What kind of symptoms do pregnant women not find in themselves: accumulation of gases (flatulence), cravings for salty and sweet, capriciousness, tearfulness, nausea and increased pigmentation. But thirst during pregnancy is not a sign of future motherhood.

However, it can become an integral part of his companion. This factor cannot be ignored, and first you need to find out the reasons for the increased need for fluid in the body.

Why do you always want to drink during pregnancy

Experts believe that there are two types of factors that cause intense thirst during pregnancy: chronic diseases and pathological conditions, as well as normal physiological processes:

  • it must be remembered that all metabolic processes and biochemical reactions in the body occur through fluid. During pregnancy, these phenomena become more frequent, the woman's body experiences increased stress and spends more energy. Hence the increased need for drinking;
  • due to the accelerated metabolism, the kidneys have to work in an enhanced mode “without days off”, it is not surprising that a woman is very thirsty during pregnancy, and a feeling of thirst accompanies her day and night;
  • against the background of a constant increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, the body of the expectant mother suffers significant moisture losses, so you have to drink a lot and often;
  • if a pregnant woman has undergone a change in taste preferences, and the amount of salty foods has increased in her diet, the body tries to remove excess salt. Naturally, you have to drink more water to make it easier for the kidneys to work;
  • due to the activation of the hematopoietic system, which prevents the formation of blood clots, in vascular system fluid accumulation automatically increases, which is the cause of intense thirst during pregnancy.

Also, the need for water may arise due to some disease. For example, diabetes mellitus, viral infection, bronchial diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

By the way, blood sugar levels in pregnant women are often elevated. If this fate befell you, you should consult with your doctor about the diet.

Sometimes a woman is constantly thirsty during pregnancy for a reason reduced hemoglobin. If you have anemia, it is not surprising that the body requires a lot of water.

There are situations when later dates arise edema, but thirst during pregnancy only intensifies. It would seem that it is worth limiting fluid intake, but no - the body needs water even more than before. The fact is that an actively growing fetus takes a lot of protein from the mother, “eats” muscle mass.

To reduce swelling in this case and prevent blood clots, you can give up fast carbohydrates - pastries, sugar, sweets, instead increasing the intake of proteins and foods containing protein.

If you are constantly thirsty, especially at night, share your concerns with your doctor. Sometimes thirst signals such a serious illness as preeclampsia, so let the specialist for safety net prescribe additional tests.

As you can see, the reasons why you may be tormented by intense thirst during pregnancy are pretty clear. Now let's figure out what drinks you can satisfy it with.

Faithful helpers in the fight against thirst

Naturally, if you are very thirsty during pregnancy, then you need to fight thirst, and not endure it. Fortunately, the range of drinks is quite wide:

  1. Water. Of course, the first and most correct is a simple pure water. Not only does it best satisfy thirst, but there are no contraindications to it;
  2. Mineral. You need to be careful with this drink. From medicinal waters it is better to refuse, but the dining room can be consumed within reasonable limits. However, it is better to choose mineral water without gas, so as not to burden the intestines. It is also worth paying attention to the composition and make sure that this water is mineralized in a natural way, and not by an artificial method;
  3. Juices. Of course, drinks made from fresh vegetables and fruits are good for expectant mothers and their babies. But you should approach the choice of juices with all responsibility, because their abuse is fraught with various complications. First of all, try to eliminate juices in packages or bottles from your diet. Product manufacturers often do not disdain sweeteners, flavors and preservatives. There will be no benefit from such a drink at all. Also note that exotic juices such as pineapple or mango are made from fruits that have undergone long-term transportation and storage, not always in favorable conditions. It is advisable to drink nectars of domestic production, grown in the CIS apples, cherries, plums, carrots. But it is best to drink a drink from freshly squeezed berries or fruits, prepared with your own hands. To do this, you need to choose on the market (but not in the supermarket) not too beautiful raw materials - in this, as a rule, there are no pesticides and nitrates. But do not forget that from sweet juices, thirst during pregnancy can only increase. Therefore, dilute them with water 1:1 and consume in moderation;
  4. Morses. Perfectly helps to cope with thirst fresh fruit drink from cranberries or lingonberries;
  5. Teas and decoctions. Both black and green tea contain considerable doses of caffeine, so they are on the list of dubious drinks for pregnant women. But if you can’t refuse them at all, choose varieties carefully, do not abuse additives that can cause allergies, and the strength of the drink. It is best to drink tea no more than 2 times a day, giving up sugar in favor of honey. And if possible, even switch to rosehip decoctions, dried fruit compote (uzvar), jelly, chamomile or mint tea.

