Regulations on postgraduate and doctoral studies

I. Regulations on postgraduate and doctoral studies

on the preparation of graduate students, doctoral students and applicants
at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


1.1. Postgraduate and doctoral studies at RUDN University are the main forms of training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate (post-graduation) professional education. The competition is a form of work on dissertations of specialists attached to PFUR without enrolling in graduate school and doctoral studies.

1.2. Citizens of Russia and citizens of the Republic of Belarus having equal rights with them (hereinafter citizens of the Russian Federation) are admitted to graduate and doctoral studies at PFUR at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation within the target figures established by the Federal Agency for Education. Citizens of the Russian Federation who enter the postgraduate and doctoral studies of RUDN University in excess of the admission quotas, as well as those who work in budget organizations, are admitted to postgraduate and doctoral studies, or are attached by applicants to the University under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and legal entities. Admission of stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation to graduate and doctoral studies at PFUR is carried out in the manner prescribed for citizens of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Citizens of the CIS countries and "far abroad" (hereinafter referred to as foreign citizens), are admitted to postgraduate and doctoral studies at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in the presence of a "Reference" federal agency of Education. Foreign citizens are admitted to RUDN postgraduate and doctoral studies on the basis of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements Russian Federation or through direct contact with foreign organizations providing for the payment of the cost of training by legal entities or individuals.

1.4. Citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries working in budgetary and non-budgetary organizations (except for RUDN University employees, RUDN University graduates working in budgetary organizations, employees of clinical bases of the Faculty of Medicine and basic enterprises of RUDN University practices) can be attached by applicants to the University under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals or legal entities.


2.1. Persons with a higher professional education with a master's or specialist's degree are admitted to the RUDN postgraduate course on a competitive basis. Only persons who have graduated from clinical residency or having at least two years of work experience in the specialty. Training of postgraduate students - citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens is carried out in two forms of education: full-time and part-time in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientists in 118 specialties in the following branches of science: physical and mathematical, chemical, biological, agricultural, technical, historical, economic , philosophical, philological, legal, pedagogical, medical, veterinary, architecture, psychological, sociological, political, earth sciences (License, Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science Series A, N 161692, Registration No. 3608 dated 10/28/2004. (Appendix No. 1)).

2.2. Persons who have previously completed a full course of study in graduate school do not have the right to re-educate in graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation; repeated postgraduate studies can be carried out only on a contract basis.

2.3. An application for admission to postgraduate studies is submitted to the Rector of RUDN University with the following documents attached: copies of the diploma of higher professional education and its annex (for persons who have received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS countries, copies of the corresponding diploma, as well as copies of a certificate of equivalence of documents of a foreign state on education to a diploma of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, issued by the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science, /hereinafter - certificate of equivalence/); list of published scientific papers, inventions and research reports.

questionnaires and autobiographies;
characteristics-recommendations from the place of work (study), recommendations of leading scientists (for citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries);
brief characteristics for applicants to graduate school;
extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty for persons recommended for postgraduate studies by the Academic Councils of the faculties immediately after graduation educational institution;

certificates of passing candidate exams (if applicants have passed candidate exams). For persons who have passed candidate exams abroad, it is obligatory to have a document agreed in the prescribed manner with the Federal Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science.
a medical certificate certified in the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ of Moscow (for newly arriving foreign citizens - with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate);
photos 3x4 in size - 3 pcs.;
certificates from the military registration department (for citizens of the Russian Federation) *
copies work book(for citizens of the Russian Federation with work experience).
copies of the national passport
A passport, a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence) and a work book (for full-time graduate students - citizens of the Russian Federation), who enters graduate school, submits it personally.

2.4. Chairman admission committee- vice-rector for scientific work appoints members of the commission from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel for admission to graduate school. The composition of the commissions is approved by order of the Rector. The admission committee of the faculty considers the documents of applicants for postgraduate studies. Applicants to graduate school are preliminarily interviewed by the prospective supervisor, who reports the results of the interview to the admissions committee of the faculty. Acceptance of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for postgraduate study is carried out, as a rule, annually from January 01 to August 31 by the admission committees of the faculties. The decision on admission to the entrance exams to graduate school is made by the admissions committee of the faculty, taking into account the results of the interview with the supervisor, progress during the study and the positive decision of the Academic Council of the faculty and brings to the attention of the applicant and the RUDN Postgraduate Department no later than a week from the day decision making. Acceptance of documents of foreign citizens is carried out, as a rule, annually from January 01 to July 01. Documents after consideration by the Admissions Committee of the faculty are submitted for consideration by the RUDN University Admissions Committee for foreign students. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee, the documents for further consideration are sent to the Federal Agency for Education. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education, foreign citizens entering graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a "Referral" to the University. The decision to accept or refuse to admit foreign citizens is communicated to the applicant within 20 days from the date of submission of documents to the sector of foreign postgraduate students of the PPI. Acceptance of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens for training on a contract basis is carried out within calendar year.

2.5. Citizens of the Russian Federation admitted to taking entrance exams to postgraduate studies with or without interruption from work are entitled to an additional leave of thirty calendar days while maintaining the average salary at the place of work for the preparation and passing of exams. All expenses related to travel to Moscow and back are covered by the applicant. The document giving the right to leave is a notice signed by the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University on admission to the entrance exams (sent or issued in person).

2.6. Citizens of the Russian Federation entering graduate school participate in competitive entrance exams, as a rule, from September 1 to September 20, the programs of which are drawn up in accordance with state educational standards of higher education. vocational education on: special discipline;
philosophy (for citizens of the Russian Federation).
foreign language- for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Russian language - for foreign citizens (countries of "far abroad"), citizens of the CIS countries can pass the choice of Russian or another foreign language;
The entrance exam in the specialty precedes the exams in other disciplines, the second is philosophy and the third is a foreign language. 5 days are allotted for each entrance exam.
Foreign citizens are allowed to take entrance exams to postgraduate studies after receiving the "Referral" of the Federal Agency for Education. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education on the admission of a foreign citizen to study at RUDN University, he is provided with visa support through the appropriate Embassy (Consulate) of the Russian Federation. Admission of entrance examinations to postgraduate studies is carried out by subject commissions appointed by the Rector of the University. The commission includes a professor or doctor of science in the specialty for which the exam is being conducted. In the absence of doctors of sciences in PFUR, the commission may also include candidates of sciences, associate professors, and in a foreign language - qualified teachers who do not have a scientific degree and academic title. Retaking the entrance exams is not allowed. Passed introductory exams for postgraduate studies are valid for a calendar year. Persons who have passed fully or partially the candidate's examinations are exempted from the corresponding entrance examinations upon admission to postgraduate studies. Final master's examinations (for graduates of the RUDN University of the current year) in philosophy and a foreign language, passed with excellent marks, as well as the diploma of "Translator" issued by the RUDN University in the current year, can be counted by the Admissions Committee in agreement with the subject committee as entrance examinations postgraduate exams.

