In order for the vacation to be complete, and you are not faced with an unpleasant surprise in the form of bad weather or cataclysms, you should approach the preparation of the trip responsibly and study all the subtleties of the local climate. And our article will help you with this, in which we will together try to figure out when is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam.

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You need to know that this Asian country has a unique geographical location, due to which the entire territory of the state is conventionally divided into three climatic zones.

The southern part has a hot climate. During the year, the air here warms up to at least 26 degrees, so you can have a pleasant and exciting time here at any time of the year. The northern regions, especially mountainous ones, can boast of completely different temperature indicators, which are often on the other side of the zero mark. In general, you can practically relax on the sea here. all year round, because when it is cool in one resort, you can enjoy your vacation in another.

North of Vietnam

Going to the north of the country, it should be remembered that the winter in these parts is quite cool, and the summer is too rainy. Another thing, mid-spring and late autumn, which are considered the most real holiday season. It is in April-May and October-November in the north that the amount of precipitation reaches its minimum, and the water in the sea warms up to a comfortable level for swimming. Therefore, if you have planned a vacation for spring or autumn, feel free to book rooms in hotels that are located north of the capital.

As for the beaches, Halong is considered the most popular on the northern coast. In the winter months it is stable around +17-20 degrees. January is the most cold month. But this is if you do not climb mountains. After all, there the thermometer often drops to a revenge of only +5, and it is possible that snow may fall.

Staying in the north in the second half of May is not recommended. Here begins the long rainy season, which lasts until the first days of October. Just imagine, during these four and a half months more than 80% of annual precipitation. At the same time, it is quite hot, + 28-30 degrees.

Rest in the northern part has several other advantages. In particular, it is these areas that are considered more developed; the capital Hanoi is also located here, which also has something to see for visiting tourists. A lot of attractions, entertainment and exotic excursions are waiting for you. And the choice of souvenirs here is much more diverse. But special attention spring deserves a small mountain town called Sapa. Exactly at spring months the mountain slopes are covered with a dense carpet of diverse vegetation, you can take just amazing pictures.

Central Vietnam

Nature has awarded a completely different climate central regions. The rainy season here begins only by the end of August, and the peak is at the end of October - beginning of November. During this period, warm, cloudless weather can be observed in other regions. Therefore, the best time to spend a vacation in this part is considered to be spring and summer. The resorts of Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hoi An are especially popular among travelers.

It is worth knowing that the bulk of the destructive typhoons that we see on TV almost every year occur precisely in the central regions and precisely during the rainy season.

Dry weather will please all guests of the resorts from February to August. At this time, there is practically no rain, and the air temperature warms up to +35 degrees.

Weather in the south of Vietnam

Well, the southern regions of the country are famous for their stable temperature regime during the whole year. It turns out that the difference between the air temperature in winter and in summer months can be only 5-10 degrees. Therefore, the largest number of resorts is concentrated here. You can relax here almost all year round.

But without the rainy season, even here it can not do. The first raindrops break from the sky in early April, and sometimes in May. The wet season continues until late autumn. Approximately 90% of all annual precipitation falls precisely on the period from late autumn to early October. Rest is not recommended in the south in July and August, because it is in these months that people go here heavy rains, and the sun is almost not shown because of the thick clouds. Although, to be fair, it should be noted that tropical climate in this part contributes to the fact that precipitation falls mainly at night.

Do not forget about the danger of typhoons. Although there are not as many of them here as in the central part, it is still necessary to take precautions to avoid meeting with a destructive natural phenomenon.

It turns out that the best time to visit the southern resorts is the beginning of winter and until April. At this time, it is stable + 26-27 degrees here. If someone wants milder weather, then you should think about relaxing in January or February. The most hot weather and sweltering heat in April. The thermometer can soar up to +37 degrees!

Given the above information, each traveler will be able to choose the best time for a vacation. Then you are guaranteed to get unforgettable impressions from the time spent and interesting excursions. We wish all tourists clear weather and new experiences!