For a pregnant woman in drinking, as in everything, moderation is important. Drink no more than two liters of fluid per day and be healthy!

Every woman has certain needs during pregnancy. And the husbands of such wives know firsthand what it's like to run cold winter looking for fresh strawberries, juicy watermelon or peaches. Some ladies dream of smelling gasoline or paint. It turns out that craving for a certain product means only one thing - a lack of vitamins or trace elements.

Food habits of pregnant women

If a pregnant woman wants something special, then this does not surprise anyone. Some passionately desire to get instant strawberries on a cold winter day, others want to eat herrings with ketchup or milk, and for some reason they want raw meat. It's much easier to find certain foods now than it was 20 years ago. In January, you can easily find strawberries, and even herring is sold in any store, what can we say about a piece of meat.

But the unusual combination of products that a pregnant woman dreams of sometimes simply amazes people. Why do food oddities occur? Why do you want meat during pregnancy? And most importantly, what is the reason for such a strong thrust?

Causes of "pregnant" vagaries

With the onset of pregnancy female body is being rebuilt. At the very beginning, the pregnant woman suffers from a gag reflex and nausea, and scientists associate these manifestations with the occurrence of food cravings.

Experts say that the female body enhances its work for the benefit of the fetus. That is why it gives signals to the brain that indicate certain needs. Doctors note the special effect of progesterone, which is the initiator of the inclusion of a "search engine". Your attending physician will be able to answer the question why you constantly want meat.

Sometimes food strangeness can harm the health of the unborn child and the mother herself.

Why meat?

As mentioned above, any preference for a pregnant woman is due to the action of a hormone called progesterone. Its amount increases significantly after fertilization, it works like an antivirus that reads information and sends signals about the need to the brain. Thus, progesterone helps the body to get the missing trace element or vitamin.

No need to worry about the emergence of a certain need and find out, for example, why you want meat. Doctors say that this product is simply necessary for pregnant women, because it saturates the body with protein and calcium, which the child needs so much. Every woman in interesting position should think both about herself and about the future baby.

Benefits of protein foods

Now it is advisable to explain what the benefits of meat are. It is worth considering each type of this product separately, highlighting its advantages.

Thanks to meat products, the work of taste buds, the stomach and pancreas is activated, and appetite also increases. Meat is a product that in large numbers contains B vitamins that prevent stress. These vitamins contribute to the normalization of the metabolic process, help break down fats in the liver, strengthen hair follicles, give hair shine and radiance.

In order for the pregnancy to be asymptomatic and easy, it is necessary to use this particular group of vitamins. In addition, the meat is endowed big amount phosphorus, calcium, sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine and magnesium.

The influence of meat on the child and the expectant mother

If a pregnant woman wants meat, why not eat it? The most popular type is chicken meat. It contains the most protein, linoleic acid, and B vitamins. These microelements enhance immunity, normalize the functioning of the heart and stomach, and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Duck meat and turkey meat are considered dietary products. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, skin. These products contain a special acid that destroys cancer cells. The undoubted advantage is that when cooking such meat, you can not use salt, because sodium in the composition gives sourness.

Why do you want pork meat? It's quite simple, because it contains a phenomenal amount of vitamin B, iron and protein, which the body requires. But it is worth noting that this product is absorbed longer than the rest.

But lamb is easily digested, which is rich in iodine, magnesium and iron. The body of a pregnant woman receives a double dose of these trace elements from one piece of lamb. In addition, lecithin lowers cholesterol levels, and lamb meat is rich in this substance. Why do pregnant women want lamb meat? The answer is simple: the body lacks iron.

How to cook?

Doctors and nutritionists agree that during pregnancy it is advisable to eat lean and fresh meat. You should not purchase and even more so cook a frozen product. Meat is best boiled, baked and stewed with vegetables.

It is worth noting that it is better to eat meat without broth, since the liquid absorbs harmful substances during cooking. It is undesirable to eat fried meat, it can cause heartburn.

If you always want meat, why not just cook it. You can cook soup, but only when getting rid of the primary broth. It is enough to drain it after boiling. You also need to remember that meat can be infected, so proper heat treatment is important, exposure high temperature and long boil. And this applies to any kind of presented product.