2.7. Based on the results of the entrance examinations, the Admissions Committee makes a decision on each candidate, presenting for enrollment on a competitive basis the most capable candidates who, as a rule, have excellent and good academic performance, are prepared for scientific and pedagogical activities and scientific work, as well as actively participating in NIRS and already having publications. The decision on admission to graduate school or refusal of admission is communicated to the applicant within five days after the conclusion of the selection committee, but no later than two weeks before the start of classes. Enrollment of graduate students, citizens of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, is carried out by order of the Rector of the University from October 1 annually. Enrollment of foreign citizens who have a "Referral" of the Federal Agency for Education, is made from the day of arrival after passing the entrance exams. Enrollment of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens on a contract basis is carried out throughout the calendar year. The term of study in full-time postgraduate study for postgraduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation should not exceed 3 years, in correspondence postgraduate study- 4 years old. For foreign citizens who do not speak Russian, the period of study in full-time postgraduate studies can be extended up to 4 years due to the need to study the Russian language. Exemption from work of citizens of the Russian Federation accepted in full-time postgraduate studies produced in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor. Scholarships for full-time graduate students enrolled on account of the control figures are paid from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the day of dismissal from the previous job.

2.8. A graduate student during his postgraduate studies, with and without interruption from work, is obliged to: fully fulfill the individual syllabus; pass candidate exams on: - history and philosophy of science; - foreign language - for citizens of the Russian Federation; as a rule, the Russian language - for citizens of countries of the "far abroad", citizens of the CIS countries can pass the choice of Russian or another foreign language; - special discipline; complete work on the dissertation, submit it for discussion by the department and receive its conclusion on the dissertation. For graduates of postgraduate studies, the time of study in full-time postgraduate study is counted in the experience of scientific, pedagogical and scientific work.

2.9. Supervisor from among highly qualified specialists - doctors of sciences, professors or candidates of sciences with the academic title of associate professor (senior researcher), who have the right to scientific supervision of graduate students, is approved by the Rector (Vice-Rector) on the proposal of the Academic Councils of the faculties to each graduate student simultaneously with his enrollment in graduate school. Postgraduate students performing scientific research at the intersection of related specialties are allowed to have two supervisors or a supervisor and a consultant, one of which may be a candidate of science. The number of graduate students attached to one supervisor (no more than 5 people - doctor of science, professor, and no more than 3 people - candidate of science, associate professor) is determined with his consent by the leadership of RUDN.

2.10. The postgraduate student, together with the supervisor, draws up and fills out an individual curriculum for the work of the postgraduate student for the entire period of study, which is discussed at a meeting of the department (department, laboratory, etc.) and signed by the head of the department. Individual curricula of postgraduate students and themes of dissertations are approved by the Academic Councils of the faculties and research institutes of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on the proposal of the departments (departments, laboratories, etc.) and submitted to the postgraduate department during the first year from the date of admission to the postgraduate course. The supervisor is obliged to control the fulfillment by the postgraduate student of the approved individual curriculum during the entire period of study in the postgraduate course.

2.11. A postgraduate student is certified by the department (department, laboratory, etc.) twice a year. The attestation is approved by the Academic Council of the faculty after each attestation of graduate students by the departments, taking into account all aspects of their postgraduate studies. Postgraduate students who did not start classes within one month or missed classes for more than one month without good reason or those who did not complete the individual curriculum within the established time limits, as well as those who violated the internal regulations of the University, are expelled by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University on the proposal of the head of the department (department, laboratory, etc.) and the dean of the faculty. Restoration of graduate students at the University in this case, by decision of the Academic Council of the faculty, is possible, as a rule, on a contract basis. Postgraduate students who study on a contract basis and who violate the terms of payment are expelled by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) due to violation of the terms of an individual contract.

2.12. PhD students to carry out work on a chosen topic scientific research enjoy equipment, laboratories, classrooms, libraries, the right to travel, including to foreign educational institutions and research centers, participate in expeditions, etc. business trips are determined in each case by the rectorate of RUDN University. For purchase scientific literature each postgraduate student studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is given an annual allowance in the amount of two monthly scholarships (subject to the availability of budget funding).

2.13. The term of postgraduate study is extended by order of the Rector of the University for the period of maternity leave and childcare in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as for the period of illness of a postgraduate student, lasting more than a month, but not more than 1 year , upon presentation of the relevant conclusions of medical institutions, confirmed by the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ of Moscow. Expenses related to the extension of the postgraduate study period for persons financed from the federal budget of the Russian Federation are made within the scholarship fund and from the funds for training provided for by the PFUR, and postgraduate students enrolled under the contract, at the expense of funds received for further education. chenie in graduate school, in the amount established by the contract. In exceptional cases (change of supervisor, etc.), the term of postgraduate study can be extended, as a rule, up to 6 months without paying a scholarship, with the costs attributed to budget savings. Documents for the extension of the postgraduate study period are submitted by the faculty for consideration to the university administration.

2.14. Postgraduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation and dismissed from postgraduate studies before the end of their studies can be reinstated at the expense of available funds at the University for the remaining period of study by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector), and postgraduate students enrolled under a contract - after payment for the next period of study.

2.15. Full-time graduate students have the right to master the mandatory minimum content professional program, providing additional qualification “Teacher high school”, if this minimum was not mastered in the process of master's training.

2.16. Postgraduate students studying full-time postgraduate studies, provided that they complete individual plan students with the consent of the supervisor have the right to be enrolled in a full-time position or to work on other terms of payment in their free time from study on a part-time basis.

2.17. Personal responsibility for the organization and quality of postgraduate training rests with the heads of departments (departments, laboratories, etc.).

2.18. Academic councils of faculties and research institutes of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia monitor the work of postgraduate studies in departments (departments, laboratories, etc.).

2.19. Postgraduate students studying full-time postgraduate studies at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation are paid a scholarship in accordance with the current legislation. Persons admitted to graduate school on a contract basis do not receive a scholarship. The Rector of the University may establish supplements for postgraduate scholarships at the expense of budgetary or extrabudgetary funds without limiting them. limit sizes. Graduate students may be assigned state nominal scholarships, and RUDN nominal scholarships - by the decision of the RUDN Academic Council.

2.20. The remuneration of scientific supervisors is made at the rate of 75 hours per year for one graduate student - a citizen of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries and 100 hours per year for one foreign graduate student (states of the “far abroad”), including in cases of approval of a graduate student two leaders. The Rector of the University has the right to establish supervisors graduate students with an additional payment without limiting its maximum size at the expense of budgetary or non-budgetary funds of the RUDN University.

2.21. Postgraduate students studying in full-time postgraduate studies enjoy annual vacations of two months.

2.22. Those who have completed full-time postgraduate studies (including ahead of schedule) and who have fully fulfilled the requirements set forth in clause 2.8. of this section of the Regulations, a monthly vacation is provided. The university pays a scholarship for the vacation time at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation to graduate students who have fulfilled the requirements set out in clause 2.8 ahead of schedule.

2.23. The University can, in accordance with an agreement with enterprises, institutions and organizations, carry out, if necessary, a preliminary internship of up to 12 months for persons entering graduate school.

