Sometimes what's in real life disgusts us, in a dream it is a good sign. Night dreams about manure are very ambiguous. For some, this image dreams of wealth, others - for a successful marriage, and still others - for problems. What the manure dreamed about for you depends on the actions taking place in the vision and on its location.

Interpretations according to famous dream books: Miller, Hasse, Medea

Most dream books agree that dreaming manure is a favorable sign:

  1. White. Successful investment, reward for work.
  2. Big. The dream is auspicious, promises good health and a happy life.
  3. Future. Get an inheritance or windfall.
  4. Vanga. You will be rewarded for your work.
  5. Oriental. Pleasant surprises, farmers - a rich harvest.
  6. Grishina. Prosperity, getting rid of diseases, wealth.
  7. Female. Closing successful deals.
  8. Zadeki. To a good harvest of bread.
  9. Winters. Business achievements.
  10. Islamic. Get a good profit.
  11. Lunar. To money.
  12. Medea. good position in society, respect for others.
  13. Miller. Bring to life a long-planned idea, and it will bring great benefits.
  14. Peter Leiman. Fill your life with new adventures, strive to learn something new and interesting every day. This is necessary for spiritual growth.
  15. Pechora healer. To abundance.
  16. Mary's soothsayers. Pay raise or promotion career ladder.
  17. Russian. Get an award.
  18. Family. The conclusion of profitable deals, a successful marriage.
  19. Simone Cananita. Good health, inheritance.
  20. Modern. Old problems will be solved, life will begin to improve.
  21. Bitches. Good time for new beginnings. You can make good money.
  22. French. Rich and full life.
  23. Hasse. Take part in a successful enterprise and get rich.
  24. Gypsy. Profit and success in business.
  25. Esoteric. Get a significant fee for your work.

An unfavorable interpretation of this image gives latest dream book: others will know about the reprehensible act you have committed.

If in a night vision manure stuck to your clothes and you couldn’t clean it off, then there are bad rumors about you.

Small Velesov. The dream is ambiguous. It can promise wealth or warn of a serious illness. loved one.

Most dream books interpret manure in a dream as a sign of imminent profit.

Meanings for men and women

The meaning of night dreams also depends on who dreamed them:

  1. girl or unmarried woman. Marry for love. The marriage will be successful. Such an interpretation is proposed in the family and women's dream books.
  2. Married. There will be an offer to participate in a new enterprise. Do not hesitate, agree immediately. This will bring good dividends.
  3. Pregnant. Relatives will appreciate your work.
  4. Man. Changes for the better are coming. There is a chance to move up the career ladder. For an entrepreneur, a dream promises to make big profits.

Dreamed of manure in bags? Offer a good job

What was the manure: horse, cow, with worms

In ancient times, the cow was considered the breadwinner of the family. Therefore, to see her manure in night dreams is good. Means what financial position will be strengthened, and things will go uphill sharply. You will have to work tirelessly, but the reward for your work will exceed all expectations. According to the dream book of the medium Hasse, night dreams portend good health, and recovery for those who are ill.

Horses are strong and fast animals. Seeing horse manure in a dream, you can be sure that in addition to money, vision promises good health. For a young woman, night dreams promise the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Carry horse dung in the kingdom of Morpheus to your home - to a happy family life.

If in a dream you had a chance to see manure with worms, be prepared for complications in relationships with loved ones. Stepping over it is a favorable sign. Troubles will pass. To crush dung worms in the kingdom of Morpheus - to make a difficult decision.

If in a night vision a dung worm crawled onto the dreamer, then he will be promoted at work or presented with a pleasant surprise.

Seeing a lot of manure in a dream is a good sign. A dream promises wealth, gambling people - a win, sick people - healing from ailments.

Dreamed of a dunghill? You can get rich and take a high position in society. Life will be calm and harmonious.

If the dreamed manure smelled bad, they will gossip about you.

Where manure dreamed: in the garden, in a cart, a barn and other places

Remember where the manure was in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  1. In the garden. To increase prosperity.
  2. In the barn. To a carefree existence.
  3. In a cart. To hard, but highly paid work.
  4. In field. Your wealth is growing.
  5. In the house. According to the Small Velesov dream book, monetary losses and a beggarly existence are coming.

If in night dreams you had to remove manure from the road, then you can overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

If in a dream a cow was standing in a pile of manure, then your family's income will increase dramatically.

Actions in a dream: scatter manure, clean, get dirty in it and not only

The meaning of night dreams is influenced by the actions taking place in them:

  1. Clean. To success in business and cash reward. For the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the dream promises a strong and happy marriage.
  2. Walk on manure. If you have been plagued by a chronic illness for a long time, it will soon leave you forever.
  3. Scatter. Efforts are not in vain, they will soon bear fruit. Scattering manure across the field in night dreams is a good investment.
  4. Carry. To improve well-being. But if you happened to take out manure from the yard, then one of the relatives is in serious danger. According to the Small Velesov dream book, to carry manure across the field - to part with your spouse.
  5. Get dirty. To difficulties in business, but do not worry, they will be temporary. Soon life will get better and sparkle with new colors . According to the gypsy dream book, you will be able to complete the work you have begun and achieve a lot.
  6. Fertilize the earth. You will be richly rewarded for your hard work. If in a dream you had to dig up the earth with manure, you will become a participant in a profitable business.
  7. Sell. Find your calling. Work will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also good earnings.
  8. Buy. Invest your money well.
  9. Eat. There will be obstacles along the way, but they are quite surmountable.
  10. Fall into manure. For sick people, a dream promises recovery, for healthy people - profit. If in night dreams before your eyes another person fell into manure, then earnings will soon increase.

If in a dream you happened to put manure in a pit, you will save money for a major purchase.

Stepping over a dunghill in a dream - to victory over enemies

Unusual dreams about manure

Drinking milk with a taste of cow dung in night dreams - to reconciliation with friends. Forget old grievances and start the relationship from a new leaf.

To smell manure in a dream - to receive an inheritance. But to see pigs in manure in the kingdom of Morpheus - to gossip and trouble.

If in a dream you managed to see birds pecking at manure, then get ready for the betrayal of friends. Chickens digging in manure dream of receiving an inheritance or promotion.

Interfering with liquid manure with hay in a dream - to financial stability.

If you saw slurry in a dream, get ready for digestive problems. If you had to stand in it without feeling disgust, then you will take part in a dubious adventure, but you will be able to get rich in the end. Falling into a pit of slurry in night dreams is an insult that competitors will inflict.

