is the first thing to do in gym. If you are not too lazy and read an article on how to build muscle, then you should already know that the first step is to pump large muscle groups. And the winner in this category is the legs, yes, the legs are the largest muscle group in the human body. Even the back does not compare with the legs. Furthermore, except for the general muscle mass, legs are larger than all other muscle groups, affect strength indicators.

Leg training should definitely be divided into several stages: mass and strength training, and leg shape training. The first stage is barbell squats, yes, just one single exercise that affects the mass and strength of the legs. Not that the rest of the exercises do not allow you to pump up your legs, there are other important ones. basic exercises for pumping, this is a muscle group, but they all fade against the backdrop of squats with a barbell. But this exercise pumps both mass and strength at the same time.

For correcting lagging muscle groups, drawing muscles, etc. all other exercises exist. If you specialize in pumping legs, then you can pump all muscle qualities. To do this, you need to allocate one workout for the legs. On the other hand, you should not overdo it, otherwise, instead of pumping up your legs, you will drive yourself into overtraining. So, leg training is divided into two stages.

Pump up your legs: mass and strength

Barbell squats, as mentioned above, pump both. There are several squat schemes: in the range of up to 5 repetitions, in the range of 6 to 12 repetitions and 3 sets of 20 repetitions, the so-called super squats.

You can increase the mass of legs according to any of these schemes. But the power indicators will differ from each other. If your goal is maximum weight in one rep, and not just pumping up your legs, then, of course, you should do squats with a barbell in the 5 rep range. Super squats will help build endurance and boost testosterone levels, giving you a wild anabolic boost in training other muscle groups. The range of 6 to 12 repetitions is a classic scheme with which you can develop all the muscle qualities of the legs.

When an athlete tries to build legs by squatting in the 5 rep range, he uses famous scheme 5 to 5. The scheme involves increasing the weight on the bar in each working approach so that you can perform the penultimate approach for 4 repetitions, and the last for 3, while each workout the weight on the projectile should increase by at least 0.5 kg.

The super squat is an exercise for the fans. the best way Pump up your legs is non-existent, but prepare to be dizzy. The scheme is very simple, you warm up and do 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Rest between sets 2-3 minutes. The last set you should do to the end, but the last 2 repetitions with the help of a partner. Then you collect your bag and go home, for today the training is over.

The 6 to 12 rep range is a scheme that works for everyone and should be the starting point for leg training. You should choose such a weight that you would do 10-12 repetitions in the first approach, and 6-8 in the last one. This scheme, like the scheme 5 to 5, is quite suitable for incorporating formative exercises into the workout.

Pump up legs: relief

It is possible and necessary to pump up your legs with squats, but you must take into account that you will pump only the strongest muscles. In this case, the biceps of the thigh will practically not be involved. If you have genetically weak calf muscles, then you will not pump them either. You will be able to increase the mass of the quadriceps muscles, the shape of which will also have to be corrected with shaping exercises.

In this case, we are not talking about isolating exercises, although you can use them too. But the base is the base, so if you want to build mass, then swing your legs with basic exercises. This is the muscle group that makes no sense to pump in isolation. It has already been noted above that this is the largest and strongest muscle group, so other muscle groups cannot steal the load from it. You can pump up your legs only with basic exercises.

As for the tips that are suitable for everyone in order to pump up their legs, then such advice will be combined with squats, or separated into a separate workout, the following exercises: lunges with dumbbells or a barbell, Romanian traction and donkey exercise. Lunges pump the quadriceps, so they must be done immediately after squats in order to “finish off” the quadriceps. Then you should do an exercise to pump the biceps of the thigh, because the biceps of the thigh is a large muscle that requires energy to pump. And at the end, pump the calves, for which it is best to use the “donkey” exercise, because. it pumps both bundles of the calf muscles.

Summing up, we can say that pumping up legs is not at all difficult! In order to increase the overall muscle mass of the legs, it is necessary to do squats with a barbell, in order to give the legs a graceful shape, it is necessary to do basic exercises that emphasize the load on different areas leg muscles. Well, in order to give the legs an ideal shape and hone them, like Michelangelo's David, it is necessary to include isolation exercises in the training program.

Very often, wanting to lose weight or just pump up their body, many people forget that you need to work not only on the torso, but also on the legs. Of course, doctors have found that during any physical exertion they strain, and yet this is not enough for them to become embossed and attractive. When we directly, all the quadriceps that are under the skin begin to tighten up a lot. As a result, extra pounds go away, the figure becomes slimmer, and the body gradually heals. Now let's take a closer look at the exercises themselves, with the help of which the desired effect can be achieved very quickly.

