Students who have spent a year, a semester, or even just a couple of weeks abroad on a scientific internship return to their homeland with a mass of new ideas, knowledge and acquaintances. Studying abroad helps cultural exchange, learning from experience, developing new skills and broadening one's horizons. The only negative is that it is not available to everyone, since a visa, flight and accommodation for the duration of classes in a foreign country, and the courses themselves require money.

Scholarships and grants allow the student to solve the financial issue. Getting them is not as difficult as some people think. But you will definitely have to work hard. Conventionally, this process can be divided into four stages:

1. Program search

First you need to decide what you want to study and in which country. Will it language classes, paid or unpaid internships, undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programs? Where would you be more comfortable living - in a metropolis or a small authentic town? Which climate suits you best?

Also think about how you will allocate your budget. Denmark, for example, is considered one of the most expensive European countries, respectively, and living in it will be more expensive than in Bulgaria or Serbia.

Use social media, find guys who are already studying or living in the country you are interested in. Ask them to give you a price guide so you can calculate how much money you will need to spend on food and travel while studying.

2. Finding funding

For funding, be sure to visit the British Council, American Councils, DAAD, Campus France, Chevening, Fulbright, Endeavor Awards, The Swedish Institute. Bookmark the links to the pages where announcements about the collection of documents for the competition of grants and scholarships are published. There are many of them - for each specialty, you can find programs dedicated specifically to it. Monitor them.

Make a list of foundations and associations that provide grants to Kazakhstanis for education in your field, and follow their updates. It also makes sense to look at the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and track the information passing through your home university.

View and pages directly those foreign universities in which you would like to enroll. Sometimes they are looking for foreign students and provide the best of them with free training.

Good advice: do not radically change your specialization, so you will increase the chances of getting a grant. Pay close attention to the deadlines for submitting applications: European universities usually accept them in the first months of the year, despite the fact that the training itself traditionally begins in September.

3. Collection of documents

This process may take time. Below is a package of the most frequently required documents:


Motivation letter

An essay on a given topic written in English

Foreign Language Proficiency Certificate: TOEFL, IELTS, DSD II, TestDaF, DSH, OnDaF, DELF, DALF, TCF, HSK or HSKK with required score

Scanned copy of the passport photo page

Scanned copy of school certificate

A scanned copy of the diploma and grade form from the last place of study, translated into foreign language and notarized

Confirmation of work experience in the chosen field of study

Invitation from the host university

Depending on the program, the set of documents may vary. In some cases, applicants must be interviewed. Be prepared to show your knowledge of the topic you are interested in and the desire to study it further.

4. Competitive selection

The deadlines for considering applications are different for everyone. They can be clarified in advance when sending documents. The results of the selection are usually reported by e-mail. Reasons for rejection are usually not specified.

Among the lucky ones who received a grant to study abroad was a graduate of the Faculty of Biology of KazNU. al-Farabi Irina Soldatova. In the fall of 2014, she entered Prague to study.

“I am a PhD student at Charles University. I found the place quite by accident, when once again I was looking for grants for doctoral studies and on one of the sites I saw an announcement that a teacher from Charles University was looking for a doctoral student in my specialty. I immediately wrote to him and sent my resume. I was invited to two Skype interviews, plus I also communicated with him additionally by correspondence. He was from the post-Soviet space. Perhaps this also played a decisive role in the fact that he took me. I had an interview with the head of the department and the commission, I also went through it via Skype, because at that time I had problems with obtaining a Czech visa, and my head agreed with the dean that I should not come to Prague. Then they sent me an official invitation and a list of documents. All diplomas had to be apostilled and, in principle, everything, there were no other problems,” says Irina Soldatova.

According to Irina, before this incident, she was denied a grant several times, but she continued to look.

“When I tried to enter Germany or somewhere else, they invited me for an interview via Skype, but they refused further, because I did not have enough experience that they wanted, and there were no publications in a journal with an impact factor,” the girl shared .

Another Kazakhstani, a graduate of a leading Almaty university How Danabaev went to study in Seoul. He is engaged in communications research and cultural studies at Hanyang University. In parallel with this, the doctoral student is involved in a project to develop a tourist destination.

