When we talk about watermelons, we usually mean Astrakhan watermelons - the most popular in Russia. However, watermelon watermelon discord. In total, there are more than 1200 varieties of the largest striped berry.

Most Unique

Watermelon varieties "Densuke" will definitely not be able to collect from your own garden. It is grown in only one place on the planet - on Japanese island Hokkaido. However, main feature rare plant- his uncommon appearance. The black crust without a single strip is absolutely different from the traditional "coloring". But inside the watermelon is quite similar to its counterparts with juicy red pulp.

Harvest black handsome - no more than 10 thousand pieces. Unusual view and limited "circulation" determine the cost of goodies - about $ 250.

Not many people can afford such a treat. Interestingly, the auction proceeds from the sale of the first copy of "Densuke" exceeded 6 thousand dollars. So this watermelon can also be called the most expensive in the history of growing a crop.


To listen to “aha!” at the end of summer and "ooh!" from neighbors, looking with envy at a tiny, but grown at their side, watermelon, you have to make a lot of effort. It is not known what methods the American Lloyd Bright uses. Surely, the Arizona knows some secret, because since 1979, huge watermelons have been traditionally harvested on his farm.

In 2005, a world record holder was grown there - the watermelon "Carolina Cross", whose weight was 122 kg.

Russian agrarians after 4 years gave "their answer". Krasnodar resident Igor Likhosenko surprised everyone with a “berry” of 61.4 kg. Gossips it was rumored that the farmer grafted the watermelon to more powerful pumpkin roots, which made it possible to obtain an impressive result. However, in gardening and horticulture, as in war, all means are good.

The smallest

When you look at a watermelon with a diameter of several centimeters, you involuntarily think: why and who needs this?

It turns out that you still need it! The variety "Pepquinos" is actively bought up by fashionable restaurants around the world for the preparation of delicious salads and desserts.

Micro watermelons are not another achievement of breeders. Wonderful babies grow wild in South America. Our gardeners will definitely not be interested in them, because according to appearance watermelons are similar to gooseberries, and to taste - like cucumbers. There is enough of both in our gardens.

The most popular among Russians

Astrakhan watermelon is not just a watermelon. It's a brand! IN Soviet times it was "Astrakhansky" that made it possible to "catch up and overtake", making it possible to put new record harvested crop.

For resistance to diseases, excellent transportability and keeping quality, the variety is valued by manufacturers and retailers. Universal love buyers is also quite understandable - the traditional divine taste, delicious fresh aroma. Cut with a crunch - and the soul rejoices!

The most seedless

An indispensable component of a typical watermelon are seeds. For many, their spitting is an integral part of the ritual of eating treats. But not for everyone!

Probably, it was for those who are annoyed or tired of extracting seeds from the pulp that the seedless variety "Chervonny King" was bred.

The danger of choking on a seed, of course, has disappeared, but along with it, it seems, the charm of the moment of unhurried family gatherings has also disappeared. A huge dish in the center of the table, around - happy faces, smeared to the ears with watermelon juice ... Beauty!

Worst watermelon flavor

What does watermelon taste like? Many quite reasonably say: "Watermelon!" But the Astrakhan breeder Artem Sokolov will definitely answer differently, because his variety "Vector" has a unique nutmeg taste.

It appeared due to an increase in the amount of monosaccharides that are extremely useful for the body: glucose, the necessary “fuel” for the efficient functioning of cells, and fructose, a sugar that does not require insulin for absorption.

The curiosity was bred in 2013. At the same time, she became a laureate of the Watermelon Champion contest. By the way, Artyom's father Sergey Sokolov is the creator of the world-famous Lunny variety with amazing yellow flesh and a delicate lemon flavor.

The most unpretentious

For watermelon to ripen, it is necessary that the weather be dry and sunny all summer, the soil temperature does not fall below 10 degrees, the air temperature does not rise above 30. In general, there are too many “buts” to achieve a positive result. But is it in the nature of Russian people to despair and helplessly shrug?

Many years of practice has led to the conclusion that it is quite possible to grow watermelon in a greenhouse if you plant, for example, "Sugar Baby", which is not very picky about growing conditions.

Of course, it will not work to drive a giant on a garden wheelbarrow from the greenhouse to the house. But to throw in the trunk of "real watermelons" one and a half to two kilograms each, even for residents of the northern regions, is quite realistic.