A dream about manure often promises good events: an improvement in the financial situation, a promotion, an inheritance, a happy family union. However, do not think that wealth itself will fall on your head. In order for the financial situation to improve, you will have to work long and hard.

If in a dream you are looking at a dunghill- This auspicious sign.

This dream promises a lot of good, especially for peasants and business people.- it portends good luck, profitable business, harvest. A young lady has such a dream- promises a happy marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Manure- is a sign of such life cycle, such foresight, where everything is used, everything finds a use.

see the dunghill- wealth, high position in society, harmony in life.

fertilize the earth- to receive good remuneration for their labors.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Neat heaps of cow or pig dung in a dream- a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing in a dream the earth fertilized with manure- portends success in business.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreamed of manure and you are interested in the meaning of this dream? Dream books will help decipher the clues of the subconscious and look into the future.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing manure in a dream - to large cash receipts; step into it - to receive an inheritance or a fee for the work done.

Women's dream book

A pile of manure seen in a dream is a favorable omen, a promise of future good luck in business, a rich harvest, and for a girl, a profitable marriage and a happy family life.


Manure in a dream is a harbinger of well-being and abundance in life. To smear or lie in a heap of manure - dishonor awaits you.

Ukrainian dream book

Dung in a dream - to make a profit or serious expenses and troubles, illness and death of someone close; put it on a cart - for money; to carry from the yard - to the deceased; to see how others are taken out - to the news of someone else's funeral; scatter in the field - to death or divorce; get dirty - good luck in business; to be soiled by someone - to a quarrel with this person.

Seeing a pile of manure - to profit, win, getting a profitable job, or recovering from a serious illness.

Chinese dream book

They sat in a dream in a heap of manure - expect big trouble, raked it - to prosperity, material well-being.


Seeing manure in a large pile is a harbinger of wealth, high social status, a harmonious, prosperous life; scatter it like fertilizer - to a worthy reward for work.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The manure seen in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as an omen of a rich inheritance and excellent well-being, a speedy recovery of the sick; human - always a harbinger of wealth, and cow - health.

To carry manure is a harbinger of profit, growth of prosperity, to fertilize the land - to cash receipts, to load it somewhere - to humiliation due to the betrayal of friends; get dirty - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Why dream of manure: in a big pile - to win, to achieve the desired goal; to get into it - to a rich inheritance; dig up the earth fertilized with manure - to a successful enterprise; buying manure - to valuable acquisitions; sale - to soon receive a little money.


Dreaming manure marks good luck, cash receipts, success in business, high social status, harmony in life.

Foul-smelling or manure scattered everywhere in a dream - to problems at work and material losses; cow - for an interesting journey; pork - to an unpleasant, but profitable business; horse - to the long-awaited well-being, achieved thanks to one's own efforts.

ABC of dream interpretation

Manure is a sign of such a life cycle, such foresight, where everything is used, everything finds a use.

To see a dunghill - wealth, high position in society, harmony in life.

Fertilize the land - receive a good reward for your work.

Eastern dream book

Dreams in which manure appears are a good omen: expect pleasant surprises. Such a dream is especially favorable for farmers, it predicts a bountiful harvest for them.

Lunar dream book

Dunghill - abundance, wealth, prosperity.

Small Velesov dream book

Dung - profit / the patient will be in the house, death, trouble, spending; in the hut - poverty; impose on a cart - money; take out from the yard - they will take the deceased; you drive yourself, you see how others drive - you will be at the funeral or hear about them; to carry across the field - death, the husband will part with his wife; heaps - profit, gain, inheritance, recovery; sniff - inheritance; get dirty - success in business; someone will dirty you - a quarrel with that person.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is Dung dreaming?

Dung - learn about your unseemly deeds.

Russian dream book

Manure - money, bonuses, profit, wealth.

Family dream book

If in a dream you saw a dunghill, take this as a favorable sign. Such a dream portends good luck and profitable business. He promises a girl a successful marriage.

dream interpreter

Dung piled in a heap means profit and profit, and profitable work for the artisan; getting dirty with manure marks a happy success in the enterprise; to be soiled with manure from someone - portends a quarrel with that person.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Manure?

Dreams about manure are a favorable sign. After this dream, many pleasant events await you. Such a dream is especially favorable for farmers, it predicts a bountiful harvest for them.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Dung - the need to "fertilize" life with new knowledge and / or adventures necessary for spiritual growth. Reflection of the process of preparation for active spiritual growth.

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dung is a rich inheritance or other windfall; for the patient - a quick recovery.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Manure - good luck, profit, favorable circumstances for successful business activities.

Dunghill - a big win or inheritance, a happy and prosperous marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream are a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

To dream of land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place - portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Getting dirty with manure is a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing manure and applying it when fertilizing a field is a good sign, except when a person is stuck in manure, which is a sign of danger; slurry - to digestive problems (gastritis, colitis, gastroenteritis, food poisoning And so on); see cow dung - to health.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did Dung dream about in a dream?

To be smeared with manure in a dream means great success in your enterprise.

Rummage in a dream in a dunghill - dreams of a rich unforeseen inheritance or other accidental profit, as well as a promotion.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Manure - grain growing.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Manure in a dream?

Seeing manure is a good thing; to lead on the field - your well-being is growing; scatter - your labor will give you profit; ship - humiliation through unfaithful friends; being showered with manure is a misfortune; cow - health; horse manure - health.

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you are looking at a dunghill, this is a favorable sign.

This dream promises a lot of good, especially for peasants and business people - it portends good luck, profitable business, harvest. Such a dream for a young lady - promises a successful marriage.

Chinese dream book

Sitting in manure - portends big trouble.

You are raking the manure big pile- portends wealth, material well-being.

With the help of a yoke you carry manure, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Manure in a dream?

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity.

Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal.

Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain.

Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business.

Seeing birds pecking at manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill - in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work.

To be smeared with manure - portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy.

Cow dung - portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Dung, carry manure - to the dead. But: it can also dream of profit, wealth (a dream must be judged by the combination of signs and the dreamer's feeling). Human feces always dream of profit.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dunghill - inheritance, health, for the patient - recovery.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Seeing a dunghill in a dream is a favorable sign. Such a dream portends good luck, profitable business, a good harvest. Girl - waiting for a successful marriage.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Manure according to the dream book?