“I applied through the KGSP program, which is sponsored by the government South Korea. Information about it can be found in open sources on the Internet. For those who go under this program, there are no difficulties with a visa. The most important thing here is to correctly fill in all the necessary documents,” he said.

Difficulties with Kakim were associated with adaptation. First and foremost, it was about food.

“Koreans love to eat spicy food, almost all the cuisine here is spicy. Even after 2.5 years of living here, I still can't eat spicy food, it's a kind of allergy,” Kakim said.

The young man devoted his first days in another country to exploring his new habitat and meeting foreign students. And then he began to record videos on the topic of education in Korea and conduct online to share information and experience. In addition to the channel on YouTube video hosting, Kakim has his own website about successful people, business, style and travel, where you can also find a lot of useful things - personal stories, tips and travel notes.

If you want to go to study abroad, it is important to learn how to ask yourself the right questions, be able to navigate the abundance of offers, be careful with documents and deadlines, and not be afraid to get rejected. Each attempt is a valuable experience that will come in handy in the future. Go for it, and luck will certainly smile at you!

The cost of studying at universities in Kazakhstan is increasing every year, while in European countries such an opportunity is either absolutely free of charge or charged. symbolic fee. Find out where there is free education in Europe for Kazakhstanis.

Higher education in Kazakhstan provides two forms of training - paid and free. After passing the UNT, only a third of graduates of Kazakhstani schools can apply for free education.

The Association of Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan analyzed the fees for education. The figures are impressive - from 150 thousand a year to 2 million tenge. Some children, having lost a few points when passing the UNT, are forced to give up their dreams and choose another profession that can be obtained for free, or are looking for an alternative to universities in Kazakhstan.

Recently, studying abroad for Kazakhstanis has become a trend. Consider the options that offer free education abroad for Kazakhstanis:


Germany has become the latest European country to abolish university tuition fees. Education in Germany is based on the principle of social equality: every capable and talented young person can get a profession for free at any university in the country. To do this, it is enough to know the language (German or English) in certain level and have the financial opportunity to live in Germany, pay for their social needs.

German universities open their doors to anyone who wants to get a bachelor's or master's degree in both technical, economic and humanitarian direction. Universities adapt to applicants, so if there are difficulties with the German language, the university will offer a program in English.

At the same time, those who wish to test their strength and enter a German educational institution should know that studying in Germany, although it does not involve passing entrance exams, selection committee takes student achievement seriously.

Everything is taken into account: the level of training, participation in scientific projects and experiments, the presence scientific discoveries and works, speeches at conferences, humanitarian and social work. Teachers want to be sure of the seriousness of the applicant's intentions. In addition, for some specialties (medical direction) the enrollment of students is limited.

The basic documents for admission to German universities are as follows:

  1. A certificate or certificate confirming that the applicant has a secondary education.
  2. A document that confirms the financial viability of the future student. This is necessary for the consulate to make sure that the foreigner will be able to provide accommodation, meals, payment of allowances and materials necessary for educational process etc.
  3. Study or student visa.
  4. Application to the admissions office.
  5. Medical insurance that will be valid throughout the entire period of study.

Pay attention to the document certifying that the applicant speaks the language of instruction at a sufficient level. Such forms are issued by special centers where you can be tested before applying to German universities.


For foreign students, Norwegian universities also offer free education. Level higher education in this Scandinavian country is considered one of the best in Europe. This is especially true for specialties related to media studies, medicine, sociology and anthropology.

Norwegian universities provide the opportunity to study in English (for economic specialties, management, etc.), as well as in Norwegian.

To learn Norwegian, you have to be like free courses, which operate in all municipalities of the country, or take preparatory courses that are available in the leading universities of Bergen, Oslo, Trosmo.

From documents to a future student, except for those translated into Norwegian certificate or diploma, you need to take care of the IELTS certificate. To do this, you will have to pass the test and get an extract with a score set on an international scale.

Universities do not require income certificates, because the hostel, the canteen on the campus and medical care for foreign students are free. But take care of financial support have to, because Norway is one of the most expensive European countries.


Since the Middle Ages, the Czech Republic has been considered a country whose universities provide the best higher education in Europe. Free education in the Czech Republic for Kazakhstanis is possible only in state universities where teaching is conducted in Czech.

If you want to study in English, then you can do it only at private universities and you have to pay for such education. Year of study in educational institutions about two thousand euros.

