Let's not be deceitful. Pilaf (including pilaf with chicken) - real, famous, Uzbek - is not at all the pilaf that we cook in our kitchen. The most delicious and “correct” pilaf is cooked in a cauldron on a fire by an experienced pilaf cook who has cooked more than one cauldron. And this is a real culinary art with a couple of dozen very secret secrets.

But in our life, where there are not many opportunities to try real lamb pilaf in a cauldron, there is an opportunity to cook pilaf with chicken in your own kitchen in a saucepan. Modest and tasteful. And oh, what taste! Yes, adapted and edited. So what? Culinary arts don't have to be exact science. But it can be very contagious. Ready!

Editorial. For our taste, the rice in this recipe for chicken pilaf is chosen unsuccessfully. We recommend replacing it with devzira, paello rice, or at least basmati.


  • rice - 400 grams
  • chicken - 500 grams
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams
  • carrots - 400 grams
  • onion - 3
  • salt, zira - to taste


    The most important thing for chicken pilaf is food, especially rice, it should be very good quality(I cooked from arborio). And, of course, seasonings. The most common is zira, or cumin (he is in the photo).

    But if you don’t have zira, replace it with a ready-made pilaf collection - as a rule, it includes both cumin and barberry. Other spices are controversial.
    By the way, seasonings are different in different cuisines, because even European cuisines perfectly mastered oriental pilaf, bringing their taste and technological accents to it.

    If you have a whole chicken, cut it into portioned (not too small) pieces.
    Wash thoroughly, let the water drain, put in a bowl and salt. Leave for 2 hours (it is ideal to do this on the eve of the day of cooking pilaf).

    Important point . Wash the rice(for pilaf, rice must be washed, but the Italians will be outraged by such a proposal). To make it crumbly, not porridge, you need to wash off the dust and starch powder, which causes sticking.

    Wash the rice in warm water at least 3 times, in cool at least 5-6, until the water is clear and the rice is pearlescent.

    It is best to wash in a wide and deep bowl, rubbing rice between the palms. Soak clean rice in warm salted water.

    Prepare vegetables.

    Important point 2. Peel the onion from the husk, do not wash (if you really need to wash it, be sure to dry it with a napkin - the onion will subsequently be thrown into boiling oil, wet will create a strong “noise”, which can cause the oil to ignite). Cut into half rings 2-3 mm thick.

    Wash the carrots twice: before and after peeling. Cut into strips (first along the plates, then across (the average thickness is 2-3 mm, it can be thinner or thicker, it all depends on your love for this vegetable).

    Important point 3. Pour the oil into a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) and heat it up. Overheating of oil is the key to tasty and healthy pilaf. Strong heating of the oil improves taste qualities and digestibility.

    When reheating, you can add an onion head, which will play the role of a sorbent, and also help neutralize harmful impurities in vegetable oil (blackened onions must be obtained).

    Put the onion in the overheated oil and sauté over high heat (actually, the picture is about this).

    Then put the chicken pieces and fry until golden brown also over high heat.

    Then add carrots (you can fry until half cooked).

    Put salt and spices, such as cumin and a few pieces of raisins. You can add washed and unpeeled head of garlic, barberry.

    Pour in water, it should be about 1.5-2 cm above the meat and vegetables.

    Important point 4. Now you need to cook zirvak - the basis of pilaf. Boil over very low heat after boiling so that the zirvak does not turn out cloudy from boiled carrots (if the boil is strong and the carrots boil, the pilaf will be sticky). It should be languishing chicken and vegetables, and the longer the better.

    When the chicken is ready, add the rice.

    Now be especially careful. Flatten the rice by smoothing it with the back of a slotted spoon, pour water through it so you don't make indentations in the rice. The amount of water depends on the quality (water absorption) of the rice. Average level water - above the rice layer by 1.5-2 cm.

    Important point 5. After laying rice make a strong fire so that the boil is even and vigorous. The intensification of the flame leads to the fact that fat boils at the bottom, and the water, turning into steam, rises to the rice layer (it is impossible to photograph this, alas)). If you do not add fire, then chicken pilaf will turn out to be viscous. Uneven boiling will lead to the fact that the core of the cereal will be undercooked. And this, as you understand, is completely useless.

