Video lesson: connection Samsung TV Smart TV to Internet by network LAN cable

And now we will return to our topic again, that is, to the second connection method. Remember: so that with this connection, namely, during the loading of pages and the operation of various programs, you do not experience interruptions and problems with the connection speed, you need your Internet to have enough high speed otherwise problems will inevitably occur. If it is difficult for you to make the settings for this connection, you can always contact the competent specialists of the Samsung service center.

Step-by-step instructions for cable connection

There are two methods for this connection: direct connection and through a router. The first method is not possible when requesting a login and password. The second method is feasible for any type of Internet connection. First of all, you need to check the settings of your router, the signal strength of the connection. So, if your Internet speed is pretty fast, let's move on to the connection process itself.

  • For direct connection, we connect LAN cable directly to the TV. When using a router, we connect the router (router) and your TV with this cable, inserting the wire into the corresponding LAN connectors on both devices. The second cable from the Internet provider is inserted into the WLAN connector on the router (router).

  • Next, go to the "Menu" of your Samsung Smart TV and click on the "Network" section. In the window that appears, select "Network settings", then select the type of network "Cable" and click "Connect". The TV will begin setting up the Internet connection.

  • To complete this procedure, click "Connect", then confirm with "OK".

  • If the connection is not established, then change the DCNP function on the router (router). Next change automatic settings to manual. To do this, go to the "Menu" in the "Network" section in the "Network Status" subsection and select the "IP Settings" line. In this line, set the parameters as shown in the picture below.

If everything is correct, then the connection should be established. Good luck and successful completion of this task!

Television has long since become a simple remedy viewing programs in the device access to any media content from the World Wide Web. Today, there are two main ways to connect a device to the network: using Wi-Fi or Ethenet (LAN) - the first of which is the most popular. Knowing how to connect a Samsung TV to the Internet via a WiFi router, the user gets free online viewing of movies and TV shows, plus, it becomes possible to install applications from the Samsung Apps store that can help in solving certain everyday tasks.

Wireless WiFi technology is the most convenient way to connect your TV to the World Wide Web. You do not have to pull another LAN cable into the room, manually configure the connection settings or contact the provider with a request to register the device's MAC address in the database. Another advantage of wireless technology over wires is that the TV set is 100% compatible with local communication standards: Smart-TV from Samsung (or any other company) may not support some types of cable Ethernet signal, but at the same time with Wi-Fi such there won't be a problem for sure.

It is worth noting that not all smart TVs have their own WiFi module. You may need an external adapter available from most retailers household appliances. Such an accessory is inserted into the USB port of the device, after which it is synchronized with the television operating system automatically. The price for such modules, according to information from Yandex. Market, fluctuates around 2000-4000 rubles (you can save if you order an accessory directly from China). buy more cheap analogues not recommended for the simple reason that they may not be compatible with your TV.

If you are just going to watch pre-downloaded movies on a large display, but do not use special TV applications, you can use WiFi-direct technology. With this method, the TV is synchronized directly with the computer and duplicates any content from its monitor (including online pages), but does not have direct access to the network. The direct method does not require a router, which is convenient for some users.

Wi-Fi connection instructions

When you first start Smart-TV, the device will automatically prompt the user to set up Internet access. Very often, this screen notification is ignored by the owners, as they want to start setting up and calibrating the display right away. For self installation connections will need to do the following:

  1. Using the "Settings" button located on the remote control remote control, go to Settings.
  2. Open the "Network" tab (icon in the form of a planet), then - "Network settings".
  3. After a black window appears with prompts from the manufacturer, you must click on the blue "Start" button.
  4. Select the "Wireless" method and wait for the list of Wi-Fi points to appear.
  5. Select your router from the list of available spots, enter the password (the key consists of 8 characters) and wait for the auto-configuration to complete.
  6. Confirm saving parameters.

After completing the above procedure, the device will be connected to the Internet, and you can surf online or watch your favorite series and movies from the collections of special video services through the Samsung Hub.