Original taken from nathoncharova The biggest watermelon in the world

For a long time there was a discussion between melon growers from different countries. Watermelon - what is it, a berry, but very large, or does it still belong to the pumpkin family. They never came to a consensus, but it turned out that among the melon farmers there are fans of setting a world record. Every year the most gambling of them try to grow the most big watermelon in the world. Competitions recent years showed that residents of the United States of America are most successfully coping with the cultivation of giant watermelons. It is in that area that champions appear, who are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Azerbaijani giant

Melon growers from Azerbaijan managed to grow a watermelon weighing 119 kg, however, the seeds from which such a miracle turned out are brought from the USA. This variety is called Carolina Cross. This is a special variety of heavy and large oblong watermelons with light green stripes. For full ripening, such a watermelon needs about 100 days. But it is unlikely that the secret of such a huge weight lies only in certain seeds. Azerbaijani melon growers keep secret the true reason and the secrets that they used in the cultivation process.

Japanese record holders

A melon grower from Japan, Akinori Takomitsu, turned the cultivation of giant watermelons into enough profitable business. Such fruits are bought up with pleasure by restaurants and cafes, as they are not only large, but also sweet and juicy. The largest watermelon in the world, which this Japanese managed to grow, weighs 111 kg. True, he does not rely on mother nature, but uses the latest technical and agricultural inventions in his fields.

State of Louisiana, USA

The Sistrank family, who lives in the US state of Louisiana, also participates in the silent competition of farmers. And they occupy one of the highest places in this rating. The largest watermelon in the world, grown by these farmers, weighed just over 114 kilograms. It was in 2008, but the family is not going to stop at this record and continues its persistent attempts to surpass its own record.

The variety of watermelon they cultivate on their farm is an oblong watermelon with juicy and sweet flesh. According to these Americans, in order to grow such a giant, it is necessary to leave only one fruit on the bush, which needs special care every day. They do not hide the fact that the watermelon needs to be turned over every day with different sides to sunshine so that the fruit ripens evenly and is not saturated with excess moisture.

State of Tennessee, USA

Another representative of the American dynasties of farmers, Bill Carson grew a watermelon weighing 118 kilograms in his field. This record was recorded in 1990 of the last century. On his melons, he used only natural fertilizers that do not harm the human body, so this achievement is especially valuable. Do not think that such giant berries grow on their own. To achieve a high result, the farmer practically spends the day and night in his field, protecting the contender for the record from negative natural influences, and from wild animals, and sometimes from people.

State of Arkansas, USA

The Bright family, which has been growing gourds since 1979, has become a Guinness World Record holder. Despite the fact that farmers devoted almost their entire lives to this business, they managed to set a record and grow the largest watermelon in the world only in 2005. The variety that brought them worldwide fame is called Carolina Cross. But the Brights managed to beat their Azerbaijani counterparts by 3 kilograms. Watermelon weight - 122 kg. It took 147 days for this record holder to fully mature. At the annual farmers' fair, this record was officially recorded, and the family received a special diploma, which they proudly show to all visitors to their restaurant.

The berry that surprised everyone became the center of attention, and every visitor of the fair considered it his duty to take a photo as a keepsake. To imagine the full power of this watermelon, it is worth noting that its weight is equal to the weight of two adult women. Of course, it is impossible to eat such a watermelon on your own, even if the family is very large. The Brights arranged a real feast for the parishioners of the local church, and residents of almost the entire town gathered to enjoy the watermelon. Everyone who managed to try this watermelon noted its extraordinary sweetness, which is not typical for fruits of this size.

The biggest watermelon in the world

Every new record set by farmers all over the world haunted Tennessee farmer Chris Kent. In 2013, he managed to surpass all previous achievements and grow a watermelon that amazed all gardeners. The weight of his offspring is almost 159 kilograms, and so far no one has managed to surpass this achievement. The most interesting thing is that Chris is not a professional farmer and does not belong to the famous American farming dynasties. He is an ordinary accountant, and growing melons is just a favorite pastime for him.

The Commonwealth of the Great Pumpkin, which set the record at the weigh-in, awarded the amateur farmer with a diploma, and officially declared this berry the largest in the world. Before the start of the fair, Chris was visibly nervous - there was a rumor that another watermelon should be brought to this fair, which could compete with his record holder. Luckily for Chris, these were just rumors. In addition to moral satisfaction, this farmer got the opportunity to replenish his budget. The seeds that were collected from this fruit sold at a very high price ($40 for a small bag). And if you consider that there are no less than one and a half thousand seeds in a watermelon, then the income was very impressive.

