Many novice athletes often wonder how to build muscle in the shortest possible time, and are willing to pay a lot for having simple truths. But the truth is that there is no need to reinvent the wheel, everything has long been invented for us: take it and do it! How to build muscle with or without machines, doing street sports or weightlifting - all the information can be put into five simple tips, which will be discussed further.

Tip 1. Where to start?

How to pump up muscles if you are a complete layman in this business and the heaviest thing that you have lifted in your life is a spoon? We can congratulate you! It is you who will gain as quickly as possible. The fact is that muscles subjected to constant stress gradually get used to overcome this barrier and eventually become more elastic and stronger. As a result, an experienced athlete, trying to develop muscle microfractures, will be forced to pull huge weights for a minimal result. That is why an experienced athlete gains 1-2 kg per month in the gym and this is an excellent result, and a beginner can easily gain 10 kg and this will not be the limit! So set a goal and go for it!

Tip 2. Base

It is always necessary to subject the maximum load to those muscle groups that are

the biggest. How to build muscle if you do not expose them to a systematic load? No way. Based on this, divide your training exercises into 3-4 groups and do no more than 1-2 for each. Only in this way and only thanks to this approach will you be able to make a breakthrough for yourself in the mass.

Tip 3. How to quickly build muscle at home?

There is only one answer: to build on the same technique as in the hall. Improvise and create an insurmountable load for your muscles - this is the only way they will develop. There are no magic drugs that can make you a Schwarzenegger in one month, because even using anabolic steroids, you will have to train from day to day with a sweat and loss of pulse!

Tip 4. How to build muscle while doing street sports?

Do you think it's impossible? That bodyweight work is closer to cardio than strength training? Well, you can be congratulated, because you are wrong, and you have a chance to dispel your delusions. The weight of a person is from 50 kilograms or more. When working on the horizontal bar, at least 40 out of 50 will be in work, that is, 80-85% of your body weight. Now think about whether you will be small, frail and weak if you start training in the gym from scratch with the same weights? Of course not! The whole secret lies precisely in the technique of performing exercises. She needs to give Special attention, training slowly and focusing on the negative phase of each set, and only then will your muscles grow and develop. No concessions, no hack, pure hardcore!

Tip 5. Don't eat, don't shake!

Yes, proper and plentiful nutrition is the key to a successful mass. Have you ever seen builders build a house out of thin air? Or from foam, for example? Here, you don't have to mess around. Eat four to six meals a day, fully, to satiety and exercise regularly. If you do everything right, then in a couple of months you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

How to increase body weight? The cause of reduced weight may be any disease in the body. Therefore, an underweight man should first of all consult a doctor. If there are no pathologies in the body, then insufficient weight may be the result of a too fast metabolism. This is especially true for young men.

How to increase the weight of a man?

Many underweight men try to gain weight by increasing the amount of food they eat. However, this does not lead to the desired results.

It is necessary to increase not just the amount of food, but to increase the number of calories consumed by the body per day. A nutritionist can help you calculate the number of calories your body needs.

In order to increase weight, you must follow the correct daily routine and diet. Proper nutrition combined with exercise will increase weight by increasing lean body mass.

To determine optimal weight of a person, it is necessary to measure his height and subtract 110 centimeters from the obtained value. The result will show the number of kilograms that is the optimal weight for a given person.

Proper nutrition for weight gain

It is necessary to create the correct diet. We should try to eat more often during the day, preferably every 3-4 hours. The food must be rich in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates.

You need to have breakfast in the morning within an hour after getting out of bed. For breakfast, you can cook an omelette, eat foods such as cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, fruits and honey. It is very useful for breakfast to eat milk porridge seasoned with vegetable oil.

For lunch, you can cook for the first hearty soup, for the second meat or fish with a side dish of pasta or mashed potatoes, a salad of fresh vegetables. Then you can eat dessert and drink coffee with cream.