The Russians have chosen the Vietnamese state as a tourist destination quite recently. The growth in the number of vouchers there is facilitated by low prices, friendly people, a wide choice of excursions. In addition, when traveling to the country for up to 15 days, there is no need to obtain a visa. When is the best time to relax in Vietnam, and which resort to choose based on the season?

Before proceeding to a monthly review of weather conditions, it is worth mentioning the location of the power. Its elongation from north to south led to the fact that the climate in opposite parts is different. This region belongs to subtropical zone, which is characterized by a sharp separation of the wet interval. The northern and southern points are affected by the monsoons.

The north is characterized by low rainfall from November to April, but this period is accompanied by coolness. The air temperature ranges from +14 to +23, the water is not warmed up well. From May to October it is hot and humid. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a summer period for holidays in such resorts as Hoi An, Danang, Hanoi.

In the southern parts, year-round high humidity is observed, and heavy rainfall occurs from May to November. The water temperature from January to February reaches +28 degrees, this best moment for swimming. It's hot here all year round. However, due to the amount of rain, it is preferable to head south in winter. Popular resort areas among winter travelers are Nha Trang, Phu Quoc, Dalat, Ho Chi Minh City.

The time when Vietnam is not in season is characterized by a decline in tourist influx and lower prices, so those who want to save money or retire consciously make a choice in favor of a low period.

Vietnamese climate

Monthly temperature is not the only criterion in assessing the climate of a future trip. Sea water also differs in the level of heating and the appearance of waves. The latter are especially awaited by surfers.

in winter

December is marked by rains in Nha Trang - they end in the middle of the month. In Dadang, showers are observed all the time. There are storms at sea. The best place rest at this point will become Phuokok.

For the January period, it is better to choose a southerly direction. It will be possible not only to swim, but also to get an even tan. But the northern and central parts in this capacity will be unsuitable. Despite the fact that there are few showers, it is quite cool and there are some sunny days.

February is characterized by smooth and clear weather throughout the country. beach season in full swing, lovers of spending time on the beach are advised to go to Phuocok, Nha Trang, Phan Thiet. The last point is characterized by strong sea waves. This is the best moment of travel for families with children.


The March interval is similar to the February one. In addition to this, it is getting warmer in the resort areas of the northern part. Therefore, the entire territory of the country is suitable for vacationers. Da Nang is marked by intermittent rains.

April in the south is considered the last dry month. There is a transition to a wet period - the rainy season begins in Vietnam. Most of all, this transition is noticeable in Fuokok. In general, the picture is very favorable throughout the country. The northerners begin to swim, the water becomes warm, the southerners continue swimming.

May for southerners is characterized as the most hot month, at the same time, precipitation begins. They are still short-term, so they do not cause much inconvenience. From this moment, prices for accommodation, entertainment and tours in general begin to decline.

In summer

June brings with it cloudy skies and prolonged downpours. However, dry time starts in the north and in the center. high humidity air masses observed throughout the state.

In July, it is recommended to go to Nha Trang and Dadang. The rest of the points become unusable due to heavy rainfall. The suffocating heat is added to them. August is quite acceptable for visiting the country, but best month you won't name him. Phuokok is dominated by heavy rains, in Phan Thiet - high waves. At the same time, heavy rainfall occurs in the central part and among the northerners. If February is warm and dry throughout the entire Vietnamese space, then August is its complete opposite.


When is the best time to visit Vietnam in autumn? September and October are not the best times. In addition to prolonged downpours, typhoons are added to this interval. In the center there are high waves, the probability of storms is high. The water becomes cloudy, which repels diving enthusiasts.

In November, precipitation is on the decline, the advantage is dry and sunny days. Typhoons and storm surges are coming to an end. The influx of foreigners is gaining momentum, especially since the stations open their doors to divers.

tourist seasons

A Vietnamese vacation is not only a vacation on the coastline. There are many leisure options here. These are not only active sports, but also mass wellness procedures, rich selection excursion tours.

For divers

Athletes who dive underwater are primarily attracted by the low cost of diving in 2018. However, this does not affect the decrease in quality - dives are organized no worse than in Europe. When and where is the best time to dive? The seasonality of precipitation affects the work of underwater centers - in September and October they are closed. It is not recommended to go for diving in December and January - the sea becomes restless at this moment.

