Name: Oxford Handbook of Anesthesia
Olman K, Wilson A.
The year of publishing: 2009
Size: 226.68 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

The handbook covers all sections of the anesthesiology service. The authors of the book outline all the basic issues of anesthesiology, but pay special attention to treatment regimens, dosages that have constant revisions, and side effects from their action. It will be useful for anesthesiologists-resuscitators.

Name: Neonatal Intensive Care
Aleksandrovich Yu.S., Pshenisnov K.V.
The year of publishing: 2013
Size: 41.39 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide "Intensive care of newborns" under the editorship of Aleksandrovich Yu.S., et al., considers the modern, up-to-date information about the principles of intensive care for children of the new period ... Download the book for free

Name: General anesthesia in the pediatric oncology clinic
Saltanov A.I., Matinyan N.V.
The year of publishing: 2016
Size: 0.81 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "General Anesthesia in the Clinic of Pediatric Oncology" ed., A.I. Saltanova et al., considers the features of pediatric oncology, the principles of general balanced anesthesia, its components, as well as in ... Download the book for free

Name: Intensive therapy. 3rd edition
Paul L. Marino
The year of publishing: 2012
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Critical Care, edited by Paul L. Marino, covers a basic course of therapy that requires intensive care. The third edition of the famous book contains modern data on the pathogenesis and... Download the book for free

Name: Action algorithms in critical situations in anesthesiology. 3rd edition
McCormick b.
The year of publishing: 2018
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Practical guide "Algorithms for actions in critical situations in anesthesiology" ed., McCormick B., in an adapted guide for the Russian-speaking population, ed., Nedashkovsky E.V., ... Download the book for free

Name: Critical situations in anesthesiology
Borshoff D.S.
The year of publishing: 2017
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide "Critical situations in anesthesiology", edited by Borshoff D.S., considers clinical situations that are critical in the practice of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator.... Download the book for free

Name: Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive therapy in children
Stepanenko S.M.
The year of publishing: 2016
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Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Tutorial"Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care in children" edited by Stepanenko S.M.

Name: ambulance and urgent Care. General issues of resuscitation
Gekkieva A.D.
The year of publishing: 2018
Size: 2.3 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The textbook "Ambulance and emergency care. General issues of resuscitation" under the editorship of Gekkieva A.D., considers in the aspect modern standards the algorithm of the doctor's actions in the development of terminal conditions ... Download the book for free

Name: Neuroreanimatology
Krylov V.V., Petrikov S.S., Ramazanov G.R., Solodov A.A.
The year of publishing: 2016
Size: 7.21 MB
Format: docx
Language: Russian
Description: In the practical guide "Neuroresuscitation" edited by Krylov V.V., et al., the issues of modern neurosurgery and neuroreanimatology are considered - intensive care of patients with acute cereb...

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties




Oxford New York Tokyo


J.A.B. Collier J.M. Longmore J.G. Harvey

Oxford Handbook for Clinicians

Translation from English

Dr. honey. Sciences M.V.Neverova, Dr. med. Sciences A.V. Kukhtevich, Dr. med. Sciences Professor A.V. Suchkov


UDC 616.1/. 8 (035) BBK 53.5 K60

The publication is recommended for translation by Corresponding Member. RAMS, Dr. med. sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prizes of the USSR NA. MUKHIN, Head of the Department of Therapy and Occupational Diseases of the Moscow medical academy them. THEM. Sechenov.

Collier J.A.B., Longmore J.M., Harvey J.G.

K60 Oxford guide for clinicians: Per. from English. - M.: Medicine, 2000. - 992 p.: ill. ISBN 5-225-00630-2 ISBN 0-19-262116-5

The third edition of the Oxford Clinician's Guide contains extensive information on such areas of medicine as obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry, traumatology, ophthalmology, and anesthesiology. A separate chapter is devoted to some of the problems faced by the doctor general practice. The book has a practical orientation, it literally dictates the sequence of actions of the doctor in the process of examination and treatment of the patient.

This publication is intended for therapists, general practitioners and a wide range of specialists.