For dinner, you can cook an omelette with ham and tomatoes and coffee with milk. Before going to bed, you can eat fruits: apples or grapes. During the day, in addition to the 3 main meals (for breakfast, lunch and dinner), you need to have snacks. As snacks, you can eat dairy products, sandwiches, salads, fruits, nuts. During the day, you need to drink plenty of water.

For 1 serving, you do not need to eat too many different foods. You can cook food for the whole day. If possible, it is advisable to prepare food before each meal, as fresh food is tastier and healthier. You need to eat regularly and avoid feeling hungry.

How to increase weight with brewer's yeast?

Brewer's yeast improves metabolism and the general condition of the human body. Brewer's yeast contains large complex vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Brewer's yeast contributes to an increase in muscle mass with a prerequisite for physical education, sports and other physical activities.

Brewer's yeast contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins that contribute to their absorption. The protein found in brewer's yeast resembles animal protein, but is much more large quantity calories.

In order to increase your weight, you need to take 2-3 tablets of brewer's yeast after meals. Thanks to the intake of brewer's yeast, a person's appetite improves.

While taking brewer's yeast, you should follow the correct diet. Brewer's yeast can be bought at a pharmacy. They are made in the form of tablets. You can make a drink to improve your appetite. To do this, dilute brewer's yeast in water, add honey and crackers there.

Workouts to increase muscle mass

How to increase your muscles and how to increase body weight? Muscle volume increases with physical activity. In response to an increase in muscle load, the body responds with an increase in lean body mass. To gain weight and increase muscle, you need to achieve a constant progression of loads in training.

Strength exercises should be done in gym under the supervision of a coach.

If you can’t go to the gym, you can do strength exercises at home.

It is necessary to monitor the intensity of training and gradually increase the load. If the training is not intense enough, then the increase in muscle mass will not occur.

When exercising at home, training with dumbbells and a barbell is most preferable. They give the greatest effect for increasing muscle mass and body weight.

It is necessary to perform the exercises correctly and gradually add weight. Among exercise The following are most effective:

  • squats with dumbbells;
  • pushups;
  • bench press in the prone position;
  • deadlift;
  • twisting on the press;
  • bench press in a standing position;
  • pull-ups on the crossbar;
  • swings with dumbbells.

Strength exercises must be combined with running, swimming, cycling. You need regular and sufficient rest.

Muscle growth does not occur during the training itself, but during the rest, especially at night. Therefore, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Training is not recommended to be done every day. You can train 3-4 times a week in the gym or at home.

Don't overtrain. If you spend too much time and energy on training instead of building muscle, you will release cortisol, which, on the contrary, contributes to muscle breakdown.

If, due to too frequent and exorbitant training, processes that destroy muscles occur, then increase weight and add muscle mass will not work. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the training does not exceed 1.5 hours.

After training, you need to eat. During training, you need to increase the diet. Breakfast should be early and heavy.

Only in this case, in response to training and strength exercises, the body will be able to gain the necessary weight.

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How can a man gain weight?

At all times, women preferred strong men! AND modern women not an exception! Who likes a thin man who can't even protect the lady of his heart? Sometimes the question of how to gain weight for a man becomes an insoluble task for many people with unsuccessful genetics: yes, unfortunately it is, and nature disposed of it in its own way, someone can gain weight without problems, but someone does not gain him despite his best efforts.

The male body is designed in such a way that it is able to process and assimilate more food than the female, moreover, with sufficient activity, even without enhanced training, men gain better mass than women. Simply put, if a woman needs to relax a little and increase the calories consumed, then they are immediately deposited in the waist, abdomen and hips, precisely in the form of a fat layer, while a man at this time has a more uniform weight gain, and not an increase in a large fat layer on belly. This rule applies to healthy and fairly active people.

