psychomatrix, any relationship can be made more harmonious. Therefore, you should not limit yourself only to reading the results of fortune-telling. Each meeting in life does not happen by chance, the horoscope of compatibility by the square of Pythagoras will help you understand what the greatest soothsayer has prepared for you - Fate.

An initially compatible partner will, of course, be ideal for a love union. But do not forget that if people are incompatible in character, but have spiritual unity, they can always find a compromise solution, which is so necessary in any relationship. All disagreements will be perceived by such partners in one key - as an annoying obstacle that must be overcome as soon as possible.

Two complementary techniques - the Pythagorean square, compatibility by date of birth - will help you compose the most complete picture of your karmic combinations, as well as a true vision of possible contradictions and ways to eliminate them.

Natal compatibility chart is an individual horoscope, which is compiled for one person and takes into account the location of the planets at the time of birth. It shows the influence of various celestial bodies on fate and character. Those born on the same day can be completely different in inclinations and behavior. This is due to the rapidly changing sky. The rapid change in the position of the stars creates different characters.

How to make a natal chart

Creating a natal chart is a delicate and exciting business that can captivate many astrology lovers and in need of education and training. Do not despair if you do not succeed on the first call, because any new activity requires concentration and patience. With the help of familiarization with astrological knowledge, you can gain access to new interesting and useful information.

It is worth the effort to create a natal chart, but it is worth it. There are two options: using a special astrological program or using our Natal chart page online. Everyone chooses their own method.

Method number 1: online

Considered the most in a simple way... Follow the link:.

In specific fields (for convenience, they are signed), indicate the name, date and month of birth and time (if you do not know exactly when you were born, you can set the standard 12:00). Also fill in the place of birth (city and country).

After that, click on "Create a horoscope".

That's all. It remains only to enjoy the finished result. To save a picture, you need to take a screen shot (a snapshot is taken with a special key on the keyboard) and print it on a printer.

Method number 2: a special astrological program

This option is suitable for those who are versed in computer programs at the intermediate level and wants to continue to master astrology in the future.

Going to the address, you get to one of the most popular astrology programs - ZET. Its plus is that it is completely free.

Flip through the page and find "Download the distribution ...". Click on the highlighted link. It is very easy to install the program on a computer, because the site provides instructions. If you already have a favorite program, you can use it.

Run the application on your computer. In the upper left corner you will find the Horoscope section. Click on it and go to the section with the source data.

In the first empty field, you need to enter your name, and below the date and time of birth. Ideal if you know the time of birth with a blemish of half an hour. But if you don't know at all, then leave 12:00.

To enter data about the city and country, you need to click on the special picture on the right and the atlas will open. If you appeared not in a city, but in a village (and it is not in the list), then select the city closest to the area from the list. To finish, click on "Run".

It will not be superfluous to check the map. To do this, you can compare the second option with the first. On both maps, the location of the planets and the zodiacal circle must coincide (though appearance may differ).

A more detailed description of the natal chart will allow the idea of ​​it as a plan of action to create a harmonious life. With its help, it is possible to prevent harmful consequences from extraneous influences on a person. The map will help in knowing your inner peace and will reveal the secrets of behavior, the positive and negative sides of the personality. Ultimately, self-realization and happiness will be possible.

How to read a natal transcript compatibility chart

The basis is the exact time coordinates and location of birth. First of all, a celestial sphere is applied to the plane. It is positioned correctly relative to the horizon. To start making a map, you need to accurately record the time and place of birth.

The chart contains 12 zodiac signs, which are presented in a counterclockwise position and are located strictly in sequence. Aries goes first, completing the Pisces card. There are two circles on the map. The inner one serves for the arrangement of the planets in relation to our star. The Arabic numerals are used to indicate the degree. In addition to them, a symbolic designation of each celestial body who plays important role when decrypting.

In the signs of the zodiac, houses are located, which play a special role in creating the stages of an individual's life. The natal chart is drawn up once and does not change in subsequent years, because it is based on the first minute after birth. The positions of the planets will be unchanged. Deciphering the card is usually done by qualified astrologers. The interpretation process can take a whole week.

To decipher the natal chart, you will definitely need:

Aspects of planets are the position of natal and transit planets relative to each other. The meanings of the planetary aspects given below apply equally to the natal and transit planets, as well as their joint aspects. To compile individual horoscope pay attention, first of all, to aspects of natal and transit planets.

When an astrologer studies the stages of a person's life, such signs will help him make all the calculations correctly. Also, such houses help to reveal some of the characteristics of a person's character.

