Joint purchases (JP) are a great opportunity buy products at wholesale prices. To achieve this goal, several buyers are combined into one group. As a rule, it is collected by the organizer, who receives a certain percentage for joint purchases. How to become an organizer and how to turn joint purchases into a profitable vein? You can learn about this from this article.

Joint purchases - scheme

It is worth noting that it is also beneficial for the participants themselves to buy various goods through the joint venture, but the organizers still receive large incomes. They carry out a margin on goods in the region of 5-25 percent. The cheaper the item, the higher the markup. The main scheme of interaction between the organizer and the participants of the groom is as follows:

  1. More open procurement and publication complete information about her;
  2. A member of the group is engaged in the selection of products and informs the organizer about it, who in turn enters this order into the main list;
  3. After the required number of applications has been collected, the organizer informs all participants in the group about the closing of the collection, and then sends them information about the products and the amount to be paid.
  4. A member of this group will confirm the correctness of the order;
  5. Further, the organizer checks the availability of goods with the supplier, if any goods are not available, he offers the participant of the groom a replacement for an alternative option;
  6. Then the organizer announces the place and date of fundraising;
  7. The collected amount of money is necessary in order to pay the invoice from the supplier;
  8. After the order is sent, the organizer constantly notifies the participants about the movement of goods on the group forum;
  9. Further, as the goods are received, the organizer announces the place and time of the meeting where the orders of the JV participant will be issued.

How does joint shopping work?

If the position of the organizer of joint purchases is attractive to you, then here we suggest where to start this business. So, before the organizer of the joint venture reaches this stage of the work of the group, he will have to solve many various tasks. But this work is not difficult at all. With the acquisition of skills, the organizer will spend a minimum of his time on it. Many enterprising organizers can run 9-10 joint ventures at the same time.

Platform for joint purchase.

The very first thing that the organizer of the joint venture will need to decide is a platform for future relationships with the participants. There are several different options to choose from:

Currently, there are many different sites for which joint ventures are the main activity. They are very easy to find by simply entering a specific query in any search box indicating the organizer's city of residence. This method is more suitable for people who live in large cities.

How can you organize your own joint venture in classmates or Vkontakte? Yes, very easy! You need to open your own group! You will have to constantly promote and promote it. Communities with at least 5,000 thousand members will bring good earnings.

Internet platform for joint purchases

Yes, it is worth noting that competition in the joint venture is growing every year. For this reason, the main tool that can help you stand out more favorably among other organizers is to create your own website. This option will give you many options. Among them, it is worth highlighting the full automation of the process, payment for orders by electronic money. In order for your work to be successful, you need to properly design the site. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • Convenient and beautiful submission of a proposal for a joint venture;
  • Mandatory presence detailed description and a photo of the product;
  • Mandatory availability of information about the minimum order amount;
  • Drawing up a table with the dimensions of products.

How to determine the type of product?

Product selection is the most important task in this case. Not all types of goods will be equally in demand. The most popular are:

  • shoes;
  • clothes;
  • Products for children.

Here, as well as in any product category, you can get a marriage. The rules for its replacement must be obtained from the supplier in advance. You need to be well oriented in the direction you have chosen, since the group members will ask you various questions by product. You can find the most suitable item by surfing. Must be added to your site a large number of goods that you can buy at a wholesale price from different suppliers. There is another option, how you can do a joint venture via the Internet and find the right product - look through all kinds of groups on social networks and select exactly those products that have at least 15 orders, and then add them to your group.

Supplier cooperation

In order for joint purchases to bring money, you need to visit the official website of the supplier. After you select the product you need, you will need to find out the size of the minimum lot and its price. You must contact the supplier of the goods by phone, which is usually indicated on the supplier's website. Perhaps this will be a letter with a proposal for future cooperation on email address supplier, or a phone call. Sometimes it also happens that the product you need is on the site, suggesting retail. In this case, you need to call the organization and try to find out the contacts of the wholesaler. In the event that employees of the company do not agree to disclose the information you need, then use the search engine. If you plan to start buying goods from foreign sites, then first you should ask them about the delivery of goods to Russia. Many companies cooperate with our country through intermediaries. In this case, you will have to first study the entire necessary information about him - terms of activity, reviews, payment amount, etc.

At the time of execution of the contract with some organizations, you may need to have a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. In this case, you will need to scan all Required documents and provide to the manager of the company. If you do not have an IP, then many suppliers may increase the cost of the lot or the minimum size.