It is unlikely, our dear men, you want to get an outstanding belly or round shoulders, rather, we are talking about gaining muscle mass. Of course, many immediately run and hang out in the gym for hours, listening to their beefy friend who offers miraculous “set injections” or dubious sports nutrition. Such "helpers" are almost everywhere. It seems to mention the specialized sites of "amateur chemists" and other open information no need.

If your goal is to gain weight quickly, it is worth considering that the rate of mass gain in men, like in women, depends mainly on genetics and regimen.

For a man, a set of muscle mass is the first rule! This is like a “saving point”, since simply absorbing calories will not give anything, calories, as they come, will go away.

Sleep 8-9 hours a day, weekly rest, load alternation, proper nutrition (fractional meals, if you eat 1-2 times a day, like most men, you will not be able to gain muscle mass - huge portions of food are poorly absorbed, and the muscles will starve) and split training are your best friends.

Here we will tell you more about nutrition.

Avoid semi-finished products. It is important to consume high quality protein. At least 2 servings of meat or fish plus 2-3 servings of egg white, cottage cheese 5-9% fat should be present on your table daily. The intervals between meals are about 3 hours.

Weight gain as a result of an increase in muscle mass occurs due to training in the gym (no more than three times a week. Moreover, these workouts should be about 40-45 minutes long) and eating a sufficient amount of protein foods in combination with carbohydrates , fats and beneficial trace elements and vitamins, amino acids and L-glutamine. Drink at least two liters of fluid daily. Before going to bed, you can drink protein and protein shakes of your own preparation.

The most effective supplements for gaining muscle mass are creatine and glutamine. Creatine improves endurance and muscle energy, while glutamine improves the immune system and strengthens defenses. Experts recommend taking these supplements in combination with high-carbohydrate drinks after training. It is better to ask for help from a trainer who will tell you how to do the exercises correctly so as not to harm yourself.

Try to limit your intake of foods rich in animals and other saturated fat(fatty meat, lard, margarine, butter, sausages, etc.). For muscle growth and energy production, the body primarily uses carbohydrates, so most of the fat in conditions of excess nutrients will be deposited in adipocytes (fat cells).

Avoid fast carbohydrates, the most dangerous of them are sweets (confectionery, sweet fruits, etc.), the less dangerous ones are bakery products. Fast carbohydrates can be absorbed very quickly from digestive tract, resulting in a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, in response to this, the body converts glucose into fat.

Fast carbohydrates can be consumed after training, when muscles and other organs are able to quickly utilize glucose, in addition, the secretion of the anabolic hormone insulin increases, which is of no small importance when gaining muscle mass.

Fractional nutrition

When gaining muscle mass, food volumes should be approximately equal, however, in the first half of the day (before 16:00), about 70% of all food eaten per day should be eaten.

Never eat sugary or fatty foods at night. Food before bedtime should be easily digestible and rich in protein, sour-milk products, vegetables (legumes and others), poultry meat, salads, eggs, and fish are well suited for this.

Pre-workout nutrition

Be sure to eat before training (2 hours before it starts). Products containing slow carbohydrates are well suited for this: cereals, flour, vegetables, etc. Carbohydrates before training are necessary in order to load glycogen depots and provide muscles and brain with energy during training.

Nutrition after training

The most voluminous meal should be 20-30 minutes after training, or if you are taking a carbohydrate-protein shake (gainer) immediately after training, then the meal should be 1-1.5 hours after training. Include in it food rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates, you can even eat a small amount of fast carbohydrates (sweet). After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, during this time the body is located to assimilate a large number food, while nutrients go to muscle recovery and energy replenishment.

Muscle mass begins to grow only when the amount of incoming energy in the form of food exceeds the amount of energy expended by the body. In addition, it must be remembered that the body always tries to maintain homeostasis (constancy internal environment), so you can increase the caloric content of the diet by 5, 10 and even 30%, while the mass will not change! At times, to shift the mass from " dead center", it is required to increase the calorie content of the daily diet by 50 and even 100%!