    After the pilaf begins to boil, reduce the heat, but watch for the evenness of the boil.

    If there is not enough water during the cooking process, you can gradually add warm water from the kettle.

    Important point 6. Excess liquid must be evaporated by briefly increasing the fire and stirring the rice layer so that the lower layer is not affected. Careful.

    At this stage, the food should be tasted for salt and salted if necessary. Also top up. The average cooking time for chicken pilaf after laying rice is about 30 minutes.

That, in fact, is all. Once you try it, you "understand the technology with your fingertips." By repeating the second time, you will feel confident. Having done the third, you will learn how to teach daughters, girlfriends, colleagues and neighbors. So it turns out that absolutely everyone who treated themselves to it will need to cook chicken pilaf according to your recipe ...

How to serve chicken pilaf? If pilaf is served to guests on a large platter, then remove all the pieces of meat from the pan, transfer the rice to the dish, and put the chicken on top. If you lay out in portions, then put rice and a piece of chicken on each plate.

Pomegranate seeds, fresh vegetables and salads from them can be served with chicken pilaf.

Another one, also with chicken, but with a different kind of rice.

Such a famous and popular dish as pilaf has ancient origin and its origins goes to Central Asia and India.

In our time, this dish has gained particular popularity in the countries of the Near and Middle East, as well as in some regions of the Transcaucasus.

Despite great amount recipes for cooking pilaf, all of them are characterized by the presence of one small feature, which consists in combining two groups of ingredients: various kinds meat (zivrak) and a certain type of cereal.

The most common cooking method in Russia is a combination of lamb and rice with the addition of various spices and seasonings, and in a more modern version, lamb is replaced by chicken.

To learn how to cook chicken pilaf correctly, you need to be patient and boldly get down to business.

Criteria for choosing rice for pilaf

Well-chosen rice can not only create the right texture of the dish and perfect appearance but also completely change the taste.

The most common types of rice for pilaf are hard varieties with elongated white grains.

The use of crushed or polished rice can lead to the fact that instead of an oriental treat, you get ordinary porridge.

  • only fluffy rice of the correct form, which does not stick together and does not burn during cooking, has the right to become an ingredient in such a dish as pilaf;
  • during cooking, the grains should increase in volume;
  • ideal are medium-grained and long-grained varieties that have an oblong or elongated shape;
  • ideal rice should not have a smooth, but slightly ribbed surface;
  • while preparing this delicious dish water, fat and spices should be absorbed into the grains of the cereal, thereby filling the dish with a unique aroma.

Preparing food and dishes

A cauldron or any other container that is a deep thick-walled shape is considered an ideal dish that is suitable for cooking real pilaf.

It is advisable to cook this dish in a cast iron pan.

It will ensure uniform heating of cereals and all other constituent ingredients.

Using dishes with thin walls and a bottom will cause the rice to constantly burn and its appearance will become completely unattractive.

The most important component in the dish is zivrak, which is a traditional roasting of meat, onions and carrots.

Carrots are best cut into strips, and not grated, as most housewives are used to doing.

To prepare pilaf with chicken, you can use both the carcass of the bird and its fillet, which are pre-cut into large pieces, since smaller pieces of this tender meat can simply fall apart.

In order for the dish to turn out crumbly, you must use the following tips for preparing rice:

  • to get rid of the gluten of the cereal allows it to be thoroughly washed in several waters;
  • washed grains should be dried in a regular colander or with a clean towel;
  • for original and unusual taste groats should be fried a little over low heat.

Classic chicken pilaf recipe

Rice with chicken meat is one of the simple dishes that can be prepared by a person who has nothing to do with cooking.