After this exhibition, many gardeners-farmers practically lost sleep and up to today trying to surpass this result. It turns out that there are a lot of gamblers among the farmers, but so far none of them have managed to improve Chris's result.

For many, summer is associated not only with vacations and the sea, but also with juicy, red and delicious watermelon. This is one of the favorite summer treats for both children and adults. The birthplace of watermelon is considered South America. In this country, both small and huge specimens are grown. As a gourd culture, the Arabs first began to grow watermelon, and then the Jews.

Many agronomists from different countries have been arguing for a long time, but what kind of watermelon does it belong to? What is this? A genus of the Pumpkin family or a large berry? But even today the opinions of experts are divided. Only one thing is clear - this is a tasty and healthy fruit!

Regardless of which family this juicy delicacy belongs to, many farmers are trying to set a record. Their main goal is to grow the largest watermelon in the world.

Record-breaking watermelons

So, how much does the largest watermelon weigh? The latest data suggests that it is in the United States that they are best able to grow giants. But residents of other countries are also not far behind. Since the watermelon has taken root well in different countries, in each they strive to grow the juiciest and largest specimen.

Leadership in the cultivation of watermelons belongs to the following countries:

  • Türkiye;
  • China;
  • Iran;
  • Brazil.

Delicious giant from America

The largest watermelon in the world was first registered in the US in 2005. He weighed 122 kilograms. No one has yet managed to break this record. This specimen was included in the Guinness Book of Records. This juicy giant grew on personal plot about 6 months. The large weight of the watermelon did not allow him to carry it to the scales. He was carried on a large cart.

After 3 years (in 2008), another giant grew up in America. In the state of Louisiana, a delicacy weighing 117 kilograms was grown. This weight did not allow breaking the previous record, but the farmers decided not to stop there. They promised to please everyone in the future with a new record holder.

Truly, a real giant was grown in 2013 in Tennessee. An American was able to grow a watermelon weighing almost 159 kg. This specimen has been officially registered as the largest watermelon in the world. And Chris Kent became famous throughout the country thanks to this. In addition, the fact that Chris is not engaged in agriculture professionally, is not a representative of the famous American farming dynasties. By profession, he is an ordinary accountant, and his hobby is growing melons and gourds.

Chris assures that he will again fall into the Guinness Book of Records. He can grow the biggest watermelon again.

China record holders

China - this country is always at the hearing. She cannot boast of clear records in the cultivation of watermelons. The largest specimen grown in this country weighed 70 kg. But Chinese agronomists excelled in another way, because they brought out a new variety. And today you can buy a watermelon in the shape of a heart, a cube or a pyramid. Chinese breeders believe that fruits of this form will be stored for a long time. In addition, this form is reflected in the taste of the fruit - it becomes more juicy and bright.

By the way, tourists in China are offered to visit a special village where large sweet fruits are grown.

Giant of Azerbaijan

Juicy fruits and delicious berries are the main hallmark of the sunny Caucasus. And it is not surprising that almost the largest watermelon in the world, weighing 119 kg, could grow here. Local farmers did not hide the fact that the seeds from which this giant grew were brought from the USA (Caroline Cross variety). From such planting material grow large fruits oblong shape with light green stripes. The ripening period of the Azerbaijani giant is about 100 days.

Japan leads again

The Japanese strive to be the first in the world in many industries. Farming is no exception. Indeed, in 2005, a local farmer was able to grow a watermelon weighing 111 kilograms.

The melon grower Akinori Takomitsu has been growing watermelons all his life. And over time, he turned his hobby into a fairly profitable business. After all, such specimens are perfectly snapped up by cafes and restaurants. The fruits are not only large, but also sweet.

But this farmer does not hope for favorable natural conditions. He actively uses the latest technical inventions for growing.

The Japanese giant was bought for almost $300 per trade organization for promotions.

Russian record

A Russian farmer in 2009 grew a watermelon weighing 90 kg. He promised that he would beat the American record in speed and get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Ukrainian record

The record of Ukraine is relatively small, but deserves its attention. Local presented a watermelon weighing 25 kilograms at the annual farming festival. This is a record for growing melons and gourds in Ukraine.

How to grow a giant watermelon

Do you also want to grow a champion? First of all, choose the right variety. When doing this, remember that the seeds must be selected taking into account the climate of your area. After all, a variety of giant American fruit may not take root in your area.