The first - and most important - is running. During an accelerated movement, we swing our legs, and at the same time we develop breathing, normalize the work of blood vessels, and develop endurance. You can run anywhere - at the stadium, in the park, on the beach. It is only important to choose comfortable shoes and be patient.

Further exercises can be done at home or in the gym. The first of them is stepping onto a hill, onto a bench or bench. The height of this step should be chosen based on growth, you need to perform the exercise with ease so that only the necessary muscle groups are tensed. In this case, we swing our legs several times more efficiently than with lunges. You can also increase the load if you take a barbell: it must be put on your shoulders. However, choose the right weight for "pancakes" - training should not be traumatic.

As for the lunges themselves, which are considered very effective, it is worth saying that with the help of them we practically do not swing our legs. In this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks are more tense - and this is also important if you want to have. To increase the load on your shoulders, you can also fix the barbell with a feasible weight.

Despite all the developments of modern coaches, people who want to have ideal forms, repeatedly convinced that the old traditions are much more efficient and reliable. Among these, the main place is occupied by squats - an exercise that affects the entire lower part body. Firstly, the spine is aligned, and secondly, the calves are strengthened. The hips also acquire the desired relief - their inner and outer sides. But it is important what kind of squats you will do. They swing their legs, as a rule, squatting not completely - in this case, the outer sides of the thighs and calves are strained. If the squat is performed “all the way”, the buttocks and the back of the byrd are tensed.

Very effective in this matter is, however, this exercise cannot be performed without an appropriate simulator. The secret is that the weight you need to lift with your lower limbs is up to you. It is advisable to start with small indicators, gradually increasing the load, as well as the number of approaches.

Knowing how to download correctly, you can achieve in the shortest possible time desired effect. It is worth noting that the desired relief will appear sooner if you eat more proteins and fresh vegetables.

Any athlete dreams, first of all, of a beautiful torso, muscular arms, a strong back, relief press. But for some reason, not every one of them pays due attention to leg training. Needless to say, a tough guy with thin, featureless leg muscles looks ridiculous, even, at times, ugly. As for the girls, they pay much more attention to their legs, knowing how it attracts men. In order for athletes of both sexes to look harmonious, one must not only know how to pump up their legs, but also train them regularly.

How to pump up legs at home for a man

Few people have exercise equipment or a barbell at home, but this is not at all a reason not to pump up their legs at home. Using simple devices, or even completely, your own weight or statics, you can achieve significant results.

"Bulgarian squats": many muscles involved

An exercise that pumps up the lower leg, hips, buttocks at home, thereby saving the athlete's time. This is especially valuable when you are too lazy to swing your legs, doing a full range of exercises. Such training is called Bulgarian squats. In order to make them right, you need some kind of support:

  • Sofa
  • Armchair
  • Stool
  1. Then make a support on the other leg and repeat everything exactly.
  2. The hands should be pressed to the chest.

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When doing the exercise on a chair or stool, care must be taken, since such a support is less reliable than a sofa or chair. Wish there was some extra support.

Reference. It is desirable to do this exercise to people with at least some physical training, since sharp movements are needed during its execution - many do them with a small, springy jump.

The exercise is performed in 4-5 trips of 10-12 repetitions.

Kettlebell squats: amazing effect

To perform this exercise, you need either a kettlebell or a dumbbell. How to do:

  1. Starting position - standing, in the hands behind the back of a kettlebell or dumbbell.
  2. Squats are done. The back should be as flat as possible during all stages of this exercise.

Some novice athletes are skeptical about such leg pumping, since the load is small, and this, in their opinion, cannot give the desired effect. However, the next day, the unlucky and poorly trained athlete can barely move his legs when walking, because the muscles are very clogged.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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A common mistake is too much kettlebell weight. It is better to start with 16 kg, or even less.

Squats with dumbbells

Having kettlebells or dumbbells in your home arsenal, you can add some variety to such training. How to use it in practice:

Bend your arms with dumbbells at the elbows, positioning them so that it is comfortable to squat.

Under the heels of the feet, you can put some kind of small elevation - a bar, a book, a board. The height of such a lining is approximately 3-5 cm.

Thus, squats with a barbell on the chest, shoulders are simulated.

The Importance of Correct Squats

You need to squat properly! The importance of the right squat technique:

  • The growth of the necessary muscles is ensured.
  • Minimizes the chance of injury.
  • Squats strengthen the muscles of the body, enclosing it in a solid muscle corset.