Why are you craving raw meat?

The addictions of pregnant women can be very unusual. Why do you want raw meat at this time? Here everything is clear as daylight - there is not enough iron in the body. Iron deficiency anemia occurs. Quite often there are cases of lack of hemoglobin in pregnant women - every third woman suffers from anemia in the second trimester. Hemoglobin is needed for the normal development of the fetus, and if it is not enough, then reserves are consumed, which are quickly depleted.

Anemia is the result of oxygen starvation, hormonal imbalance, which is typical for residents of large cities when a pregnant woman stays in a closed, unventilated room for a long time. Often doctors have to deal with situations when a woman in position dreams of chalk, coal, whitewash or raw dough - these are obvious causes of the same anemia. With a lack of iron, the body perverts taste preferences. That's why you crave meat so much. Even if it's raw.

Even experts still cannot understand why pregnant women want raw meat, how an indomitable desire arises to taste a piece of raw pork or minced meat. They only claim that in this way the body is trying to make up for the lack of iron, which is rich in raw meat. This is a subconscious reaction of the brain.

And of course, you can not use this product in its raw form, especially if we are talking about a pregnant woman. And the increased content of iron is not the reason for such an action.

What if you don't want meat?

Ladies in an "interesting position" need to eat the right and healthy food for the well-being and health of the baby. But what about vegetarians? Why don't you want meat during pregnancy? These women can't even stand the sight of him, let alone the taste.

Meat can easily be replaced with products such as eggs, fish, cottage cheese and milk. It is enough to eat legumes, nuts, buckwheat and pomegranate juice daily to make up for the lack of iron and protein. For the fetus, a stressful situation is when his mother, being an avid vegetarian, begins to consume meat immensely, which she had not even touched before. And here you should not listen to the recommendations of your beloved relatives, who claim that meat is simply a necessary and indispensable product during pregnancy, that the health of the baby depends on it.

If you are a vegetarian and wonder why other pregnant women crave meat, tell your doctor this detail. A competent specialist will not threaten and intimidate you, he will only help you choose the diet that is right for you. And if you doubt the competence of a doctor, then feel free to replace it with another.

Really! Science has proven that the hormone progesterone, which is especially active in the first trimester of pregnancy, is to blame for the emergence and change of taste preferences and habits in the body of pregnant women as a result of hormonal changes. It should be noted that during pregnancy, food preferences not only change and there is a desire to eat inedible, so to speak, “adequate” people, but completely new needs and desires appear.

As already known, progesterone is the hormone of pregnancy, which is responsible for its preservation and development of the fetus. Progesterone is produced in three places: the ovaries, the adrenal cortex and the placenta, which is formed at 16 weeks of gestation. From the moment of implantation, an increased synthesis of progesterone begins, that is, the attachment of the embryo to the uterine mucosa. In addition to such effects as relaxing the tone of smooth muscles, including the uterus, the “pregnancy hormone” also takes part in stimulating the growth of the mammary glands and prevents the rejection of the fetus directly by the body.

affecting the central nervous system, this hormone forms a focus of excitation in the brain - the dominant of pregnancy. Due to the increased content of the hormone in the body, a series of biochemical changes occur, which include a "search engine" in order to determine and use the substances necessary for pregnancy from the woman's body.

It follows from this that it is progesterone that determines the norm or lack of nutrients, and in case of a deficiency of the latter, it launches a special team to meet the necessary needs (trace elements, vitamins, proteins, and so on). Thus, the desire of a woman to eat chalk with a calcium deficiency or drink a glass of beer with a lack of B vitamins becomes understandable.

But one should by no means discount the psychological factors that play a role, and a considerable one, in changes in taste sensations in women. In many cases, a pregnant woman wishes, with her whim, unconsciously, and often consciously, to attract the attention of her husband or loved ones, being sure that what she wants will be brought to her on a plate.

One of the main culprits of changes in eating habits in pregnant women, up to a perversion of taste, is anemia of pregnancy. The most common form of iron deficiency anemia is due to iron deficiency. folic acid and vitamin B12.

Taste preferences are manifested in the form of a desire to eat ice or clay. Treatment of anemia consists in the appointment of iron-containing drugs, vitamins (group B, folic acid, vitamin C). In the diet of a pregnant woman, foods with a high iron content (liver, eggs, cottage cheese, beef, fish, buckwheat) should prevail.

