The rapid weight loss of Selena Gomez is discussed almost more actively than. How the girl managed to regain her chiseled figure, her personal trainer, Amy Rosoff Davis, told in detail.

Do you remember where Selena Gomez showed her, at that time, far from being a model, forms in a swimsuit? Then reproaches fell on the star that she had let herself go and that it was not appropriate for a celebrity to look like that. Selena was outraged by the flow of criticism (she even answered some spiteful critics on Instagram) and assured that she felt absolutely happy in such an impressive weight. But on . The star turned to popular trainer Amy Rosoff Davis, who not only created an exercise program, but also compiled a special diet for Gomez.

Since the beginning of last spring, Selena has been working with Amy in the gym three to five times a week, and two months before the start of the grand Revival concert tour, the training regime became even tougher: the girls spent two hours in the gym every day.

In a recent interview with the British version of Cosmopolitan magazine, Amy talked about what Selena did to get rid of extra pounds.

Not weighed

“Never asked her to step on the scale,” says Amy. “I don’t believe in numbers.” The coach explained that, working with Selena one-on-one for a long time, she already saw how her ward's body was changing.

Abandoned strict diets

“I believe that you need to allow yourself everything, but in reasonable quantities. There are no limits when it comes to food. And life is too short not to enjoy delicious food!” - comments the coach.

Never let your body get bored

Selena alternated loads: she did cardio, Pilates, and yoga.

“I always thought that The best way keep your muscles in good shape - combine different types physical activity' says Amy.

Eliminated fast food from the diet

“Selena is always proud to say that she is from Texas and loves local fast food. But he still had to give up. Now instead of hamburgers and potatoes - carrots and hummus, ”the fitness star continues.

It was the change in the usual diet that helped Selena lose weight. “The girl’s body reacts to the load very quickly: it’s worth starting to pump the press and eat right for a couple of days, as we already see the results!”

Selena Gomez daily diet

Breakfast: half an egg burrito, chorizo ​​(a savory pork sausage originally from Spain and Portugal), avocado, rice and beans; or Greek yogurt (not low fat) and muesli.

Lunch: A salad of turkey, avocado, beans and dressed with a homemade dressing of red wine vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard and lemon juice.

Dinner: rice with teriyaki sauce, Asian pickles, salmon or chicken, avocado.

Drinks: Selena even has a juicer in her dressing room. Amy makes her cucumber, carrot, cabbage and ginger juices.

Selena Gomez is a young, but already very popular actress and singer in Hollywood. A celebrity was born in July, the 22nd of 1992. The girl's career began with early childhood: at the age of seven. As a singer and musician took place in 2008.

Her songs are very fond of listening not only in America, but also in Europe and Latin America. Also, a young special young member of the UNICEF charity company. Selena is incredibly talented and energetic and doesn't like to sit in one place.

Diet Selena Gomez needed a celebrity for some time, as there was a case when the girl was hospitalized in the hospital due to the fact that she did not follow the right diet. Fans of the popular actress are accustomed to seeing on TV screens and concerts in great shape. However, this was not always the case. When Selena was little, she was chubby and chubby.

The little donut loved to eat fast food, chips, coca-cola, and hamburgers. At the age of sixteen, the young lady adored snickers, sweets and all kinds of sweets. This adversely affected her appearance and figure.

Now she pays a lot of attention to the diet. After all, when the girl was hospitalized, she was diagnosed with anemia. After the hospital, Selena's mother began to carefully monitor her daughter's diet. For breakfast, the actress and singer eats two boiled eggs, 1 piece of bread (black), a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Sometimes eggs are replaced with scrambled eggs with onions and cheese. Sometimes she adds mushrooms to the omelet. In general, breakfast is approximately 200 - 250 kilocalories.

For lunch, Selena Gomez prefers poultry meat (preferably chicken fillet), When the actress is on the set, or on tour, then mostly pizza or pasta is in her lunch diet. She drinks her food with orange juice. Calorie content is 300 - 350 kilocalories. As for dinner, Gomez has the most high-calorie (800 - 850 kilocalories). After all, the celebrity is very fond of Italian food, which is very fatty and high in calories.