Download hamstrings at home

All the above exercises, with the exception of the Bulgarian squats, are designed to pump up the quadriceps. In order to download you can use:

  • Medical rubber (tourniquet), tying it to the legs and some kind of support, for example, a pipe. So bend the legs with effort, lying on the stomach.
  • If the athlete has a partner, then you can use his help, which, when bending your legs, will set the necessary resistance with the effort of your hands.
  • You can, by tying a load to your legs, also unbend your legs on a bench.

There are many options, you just need to choose your best one.

How to pump up legs at home for a girl

Pumping legs for girls is not fundamentally different from ordinary men's workouts. The difference is as follows:

  • Less projectile weight.
  • Fewer sets and more reps.

Reference. The squat should be in full amplitude, this is what develops the gluteal muscles - the girls give them Special attention. As for male athletes, it is for this reason that they prefer to do semi-squats - this almost does not develop the buttocks.

Thin girls should pay more attention to working on the mass, and full girls should pay more attention to the relief. Those who have too much distance between the hips should pay more attention to the adductors of the thigh.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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If a girl wants to lose weight, in addition to pumping up her legs, she also needs to run. Just while running the best way all unnecessary fat layer is burned.

Strictly speaking, knowing the principle of leg pumping, you can optically correct their unevenness by pumping the necessary muscles.

Everything seems to be simple, but each person has his own tastes and preferences: someone simply does not like to perform certain exercises - for this there are all kinds of auxiliary ones that also give a certain effect. For example:

  1. All types of "scissors" - lying on your back, reclining, lying on your side, etc.
  2. Ball exercises. For example: squeeze it with your knees while lying on your back, do the same while standing, in a semi-squat.
  3. Lateral leg lunges.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Any girl wants to see her ass perfect - there are many reasons for this, including male attention. An excellent exercise for this is "walking on the buttocks." "Steps" are made while sitting on the floor or bench, alternately. Thus, the athlete slowly moves forward or backward with the maximum amplitude of “steps” - this is very important. At the same time, you can do auxiliary movements with your hands (in the air) with turning the body.

Reference. The above exercise is beneficial not only for those who care about a beautiful priest. For men, it will help not only strengthen the gluteal muscles and remove them from excess fat, but also to maintain a healthy prostate or even cure it in this way, if necessary.

For those who do not yet combine bodybuilding with running

Running is necessary for any bodybuilder: both girls and men. Pros of running:

  • Increases metabolism.
  • Accelerates the removal of toxins from the body.
  • Prerequisites for the growth of muscle tissue are given.
  • Accelerates the growth of muscle fibers.
  • The blood flow and the cardiovascular system return to normal.
  • Recovery processes are accelerated after shock training.
  • Excess calories burn faster.
  • Central nervous system responds well to strength training.

Expert opinion

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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During the period of building muscle tissue, a bodybuilder should minimize running, or even stop it altogether. If the goal of an athlete is to dump excess adipose tissue and work on relief, then such classes should be longer and more intense.

After running even for a week, the athlete is pleased to find that his stomach has become smaller, and the abdominal exercises have become more effective.

How to pump up the calves of a man's legs at home

Calves (calf muscles) belong to the category of so-called "stubborn muscles", or, as they are also called, "lazy". They are quite difficult to inflate, as they only work to their full potential with a fully extended knee.

Working out at home:

  1. In a standing position. You need to take some object on which you can stand with your toes so that the heel hangs down. For example, it can be a rolled rug, or a thick board - other options are possible. Rising on toes, in the upper phase of the exercise, you need to fix the position of the legs for a few seconds.
  2. It is performed in a sitting position. Socks are still on the same rug, and some kind of burden is fixed on the knees - for example, a container of water.

You can also use a backpack with books as a load - in the first case it will be behind your back, in the second - on your knees.

The number of approaches is 4, repetitions are 15-20. This is how the calf muscles develop in most cases.

Reference. Some lifters don't like this, meaning they need to do low reps with high weights. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Caviar for girls

It’s worth starting a calf workout with a simple warm-up exercise called a “wave”. Standing, on the entire foot, you need to shift like a paperweight from toe to heel in the maximum possible amplitude. This will prepare the muscles for work. Further:

  • Starting position - standing, in the hands of a dumbbell. Legs shoulder width apart. Rise on toes
  • Same, only heels together and toes apart
  • Now socks together, heels apart
  • Sitting on a chair, dumbbells on your knees, toes rest on a thick book. Heel raises
  • Same, but standing.
  • You can increase the load by training each leg separately

You can do it without weights if you rest your palms against the wall so that the torso is at an angle (about 45 degrees).

The number of repetitions is more than ten.