2.24. Postgraduate students studying in postgraduate study by correspondence (citizens of the Russian Federation) are entitled to additional annual leave at the place of work for a duration of 30 calendar days with the preservation of the average salary. The time spent on travel from the place of work to the location of the graduate school and back is added to the annual additional leave of the graduate student, while maintaining the average salary. Said travel is paid by the employing organization. Postgraduate students studying in postgraduate study by correspondence form of study are entitled to one free day from work per week with payment in the amount of fifty percent of the wages received, but not less than the minimum wage established by the Federal Law. The employer organization has the right to provide graduate students at their request in the fourth year of study with no more than two additional days free from work per week without pay. Postgraduate students studying by correspondence are provided with places in the dormitory and registration for the period of passing exams and completing dissertations.

2.25. Social guarantees and benefits for persons entering and studying in graduate school are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.26. The transfer of graduate students from another higher educational institution or scientific organization to PFUR and vice versa, as well as from full-time to part-time and vice versa, is carried out at the request of the graduate student by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University.

2.27. Employment of Russian citizens who have completed postgraduate studies is carried out in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.28. The training of graduate students at PFUR at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out within the target figures for the admission of graduate students established by the Federal Agency for Education. The training of postgraduate students beyond the admission targets is carried out under direct contracts with the payment of the cost of training by individuals and legal entities.


3.1. One of the forms of training and advanced training of scientific and pedagogical, scientific personnel and employees of higher educational institutions and organizations is the independent work of specialists on a dissertation.

3.2. Applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences (hereinafter referred to as applicants) may be persons with higher professional education with a master's or specialist's degree. Applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science may be persons who have the degree of Candidate of Science.

3.3. Applicants are attached to PFUR to pass candidate exams and prepare dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences. Attachment of applicants for passing candidate examinations can be carried out for a period of not more than two years and for the preparation of a dissertation - for a period of not more than three years. Attachment of applicants can be made for the preparation and delivery of both all and individual candidate exams. Enrollment of applicants (except for RUDN University employees and RUDN University graduates working in budgetary organizations) is made on a contract basis. Persons who have completed a full course of postgraduate study, as well as who have fully used their time as applicants, can re-attach to RUDN University as an applicant on a contract basis. Applicants working on doctoral dissertations are attached to prepare a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science for a period of not more than 4 years. Persons who have not fully used the term of stay as an applicant can be attached to RUDN University for the remaining time.

3.4. Attachment of applicants to RUDN University is carried out by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University throughout the calendar year.

3.5. To attach to RUDN University, the applicant submits an application addressed to the Rector; detailed dissertation plan and documents in accordance with clause 2.3.

3.6. The Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University, based on the results of the applicant's interview with the prospective supervisor (consultant) and the conclusion of the relevant department (department, laboratory, etc.), approves the order to attach the applicant, indicating the term of attachment and approval of the supervisor (consultant). In the case of attaching an applicant only for passing candidate exams, the supervisor is not approved. Scientific supervisors of applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences are appointed persons from among doctors of sciences and professors or candidates of sciences with the academic title of associate professor (senior researcher) who have the right to supervise graduate students. Persons from among doctors of sciences and professors are appointed as scientific advisers to applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science. m3.7. Within two months, applicants submit for approval by the department (department, laboratory, etc.) an individual plan (dissertation preparation plan) agreed with the supervisor (consultant).

3.8. The topic of the dissertation of the applicant is approved by the Academic Council of the faculty or the RUDN Research Institute on the proposal of the departments (departments, laboratories, etc.). Applicants periodically report and are annually certified by the department (department, laboratory, etc.) of RUDN University. Applicants who do not fulfill an individual work plan are subject to expulsion.

3.9. Applicants use the necessary equipment, classrooms, libraries, etc. in the manner prescribed by PFUR.

3.10. Applicants for the degree of Candidate of Sciences pass candidate examinations in philosophy, a foreign language and a special discipline at the place of attachment.

3.11. The remuneration of scientific supervisors (consultants) of applicants is made at the rate of 25 hours per year for each applicant during the period of attachment. The Rector of the University has the right to establish an additional payment for scientific supervisors (consultants) of applicants without limiting its maximum size at the expense of the available budgetary or extra-budgetary reserve funds of RUDN University.

3.12. Expenses for payment of scientific supervisors are made at the expense of budgetary or extrabudgetary funds of the University.

3.13. To complete dissertations for the degree of candidate of science or doctor of science, applicants, citizens of Russia, are granted leave at their place of work with the preservation of the average wage. Leave to complete a dissertation for the degree of candidate of science for a duration of three months and a doctor of science - six months is granted at the place of work to persons who combine their main work with scientific activity, on the recommendation of the Academic Council of the faculty, indicating the time and period of its provision.


4.1. Candidate examinations are an integral part of the attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The purpose of the exam is to establish the depth professional knowledge applicant, the degree of readiness for independent research work. Passing candidate examinations is obligatory for awarding the degree of Candidate of Science, as well as for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science who do not have the degree of Candidate of Science.

4.2. Candidate's exams are established in a special discipline, history and philosophy of science, foreign (as a rule, Russian - for foreign citizens) language.

4.3. The candidate exam in a special discipline is taken according to a program consisting of two parts: a standard minimum program in the specialty, developed by the leading higher educational institutions and scientific organizations in the relevant industry and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and an additional program developed by the corresponding department (department, laboratory, etc.) and approved by the Academic Council of the faculty. Additional program should include new sections of this branch of science and sections related to the direction of scientific research of the applicant, as well as take into account the latest achievements in this branch of science and the latest literature. An exam in a special discipline should reveal the level of theoretical and vocational training applicant, knowledge of the general concepts and methodological issues of this science, the history of its formation and development, factual material, the main theoretical and practical problems of this branch of knowledge.

4.4. Candidate exams in the history and philosophy of science and foreign (as a rule, Russian - for foreign citizens) language are taken according to programs developed and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

4.5. RUDN has the right to take candidate exams for graduate students and applicants third parties in the presence of postgraduate studies in the relevant specialties, as a rule, on a contract basis. RUDN University employees enjoy the right to take candidate exams for a demon paid basis.

4.6. Commissions for taking candidate examinations for each discipline are appointed by order of the Rector of the University, consisting of a chairman, as a rule, a vice-rector, and two or three members from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel. The commission is authorized to take candidate examinations if at least two specialists in the profile of the examination being taken, including one doctor of sciences, participate in its meeting. The commission for taking candidate exams in a foreign language for persons who do not specialize in this field includes teachers of the department of foreign languages, regardless of whether they have a doctorate or a candidate of philological sciences, as well as representatives of departments and divisions of the RUDN University in the specialty of the dissertation, having academic degrees and fluent in the corresponding foreign language. Members of the relevant dissertation council, the Rector, Vice-Rector, Dean, and representatives of the Federal Agency for Education may be present when taking candidate examinations.

4.7. Candidate exams at PFUR are taken, as a rule, twice a year in the form of sessions lasting one month each, from October 15 to November 15 and from May 15 to June 15. In case of submission of a dissertation work to the dissertation council, the candidate examination may be taken by the decision of the Rector (Vice-Rector) outside the session. The University notifies applicants of the time and place of the examinations no later than one month before they are held.

4.8. Candidate examinations are held at the discretion of the examination committee with or without tickets. To prepare an answer, the applicant uses examination sheets, which are stored after taking the exam for a year.

4.9. The level of knowledge of the applicant is evaluated on a four-point system: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

4.10. Applicants for the degree of Candidates of Sciences who have a higher education that does not correspond to the branch of science in the profile of which the dissertation was prepared, with the permission of the relevant dissertation council, take an additional Candidate's examination in a general scientific discipline in relation to this branch of science.