To determine the amount of food you need to gain muscle mass, you need to follow a simple technique:

Gradually increase the calorie content of the diet until the weight gain starts to be 600-800 g per week. If the increase is less, then you need to eat more, and vice versa.

To do this, you need to weigh yourself at least once every three days. After a month, you will be able to adjust your rate. Don't go over 800 grams per week or your body will store a lot of fat!

And yet, what kind of menu is needed to gain muscle mass? Let's take a closer look.

Protein products

1. Meat - any, lean. Poultry meat is preferable because it contains practically no fat and is easily digestible.

2. Fish and other seafood. You can also eat any fish, including fatty ones.

3. Dairy . Give preference to fat-free foods. The most popular are cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, milk, yogurt, etc.

4. Eggs . You can eat 6-8 eggs a day, along with the yolks. It has been scientifically proven that if you do not have high blood cholesterol, then eggs will not affect its level in the future.

5. Legumes . Beans, beans, peas, lentils are the most important vegetable sources of protein, although its value is lower than that of other products. Lentils and chickpeas additionally contain significant amounts of BCAAs. Soy is specifically not included in this list, since soy products are often genetically modified nowadays, and men are advised not to consume soy due to its hormonal activity.

How to gain muscle mass is a topical issue for many trainees. A person regularly works out at home or in the gym, “pumping iron”, and the volume of muscles remains the same or increases slightly - the situation is quite common in power sports. Indeed, gaining muscle weight is not an easy task, especially for a person with an asthenic (ectomorphic) physique.

Of course, you can use strong anabolic drugs to increase muscle mass, which allow you to achieve significant muscle gains in a fairly short time, but the catch is that most of these drugs have very numerous side effects. To safely and properly gain muscle mass, it is preferable to use only natural means and methods.

Before you start training in the gym, you need to decide on your body type. Methods that provide an increase in muscle mass for a full and thin person have fundamental differences from each other.

There are three body types:

  • ectomorphic;
  • mesomorphic;
  • Endomorphic.

Ectomorph long legs and a short torso, narrow feet and hands. The shoulders are not wide, but the muscles are thin and long. The mesomorph has a strong, wide body and broad shoulders, the upper body is long, the bones are thick. Endomorph is characterized by a short neck, round face, wide hips and a significant supply of body fat.

It is most difficult for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass: their training and nutrition should line up in a special way. During class thin people should devote most of their time to basic exercises to work the largest muscles. Pay primary attention to the back, chest and hips.

Dodgy training exercises ectomorphs are not needed, for them, exercises with dumbbells will be more useful for them in terms of mass gain, with which you can increase muscle mass even at home. The main range of repetitions of one exercise: 6-8 times.

The basics of nutrition for mass gain

How to quickly gain muscle mass with a special diet? For effective "mass recruitment" a rational approach to the choice of products is necessary. There is everything in a row, as amateurs advise - this is a very inappropriate decision.

For example, if you eat simple (fast) carbohydrates, then this will contribute to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat in endomorphs and quickly be converted into energy without participating in the synthesis of a new protein in ectomorphs. In other words, the thin ones will remain thin, perhaps stronger and more resilient, while the full ones will gain weight, and their muscles will not be visible behind a layer of fat.

You need a lot, but right. A rational approach to nutrition will allow you to gain muscle mass thin and full. Bodybuilding experts advise following certain rules:

  • You should not chase the mass, gaining it at any cost. At the initial stage, indicators may change slowly or not at all, but if you do everything right, the result will definitely be. If you start eating uncontrollably, you can overload the body.
  • Drink more water. You will not enter the right amount of liquid into the body - the weight will not go. There is a simple explanation for this - the body consists of two-thirds of water, and no increase without fluid intake is simply impossible.
  • Have snacks, and in general - eat as often as possible. Fractional nutrition was invented by doctors to treat stomach ailments, but bodybuilders also use its beneficial effect. If you eat often, the muscles will be provided with a constant supply of amino acids (building material) and glucose (energy). With fractional nutrition, catabolic processes leading to protein breakdown simply do not have time to begin.
  • Eat slow carbs before your workout and fast carbs right after your workout. Slow carbohydrates include cereals, beans, vegetables. For fast ones - pastries, chocolate, special gainers for athletes. Slow (they are also complex) carbohydrates are consumed over a long period, giving up their energy in small portions. Fast ones enter the bloodstream almost instantly.