How to quickly pump up your legs: there is no third

In order to pump up your legs, you do not need to philosophize slyly. What is the principle itself:

  1. Squats. This exercise will pump up the hip extensor - quadriceps.
  2. Leg curls. Here, it is appropriate to work on a special simulator, on the bench of which, lying face down, loading the legs with a special device, the bodybuilder unbends his legs. However, the simulator can be replaced with a simple bench, and the necessary weight can be fixed on the legs with any accessible way- this has already been mentioned.
In addition to these muscle groups, there are also the so-called adductor muscles of the thigh. To pump them up, you just need to move your toes before squats, or vice versa, dilute to the maximum.

This is all. Nobody invented anything else, and knowing the principle, you only need to select the exercises you need for yourself. By the way, many famous athletes themselves came up with those for their workouts and achieved unprecedented success. Knowing this, you can qualitatively pump each leg muscle.

Of course, the bodybuilder will get the greatest effect as a result of training in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer. In the gym, of course, there are more favorable conditions for pumping legs than at home.

The largest and strongest muscle group, by definition, are our lower limbs - the legs. Therefore, a number of questions arise about how to quickly and effectively pump them up, but at the same time avoid injury. Accordingly, you should know what to pay attention to first of all. To do this, it makes sense to delve a little into the anatomy, as well as the types of exercises and technique, along with the features of their implementation. Like everywhere else, it has its own secrets, so to speak, “chips” acquired along with years of training. On their basis, programs and training courses are compiled, the effect after which, as they say, is “on the face”.

Leg anatomy

Leg anatomy

So, the lower limbs are conditionally divided into three sections:

    The quadriceps, which is located in front, and in the role of function is responsible for the extension of the leg at the knee.

    The biceps femoris is located behind and allows you to bend the leg at the knee

    The shins are located directly behind the legs, that is, under the knee.

Each of them should be pumped with a specific group of exercises.

Pumping quadriceps

The word "quad" itself means "four", therefore the name of this area is found as the quadriceps muscle of the reed. This muscle group is located directly on the front of the thighs. As its name suggests, it has 4 sections. That is why the legs can be considered the largest muscle group. Its main function is to extend the legs in knee joints.

Pumping the biceps of the thigh

The biceps, they are also the biceps of the thighs, are located directly behind, that is, under the buttocks. Structurally, they have two sections.

Two main types of exercise:

    Flexion of the leg at the knee

    Trunk extension, provided that the lower leg is fixed during movement

How to quickly pump up your legs - pump your hips

It turns out that for the full development of the large femoral biceps, it is equally important to perform bending of the legs in a position while lying in the simulator, as well as extension of the torso. True, the shins are fixed. Structurally, this is a deadlift and deadlift.

To work out the shins, you need:

The calf muscles are located behind, directly below the knee, they consist of a pair of muscles. The first are the calf muscles or, in other words, the calves. The second are, respectively, the soleus muscles. They are located under the calves. Their main function is to extend the foot in relation to the lower leg. But, here you need to take into account the fact that the calves work only when the legs are fully extended at the knee, but the soleus muscles, on the contrary, come into action with the legs that are bent at the knees.

It turns out that the lower leg should be trained both sitting and standing. It goes without saying that it is best to do this on simulators. Otherwise, pumping will be one-sided.

Pros and cons of leg training

Like any other training process, pumping legs has its pros and cons. And in order to decide whether it is worth starting at all, it will be constructively most convenient to consider all this point by point. Evaluating each of them separately.

Benefits of leg training

So, with proper observance of all the conditions for training the lower body, it will be possible to speak with confidence about the strength of the legs. In turn, this gives the body an aesthetic appearance and looks nice.

How to quickly pump up your legs - the benefits

For any sport, be it martial arts or non-contact sports, it is important to have strong legs. Not to mention that their pumpiness is an integral part of bodybuilding.

Disadvantages of leg training

When the legs are too pumped up, the upper body seems smaller.

During pumping of the lower extremities, there is a certain risk of injury to the joints. The fact is that there are exercises such as squats, with large working weights they contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissue. To avoid this, you need to start the workout correctly, without neglecting the warm-up or jogging with a duration of 5-10 minutes, and after that it is desirable to “warm up” the legs. However, it is not worth talking about the risk of exclusion completely.

There is a certain chance that bone growth in length will be missed. This mainly concerns young people whose age is not more than 20 or 25 years old. After this age threshold, a person no longer grows. But when a young man clearly goes too far with taking working weights on squats, he risks remaining the same height with which he began to train.

TV as a conclusion, it is worth noting that legs should be trained in without fail. You just have to be especially careful. It's all about the same, mentioned above, warm-ups and warm-ups. In addition, you need to train all parts of the body more or less evenly. Regarding the legs we are talking about all three areas, like the quadriceps, biceps of the thighs and shins. This is necessary, including for the aesthetic effect, which is often the key motivator of training.