The presented algorithm is a way to automatically set the parameters, but if the user needs advanced settings, he will have to use the manual mode. Choice manual method assumes that the owner of the device will be able to independently enter the IP address and SSID (name wireless hotspot access).

Typically, such a process does not take more than 10 minutes and does not require any special skills from a person. Of course, certain problems may arise during the setup, but everyone can solve them too.

Connection test

With a non-working (but previously established) connection, the first step is to find out which link in the chain failed. To do this, we return to the "Network" section, and open the "Status" panel, where the access channel will be clearly displayed. Here you can find the issued ip address.

An error can happen either in the connection between the TV and the router, or the router with the Internet.

  • In the first case, you will have to reconfigure the connection settings on the Smart-TV itself. By clicking on the blue “IP” button, we launch the manual data entry mode and independently prescribe the properties of the router (information can be found on the device case). Next, we save and test the Ethernet connection: if an error occurs, you will need to delete outdated information about the router from the TV’s memory and re-perform the connection setup procedure.
  • In the second case, you will have to “repair” the router. Sometimes a simple reboot of the device or its complete reset helps. As an option, move the equipment to the same room where the television receiver is located. Please note that after a Hard-reset it will be necessary to configure the router again, and if there is no special file with network characteristics (saved configuration), you should call an employee of the provider company serving your home. The problem may be a failure on the external line: you just need to wait a while until the provider fixes the problem (you can call the office and inquire about the current status of the repair work).

A software failure may occur in the Smart-TV system as a result of which, the password or other important information connection information will be reset. In such a situation, simply repeat the algorithm from the previous section of the article. If you are using an external WiFi module, then simply remove and re-insert this accessory into the USB port - it is very likely that the problem lies with the transmitter.

Connecting to WiFi without DHCP

The DHCP protocol avoids random errors when transferring dynamic IP addresses and other configurations to various electronic devices. However, sometimes it may be necessary to connect to WiFi without dynamic distribution of network characteristics. To do this, you need to disable the automatic installation of connection information and enter the data yourself: gateway address, IP, DNS and subnet mask. The parameters are usually written in lower part router chassis. After filling in all the information, the TV will connect to the Internet.

Next, you need to get rid of interruptions in the DHCP session, which provides Internet access for the rest of the user's electronic devices (for example, laptops and smartphones) using automated distribution of IP addresses. You should save the IP addresses of the gadgets in the router's memory, marking them by the MAC address (see the instructions for the Wi-Fi transmitter for how to do this), which will definitely save you from a possible encounter with errors in the distribution of addresses. After performing such an operation, all user devices, when entering the Global Web, will receive the IP of the router.

Practice shows that this type of circuit is not used by the vast majority of people, and in case of any difficulties, it is recommended to contact professional Ethernet access adjusters. You can call specialists by calling the provider's office, and the final cost of the service will not exceed several hundred rubles.

Useful WPS function

All modern manufacturers network equipment support the WPS protocol (translated as secure communication). The meaning of the technology comes down to the need to press a button on the access point and on the Samsung TV with an interval of less than two minutes. The process will take place automatically by connecting the equipment to each other. This is the most best option for an inexperienced user. See the video for more details:

Connection problems may occur due to a malfunction of the operating system. In this case, you will need to update the firmware via the one downloaded from the official website of the Samsung manufacturer. The update process will look like this:

  • downloading the firmware file to a flash drive formatted in FAT32;
  • connecting a flash drive via the TV's USB connector and waiting for the process of analyzing the contents of a removable disk to complete;
  • switching to "Software Update" and activating the automatic update mode (not "over the air");
  • confirming the installation of the update from the file you downloaded.

Loading a new software it is recommended to carry out only from the official Samsung technical support website. This procedure includes steps such as:

  1. go to the manufacturer's website;
  2. Search desired model TV by name or serial number;
  3. on the web page that opens, we find (by scrolling down) the "Downloads" section;
  4. select the desired file (it is recommended to choose the most latest version) and loading it into the computer's memory.