Selena Gomez lost weight not only thanks to diet, but also to classes exercise. Every morning, the Hollywood actress runs and rides an exercise bike. The love of dancing also helps to maintain the figure. Basically, Selena is helped to maintain a figure by cardio - training (aerobic) and aerobics. The young actress does not want to build muscle, therefore, she does not do heavy loads (weights, dumbbells, and so on). According to the celebrity herself, the secret of her harmony is that she eats wholesome and proper food.

Selena Gomez's simple diet is divided into three main principles:

The presence in the diet of vegetables and fruits. Before each breakfast, the actress always eats one fruit or vegetable. For example, an apple, or lettuce leaves.

The lunch diet contains raw and unprocessed food: nuts, vegetables, muesli, fruits. Boiled, or fried food, which is only 20% thermally processed.

Protein-rich foods are constantly present in the diet in order to avoid anemia. For example - red meat, cheese, eggs. According to the actress, it is these principles that help maintain her slim figure.

The famous movie star and pop singer does not make any special efforts to maintain her figure. After all, the girl has constant tours, interviews, various meetings and shootings. The girl lives in a crazy rhythm, which contributes to the loss of many calories. It keeps her body in good shape.

Despite the fact that Selena Gomez is on a strict individual diet, which was chosen by a nutritionist, the actress admits that there are days when she cannot refuse fatty foods. This rarely happens, but the girl believes that once or twice a month you can afford junk food, which, in fact, she does. Sela cannot give up her favorite delicacy - pickled fried cucumbers. Selena also loves cupcakes and various pastries. She admits that if she had more free time, then most likely she would be - would be fat. After all, cupcakes are her weakness.

The secret of Selena Gomez's slimness, according to the actress herself, is that she prefers Asian cuisine, in which dishes contain practically no fat. The young singer loves to eat plumply, and it is Asian cuisine that allows you to do this without spoiling your figure.

Wherever the girl is, in which country she would not rest, and would not be on tour, she will always find a restaurant, cafe, or bar with Asian cuisine. By the way, with his current boyfriend (Justin Bieber - famous singer from Canada), she also only goes to places where Asian cuisine is served. Also, they are regular visitors to sushi bars. Selena also likes Thai restaurants in New York.

Selena Gomez has a positive attitude towards surgical methods of body shaping. While she does not need it, but in the future she does not exclude the possibility that she will use such a serious method. The girl tries to maintain her figure and believes that the main thing for this is willpower. By the way, she said in one of her recent interviews that aerobics greatly tempers the fortitude.

This helps her not to pounce on food and keep herself in shape. He also advises his young fans and fans to eat food that is low in fat. Move as much as possible. If you don’t want to go in for sports, at least you should dance to fast music every day, because during dancing you lose a lot of calories.

1. Selena was 8 years old when she found out that there was no Santa Claus!
2. Selena wears size 37 jeans.
3. Selena hates cigarettes and says she won't go out with people who smoke.
4. Selena says she doesn't read haters' tweets because she knows fans love her...
5. Selena loves to skate, she was taught this by a friend in Texas.

6. Selena does NOT listen to the radio;
7. Selenita loves to sit on the sand;
8. Selenur loves to fly on an airplane;
9. Selena loves warm countries;
10. Selena really likes going to the movies;
11. Selena is very nervous before each stage appearance;
12. Selena cannot pronounce the word Selenite correctly;
13. Selena says that her fans are her daughters;
14. When Selena was born, she weighed 3 kg. 350 g;
15. Selena doesn't like the number 13;

16. When Selena was born, she weighed 3 kg. 350 g;
17. Selena is afraid of roller coasters.
18. Selena loves clothes! She is not ready to spend huge money on it, but still, she is a big fan of clothes. As it turned out, her favorite brand of clothing is "Miss in paradise", and her favorite brand of jewelry is "Diva".
19. Selena loves high heels.
20. Selena loves Good&Plenty candies.
21. Selena loves popcorn with cheese.
22. Selena loves when fans sing along with her and sometimes she can't hold back her tears and cries.
23. Selena admitted that she loves Zooey Deschanel.
24. Despite the fact that Selena loves to sleep, she does not like being at home a lot. She loves to act.
25. Selena loves to skateboard. She was taught this lesson by her friends from Texas, who often went to the sports store.
26. Selena loves bowling, but admits that she doesn't know how to play well.
27. Selena doesn't like to argue with her parents.
28. At school, everyone did not like her because she wanted to become an actress.
29. Selena loves to do a ponytail, as she believes that it makes her sophisticated.
30. Selena loves chocolate yogurt with banana filling.