As scientists explain, the categorical refusal to use some previously consumed products is associated with a protective reaction of the body. The mother's body tries to prevent the effects of toxins on the fetus. As already mentioned, an aversion to certain products occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the main organs and systems of the child are laid.

This can explain the reluctance to eat bitter foods (pepper, spices). Like all mammals, already at the level of instincts, the body regards all bitter substances as poisons (which is really true, attractive-looking, for example, wolfberries are not only dangerous, but also have pronounced bitterness).

What should a pregnant woman do if there is a complete or partial loss of taste? Most importantly, you need to seek help from a doctor. Even the slightest change in the ability to perceive the taste of products that occurs suddenly, or a rapidly developing taste perversion is the first sign that you need to seek help from your obstetrician-gynecologist and get a qualified medical care possibly with the participation of other specialists. Only after the exact cause of such a phenomenon is established, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Remember that self-medication can be hazardous to your health! Consult with your experts! Be healthy!

Often the question-complaint "Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy?" the doctor is asked by women at an early stage. In most cases, this is a normal condition that does not require treatment. After the fertilized egg enters the uterus and strengthens it there, the female body begins to increase the production of the hormone progesterone. Its excess is expressed in drowsiness, irritability and a feeling of depression.

A constant desire to sleep haunts a pregnant woman and recent weeks. At this time, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming labor activity. This state is also considered safe. In addition to the hormonal storm and chronic fatigue, there are a number of reasons why you want to sleep during pregnancy. Let's consider them in more detail.

Early pregnancy

When conception occurs, a woman's body undergoes massive changes. hormonal background. They affect everything internal organs and their systems. Here are a number of reasons due to which there is an irresistible desire to sleep.

  • Decreased immunity. If there is no weakening of protection, " foreign body", which is the embryo, will simply be rejected. This, as a rule, leads to a decrease in pressure, general weakness and drowsiness.
  • Avitaminosis. Since in this moment formed new organism, the reserve of nutrients (vitamins and other trace elements) begins to deplete.
  • Toxicosis. Many women are annoyed by toxicosis that exhausts them all day. Vomiting also contributes to flushing nutrients. As a result, anemia develops.
  • Stress. A pregnant woman needs more time to rest. But quickly switching to another mode is not always possible. Yes, and the modern rhythm of life is making its contribution. Therefore, even very calm women in the early stages are in a state of constant stress.
  • Nervous strain. This is due not only to the news of the upcoming replenishment, but also to the need to adapt to new circumstances, the desire to collect maximum amount information about the pregnancy. But you still need to think about how best to tell the news to others - relatives and employees. By the way, the attitude of colleagues directly affects the state of mind of a woman expecting a baby.
  • Prejudice. There are women who by all means try to hide their pregnancy from others. They argue this with the fear of the "evil eye". Here's another reason to worry.

Restructuring in the endocrine sphere disrupts the entire established working rhythm. It is forbidden to resort to the help of standard stimulants (strongly brewed tea and coffee) for pregnant women - too high a risk to health and to the fetus. At an early stage, it is allowed to overcome drowsiness with good nutrition, a reasonable balance of work and rest, healthy sleep, the duration of which should be at least 8 hours.

It would be great if employees would make concessions to their colleague in position and allow her to take small breaks to change positions or do exercises. After all, it should be uncomfortable for them to work if a tired person who really wants to sleep is constantly near them.

In the second trimester

If everything is more or less clear with drowsiness in early pregnancy, then where does it come from in the second trimester? The body has already seemed to have managed to get used to the new state and even developed its own regime, including mandatory visits to consultations. The people around congratulated and accepted the fact of pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences as a given. But, it turned out, not everything is so simple.

In order to get rid of depression, you need to walk more on the street, eat well, drink something relaxing before going to bed (for example, weak tea or a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey). If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe lungs sedatives and in severe cases, antidepressants.

The expectant mother should know that herbal therapy should, first of all, be asked by the doctor. In principle, it is possible for pregnant women to engage in herbal medicine, but very carefully. The list of permitted herbs is limited to valerian, mint and motherwort.

Shortly before childbirth

Starting from about 32 weeks of pregnancy, a few more are added to all the above causes of drowsiness:

Learning to sleep on your side should start from the second trimester. First, you should roll the blanket with a roller and put it under your stomach or back - it’s more comfortable for anyone to fall asleep. Then little by little, in a few days, you need to increase the height of the "roll".