Cooking steps step by step with a photo:

  1. Poultry meat is cut into small cubes of about 2-3 cm.
  2. Carrots and onions are coarsely chopped. As a result, all prepared ingredients should be obtained in equal proportions.
  3. A small amount of oil is poured into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom, which is brought to a boil. Pieces of chicken are placed in the resulting heated mass and fried until a light golden crust appears.
  4. Next, carrots are added to the meat and also fried over low heat. After that, onion and garlic are placed in the resulting mixture, which are sautéed until a slight yellowness appears. All roasting is carried out with constant stirring.
  5. A thin layer of rice is poured into a pan with a fried mass on top, poured with two glasses of water, salt and spices are added to taste.
  6. The languishing dish must be closed with a lid and continue to simmer over low heat for 25-35 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. After that, the rice is mixed and collected in a small hill, inside which holes are made.
  7. Cover the pot again with a lid and continue to cook pilaf over low heat for about 35-45 minutes. Make a test and put out the fire. You can serve immediately or let it steep for a bit.

If you want to better understand the cooking technology, then we present to your attention a video recipe.

After viewing it, you can confidently realize this culinary idea for dinner today!

A quick recipe for pilaf with minced chicken

For pilaf lovers who are always in a hurry and never manage to do anything, I would like to offer quick recipe with the addition of minced chicken.

On not in large numbers sunflower oil until golden brown, chopped onions and carrots are sautéed, to which they send a tablespoon of tomato paste, 100 g of water and continue to simmer all the ingredients together.

The rice is washed several times until the water runs clear and then added to the steamed vegetables.

Rice and vegetables are laid out in layers in the prepared container - minced meat and so on several times in a row, boiling water is poured in proportions of 1: 1 and put on fire for further cooking.

After the dish boils, add a few cloves of garlic, salt and various spices to taste.

Now the whole mass can be mixed, covered with a lid and left on low heat until fully cooked.

When the dish is ready, it should be removed from the heat and left for a few minutes without opening the lid, which will allow excess liquid to be absorbed into the rice.

Seasonings and food additives

Depending on the seasonings used, Asian and European pilaf are distinguished.

The basis of the first type is spices such as zera and barberry, and the second is prepared with the addition of paprika, black pepper and various herbs.

Zera is an Indian cumin seed characterized by its small size and dark color coloring, as well as a very sharp and pleasant aroma.

It is better to use whole grains, which will give pilaf a pleasant taste.

Barberry is a source of vitamin C and also contains citric, malic and tartaric acids.

It should be added in its entirety, which will avoid the sour taste that appears when the integrity of the berry is violated.

European seasonings are based on such a set of ingredients as: salt, black pepper, paprika, onion and garlic.

This mixture gives the dish a brown color, and also highlights the taste of pilaf from the Asian version of the dish.

For homemade chicken pilaf, you can also use ready-made spice mixes, which are widely offered by the retail network.

  1. Adding 1 tablespoon of salt to the water for washing cereals will completely wash off the powder from it and protect it from crumbling;
  2. Stirring 1 teaspoon of melted butter in pilaf will protect dishes from salty taste;
  3. Cleanly washed dishes will not allow the mass to burn;
  4. A small amount of grape vinegar will get rid of the taste of undersalted rice.

When choosing another soup recipe for lunch, opt for Beetroot. It is very beneficial for the body. Full information and the recipe you can find

Go to the article and remember the good old recipes for potato pancakes. For some reason, some housewives forgot this dish, but this is in vain, because it is so tasty!

Despite the abundance of pilaf recipes not only with chicken, but also with other types of meat, the main secret of this oriental dish is the love and soul of the cook, which he must invest in all stages of cooking.

Then the dish will turn out really tasty and original.

Pilaf is considered one of the most popular dishes not only in the countries of the East, but also in many regions of Europe.

The preparation of this dish is a long and painstaking process with its own characteristics and secrets, but if desired, anyone can learn this art.

Agree that the more familiar option is Uzbek.

Therefore, for all those who want to know how to cook Uzbek chicken pilaf and how this process differs from the usual one, we have prepared a video:

Pilaf with chicken, recipe

How to cook pilaf with chicken, step by step recipe with photo. Cooking delicious pilaf with chicken. Crumbly pilaf with chicken in a cauldron. Chicken pilaf at home.