BBK 53.5

ISBN 5-225-00630-2 © J.A.B. Collier and J.M. Longmore, 1990; ISBN 0-19-262116-5 J.A.B. Collier, J.M. Longmore, and

J.H. Harvey, 1991.

© M.B. Neverova, A.V. Kukhtevich, A.V. Suchkov, translation into Russian, 2000

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties 3ed is published under an agreement with Oxford University Press with the assistance of the British Council Translation Fund.

Table of contents
Preface to the third edition

Like coral reefs, the art of medicine very slowly, centimeter by centimeter, accumulates tiny living particles of knowledge, and this third edition of the handbook contains hundreds of such new particles and the first general outlines of a new continent (new to this series of Oxford reference books) called "anesthesia". Of course, we have always known about the existence of this field of medicine, and our knowledge was not direct, and experience in this area was so limited and local” that we did not even try to include this problem in previous editions. That is why, with such gratitude, we responded to the kind offer of Dr. Josephine Fagan to write the relevant chapter for us.

Dr. Josephine Fagan is the winner of our 1989 Medical Editor Competition. She contributed to the 1991 edition. Working with her has not only been a great pleasure, but also a lot of new knowledge. Her contribution is felt in all sections of the book, but it is especially great in the chapter "Gynecology", which is completely revised by her.

Many new questions are included in the subject of this edition. These are, for example, prenatal diagnosis (p. 216), advice to parents in case of stillbirth (p. 178), minor health problems in newborns (p. 288), feeding an infant from a horn (p. 232), late development of speech in a child (p. 264), talking to parents about a terminal illness in a child (p. 414), helpful advice for a relative with dementia (p. 458), Reed codes (p. 530), problems with screening programs (p. 540), alternative medicine (p. 570), driving ability (p. 584), obesity (p. 590), adult height and weight records (p. 592), referral statistics specialists by general practitioners (p. 586), ophthalmoscopy (p. 597), diagnosis of strabismus (p. 606), treatment of ulcerated cornea (p. 622), preparation and preparation of antibiotic eye drops (p. 652), tonic blepharo-spasm (p. 656), soft tissue injuries (p. 808), child accident (p. 827), helicopter transport (p. 835), smoke inhalation (p. 847), natural disasters (p. 900), gunshot and other penetrating wounds (p. 904).

There are too many minor changes in this edition to list them in detail, but it is worth noting the following.

Obstetrics: placenta (p. 98), physiological changes in a pregnant woman (p. 100), registration criteria (p. 120), antenatal care (p. 124), eclampsia (p. 126), intrauterine growth retardation (p. 136), bleeding in the prenatal period (p. 140), sampling of chorionic villi (p. 216), staining of amniotic fluid with meconium (p. 168), C-section(p. 172), postpartum hemorrhage (p. 182), amniotic fluid embolism (p. 188), Erb's spinal palsy (p. 190), maternal death (p. 214).

Pediatrics: vaccination (p. 282-283), the child began to walk independently late (p. 260), contraindications for breastfeeding infant (p. 230), doses of paracetamol (p. 284), sick newborn (p. 314), sick child and child with fever (p. 326), dehydration (p. 328), meningitis (p. 338-342) , emergency care for diabetes (p. 348), asthma (p. 358), respiratory infections (p. 368), sudden death baby (p. 382).

Psychiatry: trying to avoid dependence on hospitalization (p. 433), causes of depression (p. 442), your own mental illness(p. 438), suicide attempt (p.

Current page: 1 (total book has 25 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 17 pages]

Nikolay Alekseevich Speshnev
Chinese: features of national psychology

The design of the publication used the work of the writer and artist Feng Jicai


Numerous characteristics of any civilization, in addition to such traditionally mentioned factors as ethnography, history, material and spiritual culture, including philosophy, language and literature, as well as many other things, should include, first of all, the national psychology, or mental warehouse, and the ethnic consciousness of the nation. as defining components of ethnopsychology that form this or that civilization.

Humanity is one, but its representatives, belonging to different civilized areas, have different not only languages, but also systems of values, symbols, psychological attitudes, associative thinking, humor, and, consequently, mores and much more.

These factors are especially important where we are dealing with the national psychology of the peoples of the East, for the reason that it is along the conditional East-West border that the main line of delimitation of ethnopsychological stereotypes runs, ignorance, misunderstanding of which makes communication between peoples living on both sides of this “borders”, difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.