Manure - profit, inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

To see a lot of animal or (non-liquid) human shit - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A pile of manure means a big win.

If you dreamed that you fell into a pile of manure, you will soon receive a lot of money under a will.

In a dream, you saw how someone got into a pile of manure - you will have the opportunity to earn big money.

Buying manure is a valuable acquisition.

You dreamed that you were selling manure - soon you will receive money, although much less than you expected.

French dream book

See in a dream

Esoteric dream book

Dung - Big grateful money. To come to the inheritance, the fee.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Manure according to the dream book?

Dreaming of manure is a good omen. After such a dream, expect many joyful incidents.

If this is a bunch, you may soon win or inherit something. In addition, this means that your marriage will be very long and blissful.

We saw that the land was well fertilized with manure - which means, according to the interpretation of the dream book, you will be successful in everything.

If you got dirty with them in a dream, it means that you will soon quarrel with someone about property.

The dream book interprets cow dung - as a harbinger of great luck, your material well-being will increase significantly. And for a young lady of marriageable age, this promises a meeting with a very wealthy groom.

Why dream of manure? The symbol is a positive omen, bringing surprises and joyful events. In reality, we should expect pleasant surprises and additions. The most favorable dream is for farmers, as it promises a bountiful harvest.

Whose manure did you dream about? What did the manure look like in your dream? What happened to you in a dream related to manure?

Whose manure did you dream about?

cow dung

Dreamed of horse manure

I dreamed of horse manure - expect well-being in all areas of life. Things will develop successfully, and your career will go uphill, but only if in a dream you don’t get dirty in manure.

What did the manure look like in your dream?

To dream of a pile of manure

A pile of manure seen in a dream is an auspicious sign, portending a win or inheritance. The second meaning of the symbol is a long and happy marriage.

A pile of manure, where you fell in a dream, symbolizes profit, material well-being, a successful outcome. For a business person, the vision promises substantial profits. If you have health problems and fell into a pile of manure in a dream, expect a speedy recovery.

What happened to you in a dream related to manure?

A dream about stepping into manure

A dream about stepping into manure is interpreted for a young man as receiving a big win or inheritance. For a girl, stepping into manure means happy marriage, and for a married woman, this is career advancement or an expensive present from her husband.

According to Felomena's dream book, cow dung is interpreted as a symbol of great luck and growth in material well-being. For a young lady, a dream promises a long-awaited meeting with a respectable and wealthy groom.

Heaps of manure

Dream Interpretation Heaps of manure dreamed of why heaps of manure dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Heaps of manure in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dream Interpretation - Dung

manure pile

Dream Interpretation Dung Heap had a dream about why a bunch of manure is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a pile of Manure in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark matter. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you with bare hands transfer the manure to your garden.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

the dung of any animal that is forbidden to be eaten by Shariah is wealth obtained in a way forbidden in Islam. And whoever sees that his body, clothes are stained with manure, he will acquire the same wealth. Whoever sees that he spoiled the ablution with a bowel movement, that wealth will be lost (i.e. he will go bankrupt), and if he sees that he has given off gases, he will say something funny.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Manure to see - abundance, harmony, tranquility, peace; attraction to outside world, wise reconciliation with his shortcomings.

Sleeping in manure is recovery.

Slurry is a small setback or ailment that will not close the path to well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Stacked in a heap means profit and profit, and profitable work for the artisan.

Getting dirty with manure marks a happy success in the enterprise.

Being soiled with manure from someone portends a quarrel with that person.

Soiled with manure

Dream interpretation soiled with manure had a dream, why dream in a dream Dirty with manure? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Soaked with manure by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark business. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you are carrying manure to your garden with your bare hands.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dirty

The dream in which you soiled your clothes portends an illness. To stain your face or hands - on the contrary, to good health. To stain a dress with fat means that you will have a pleasant journey that you will make with a person who is not very attractive in appearance, but charming and sweet in communication.

To dream of dirt on a blouse or jacket means that your reputation is in danger of a scandal. If you clean your clothes from dirt, you will be able to avoid many troubles.

If you see stains on your hands and clothes in a dream, in reality you can be deceived if you do not show due diligence in time. Getting dirty with ink or rust portends an imminent visit of noisy and numerous guests.

To see paint on your clothes in a dream - trouble awaits you in reality - this is a prediction of bereavement or loneliness that you will endure with courage and dignity.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

the dung of any animal that is forbidden to be eaten by Shariah is wealth obtained in a way forbidden in Islam. And whoever sees that his body, clothes are stained with manure, he will acquire the same wealth. Whoever sees that he spoiled the ablution with a bowel movement, that wealth will be lost (i.e. he will go bankrupt), and if he sees that he has given off gases, he will say something funny.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Manure to see - abundance, harmony, tranquility, peace; attraction to the outside world, wise reconciliation with its shortcomings.

Sleeping in manure is recovery.

Slurry is a small setback or ailment that will not close the path to well-being and happiness.

There is manure

Dream Interpretation There is manure dreamed of why in a dream there is manure? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see manure in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark business. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you are carrying manure to your garden with your bare hands.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

the dung of any animal that is forbidden to be eaten by Shariah is wealth obtained in a way forbidden in Islam. And whoever sees that his body, clothes are stained with manure, he will acquire the same wealth. Whoever sees that he spoiled the ablution with a bowel movement, that wealth will be lost (i.e. he will go bankrupt), and if he sees that he has given off gases, he will say something funny.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Manure to see - abundance, harmony, tranquility, peace; attraction to the outside world, wise reconciliation with its shortcomings.

Sleeping in manure is recovery.

Slurry is a small setback or ailment that will not close the path to well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Stacked in a heap means profit and profit, and profitable work for the artisan.

Getting dirty with manure marks a happy success in the enterprise.

Being soiled with manure from someone portends a quarrel with that person.

Enter kicking dung

Dream Interpretation Enter Dung Kicking dreamed of why in a dream To enter manure with your feet? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see dung with your feet in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark business. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you are carrying manure to your garden with your bare hands.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

the dung of any animal that is forbidden to be eaten by Shariah is wealth obtained in a way forbidden in Islam. And whoever sees that his body, clothes are stained with manure, he will acquire the same wealth. Whoever sees that he spoiled the ablution with a bowel movement, that wealth will be lost (i.e. he will go bankrupt), and if he sees that he has given off gases, he will say something funny.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Manure to see - abundance, harmony, tranquility, peace; attraction to the outside world, wise reconciliation with its shortcomings.