When applying for free education, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take exams in specialized subjects and pass a competition, because the number of places is limited. If you decide to enter the economic department, you will have to test in mathematics and English.

What documents are needed for admission:

  1. Nostrified certificate of secondary education or diploma of higher education. It will be issued in Prague. To receive it, you need to provide an extract on the hours that were allotted for the study of subjects.
  2. B2 certificate for knowledge Czech language. It will be issued in Czech language courses.

The student will have to take care of the provision, since meals and accommodation on Czech campuses are paid. The hostel will cost an average of 150 euros, and food - up to 300 euros.

Most often, Kazakhstanis go to the Czech Republic to obtain such professions as a financier, entrepreneur, physician, economist and manager, architect and programmer.


Finland provides equal conditions for citizens and foreigners when it comes to obtaining higher education in public educational institutions. Education in Finnish universities is free.

Applicants from Kazakhstan can enter any of the 10 leading Finnish universities. Most often, Kazakhstanis prefer programming and natural sciences, including medicine, and more specifically dentistry.

Despite the fact that there is no tuition fee, foreigners cannot avoid spending on education. They have to pay for food study guides and materials, visits to the library and the use of its resources, for the use of the gym, excursions. In addition, you must pay annual fees to student associations where you are a member.

Students are offered learning programs in Finnish or Swedish, as well as in the international language of communication - English.

For admission to a Finnish university, you will need:

  1. Certificate B2, which indicates the level of English proficiency.
  2. Translation into English or Finnish of the content of the certificate of Kazakhstani secondary education.
  3. Student visa.

Students from Kazakhstan need to take care of paying for accommodation in university dormitories and their own needs during the period of study in Finland.

If you want to get a Finnish bachelor's degree, you must study at least 3.5 years at a university, and if you aim for a master's or doctoral degree, then it will take 8 years.


Poland is one of the most attractive European countries in terms of university education. The offers of educational institutions for foreign citizens are rapidly increasing, and the conditions for admission are being simplified.

Most Polish universities charge tuition fees. This applies to everyone: both foreigners and Poles. But for Kazakhstanis there are opportunities to get free education. This:

  • scholarship funds and programs;
  • grants;
  • Erasmus student and teacher exchange program.

High school graduates and students of Kazakhstani universities who have high scores, speak English at B2 level and have studied at least 2 years in a particular specialty can participate in them.

To apply to universities in Poland you will need:

  1. Translation into one of the country's basic languages ​​(Polish or English) of a diploma/certificate issued in Kazakhstan.
  2. A certificate confirming a sufficient level of knowledge of the Polish language.
  3. Medical certificate of health and medical policy.

If you receive education in two languages ​​at a Polish university, you will receive two diplomas - Polish and British.


Greek universities offer free education to Kazakhstanis who speak Greek or are ready to learn it in their first year of university education. Such students will not have to pay either for a hostel or for meals in the canteen of the university.

But teach that when applying for a free form, you must pass a competition. In most institutions in Greece, applicants take a general exam in nine subjects. It consists of two stages - oral and written. Some offer other forms of verification.

What you need to enter a Greek public university:

  1. A Greek-translated high school diploma or diploma.
  2. Certificate Defining Knowledge Greek. It is issued by universities after passing the relevant exam by a future student.

There may be obligatory but insignificant contributions for study materials. It will take 4 years to study at Greek universities, and in some (medical direction) - 6 years.

European education among Kazakhstanis is becoming popular. This is because the diploma that a specialist receives in this case gives him the opportunity to get a job in any country in Europe.

Explore all options so you know what requirements you will face when choosing this higher education path.

What is education in China and why is it worth studying here? Do you know that the policy of the PRC takes the process of educating the new rising generation very seriously. The state cares about the growing resource and its future, therefore all universities are controlled by the state and teach according to strictly established and controlled training programs.

The quality of education in China is valued all over the world. This is easy to explain - the point is that there is not a single private institution in the PRC. All educational establishments are supervised by the government, and the curriculum of all educational institutions is standardized and strictly controlled by the government. Most universities have a long history of teaching, a serious research team, recognized scientists in their field, educational programs which are listed all over the world. Every year most of the students who go to China in the hope of getting the best training in the world is growing, and you also have a chance to be among them.

Western education

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