Specific ways of perception and understanding by members of the ethnic community (or ethnophors) of various aspects of the surrounding reality, transmitted from generation to generation, depend primarily on the mental makeup of the ethnos, in which, in turn, one should distinguish between ethnic character, ethnic temperament, ethnic traditions and customs.

In the character of any nation, a set of personal properties of a person as a species is represented, however, the structure and degree of expression of these properties are specific, which is reflected in the nature of the ethnos. The ethnic character is both specific and typical at the same time, since it is a peculiar, specific ratio of closely related psychological qualities, each of which is individually typical of a person as such.

Chinese civilization has always been of great interest to other nations. At the same time, civilization is understood as a synonym for culture; like a level community development, material and spiritual culture; as a stage of social development following barbarism.

The Middle Kingdom, or the Celestial Empire, attracted the layman primarily with its exoticism. V. M. Alekseev noted that “exoticism as a negative concept is an element of a foreign culture, not assimilated, existing in an informal order and producing annoying irritation. For the inhabitant of the exotic, everything that is funny and strange, bizarre, caricatured in others. The exotic is, first of all, something “outside” us, little known, little understood, or completely incomprehensible. Such fables as “the Chinese drink Chinese tea, read the Chinese letter, ride in a palanquin and love bamboo sticks on their heels”, which V. M. Alekseev writes about, however, already in other variations, unfortunately, are present in the minds of some and now. Therefore, I will try to approach the task not as a philistine, but as a scientist. The sinologist must dispel the imaginary exotic as a painful and dangerous mirage. Arguments on the topics “mysterious soul”, “the East is a delicate matter”, etc., are most likely of interest only to the layman.

In former times, China was regarded by the imperialist powers as a colony, rich in resources and cheap labor. Nowadays, China has become one of the most dynamic developing countries, leading many scholars to investigate China's "economic miracle". Moreover, being the only ancient culture that survived until the 21st century, China and its people cannot but be of interest for a comprehensive study.

It is quite obvious that the study of the foundations of the psychology of the Chinese and other factors traditionally designated as static and dynamic components of ethnopsychology is necessary for a more complete understanding of many problems. Undoubtedly, some traditional views or interpretations adopted, say, in the analytical works on Chinese philosophy, literature and art, could receive a completely different interpretation.

The approach to the study of psychology can be humanitarian or natural (in terms of natural sciences) character.

The humanitarian approach involves monitoring ordinary life ethnophore, analysis of his speech, study of habits and customs, state system, law, education, history, culture in all its manifestations - in poetry, music, fine arts. The most objective methods, of course, should be considered testing and questioning according to a pre-designed program.

In our reasoning, we will mainly rely on numerous materials published both in China and abroad, in which the psychology of the Chinese is considered from various angles. At the same time, much of what is presented in this book is based on many years of observations by the author, who lived in China for more than twenty-two years and received his second upbringing in the 1930s and 1940s. 20th century in the Chinese team in Beijing.

Chapter 1
To the history of the issue

Questions related to the psychology of peoples were of interest to many scientists. different eras from ancient times to today. Their attention was attracted primarily by those factors that, to one degree or another, could influence the formation of a national character.

The first researchers of ethnic differences, their influence on the life and culture of peoples, on the life of people associated the psychology of the people with climatic conditions different geographic environments. Hippocrates, in particular, noted this point in his work "On the airs, waters, localities." However, a truly deep interest in ethnic psychology begins in the middle of the eighteenth century. and is due to the development of social relations, economic progress, which has sharpened political and national independence. The specifics of the national way of life, national culture and psychology have acquired a clearer outline. Questions of the unity of the culture of the people, its spiritual and psychological community occupied certain place in science. C. Montesquieu, I. Fichte, I. Kant, I. Herder, G. Hegel repeatedly addressed this topic.

S. Montesquieu, like many other authors, believed that the spirit of the people is the result of the influence of climate, soil and terrain, which can be direct and indirect. People are controlled by many factors: climate, religion, laws, principles of government, examples of the past, mores, customs; and how the result of all this is formed common spirit people.