31. Selena often listens to Eminem, because her father simply adores him.
32. Selena doesn't really like to buy pants, but she likes to buy shoes.
33. Selena loves to answer questions about her tastes.
34. Selena loves to sleep at night in front of the TV.
35. Selena loves pizza with cheese, mushrooms and jalapenos.
36. Selena loves Christmas music.
37. Selena loves lipstick. She has over 20 of them.
38. Selena doesn't like social media. networks. She prefers texting or calling in person.
39. Selena loves to eat oatmeal with sea salt.
40. Selena loves to cook pies and cakes.
41. Selena loves to spend free time sitting on the couch, eating fast food, having fun with friends.
42. Selena loves rain.
43. Selena loves karaoke.
44. Selena doesn't like math.
45. Selena loves club music.

6. Selena loves rocking Paramore, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson.
47. Selena loves to be photographed.
48. Selena loves to eat whole lemons.
49. Selena loves pickles so much that she even eats them with popcorn and peanut butter.
50. Selena loves sports! To prove it, she congratulated all the athletes Olympic Games from America via Twitter.
51. Selena, like her mother, loves to wear scarves and scarves.
52. Selena loves souvenirs. She buys them in every city.
53. Since Selena is very fond of pickles, she once said that she would like to invent pickle-flavored chewing gum.
54. Selena Gomez loves to come up with a variety of pseudonyms for herself, here's what she says about this: I'm not very good at it, but I think it's very fun and an interesting activity. I like to call myself by other names like Cheryl Cole or Princess Fancypants.
55. Selena loves when Justin wears different caps.
56. Selena doesn't like grapes.
57. Selena loves Coke more than Pepsi.
58. Selena Loves 3D Glitzy Glamor Gloss.
59. Selena loves cookies.
60. Selena loves pizza and shrimp.

61. Selena doesn't like long flights. It tires her.
62. Selena loves the movie ''Revolutiary Road'. She thinks this movie deserves a ton of awards.
63. Selena loves oil paint.
64. As a child, Selena's favorite animal was a horse. Now it's a tiger.
65. Selena loves cupcakes with raspberry jam.
66. Selena is very fond of sweaters.
67. Selena loves to take a bath with rose extract gels.
68. Selena would like to live in London.
69. Selena likes sour apples.
70. Selena doesn't like fruit decorations. She believes that they should be eaten, not worn.
71. Selena loves the smell of daisies.
72. Selena is the only star who left Disney without scandals.
Before the first concert of We Own the Night Tour, Selena and Justin prayed. They said: “1,2,3…SWAG”
73. When Selena was little, she couldn't afford to buy clothes from KMart. She now has her own clothing line in the same store, which has already raised $750 million.
74. When Selena gets a piece of paper and a pen in her hands, she starts drawing hearts.
75. Golf is one of the games that Selena is not very good at playing.