The arrangement of the planets in natal chart affects the formation of a person's character, his inclinations, temperament and personality traits. The planets affect not only the physical, but also the emotional and intellectual plane. According to certain criteria, they can be divided into groups.

Many people who learn the basics of astrological science are faced with the concept of "retrograde planet". Therefore, we will try to understand the basic details of an incomprehensible phenomenon in order to completely exhaust this issue.

The connection between astrology and planets is very close. It can be argued that not only a certain planet has its effect on a person, but also all the components of one component. Our actions and habits are directly influenced by the planets, signs of the Zodiac. Emotionality, character traits, karma and fateful decisions - it all depends on which planet we were born under.

Which considers the similarity of people based on their astrological characteristics, numerology calculates compatibility in love by calculation. So to define love compatibility by date of birth, you need to do simple arithmetic calculations. First of all, you need to add all the numbers in the date of birth, for example 1.01.1985 is calculated as 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 25, then add the digits of the resulting number: 2 + 5 = 7, this will be yours main numerological number ... Then you need to do the same with the date of birth of your partner, for example 02/02/1985 will be 2 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 27, that is, 2 + 7 = 9, and add it to yours: 7 + 9 = 16 , happened two-digit number, which means you need to add the numbers again: 1 + 6 = 7 - the result will be numerological number of a pair... In order not to count this number manually, you can enter your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner in the form below and click the "Calculate" button - the numerological number of the couple will appear in the "Result" window.

Now, in order to determine the compatibility of a couple by date of birth, you need to find it in the list below.

  1. Your relationship is strong enough, you complement each other perfectly, but, nevertheless, in your relationship there are often disagreements and disputes over leadership in a couple. Ultimately, one of you will have to give in if you want to keep the relationship.
  2. Your relationship is more like a calculated mutually beneficial cooperation, when each of you wants to pull the blanket over yourself and get some benefit. Nevertheless, this union is quite strong, although it often lacks vivid feelings and experiences.
  3. Despite the warm feelings, the risk of damage to the relationship is high enough, sometimes it comes to betrayal and a painful breakup. But even in this case, there is a chance to remain just good friends.
  4. Calm and measured relationship, when everyone cares about the other, and does not skimp on manifestations of tenderness and love. This wonderful union has every chance to exist until old age.
  5. Passion, unbridled feelings and bright emotions... Although outwardly it seems that the relationship is built on love and affection for each other, it often turns out that one of the couple (or both at once) is an egoist, and thinks only of himself, and sooner or later this will greatly complicate the situation.
  6. Stable and balanced relationship. You are united not only mutual feelings, but also friendly support, and disputes and conflicts are a rare guest in your home. Even if feelings dull over time, nevertheless, mutual understanding and respect will always remain - the key to a happy and long-lasting relationship.
  7. A successful and harmonious union, rarely overshadowed by conflicts or quarrels. You share each other's views and passions, and provide support if any of you need it.
  8. Quite an unusual relationship. Although people in such a union are drawn to each other, it often happens that one of the couple often manipulates the other. This union may well be happy and strong, you just need to remember that you need to be more sincere and less secretive.
  9. A very strong union, without any problems and upheavals, the only thing that in this case needs to be paid more attention to the financial side, so as not to risk the relationship, enduring adversity and hardship.

You can also check the compatibility by

Sometimes, even a man and a woman who are passionately in love with each other cannot get along together. In the end, these people understand that they are simply not polar alike - they like and do not like completely different things, one loves noisy companies, the other prefers home evening to a party, even watching one TV for two can provoke a scandal and a serious battle for possession of the remote control remote control.

This situation can be explained by the banal non-coincidence of two lovers according to the signs of the zodiac. After all, it is the influence of certain planets and elements that largely shapes the character of a person already at the moment of his birth.

The zodiac sign determines how he first relates to his parents, peers and friends, and then to his colleagues and soul mate. What a particular person can achieve in his life and his model of behavior in different situations also, as a rule, are predetermined by his zodiacal affiliation, which forms the main traits of his character. That is why it is useful to understand at least a little bit about the variety of zodiac signs and look from time to time in their compatibility horoscope.

To understand the compatibility and incompatibility of two specific people, you can use the help of a professional who will draw up a detailed horoscope of future relationships and calculate the ways of their possible development. However, not everyone will be satisfied with the cost of such services and it will be completely offensive if the chosen astrologer turns out to be a charlatan or an amateur.

