Facial massage is the process that you can do yourself, and you need to do it in order to maintain health and. The main thing is to observe the correct execution !!!

Look after yourself and!

Point self-massage of the face improves, helps smooth wrinkles and prevents their formation, relieves puffiness, keeps the skin healthy and radiant, improves skin color and makes it more dense and elastic. And all this in a natural way (including the processes of self-healing of the body), without much time (maximum 15 minutes a day!) And finances, provided that it is REGULARLY used for at least a month. In addition, due to the effect on biologically active points, shiatsu stimulates the work of all systems and has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Results will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks!

Rejuvenate the skin

When performing a massage, breathe deeply and relax your muscles as much as possible. Try to keep the pressure on the point constant and the finger does not move. Work on each point from 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes there may be a feeling of tension or numbness, sometimes - tingling or pain.

Do not press too hard on the skin - your movements should be slow, careful and at the same time rhythmic. If after pressing at the point there is a sensation of pulsation, then the massage was performed correctly.

Third eye point located between the eyebrows. Connect the middle and index fingers of both hands and attach to the point. Press and hold for 2-3 minutes.

Point "Four squirrels" located just below the eye socket, in the deepening of the cheekbone.

Impact on this point helps to improve the condition of the skin, cope with acne and swelling.

Point "Beauty of the face" located below the point "Four squirrels", directly under the pupil, in the deepening of the cheekbone. If you want to maintain youthful and healthy skin tone, act on this point daily for 3 minutes.

Point "Divine Appearance" you can feel behind the jawbone under the earlobe. Activates the activity of the thyroid gland and improves skin condition.

Point "Drilling Bamboo" located near the inner edge of the eyebrows.

If the eyes are tired and inflamed. press on this point. It also helps with headaches.

How to find points

Very important point, as this is the key to the effectiveness of the procedure. As a rule, the points are located in small depressions under the skin and are slightly painful when pressed.

Dots for the eyes

- our most problematic, why hide, zone. Regularly acting on the points listed below, you will make the delicate skin of the eyelids elastic, smooth, and the eyes - shiny, bright and attractive. Don't believe? Check it out!

The first important point - the "third eye" - is 1 cm up from the bridge of the nose (between the inner ends of the eyebrows). You need to press hard enough on it. It is also massaged when blood comes from the nose, with flu, runny nose, headache.

The following points relieve swelling and swelling, add shine to the eyes, relieve eye strain, improve vision - they are located in the hollow at the inner corners of the eyes. If they are carefully massaged for 3 seconds in three sets, you will immediately feel their beneficial effect.

A very important point is located in the middle of the eyebrow directly above the pupil (located, as it were, in a hollow between two tubercles). It takes the pressure off your eyes. Influencing it helps a lot if you read a lot or work at a computer during the day, as well as with myopia.

Stimulation of a point located at a distance of 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye to the temple effectively helps from "crow's feet"

Another important points are in the middle under the cheekbones at the level of the middle of the pupil

It is very useful in the end to walk with light pressure movements along the upper and lower edges of the eye orbit (especially pay attention to the point under the eye one transverse finger below the lower edge of the orbit, on the pupil line - it also helps with dizziness).

You need to massage all points for about 10 seconds each, you can do it in three approaches.

Dots on the lips

To have a charming smile and forget about nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth, regularly massage the following points:

In the center under the lower lip. With its help, you can also remove swelling of the face, toothache (in the lower jaw), massage of this zone is also used for paralysis of the facial nerve.

For creases near the mouth: Use the tips of your middle and index fingers to massage the corners of your mouth for 30 seconds.

With three fingers (index, middle and ring) of both hands, placed in a row on the upper lip, we do 4-5 pressures. This exercise prevents the appearance of vertical wrinkles on the lip. By the way, the point under the nose - if it is intensively massaged - is able to "return to life" after fainting.

Anti-wrinkle points on the forehead

To avoid premature mimic wrinkles on the forehead and smooth out already acquired ones, it is enough not to frown, not to grimace and apply the following exercises:

Pressing with the middle and index fingers of both hands, smooth the forehead from the middle to the temples for 30 seconds.

An important point is one transverse finger above the eyebrow at the pupil line. By massaging it, you will help yourself with dizziness, pain in the frontal part of the head, night blindness and trinity neuralgia.

The point at the temple at the end of the eyebrow - its stimulation also relieves fatigue.

Point 3 cm up from the outer corner of the eye

It also helps to simply massage the forehead from the middle to the hairline.

Points from wrinkles on the neck

The neck immediately gives out the age of a woman, so she should pay special attention to massaging certain points daily:

A point 2 cm down from the angle of the lower jaw (also helps with bronchitis, coughs, cramps of the glottis, laryngitis, glossitis).

Modern women are lucky - in order to preserve and restore their own beauty, they have access to advanced achievements of the cosmetology industry, a lot of various procedures, techniques, tools and technologies. However, ultra-modern miracle creams, created according to innovative formulas, smoothing masks, serums, lifting, anti-aging procedures are not always as effective as advertising promises. Here it is time to recall the centuries-old methods based on the ancient knowledge of oriental healers, such as acupressure of the face for rejuvenation. It can help improve appearance and skin color, elasticity, facial contours and even get rid of some diseases. Learn more about the method of performing acupressure facial massage, its indications and contraindications.