Updating the software from a flash disk can be useful not only in case of any malfunction with WiFi. Thus, you can, for example, roll back the system to an old, already tested version.

A possible option for a wireless connection is also an Ad-Hoc network, for the operation of which a WiFi router is not needed, you will need a smartphone or tablet with a Wi-Fi distribution function. In this case, the TV connects directly to another gadget and does not have its own access to the Global Web, but it is able to display any media content from the computer's memory. In other words, Ad-Hoc is a high-speed data transfer interface from one device to another.


Setting up a WiFi connection on a Samsung TV through a router is not a difficult process, and any owner of a smart TV can handle it. Remember that Samsung technical support staff, whose hotline is open from morning to evening, will always help you to cope with the difficulties that have arisen. Professional Ethernet access adjusters are always ready to help and provide services for setting up advanced TV connection settings.


Modern ones give their happy owners many additional features. In addition to the accessible viewing of cable, analog and digital channels, such TVs provide access to Internet resources, in particular to Internet TV and social networks. But in order to use all the features of Smart TV, it is not enough to purchase a TV that supports it, you must be able to connect this TV correctly.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet?

In order for a TV with the Smart TV function to work correctly, and the image does not crumble into squares before our eyes, the Internet connection must be of sufficient quality, namely, its speed must be at least 20 Mbps. Assume that the provider providing your accommodation is able to provide required quality connections. Then the matter is small - connect your Smart TV to the Internet. There are several ways to do this, the most reliable of which is a wired connection.

How to connect a Smart TV using network cable?

Let's look at the back panel of our TV and find the connector marked LAN there. Connect the network cable to this connector. We will connect the other end of this cable to the router, thus ensuring the uninterrupted operation of several more Internet devices: a computer, etc. The disadvantage of this method of connecting to world wide web will become additional expenses for the purchase of a cable and laying it around the apartment.

How to connect a Smart TV using Wi-Fi?

If a router with a Wi-Fi function is installed in the apartment, and the TV has a built-in Wi-Fi receiver, then it will be possible to connect the TV to the Internet much faster and at a lower cost than in the first case. In this connection option, you only need to activate Wi-Fi on the TV and configure it to the router. If there is no built-in Wi-Fi on the TV, then the connection can be arranged using an external receiver. There is only one minus in this case, but a significant one - the TV will only work with a “native” branded Wi-Fi receiver, but it costs quite a lot.

How to connect Smart TV to Samsung TVs?

In order for the TV's Internet connection to start functioning, you must enter correct settings. To do this, press the "Menu" button on the remote control, select the "Network" menu section and move to "Network Settings". In the window that appears, select the type of connection, for example, "Cable" and click the "Next" button. After the TV receives automatic settings, you can see a message on the screen that you have successfully connected to the Internet.

In the event of an error message, all settings will have to be entered manually. To do this, select the item "IP Settings" in the menu. In the window that appears, set the value to "Manual" on the items "IP Mode" and "DNS Mode". The point is small - to manually enter all the connection settings. You can get them from your Internet operator, or at home computer in the "Connection" tab. local network».

How to connect Smart TV to LG TVs?

Connecting to the Internet and setting up a connection on LG TVs carried out similarly to Samsung TVs. The names of the menu sections will be slightly different. So in order to get to the menu, you will need to press the "Home" button, and then select the "Install" item. In the menu that opens, select the "Network" tab, and then move to the "Network settings: wired" item.

How to connect smart TV to computer?

If you want to watch on the big screen good quality video and photos, then Smart TV has the ability to connect to a computer using DLNA technology. For the TV and computer to work correctly in this mode, it will be necessary to connect them using a cable or Wi-Fi, after installing special software on the computer.

Today, the reality is that when purchasing a new generation TV with the Smart TV function, it is impossible to say that it is “very smart”. Only access to the global network will allow you to get "intelligent" opportunities. Therefore, the question of how to connect Smart TV to the Internet arises immediately after purchase. To do this is quite easy and simple.

There are three key ways to connect to the World Wide Web, depending on the means used to do so. It remains only to consider them in detail. And also study the instructions for performing elementary actions.