But there is another way to find out about the warnings of the stars and planets about compatibility or lack thereof. The information you need is easy enough to find on the Internet, and most of it is provided to site visitors free of charge. This option is much simpler and available to everyone who is not indifferent to his fate and the fate of a newly emerging relationship.

Astrology is a little-studied science, and it is perceived by many skeptically, but the fact that knowledge detailed characteristics zodiac signs are useful in all areas of human life. A correctly composed horoscope will take into account all aspects of a person's life - love relationship and friendship, his abilities and inclinations in certain activities, inclination to certain actions, the reasons for the formation of certain habits and much more.

How to use the compatibility horoscope correctly

There are only twelve signs of the Zodiac, but there is no need to delude ourselves - the character of a person born under a certain sign also depends on the year and date of birth. An insignificant number of constellations gives rise to a great variety of options for the development of events and destinies, the beginnings of characters and possible compatibility.

Any scorpio or Taurus by date of birth has its own unique code. Just one sign of the zodiac is a whole variety of different characters from each other. When drawing up an individual, and therefore the most accurate, horoscope, astrologers are guided very strictly - according to belonging to specific signs of the zodiac, according to years of birth, dates and even time of day.

Thus, it is difficult to draw up a compatibility horoscope on your own, the result is unable to cover all variations in the relationship between representatives of astrological signs. But even a generalized compatibility forecast will take into account the most specific traits characters and will help to avoid pitfalls in building relationships.

Compatibility in human relationships

When someone's paths intersect, not many can do it in advance to say how only the incipient relationship will develop. What does the future hold for the two people you just met? Perhaps they will love each other and soon want to connect their lives. Will their marriage be happy and lasting? Knowing the compatibility horoscope when choosing partners for a serious relationship is not just useful, it is often necessary. It is astrological awareness that is most effective in improving the quality of any human relationship.

In addition, the horoscope of compatibility includes several types:

  • Compatibility in love. The horoscopes of future couples are very popular. What is the reason for this? By checking the compatibility of your sign and the sign of your partner, you can prevent many unpleasant processes, bypass difficult situations and disagreements in the formation of relationships. Leaving room only for love and shared happiness.
  • Compatibility in bed. How many people have so many temperaments. One gravitates towards experimentation and experimentation in sexual relations, the other does not accept fantasies and considers them shameful. The compatibility horoscope will help you understand the characteristics and preferences of a partner, even before the first intimacy takes place.
  • Marriage compatibility. Not always a beautiful couple in love becomes a close-minded married couple. The subtleties of everyday communication between two people are also the same and the directions of the horoscope of compatibility.
  • Friendship compatibility. This horoscope calculates the likelihood of favorable friendships and the strength of friendship with a specific person.
  • Work and business compatibility. Another of the most popular aspects of compiling a compatibility horoscope. In many foreign countries smart bosses, not wanting to be trapped, before recruiting a team of employees, turn to astrologers for help in drawing up a horoscope for each of the employees.

Of course, taking the compatibility horoscope completely on faith and relying solely on his advice when building relationships is not worth it. He is not a panacea for solving problems and not a final judgment on the impossibility of a relationship with a certain person. Applying the horoscopes of compatibility in practice, you should not forget to listen to your own heart.

At birth, each person has an individual cosmogram. This is a map of the heavens exactly at the moment when the newborn took its first breath. This map, as it were, imprints into a person the energy of signs and planets that are at this time in the vastness of the universe. Everyone has their own, personal, special cosmogram. Synastry (compatibility) helps to determine the most suitable partner.

What is synastry?

Synastry is a complex analysis, a whole art. An astrologer, comparing the horoscopes of two completely different people, assesses the potential of their interaction, compatibility. This often applies to emotional relationships, but the study of synastry plays an important role in business (interaction of partners), and in the relationship between parents and children. For example, if a businessman has hired a knowledgeable professional, but he is tuned to a different mental frequency with him, the business will not go well. There will be constant nagging, reproaches, irritation. Here synastry (compatibility) will help: it will allow you to draw objective conclusions, figure out what does not work out in the relationship, whether it is worth continuing cooperation at all. Of course, sexual, emotional compatibility plays a significant role, but it is much more important to see if people correspond to each other spiritually.