The French philosopher of the Enlightenment, K. Helvetius, in the book “On Man”, in the section “On the Changes that Have Occurred in the Character of Peoples, and on the Causes that Caused Them”, writes: “Every nation has its own special way of seeing and feeling, which forms its character, and in all peoples this character changes either suddenly or gradually, depending on the sudden or imperceptible changes that have taken place in the form of government and, consequently, in social education. It was Helvetius who laid down many scientific principles for understanding the essence of the national character, such as the principles of development, social conditionality, and equality of peoples.

The English philosopher D. Hume formulated his position in his work “On National Characters”. He believed that there were some physical factors that form the national character. So, natural conditions life (air, climate) determine the character, temperament, traditions of work and life. However, the main ones are social factors. These include the form of government, social upheavals, the abundance or want in which the population lives, the position of the nation in relation to its neighbors. According to Hume, the national character is formed on the basis of two factors: firstly, the spiritual convergence of professional groups in society, and secondly, economic and political patterns.

I. Kant in his work "Anthropology from a practical point of view" defines such concepts as "people", "nation", "character of the people". According to Kant, a people is a multitude of people united in a particular locality, constituting one whole. When such a multitude is in view common origin recognizes itself united in one civil entity, it is called a nation. Each nation has its own character, manifested in the emotional experience (affection) in relation to and perception of another culture. The basis of the national character is the natural traits of the ancestors, that is, what is transmitted from generation to generation. “When changing the place of residence, forms of government, the character of the people most often does not change - adaptation to new conditions takes place, traces of origin, and, consequently, of the national character, are preserved in the language, occupation, clothing.”

G. Hegel in his "Philosophy of the Spirit" considers the problems of the nature of nations and races. They solved some methodological issues. So, he opposed the identification of character and temperament, arguing that they are different in content. If national character is a trait of a national community, then temperament is a trait of an individual. Hegel believed that not all peoples can be carriers of the spirit, that is, play a world-historical role.

Such an idealistic interpretation of the national character and the doctrine of the national spirit big influence to later ethnopsychological concepts.

In 1859, H. Steinthal and M. Lazarus published the book Thoughts on Folk Psychology. The folk spirit, in their opinion, is semi-mystical. The authors cannot determine the ratio of dynamic and static components in folk psychology. Nevertheless, there is a lot of positive in their views, especially in the formulation and decision methodological problems the science they create. These are, in particular: a) knowledge psychological essence folk spirit and its activities; b) the discovery of the laws according to which the internal spiritual activity of a person is carried out; c) determining the conditions for the emergence, development and disappearance of representatives of a particular people. The main sources of knowledge, according to the authors, are the products of the national spirit: language, myths, religion, art, mores, customs and, in general, the history of the people.

The most developed is the ethnopsychological concept of W. Wundt. The theory of the psychology of peoples arose from his idea of ​​the irreducibility of general psychological processes to individual psychology and the need to study the socio-psychological patterns of the functioning of social communities and the whole society. The soul of a people is not a simple sum of individuals, but their connection and interaction, which determines new, specific phenomena and peculiar laws. The folk soul is a connection of psychological phenomena, the total content of spiritual experiences, general ideas, feelings and aspirations. It should be studied by analyzing the concrete historical products of peoples: language, myths, customs, which constitute the main areas of folk psychology. According to Wundt, language is identical to the mind (representations), myths to feelings, customs to will in individual psychology. He drew a clear line between folk (social) and individual psychology. Wundt defined the historical character of collective consciousness and introduced the historical method into its study.

The current state of Western ethnopsychology, in fact a subdiscipline of cultural anthropology, is characterized by a number of features. Acting as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, ethnopsychology includes elements of such sciences as ethnography, anthropology, psychology, biology, psychiatry, sociology, which leaves an imprint on the methods of analysis and interpretation of empirical data. The development of Western ethnic psychology in the twentieth century. determined two major factors: the desire to reduce all problems to an individual-personal aspect and taking into account the philosophical and methodological predilections of a particular researcher. The main trend was the combination of psychology, focused on "microproblems", that is, limited in time and space and associated with non-historical and extracultural phenomena, and anthropology with its "macroproblems" of a historical and evolutionary nature. To the number common problems include: features of the formation of a national character, the ratio of norm and pathology in different cultures, the value early experiences childhood for the formation of human personality.