Proper care is the key to success. In particular, you should choose the right place for growing, fertilize the soil in time. In this case, the plant should grow in the sun open area. If you want to get a large watermelon, experts recommend leaving only one fruit.

The plant needs daily watering. To achieve uniform ripening, the fruit must be turned regularly from one side to the other. Sometimes it is placed on a special pallet made of wood and mesh. So the fruit will not rot.

The disadvantage of these giants is their not very sweet taste. After all, inside such large fruits do not ripen completely.

The color of the fruit crust can be different: light or dark green, pockmarked, with a dark or white stripe, or without it at all.

Watermelon is grown in almost 100 countries. There are over 1000 varieties. This fruit is sweet and juicy. Many doctors recommend its use, because it is an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

Eating watermelon in summer is a must. After all, it is almost 90% water. Due to this, its consumption perfectly balances the amount of fluid in the human body.

Watermelon is a large vegetable. Sometimes the appearance of a 20-kilogram fetus is surprising. But what would be the amazement of those who would be lucky enough to see the largest watermelon in the world! It weighs 122 kilograms and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

"American" giants

This giant was grown in 2006. Farmer Lloyd Bright on his plantation in America received such a huge fruit. The largest watermelon in the world in the history of farming was grown there.

The second place in this list was also taken by "American". It was here, but already in another big man was received. It was the largest watermelon in the world in 2008. He weighed 114.5 kilograms. Such a record was achieved by the Sistrank family of farmers. The fruit grew and ripened for almost 5 months - 147 days. The watermelon ripened by August 26, then this record was recorded. The fetus was not only weighed, but also measured with a centimeter. The size is also impressive. In length, he waved as much as 95 centimeters. Here is such a giant in good conditions cultivation was the variety Carolina Cross.

Maybe someone had a question about where did the largest watermelon in the world go? After all, one family cannot eat such a fruit in 3 days. They gave it to the parishioners of the local church, which they were very happy about. As they said, the largest watermelon in the world in 2008 was very sweet.

The Sistrank family, who grew this miracle, also confirmed that the giants of America have excellent taste qualities and are distinguished by a sweet taste. Farmers told their secret of growing a juicy vegetable. First, it is important to choose the right variety. Only 1 fruit is left on the whip. Every day, you need to carefully turn it over so that the bottom does not rot.

"Russian" giants

In Russia, a rather large fruit was also grown. By Russian standards, his weight was large. The watermelon was of the Russian Size variety. By the way, gardeners who buy planting material probably paid attention to the company of the same name. She offers seeds from which you can grow large tomatoes, large carrots, strawberries and other crops. It was this company that brought out watermelon seeds. One bush gave a huge fruit in 2009. The weight of the largest watermelon in Russia is 61.4 kilograms.

Managed to get one bumper harvest I. Likhosenko, who has been growing "sweet berries" for 30 years. But, according to the farmer, despite the size, that watermelon was not very sweet, so it was not very special. palatability. Usually the fruits contain 12-13% sugar, this giant had only 8%.

Japanese size

Japanese Akinori Takamitsu has specialized in growing this vegetable for almost his entire life. Photos of the largest watermelon in America, Japan are amazing. After all, Akinori Takamitsu grew a fetus weighing 111 kg. He managed to do this in 2005.

But the Japanese giant, unlike the American one, also did not differ in sweetness. So he didn't eat. For $300, it was bought by the Daie chain of stores and used for advertising purposes. This is not the first positive experience Japanese. He grows watermelons weighing 90-110 kilograms.

Inspired by such examples, gardeners can also try to grow a huge miracle vegetable on their site.

Berry is not only blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries. Exist interesting views that cannot be immediately assigned to a specific group.

Scientists have identified the characteristics by which the berry is determined are a dense peel, juicy inside and the presence of seeds. From school curriculum It is known that the largest berry is a watermelon. This is the first fruit in the ranking.

So, consider the 10 largest berries. The top is made downwards.

Watermelon belongs to the gourd family. Homeland is considered South Africa. The fruit contains many seeds, juicy. The shape, color and size depend on the variety.

The largest watermelon is grown in America. The weight was 90 kilograms. This is a world record. A farmer from Russia in 2009 introduced a 61 kg watermelon of the Russian Size variety. Such a mass is a record in Europe.

The following countries are leading in the cultivation of watermelons:

  • China;
  • Türkiye;
  • Iran;
  • Egypt;
  • Russia;
  • Uzbekistan.