Note! Before connecting Smart TV to the Internet, regardless of the type, it is important to know the main indicators:

  • Internet speed provided by the provider;
  • wireless signal quality;
  • in the radio channel, the speed of the router.

Actually, they affect the quality factor of the television display with high-resolution pictures.

What speed will be required for TV broadcasting to be uninterrupted and meet the declared standards? To view 3D movies online, you will need a minimum Internet speed of 20 Mbps, and for normal HD resolution, 2 Mbps or more will be enough. That is, it is necessary to observe proportionality, the higher the image standard, the greater the intended speed.

Direct network connection via cable

This type of TV connection to the Internet involves the initial binding to the MAC address of a device with the Smart TV function. This will require the following steps:

  • go to settings and find information about the product. Typically, this list contains all specifications, including the MAC address;
  • make a call to technical support provider and inform about the change of the old data of the Internet channel to the new ones.

A wired connection, in turn, can be done in several ways.

"Internet - TV"

In this case, no problems should arise if the network connection technology is "Dynamic IP". Then it will be enough to insert the cable into the LAN port of the TV screen and, following the automatic prompts, adjust the network.

If the TV monitor does not connect to the Internet after standard manipulations, then most likely the system provides for "Statistical IP". In such cases, the network is configured manually. For greater clarity, it is worth analyzing the installation of IP and DNS on Samsung TV:

  • after docking with the cable, the system in the "Network Settings" will display a similar message - "Failed to establish a wired network connection";
  • then in the same section you need to select "IP Settings" and change the value from "Receive automatically" to "Enter manually";
  • in the window that appears, the corresponding IP and DNS are entered. After that, it remains to click on the “Ok” icon.

As a result, the adjustment of the wire network connection and TV internet connection will be completed successfully.

"Internet - Switch - TV"

If the option is considered when, while watching TV channels, there is no need to work on a PC or laptop, then a switch is suitable in such a situation. This device is a switch between consumers of the Internet stream. Its cost is low, which is captivating. But, when there is a need for the simultaneous use of all devices, then the following more popular scheme will do.

"Internet - Router - TV"

The connection sequence is such that the network cable is inserted into the WAN port of the router, and then a TV device is connected to it using a pressed twisted pair.

In order for the “connection” for Smart TV to be installed automatically, you must first debug the DHCP server. It is he who mechanically transmits IP and assigns DNS. If this is not done, then all options will have to be done manually.

It's important to know! To avoid conflicts in the operation of the DHCP server, it is imperative that a single IP address is reserved in advance for all devices connected to the router through a cable.

Internet connection via Wi-Fi (built-in)

If the TV device has a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, then this makes it easier to connect to the network and does not clutter up the space with a lot of wires. Just again, you should first "dynamically" configure DHCP with a single IP for all gadgets. Then all that remains is to sequentially go through the options:

  • "Menu" - "Network" - "Network settings";
  • The "Start" button, which will search for all routers.
  • Then from the list you need to select a personal router and click "Next".
  • The security-key is entered (the same as the password of the router and is at least 8 characters long).

After that, the connection is checked and its direct implementation. If everything went well, then the wireless network is installed. But if it was not possible to carry out everything so smoothly, then it will be possible to return to the initial stage and adjust everything manually.

Connection via a dedicated external Wi-Fi receiver

The method is suitable for those who save space and do not want to “clog” it with cables, and if the TV does not have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter.

For this purpose, it will be useful to purchase an external Wi-Fi receiver, its only drawback is the inflated price.

Interesting fact! A certain model of Smart TV will only work with a similar branded set-top box.

And finally, connecting to the Internet via WiFi (external type) is done elementarily using a USB connector. By inserting an adapter into it, debugging a wireless connection is similar to setting up with a built-in receiver.

As you can see, it is not difficult to implement a “connection” between a smart TV and the World Wide Web. You just need to know the sequence of actions, but sometimes try to experiment with functions.