Proteins, consisting of amino acids, are the basis of the basics: in fact, muscle cells are made from them. When experienced bodybuilders are asked how to increase muscle mass, they main recommendation- eat meat. It is in the meat that contains the main amount of protein for building the body.

You should eat mainly lean meats - poultry, rabbit, veal. The percentage of protein in the daily diet should be about 30%. It is recommended to consume approximately 200 g of a pure meat product per day. In addition to meat, protein is also found in:

  • cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • Legumes (beans, peas).


If protein amino acids- these are the "bricks" from which muscles are built, then carbohydrates are the builders who lay these bricks. Carbohydrates are the energy for all metabolic processes in the body. You need to use them in a daily amount at the rate of 3 g per 1 kg of weight.

With a lack of carbohydrates, the body begins to use muscle tissue as “fuel”, and all training will become meaningless. The share of carbohydrates should account for about 60% of the daily amount of food. Eating carbohydrate food, as already mentioned, should be immediately before and after training. The basis of the carbohydrate part of the diet should be slow carbohydrates, which are abundant in:

  • unprocessed rice;
  • Wheat, oatmeal buckwheat;
  • Whole grain bread;
  • vegetables;
  • Fruit.


It is believed that fats are the enemies of mankind, but this is not entirely true. Harmful animal fats neither for athletes nor ordinary people, certainly not beneficial, but beneficial lipid compounds are the basis for the production of testosterone, male hormone responsible for protein synthesis. Fats should make up about 10-15 percent of your total daily diet. Healthy fats are found in:

  • eggs;
  • Fatty varieties of fish;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Nuts and seeds.


In the process of training, the body produces a large number of potentially dangerous substances. free radicals, to cope with which is the task of antioxidant vitamins. Vitamins and trace elements (in particular, zinc) are also needed for the production of the testosterone hormone.

Special additives

A variety of protein supplements can help increase muscle mass at home.(gainers, creatine, amino acids). These are not anabolics, but natural substances, similar to those that make up ordinary products, only concentrated and absorbed much faster.

A few words about how to gain muscle mass for a girl. The principles of nutrition for girls are exactly the same. The differences are that female body more prone to fat deposition, so the percentage of fat in the daily diet should be less than in the menu of male athletes.

For many trainees, the question is relevant: how to safely and correctly gain muscle mass. Even with regular exercises at home or in the gym, muscle volume increases slightly or remains the same. A particularly difficult task to gain muscle weight is faced by people with an asthenic physique. How to gain muscle mass without taking testosterone and other anabolics in a short time, let's figure it out.

Body Types

In order to effectively increase muscle mass, you need to know your body type. Methods for increasing muscles have fundamental differences for a thin and fat person. People are divided into 3 body types:

It is more difficult for an ectomorph to gain muscle mass, because people of this type have increased anabolism, which prevents the muscles from developing volumes. But this process does not allow layers of fat to be deposited, so ectomorphs are thin. In order for a male ectomorph not to use anabolic drugs to increase muscle mass, an active exercise stress and special meals with a high protein content.

Workouts to increase muscle mass and strength

You can increase muscle mass at home or in the gym if you train correctly. There is a big difference between strength training and training that encourages muscle growth. Daily weight training does not cause muscle growth. It occurs during rest after exercise, when muscle cells increase in volume and muscle fibers thicken.