Watermelons are used in cooking and medicine. Berry supplies human body iron, removes excess fluid, speeds up metabolism and reduces weight.

Pumpkin is the second largest after watermelon. The largest berry is grown in Belgium by Matthias Willemans. The mass of the pumpkin was 1190.5 kg. But this is an exception and the result of efforts made to create favorable conditions. The standard parameters for large fruits are 50-70 kg.

Pumpkin is used in Food Industry and as feed for livestock. Can be stored up to 1 year. In medicine, seeds are used that are slightly dried before use.

Melon is a melon culture belonging to the genus of cucumber. Homeland - Malaya and middle Asia. It takes 2-6 months from planting to maturity. The fruit has the appearance of a pumpkin (spherical or cylindrical). The color, depending on the variety, is yellow, green, brown or white.

The average size fetus 1.5-4 kg. Raw melon is used in food. It also lends itself to drying, drying and processing into jam, honey or candied fruit.

The most big melon matured in the USA in 1985. The weight was 118 kg and 75 cm in length.

Zucchini also belongs to the berry, a kind of common pumpkin. The fruits are elongated. The pulp is tender with the presence of seeds. Due to the calorie content of 20 kcal and fiber, it is used in dietetics to adjust weight.

The world record for size was broken by a 65 kg courgette from the UK in 2008.

Pineapple is a perennial plant with a height of 1 meter. The fruit was discovered by Columbus in 1493. Central America. Pineapple does not contain seeds, but is an inflorescence of small berries. Weight reaches 15 kg.

Leading pineapple growing countries:

  • Thailand;
  • Philippines.

Pineapple is valued as a nutritious food. It normalizes digestion, accelerates the burning of fats and saturates the body with vitamins of group B, A and PP. At the same time, it contains 86% water, the rest is sucrose.

The tomato belongs to the Solanaceae family. Popularly recognized as a vegetable. And from the point of view of botanists - a berry that meets all 3 criteria. The fruits are juicy, the shape is from round to cylindrical. Homeland - South America. In cooking, it is used in raw, baked, dried and canned form.

By weight, tomatoes are distinguished:

  • small, up to 50 grams;
  • medium, from 51 to 100 grams;
  • large, over 100 grams.

The largest tomato was grown by Gordon Graham in 1986. The weight was 3.51 kg, and the bush itself reached a height of 16 meters.

Eggplant - herbaceous plant genus Nightshade. In culinary terminology it sounds like a vegetable, and in scientific terminology it sounds like a berry. Homeland is India, South Asia and the Middle East. For growing plants, temperature fluctuations are excluded and constant humidity is maintained.

Due to the presence of potassium, eggplants are useful for people with cardiovascular diseases. Requires heat treatment before use.

A resident of the Kuban has grown the largest fruit in the world. Weight 1,690 kg. Prior to that, the position was occupied by an eggplant grown in China with a mass of 1.5 kg.

Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The fruit contains many seeds, juicy with a dense shell. Due to these features, it belongs to the berry. 97% consists of water. An average cucumber weighs 100 grams. The first mention of the berry appeared 6 thousand years ago in India, where it grew in vivo.

It is used as a food product, as well as for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. It is valued as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

The largest cucumber was grown by a British gardener. The length was 91.7 cm.

Pomegranate is a perennial plant of the Derbennikov family. In care is not demanding. In Transcaucasia, it is distributed as a wild species. The diameter of a standard fruit is up to 18 cm and the number of seeds is up to 700 pieces. China has grown the largest pomegranate, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, with a diameter of 48.7 cm.

Berry juice is used for anemia and digestive disorders. Rich in amino acids and vitamins A, C, PP, etc. Calorie content 70 kcal per 100 grams.

The plant is a tree-like vine. Kiwi is from China. In the common people, the second name is "Chinese gooseberry". The weight of an average fetus is 75 grams, large -100 grams or more. Differs in juicy pulp of green color with black seeds. The unripe fruit is plucked, stored for up to 1 year. Kiwi is the record holder for the content of vitamin C. It also contains iodine. It is used in cosmetology as a peeling and skin moisturizer.

Favorable for growing berries subtropical climate. Distributed in Italy, Chile, Greece and New Zealand. In the Crimea, agronomists grow kiwi the size of a faceted glass and weighing up to 200 grams.

If you rank further, then the following positions would be occupied by figs and feijoa. Unexpected products have taken on the status of a berry, despite the fact that humanity considers them a fruit or vegetable. But there is one similarity between them - a high biological value for the functioning of the human body.