Sleeping in manure is recovery.

Slurry is a small setback or ailment that will not close the path to well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Stacked in a heap means profit and profit, and profitable work for the artisan.

Getting dirty with manure marks a happy success in the enterprise.

Being soiled with manure from someone portends a quarrel with that person.

Shovel the manure

Dream Interpretation Rake manure with a shovel had a dream, why dream in a dream of shoveling manure with a shovel? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to shovel manure in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shovel

A shovel in a dream means that you will have no choice and will have to complete the undertaking, otherwise you will simply be in danger of ruin. Seeing a broken shovel portends mourning and sadness. Buying a shovel in a dream - you will lose something very dear to you, although in essence it is not very valuable.

Hitting someone with a shovel is a sign of adultery. To transfer earth from one pit to another on a shovel - such a dream says that you will have to be patient in order to learn the trainee assigned to you for the duration of the practice.

Digging a trench with a shovel to lay a cable or pipes is a benefit. Sticking a shovel into viscous clay soil - your enemies will try to use every chance to annoy you as much as possible.

Working with a shovel in a garden or garden, digging up beds, portends you prosperity and well-being. Spudding potatoes with a shovel means the beginning of a fragile and too risky enterprise, planting potatoes using a shovel as the main agricultural tool - such a dream promises you quick success; digging the same potatoes with a shovel - in reality you will receive the desired news from a friend who is far away.

If you are digging a grave with a shovel, this portends the loss of friends and the cooling of your lover. If your shovel stumbled upon something in the ground and it turned out to be a treasure - in reality such a dream can turn into a favorable change in fate.

Digging a trench in a dream with a sapper shovel portends that in reality you will feel insecure in your abilities. Get a shovel out of the trunk of a car - be persistent in achieving your goal.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark business. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Shovel

Shovel - a shovel in a dream - it's hard to get daily bread; a broken shovel is a tragic case. Shovel - death.

Dream Interpretation - Shovel

A shovel in a dream portends profit. If it is broken, then expect failures, losses, or news of the death of a loved one. Hitting with a shovel in a dream is a sign of betrayal and betrayal of a loved one. Working with a shovel in a dream means that you earn your bread with hard, painstaking work. If you dream that you were given a shovel in your hands, then you should finish the work you have begun, no matter how hard it costs you.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Shovel

You have a chance to make your way in life, but you can hurt yourself by being too frank, keep your thoughts to yourself.

Buying a shovel - to be relieved of your post.

A split iron shovel - to mourning and sadness.

Hit with a shovel - to treason.

Digging the ground with a shovel in a dream - hard money, work awaits you, but do not overdo it - excessive zeal will not lead to anything.

You see a pickaxe or work with it - to tedious physical work in the fresh air.

To be present at excavations or to lead them in a dream is a harbinger casual acquaintance, with which you will receive a new source of income.

Bury something - soon you will find interesting news.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you are carrying manure to your garden with your bare hands.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

land with manure

Dream Interpretation Earth with manure dreamed of why the Earth with manure is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Earth with manure in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Carrying manure in a dream portends an increase in prosperity. Seeing a large pile of manure means achieving the desired goal. Scattering manure across a field or garden - your efforts will not be in vain. Dig up the earth with manure - start a successful business. Seeing birds pecking manure - you will experience humiliation and hardship due to the betrayal of friends.

If in a dream you see chickens rummaging in a dunghill, in reality you may be the heir to a rich fortune or get a promotion at work. To be smeared with manure portends misfortune among your relatives.

Fall into fresh manure - to recovery for the sick and profit for the healthy. Cow dung portends that you will have a great vacation by making an interesting journey. Horse manure - achieve prosperity through hard work, not counting on anyone else's help.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

To see cow dung in a dream only for the poor and needy portends wealth and abundance. For the rest, such a dream will bring sadness, trouble and grief.

Getting dirty in it in a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sometimes such a dream predicts shame, resentment, humiliation. Lying on a dunghill in a dream means that you will accumulate enough money or property to allow yourself to sit back and indulge in pleasures. Sometimes such a dream portends a good position, honors, respect from others.

Fertilizing the field with manure in a dream is a sign of growing your fortune and making good profits. If you dream that you were thrown over, sprinkled with manure, or that manure fell on you from above, then expect quarrels, scandals, trials. If in a dream you did not see the person or people who did this, then you should be wary of the intrigues of your enemies, who want to harm you without fail, take advantage of your weaknesses and inflict losses. Dung falling on you from above also means that all your troubles will be caused by the anger of your superiors. Digging up a dunghill in a dream is a sign of receiving an inheritance, fortune or making big profits, a profitable place or good luck in business. Loading manure in a dream portends trouble due to participation in some dark business. To overload manure from one place to another - to changes in personal life, a change in the profile of work or place of residence (business, office).

Dream Interpretation - Dung

You carry manure with the help of a yoke, you return home - great happiness and benefit.

You sweep the ground, sweeping manure from the yard - the family will soon fall apart, there will be grief.

You see a mountain of manure and land - the accumulation of great wealth, a lot of money and valuables.

With the help of a rocker, you carry manure - great happiness and benefit.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Sitting in manure is a big nuisance.

Raking manure into a large pile - wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Neat heaps of cow or pig manure in a dream: a sign of a not very pleasant, but profitable business.

Seeing the land fertilized with manure portends success in business.

At the same time, an unpleasant type of manure or a bad smell from it: means problems in business.

Dung scattered in the wrong place: portends complications and problems that are fraught with some material losses.

Get dirty with manure: a sign of a conflict related to property.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Scattering manure on a field or in a garden - a dream portends good luck and profitable financial affairs. Well, if at the same time you saw that your hands were soiled in manure.

Imagine that you are carrying manure to your garden with your bare hands.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dreamed manure - to wealth, success in business, recovery (if you sleep on a pile of manure).

Get smeared in manure - get a high-paying job.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Dung is a good omen: Prosperity and abundant life await you. A bad dream that you are dirty or lying in manure: a dream portends dishonor.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

the dung of any animal that is forbidden to be eaten by Shariah is wealth obtained in a way forbidden in Islam. And whoever sees that his body, clothes are stained with manure, he will acquire the same wealth. Whoever sees that he spoiled the ablution with a bowel movement, that wealth will be lost (i.e. he will go bankrupt), and if he sees that he has given off gases, he will say something funny.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Manure to see - abundance, harmony, tranquility, peace; attraction to the outside world, wise reconciliation with its shortcomings.