The preferred resorts among divers are Phuokok with pearl underwater plantations, Well, where turtles live, Nha Trang with the most picturesque bay and the Kondao archipelago - they study sunken ships there.

For surfers

The second most popular sport practiced on the Vietnamese coast is surfing. In general, its development is only gaining momentum, so for beginners - not the best choice. Surfing here is aimed at experienced athletes. The most profitable period is from September to August. This is facilitated by high waves.
For those who are looking for more modest waves, Vung Tau is suitable. The influx is observed from January to the end of March. In Da Nang, surfing is practiced from the end of September until the New Year holidays.

For fishermen

When is the best time to go to Vietnam for fishing enthusiasts? Local reservoirs are very rich in various species of fish. The preferred option is a calm season, when there are no showers and waves. The necessary fishing equipment can be rented. It is not necessary to go to expensive centers. Anyone local resident You'll find the tools you need for much less.

spa treatments

The country is famous for massage and wellness salons. There is no special period in their visit. Good offices are open in every hotel complex. To wait out the bad weather, there is no better occupation.

In addition to the standard service, the Vietnamese practice non-traditional methods, such as treatment with herbal tinctures, reptiles and snakes. In addition, the region is rich mineral waters and healing mud.


The changeable weather in Vietnam by months dictates the choice of the best period in terms of purchasing sightseeing tours. Preferred break for sightseeing and other interesting places is high season.

It will be exciting to visit the island of entertainment. Already one trip there is a memorable event, as the path passes over the sea along cable car. It is considered the longest in the world and is listed in the book of records. Here you will be able to visit the water park, numerous attractions, an aquarium, a show of singing fountains.

Yang Bay Ecological Park will be remembered for picturesque pictures. It is located in the mountains. In addition, the Vietnamese territory is rich in architectural sights, there are many monuments and cathedrals.
To the question of when it is preferable to relax in Vietnam, a full answer can be obtained by reviewing not only monthly climatic conditions, but also give them an assessment in the context of each resort area.

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Vietnam today is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South-East Asia. Tourists from all over the world come here in search of good tropical beaches, clear azure sea and small exotic places for perfect rest. If you are planning a trip to Vietnam, then depending on what kind of vacation you are planning, you should choose the appropriate season.

Con Dao Island

- Central region - beach resorts but also its environs, and with nearby smaller zones;

Zoklet Nha Trang beach

- Northern region - Nam Dinh, Thai Binh and, which are more popular among the local population than among Russian tourists.

Seasonality in the South

High season

The high season in this state, as in other countries of Southeast Asia, begins at a time when winter is raging in our country. This is the main reason for choosing Vietnam as a place to stay during the chilly wind and snow drifts. Someone comes here in high tourist season in search of summer days, and someone prefers to go to meet New Year and Christmas is somehow more exotic and more unusual.

The peak of the high tourist season falls on the period from the second half of December to the end of March, i.e. our winter. Most of the tourists in Vietnam at this time are Russian speakers, as well as the French and Americans.

Of the minuses of this season, one can note too high prices for accommodation, food and entertainment. But the time is just perfect to go here for beach holiday.

Given weather description typical for the southern part of the country, where the temperature is between +30 - +32 degrees during the day and +23 - +25 at night, and the water warms up to a comfortable +26 degrees.

low season

The low season or tropical rainy season comes to the south coast around the end of May and continues until the end of October. Despite the fact that this time is considered not the most favorable for a beach holiday, there are still plenty of admirers of holidays in Vietnam, and the prices at this time are much more attractive and have a better effect on the family budget. Of course, you can book a hotel room even in winter, but don't rush too much, as many hotels and inns during the rainy season throw quite interesting offers and very nice discounts online.

If you are planning a vacation in Vietnam during the rainy season, then carefully approach the issues of choosing a resort, since in addition to heavy rains in some parts of Vietnam, there are frequent cases of typhoons that have destructive power. Therefore, it is better not to go to such regions at all during the off-season or low season(in the vast majority of cases, typhoons are not typical of the southern coast, but are increasingly visiting the north and center of the country).