Most effective exercises for legs:

    Squats, while the barbell is on the shoulders

    leg press

    Leg extension in sitting position

    Lying leg curls


    Standing calf raises

    Rises on socks in a sitting position

    Squats or sit-ups

The key exercise for building and shaping the muscles of the legs, and not only the legs, but the whole body, is, of course, squats. Such an exercise is considered heavy and powerful, and therefore basic. It involves many large muscles and their groups. No other is comparable to it, if we talk about the increase in strength or muscle mass of the body.

However, barbell squats are not the most useful exercise for knee joints. Too much weight, combined with the wrong technique for performing this exercise, as well as not very high-quality warm-up and jerks, combined with other mistakes, can lead to the knee joints becoming inflamed and sore. Accordingly, everything must be done strictly in accordance with the above instructions.

First you need to squat only with your own weight. Do about 20 or 30 repetitions. Then it will be possible to take an empty bar, and only after that add 2 pancakes to it to make it 10-20 kilograms heavier. So the working weight gradually increases. Each weight increase should be done after 20 sets. Well, it goes without saying that you need to finish gradually reducing the load.

There are two types of squats: bodybuilders and powerlifters. Both types differ significantly in the mechanics of their implementation.

Bodybuilding, able to use the quadriceps the most. They are also conditionally called insulating.

As for powerlifting, it's the other way around. That is, they are more powerful and involve a lot of muscles. They are also called basic.

Structurally, they differ in a number of small details that a person who is not versed in sports, most likely, will not even notice.

Powerlifting types of squats are not related to bodybuilding.

In general, the key difference here is the desire to take as much weight as possible, and therefore the weight of the bar in the process will need to be lowered lower, closer to the shoulder blades. This is necessary in order to lower the center of gravity to the maximum, then you need to put your legs wide, so the gluteal muscles are included in the work. Then you will need to bend forward a little, and get ready to remove the barbell, after which the squat itself follows directly. This allows you to work with much more weight than in bodybuilding.

leg press

How to quickly pump up your legs - training

The next thing that can be called in terms of efficiency after squats is the leg press. It is another of the basic exercises. Of course, it is not as effective as squats, but it also allows you to achieve a good result. In the process, only one joint works - the knee, while the hip works rather passively. This is a consequence of the lying position of the body. But in this way, complete isolation on the quadriceps is achieved.

This exercise is especially important for those who squatted with large weights, but for whom only the buttocks progressed in terms of growth.

Leg extension, sitting

This type exercises are isolated. With it, only one joint works - the knee. With it, the quadriceps are most worked out.

This exercise can be used:

    Before workout. That is, at the very beginning to warm up the knee joint, as well as before heavy types of exercises, for example, before squats and leg presses.

    At the end of the workout. You need to do this exercise in order to refine tired muscles.

As for the execution technique, it refers to fairly simple ones. The main thing here is not in technique, but in the frequency of repetitions and the total number.

Lying leg curls

It belongs to the category of isolating exercises, since only one joint works - the knee. The other two, that is, hip joint and ankle are not included in the work at all. The result of such an exercise can be called the development and study develops the back of the thigh. They usually finish the workout. It is impossible to make jerks or overwork during the execution process.


Deadlift is also one of the basic exercises. It is many times more effective than lying leg curls. The only one important point, which should be learned during the exercise is the ability to “turn off” the back muscles.

Rises on socks in a sitting and standing position

These two types of exercises are key to the development of the calf muscles.

Rises on socks in a standing position are performed on the simulator. It mostly develops the calf muscles. That is, these are the muscles that are located outside.

As for calf raises, performed in a sitting position, this can be called the second important exercise that is used for the calf muscles. It develops the so-called soleus muscle as much as possible. It is located directly under the calf. For the beauty and aesthetic appearance of the legs, uniform and full development both types of muscles of the lower extremities. Otherwise, the view will not be so impressive.

How to quickly pump up your legs - video

But leg exercises have a number of features. Let's look at how to pump up legs at home for a girl and a man.


To learn how to swing your legs correctly, you first need to figure out how they work and how they work. Next, we will consider each component in order.

The thighs are made up of three muscle groups:

  • the front muscles that flex the thigh, called the quadriceps, that is, the quadriceps muscle;
  • the posterior muscles that extensor the thigh, called the biceps femoris, that is, the biceps muscle;
  • medial muscles that adduct the thigh.
The quadriceps femoris, or quadriceps, is located on the front of the thigh and is the largest and strongest muscle in the human body.