TV without Internet access today is perceived as something inferior, outdated, because the global network is a huge repository of multimedia content. However, TV is not a device that is customary to replace with a new one every year. What happens: the owners of "anachronisms", released at a time when no one thought about the Internet on TV, to remain deprived? Not at all. Almost any TV receiver can be connected to the World Wide Web with very few exceptions. And today we'll talk about how to do it.

Smart TV is a TV combined with a computer, and the presence of a network adapter for such a device is a matter of course. Happy owners of smart boxes can even choose how to connect the TV to the Internet - via cable or Wi-Fi. Both of these are quite simple.

Cable connection is possible in two ways: directly and through a router. The first option is used if the TV is the only device in the house with a network adapter or a separate Internet channel is allocated for the TV. The provider's cable is connected directly to the TV's network adapter.

The second option - connecting through a router, is much more common. In this case, the TV becomes one of the members of the local network, where the router is the center and source of the Internet. The cable connects the TV network adapter and the LAN port of the router. No special settings are needed for this, the TV is connected to the router in the same way as a computer.

If your Smart TV is equipped with a Wi-Fi adapter, it needs an access point or Wi-Fi router to connect to the global network.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on Samsung Smart TV

When connecting cable type:

  • Connect the TV network adapter and the LAN port of the router using a patch cord (a piece of cable with connectors). The screenshot below shows the back of the TV where the network port is located.
  • Using the remote control, go to smart settings TV, from there - in the menu "Network" and "Network settings".

  • In the "Network type" section, select "Cable".

  • Click the "Connect" button.

After a few seconds, the connection will be established and activated. The TV will receive all network parameters automatically.

When connected wirelessly:

  • Let's go to the network settings through the main menu of Smart TV.

  • Select the connection type "Wireless".

  • Select the access point running on your Wi-Fi router.

  • Enter the access point password and click Finish.

After a short time, the connection will be established.

On different models of Samsung smart TVs, the appearance and arrangement of menu items are different, but the principle of connecting to the Internet is the same everywhere.

Connecting and setting up the Internet on Smart TV LG

By wire:

  • Establish a physical connection between the router and the TV. The socket for the network cable on LG TVs, like Samsung, is located on the rear panel.
  • Use the remote control to enter the TV settings menu and go to the "Network" section.

  • Select "Wired Connection (Ethernet)".

  • After the connection is established, click "Finish" and exit the menu. Internet is set.


  • Enter the network settings through the main menu.
  • Select the connection type "Wireless".

  • In the list of connection options wireless network click the "Configure from the list of access points" button.

  • Enter the password to connect to your hotspot. Confirm your input and wait a few seconds until the connection is established.

If your Smart TV model and router support WPS connection, you can click the second button in this menu - " Easy Installation(WPS mode)”, then press the same key on the router.

Different LG Smart TVs have slightly different menu interfaces. But the difference between them is not so significant that you can get confused. If you figure out how to connect a TV of one model to the Internet, you can easily do it on another.

Other brands of smart TVs such as Sony, Toshiba, Philips, etc., link with global network in exactly the same way.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet without a built-in network adapter

There are situations when setting up a wired TV connection to the Internet is not possible, for example, if there are no free ports on the router or the cable does not fit into the interior design. And the device is not equipped with a wireless network card. A removable Wi-Fi adapter that plugs into a USB port will help fix the situation.

Unfortunately, these removable adapters are not universal. They are produced by TV manufacturers themselves and only for devices of their brand, and each device supports a strictly limited range of TV models. With which devices a particular adapter is compatible, should be indicated in technical specifications the last one.

Externally, a removable Wi-Fi adapter resembles a large flash drive or USB modem, but there are models of a different type - in the form of a small box with a cable and an antenna (or without it). The former look more aesthetically pleasing, but the latter catch the wireless signal better, because thanks to the cable they can be moved from place to place and thereby find the best reception area.

Like other Wi-Fi devices, plug-in TV adapters belong to different generations of the IEEE 802.11 standard and operate in different frequency ranges.