American ethnologists R. Benedict and M. Mead consider aspects of ethnicity with a significant focus on psychoanalysis and experimental psychology. Ethnopsychologists began to use the position of Z. Freud that the relationship between culture and personality can be derived from the subject's neurotic states. The concept of "basic personality" arose, characterizing the essential features of individuals of various ethnic groups. The parameters of the "basic personality" included: the technique of thinking, feelings, a kind of average character of a separate culture, considered as essential features of the people under study. R. Benedict concluded that there are different standards of "normality" in ethnic cultures.

The American researcher G. Devereaux in his book "Ethnopsychoanalysis" argues that the ethnopsychoanalytic approach is associated with the study of the genesis and meaning of aggressiveness and other psychological states(anxiety, fear, affection, loneliness) in various ethnic communities, non-verbal communications, emotional sphere ethnophor, specifics and functions of ritual as a special type of ethnic interaction. According to the American ethnopsychologist A. Bandura, aggressive emotional condition is a phenomenon of ethno-social origin.

Another direction of Western ethnopsychology is associated with the study of personality in different cultures. So, comparative study ethnic groups (G. Rorschach, E. Bleki) led to the conclusion about the existence of a "modal personality" - a personality type, which includes the largest number of adult members of a given society. This is not a specific, but some "average", generalized ethnophore. The concept of a multimodal nation has become widespread: each nation is represented not by one modal personality, but by several, which makes it possible to single out the “characteristics of a nation” as a collective.

J. Honeyman (USA) believes that main task ethnopsychology is the study of how an individual acts, thinks, feels in a particular context. social environment. J. Honeyman introduces the concept of "behavior model", which he defines as a way of active thinking or feeling (perception) fixed by an individual.

The largest number of studies was carried out by representatives of the socio-psychological direction. In modern Western ethnopsychology, the study of the problems of interaction between ethnophores from different ethnic groups is extremely important. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of ethnocentrism, racism and nationalism. The most important in this direction are the problems of changing ethnic identity and ethnicity, the cessation of the existence of an ethnic group, the dissolution of one ethnic community into another. American scientists approach this problem from the point of view of the so-called "theory of factors", in which ethnic consciousness is considered as a set of components, or interrelated variables. For example, the attitude of one or another ethnophore to other ethnic groups and even to one's own ethnic group is explained by such factors as fear, failure, rigidity, authoritarianism, alienation, struggle for status, conservatism, conventionalism, etc. At the same time, reference is made to such " "background" factors such as education, occupation, religion, social mobility, place of residence.

W. Sumner (USA) points to one of the problems of ethnic identification - ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is the view that one's own group is the center of everything and all others are scaled and judged against it, often with contempt for the customs of the outgroup.

Most of the concepts of interethnic interaction can be classified depending on what aspects of ethnic identification are taken as the basis of the theoretical model: target, adaptive, integration or latent. The "target model" implies that the individual has a set of attitudes about how he should be. "Adaptive (social) model" corresponds to how a person identifies himself through relationships with others. "Integration (personal) model" corresponds to how a person identifies himself through the uniqueness of only his characteristic features. The "latent model" takes into account what a person means to himself.

In Russia, ethnopsychological research was originally the work of writers, ethnographers, and linguists. The desire to form public opinion, to educate national dignity, to counteract the “Frenchization” of the Russian nobility can be seen in the publications of N. I. Novikov, D. I. Fonvizin, N. M. Karamzin, A. N. Radishchev.

The successors of the ideas of enlightenment in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. became Decembrists. Following Radishchev, the Decembrists believed that serfdom there is a humiliation of the national dignity of every Russian. In the views of P. Ya. Chaadaev, skepticism and rejection of the historical past of the Russian people was combined with faith in its special destiny, the messianic role of Russia in the future of Europe.