The main function of this muscle is a powerful extension of the leg at the knee. It is called the quadriceps because it consists of four different muscles:

  • straight- the longest of all;
  • lateral- a large muscle, which is located on the outside of the leg;
  • medial- teardrop-shaped muscle, which is located on inside legs;
  • vastus intermedius, which is located between the lateral and medial.

Although The quadriceps is the largest and strongest muscle in the front of the leg. She is far from the only one.
The adductor muscles also belong to the anterior muscles of the thigh: comb, tailor, thin and adductor (short, long and adductor). These muscles are called adductors, since they are the adductors of the thigh.

The back of the thigh is the biceps muscle (biceps femoris), which consists of two muscles: the semitendinosus and the membranous muscles.

The main function of the posterior muscle group is flexion of the legs at the knee joints and extension of the torso during movement of the lower leg.

The gluteal muscles are also referred to as the muscles of the lower extremities. In all, the gluteus maximus muscle is considered the thickest and largest. It starts at the pelvic bone and is attached to the back of the femur just below the hip joint.
She pulls the leg back in the course of the existence of the hip. The gluteus maximus muscle is the most active when climbing a step, as it helps to straighten the hip joint.

It should also be said about the middle and small gluteal muscles. They lie under the large one, and thanks to their pumping, the buttocks look more rounded and attractive. To obtain the best aesthetic result, all three muscles should be trained.

Did you know?There are about 650 muscles in the human body.

The muscles of the leg are represented by two parts: the gastrocnemius, located on the surface, and the soleus, which is hidden under the gastrocnemius. As in the case of the glutes, for the best effect, you need to swing both muscles of the lower leg.

The soleus is one-piece, as it passes exclusively through the ankle joint. The gastrocnemius is two-part, as it passes through both the knee and ankle joints.
The calf muscle has two heads: lateral and medial. Their surface is represented by strong bundles of tendons. The gastrocnemius is much larger than the soleus in size and occupies the bulk of the lower leg.

The thick and flat soleus muscle lies under the gastrocnemius, it is much smaller in size, but at the same time performs an equally important function.

Best Exercises

Later in the article, we will look at the best and most effective exercises for training legs, including those that can be performed at home. If you have always been interested in the question of how to quickly pump up your legs at home, carefully study the following sections.


This exercise is considered a classic, because, according to professional trainers around the world, it is the most effective for bringing the lower limbs into tone.

Squats will give more results than all other exercises, including helping to pump up not only the hips, but also other muscle groups.
How to do squats:
  1. Go to the rack with the barbell, stand under it so that the neck is located on the upper back (on the trapezoid).
  2. Grasp the bar with your hands so that it is comfortable and there is a good fixation.
  3. Tighten and straighten your back, take the bar off the rack, take a step back (but do not go too far, as it will be difficult to work with more weight later on).
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rest your entire foot on the floor very firmly.
  5. Next, keeping your back straight, squat so deep that your upper thigh is parallel to the floor (the deeper you squat, the better the workout).

Important! While squatting, look straight ahead. If you look around, you will lose your balance, and then injury cannot be avoided.

It should also be said about the position of the feet during training:

  1. If you put your feet shoulder-width apart, you will pump up the quadriceps more.
  2. In order to increase the load on the muscles of the inner thighs, place your feet wide.
  3. Narrow stance will allow you to pump up the outer part of the thigh more.

Leg press in the simulator

If your goal is to massively pump up your legs, this exercise is for you. It is also done if there is a risk during barbell squats.

If you have the opportunity to do both the squat and the leg press, do it, it will allow you to pump up big powerful hips.

How to do leg press:

  1. First of all, you should choose the right exercise on the simulator, in which the buttocks and lower back will not come off the seat of the simulator, otherwise there is a very high risk of injury.
  2. Place your feet firmly in the middle of the platform, your feet should be shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  3. Firmly grasp the handles of the simulator with your hands on the sides of the seat, hold on to them until the end of the exercise, this will give stability to the torso.
  4. After that, remove the platform from the racks and slowly lower it towards you as deep as possible so that your knees touch your chest. Next, squeeze the platform up, but do not fully unbend your knees, so as not to relax the quadriceps and injure the knee joint.

Lunges with a barbell (or dumbbells)

Lunges are recommended to be performed on a Smith machine, as there will be no need to worry about balance. This exercise is also performed at home or with dumbbells.
How to do barbell lunges:

  1. As with the barbell squat, place the bar on your back (traps).
  2. Take a big step forward with one foot, feet should be on the same line. Maintain a distance between your legs so that when you get down on one knee, both legs should be bent at a right angle.
  3. The bar should be on the trapezoid while one leg is in front and both feet are in line. Next, begin to drop to one knee, lightly touching the floor (do not hit the knee on the floor, as you will get injured), then return to the starting position.
  4. It is recommended to first lunge on one limb, and then on the other.