The word "pilaf" makes many housewives dumbfounded and associated with a formidable bearded man who sits by the fire in a large hat and conjures over a cauldron. Everything is not so scary, cooking pilaf is not difficult, the main thing is to follow a few rules and choose good rice. We are preparing now pilaf with chicken, the preparation of this dish is not much different from the preparation of pilaf with sheep meat, but nevertheless, pilaf with chicken is easier and good result not hard to achieve. To this, I can say that pilaf with chicken meat enough diet dish and it can be safely given to children.

We will discuss some of the features of the preparation of pilaf below.

We will need:

  1. Whole chicken 1.5-1.7 kg
  2. Onion 3-4 pcs.
  3. Carrots 2-3 pcs.
  4. Sesame oil 50 ml.
  5. Vegetable oil 20 ml.
  6. Seasonings for pilaf, zira, barberry, you can have a little saffron, turmeric for color, ground black pepper.
  7. Garlic 1 head
  8. Rice 0.5 kg.

Rice is better to take long-grain, steamed, with such rice pilaf will turn out crumbly. If you take round-grain rice of the Kuban type, then the pilaf will be mushy. Success and taste of pilaf will bring a lot of onions, carrots and garlic.

We thoroughly wash the chicken, remove the chicken fat and remove the skin from the chicken.

Now you need to cut the chicken meat from the bones. Some people cut chicken into pilaf with bones, but this is not right, especially since we want children to eat this dish.

Chicken bones can not be thrown away, but frozen, useful for broth.

Chicken meat cut into small pieces.

Onion cut into quarters of rings.

Wash the rice under running cold water.

We start cooking. To cook pilaf with chicken, I usually use a cast-iron cauldron or a cast-iron pan with a thick bottom. If there is no pan with a thick bottom in the arsenal, then it will be difficult to cook pilaf. Mix vegetable and sesame oil, warm up. Throw onion, fry until golden brown.

When preparing mutton pilaf, the meat is dipped into the so-called "zirvak" - a mixture of tail fat, onion and spices. Here we will do it a little differently. Add the chicken to the fried onions.

Fry the meat with onions, the fire is large.

Now add seasonings, salt. Fry the chicken with seasonings a little more. The chicken will give juice - that's good, we try to keep it.

Carrots cut into long thin strips or grated on a coarse grater.

Spread the carrots in an even layer on top of the chicken meat.

We boil water in a kettle. Throw out the rice.

With a spatula, spread the rice in an even layer over the carrots.

Now the most subtle moment: "How much water to pour into pilaf?" I pour by feel. For reference, pour water about 1-1.5 cm above the rice. Water is better to have a little more than less.

Water should be boiling water, pour carefully, in a small stream along the wall.

We turn on a strong fire, wait until it boils. We put the peeled garlic cloves (whole) into the rice.

Reduce heat to low and cover with a lid. will languish for about 30-40 minutes. It is impossible to interfere with pilaf. We cook pilaf until the rice is ready. You can use a thin knife to make holes in the rice to see if the rice has taken all the water or not. If you didn’t guess with water, then add a little boiling water, no one will eat crispy rice. Pay special attention to rice, which is located at the edges of the cauldron.

Ready, the pilaf turned out to be friable, the rice was well cooked. For pilaf, it is always good to stand a little after cooking. We cover the cauldron with a towel, let it come a little.

Pilaf with chicken is a self-sufficient dish.

Pilaf with chicken is a delicious compound dish that is in demand in all countries of the world, and is calling card for most countries Central Asia. The main and invariable ingredient of pilaf is rice, but the rest of the ingredients in this wonderful dish may vary depending on the pilaf recipe and the place of origin of the dish.

Meanwhile, regardless of where to prepare the dish, professional chefs always take it very seriously. Carefully choosing products for cooking and slowly preparing the dish itself. It turns out that making a really tasty pilaf at home is not an easy task, but we will try.

Now we will tell you how to cook pilaf with chicken at home and show you several cooking options. And also share some cooking tricks different ways.

Pilaf with chicken in a pan - quick and easy

A delicious lunch will be a pleasant moment in the life of every family. For such a case, a quick pilaf with chicken in a pan is suitable. It is chicken meat that is required for simple recipe pilaf. The taste and aroma of a tender treat will amaze the whole family.