How to find buyers

The main task of the novice organizer is to try to earn the trust of buyers. Until the organizer has a positive reputation, he will have to work hard to form a customer base. The most important thing in this case is not to sit and wait, but to act! Since there are many options for searching:

  • various forums;
  • topics in groups and joint ventures;
  • banner advertising on various sites;
  • street poles;
  • mailing emails;
  • printed editions.

As a rule, certain topics are often created on popular forums. It is best to coordinate this in advance with the administration. An excellent option would be high rating and formed trust of visitors. You should not lure customers to you with various spam, as this will only push them away from you. You need to do regular advertising. In the text of the topic, it is necessary to briefly indicate important information about the joint venture:

  • Your city;
  • name of your company and products;
  • the size of the commission;
  • redemption date.

We advise you to search for buyers among the inhabitants of your hometown or located nearby settlements. As a rule, goods are not delivered to the joint venture, but are picked up independently. But if the buyer wants to pay for shipping to his address, then this option is also suitable, especially if the buyer has made a large order.

Joint purchases: how to become an organizer - features

As a rule, before starting to earn on a joint venture, a novice organizer needs to make the first transactions for his own cash without prepayment. In this case, payment messages should be sent out after receiving the order. Cash is received in cash at the time of transfer of goods or on a card before and after distribution. In the event that one of the customers refuses the goods or payment after the announcement of the end of the collection, the organizer has the right to blacklist him. A certain size of the organizational fee will be calculated individually by the organizer of the joint venture. In this case, it will take into account the following points:

  • the amount of time that will be devoted to the purchase;
  • the number of orders;
  • financial expenses for the Internet, fuel and telephone calls;
  • possible risks.

The amount of the fee will increase if the organizer had to use an intermediary for the delivery. In the future, all JV participants will be charged 50% or 100% prepayment. As for the first case, 50% of the registration fee will be taken into account, and the remaining half of total amount will be paid at the time of receipt of the goods.

What is required for legal activity

How should a joint venture be organized to conduct permanent legal activities, i.e. register as an individual entrepreneur, pay all taxes, according to the taxation system you have chosen. In the event that the purchase was carried out by you once, then the profit must be declared and personal income tax paid. If you make small and infrequent purchases, then your chances of attracting tax authorities are low. But large volumes can attract tax inspectors. The JV can be easily tracked on the Internet. In addition, it may cause great suspicion that the bank conducts operations on cards, which are very actively used to collect funds. The organizer of the joint venture is engaged in trade or provides intermediary services. OKVED codes should be selected based on the main features of the chosen type of activity. The taxation system is chosen either OSNO or USN.

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Joint purchases in VKontakte are the purchases of goods in a wholesale batch, which is made by a group of people. One person for a fee is looking for a supplier, so you can buy any product - clothes, shoes, food. The organizer of joint purchases collects funds, agrees on a delivery date and distributes the received goods. At the same time, each buyer receives the goods at a wholesale price.

Organization of purchases can bring some income. But, at the very beginning of the event - this is a costly business, you need to establish contact with the manufacturer and supplier, become an accountant and courier. After gaining experience, incomes begin to increase. The organizer is responsible for the ordered goods and the collected money. If the transaction did not take place, or the wrong product was received, then the money is returned to the buyers.

In a group in Vkontakte, you can create your own page, gather a large number of friends with whom cooperation is possible. Sometimes, the organizer has to buy a product with his own money, and then sell it to friends and acquaintances, you just need to decide which group of goods you want to deal with. Choose popular products that are easy to sell. Small businesses are happy to sell their goods in small batches. You need to choose suppliers that are trusted, it’s good if they are located in your area.

To pay for goods, you need to open a bank account, use a payment system or pay with a plastic card.

On your page in Contact, write the necessary information and come up with a name, open a forum, inform about the percentage charged for services. It is necessary to explain the terms of cooperation, the rules of payment and receipt of goods. Convey to customers that by placing an order, they agree to the terms of joint purchases. Orders can be collected automatically or manually.

Work quickly, answer questions in a timely manner. After collecting subscribers, money is collected. If there have been changes in the order, then clarification is required from the customers. After the order, we observe the delivery path of the parcel on the Internet. The received goods can be delivered independently or left at the parcel distribution point, keep in mind that they charge money for the service. To organize joint purchases, you must try to buy a product through a certain site yourself in order to get the desired experience.

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Joint purchases or joint ventures for short - a phrase that has become very fashionable in last years. Let's see what it is.