Did you know? When walking calmly, a person uses about a quarter of all his muscles.

Hack squats

The Hack Squat is a variant of the back squat. But they allow you to remove a large axial load on the spine.

How to do squats on a hack machine:

  1. Sit on the simulator, sitting on it, bend your knees, put your feet shoulder-width apart (feet should be placed parallel to each other) in the middle of the platform. Lean the back of the body against the back of the Hack machine, rest your shoulders against the support (the head should pass between the rollers and not come off until the end of the squat).
  2. Unlock the mechanism of the simulator, but do not straighten up to the end, as this will relax the quadriceps at the top point and create a large load on the knee joint.
  3. With an inhalation, slowly squat down, as deep as you can.
  4. At the bottom point, focusing on the heel (not on the toes), push off the platform and straighten your legs. They should not be straightened completely.
Different positioning of the legs on the platform in this exercise will allow you to focus on different muscles.

Leg extension - isolation exercise, loading only the quadriceps. Use it as the last in a set of exercises or a warm-up.
This exercise does not increase the mass of the hips, because it is isolated and is not used with large weights. Its function is to give nice shape and topography of the upper thigh.

After you sit on the machine, place the roller over your feet and slowly straighten your legs.

Lying leg curls

Flexion, like the previous exercise, is isolated and swings the back muscles of the thighs. Fitness trainers recommend doing this exercise at the end of your workout.

Also, do not focus on big weight, because in bending the legs lying down, the main thing is the technique of execution. Otherwise, there is no point in wasting time on such training. How to do lying leg curl:

  1. Do not tear your pelvis off the bench of the simulator; it must be firmly pressed all the time.
  2. The roller should be placed on the back of the foot or slightly above the foot, but not on the lower leg.
  3. Do not allow the joints to voluntarily and quickly unbend. Try to hold your feet at the top point, then slowly lower the projectile to its original position. Lower it not to the end, do not throw it at the lowest point, otherwise the effect of the exercise will not be so strong.

Rises on socks (sitting, standing)

Calf raises are used to pump up the calf and soleus muscles.
For the lesson to be effective, you need to follow these tips:

  • the range of motion of the ankle joint should be as large as possible, this stretches the muscles and increases the load;
  • use weights in such a way that you can do a maximum of 10-12 repetitions.
With a standing barbell, the exercise must be performed in this way:
  • take the bar and lift the bar;
  • feet should be shoulder width apart;
  • Rise gently on your toes, try not to lose your balance.
Performing seated calf raises shifts the load on the soleus muscles. In the simulator, it is very simple to perform it:
With dumbbells, the execution technique is somewhat different:
  • sit on a flat bench and take dumbbells, put your feet on a full foot in front of you.
  • ask the trainer to put dumbbells on your knees, as doing it yourself is traumatic.
  • holding the dumbbells with your hands, unbend your ankle.

If you are new to the gym, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles muscle growth because without this knowledge, the growth of muscle mass is impossible.

Basic recommendations for beginners:
  1. Exercises are divided into muscle groups and according to the number of muscles that are involved in the work (isolation and basic). For beginners, it is recommended to do only the basic ones. They are responsible for rapid muscle growth. Basic exercises include exercises using free weights (for example, dumbbells or barbells). Isolation exercises should be avoided. Isolating exercises include exercises on simulators.
  2. Need to fulfill correct order exercises. You need to start with large muscles, and then move on to small ones.
  3. For quality exercises, you need to do from 6 to 12 repetitions. This will promote maximum muscle growth. A series of repetitions is called a "set" or "approach".
  4. For a good muscle load, 3-4 sets are needed in one exercise.
  5. Rest between sets should be approximately 2 minutes.
  6. The average workout time should be 40-45 minutes.
These are the basic guidelines that a beginner should follow when doing a leg workout.

An exemplary complex for the legs

Let's look at leg training programs for different categories of people involved. By following the rules of training, you can achieve the desired result.


You need to start training with. To do this, start with an easy one. You need to run at a speed of up to 8 km / h for 5-7 minutes.

Next comes the usual, at a speed of 10-12 km / h and a duration of 10 minutes. The pulse should be kept in the range of 80 to 90 beats per minute. Then comes the explosive run. The speed is 14 km/h, the duration is 5 minutes.
The pulse should be kept in the range of 110-120 minutes. After jogging, you need to rest for 3-5 minutes at a walking pace.