Synastry. Methods

There are two groups of synastry methods. The first includes those where compatibility by date of birth is studied, the synastry of derivatives (progression cards). In this case, the card of one partner is taken and combined with the data of the other, then the synastry that forms between these cards is analyzed. The second method creates a kind of integral map - an indicator of the arithmetic mean. This method examines in great detail all aspects of the synastry, analyzes and draws certain conclusions about the relationship. The aspects that form the partners' planets play an important role. Marital aspects make it possible to analyze the synastries of the conjunction of the Moon in one with the Sun in another partner. Further, in terms of importance, personal planets stand out - from Mercury to Pluto.

The aspects of the Moon are important, they indicate the possibility of long-term coexistence, when subconscious reactions are important. Business relations are analyzed by another synastry - compatibility according to the Sun. Sexual, sensual components characterize aspects to Mars and Venus. Intellectual analyzes the synastry to Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn can talk about when a partner is ready to agree with certain arguments. It may seem that people born at the same time can be great for each other. But often, if they have the same arrangement of luminaries, similar problems may arise. For analysis (synastry of compatibility), a competent astrologer can draw up a grid. The planets of one partner are painted vertically, and the other is painted horizontally. The intersections of the column and row will help determine the synastry connection.

Synastry compatibility aspects

Powerful interactions are connections between fictitious points and planetary conjunctions in the synastry. Strong feelings of similarity, recognition depend on the interaction of the participating planets. In opposition, polarity and the force of mutual attraction of opposites are represented. It can reveal not only the sense of complementarity of each other, but also reveal insecurity and competition. It happens that there is a tendency of "swing" or "ping-pong", when, on the one hand, the partner manifests the energy of his planet, and on the other hand equalizes it. The effect of opposition, opposition and even obstruction may be present. Trines and glass steels are fluid aspects, they help to more easily mix two energies of points or planets. With them, mutual understanding and warm interaction often arise. These aspects, unlike bonding, do not necessarily generate attraction, but they do very well for relationships. If the synastry (compatibility) has aspects such as trines, then this suggests that the energies are perfectly combined, sextiles indicate the interaction of energies. If quadratures are observed in the synastry, then this indicates the presence of energies that need to be worked on. Growth-oriented people consider these aspects and think about further moves.

Ascendant in the synastry

Each person has their own "body ego", which is expressed through individual manners. Body language is the ascendant. It also indicates how we are able to handle everyday problems, determines our behavioral responses and the ability to start new projects. Naturally, when the synastry indicates that the ascendant of one in the cosmogram is aspected by the planet of the other, the reaction becomes very noticeable. Often it’s just attraction. physical body, but the entire "bodily ego" reacts, and this manifests itself not only in manners, but even in the gait and clothing of the ascendant.

Goddess of love venus

Many people know what role it plays in mythology. In astrology, it provides valuable information about how the ascendant manifests itself in matters of the heart. Venus is the ruler of not only romantic love, in general, she indicates our choice of pleasures in general. Many have faced the fact that they are attracted to those people whom they do not understand spiritually. Why does a person fall in love? Sometimes this can be easily explained, and sometimes the attraction is just irrational. How does compatibility in love work? The synastry can provide an answer to this question. Venus controls attraction. Of course, other factors are involved, but this planet is the bearer of romance, pleasure and union. In the synastry, it is one of the most important. And if we consider aspects in strong, long-term marriages, then they will definitely have the presence of Venus. In the cosmogram of any person, finding Venus, you can decipher how he relates to love, manifests himself in relationships. By comparing the cosmograms of two people, differences and similarities can be determined. The synastry will show whether the common fictitious points of the luminary form aspects of one partner with another.

Venus in the synastry

Aspects Sun - Venus... Such aspects are useful for any relationship. Harmony is created, there are common interests. The Sun-man in the presence of the Venus-man always becomes more beautiful and loving. To the Venus Man, the Sun Man seems intriguing and charming. This combination is characterized by satisfaction with each other.

Aspects Moon - Venus. Such aspects smooth out some of the difficulties in the relationship. Although they are not immune to ups and downs, various controversies. In the first place here, perhaps, friendship, not sexuality. These people always feel the need to see each other, to be in the same company, to show care and tenderness in a couple. The integrity of the relationship can be undermined by the silence of problems.

Aspects Mercury - Venus... Often the partners have common interests. Relationships are full of all kinds of conversations. If there are aspects such as quicons, quadrature, opposition, then often any misunderstandings break the relationship. Sometimes partners talk to each other too much, even waiting for their turn to speak up as soon as possible.

Aspects Venus - Venus... Trine, sextile, connection speak of relationship compatibility. Ease and comfort is created in the union of partners. The expression of affection and love is quite different for everyone, but together they give harmony. Queacons stimulates attraction. Squareness and opposition indicate attraction, although sometimes it can be frustrating.