The essence of the technique

The aging process is most noticeable on the skin of the face, and over the years a woman is forced to look for more and more effective methods and ways to restore her elasticity, healthy tone. Acupressure is an effective tool in the fight against aging, wrinkles, swelling. In addition, it can improve overall health.

The meaning of the technique is to influence certain points according to a clear system.

There are several techniques from which you can choose the most suitable for yourself. Acupressure differs from the traditional one in that the effect is achieved not by heating and intense impact on the vast surface of the skin, but by stimulating certain points without excessive use of force.

Indications for massage

Acupressure is suitable for any age group of women, because it has not only a rejuvenating, but also a general healing effect. Usually they resort to it when the first signs of skin aging have already begun to appear: fine wrinkles, weakened muscle tone, inelastic epidermis, swelling, bags under the eyes, poor complexion.

Attention! Regardless of age, you should adhere to the technique of performing the procedure, study contraindications, and in order to achieve the best effect, observe regularity.


Acupressure is a very popular, sought-after method that does not require much time, but at the same time has an excellent result. It is based on improving blood circulation, saturating skin cells with oxygen, increasing its elasticity, and removing edema. The problem of older women is that the facial muscles, of which there are more than twenty, contract, stretch, the skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear. Acupressure helps to solve this and other problems.

It is acupressure that allows you to:

  • reduce wrinkles;
  • tighten the folds, age chin, the so-called jowls;
  • improve skin firmness and elasticity;
  • improve complexion, get rid of unhealthy yellowness and dullness, bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Besides, Facial acupressure improves overall health:

  • immunity increases;
  • normalizes blood pressure and circulation;
  • respiratory processes improve;
  • headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue disappear;
  • sleep, appetite returns to normal.

With the help of acupressure, you can even cure a runny nose and alleviate the condition with sinusitis.

Many years of practice have long confirmed the high efficiency of this method. Acupressure on the skin stimulates natural blood flow, respectively, improves cellular nutrition, oxygen metabolism, freshens the complexion, increases skin elasticity and smoothness. In addition, there is a deep cleansing of the skin, due to exfoliation of dying cells of the epidermis.

At the same time, there is an intensive removal of carbon dioxide, a decrease in the glycogen level - this improves tone, resistance external factors, neutralizes the impact of the environment.

Auxiliary therapy is the use of various herbal infusions, essential oils, warming agents.

Massage technique

The Shiatsu system is considered the traditional point method of performing massage. This system was created by a Japanese doctor who attached particular importance to acupuncture effects on energy points, including those on the face. By acting with the fingers on certain areas, you can achieve an active positive response of the whole organism.

There are some rules that should be followed to achieve the maximum effect:

  • Apply pressure to the desired points with the thumbs.
  • The impact is perpendicular to the skin of the face.
  • The time of a single pressure on each point is from 3 to 6 seconds (except for the neck, where pressure should not last more than 4 seconds).
  • During the massage, each point is under pressure for about 7-11 minutes.

Important! The course can be 2 weeks if you massage every day, or a month if every two days.


The skin of the face and hands should be washed and dried well. The skin can be treated with tonic, lotion or any favorite means.

Oriental massage masters advise a composition of dry white wine with filtered water in a ratio of three to one. It is a good idea to do a steam bath or a warm compress in advance before the procedure to warm up the skin.

The room should be ventilated, you need to be comfortable, it is better to exclude distracting factors during the procedure. A calm melody and aromatic candles will create the right atmosphere.

Rejuvenating points on the face

Each pressure is carried out from 5 to 10 seconds. When exposed, heat should be felt, slight tingling, painful sensations are excluded. It is carried out with the thumb and forefinger, paired points are activated simultaneously.

Points on the face for rejuvenation:

  1. The area in the center of the bridge of the nose helps to smooth out vertical creases between the eyebrows, increases the energy potential.
  2. Paired points at the beginning of eyebrow growth relieve eye fatigue, normalize lymphatic drainage. Effective activation to combat puffiness and impending eyelids.
  3. Impact on paired points at the beginning of the inner corner of the eye near the wings of the nose relieves eye strain, restores blood flow. Massage helps to strengthen the thin muscles of the lower eyelid, improves skin condition, and is effective against bags and bruises under the eyes.
  4. The points at the end of the natural growth line of the eyebrow help to tighten the corner of the outer eye, to cope with crow's feet. Activation improves the general condition, relieves fatigue, headache.
  5. Points located a centimeter to the temporal lobes from the outer corner of the eye help to improve the microcirculation of the skin of the eyelids, the outflow of lymph. As a result of self-massage, a network of fine wrinkles is smoothed out, it is possible to lift the lowered line of the corner of the eye, observed with age.
  6. Paired points are located on the line of the growth line parallel to the tip of the ear. The impact allows you to tighten the oval, prevents the displacement of the eyebrow line.
  7. Paired points located under the pupils in the center of the zygomatic bone are responsible for an even, beautiful tone. They allow you to refresh the color, maintain elasticity, accelerate the synthesis of collagen, elastin.
  8. Paired points near the ear canal, in the junction of the upper and lower jaws. The impact helps to cope with jowls, create beautiful embossed cheekbones.
  9. Paired points on the corners of the lower jaw allow you to create a beautiful line of the lower part of the oval, tighten the muscles, getting rid of the second chin, reducing the cheeks.
  10. A point a centimeter below the upper lip in the center of the chin stimulates metabolic processes, activates the outflow of lymph.
  11. The study of paired points at the corners of the mouth helps to lift them up, smooth out mimic vertical wrinkles. The effect promotes visual rejuvenation, as if after injections of fillers.
  12. The point under the nose, above the upper lip, is in the center of the furrow. The vital zone helps to bring out of fainting, to cope with nervous tension, hysterical. Massage has a positive effect on general muscle relaxation, reducing swelling.
  13. Paired points at the nostrils of the nose allow you to smooth out the wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, restore the elasticity of the area around the mouth.
  14. Paired points above the wings of the nose also relieve nasolabial wrinkles, tighten the lower part of the oval.
  15. In the dimple of the chin on the zygomatic bone, blood circulation and lymph outflow are activated. Massage helps to get rid of jowls, double chin, creates a beautiful, clear line of the lower part of the oval.

Key points of beauty:

  • It helps to create beautiful cheekbones, give the skin a healthy tone: put 3 fingers - ring, middle, index - diagonally from the wings of the nose to the temples, the desired point will be located under the index finger.
  • For the elasticity of the cheeks, tightening the lower part of the oval, prevention of nasolabial folds: put the index, middle and ring fingers under the upper lip, the middle one will be located in the hole under the nose, the index and ring fingers - at the beginning of the nasolabial triangle.
  • To relieve puffiness, swelling, get rid of the impending eyelid and bags under the eyes: paired points are activated at the inner, outer corner of the eye, the initial and final points of the brow arches.
  • For a beautiful, clear oval line: you need to regularly massage the point under the lower lip and in the center of the chin on the cheekbone.

Acupressure for rejuvenation


The technique is performed with the index, ring, middle fingers of both hands. Thanks to the impact, it is possible to start the processes of regeneration, rejuvenation. It has a therapeutic effect, improves overall well-being. The movements do not stretch the skin, the pressure should be quite noticeable. The duration of exposure is from 3 to 5 seconds.


  1. Use your thumbs to work out massage points between the brow arches.
  2. Gently descend to paired points at the wings of the nose.
  3. Work out a point above the upper lip in the center.
  4. Return to the area under the eyes, pressing with three fingers on the zygomatic bone.
  5. In conclusion, put the index fingers in the hole in front of the earlobe, the middle fingers behind the ear, press the standard number of times.


Anti-aging massage involves 3 fingers - index, thumb, middle. Thanks to regular use, it is possible to stop age-related processes, smooth out wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and firmness. There are 2 methods of exposure to achieve a tonic or relaxing effect.

The stimulating method uses a pulsation technique - short, intense pressure followed by a sharp removal of the finger from the point. The activation lasts from 30 to 60 seconds. Despite the applied force, there should be no painful sensations.

With relaxing self-massage, there is a continuous effect on the point with a gradual increase in intensity. The reception should be repeated in 3-4 approaches, each subsequent pressure should be started from the minimum level of intensity.

Carrying out scheme:

  1. Fix the thumbs in the temporal cavities, use the index and middle fingers to smooth from the point above the bridge of the nose upwards, parallel to the brow arches to the temples.
  2. The thumbs remain in the same position, with the index fingers work out the brow arches, from the beginning of growth to the end, slightly lifting the skin.
  3. Continue to press on the temporal lobes, closing your eyes, alternately activate the points near the outer and inner corners of the eye. After moving from the center to the tip of the eyebrow, work out the area of ​​​​the upper, lower eyelids.
  4. With your thumbs, massage from the zygomatic bone to the temples.
  5. Activate the point at the base of the nose, then the paired ones located at the wings of the nose, the main point above the upper lip.
  6. Massage the temporal lobes in a circular motion, the reception is carried out with the middle, index fingers.
  7. Work out the cheek area, moving along the meridians from the zygomatic bone to the neck.
  8. In conclusion, make light tapping with fingertips on the face.
  9. Intensively rub the skin, feeling the heat, a surge of energy.

Su jock

It is based on the improvement of organs, starting the process of self-rejuvenation when exposed to meridians and points. Plants, seeds, stones, heat energy are often used for conducting. The technique is used to treat adults and children. The projections of the hands and feet correspond to certain systems, activation helps to harmonize the flow of energy, start recovery. A light pressure is applied to the points of rejuvenation, the duration and intensity are determined by the therapist.

Indian Marma Therapy

Ayurvedic technique is based on the knowledge of the main marmas - biologically active points through which vital energy circulates. It is carried out in circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise. Clockwise exposure helps to increase energy potential, start rejuvenation processes. Anti-clockwise techniques relieve negativity, relax muscle fibers, and smooth out wrinkles.