Modern standards include IEEE 802.11n and IEEE 802.11ac. Only they support a data transfer rate sufficient to view video content high definition, and operate in two frequency bands at once - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. This means that they are compatible with any Wi-Fi routers, since the majority of the latter broadcast either in one or the other range (less often in both). And for joint work devices must be tuned to the same common frequency.

In addition, removable Wi-Fi adapters for TV differ in the following parameters:

  • signal reception radius. It is important that this value is not less than the distance to the access point.
  • transmitter power. It is 30-50-70-100 mW. The lower the power of the device, the higher it should be at the access point, especially if the latter is located at a considerable distance from the TV.
  • Support for encryption technologies in Wi-Fi networks. For compatibility with modern devices, the adapter must support WPA and WPA 2 standards, with old ones (generations of the 90s and early 2000s) - WEP.

Connecting to the World Wide Web conventional TV

AT regular TVs(not Smart) there are no network adapters, so just taking and connecting such a device to the Internet will not work. But it's very easy to get around this limitation. It is enough to connect a special set-top box to the TV - Android TV Box, Apple TV or their equivalent. To the delight of the owners of old TV sets, such set-top boxes are now sold at affordable prices and their choice is very large.

A set-top box (media player) is a compact device that looks like a large flash drive or a plastic box that will not only equip your TV with network interfaces, but also give it other “smart” functions. This is, in fact, a miniature computer with its own processor, memory, operating system and other attributes, the monitor of which is a TV, and the input device is a remote control. By the way, special keyboards and similar mice are produced for set-top boxes, and many of them are compatible with ordinary ones.

TV set-top boxes are distinguished by technical parameters. They, like computers and smartphones, are more and less productive. They have different processors, different amounts of RAM and permanent memory, different interfaces. Such devices can connect to the Internet both by wire and over the air.

Set-top boxes, unlike removable Wi-Fi receivers, are universal, that is, they are compatible with various brands and models of TVs. Only the same connection interface is important for both devices. Usually this is HDMI, less often USB, even less often other types.

Setting up the Internet on a TV with a media player is unlikely to cause difficulties for those who have connected a smartphone or computer to the network at least once. After all, they work for the same operating systems as mobile gadgets from PC: Andriod, iOS, Windows.

How to connect the set-top box to the TV

  • Turn off the power of both devices (if the set-top box does not have its own power adapter, then only TV). For reliability, it is better to pull the plugs out of the sockets. The HDMI interface, although it supports hot plugging, in fact often burns out, especially if you connect devices, each of which has its own power source.
  • Plug the media player or its cable into the HDMI or USB socket of the TV.
  • Turn on devices.
  • Using the remote control supplied with the set-top box, go to the menu, and from there - to the network settings.

TV connection to the Internet through an electrical outlet

Data transfer technology electrical wires- PLC (PowerLine Communication), has existed for a long time, but is not yet very popular. However, soon, we must expect, it will come finest hour, because with the introduction of the Internet of things and smart home systems, traditional wired communication will be difficult, and the radio air will be oversaturated with information flows. Then electrical network as a transmission medium will be very handy.

PLC is not an independent technology for connecting to the Internet, it transmits data on the principle of Ethernet cable communication (if you do not take into account the features of transmission over power lines), but it is devoid of its main drawback - the need to lay and mask wires. Places for connecting devices to the network are ordinary electrical outlets, more precisely, special adapters installed in them.

PLC adapters, such as in the picture, are supplied to the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian markets by TP-Link, ZyXEL, D-Link and some others. They cost around 1000-5000 rubles (the price depends on the transmission speed to the Ethernet and PowerLine channels, the number of devices in the kit, LAN ports and other options).

For comfortable viewing of high-resolution video, it is optimal to buy a PLC with a transfer rate of 100 Mbit / s.

Connecting such devices is not difficult: the LAN ports of one PLC adapter module and the TV are connected with a patch cord, then the adapter is plugged into a power outlet. The second module is connected to the LAN connector of the router and an outlet near it. After that set up wired Internet on TV in the usual way.