Aspects Mars - Venus. A classic of aspects for many relationships. But they can often be troubling. If you are considering compatibility by date of birth, synastry at the same time indicates any aspects between these planets, know that both romantic attraction and sexuality will be present here. But if this goes beyond control, then the synastry can become a destructive force.

Jupiter in synastry

If the Jupiter of the cosmogram of one partner forms at least some aspects with the ascendant of the other, then a special relationship may arise. The Jupiter Man always gives his partner the benefit of the doubt. In the energy of the planets of partners, he always sees positive energy, seeks and finds the good side... He does not attach to the negative. Jupiter in relationships is characterized by the role of a "father" who sees the positive in his child and seeks to develop it. This is not the kind of "fatherhood" when a parent simply turns a blind eye to the bad and idealizes his child. He just always wants to cheer up, help and is sincerely glad of the partner's success. In connection with Jupiter with Venus, he will constantly encourage her and even forget some wrongdoings. In such a relationship, Venus will always be free to express her romantic desires and preferences. If you are interested in synastry (compatibility), experienced astrologers will help you calculate it. The presence of Jupiter aspects will indicate that relationships can be very rewarding. Other conflicting aspects may recede into the background. Even if a couple breaks up, she will do it quite friendly, in an amicable way.

Mars is the god of war

Mars in astrology is the planet of sexual expression. Aspects of Mars often indicate animal desires. If Venus rules romantic relationship, then Mars - animal needs for sex, satisfaction of desires. It is important to note that the presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate that he has a need to stay with a partner forever. If zero compatibility is indicated in the synastry, there will be no relationship at all, and do not expect further connections from such an ascendant. If, nevertheless, there are some love aspects, then strong Mars will manifest itself mainly in the bedroom. The presence of Mars in the synastry does not indicate sexuality as much as aspects of Venus, the relationship will not be as rich and delightful, but basic level they can be considered quite satisfactory.

Aspects of the Sun and Mars more indicate the presence of physical attraction and some kind of action in the relationship. If there are tense moments, then the relationship is filled with conflicts. Aspects of the Moon - Mars are very sexual, but excessively conflicting, everyday quarrels are often present here. The Mercury-Mars connection indicates exciting, passionate conversations. At the slightest stress, they immediately develop into quarrels. Aspects of Neptune-Mars are sex drive, but when stressed, it can be destructive in relationships. The hardest part is Saturn-Mars. If partners are not able to constantly work on their relationship, then the frustrations, tensions and obstacles will become simply insurmountable.

Compatibility horoscope - synastry by date of birth

Synastry by date of birth analyzes partners, looking for their compatibility according to the aspects of the planets. "Sin" translates as compatibility, "astro" - stars. One figure combines two astrological charts, and this makes it possible to study the various synastric aspects mentioned above. (synastry) with decoding is interpreted by astrologers as the most accurate forecast relationships between couples. Throughout life, we come across hundreds, thousands of people, and only a few of them can harmonize with us in spiritual or sexual relations.

Horoscope "Synastry by date of birth" will help to reveal a partner and find out the hidden features characteristic of this particular person. It is easy to find out if partners are connected only by physical attraction, or if there are other aspects in the relationship. Analysis of the maps will show in which areas cooperation is possible, and in which it is completely unacceptable. The synastry will make it possible to figure out whether you are inclined in a relationship to self-deception and delusion, and in general, whether marriage with a partner is possible. The more synastric aspects you have, the more promising development your relationship. Aspects will tell you which bond is dominant - flirting, love relationships, business partnerships, or the possibility of marriage.

Sex in the synastry

In the synastric chart, considering sexual relations, it is imperative to single out three levels: sex (lower), eros (middle), spirituality (higher).

Lower level... Traditionally, sexual compatibility is considered in the synastry through aspects such as Venus, Mars. But it is worth noting that the Moon-Pluto pair also plays an important role in this relationship. It is important when the man is Pluto and the woman is the Moon. Pluto is an expressed aspect of our unconscious subconscious, libido. The moon is an expression of nature, unaccountable feelings.

Average level... Venus and Mars rule here. See the synastry: if there are no aspects, then the couple has no ability for earthly love, passions.

Highest level... The Sun is involved here - a man and Neptune - a woman or the Moon - a woman and Neptune - a man. Ideal love, its highest form. Love has no real objects, feelings are transcendental, and Neptune is responsible for this. In this case, the object itself is not so important as the thoughts and attitude of the lover to him.