Technology features:

  1. Hand movements in parallel massage the right and left halves of the face.
  2. Starts with a small circle, gradually increasing the area being worked.
  3. A total of 5 circles for increasing, then 5 circles for narrowing, each repeated 3-4 times.
  4. The impact begins with the brow arches, then the hands move to the forehead, cheekbones, nasolabial triangle, chin.


Not always regular massage of energy points has a positive effect. There are diseases in which it threatens with exacerbations of the condition and deterioration of health. Experts do not recommend acupressure in the following cases:

  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fractures;
  • cardiac, pulmonary, renal pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • high fever, exhaustion;
  • burns, skin lesions, rash, acne;
  • pregnancy, advanced age.

Summing up, it must be said that acupressure of the face is most effective with regular use and in conjunction with a healthy and actively life, proper nutrition, sports. Therefore, you should use the whole range of measures in the fight against aging, then the result will be excellent.

Useful videos

The usual video of acupressure according to the method of Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya.

Acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation with Galina Dubinina.

IN Lately specialists in medicine and cosmetology intensively adopt oriental methods of rejuvenation and healing. The most accessible and effective massage can be safely attributed to the massage of biologically active points of the face. Just 5 minutes of daily exercise - and after a few weeks the first visible results are noted. The skin literally transforms with each new session, becomes more elastic and smooth, acquires a blooming appearance.

The secret of the success of acupressure for the face lies in the special effect on acupuncture points - certain areas on the body 1-3 mm in size, in which energy accumulates. They can be called magical, since each is connected with the work of some internal organ and interacts with the rest through energy channels - meridians. With proper and regular stimulation of these points by pressing with the fingertips, circulation improves. vital energy in the body, which is harmoniously redistributed throughout the body. Thanks to this, blood circulation is enhanced and metabolism is normalized, tissues are saturated with oxygen and muscle tension is relieved, which in combination leads to a slowdown in the aging process and overall recovery. However, to obtain a lasting effect, it is necessary to complete a full course lasting at least one month.

There are various massage techniques for acupuncture points:

  • Chinese dynamic zhong massage;
  • su-jok - Korean therapy;
  • Indian marma therapy;
  • Shiatsu is a Japanese system of healing.

The history of the listed techniques goes back to ancient times and is closely connected with the healers of the East, who realized several centuries ago that through special touches one can restore youth and health to people. Modern researchers studied the phenomenon of biologically active points for a long time and came to the conclusion that they really have a number of features: they have an elevated temperature, low electrical resistance compared to neighboring skin areas, and a higher electrical potential. In addition, they are more sensitive to pain and absorb oxygen more actively.

Today acupressure purchased great popularity, since practice has shown that it has many advantages:

  • there is no pain during the procedure. Symptoms such as numbness and aches occur only with strong pressure, they also indicate that the points are being massaged correctly;
  • a wide range of effects allows you to use massage for a runny nose, headaches and toothaches, sleep disorders and decreased performance, increased blood pressure to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. With its help, you can regulate not only your well-being, but also your mood, at the same time restoring impaired functions. internal organs and systems. It is also an excellent prevention of colds and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the high efficiency of the method in the field of cosmetology is manifested in the form of positive changes after the first session. Impact on the biologically active points of the face allows you to tighten the oval and improve skin color, get rid of jowls, double chin, fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • carrying out this kind of massage does not require costs and additional equipment. All you need to have on hand is a mirror and hygiene products.

Features of the procedure

The name of the acupressure technique in translation from Japanese language means "finger pressure" (shi - finger, atsu - pressure). Shiatsu is a simplified version of the traditional Japanese ammi massage, which has been used successfully in oriental medicine for centuries.

The main hallmark of Shiatsu is the combination of diagnosis and therapy. That is, this type of acupressure is designed not so much for treatment as for restoring the protective reaction of the body. With its help, experienced Shiatsu practitioners are able to diagnose diseases with high accuracy, as well as skillful manipulations to launch a program of self-healing and self-rejuvenation. Characteristic It also lies in the fact that only fingers and palms are used. And the system was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the Japanese physician Tokujiro Namikoshi, who at one time treated statesmen, movie and sports stars - Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali.

One of the wise Eastern sayings says that the best healer of a person is his own hand.

How to do Shiatsu massage at home

Self-influence on biologically active points through acupuncture or cauterization without vocational training and experience can cause serious harm to health. However, Shiatsu acupressure does not require long-term training and can be performed by anyone at home without fear for their safety. Provided that there are no contraindications to massage. These include:

  • reduced intracranial pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • bad feeling;
  • damage, inflammation or allergic reactions on the skin;
  • rosacea.

It is preferable to perform any acupressure in the morning or before going to bed, starting the procedure with cleansing the face and hands with the usual cleanser, followed by moisturizing the skin with a light cream. Try to create a favorable atmosphere - turn on relaxing music, light an aromatic lamp and only then get down to business.