For the cook, it will be a big plus that the dish can be cooked in a pan, and most importantly, in a short period of time. The rich, appetizing smell of delicious chicken and rice pilaf will spread throughout the kitchen instantly and will not allow anyone to remain indifferent! Even the kids will love the chicken pilaf!

Required Components:

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 120 g of onion;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 300 g of rice;
  • 600 g of water;
  • garlic - head;
  • to taste seasonings for pilaf;
  • salt to taste.

Pilaf with chicken in a pan - a step-by-step recipe with a photo:

Peel the carrots, then rub them coarsely. Peel the onion, chop it with a knife. Fry vegetables for vegetable oil.

You don't need to deep fry, just brown a little.

Chicken meat should not be cut into large pieces. The pieces must be even. Place meat in skillet with vegetables.

It will take 5-7 minutes to fry. Moreover, the fire should not be strong.

Pour the rice cereal into the pan. Pour in water immediately.

Following these products, you need to add salt and spices. Mix everything carefully.

Divide the head of garlic into cloves, but do not peel them. Send the garlic cloves to the pan.

Close the lid. Simmer everything on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Don't mix anything.

Fragrant quick pilaf with chicken cooked in a pan can be eaten. Bon appetit!

Real Uzbek pilaf - recipe with chicken, rice, onions and carrots

To cook Uzbek pilaf for 7-8 people, you need to take:

  • 750-850 g chicken fillet (meat should be fresh, with a pleasant smell);
  • from 800 g to a kilogram of rice (rice for pilaf should be taken only white, long);
  • 2-3 large onions (about 300 g large onion sweeter, we recommend it);
  • 600-700 g carrots;
  • 0.4 l. sunflower oil (take strictly odorless, do not replace olive oil);
  • spices for pilaf and salt to taste (spices can be purchased at any store, they should be marked “for pilaf”).

The classic Uzbek pilaf is cooked with lamb. But this type of meat is not suitable for everyone. Chicken meat is less fatty, so it goes well with all products in any dish. In addition, it cooks faster.

Cooking delicious pilaf with chicken meat - a step by step recipe with a photo:

We buy long, white rice for pilaf, wash it and soak it in salted water for an hour and a half.
While the rice is being prepared, let's take care of the rest of the products. Wash the chicken fillet thoroughly, cut into large pieces. Approximately, the mass of one piece to be 40-50 grams.

We heat the pan or cauldron, where we will cook, together with the added 400 grams of sunflower oil, to a temperature of 170-180 degrees. Fry the pieces of meat in boiling oil so that they are slightly browned on all sides.

Onion, peeled, cut into halves of rings (you can quarter if you took very large onions). Add to meat and continue frying. Peel the carrots, cut into small strips.

Attention! Carrots for Uzbek pilaf are not grated, they are cut into thin strips of different lengths and widths, that is, arbitrarily.

We put the carrots to the onions fried with meat. We continue to fry everything together, not forgetting to mix the products during cooking.
Put the rice in a saucepan, add water.

Attention! The proportion of water and rice when cooking cereals should be 1 to 1. That is, for a glass of rice, a glass of water, respectively.

Mix the fried ingredients for pilaf, salt them to your taste. Pepper, add spices (purchased in a store, you can buy it specifically for Uzbek pilaf, but any marked “for pilaf” will do). Add half a glass of water.

We cover the products with a lid and, without opening it, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Boiled half-cooked rice, along with the water in which the cereal was cooked, spread in an even layer on top of the meat with vegetables. We do not cover with a lid, leave it to cook on the same fire until the liquid from the cauldron or pan has completely evaporated. All this will take about half an hour - 40 minutes.

Ready Uzbek pilaf, carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the rice grains, mix with a spatula. The dish is ready. Serve Uzbek pilaf with chicken should be put on a plate in a small slide and sprinkled with pieces of fragrant chopped greens on top.

Pilaf with chicken and dried fruits azerbaijani style

Fragrant Baku pilaf with dried fruits and chicken. Each housewife, as it seems to her, knows how to cook chicken pilaf, but we are sure that many of them do not know our recipe yet.