On the stomach on recent months pregnancy is impossible to sleep. And on the back - it is not recommended, no matter how much you would like it.

If you constantly squeeze the vessels that supply food and oxygen to the uterus and lower limbs, there will be a violation of the reverse outflow of blood. As a result, the unborn child gets hypoxia, and his mother gets serious health problems.

Normal sleep at 38 weeks is almost impossible. There is an active preparation of the body for labor. Training fights do not allow a woman to relax even at night. Despite the fact that they last only 1-2 minutes, falling asleep after them is extremely problematic.

What to do if you want to sleep

When a mother-to-be carries a baby, her the main task- take care of both the child and your health. Therefore, quality healthy sleep is so important for a pregnant woman. One of the main rules of a woman in a position should be - "I sleep as much as I want." It is recommended not to take part in highly exciting entertainment. Best to spend free time for a leisurely walk that will help you fall asleep quickly and calmly. After returning from the street, it is good to take a warm shower and drink a glass of milk. In no case should you take a hot shower or bath, even if you really want to.

You need to go to bed early. A good motivator will be the realization that a successful pregnancy depends on it. It is advisable to go to bed before 22:00, since from this time until 01:00 sleep is considered to be of the highest quality. The bed should be of medium hardness. Sleeping expectant baby is recommended on the left side.

When a woman has already gone on maternity leave or works at home, she can freely set aside a couple of hours for daytime sleep. In the event that a pregnant woman is busy all day, she needs to properly plan her affairs in order to be able to sleep well at night.

Summing up

If the expectant mother is constantly struggling with an irresistible desire to fall asleep, but all her tests are in order and nothing else worries her, there is no need to run to the doctor. You just need to lie down and relax. After all, any restrictions on rest or sleep can adversely affect the health of a woman and she is not yet born baby. Overstrain threatens to increase the tone of the uterus - an extremely undesirable and even dangerous condition.

Sometimes constant drowsiness alarms a pregnant woman. Then she needs to create conditions for have a nice rest. For example, take a walk down the street before going to bed, and on weekends make a trip to nature. If there are no serious causes of malaise, these methods should help.

Pregnancy is a time of new sensations and various complaints. Expectant mothers may notice drowsiness or irritability, pain in the head and lower back, changes in taste or nausea, weight gain. Sometimes they notice that more and more often there is a desire to drink plenty of fluids. Is extreme thirst related to pregnancy?


Moderate or severe thirst is not a sign of pregnancy, although it occurs quite often during this period. Usually the desire to drink a lot occurs even on early dates, in the first or second trimester, and is more often observed during the day. However, nocturnal thirst also occurs. In the third trimester, the appearance of such a symptom along with edema is often noted.

The causes of this condition can be both physiological and pathological. However, the appearance of such a complaint should alert the expectant mother. It is best in this situation not to postpone the consultation of the attending physician.

If a strong thirst develops abruptly, among full health and it is almost impossible to quench it, a trip to a specialist should be immediate.

Physiological causes

Bearing a child is impossible without a complete hormonal restructuring of the female body. The volume of substances changes, blood flow increases, the speed increases chemical reactions.

The expectant mother must ensure not only the normal functioning of her body, but also the growth of the fetus. All this requires additional income fluids into the body and is manifested by the desire to drink a lot.

The physiological causes of thirst during pregnancy include:

  1. Change in metabolism. Water is the basis of all chemical reactions. If their number or speed increases, then the need for fluid also increases.
  2. Change in blood flow, which entails an increase in fluid volume.
  3. The appearance of amniotic fluid. It leads to additional expense fluids and the appearance of thirst, especially in the second or third trimesters. The desire to drink can become strong if the volume of amniotic fluid increases sharply or there is polyhydramnios.
  4. Intensive work of the kidneys. Because excretory system women have to work for two, all processes in them happen faster. This explains the more frequent desire to drink.
  5. Diet change. Expectant mothers often note the need for spicy, sweet or salty foods. After such dishes, thirst will intensify, sometimes quite strongly.

If the desire to drink is associated with physiological reasons, there is no need to be afraid of it. However, only the attending physician can determine the nature of thirst after certain tests.