Location of points, technique, instruction

Shiatsu pressure technique involves three methods of exposure:

  1. pad thumb for every point.
  2. Simultaneous pressing on three points in a row with the pads of the following fingers - index, middle and ring.
  3. Palm.

The pressure force is directed strictly perpendicular to the skin surface, and is dosed depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat and the sensitivity of the zone. For example, in the area of ​​​​the eyes, ears, neck and decollete, the impact on a thin surface should be gentle and short-lived - three seconds is enough, and the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, chin and wings of the nose requires a more tangible and prolonged pressure. It is unacceptable to use shifting, rubbing and stretching movements on the skin.

Having studied the location of acupuncture points, proceed to the massage:

  1. Run two fingers along the surface of the forehead starting from the middle towards the temples, and then back to both sides. You can work with three fingers, making point movements in the same direction, but with a 7-second delay with each movement.
  2. Position both hands so that the pads of the middle fingers rest against the middle of the eyebrows, the ring fingers - in the area at the inner corners of the eyes, and the index fingers - at the outer ones. Press for 5-7 seconds.
  3. Work on similar points located under the eyebrows in the same mode, while trying not to touch the eyeball.
  4. Now, in the same way, develop the points located on lower bounds eye sockets. With the pads of the index fingers, apply pressure to the areas under the outer corners of the eyes, the middle ones - perpendicular to the pupils, the ring fingers - just below the inner corners.
  5. Press the thumbs of both hands between the eyebrows for 5-7 seconds.
  6. Press on the area under the cheekbones with three fingers of both hands for 5-7 seconds. You can go a little lower and repeat the manipulation.
  7. Act on the wings of the nose with the pads of the middle fingers. 5 seconds is enough.
  8. Then press for 7 seconds on the indentation located above the upper gums, just below the tip of the nose.
  9. Press the corners of your lips using the middle fingers of each hand. Exposure time - 6–7 seconds.
  10. Press for about 7 seconds in the recess under the lower lip, where the lower row of teeth is not felt.
  11. Place three fingers of each hand on the side lines of the chin, fixing the position from below with the thumbs, act for 7 seconds. Next, move the pads higher towards the upper cheekbones.
  12. Place your fingers on the side points of the neck. The index finger should go lower, the middle one should rest in the middle, and the ring finger should press a little higher. The pressure is very light and short, no more than 3 seconds.
  13. In the area of ​​the jugular cavity, you should press very gently and only 3 seconds, using the pads of the middle or thumb.
  14. Find the dimples that are under the earlobes and fix the adjacent symmetrical points with the pads of three fingers. Pressing time - 5 seconds.

Hello. You already know that there are special points of beauty and youth on the face. The impact on the points of beauty on the face will improve blood circulation, due to which the face will become fresh, a slight blush will appear, fine wrinkles will disappear.

biologically active points of beauty

By processing these points, let's start the processes of renewal and restoration of elasticity in the skin. How to find these points? Now we will deal with this.

Before activating the points of youth, it is necessary to cleanse the skin, then apply a nourishing cream, make a light massage along the massage lines to warm up the skin of the face.

We will do acupressure with index fingers, without pulling the skin, but simply pressing the soft tissues with the fingertips to the bones of the skull located under the skin. The impact on the nerve endings gives the muscles a load, forcing them to work.

The points are located in small dimples on the bones and when you press them, you should feel a slight soreness or warmth, the main thing is that there should be no discomfort.

The time of impact on the point is 5 seconds. Paired points are processed simultaneously - for example, points in the inner and outer corners of the eyes, under the center of the eye, in the center of the eyebrows.

massage points

We begin the procedure with the treatment of the inner corners of the eyes, with a barely perceptible pressure. If you have, then press with the knuckles of your index fingers.

Gradually, bruises and bags under the eyes will disappear, flabbiness of the skin around the eyes and mouth, your face will disappear.

Points of youth (face and neck)

In the morning, in just 3 minutes you will get the most powerful, which you will feel all day.


Massage should not be done when:

  • allergies, dermatitis, acne,
  • viral skin diseases, such as herpes,
  • intracranial (high or low),
  • vascular network on the face,
  • inflammatory process (in the acute stage) occurring in any area of ​​the body.

If there are no contraindications, then start doing this incomparable massage today. I want to remind you that it will not only make your face young, but also help to heal the whole body.

In parting, I want to say, try this wonderful, simply irreplaceable means of skin rejuvenation. In a few weeks, you will be pleasantly surprised not only by the external transformation, but also by the general state of your health. Be sure to show this article to your friends and subscribe to my blog together.

Many have heard that there are point, acupuncture massage effects that relieve pain and alleviate ailments. But these techniques often seemed to us too complicated for independent application.

The Zhong reflexology technique combines Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian traditional schools of acupressure and the experience of traditional healers.

And the main advantage of the Zhong technique lies in its high efficiency, and in the fact that this method can be studied and applied independently for self-healing.

This technique with detailed maps of the "meridians" of acupuncture points is described in the book by Bin Zhong, a practitioner from an ancient family of Chinese folk doctors, " Chinese reflexology. Health and beauty points".