We will tell you how to cook pilaf with chicken and dried fruits. This is how the dish is prepared and served in Azerbaijan, and those who, at least once there and tried this dish, certainly wanted to have a recipe for such a delicious dish in their home, we will provide it to you.

So, how to make pilaf with chicken with the addition of dried fruits, a real Baku (Azerbaijani) pilaf.

To prepare 7-8 servings you will need:

  • rice (suitable perfectly "basmati") - 3 full glasses;
  • 1200-1400 g chicken (1 piece);
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, figs and raisins in equal proportions) - 120-130 g each;
  • butter - 250 g (1 pack);
  • barberry - 1 table spoon;
  • cumin seeds - 1 spoon. table.

Cooking pilaf with dried fruits, a recipe from Azerbaijan in steps:

Rinse the rice and be sure to dry it. Add about two liters of water to the pan, salt to taste, boil the rice for about seven to eight minutes. It should be almost ready (the grains are semi-soft). Drain the water from the rice (you can use a colander).

Put a little oil (about 70 g) in a cauldron, melt it a little and grease the walls of the dishes well.

Attention! Instead of a cauldron for cooking pilaf with chicken and dried fruits, you can use any pan with double or thick walls.

Chicken eggs beat in a bowl with a spoon boiled water until a small foam forms, pour this mass into a cauldron. Add cooked rice to the eggs, pour over 100-150 g of melted butter.

Cover everything with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. A crispy egg crust should form at the bottom of the pan or cauldron. As soon as the crust has formed, remove the cauldron from the stove. Wrap him in a blanket and set aside.

Wash all dried fruits well. We spread them on a paper towel to dry, and then fry for 5-7 minutes in a pan, greased butter(about 70 g of oil).

Pour one and a half cups of boiling water to the fried dried fruits, close the lid. Simmer over low heat until food is soft.

Cut the chicken, remove the skin. Remove bones, cut into large pieces. Cut the onion into half rings or slightly smaller pieces.

Pour chicken pieces with onions to dried fruits, mix. Pour about 70-80 grams of melted butter. Add barberry and zira, continue to simmer in a pan for about forty minutes.

Pilaf with dried fruits and chicken is ready. It should be served like this: first, a pile of rice is laid out on a plate. Then top with chicken pieces with dried fruits and golden fried onions. We sprinkle all this fragrant miracle with a broken egg crust, which served as a kind of bedding for rice being prepared in a cauldron.

Video: cooking delicious crumbly pilaf with chicken in a cauldron

Pilaf is a multinational dish with long history. Interestingly, it was originally vegetarian, but today it is difficult to imagine the dish under discussion without meat. Next, the story will go on how to properly and tasty cook pilaf with chicken.

Ingredients: 770 g chicken, 320 g each of onions and carrots, salt, 2 heads of garlic, a little less than a liter of filtered water, 410 g of rice for pilaf, spices.

Pilaf with chicken has become the standard of tasty and healthy food.

  1. Washed and dried chicken pieces are fried in a large amount of refined oil right in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. When they acquire a light golden hue, you can pour onion half rings and large long bars of carrots to the meat. Together, the products are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Salt and any seasonings are added to taste.
  4. Raw rice, washed to clear water, is laid out on top. Heads of garlic, freed from the husk, are stuck into it.
  5. Ingredients are poured with hot water.

Under the lid, pilaf is cooked in a saucepan for about half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated. There is no need to stir the dish during the process.

Cooking in Uzbek style in a cauldron

Ingredients: 1 carrot, a full glass of long-grain rice, 2 red onions, table salt, 270-290 g chicken, a pinch of barberry and sweet paprika, unrefined sunflower oil, 3 large garlic cloves.

  1. Carrots are peeled and cut into thin strips, onions - in half rings.
  2. In a cauldron with unrefined oil, one onion is first fried, and then it is cooked together with carrots. Vegetables should soften slightly.
  3. Next, large pieces of meat are laid in the cauldron, and then spices and salt are added to taste.
  4. Products are poured into a glass hot water and languish for 12-14 minutes under a closed lid with frequent stirring.
  5. Well-washed rice is laid out on top of the fry. In it in different places Peeled garlic cloves are stuck in.
  6. Another half cup of hot water is added.