Pathological causes

Although most often thirst during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon and can be easily corrected by changing the diet or drinking regimen, sometimes it can become a symptom of a dangerous disease.

Most frequent pathological causes thirst when carrying a child is:

  • Diabetes.
  • Toxicosis.
  • Preeclampsia.
  • Associated diseases.

Pathological thirst cannot be ignored. It can be suspected when you want to drink all the time and the inability to satisfy this desire with any drinks. This condition requires a complete examination and high-quality treatment, since its outcomes can be too serious.


Diabetes mellitus, or DM, can develop before conception or only during pregnancy. In the second case, it is called gestational and, with appropriate treatment after childbirth, safely disappears.

If a woman has not previously had any changes in blood sugar levels, then a sudden feeling of intense thirst may be a sign of onset gestational diabetes. In addition to the desire to drink, future mom may also have other symptoms:

  • Very frequent urination, or polyuria. Sometimes this symptom is called diabetes, so often you have to go to the toilet.
  • Increased appetite, or, conversely, its absence.
  • Weight loss.
  • Dry skin.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

The combination of such signs with a strong thirst for the first time indicates the development of gestational diabetes and requires an immediate determination of blood glucose.

If a woman is sick diabetes before pregnancy, then a pronounced desire to drink is associated with decompensation of this disease. This can happen during the gestation period, as sugar levels and stress on the body change significantly. But as a rule, people with a long history of diabetes know the warning signs, and if they are constantly thirsty, they go to the doctor in time.


Toxicosis in the early stages is often accompanied by vomiting. It can be single or - which happens more often - multiple times during the day. This condition can easily lead to dehydration, especially during the hot season.

With severe vomiting, the expectant mother will experience constant intense thirst. If you can’t cope with toxicosis and dehydration on your own, the woman will need treatment in a hospital - intravenous drip fluid.

Increasing thirst against the background of vomiting is a dangerous sign.


In the second half of pregnancy, preeclampsia may await the expectant mother. More often it is noted in the later stages, in the third trimester. Like toxicosis, it is a specific complication during the bearing of a baby.

In this case, first of all, women begin to complain about the appearance of edema. However, they in no way indicate an excess of fluid intake. On the contrary, it is a symptom of impaired kidney function, due to which water does not linger in the vascular bed, but accumulates in the surrounding tissues. She practically does not participate in the exchange. That is why, despite the growing swelling, the expectant mother will constantly be thirsty. And it is impossible to limit the flow of fluid in such a situation.

Concomitant diseases

During pregnancy, the defenses are reduced, and various diseases begin to attack the female body. Most often it is SARS, colds, pathologies respiratory system- pharyngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

These diseases are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which causes thirst. Also, the desire to drink arises from the emerging dryness of the mucous membranes.

The more liquid is ingested during illness, the faster the expectant mother will cope with it. Therefore, a wise organism reacts to the pathological process with increasing thirst.

To distinguish a pathological desire to drink from a physiological one, a doctor's consultation and a certain examination are necessary.


The doctor is able to suspect the true cause of thirst already during the interview and examination. However, there are a number of tests that are required when this symptom appears. First of all it is:

  1. Blood glucose to exclude or confirm diabetes mellitus.
  2. General urine analysis. It allows you to determine the protein that appears there only with preeclampsia.
  3. General blood analysis. Its changes indicate an inflammatory process.
  4. Biochemical study of blood. This is a set of indicators that help evaluate the functioning of the liver and kidneys, markers of inflammation, protein composition blood.

If necessary, other examinations, such as ultrasound, may be prescribed.


It is impossible to get rid of pathological thirst without treating the underlying disease. And the therapy in each case will be different:

  • Insulin in diabetes.
  • Saline solutions for dehydration.
  • Protein preparations for gestosis.
  • Anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs in case of concomitant diseases.

However, it is equally important to observe the correct drinking regimen. And in the case of physiological thirst, this is the only treatment option.

Drinking regime

While carrying a child, not all drinks are useful. Some are strictly not recommended for quenching thirst. Pregnant women can drink:

  • table water.
  • weak green tea.
  • compotes.
  • fruit drinks.
  • fresh juices.
  • herbal teas (allowed during pregnancy).

Under the ban is sweet carbonated water of all tastes and varieties, energy drinks, tonics, strong black tea, coffee.

Thirst during pregnancy can be common. But not to miss dangerous disease, you must inform your doctor about it.