4.11. For each applicant, a protocol for the acceptance of the candidate exam is filled out, in which the questions asked to the applicant, including questions about tickets, are entered. The protocol for taking the candidate exam is signed by those members of the commission who were present at the exam, indicating their academic degree, academic title, position held and specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientists. The minutes of the meetings of the examination boards, after being approved by the RUDN Vice-Rector for Research, are stored in the personal file of postgraduate students in the RUDN Postgraduate Department.

4.12. On passing the candidate exam, a certificate of the established form is issued, and at the place of passing the last exam, the certificate of passing the previous candidate exams is replaced by a single certificate.

4.13. In the event that an applicant fails to appear for the candidate exam for a good reason, he may be admitted by the Rector of RUDN University to take the candidate exam during the current session. It is not allowed to retake the candidate exam during one session. The decision of the examination committee can be appealed by the applicant within ten days to the Rector of RUDN University, whose decision is final.

4.14. Expenses related to the holding and admission of candidate examinations for graduate students and RUDN University applicants are covered by RUDN University; graduate students and applicants from third-party organizations, as a rule, at the expense of the sending organization.

4.15. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the established procedure for holding and accepting candidate examinations lies with the RUDN University Vice-Rector for Research, who approves the minutes of the meetings of the examination boards.

5.1. Training of doctoral students-citizens of the Russian Federation, CIS states and foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientists in 43 specialties in the following branches of science: physical and mathematical, chemical, biological, technical, historical, economic, philosophical, philological, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, earth sciences.

5.2. Persons with a PhD degree or an equivalent degree are accepted for doctoral studies.

5.3. Preparation of doctoral students is carried out on a full-time basis. The term of preparation of doctoral students should not exceed 3 years.

5.4. An application for admission to doctoral studies is submitted to the Rector of RUDN University, with the following documents attached: copies of a diploma of higher professional education and its annex (for persons who have received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS countries - copies of the relevant diploma, copies of the certificate about the equivalence of this diploma);
copies of the diploma awarding the scientific degree of a candidate of sciences (for persons who have received education abroad, copies of the diploma awarding a scientific degree equivalent to the degree of a candidate of sciences;
questionnaires and autobiographies;
extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the University (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
consent of the Embassy of the country or the National Education Authority to study at RUDN University on postgraduate forms for foreign citizens-graduates of RUDN University, accepted at the expense of the federal budget.
a medical certificate certified in the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ in Moscow for newly arriving foreign citizens (with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate);
a detailed plan for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation;
list of published scientific papers, inventions and research reports;
characteristics-recommendations from the place of work;

copies of the work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation);
copies of the national passport.
A passport, a diploma (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence), a diploma of conferring the academic degree of a candidate of sciences and a work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation) are presented personally by an applicant for doctoral studies.

5.5. The Academic Council of the University considers the documents of an applicant for doctoral studies and, based on the conclusion of the relevant department (department, laboratory, etc.), makes a decision on admission to doctoral studies with the approval of the plan and topic of the dissertation. Enrollment in doctoral studies is carried out by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of PFUR. Citizens of the Russian Federation enrolled in doctoral studies are released from their positions in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and the scholarship is paid to them from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the day of dismissal from the previous place of work. Enrollment of foreign citizens in doctoral studies is carried out similarly to the procedure adopted for the enrollment of graduate students after receiving the "Referral" of the Federal Agency for Education.

The term of preparation in doctoral studies is included in the experience of scientific, pedagogical and scientific work.

5.6. During the preparation period, the doctoral student must complete an individual plan (dissertation preparation plan) and submit the completed dissertation to the department to obtain an appropriate conclusion.

5.7. To assist a doctoral student in conducting dissertation research at the place of his preparation, a scientific consultant from among highly qualified scientific and pedagogical or scientific personnel, doctors of sciences, professors can be appointed. If necessary, leading scientists and specialists from third-party educational and scientific institutions and organizations, doctors of sciences, professors (no more than two).

5.8. Doctoral students use laboratories, classrooms, scientific libraries, experimental facilities, as well as the services of educational, scientific, medical, sports and other departments of the University in accordance with the rules established by RUDN University. For the acquisition of scientific literature, each doctoral student studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is given an annual allowance in the amount of two monthly scholarships (subject to the availability of budget funding).

5.9. Every year, the Academic Councils of the faculties of the University conduct attestation of doctoral students, based on the results of which a decision is made on their further stay in doctoral studies. A doctoral student who does not fulfill an individual plan is expelled from doctoral studies by order of the Rector (Vice-Rector) of RUDN

5.10. Doctoral students have the right to perform paid work at RUDN University or outside RUDN University, provided that they fulfill an individual training plan.

5.11. Doctoral students from other cities can, if necessary, be provided with a hostel with payment for accommodation.

5.12. A doctoral student expelled from doctoral studies before the end of the term can be reinstated for the remaining term by order of the Rector of the University if there are vacancies.

5.13. Employment of graduates of doctoral studies is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor.

5.14. Persons who have completed a full doctoral training course and have not submitted a doctoral dissertation in time for the defense cannot be transferred to the positions of research assistants to complete work on a doctoral dissertation.

5.15 Doctoral students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation are paid a scholarship in accordance with the current legislation. The Rector of RUDN University can establish, at the expense of budgetary and non-budgetary funds, an allowance for doctoral students' scholarships without limiting its maximum size.

5.16. The remuneration of scientific consultants for doctoral students is made at the rate of 50 hours per year per doctoral student. The Rector of RUDN University has the right to establish payment for scientific advisers of doctoral students at the expense of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds without limiting its limits.

5.17. The costs of sending doctoral students who are trained at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation to leading domestic and foreign educational institutions and research centers are made by the Federal Agency for Education or the RUDN Rectorate, while the source of funds for the trip is determined by the Rector of the University in each specific case separately.

5.18. Doctoral students are provided with an annual vacation of two months. Social guarantees and benefits for persons entering and undergoing training in doctoral studies are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Doctoral students retain all the rights at the place of work that they had before entering doctoral studies (the right to receive living space, to confer an academic title and other rights, as well as the right to return to former place work).

5.19. The preparation of doctoral students at PFUR at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out within the target figures for admission to doctoral studies established by the Federal Agency for Education. The training of doctoral students in excess of the admission targets can be carried out under contracts with the payment of tuition fees by individuals or legal entities during the year.

II. Rules for admission to postgraduate and doctoral studies


1. Citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of the CIS countries and "far abroad" who have higher professional education with a master's or specialist's degree are admitted to the graduate school of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on a competitive basis for the preparation of candidates of sciences (Doctor of Philosophy - Ph.D.).
Only persons who have completed clinical residency or have at least two years of work experience in the specialty are admitted to postgraduate studies in the clinical specialties of the Faculty of Medicine.

2. The term of study in graduate school with a break from work (full-time) is three years, without a break from work (by correspondence) - four years. For foreign citizens who do not speak Russian, the period of study in full-time postgraduate studies can be extended up to 4 years in connection with the passage of the Russian language course.