Sleeping in manure is recovery.

Slurry is a small setback or ailment that will not close the path to well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dung

Stacked in a heap means profit and profit, and profitable work for the artisan.

Getting dirty with manure marks a happy success in the enterprise.

Being soiled with manure from someone portends a quarrel with that person.

Sometimes what disgusts us in real life is a good sign in a dream. Night dreams about manure are very ambiguous. For some, this image dreams of wealth, others - for a successful marriage, and still others - for problems. What the manure dreamed about for you depends on the actions taking place in the vision and on its location.

Interpretations according to famous dream books: Miller, Hasse, Medea

Most dream books agree that dreaming manure is a favorable sign:

  1. White. Successful investment, reward for work.
  2. Big. The dream is auspicious, promises good health and a happy life.
  3. Future. Get an inheritance or windfall.
  4. Vanga. You will be rewarded for your work.
  5. Oriental. Pleasant surprises, farmers - a rich harvest.
  6. Grishina. Prosperity, getting rid of diseases, wealth.
  7. Female. Closing successful deals.
  8. Zadeki. To a good harvest of bread.
  9. Winters. Business achievements.
  10. Islamic. Get a good profit.
  11. Lunar. To money.
  12. Medea. Good position in society, respect for others.
  13. Miller. Bring to life a long-planned idea, and it will bring great benefits.
  14. Peter Leiman. Fill your life with new adventures, strive to learn something new and interesting every day. This is necessary for spiritual growth.
  15. Pechora healer. To abundance.
  16. Mary's soothsayers. Salary increase or career advancement.
  17. Russian. Get an award.
  18. Family. The conclusion of profitable deals, a successful marriage.
  19. Simone Cananita. Good health, inheritance.
  20. Modern. Old problems will be solved, life will begin to improve.
  21. Bitches. Good time for new beginnings. You can make good money.
  22. French. Rich and full life.
  23. Hasse. Take part in a successful enterprise and get rich.
  24. Gypsy. Profit and success in business.
  25. Esoteric. Get a significant fee for your work.

An unfavorable interpretation of this image is given by the latest dream book: those around you will find out about your reprehensible act.

If in a night vision manure stuck to your clothes and you couldn’t clean it off, then there are bad rumors about you.

Small Velesov. The dream is ambiguous. It can promise wealth or warn of a serious illness of a loved one.

Most dream books interpret manure in a dream as a sign of imminent profit.

Meanings for men and women

The meaning of night dreams also depends on who dreamed them:

  1. Girl or unmarried woman. Marry for love. The marriage will be successful. Such an interpretation is proposed in the family and women's dream books.
  2. Married. There will be an offer to participate in a new enterprise. Do not hesitate, agree immediately. This will bring good dividends.
  3. Pregnant. Relatives will appreciate your work.
  4. Man. Changes for the better are coming. There is a chance to move up the career ladder. For an entrepreneur, a dream promises to make big profits.

Dreamed of manure in bags? Offer a good job

What was the manure: horse, cow, with worms

In ancient times, the cow was considered the breadwinner of the family. Therefore, to see her manure in night dreams is good. It means that the financial situation will be strengthened, and things will go uphill. You will have to work tirelessly, but the reward for your work will exceed all expectations. According to the dream book of the medium Hasse, night dreams portend good health, and recovery for those who are ill.

Horses are strong and fast animals. Seeing horse manure in a dream, you can be sure that in addition to money, vision promises good health. For a young woman, night dreams promise the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Carry horse manure to your home in the kingdom of Morpheus - to a happy family life.

If in a dream you had a chance to see manure with worms, be prepared for complications in relationships with loved ones. Stepping over it is a favorable sign. Troubles will pass. To crush dung worms in the kingdom of Morpheus - to make a difficult decision.

If in a night vision a dung worm crawled onto the dreamer, then he will be promoted at work or presented with a pleasant surprise.

Seeing a lot of manure in a dream is a good sign. A dream promises wealth, gambling people - a win, sick people - healing from ailments.

Dreamed of a dunghill? You can get rich and take a high position in society. Life will be calm and harmonious.

If the dreamed manure smelled bad, they will gossip about you.

Where manure dreamed: in the garden, in a cart, a barn and other places

Remember where the manure was in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  1. In the garden. To increase prosperity.
  2. In the barn. To a carefree existence.
  3. In a cart. To hard, but highly paid work.
  4. In field. Your wealth is growing.
  5. In the house. According to the Small Velesov dream book, monetary losses and a beggarly existence are coming.

If in night dreams you had to remove manure from the road, then you can overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.

If in a dream a cow was standing in a pile of manure, then your family's income will increase dramatically.

Actions in a dream: scatter manure, clean, get dirty in it and not only

The meaning of night dreams is influenced by the actions taking place in them:

  1. Clean. To success in business and monetary reward. For the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the dream promises a strong and happy marriage.
  2. Walk on manure. If you have been plagued by a chronic illness for a long time, it will soon leave you forever.
  3. Scatter. Efforts are not in vain, they will soon bear fruit. Scattering manure across the field in night dreams is a good investment.
  4. Carry. To improve well-being. But if you happened to take out manure from the yard, then one of the relatives is in serious danger. According to the Small Velesov dream book, to carry manure across the field - to part with your spouse.
  5. Get dirty. To difficulties in business, but do not worry, they will be temporary. Soon life will get better and sparkle with new colors . According to the gypsy dream book, you will be able to complete the work you have begun and achieve a lot.
  6. Fertilize the earth. You will be richly rewarded for your hard work. If in a dream you had to dig up the earth with manure, you will become a participant in a profitable business.
  7. Sell. Find your calling. Work will bring not only moral satisfaction, but also good earnings.
  8. Buy. Invest your money well.
  9. Eat. There will be obstacles along the way, but they are quite surmountable.
  10. Fall into manure. For sick people, a dream promises recovery, for healthy people - profit. If in night dreams before your eyes another person fell into manure, then earnings will soon increase.

If in a dream you happened to put manure in a pit, you will save money for a major purchase.

Stepping over a dunghill in a dream - to victory over enemies

Unusual dreams about manure

Drinking milk with a taste of cow dung in night dreams - to reconciliation with friends. Forget old grievances and start the relationship from a new leaf.

To smell manure in a dream - to receive an inheritance. But to see pigs in manure in the kingdom of Morpheus - to gossip and trouble.