76. After the motto “Be yourself, there is no one better”, Selena has a second one - “Love conquers hate”.
and so
77. Selena says that she is a terrible driver, so she tries to drive slowly and safely.
78. Selena is 13 cm taller than Lady Gaga and 4 cm taller than Madonna.
79. Selena thought that Max should win the wizard competition, she told the writers about it and she thought it would be cool if he won.
80. Selena is afraid of Justin's bat machine.
81. Louis, a member of the group 1D, was asked what he would do if he were Selena. Louis replied that he would look at himself naked.
82. David Beckham made his son's dream come true by introducing him to Selena.
83. Joe Jonas auditioned with Selena for the role of Justin.
84. The idea for the Round and Round video came from Selena's mother.
85. Selena's favorite flowers are yellow roses
86. If Selena had to choose between Baby and Bad Romance, she would definitely choose Baby.
87. The Greek Kurka wrote a song about Selena and it's called Selena Gomez
88. Selena doesn't like it when her fans tell her she's perfect.
89. The name of Selena's fans - "Selenators" - was officially fixed in
November 2009.
February 90, 7 Selena drove 3 girls from Brazil to the airport in her car.
91. Selena might not go to facebook or twitter and not update the pages because of the hatred of the anti-fans, but for the sake of the fans she is ready to go.
92. Selena's second favorite color is blue. !
93. One of Selena's favorite authors, Nikolos Sparks.
94. Selena cried when she read the book Dear John.
95. The first cosmetic that Selena tried was Maybelline mascara and she still uses this cosmetic.
96. Selena loves horror movies, loves feeling of fear and She also likes haunted houses and stuff.
97. Selena does NOT like Bounty chocolate.
98. Selena loves to Skype.
99. Seli parameters 86-60-91.
100. Selena says that once she changed herself for a boy, and it was one of the biggest mistakes in her life.
101. The role in Spring Breakers was recommended to Selena by her mother.
102. Selena took British lessons to achieve British accent for the film "Monte Carlo".
103. For her new album, Selena recorded 26 songs.
104. Her musical role model is Britney Spears.
105. Selena would love to work with Britney Spears, Jason Mraz and Lady Gaga
106. Adidas Neo labels inspired Selena to create clothing for her collaboration with Adidas.
107. Selena said that she likes to spend her free time with family and friends. Watch your favorite movies and eat popcorn.
108. Selena is very afraid of going to the dentist.
109. While watching scary movies, Selena covers her face with her hands.
110. Ramona and Beezus received mixed reviews, but most were good.
111. Ramona and Beezus got 3 million views in 1 night.
112. Selena loves Justin Bieber's "Baby" and Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" videos.
113. Selena has about 80 cousins ​​(sisters and brothers)
114. Selena likes to watch fireworks.
115. Selena loves crab salad.
116. Selena doesn't like being called Gomez.
117. She loves whipped cream.
118. As a child, Selena was very modest.
119. Selena's least favorite subject is Physical Education.
120. Selena first appeared on television at the age of 7, when she participated in the show “Barney and friends”.
121. Selena Gomez's height is 168 cm
122. The weight of Selena Gomez is about 55 kilograms. However, we all understand that weight is a variable characteristic.
123. Selena means “Moon”
124. Gomez owes her name to the popular singer Selena in those years. Her name translates as "Moon", which sounds very poetic.
125. Selena's favorite chocolate "snickers"
126. Selena loves to wear DOL glasses.
127. Selena loves chocolate chip ice cream
128. Selena's dressing room must have ice-cold drinks
129. Selena drinks tea with four spoons of sugar
130. Selena learned to read when she was 5 years old
132. When David saw the "Ring of Purity!" at Selena's, he thought she was married
133. Selena and Demi have a dance they came up with together
134. Her favorite drinks are tea and light colla.
135. Selena says that Justin is always worried when he can't get through to her.
136. Selena had a hard time yelling at Demi in Princess Protection Program because they were so close.
137. Selena saved up for a Britney Spears CD. As a result, she has all the Britney CDs
138. Selena could be a cook
139. Selena loves Friends
In January 2011, Gomez began receiving death threats via Twitter from Justin Bieber fans after they saw photos of Selena and Justin kissing.
141. Selena is proud of her fans and everything they do for her
142. Selena in Everyday life doesn't use her Selena Gomez perfume. She leaves it for special events.
143. Selena could not be a vegetarian, she loves to eat so much.
144. Usher saw Selena play with Justin's sister and he said "Selena will be a good mom!"