K. M. Baer, ​​who headed the ethnographic department of the Russian Geographical Society, believed that the main task was to study mental capacity people. In his opinion, it is necessary to study the way of life of the people, their customs and prejudices, religion, language, fairy tales, songs, music. As part of the Geographical Society in the late 1840s. The beginning of a new branch of psychology - folk psychology was laid. A decade later, in Germany, under the editorship of Lazarus and Steinthal, the Journal of Folk Psychology and Linguistics began to appear, publications of which are considered the cornerstone of ethnic psychology in Western Europe. The works of the Russian Geographical Society in the field of "psychological ethnography" led to the substantiation of an objective, "positive" method in psychology, which consisted in studying the products of people's spiritual activity - cultural monuments, folklore, beliefs.

Another direction was connected with linguistics. Here the language acted as the basis of the unity of the mental warehouse of this or that people. The basis of folk psychology is language, and it determines the existence ethnic communities. Hence the psychological direction in linguistics, dating back to the works of W. Humboldt. A. A. Potebnya combined the study of the structure of the word with the psychological study of thinking, since he considered the origin of the language to be a purely psychological phenomenon. According to D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, before learning the language, the child does not have national psychological characteristics, he is “international”.

GG Shpet believed that psychology should consider the subject in its social objectifications, where the subjective content is objectified in the very works of human culture.

The Soviet period can be divided into several time periods.

1) The first years of Soviet power. During this period, the problem of national interaction was important for the country. In those years, there was still no serious ethnic development of national policy.

2) 1930–1950s In ethnopsychology as a science, the Marxist methodological principle was affirmed. This principle was based on the works of IV Stalin.

3) 1960s Special attention was aimed at various aspects of cooperation and friendship between peoples. For the first time, mass surveys were conducted and the questionnaire method was used.

4) 1970s The period of concrete sociological study of nations and nationalities, national relations. Yu. V. Bromley believed that interethnic relations should be studied as a phenomenon of a socio-psychological nature. The first steps were taken in studying the process of formation of national self-consciousness. The works of M. N. Guboglo “Language contacts and elements of ethnic identification” (1973), G. V. Starovoitova “On the study of the ethnopsychology of urban residents” (1976), A. A. Kozhanov “Appearance as a factor of ethnic comparison” (1977) are devoted to this ).

In this section, the author partially used material on the history of ethnic psychology, prepared at the Faculty of Sociology of St. Petersburg State University and presented in the articles by A. O. Boronoev, N. M. Platonova and Yu. P. Platonov, as well as S. D. Gurieva, published in the book "Introduction to ethnic psychology" (St. Petersburg, 1995).

The general theoretical problems of ethnopsychology in China began to be taken seriously only in the last few decades. And the works of Chinese researchers devoted to the peculiarities of the national character of the Chinese first appeared only a hundred years ago. These works are discussed in detail in Chapter 3.

). Now I want to devote myself to writing, so to speak, but I don’t forget about psychology either. Sometimes people turn to me for advice, and I myself try to keep abreast of the latest trends in science.

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When you turn the last page, you feel a little sorry - it seems that you are returning from a vacation by the sea, where peace and grace reign. This is a book about spiritual harmony, finding yourself and the most important things in life - relationships, love, commitment and family, sincerity, caring and creativity. Reprinted several times since 1955.

Psychology of motivation

Why does one person take risks while another hides his head in the sand? Why is it that someone is positively disposed, while someone perceives any trifle as a tragedy? A book on psychology for those who are interested in the nature of human behavior and ways to influence someone else's choices.


Have you thought that you can achieve more? It's never too late to find your calling. Many stories and examples from life will demonstrate that every person is talented. You just need to understand who you really are. A lighthouse book for those who get lost on the way to their dreams.

Emotional intellect. Russian practice

How to make emotions your ally. Our feelings and emotions are a wonderful tool that can help us achieve success in relationships, personal life and career. It will teach you how to manage your own and even (a little) other people's emotions.

And, of course, the promised bonus. The eleventh book in the TOP 10 books on psychology. Sounds strange, I agree, but I just could not ignore this book.

Wisdom of Gandhi

In fact, Mahatma is not a name, but a title. It means "great soul". Of course, Gandhi is not a psychologist at all. But how far apart are psychology, philosophy, and spiritual leadership? I warmly recommend reading The Wisdom of Gandhi. This is the most book on practical psychology which teaches us important life lessons.

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