If in a dream you managed to see birds pecking at manure, then get ready for the betrayal of friends. Chickens digging in manure dream of receiving an inheritance or promotion.

Interfering with liquid manure with hay in a dream - to financial stability.

If you saw slurry in a dream, get ready for digestive problems. If you had to stand in it without feeling disgust, then you will take part in a dubious adventure, but you will be able to get rich in the end. Falling into a pit of slurry in night dreams is an insult that competitors will inflict.

A dream about manure often promises good events: an improvement in the financial situation, a promotion, an inheritance, a happy family union. However, do not think that wealth itself will fall on your head. In order for the financial situation to improve, you will have to work long and hard.

  • Tamara Ryabtseva
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Why manure is dreaming: general interpretations and detailing of dreams

In real life, manure is not a very pleasant substance, so many people transfer their negative feelings to dreams in which such an environmentally friendly fertilizer appears. However, most dream books interpret such dreams exactly the opposite! In order to fully understand the question of what manure is dreaming of, you should remember the details and big picture sleep.

In order to fully understand the question of what manure is dreaming of, you should remember the details and the overall picture of sleep.

Why manure is dreaming: interpretations in the dream book

There are many dream books that reveal the meaning of dreams associated with manure.

  1. The big dream book claims that manure seen in a dream promises a person happiness, wealth, and health promotion.
  2. By modern dream book, a dunghill denotes an improvement in the social and financial situation, as well as the discovery of one's place in life.
  3. The lunar dream book claims that contemplating litter in a dream is a money, profits, choosing the right life path.
  4. A female dream book promises a young girl a marriage with her beloved man, who will turn out to be long-term and successful.
  5. According to Miller, manure in a dream - to the implementation of plans.
  6. By esoteric dream book- to win or a material gift.
  7. The Chinese dream book promises a dreamer who removes manure, good luck and prosperity.
  8. There is manure according to Grishina's dream book means that on life path the dreamer will encounter obstacles, overcoming which, he will achieve a happy life.

Manure in a dream book (video)

Why dream of a big pile of manure

If in a dream a person looks from the side at a sufficiently large dung heap, he will soon receive money. As money, absolutely any improvement can be implied here. financial condition: bonus payment, return of old debt, salary increase. Depending on the details of the dream, the interpretation may take on a different meaning.

  1. Falling into a dunghill is a completely different matter. Such a dream promises a quick feeling of slight malaise, which will soon disappear without bringing any danger to the dreamer's health.
  2. Cleaning a dunghill in a dream - to soon discover a successful solution to a complex issue or problems that have arisen.
  3. If a dung heap is loaded by a dreamer into a cart, a car body, hard work will soon fall on a person, which will be highly paid.
  4. If a large pile of manure is seen from afar, soon in reality the dreamer will expect a big joy, happiness. The larger this pile, the brighter the delight will become.

Also read: What the boss dreams about: details and meanings of the dream

If in a dream a person looks from the side at a sufficiently large dung heap, he will soon receive money

To see a dunghill in your own house - to family prosperity, a happy future without difficulties. To see the litter lying on the table is an unexpected gift.

Seeing slurry, cow cakes, droppings in a dream

Manure can dream in its various consistencies. Slurry basically portends material enrichment.

Manure can dream in its various consistencies

There are several variations of such dreams:

  • standing in fertilizer and at the same time not experiencing disgust promises the dreamer work associated with risks. Also, such a dream may portend a dubious deal. In any situation, its result will be the strengthening of the financial condition. Moreover, the deeper the dreamer will stand in the liquid, the greater his profit will become;
  • if the dreamer rakes a hole in which slurry is located - to enrichment through hard work;
  • fall into a dung pit - a warning that the surrounding envious people want to publicly humiliate the dreamer;
  • if a person in a dream mixes slurry with hay - strengthening his social and financial position;
  • to dream of slurry that smells bad - to gossip.

Why dream of horse, horse, cow dung

There are times when a person dreams of the litter of a certain animal. Often dreams of cow dung. The general interpretation of such a dream is to strengthen the financial marital status, increased demand for labor, as well as a decent wage for her.

The general interpretation of such a dream is to strengthen the financial marital status, increase the demand for labor, as well as decent wages for it.

There are also detailed interpretations of such dreams.

  1. If a person fertilizes the soil with cow dung, this is to receive a high reward for his hard work.
  2. If the dreamer sells cow cakes, he will soon find his life calling, improve his financial situation.
  3. If you had a dream where the dreamer buys cow dung, this is a good monetary contribution.
  4. Get dirty in it - to the imminent professional difficulties that will end quickly.

In any case, a dream in which a person sees animal feces is a positive prediction for the real life of the dreamer.

Seeing horse droppings in a dream

Horse dung portends the dreamer to strengthening his health. If a person is sick and sees horse manure in a dream, he will soon recover. There are also other interpretations:

  • if a young girl dreams of horse feces, it means that her future children will be healthy;
  • cleaning horse droppings from the road - to the need to clear the path to their own achievements in real life;
  • get dirty in horse manure - to hard work with a high reward.

Also read: When and why does the starry sky dream?

Horse droppings, in which worms are present, can promise a complication of relations with the family due to an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation.

Stepping over such a pile in a dream means that in real life the dreamer will bypass troubles.

If a worm from manure crawls onto a dreamer, soon a person will be promoted, the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Crushing dung worms means making a difficult decision, and a person will face a choice very soon.

Why dream of manure in the garden

Most often in real life, manure is used to fertilize the soil in the garden. Therefore, such a dream is to make a profit, improve well-being. Most dream books with such a dream recommend remembering its details.

  1. Scattering manure in the garden in order to fertilize the soil - to the choice of a successful business, which in the end will strengthen the dreamer's well-being.
  2. If a young girl dreamed of manure in the garden, she would soon be married.
  3. If you dream that the dreamer is putting manure in a hole dug in the garden, in real life a person needs to make supplies, which will eventually lead to a big acquisition.
  4. When dreaming of manure being unloaded into the garden, this means that a person will have to increase his income by hard work.

Such a dream - to make a profit, improve well-being

Summer residents may have such a dream as a reminder that the garden season is about to begin.

Step into manure in a dream: what does it mean?

Two participants in the dream can step into the manure: the dreamer and the animal itself, which left the litter. If a cow stepped into a dung cake, it means a well-fed life, as well as a wealth that is enough for a person long years.