Joint purchases - the name itself already explains the essence: a certain number of people consolidate in order to buy this or that product in bulk. As you know, buying in bulk is much cheaper. But someone has to deal with bringing people together and ordering goods.
This could be the start of your own business. How to become an organizer of joint purchases.?

To begin with, you will need to find a sought-after product that will actually be ordered on favorable terms in bulk. The boundless space of the Internet and online stores will always help with this. Then you need to find those very people - buyers who want to buy this product cheaper than it is on sale in stores. The Internet comes to the rescue again. You can post invitations for a joint purchase on various forums or special sites on the joint venture. You can create your own website, but it's better to do it when things go uphill.

Finding people, you will have to form an order for goods, and as soon as the required number of orders is reached, then send a request to the supplier. Then you need to collect money from buyers. For this you can use various ways transferring money to bank card or electronic account.

After that, you pay for the order of goods. After the period specified by the supplier, the goods are delivered to you. It must be disassembled and distributed to customers.

What can you earn here? Of course, at a small percentage of markup to the price of the goods. Usually it is 5-20%. The markup will depend on the original price of the product. If the goods are cheap, then the markup is usually higher, and vice versa. You will simply need to create your price list, which will indicate the new price, and it will be the price of the supplier + your percentage. In any case, you remain in the black.

This is not a particularly stressful business, and if you understand it well, then everything will go like clockwork. The time spent on purchases is very short. And over time, you will be able to control several joint purchases at the same time.

Another option to earn extra money on such purchases is the provision of discounts by some suppliers for a certain amount of the goods you ordered.

This wonderful way of earning is especially interested in today housewives, young mothers.

But, as with anything, there are risks.

1. The supplier of the product may provide the product in the wrong color or size.
2. Your buyers will not have the opportunity to properly inspect the goods in advance.
3. Another problem may be a long wait for the goods: from 7 to 30 days.

Due to such risks, the buyer may refuse the goods. You must be ready for this. But do not despair - in such cases there is a way out. The so-called "attachment". All on the same sites and forums, you can offer this product to other buyers - attach it to other hands.

There is one more point worth discussing. When you issue invitations for a joint purchase, the quantity of goods must be indicated with a small margin. This is done so that by the day you place the order itself, you do not get the required number of buyers. And this happens due to the fact that a person - a buyer - gives an application, but does not pay it on time. Of course, you have the right to take over the payment if you are sure that the money will be paid by the buyer. Or you can just postpone the date of application, but then other buyers may be outraged. After all, they will have to wait extra days.

Now many organizers of joint purchases, in order to expand their capabilities, register as individual entrepreneurs. And it's not just that. Many supplier companies work only with legal entities and do not really like joint purchases. Therefore, when addressing the company, you should not tell them once again that you are running a joint venture.

As you understand, this real way earnings. All that is required of you is the ability to conscientiously fulfill your labor obligations. And the Internet will always help you find suppliers and buyers.

Started buying two an extra year back, as she went on maternity leave and sal. We simply did not have enough money for our husband. I set myself the goal of earning money at home, there was no one to leave the baby with, all relatives lived more than 1,000 km away.

On the Internet, I saw a lot of job offers from home with an awesome salary PER WEEK (!). The photo of those who offered you this job was more than tempting, the person in the photo showed you his earned bunch of money, and assured that he gets it almost without straining, just like that (!) Anyone normal person understands that no one will just roll off a bunch of money for him. And so it was imposed a passive sale, up to the point that you buy it yourself, if someone didn’t manage to get it .... Something I digressed, more to the point ..

After all these pyramid schemes, I found a joint purchase site. I looked through the offered goods by orgs and was surprised at their low cost. Also on the site they offered not only participation, but also to become this very organizer. I wanted to try and found out that in addition to the fact that I would take % for myself, I would have to dump 5% to the administrator of this site, and then I was wedged, from what it was ... I would sing to the tune of an incomprehensible personality that I was in the eye I didn’t see it, I’ll do all the work myself, and give him% just for the fact that he is. Plus, they began to let me down, what can be indicated, what is not, what% can be set, and what is not, and I decided that I would not go into slavery, and created my page in classmates.