Bin Zhong has made classical acupressure techniques that use thousands of points much easier to understand. Zhong Dynamic Reflexology consists of stimulating reflexogenic zones and points on the face, which causes the circulation of energy necessary for the normal functioning of the organs. This therapeutic and preventive method restores health and activates the basic functions of the body, as well as strengthens the immune system, helps the body cope with diseases on its own.

Of course, Zhong will not cure an advanced disease or a serious injury, but by combining traditional medicine with Zhong's dynamic acupressure, you will achieve significant relief of the disease and a faster recovery. And for the prevention and treatment of ailments, which modern medicine often does not pay due attention to, the Zhong method of Chinese reflexology is simply necessary!

What does acupuncture treat?

Zhong acupressure technique helps those chronically ill who for years unsuccessfully tried to get rid of ailments by other methods of alternative medicine.
Zhong massage is based on therapy of the face, feet and hands, which includes the diagnosis of diseases according to the condition skin face and feet, nails, iris conditions and dynamic therapy.

Facial reflexology is most effective for the following ailments and diseases:

  • spinal osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, dislocations, lumbago, sciatica, etc.;
  • sexual problems, diseases of the genital organs, hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, prostatitis, impotence, frigidity, premature birth, fibroma, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, ovarian cyst, mastopathy, anemia, etc.;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, shingles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, diabetes, hepatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, cellulite, etc.;
  • diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, neurosis, depression, childhood nervousness or hyperactivity, chronic fatigue, migraine, headache, asthenia, Parkinson's disease, hemiplegia, paresthesia, etc.;
  • diseases of the circulatory system: varicose veins, hypotension, hypertension, dizziness, vascular insufficiency, etc.;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, colds;
  • visual impairment, hearing loss, allergies.

Projection of internal organs on the face

There are two ways to use the Zhong Dynamic Impact Method: stimulation of points or massage of zones associated with any organ. The interdependence of organs and parts of the body on points and zones on the face is shown on schematic maps showing the projections of the body on the face (Figure 1, Figure 2). These schemes display the basic principles of connections between points on the face and organs.

The easiest chart to remember, which you can use for various accidents, such as dislocations of the joints and other injuries (Figure 1).

This diagram shows the relationship of body parts with areas of the face:

head - the center of the forehead;

bridge of the nose - cervical spine;

shoulders and arms - along the line of the eyebrows, and brushes - at the temples;

vertebral column - the back of the nose (from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose);

buttocks and perineum - the area of ​​​​the nostrils;

hips - nasolabial folds;

knees - corners of the lips;

lower legs - along the line that connects the corners of the lips with the chin;

feet - the lower part of the chin;

big toes - in the center of the chin below;

other toes in order - the edge of the lower jaw.

This chart will help you find the area to massage.

You must identify the most sensitive points in the reflex zone and focus on them, and then feel the entire reflex zone. Massage it until the pain is gone. This rule applies to all zones.
The circuit shown in Figure 4 is also used for finding the right reflex points.

Internal organs are projected to the center of the face, from the level of the eyebrows to the chin in this way:

nose from the bridge of the nose to the end - the heart and pulmonary arteries;

eyebrows with cheekbones - light;

the base of the right cheekbone is the liver;

in the same zone, closer to the base, is the gallbladder;

left cheekbone - stomach;

the left side of the nostril, above the stomach - the spleen;

right under the nose - stomach, pancreas, large intestine, ovaries;

colon zone - on the right side of the chin, rises to the level of the upper lip, passes through this area, passes into the base of the nose and upper lip, and again descends to the level of the chin;

the area around the lips is the small intestine;

from the top of the chin to its edges - the uterus, ovaries, bladder, rectum;

along the edges of the mouth - kidneys, adrenal glands.

Projection of internal organs on the hands

According to ancient Chinese ideas, the surface of the body has a clear division into yin and yang areas; when bending a person, the yin surface is turned inward, and the yang surface is turned outward. If you squeeze the brush into a fist, then the palmar surface will be inside (yin), and the back - outside (yang). Therefore, in the standard correspondence systems, the yang surface of the body is projected onto the back surfaces of the hands, and the yin surface of the body corresponds to the palmar surfaces of the hands.

The body is projected onto the hand in a standard standing position with arms down. In this case, the arms are turned outward, and the palms are facing forward. In this position, the entire yin surface of the body is facing forward, and the entire yang surface is facing back.

The nail (second) phalanges of the thumbs of the hands correspond to the head of a person, and on the yin surface there is a correspondence to the face, and on the yang surface - to the back of the head. The first phalanx of the thumb corresponds to the neck. The larynx, pharynx, thyroid gland, muscles and vessels of the neck, part of the esophagus and trachea are projected onto its yin surface.

On the muscular eminence, at the base of the thumb, there are projections of the organs of the chest. Along the line of symmetry is the correspondence to the trachea. The boundary between the upper and middle thirds of the line of symmetry corresponds to the place where the trachea divides into two main bronchi. At the level of the lower half of the line of symmetry and a little to the left there is a correspondence to the heart. Correspondences to the lungs occupy the rest of the area of ​​the projection of the chest. To the right of the line of symmetry is the correspondence to the right lung, to the left - to the left lung.