If the dreamer himself enters the manure:

  • just step on - to the money;
  • sleep or lie in it - to recovery;
  • stand in a big pile - to success in professional activities;
  • to step on and rummage through it - to search for interesting solutions in real life that will go unnoticed, being located "right in front of the nose" of the dreamer.

Also read: Why dream of finding paper money and coins?

Why dream of manure (video)

What did the manure dream about? Definitely, to well-being, the nature of which can be determined by accurately remembering the details of the dream. Most often, such dreams symbolize financial prosperity, strengthening family and social status.

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Dream Interpretation Manure why dream Manure cow, horse, goat stinks to see in a dream

Dream interpretation manure

Did the dreamer see manure in a dream? Maybe this is not the most pleasant dream, but it portends favorable changes in a person’s life. Manure (natural fertilizer) - the topic is somewhat dirty and does not particularly differ in pleasant aroma. Remember, in real life, the best fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden is simply not to be found.

Indeed, the composition of manure contains many substances necessary for plants, since it is a product of the processing of the vital activity of farm animals. So, why dream of manure? What does the dream portend? The answers to these and other questions can be found in popular dream books.

But for correct interpretation night story, you need to try to fully remember it.

All dreamed night scenes are the imagination of our subconscious. Whether to believe in the interpretation of a dream or not, everyone decides for himself.

Basic interpretation

I dreamed of a pile of manure - the night plot portends a lot good change in the life of the sleeper. In real life, a person will be lucky in everything.

If in a dream you do not see natural fertilizer, but you feel its sharp and unpleasant smell, the dream book warns: be on the lookout, they are trying to deceive you.

Dreaming of manure lying in a big pile, from which a strong smell emanates? The dream book advises: you should not worry in vain, this plot indicates that you are not working senselessly, soon your work will certainly be appreciated.

Your actions

Dream interpretation manure

Walking on it in a dream, and then cleaning your boots, while hearing the smell of manure, such a dream, prophesies to the caretaker investing money in a partnership.

Why dream of manure, and according to the plot of the dream, take it out of the yard? A dream is a bad sign that portends imminent grief in the dreamer's life. You may have to bury a loved one.

In a dream, they saw how humus fell on your head - to a disease in real life.

Lying on a whole pile is a favorable sign, indicating that fate will be given a chance to collect a significant amount of money, which will allow the dreamer to sit back for a while.

The dream book indicates: manure is dreaming on your clothes, and according to the plot of the dream, you saw that a familiar person smeared you into it - which means that a night dream indicates that you should take a closer look at this person, since he can commit some kind of misconduct that will harm you, and also cause you pain in the current situation.

Cow or horse dung

Did you dream of cow or horse dung in a dream? The interpretation of the night plot indicates: the dreamer's financial situation will improve very soon.

Falling into cow or horse dung means what awaits you good vacation for which you have to fork out.

I had to clean up manure after a cow or horse - wait for a promotion with an increase in salary.

Who is dreaming

When interpreting the night story, it is worth noting who had a vision.


Who dreamed of manure

A married lady saw the night story - her relatives will surprise her.

If a woman dreamed of cow or horse dung in a dream, the interpretation says: a woman is expected to meet a good and rich man who will soon propose to her to marry.

  • Enter it - to happy love.
  • Throwing a shovel - to success in the professional field.
  • Throw it at another person - to victory over enemies. Manure fell on her - to gossip in the team.
  • Wash it off your hands - to deceit.


  • Throwing a shovel to a new place - to success at work.
  • She dreams that a manure cake was thrown at him - to financial problems.
  • For a young man to see manure in a dream, to walk on it, means that the man will be satisfied with his financial situation.
  • Married - to problems at work and in the family.

Universal dream book

Seeing horse manure or cow manure in a dream is a common thing for farmers and agricultural workers, because they are associated with it on a daily basis. But universal dream book interprets that if such a nightly plot was dreamed, then the dream portends a person's grief and trouble in real life.

Horse humus dreamed up in your dreams, and you didn’t know what to do with it - it means that you will doubt accepting an offer from a new employer.

In a dream, a large pile of natural fertilizer decays, and there are cows and horses around, such a dream warns: because of your self-confidence, you may lose your savings.

Walking around the garden in the night plot, scattering horse manure over the beds - you can count on constant financial well-being in real life.

For a good deal

For a business person, seeing a bunch of natural fertilizer is a sign of a good deal foreshadowing.

For young people who are not married, go to night dream by natural fertilizer, promises a meeting with a beautiful soulmate and happiness in family life. For married people, a dream means receiving expensive gifts.

To clean a horse-shed from humus in a dream predicts to the dreamer that he will sort through the offered vacancies.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of manure in a dream according to the interpretation of Miller's dream book?

  • Seeing a pile of manure means that well-being will always accompany you.
  • In a dream, you had a view of a large pile of natural fertilizer, which means that soon prospects will open for you, using which you will be able to improve your financial situation for the better.
  • For farmers and businessmen, the night story, in which humus appears, portends, according to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, a good harvest.
  • Step on a bunch of cow cakes to receive money.
  • For agricultural workers, walking on natural fertilizer, ramming into a silo pit, promises an increase in livestock.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Neatly folded heaps of manure - to start a profitable business.

Fertilize the land with them - to success in all endeavors.

Scattering it in the wrong place is a financial hardship.

Was there an unpleasant odor coming from the dunghill? To problems in business.

It was a dream that it was necessary to clean clothes from him - to a conflict over real estate.

Your mark:


Dream Interpretation. Why dream of manure? :

Even though the dream habitual state of a person in whom he spends a third of his life, the nature of dreams has not yet been studied. Some people do not attach any importance to night dreams, but there are those who try to interpret the dream plot and get useful information.

Sometimes the symbols dreamed up at night are disgusting in real life. But do not rush to conclusions, because their presence in a dream can be a good sign. Let's, for example, find out why manure is dreaming.

Modern dream book

This dream interpreter is a fairly authoritative source, since most interpretations are adapted to modern society.

The dream book, answering the question of why manure is dreaming, tells us that the dreamer, as a rule, will have great luck or significant material gain.

However, for a more accurate interpretation of the dream, you need to try to remember even the smallest details, on which, oddly enough, a lot will depend. So, for example, if you dreamed of a pile of manure, but you didn’t touch it and saw it only from the side, such a dream can have several meanings.

To see a dunghill nearby - favorable events await ahead that will positively affect life in general. Most likely, money from heaven will not fall on the dreamer, but he will achieve some success and certainly will not face need. A huge pile is a great joy. The more manure, the better for the dreamer.