3. Citizens of the Russian Federation and, having equal rights with them, citizens of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter citizens of the Russian Federation), working in budgetary organizations, are admitted to RUDN University postgraduate studies at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation within the target figures established by the Federal Agency for Education.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who enter the RUDN University postgraduate program in excess of the admission target, as well as those who work in non-budgetary organizations, are admitted to postgraduate studies under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals or legal entities.
Admission of stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation to RUDN postgraduate studies is carried out in the manner prescribed for citizens of the Russian Federation.
Citizens of the CIS countries and "far abroad" (hereinafter referred to as foreign citizens) are admitted to graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation in the presence of a "Reference" by the Federal Agency for Education.
Foreign citizens are admitted to RUDN postgraduate studies on the basis of international treaties and intergovernmental agreements of the Russian Federation or through direct relations with foreign organizations that provide for the payment of the cost of training by legal entities and individuals.

4. Training of graduate students is carried out in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties of scientists in force at the University in 118 specialties in the following branches of science: physical and mathematical, chemical, biological, technical, agricultural, historical, economic, philosophical, philological, legal, pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical , veterinary, architecture, psychological, sociological, political, earth sciences (License, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Series A, N 161692, Registration No. 3608 dated October 28, 2004 (Appendix No. 1)).
The list of scientific specialties in RUDN postgraduate studies is given in Appendix No. 1.
Persons who have previously completed a full course of study in graduate school do not have the right to re-educate in graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation; re-education in graduate school can be carried out only on a contract basis.

5. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens attach the following documents to the application for admission to graduate school, submitted to the Rector of RUDN University:
a copy of the diploma of higher professional education and an annex to it (for persons educated abroad, including citizens of the CIS countries, a copy of the relevant diploma, as well as a copy of the certificate of equivalence of documents of a foreign state on education to a diploma of higher professional education of the Russian Federation issued by the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science /hereinafter - the certificate of equivalence/);
list of published scientific papers, inventions and research reports.
essay on the chosen specialty
recall of the supervisor for the abstract;
questionnaire (certified at the place of work/study) and autobiography;
characteristics-recommendation from the place of work (study), recommendations of leading scientists (for citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries);
a brief description for applicants to graduate school;
an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty for persons recommended for postgraduate study by the Academic Councils of the faculties immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution;
consent of the Embassy of the country or the National Education Authority to study at RUDN University on postgraduate forms for foreign citizens-graduates of RUDN University, accepted at the expense of the federal budget;
certificate of passing candidate exams (if the applicant has passed candidate exams). For persons who have passed candidate exams abroad - it is obligatory to have a document agreed in the prescribed manner with the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science;
a medical certificate certified in the city polyclinic No. 25 DZ of Moscow (for newly arriving foreign citizens - with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate);
photographs 3x4 in size - 3 pcs.;
a certificate from the military registration department (for citizens of the Russian Federation);

A passport, a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence) and a work book (for full-time graduate students - citizens of the Russian Federation), who enters graduate school personally presents.

6. Applicants to graduate school pass a preliminary interview with a prospective supervisor, who reports the results of the interview to the admissions committee of the faculty.
Acceptance of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation for postgraduate study is carried out, as a rule, annually from January 01 to August 31 by the admission committees of the faculties.
The decision on admission to the entrance exams to graduate school is made by the admissions committee of the faculty, taking into account the results of the interview with the supervisor, progress during the study and the positive decision of the Academic Council of the faculty and brings to the attention of the applicant and the RUDN Postgraduate Department no later than a week from the day decision making.
Acceptance of documents of foreign citizens is carried out, as a rule, annually from January 01 to July 01. Documents after consideration by the Admissions Committee of the faculty are submitted for consideration by the RUDN University Admissions Committee for foreign students. With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee, the documents for further consideration are sent to the Federal Agency for Education.
With a positive decision of the Admissions Committee of the Federal Agency for Education, foreign citizens entering graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a "Referral" to the University. The decision to accept or refuse to admit foreign citizens is communicated to the applicant within 20 days from the date of submission of documents to the sector of foreign postgraduate students of the PPI.

7. In case of a positive decision of the Commission of the Federal Agency for Education on the admission of a foreign citizen to study at PFUR, he is provided with visa support through the relevant Embassy (Consulate) of the Russian Federation.
To obtain visa support, a foreign citizen (except for RUDN University graduates) must send e-mail to the University a copy of the national passport indicating the exact home address or work address and phone number, position held, place of birth, region of residence, place of obtaining a visa. The validity of the national passport must be at least 2 years from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.
Acceptance of documents of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens for training on a contract basis is carried out during the calendar year.

8. Applicants to graduate school take competitive entrance exams for:
special discipline;
philosophy - for citizens of the Russian Federation
foreign language - for citizens of the Russian Federation, Russian language - for foreign citizens of countries "far abroad, citizens of the CIS countries can choose to pass the Russian language or another foreign language;
The entrance exam in the specialty precedes the exams in other disciplines, the second is philosophy and the third is a foreign language. Each entrance exam is given 5 days. Retaking the entrance exams is not allowed. The results of the entrance exams are valid for a calendar year.
Persons who have passed fully or partially the candidate's examinations are exempted from the corresponding entrance examinations upon admission to postgraduate studies.
Final master's examinations (for RUDN graduates of the current year) in philosophy and a foreign language, passed with excellent marks, as well as the presence of a diploma of "Translator" issued by RUDN in the current year, can be counted by the Admissions Committee in agreement with the subject committee in as an entrance exam for graduate school.
Entrance examinations for citizens of the Russian Federation recommended for postgraduate study on the state budget are held from September 1 to 20, and postgraduate enrollment is on October 1. As an exception, with the permission of the Rector, entrance exams can be held from June 27 to July 07, and admission to graduate school from July 10.
Foreign citizens who have a "Referral" of the Federal Agency for Education, for studying on the state budget, are enrolled in graduate school from the day of arrival after passing the entrance exams.

9. Acceptance of documents, entrance examinations and enrollment in graduate school for persons recommended for study on a contract (paid) basis is carried out throughout the calendar year. Tuition for one year is paid according to the rates established by the University. Payment for additional services health insurance, residence in a hostel, paperwork, passing entrance exams) for graduate students studying under a contract is carried out at the rates established at the University.

10. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens are admitted to part-time postgraduate studies on a contract basis and pay for their education at the rate of 50% of the cost of full-time postgraduate studies in this specialty.

11. Citizens of the Russian Federation admitted to taking entrance exams to graduate school with or without interruption of work are entitled to an additional leave of thirty calendar days with the preservation of the average salary at the place of work for preparing and passing exams (based on 10 days for each exam ).
The document giving the right to leave is a notice signed by the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University on admission to the entrance exams (sent or issued in person).
All expenses related to travel to Moscow and back are paid by applicants themselves, sending organizations or other individuals.


12. Citizens of the Russian Federation and, having equal rights with them, citizens of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as citizens of the Russian Federation), are attached by applicants to the University under direct contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals or legal entities (except for RUDN University employees, RUDN University graduates working in budgetary organizations, employees clinical bases of the Faculty of Medicine and basic enterprises of RUDN University practices).