The abdominal cavity is conditionally divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. The upper third of the palm is occupied by correspondences to the liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas and duodenum. In the middle third of the palm there is a zone of correspondence to the small intestine, which is bordered along the edges and from above by the correspondence to the large intestine. In the center of the palm is the projection of the navel. The lower third of the palm is occupied by the projection of the pelvic organs.

Correspondence to the spine coincides with the lines of symmetry on the yang surfaces of the hands. On the first (main) phalanx of the thumb there is a correspondence to the cervical spine. Correspondence to the eight upper thoracic vertebrae is located on the first metacarpal (metatarsal) bone. Further, the projection of the spine is interrupted. Starting from the ninth thoracic vertebra, the line of the spine follows in the interval between the third and fourth metacarpal (metatarsal) bones to the skin fold between the third and fourth fingers. In this area there is a correspondence to the four lower thoracic vertebrae (from the ninth to the twelfth), the five lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx.

In the human body, the kidneys and adrenal glands are located in the lumbar region on both sides of the spine, so their projections are located on the surfaces of the hands. Above the correspondences to the upper poles of the kidneys are the correspondences to the adrenal glands. The third finger joints correspond to the wrist and ankle joints, the second finger joints correspond to the elbow and knee joints. And on the first joints of the fingers there are correspondences to the shoulder and hip joints corresponding limbs.

Projection of internal organs on the feet

If project the picture of the body onto the feet, then you can get an image of a non-polar person lying motionless - garbhadhana (Figure 3).

Such an image of a person seems strange, but the proportions of the head and body correspond to the proportions of the fetus during the transition from the embryonic to the embryonic state (3rd month of pregnancy). This explains the term 'garbhadhana', which means 'placement of the fetus'.

Each organ of our body can find its "reflection" on the garbhadhana of our feet.

Imagine the feet of the legs pressed to each other:

The inner edges correspond to the middle of the body and the spine.

The outer surface of the arch of the foot corresponds to the front of the face, and the fingers from the side of the nails correspond to the face, the tips of the fingers are the cranium.

The soles of the legs pressed against each other correspond to the back side of the torso. The spine and long muscles of the back fall on the inner arch of the leg.

Two heels correspond to two buttocks.

The lower part of the heel and ankle joint - to the urogenitals.

A relatively small area corresponds to the thigh on the foot, a larger reflex correspondence to the thigh is located near the calcaneal tendon.

The shin follows bottom belly.

The leg zone is located in the place where the instep of the foot begins.

The hands are directed downward, and the forearm is located across the instep of the foot, next to it is the zone of the lower edge of the ribs.

The shoulders are outside, in the area of ​​​​the fold of the fifth finger.

Part of the shoulder, up to the elbow joint, runs along the outer leading edge Feet.

The area of ​​the head corresponds to the toes, and the pads of the fingers correspond to the back of the head, and the upper part, from the side of the nails, corresponds to the face.

Complete picture of the correspondence of the internal organs to the zones of the feet V general view shown below in figure 4.

Face and foot massage

In addition to treating specific diseases with acupressure, it is useful to apply a short, wellness massage of facial points and impact zones on the feet. It is very good for minor functional disorders, when you do not know the exact diagnosis or you need to urgently relieve pain, get rid of discomfort without resorting to long-term treatment with acupressure.

A healing massage of active points on the face and zones of influence on the feet is carried out twice a day until the condition is relieved or the painful manifestations completely disappear. If the symptoms do not disappear as a result of short massage effects, then it is necessary to move on to special treatment regimens of acupressure.

General wellness massage points on the face

For the prevention of diseases, a person who is not sick with anything and feels in shape, 2-3 massage sessions of the facial points per week are enough.

Acupressure facial points carried out with the tip of the index finger. If there are no special instructions in the description of the massage of the point, then the impact on the point is carried out with the index finger in a clockwise direction. The duration of the massage of the active point should not exceed 10-15 seconds. It is necessary to press the point with medium force. If the point turns out to be painful, then reduce the massage time to 10 seconds, and after 10 minutes, repeat the massage effect for 10 seconds.

The main active points on the face of a person

Remember the projection of the internal organs on the face (Figure 1) and start stimulating points 50 and 41. Spend 10 rubbing, wait a few seconds and continue the massage, in accordance with layout of active points on the face below (Figures 5 and 6).