The basic exercise for working out large muscles is the bench press and standing. The main ones include: deadlift, squats, thrust to the belt. Efficiency is achieved with a constant increase in load, the use of additional weight (do exercises with dumbbells), the presence of 5-7 repetitions with each approach. It is not difficult to increase muscle mass at home or during a workout in the gym if you do the exercises in the first 2 seconds with speed, and then more slowly. This series voltage best influence for the development of muscle mass.

Basic exercises accelerate the growth of muscle mass, relieve the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, promote the development power qualities athlete. This versatility allows you to increase muscle mass at home and use the exercises in professional powerlifting or bodybuilding. Any sport that requires pumping muscles begins with mastering the technique of performing five basic exercises. The development of the main complex is also suitable for women who want to give a beautiful relief to the figure.

Nutrition rules for gaining muscle mass

How to quickly gain muscle mass with proper nutrition? Very simple. Eat proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats. To get rid of adipose tissue or gain muscle mass for a thin guy or girl without training and a certain diet will not work. The key to success - special exercises and the right foods, eaten at a strictly defined time.

If you don’t know how to gain muscle mass for a girl who works out 3 times a week in the gym, add protein supplements to her diet, and Gainers for athletes that will replenish protein breakdown during exercise. To fat man get beautiful relief body, on the contrary, it is necessary to refuse food additives and cut back on daily portions. With enhanced training, adipose tissue will go away faster, and beautiful muscles will begin to appear.

So, to gain muscle mass, you need to enter into the diet:


This is the main building material for muscles after water, so the intake of proteins in sufficient quantities is necessary. The more muscles grow, the more proteins should be in the athlete's diet.

Protein sources are dairy products, meat, fish, eggs. But the digestibility of animal proteins is not very good, besides, they contain a lot of fat, so the athlete's menu should consist more of vegetable protein. It is found in mushrooms, peanut butter, seeds, some vegetables, legumes, and soy products. You can not discount and protein supplements: casein, whey or soy protein. Daily rate protein for gaining muscle mass is 35% of the total calories.


Building muscle mass is an energy-intensive process. Carbohydrates will quickly replenish energy reserves. A diet with a high content of them will provide athletes with a high intensity of training. But in order not to get excess body fat instead of muscle volume, it is necessary to increase carbohydrate intake gradually. Most of the calories should come from carbohydrates found in regular foods: melons, legumes, bread, cereals, berries, fruits. Ectomorph athletes can get additional carbohydrates from nutritional supplements designed to sports nutrition.


After subtracting protein and carbohydrates, the remaining calories come from fat. This amounts to 1 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. However, not all fats are allowed to be included in the menu when gaining muscle mass. It will be necessary to abandon the saturated fats found in pork, butter, fast food and fatty sauces. Healthy fats are sourced from nuts, fish, vegetable oils, low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, whey).


To increase muscle mass, an athlete needs to take vitamin complexes and trace elements. Particularly acute during this period, the body needs vitamins such as retinol (vitamin A), thiamine, riboflavin (vitamin B).

Retinol is the most significant compound, as it is a component of hormones that speed up metabolic processes. It is responsible for the development of new cells and gives a healthy look to the skin. An increase in muscle mass is impossible without B vitamins. Thiamine is responsible for energy supply to cells, and riboflavin is responsible for redox reactions. For intensive muscle growth, you need to additionally consume amino acid complexes to enhance protein synthesis.

Protein Supplements

These concentrated products are high in protein and are sold in sports nutrition departments. When gaining muscle mass, an athlete does not always have enough proteins contained in food, so an insufficient amount must be obtained from supplements. Protein mixtures are consumed both before and after training, during meals and instead of snacks. They make it easier for athletes to provide the body with proteins, because it is much easier to drink a protein shake than to eat 300 grams of meat. The great advantage of protein mixtures is their easy absorption by the body.

Drinking regime

Metabolic processes generated by high-intensity loads require a lot of water, so when gaining muscle mass, an athlete needs to drink up to 3 liters daily. Do not allow dehydration, if you are thirsty, be sure to drink water without gas, otherwise you will not get the expected result.