13. Attachment of applicants to RUDN University is carried out by order of the Rector of the University during the calendar year. Applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences (hereinafter referred to as applicants) may be persons with higher professional education with a master's or specialist's degree.
Applicants are attached to PFUR to pass candidate exams and prepare dissertations for the degree of candidate of science. Attachment of applicants for passing candidate examinations can be carried out for a period of not more than two years and for the preparation of a dissertation - for a period of not more than three years.

14. Persons who have completed the full course of postgraduate studies, as well as who have fully used their time as applicants, can re-attach to RUDN University as an applicant on a contract basis.

15. Applicants for the degree of Doctor of Science may be persons who have the degree of Candidate of Science.
Applicants working on doctoral dissertations are attached to prepare a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science for a period not exceeding four years.

16. To attach to the departments of the University, the applicant submits an application addressed to the Rector of the University with the following documents attached:
copies of the diploma of higher education with an appendix to the diploma (a copy of the diploma of a candidate of science for applicants working on doctoral dissertations);
a list of scientific papers and inventions, if any;
questionnaires (certified at the place of work) and autobiography;
characteristics-petitions from the place of work;
copies of the work book (certified at the place of work);
certificates of passing candidate exams (if the applicant has passed candidate exams);
individual work plan;
3 photos 3x4 in size.
a copy of the national passport.
Payment for the applicant's education at the University for one year of study is made at the rates established at the University.

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia was established during the reign of N. Khrushchev, in 1960, as the Peoples' Friendship University. At the same time, the teaching of one of the main subjects - the Russian language for foreigners - began. A year later, the educational institution received the name of P. Lumumba, who was a prominent fighter for independence. African countries at that time, and opened six main faculties, including physical and mathematical sciences, law and economics, medicine, engineering, agriculture, history and philology.

The founder of RUDN University is the Government of Russia

In 1992, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is the founder of this educational institution, UDN received a new name - the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In the 90s, new promising faculties were established in the higher educational institution. Currently, the University is a large, internationally oriented educational center, known for its connections in many countries of the world, scientific research and methods of organizing the educational process.

RUDN University in and in student assessments

According to the Interfax rating (2011-2014), this university annually occupies 4-5-6 places among more than a thousand Russian universities. However average rating On the part of students, the university is close to “4” out of five possible points, as students are dissatisfied with the corruption that is encountered, the level of demand for specialists, equipment in a number of faculties, etc. There are both very negative and positive assessments of this educational institution, although many admit that It all depends on the student's desire to learn.

The institute leads in the field of national patents

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) is known for its achievements in the field of scientific activity. It ranks first in the number of scientific articles among more than 10,000 scientific organizations in Russia, conducts an annual defense of doctoral and master's theses in more than thirty dissertation councils of the educational institution. The Thomson-Reuter rating indicates that the University in 2002-2012. The second largest number of national patents for inventions in Russia was issued (the first place is occupied by Rosatom, the third - by the Ministry of Industry of Russia).

Among the graduates of the university there are also presidents of states

This university has so far produced about 90 thousand specialists who work in hundreds of countries around the world, and among them there are presidents of states, ministers, famous politicians and businessmen. At RUDN University, you can simultaneously receive several diplomas, including in several foreign languages, the main specialty, the second higher education and additional courses. Currently, the following RUDN faculties are functioning:

  • Agrarian. Opened in 1961, it has a teaching staff of about 100 people and graduates masters and bachelors in the following specialties: agronomy, veterinary medicine, zootechnics, land management and cadastral affairs, veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, economics, management. At the faculty, you can complete a master's and postgraduate studies at English language, get additional knowledge in the center additional education, including in the field of selection, beekeeping, horse breeding, judging at equestrian competitions, etc.
  • Faculty of Engineering, which graduates bachelors in the field of economics, architecture, construction, oil and gas, operation of transport and technological complexes, etc. Here you can also get a master's degree in architecture, geology, construction, nanotechnology, mining, applied geology, etc. The faculty's postgraduate course is open to more than 20 specialties.
  • Physics and Mathematics \ natural sciences. Prepares bachelors in chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and computer science, radiophysics, etc., as well as masters in the specialties: mathematics, chemistry and physics (including applied and fundamental), etc.
  • Faculty of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) at this department prepares bachelors in the field of linguistics, journalism, psychology, philology, advertising, and public relations. The faculty also graduates masters in seventeen areas of training and has postgraduate studies in ten specialties.

What other RUDN faculties exist?

  • General education disciplines and the Russian language. Here students take a course of intensive training in the Russian language, the basics of general disciplines in the future main department, and adapt to life in Russia. The faculty has a center for students' adaptation to the Russian climate and a testing center.
  • Economic, where foreign and Russian citizens can get the specialty of a manager (specializations - marketing and general management), an economist (insurance, finance, credit, general economy, accounting and other areas). Participation in the double degree program with the University of Nice, master's, postgraduate studies, advanced training courses are available.
  • Ecological. The faculty has several graduating departments, including specialties: systems, forensic ecology, human ecology, applied ecology and geoecology, management water resources, ecology forecasting and monitoring. Here you can get a master's degree.
  • Social and Human Sciences. About 2.5 thousand people from more than 80 countries of the world study at the faculty, where they receive a bachelor's degree in the following areas: sociology, political science, international relationships, history, philosophy, foreign regional studies, municipal and state management, humanitarian sciences and art. It also graduates masters in the programs of history (domestic), history of civilizations, philosophy, ethics, problems and institutions, world politics, regional studies, management (municipal and state), social and international institutions, social management. The faculty is interesting because it has a dozen joint programs with foreign institutions, including China, Spain, Germany, France. In addition, students are given the opportunity to obtain a certificate of a translator, to practice in the bodies state power(for individual programs).

Many faculties are organized as institutes

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, whose faculties are presented above, graduates specialists in other areas, which are organized in the form of internal institutes of the University. For example, obtaining is possible at RUDN University at a law institute, including specialties: civil, international, family law, arbitration process, corporate lawyer, international law, legal translation (English), energy law, etc. The Institute has postgraduate studies in ten specialties, has many foreign institutions and large international organizations(eg European Youth Parliament).

37 specialties are taught at the Faculty of Medicine

What other institutions does RUDN University have? The medical faculty of this educational institution is also organized as a separate institute, where you can study in such specialties as: "Pharmacy", "General Medicine", "Nursing", "Dentistry". The Institute has about twenty specialties in internship, about 37 specialties in clinical residency, 33 specialties in graduate school and nine boards through which one can defend a degree.

RUDN University graduates can know four or more languages

RUDN University, whose medical faculty has trained about 6,400 specialists for foreign clinics, has an institute of hotel business (and tourism). This educational institution was established relatively recently, in 1997, and is an institute with the rights of a faculty. It trains specialists in the field of restaurant and hotel business, some of which have already left to work in their native countries - China, Oman, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Gabon, Vietnam, etc. language - English and (optionally) Spanish, German, French or Italian (plus Russian and your own national).

They can do gravity experiments

RUDN University provides education, among other things, in rather rare specialties, such as relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and gravity. Such a specialty, as well as postgraduate studies, can be obtained at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Gravity and Cosmology at RUDN University, opened in 1999. Graduates of this direction can develop promising gravitational experiments in space and on our planet, explore fundamental metrology and fundamental physical constants.