After boiling, the dish is cooked under a lid over low heat until the liquid is absorbed.

In a slow cooker

Ingredients: large carrots, chicken quarter (300-350 g), refined oil, 380 g steamed rice, 630 ml water, onion, head of garlic, aromatic herbs.

Pilaf with chicken is a budget and dietary dish.
  1. First, randomly chopped vegetables are cooked in the frying or baking mode until golden brown.
  2. Next, pieces of chicken are laid out to them. Meat when cutting also does not need to be too small.
  3. Together, the products are fried until the chicken turns white.
  4. It remains to add aromatic herbs and salt.
  5. Dry rice and an unpeeled head of garlic are laid out on top. If the type of cereal is chosen correctly, then it is not necessary to wash it.
  6. Hot water is poured into the bowl of the smart pot.

Fragrant chicken pilaf in a slow cooker is cooked in the appropriate program until it ends. It is important to leave the dish to infuse for another 12-14 minutes in the heating mode.

With mushrooms

Ingredients: 2 onions, 280 g of mushrooms, 1.5 cups of rice for pilaf, 330 g of chicken fillet, 3 carrots, 3-4 cloves of garlic, refined oil, salt, a little bit of saffron, zira and turmeric.

  1. On strong fire carrot sticks and onion cubes are fried until golden.
  2. Then they are cooked already with fillet slices until it turns white.
  3. Thoroughly washed rice is distributed on top. The groats are leveled with a spatula, and after that, peeled garlic cloves are stuck into it.
  4. The mass is salted and filled with water. The liquid should be 1 cm above the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Under the lid, the future pilaf will languish for 17-20 minutes.
  6. At this time, mushrooms are fried in a separate pan.
  7. When the dish is almost ready, spices are laid in it. Laid out on top of the treat fried mushrooms. After that, pilaf should be infused for another 12-14 minutes.

Before serving, the dish is thoroughly mixed.

How to make pilaf with chicken in a pan?

Ingredients: 570 g of chicken, large carrots, 2 onions, 2 cups of Barakat rice, 4-5 garlic cloves, salt, refined oil.

Chicken meat is very tender and requires a minimum of cooking time.
  1. First, coarsely chopped vegetables are alternately fried in a frying pan. Then they are cooked already with chicken pieces. For such a dish, any parts of the carcass are suitable.
  2. The contents of the pan are salted.
  3. Washed rice is distributed on top, into which garlic cloves are randomly inserted. After that, 3 cups of filtered cold water are poured into the pan.

First, pilaf with chicken in a pan is cooked over high heat for 10-12 minutes, and then for another 12-14 minutes - over low heat. Before serving, treats need to brew for another 10 minutes under the lid.

Crumbly and tasty pilaf in the oven

Ingredients: 1 carrot, 7-8 chicken thighs, 270-290 g long-grain rice, aromatic herbs for pilaf, 3-4 small onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of sweet mustard.

  1. The flesh is removed from the thighs, salted and mixed with mustard. There should also be some meat left on the bones.
  2. Onions are chopped into cubes, carrots are cut into strips.
  3. Vegetables are laid out on the bottom of a glass dish. Washed rice is spread on top, and seasonings are sprinkled.
  4. The ingredients are mixed and filled with water, the level of which should be on a par with rice.
  5. Pickled pulp and bones with meat are laid out on top.

Under the lid, pilaf will be cooked in the oven for 90-110 minutes. A temperature of 180-190 degrees is enough.

With prunes

Ingredients: 2 carrots, 1.5 cups of faceted rice, 720 g of chicken, a head of garlic, 5 grams of turmeric and zira, 8-9 pcs. prunes, 2 onions, salt, fresh herbs.

You can diversify classic pilaf with prunes or other dried fruits.
  1. Vegetables are chopped and fried in refined oil. When they are reddened, spices, salt and chicken pieces can be added to the pan. Together, the products are cooked until the meat turns white.
  2. Well-washed rice is distributed on top. Garlic cloves and prunes are stuck into its surface in different places.
  3. Water pours out from above. It should be a finger above the level of the cereal.