Figure 5

Figure 6

The order of stimulation of points on the face

T. 50 - responsible for the function of the liver (especially its right side), digestive problems, flatulence, constipation, stopping bleeding.
T. 41 - gallbladder (especially after removal), digestion, cholesterol levels, migraines.
The following two points can be stimulated simultaneously:
T. 37 - spleen, circulation of blood and energy, digestive problems, immunodeficiency, heaviness in the legs;
T. 39 - diseases of the stomach, gastritis.
T. 73 (located on the lower edge of the eye cavity) - eyes, lungs, ovaries, induration in the chest (mastopathy). Stimulate with gentle circular motions. This point is very delicate.
T. 3 - lungs, heart (left side). Massage in a horizontal direction.
T. 61 - lungs, liver, heart, stomach, spleen, nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses. Responsible for stopping bleeding, relieves pain, promotes natural falling asleep, relieves fever, reduces runny nose.
T. 8 - heart, cervical vertebrae, throat, thyroid gland, tachycardia, hypotension, sore throat. It is stimulated with circular movements, pressing on the nose.
P. 34 - shoulders, arms (points along the length of the eyebrows, starting with p. 34), relaxes the nervous system with insomnia (together with point 124).
T. 26 - cervical vertebrae, throat, sinuses, pituitary gland, headaches, calms the nervous system in hyperactive children, but this point can also cause excitement if it is stimulated too much.
T. 106 - throat, cervical vertebrae, sinuses, spine.
T. 103 - stimulates the chakras, the pituitary gland, the spine.
T. 126 - lumbar spine, coccyx, anus, hemorrhoids.
T. 342 - spine: lumbosacral and thoracic (cervical - point 26).
T. 126 and 342 - Stimulate from top to bottom and from bottom to top, with short patting movements.
T. 126 - pat along the parting of the hair.
T. 8 and 106 (cervical spine) - rub between the eyebrows. For shoulders and arms - massage the area along the eyebrows. Sacrum - massage the nostrils, the contours of the nostrils are the buttocks, and the rounded tip of the nose is the groin.
The following points are massaged vertically, together or separately.
T. 124 - relaxes the nervous system.
T. 180 - solar plexus.
The following points are located on upper lip. You can stimulate them all together by rubbing vertically or horizontally.
T. 19 - nose, liver, stomach, spine, lower abdomen. This point also strengthens the heart. It will help stop hiccups, vomiting, causes uterine contractions.
T. 63 - colon, pancreas, uterus. It helps to cope with constipation, solve digestive problems, reduces dizziness, headaches. Helps with childbirth: stimulates uterine contractions, stops uterine bleeding.
T. 17 - adrenal glands. By stimulating them, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
T. 113 - pancreas (diabetes), ovaries, prostate, menstrual disorders, cystitis.
T. 7 - the same functions as point 113.
T. 38 - arthrosis knee joints. For arthritis, stimulate vertically on both sides of the mouth.
Points located on the chin:
T. 127 (located in a depression on the chin under the lower lip) - small intestine, painful periods, spastic colitis, diarrhea (stimulate at the very beginning of the disease), menopause problems, sexual characteristics. This point is stimulated in the vertical direction.
T. 85 - ureters.
T. 87 - bladder, uterus.
T. 22 - bladder.
T. 51 - feet, toes.
T. 365 - toes, anus, feet, large intestine.
The massage ends with stimulation of points in the ear area:
T. 16 - ears, internal and external bleeding, heavy bleeding with uterine fibroids, profuse lacrimation, runny nose.
T. 14 - throat, mumps, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, hearing loss, otitis media, salivation. Massage the point horizontally.
T. 15 - ear, jaw. Located behind the earlobe. Massage horizontally, then vertically.
The massage ends with the stimulation of point 0.
T. 0 is the regulating point at which the massage should end. By changing the intensity of pressing, you stimulate the flow of energy. This is especially important for a weakened body. This point is associated with the ear, eyes, mouth, nose, spine.

Morning massage

Morning massage procedure will invigorate you and energize you for the whole day. It will perfectly help relieve fatigue after a sleepless night, will make facelift, improve blood circulation and energy. It can be done not only in the morning, but throughout the day. This massage takes very little time and the only tool you need is your fingers. Most of us love to soak in a warm bed in the morning. However, just lying in bed in the morning is very harmful. Let's try to combine business with pleasure. At night, your body rested, in the morning it is still dormant, and in order to finally wake it up, start gently stretching. You must have seen a cat stretch. Your movements should be just as soft, smooth and careful. Try to stretch naturally, without strain. Strong tension of unheated muscles can cause them to block, and you risk provoking pain or cramps.

After sipping, start stroking your body with your palms, slightly rubbing the skin until you feel a pleasant warmth. Then move on to facial massage.

Cover your face with your palms (hide it in your palms) as children do when playing hide and seek. At the same time, your thumbs will be on the cheekbones, and the rest will cover the eye sockets in the region of the bridge of the nose. Without lifting your palms from your face, slowly move them up to the hair and crown, smoothing the skin of the forehead. Then lower them down on both sides of the face, slightly rubbing the ears. At the end of the massage, the palms will join on the chin. Return your arms to the starting position and repeat the circular movements 10 times (Figure 7).

When massaging, do not take your hands off your face.. At the end of this short session, linger to feel a surge of warmth and energy in your face. You are full of vivacity and energy for the coming day!
Go to the bathroom to continue the massage. Wash your face first hot water, then cold. The face and body should also receive a charge of vivacity. This strengthening and wellness procedure will allow you to better tolerate the cold, and you will be less prone to colds.

To learn more about the principles of acupuncture influence on active points for pain relief and self-healing, to study the schemes for passing the meridians of acupuncture points, hot spots on the face and body able to treat, apply independently the techniques of Chinese acupressure Zhong you can read the book Bin Zhong.