Joint programs with foreign universities

In addition to the Faculty of Philology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has an Institute of Foreign Languages, where subjects are taught in English, including: regional studies, international public relations. At the institute, future teachers can study the methodology and theory of psychology and social pedagogy, take postgraduate courses in general pedagogy, German languages. This educational institution, functioning as a RUDN faculty, conducts joint programs with the Lille Catholic Institute (France) and (Great Britain).

It is also worth noting the institutes functioning at RUDN as faculties: international programs, business and the world economy, applied (technical and economic) research and expertise, etc.

Branches and training centers

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has its own branches in the cities: Yakutsk, Sochi, Perm, Belgorod, Stavropol, Essentuki, as well as twenty-four training centers additional education, including: a center computer learning, a veterinary innovative clinic, a resource complex for health care, a center for scientific research on the problem of countering terrorist actions, etc. RUDN university departments, for example, “ Physical culture and sports" allow to produce not only good specialists but also people with an active lifestyle and a love of movement and sports.



2.1. Persons with a higher professional education with a master's or specialist's degree are admitted to the RUDN postgraduate course on a competitive basis.

Only persons who have completed clinical residency or have at least two years of work experience are admitted to postgraduate studies in the clinical specialties of the Faculty of Medicine.Training of post-graduate students-citizens of the Russian Federation, the CIS and foreign citizens is carried out in two forms of education: full-time and part-time in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientists in the following branches of science: physical and mathematical, chemical, biological, agricultural, technical, historical, economic, philosophical, philological, legal, pedagogical, veterinary, psychological, sociological, medical, architecture, political, earth sciences.

2.2. Persons who have previously completed a full course of study in graduate school do not have the right to re-educate in graduate school at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation; re-education in graduate school can be carried out only on a contract basis.

2.3. An application for admission to postgraduate studies is submitted to the Rector of RUDN University with the following documents attached:

    a copy of the diploma of higher professional education and an annex to it (for persons who have received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS countries, a copy of the relevant diploma, as well as a copy of the certificate of equivalence of documents of a foreign state on education to a diploma of higher professional education of the Russian Federation issued by the Ministry of Education Russia /hereinafter - certificate of equivalence/);

    list of published scientific papers, inventions and research reports. Persons who do not have scientific papers and inventions submit scientific reports (abstracts) in their chosen specialty with a review of the planned supervisor;

    questionnaire and CV;

    a brief description of for applicants to graduate school;

    an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty for persons recommended for postgraduate studies by the Academic Councils of the faculties immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution;

    certificates of passing candidate exams (if applicants have passed candidate exams). For persons who have passed candidate exams abroad, it is mandatory to have a document
    duly agreed with the Ministry of Education of Russia.

    medical certificate certified in polyclinic No. 25;

    certificate from the military registration department (for citizens of the Russian Federation) *

    Men are citizens of the Russian Federation, entering graduate school in all specialties.
    Women are citizens of the Russian Federation entering graduate school with higher medical and pharmaceutical education.
  • photos 3 pcs. (size 3 x 4);

    work book (if available - for citizens of the Russian Federation).

A passport, a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence) and a work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation), a copy of the work book for correspondence graduate students and applicants, entering graduate school is presented personally.

2.4. Acceptance of documents for postgraduate study is carried out, as a rule, annually from January 1 to August 30 by the admission committees of the faculties, for training on a contract basis - throughout the year.

For admission to graduate school, the chairman of the admission committee - vice-rector for scientific work - appoints members of the committee from among highly qualified scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel. The composition of the commissions is approved by the order of the Rector.

The Admissions Committee reviews the documents entering the graduate school. Applicants to graduate school are interviewed by the prospective supervisor, who reports the results of the interview to the admissions committee.

The decision on admission to the entrance examinations to graduate school is made by the admissions committee, taking into account the results of the interview of the applicant with the supervisor and brings to the attention of the applicant and the RUDN University Postgraduate Department no later than one week from the date of the decision.

2.5. Persons admitted to take entrance exams to postgraduate studies with or without interruption of work are entitled to an additional leave of thirty calendar days with the preservation of the average wage at the place of work for the preparation and passing of exams.

All expenses related to travel to Moscow and back are covered by the postgraduate student. The document giving the right to leave is a notice signed by the Rector (Vice-Rector) of the University on admission to the entrance exams (sent or issued in person).

2.6. Applicants to graduate school participate in the delivery of competitive
entrance exams , as a rule, from September 1 to September 20, the programs of which are compiled in accordance with the state educational standards of higher professional education for:

    special discipline;

    foreign language - for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Russian language - for foreign citizens (states of the "far abroad"), citizens of the CIS states can pass the choice of Russian or another foreign language;

    philosophy (for citizens of the Russian Federation).

The entrance exam in the specialty precedes the exams in other disciplines, the second is a foreign language and the third is philosophy. There are 5 days for each entrance exam.

Foreign citizens (states of the "far abroad"), entering the correspondence postgraduate study on a contract basis directly in the countries of admission, submit to the selection committee an abstract on the specialty of postgraduate study. A positive assessment of the abstract is a necessary basis for their enrollment in the correspondence postgraduate study of the University.

Admission of entrance examinations to postgraduate studies is carried out by subject commissions appointed by the Rector of the University. The commission includes a professor or doctor of science in the specialty for which the exam is being conducted.

In the absence of doctors of sciences in PFUR, the commission may also include candidates of sciences, associate professors, and in a foreign language - qualified teachers who do not have a scientific degree and academic title.

Retaking the entrance exams is not allowed. Passed entrance exams for postgraduate studies are valid for a calendar year.

Persons who have passed fully or partially the candidate's examinations are exempted from the corresponding entrance examinations upon admission to postgraduate studies.

The final master's examinations (for graduates of RUDN University of the current year) in philosophy and a foreign language, passed with excellent marks, as well as the diploma of "Translator" issued by RUDN University in the current year, can be counted by the Admissions Committee in agreement with the subject committee as entrance exams in graduate school.

2.7. Based on the results of the entrance examinations, the Admissions Committee makes a decision on each candidate, ensuring that the most capable candidates prepared for scientific and pedagogical activities and scientific work are admitted on a competitive basis.

The decision on admission to graduate school or refusal of admission is communicated to the applicant within five days after the conclusion of the selection committee, but no later than two weeks before the start of classes.

Enrollment of graduate students, citizens of the Russian Federation, studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation, is carried out by order of the Rector of the University from October 1 annually, and graduate students studying on a contract basis - throughout the calendar year.

Foreign citizens (states of "far abroad") and citizens of the CIS states who have a referral from the Ministry of Education of Russia, take entrance exams and are enrolled in graduate school according to the date indicated in the referral from the Ministry of Education of Russia.

The term of study in full-time postgraduate study for postgraduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation should not exceed 3 years, in correspondence postgraduate study - 4 years.

Citizens of "far-abroad" countries who do not speak Russian can have their full-time postgraduate study period extended up to 4 years due to the need to study the Russian language.

Exemption from work of persons admitted to full-time postgraduate studies is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor. Scholarship for full-time postgraduate students enrolled on account of the control figures is paid from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the day of dismissal from the previous job.