After 20 minutes on the treadmill, the muscles are fully warmed up and are now ready for heavy loads. If it is difficult for you to run in this mode, then it is recommended to find a comfortable speed on the treadmill and run for 15 minutes.

  • pancakes weighing 5–7 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes weighing 10–12 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes 15 kg each, perform 6-10 times.

Then you can do the leg press.
This basic exercise can sometimes be used instead of squats (if there are problems with the spine, leg joints).

When performing the exercise, make sure that the lower back is pressed against the simulator. And you do not need to unbend your legs in the second phase.

Approaches are performed in this order:

  • pancakes weighing 10 kg, perform 12-15 times;
  • pancakes weighing 12–15 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes weighing 20 kg, perform 6-10 times.

The next exercise is the lying leg curl.

This exercise works the back of the thigh. In order to enhance the effect of the exercise, the training roller should lie on the tendon. And it is not recommended to put your knees on the platform of the simulator.

Approaches are performed in this order:

  • weight 15–20 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20–25 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20–25 kg, perform 12–15 repetitions;
  • weight 30-35 kg, perform 8-12 repetitions.

The set of exercises is completed by straightening the lower extremities while sitting. When performing this exercise, only the quadriceps are loaded. Approaches are performed in this order:

  • weight 10-15 kg, perform 10-25 repetitions;
  • weight 15–17 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20-25 kg, perform 12-15 times.

This workout is good for beginners. After 1.5-2 months of training, the muscles get used to the load. These basic exercises general development legs. After 3 months of performing such a complex, you can complicate the program.


For amateurs, leg training takes a secondary place. Amateurs do not focus on these workouts for the following reasons:

  1. Pumped leg muscles visually reduce the arms and shoulders.
  2. When performing active leg training, cartilage surfaces can be destroyed due to the use of large weights.
  3. When training the lower extremities great importance has the right technique. Also, do not forget to warm up before exercise - it improves the elasticity of the ligaments, improves blood circulation in the hips, and prepares the joints for exercise.
For amateurs, it is enough to perform several types of exercises:
  • squatting with a heavy bar;
  • bending the legs lying on the simulator;
  • straightening legs on the simulator.

Squats with a heavy barbell are performed in this way: the barbell must be placed on the shoulders higher and while doing it, keep your back straight.

You need to look ahead of you with your head up. The first set should be 12 reps. On the second approach, add weight and do 10 repetitions. The third approach is more weight and 8 reps. Fourth set - more weight and 6 reps.

Bending the legs on the simulator in the supine position develops the hamstrings, and the lower limbs look more voluminous.

When performing this exercise, keep the upper body motionless, in motion - only the lower limbs. It will be enough to complete 5 sets of 12 repetitions. Strictly adhere to the technique of the exercise.
Leg extension on the simulator develops quadriceps. This exercise is performed at the final stage of training, as it does not burden the lower back and does not require a large number oxygen.

It will be enough to complete 5 sets of 15 repetitions, using the maximum weight possible for you.

Important! If you are interested in building muscle mass in your legs, it is recommended to perform these exercises 2 times a week. To simply maintain a good physical form It is enough to perform such a complex once a week.


The program is an example of a classic training. This program is recommended only for experienced athletes. According to the program, workouts are performed 2 times a week. A set of exercises:

  • barbell squats- 8 reps, three sets;
  • lunges- 12 reps, three sets;
  • leg curls- 15 reps, three sets;
  • lifts on toes- 25 reps, three sets;
  • Romanian draft
  • barbell slopes- 10 reps, three sets;
  • Roman bench- 25 reps, five sets.

The Coleman program is highly intensive and voluminous. It can be optimized for yourself and use extreme weight. A set of exercises:

  • leg extension- 30 reps, four sets;
  • barbell squat- 15 reps, five sets;
  • Hack squats-15 reps, three sets;
  • Romanian draft- 15 reps, four sets;
  • donkey exercise- 30 reps, four sets.

The Frank Zane program is a very popular training scheme that Zane used during one of the periods of his career as a bodybuilder. Program for the lower extremities:

  • pulling the leg back
  • leg curl- 8-12 reps for 3 sets;
  • leg extension- 8-12 reps for 3 sets;
  • squats- 8-12 reps for 3 sets;
  • Romanian draft- 8-12 reps for 3 sets;
  • back lunge- 8-12 reps for 3 sets;
  • donkey exercise- 30 reps for 3 sets;
  • lifting on socks sitting- 30 reps x 3 sets.

With proper and consistent training of the thighs and calves, good results can be achieved.

The given examples from the programs help to individually select exercises and understand how to pump up legs at home for a man in a week.

And also in the article are exercises that show how to pump up thin legs for a guy or girl.