145. Five dogs live in Selena's house - Chip, Willy, Fiona, Wallis and Baylor
146. Selena first appeared on Radio Disney October 26, 2007
147. Selena's favorite shoes Converse sneakers
148. Selena now lives in Los Angeles with her mother and stepfather
149. selenium has a ring of purity
150. Selena according to the horoscope Cancer
151. Several times she received the title of a star who donates more money to charity.
152. Fulfilled the dreams of Selenators who were terminally ill.
153. Selena does not pay attention to the haters. Once a hater approached her and called her inappropriate words, to which Selena replied only "- You have a beautiful scarf"
154. One day, Selenator, who at that time had a birthday, met Selena and said that she had a beautiful bracelet. Selena gave this bracelet to her.
155. Adna Selenators have the largest fanbase in the world
156. A considerable number of stars expressed their admiration for the Selenators and their devotion to Selena. 157. Selenators have won many awards like "Best Fan Base".
158. Selenators support their idol in charity.
159. Despite rumors that Ms. Gomez's fans are only 12 year old girls, Selenators are most people over 20 years old. There were also older fans.
160. "Stars Dance" Selena's first solo album
161. The album "Stars Dance" had 97,000 first-week sales in the US
161. Album "Stars Dance" Reached number one on the Billboard Hot 200
162. Album "Stars Dance" The album includes the song "Love Will Remember", dedicated to Selena's relationship with Justin Bieber
163. Stars Dance reached #1 on US iTunes on its first day of release.
164. Album "Stars Dance" At the Young Hollywood Awards, Selena received awards for Favorite Fan Album and Most Anticipated Tour.
165. Album "Stars Dance" reached number one in the US, Canada and Mexico
166. "Stars Dance" Album went gold in Brazil 2 weeks after release
167. Stars Dance Debuted at #14 on the UK Best Selling Albums Chart
168. "Stars Dance" is the second album by a Disney star to reach No. 1 on the world chart.
169. Single Come and Get It went platinum twice in the USA
170. Come and Get It Received generally favorable reviews from music critics
171. Come and Get It Reached #6 on the Billboard Hot 100
172.Come and Get It Ranked No. 1 on US global radio rotation
173. Come and Get It Peaked the Top 40, beating Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
174. Come and Get It Stands alongside Madonna's song
175.Come and Get It Ranked #1 on the Billboard Dance/Club Play chart
176. Kiss and Tel Debuted at #9 on the Billboard 200
177. As of July 2013, it has sold 908,000 copies in the United States
178.Kiss and Tel Certified gold in the US, Argentina, Canada and Poland
179. In some tracks from the album Kiss and Te l, Selena herself plays musical instruments
180. stated that "Kiss and Tell" is a good start.
181. The best result of Kiss and Tel album is two second places in "Greek Albums Charts" and "Spanish Albums Chart"
182. Kiss and Tel sold 66,000 copies in the first week.
183. As soon as Selena saw Justin at her birthday party, she cried with happiness.
After the birthday party sat home, Miss Gomez did not return.
184. At the birthday party, Justin did not leave Selena a single step. They hugged and kissed from time to time and allowed themselves little vulgarities.
185. Selena got too drunk at her birthday party and started throwing up. Justin was there and held her by the hair. He took care of her throughout the evening.
186. Justin arrived at the birthday party at midnight, dressed with a green bomber jacket and holding a red rose for the birthday girl.
187. For 30 minutes before the end of the party, Justin and Selena retired from all the guests in a separate room.
Justin and Selena left the birthday party sat down together at 2am holding hands and they
hiding from the paparazzi under huge umbrellas.
189. Selenur says that the Selenators are not her fans but her family
190. Selena often wears a bracelet that Jake T Austin gave her, and until a certain time she wore a purity ring.
191. At the tca2013 ceremony, she said "This is not my award, but yours!"
192. Selena has not even front teeth, she wanted to put braces, but it was too late.
193. The four videos that appear on screen during Selena's performances are "doors" leading to different moments in Sel's life.
194. Selena loves to walk in 3D just to wear her glasses.
195. Selena considers Bella Thorne talented and bright.
196. This girl's favorite fruit is mango.
197. Selena said that the Russian language is the most Difficult language in the world, but she warned that she would learn a few words for her fans.
198. At school, Selena used to get into trouble because of disagreements during the lesson
199. Selena has been spotted many times with gifts or jewelry from fans.
200. Selena loves to be photographed

Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992. She is a Hollywood actress and singer, known for her roles in the series of the Walt Disney Channel. Her height is 176 cm, her parameters are 86-61-91 cm, and her weight is 53 kg. Selena started her acting career at the age of 7, and in 2004 it was opened by the Disney channel. Gomez began her career as a singer in 2008, having previously recorded songs for Disney Mania (2006). Once the actress was hospitalized because she paid little attention to the diet. Now she is turning Special attention on your diet and exercise. Let's see what kind of diet and exercises he adheres to.


Selena Gomez does not need hard workouts and complex exercises, as she is already very slim and fit. She does very light exercises to keep her body flexible and healthy, however she follows a very healthy and strict diet. In fact, the actress does not train so much: in gym she mainly does cardio exercises that help improve stamina and increase strength. Selena prefers to work on a treadmill, on a bicycle, to engage in mixed training and, of course, does not forget about dancing and aerobics.

Diet and additional measures

As we have already mentioned, the actress follows a healthy strict dietary regimen. In most cases, she eats the dishes that her mother cooks.

Selena Gomez Diet:

  • Breakfast - 2 eggs, a slice of black bread, a glass of juice, sometimes an omelette with mushrooms, onions, cheese, etc. In total, Selena consumes only 250 calories for breakfast.
  • Lunch - poultry meat (for proteins), a simple meal that her mother cooks at home. When Gomez works on set, he sometimes eats pasta, pizza and drinks. Orange juice for energy. In total, she consumes 350 calories for lunch.
  • Dinner - the actress likes Italian cuisine, so she does not eat fatty foods. For dinner, she consumes 850 calories.

beauty and health- these are the things that are always relevant for any woman. Often there is not enough time not only for sleep, but even as a human being there is no way to have lunch. Worries about work, about the house, cleanliness and comfort in it, caring for children occupy all our time and little by little take away our beauty and freshness.

But we are domestic women, and we practically do not lead an active public life. Therefore, looking at famous women, which, in addition to everything else, should also look 100 percent, we ask ourselves the usual logical question: how do they succeed with such a load?

Fast passage:

Despite her achievements in music, numerous film roles and participation in a TV show on the Disney Channel, it is impossible not to agree that she is a true beauty. She is beautiful, slim, fit and, despite such a busy schedule, she always manages to look just great. FHM even named her one of the 25 Sexiest Women in the World.

The question is, how does she do it all? Well, we will not torment you and tell you everything in detail.

Selena Gomez Diet

As it turned out, Selena Gomez's beauty secret has absolutely nothing to do with what the girl eats. She just loves fast food. The girl does not deny herself Snickers, M & M's, Kit-Kat and Goober bars, while not at all striving to change her diet and switch to healthy food. It turns out that the young star even ended up in the hospital with food poisoning and exhaustion in 2012, of course, all this would not have happened if she had adhered proper nutrition. The star admits that she always ate a lot, and even knowing that such food is unhealthy, she is unable to deny herself sweets.

After her hospitalization, MTV News nutritionist Lisa Kohn of Park Avenue Nutrition advised Selena Gomez on several ways to change her diet to avoid recurring complications. The star was advised to replace her love of sweets with various foods that saturate the body with energy, such as berries, fruits, fresh cilantro and lentils. Bananas and peanut butter are also good alternatives to candy, they will help to get rid of hunger, saturate the body, but at the same time do not overload it like a large number of sugar and fat.

Given Selena Gomez's excessive love for junk food, the top tip for her is to just stay away from junk food. She had to eliminate processed fats from her diet, and this is all processed foods, from sausages and sausages to chicken McNuggets.

During her stay in the hospital, it was found that Selena Gomez had low iron levels in her blood, which could lead to anemia, so she was advised to saturate her diet with foods such as turkey, eggs, lentils and soybeans - all of these foods are natural sources. gland. Selena Gomez was also advised to consider replacing products containing milk with soy or skim milk, according to studies, these products contribute to the normalization of breathing, digestion, and the health of the vocal cords.

It may sound harsh, however, the star was not told to completely give up her favorite food. She was advised to follow the eighty-twenty rule, according to which 80% of the time the star should eat exclusively healthy, healthy foods, in the remaining 20% ​​of the time she can eat whatever her heart desires - sweets and fast food. This helps her continue to enjoy her usual food, but at the same time maintain the health of her body.

Selena Gomez workout

Considering that the star is constantly filming in various films and shows, and is also under camera flashes, she simply has to look slim and healthy. In this, Selena Gomez is helped by her passion for dancing. She dances at Pop Physique Studios in Silver Lake, California.

The class is a mix of ballet, pilates, strength training, stretching and a series of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body. This workout activates all the girl's muscles, which is why the star looks so amazing!