2.8. Postgraduate student during postgraduate studies,
with and without interruption from production, is obliged to:

    fully implement an individual curriculum;

    pass candidate exams By:

      • philosophy

        foreign language - for citizens of the Russian Federation; as a rule, the Russian language - for citizens of the states of the "far abroad", citizens of the CIS states can choose to pass the Russian language or another foreign language;

        special discipline ;

    Complete the work on the dissertation, submit it to the department and receive a conclusion about the dissertation.

Postgraduate students who have completed training in educational programs of postgraduate professional education and received a positive conclusion from the department, by decision of the Academic Council of the faculty, are awarded the qualification title "Researcher" of the appropriate profile (researcher engineer, research economist) with the award of an ORE diploma of the established sample.

For graduates of postgraduate studies, the time of study in full-time postgraduate study is counted in the experience of scientific, pedagogical and scientific work.

2.9. The scientific adviser from among highly qualified specialists - doctors of sciences, professors or candidates of sciences with the academic title of associate professor (senior researcher), who have the right to scientific supervision of graduate students, is approved by the Rector on submission

Academic councils of faculties to each graduate student simultaneously with his enrollment in graduate school.

Postgraduate students performing research at the intersection of related specialties are allowed to have two supervisors or a supervisor and a consultant, one of which may be a candidate of science.

The number of graduate students attached to one supervisor (no more than 5 people - doctor of science, professor, and no more than 3 people - candidate of science, associate professor) is determined with his consent by the leadership of RUDN University.

2.10. The postgraduate student, together with the supervisor, draws up and fills out an individual curriculum for the work of the postgraduate student for the entire period.
od of training, which is discussed at a meeting of the department (department, laboratory, etc.) and signed by the head of the department.

Individual curricula of postgraduate students and topics of dissertations are approved by the Academic Councils of faculties and research institutes of RUDN University on the proposal of departments (departments, laboratories, etc.) and are submitted to the postgraduate department during the first year from the date of enrollment in graduate school.

The supervisor is obliged to control the implementation of the approved individual curriculum by the postgraduate student during the entire period of postgraduate studies.

2.11. A postgraduate student is annually certified by the department (department, laboratory, etc.). Attestation of graduate students by departments is approved by the Academic Council of the Faculty of the University at the end of each year of study, taking into account all aspects of his postgraduate studies.

Postgraduate students who did not start classes for one month or missed classes for more than one month without a good reason or did not complete the individual curriculum on time, as well as those who violated the internal regulations of the University, are expelled by order of the Rector of the University on the proposal of the head of the department (department, laboratory, etc.). .p.) and the dean of the faculty.

2.12. To carry out work on the chosen topic of scientific research, postgraduate students, along with scientific and pedagogical and scientific workers of RUDN University, use equipment, laboratories, classrooms, libraries, the right to travel, including to foreign educational institutions and research centers, participate in expeditions, etc. e. The source of travel expenses is determined in each specific case by the Rector's Office of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

For the acquisition of scientific literature, each postgraduate student studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is given an annual allowance in the amount of two monthly scholarships (subject to the availability of budget funding).

2.13. The term of postgraduate study is extended by order of the Rector of the University for the period of maternity leave and childcare in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as for the period of illness of a postgraduate student, lasting more than a month, but not more than 1 year, upon presentation of the relevant conclusions of medical institutions, confirmed by the City Polyclinic No. 25. Expenses related to the extension of the postgraduate study period for persons financed from the federal budget of the Russian Federation are made within the scholarship fund and from the funds for training provided for by the RUDN University, and postgraduate students enrolled under the contract, after resolving payment issues, in the amount established by contract.

In exceptional cases (change of supervisor, etc.), the term of postgraduate study can be extended, as a rule, up to 6 months without paying a scholarship, with the costs attributed to budget savings. Documents for the extension of the postgraduate study period are submitted by the faculty for consideration to the university administration.

2.14. Postgraduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation and expelled from postgraduate studies before the end of their studies can be reinstated at the expense of available funds at the University for the remaining period of study by order of the Rector, and postgraduate students enrolled under a contract - after resolving the issue of payment.

2.15. The Rector's Office of the University provides full-time graduate students, at their request, with the opportunity to fulfill the State requirements for a minimum content and level of professional training of a graduate in order to receive additional qualification"Teacher of the High School".

2.16. Postgraduate students studying full-time postgraduate studies, provided that they fulfill an individual training plan with the consent of the supervisor, have the right to be enrolled in a full-time position or work on other terms of payment in their free time on a part-time basis.

2.17. Personal responsibility for the organization and quality of postgraduate training rests with the heads of departments (departments, laboratories, etc.).

2.18. The academic councils of the faculties and research institutes of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia control the work of postgraduate studies in the departments (departments, laboratories, etc.).

2.19. Postgraduate students studying full-time postgraduate studies at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a scholarship in accordance with the current legislation. Persons admitted to postgraduate studies on a contract basis do not receive a scholarship. sizes. Postgraduate students can be assigned in accordance with the established procedure state nominal scholarships, and RUDN University nominal scholarships - by decision of the RUDN Academic Council.

2.20. The remuneration of scientific supervisors is made at the rate of 75 hours per year for one postgraduate student - a citizen of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries and 100 hours per year for one foreign postgraduate student (states of "far abroad"), including in cases where two supervisors are approved for a postgraduate student. The Rector of the University has the right to establish an additional payment to the supervisors of postgraduate students without limiting its maximum size at the expense of budgetary or non-budgetary funds of the RUDN University.

2.21. Full-time PhD students enjoy two months of vacation each year.

2.22. Those who have completed full-time postgraduate studies (including ahead of schedule) and who have fully met the requirements set forth in clause 2.8. of this section of the Regulations, a monthly vacation is provided. Postgraduate students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation receive a scholarship during their vacations from PFUR.

2.23. The University may, in accordance with an agreement with enterprises, institutions and organizations, carry out, if necessary, a preliminary internship of up to 12 months for persons entering graduate school.

2.24. Postgraduate students studying in postgraduate study by correspondence (citizens of the Russian Federation) are entitled to an annual additional leave at the place of work for a duration of 30 calendar days with the preservation of the average salary.

The time spent on travel from the place of work to the location of the graduate school and back is added to the annual additional leave of the graduate student, while maintaining the average salary. Said travel is paid by the employing organization.

Postgraduate students studying in postgraduate study by correspondence have the right to one free day from work per week with payment in the amount of fifty percent of the wages received, but not less than the minimum wage established by the Federal Law. The employer organization has the right to provide graduate students at their request in the fourth year of study with no more than two additional free days from work per week without pay.

Postgraduate students studying by correspondence are provided with places in the dormitory and registration for the period of passing exams and completing dissertations.

2.25. Social guarantees and benefits for persons entering and studying in graduate school are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.26. The transfer of graduate students from another higher educational institution or scientific organization to PFUR and vice versa, as well as from full-time to part-time training and vice versa, is carried out at the request of the graduate student by order of the Rector of the University.

2.27. Employment of Russian citizens who have completed postgraduate studies is carried out in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.28. The training of graduate students at RUDN University at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out within the control figures for the admission of graduate students established by the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Training of graduate students in excess of the admission targets is carried out under direct contracts with the payment of tuition fees by individuals and legal entities.