A strange dream

Often in a dream you can find some things where you absolutely do not expect to see them. If in the morning you are preoccupied with night vision and do not understand why there is a lot of manure in a dream, for example, on a sofa, in a closet or under a table, do not rush to panic, because this good sign. In the near future, fate will present you with a rather generous gift.

In dream books you can find information about what a pile of manure is dreaming of, lying in the middle of a living room. Such a dream is a good sign indicating that abundance and prosperity will reign in the house. Soon the dreamer will witness how his problems, which previously seemed serious, will be resolved by themselves. All troubles will remain in the past, and harmony will reign in the family.

Miller's dream book

Explaining what cow dung is dreaming of, Miller's dream interpreter claims that this is a positive sign for people involved in agriculture or those without income. For the poor, he promises cardinal changes in life, stability and prosperity. And farmers - fertility.

For people who are well settled in life, such a dream will bring failure and sadness. It is considered a very negative dream if the dreamer gets dirty with the waste product of a large cattle. This may indicate an approaching conflict within the family or a serious illness.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of manure, in which the dreamer rummages, knows the dream interpreter of the 21st century. As a rule, such a dream can be seen on the eve of significant material profits, such as inheritance, or a long-awaited promotion at work. Perhaps in the near future it will be possible to seriously move up the career ladder.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To answer in some detail the question of why manure is dreaming, this dream interpreter can.

To see a product of the vital activity of a cow - an unforgettable journey lies ahead, you will be able to have a great vacation.

Horse manure - it will be possible to achieve material independence, but for this you will have to work a lot. Also, do not rely on anyone's support. Everything is only in your hands.

If the dreamer fell into manure, your relatives are in danger. Soon something unpleasant will happen to them. And getting dirty with an unpleasant substance is a good sign, portending the recovery of relatives who are on this moment get sick.

Transporting manure - the dreamer is waiting for a rather significant material profit. see a big bunch biological waste- will be able to achieve the goals.

Scattering manure around the garden - all efforts aimed at a qualitative change in life will be in vain.

If the dreamer dug up the earth along with manure, then in the near future a brilliant idea will arise in his head that will help him become more successful.

Seeing poultry, such as chickens, swarming in manure, is most likely you will get a solid inheritance. You may also be able to move up the career ladder. However, if the birds pecked at manure, then you should be extremely careful. There is a high probability that you will face betrayal from friends or find yourself in an unpleasant situation, be belittled.

Dream Interpretation of the Sage Zhou Gong

Sitting in the middle of a heap of manure - huge troubles lie ahead. Raking cattle feces in one place is a good sign, indicating that you will be able to achieve material well-being. Carrying manure in a yoke - to great happiness or profit.

Dream Interpretation of Hope and Dmitry Zima

Seeing neatly stacked piles of pig or cow dung is a lot of hard work ahead, but it will bring pretty good profit. If you dreamed of fertilized land, success awaits you in any endeavor.

Manure was scattered around the yard - a black streak is approaching. Perhaps you will get involved in some kind of adventure, because of which you will lose a rather large amount of money. Being dirty is an unfavorable sign indicating an approaching conflict, as a result of which you will lose material stability.

Small Velesov dream book

This dream interpreter knows why he dreams of removing manure. If you saw a bunch being taken out of the yard on a cart - an extremely unfavorable sign, indicating that in the near future you will have to attend a friend's funeral. If you had to carry humus on your own, bury a loved one.

The dream book also explains why a woman dreams of manure. If she drove him across the field, she would soon part with her husband or lover. Someone from her acquaintances stained her with manure - it is worth preparing for a quarrel with this person. Sniff humus - to receive an impressive inheritance. I dreamed of a lot of dung heaps - to enormous profits.

Old French dream book

Explaining what manure is dreaming of in a dream, the French dream interpreter suggests paying attention to any little thing. For example, if you are lying in a heap, which is a trace of the life of cattle, or have become soiled with this unpleasant substance, then such a dream is extremely negative. As a rule, such a dream portends dishonor.

However, if you just saw a pile of manure, then you should not panic. This is a good sign indicating future success in any endeavor. You will forget about material problems.

Eastern dream book

Dreams with manure have positive character. As a rule, such dreams are an omen of pleasant surprises. Sleep is considered especially favorable if the dreamer is a villager or farmer. He points to a rich harvest that will be harvested this year.

Women's dream book

A huge pile of humus is a good sign. Such dreams are most often dreamed before receiving significant benefits. Perhaps you will get a solid inheritance or be able to conclude an incredibly profitable deal. A similar dream that an unmarried girl dreamed of indicates that she will soon find her life partner and get married.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Organic fertilizer dreamed up at night, according to this dream interpreter, is a symbol of positive change. Soon all the work begun by the dreamer will bear fruit.

To take manure outside the city or village, for example, in a field - to material stability. Scattering humus on the ground - enormous difficulties lie ahead.

All your efforts aimed at solving certain problems will not bring the proper result.

The dream book also explains why one dreams of cleaning manure by loading it onto a cart. In the near future you will find yourself in a humiliating position. Perhaps the most will betray you close friend and you will worry about it for a long time. Being showered with humus is a great misfortune. Seeing a bunch of cow dung is good health.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Manure seen in a dream is a symbol of spiritual harmony. Such a dream is evidence that you are in a calm, relaxed state, controlling absolutely everything that happens in your life.

Sleeping among manure - to recover from an annoying disease. Fresh feces of cattle - be extremely vigilant in the near future. There may be health problems. However, do not panic.

As a rule, such dreams do not indicate serious illness.

Esoteric dream book

According to this source, dreams in which we see manure are the personification of material well-being. As a rule, the money that ensures our independence comes in an honest way. Such a dream may be a sign that a solid inheritance or a significant increase in wages will soon be received.

General value

Most often, dreaming of manure is a good sign indicating that the dreamer is moving in the right direction. If in a dream you see a cow stepping into its own feces, then a carefree and well-fed life awaits you ahead. You will not know what need is for many years, and there will be no serious health problems.

Often there are dreams in which a person himself steps into manure. If you did it by accident, then ahead of you is waiting for white stripe and material gain.

Lying or sleeping on a pile of manure - to get well soon. Standing knee-deep in cattle feces professional success, career advancement.

Fumbling in a pile of humus - you will look for a non-standard solution to an important issue.