I honestly did not expect success. I did not understand how a person completely unknown to me would give money for a product without any guarantee that it was not a scam. I wouldn't give it myself. But I did not give up and looked for more and more "Friends" who, with caution, but agreed to participate in the purchase. At first, purchases were recruited very hard. Due to lack of experience, I got into various stupid situations, for example, I asked to send the goods by the Transport Company, which charged me 7,500 rubles for delivery (if I had chosen another shopping mall, the delivery would have cost 1,800 rubles). I didn’t put extra costs on the participants, but admitted my defeat and paid from my own. I asked the participants at what time and on what days and where it would be convenient for them to pick up their order. And she brought out the average, according to which it was convenient for people to pick up. They liked it + they recognized me in person + things really were not worth the money spent, because by store standards, they were much more expensive. And it went on....

If you want to make money on purchases, then get ready for hard work.

1. Eternal negotiations both with participants and suppliers. People are sooo different, there are pleasant, cheerful easy people, and vice versa, eternally dissatisfied, bitchy, demanding to the very small things who are not really pleasing at all. Suppliers of really high-quality and interesting things, in most cases, cannot stand SPshnikov. They have no trade without SPshnikov, and annoying + demanding organizers strain them. Hence the difficult negotiations.

2. Constant attachment to the computer. Very little time is left for the family and, accordingly, for solving pressing problems. It is necessary to constantly stir up interest among potential participants, with new purchases, but not by any, but of really high quality. To do this, you need to turn the Internet to search for reviews real people, according to the planned new purchase. It costs a participant 1-2 times to get a low-quality thing and you will lose all the client.

3. Need to be careful both to the numbers in its summary table of orders, and to the participants. Somewhere to help choose a model, choose the size as accurately as possible. Give as much information as possible in the answer to the question you are asked. If you answer a person dryly and unequivocally, he will never contact you again. If you are not attentive to the collection of orders and set the amount for payment more than necessary, because you yourself miscalculated, if you mix up the orders and give at least two people not what they ordered, you will also lose trust and, accordingly, the client.

Perhaps these three criteria in the work of the joint venture are the most important (key). Observing them throughout my work, I acquired quite a few participants who, without waiting for the STOP, could transfer money for the order to the card, as they were confident in my reliability that even if the purchase did not take place, I would return the money at their request to the same day.

In a month, my earnings ranged from 15,000 to 20,000 (in the new year).

For all the time of work, a defective product has never arrived.

Of the minuses I can note:

1. Resort by color. Everyone wants to get the goods from the picture. But no one wants to understand that we buy from factories, and there are only WHOLESALE sales, respectively, a crazy amount of manufactured items are sold per day, respectively, the fabrics from which these same items are sewn change at a breakneck pace, and from the moment of the photo session, the colors may change. As a rule, all wholesale buyers want exactly the color that is in the photo, as a rule, this color is the first to be dismantled.

2. Lack of fitting. The biggest downside.

The participant of the purchase in the photo sees slim girl 42 sizes. Everything sits on it so beautifully and nicely that a person forgets the features of his figure and his size. Turns off all common sense and orders (!), having received, is indignant that they sent him some wrong dress (thing).

There was also such a situation when a participant, having taken his measurements BY THE EYE (!), chooses a size for himself, as he considers correct, and a thing arrives, according to this participant, small. After my request not to count for the work and still take the meter tape in hand and already determine the actual size, he begins to apologize, as he begins to understand that the mistake is not at all the manufacturer, but himself.

I advise everyone involved in the purchase of things to mentally engage in this very thing. Soberly assess all your figure flaws and choose the thing that can partially hide them, and not fit them and show them to the whole world. This is a very important factor!

3. Long wait. As a rule, from the moment the purchase is opened, until it is collected, it takes at least 2 weeks + 2-7 days to assemble the order at the factory + 2-3 days to send it from the factory to the shopping mall + delivery from 5 to 14 days. Not everyone wants to wait. You always want to give money and immediately get what you paid for. I consider this a minus.

In general, I fully agree that through the joint venture is cheaper than in retail stores. Having been buying things for more than a year through purchases, I somehow decided to go to a retail store in my city, and I'm sorry about the prices. Tired of permanent job I really wanted to quit the org, but when I saw the prices in stores, I realized that I was not ready to do it yet. Even if I order a dress for 1200 rubles and it turns out to be too big for me, then if I go to a hotel with a payment for 500 rubles for sewing. I will still pay less than what I would give with a fitting in a retail store.

In SP, the main thing is to find YOUR reliable org, with which you only run the risk of not getting into the color and very rarely in size due to the small size of the thing (orgs are required to keep track of this important aspect).

Happy shopping everyone!!!