Seasonality in the central region of Vietnam

The high tourist season on the coast is completely different in the central part of the country. So, in winter, from late December to mid-February, it is still rainy here. True, the rains are mostly short and warm, and if you want to relax in this part of Vietnam, they will not overshadow your vacation.

At a time when autumn dominates in our country, typhoons are not uncommon in the central part of Vietnam, so when you go to this country in the second half of autumn, it is better to go to another region.

The most suitable time for relaxing in the central zone of Vietnam will be from mid-February to the end of May, when the warm sun finally peeps out and the rains recede.

Northern region and its climate

At a time when the southern region is hot and comfortable for a beach pastime, in the north of Vietnam, not the most pleasant weather prevails: the sea is cold, and the air warms up to about +15 degrees.

The rainy season in this region starts in April and lasts until September. During this period, it is quite rainy and cold here (the air temperature is not more than +10 degrees).

Favorable time for recreation (high season) in the north of the country is the period from early October to December. And if you are planning a vacation in the north, then it is better to go here at this particular time.

beach holiday season

Despite the fact that in Vietnam beach holidays are available all year round, they still distinguish certain territories which are more or less suitable for have a nice rest on the coast, at one time or another.

So, in winter, more and more tourists rush to South Region Vietnam, where the water warms up to +26 degrees. January-February is the time of the so-called velvet season when the weather is still comfortable and rain is unlikely.

This cannot be said about the center and north of the country, where in winter time there are completely unsuitable conditions for swimming: the temperature during the day does not exceed +20 degrees (on most days it is at around +13 +15 degrees), and the water in the sea does not favor comfortable swimming.

You can swim in this part of the country in our summer time when the air and water temperature does not drop below +26 degrees. True, the rest can be somewhat overshadowed by rains, because at this time the rainy season dominates here.

If we compare the north and the central region, then less precipitation falls in the center, so when relaxing in this part of Vietnam, the risk of a spoiled vacation is an order of magnitude lower. For example, today it is considered the most popular resort in the central part of Vietnam.

From May to July, it offers quite comfortable conditions for a beach holiday, but in August-September it is better to leave these places, as the most powerful and destructive typhoons are observed here.

diving seasons

As you know, Vietnam is best country for diving, as this type of active leisure is the cheapest in the world. Despite the fact that the cost of this entertainment here is extremely low, it does not affect the quality at all, and the organization of diving in Vietnam is in no way inferior, and sometimes even better, than in the leading fashionable European resorts.

underwater kingdom South China Sea will give an unforgettable diving experience to both beginners and experienced adherents of this type of leisure.

Almost every developed major resort in Vietnam can offer tourists several diving centers. The most popular and visited centers are those located in Fukuoka (here you can see underwater "plantations" of sea pearls), in Uela (a turtle farm is located here), on the Kondao archipelago, where there are several sunken ships, and also in the popular among Russian-speaking tourists Nha Trang, where there is a diving center specially created for our compatriots with the support of the Russian language, and there is also the most beautiful diving bay in the world.

For diving, you can choose any month of the year, with the exception of the time from December to February, when the sea is somewhat restless.

Again, if you are interested in diving in Vietnam, then, for example, in Nha Trang it is best to do this from February to the end of October, while it is better to get to Phu Quoc Island from November to the end of May.

When is the rainy season in Vietnam?

The geographical position of Vietnam makes it a country for all-season recreation. As in all tropical Asian countries, here the climate is divided into two seasons - dry and wet. However, climatic zones have their own characteristics, this also applies to the wet season. What is the rainy season in Vietnam and is it worth going here at this time?

In Vietnam, it is customary to distinguish three climatic zones - the north, the central part and the southern regions.

North Vietnam

This is perhaps the only region of the country where cooling begins in November, and the temperature can drop below 10 C. In the mountain resort of Sapa, snow even falls during the winter months. The climate is subtropical, monsoonal.

Central Vietnam

Central Vietnam is located in the same climate zone as the north. The peculiarity is the rainy season shifted to autumn. Sometimes it can drag on until January. In winter, the temperature here also drops, but not below 20 C. Therefore, they have their own characteristics. The largest number Precipitation falls in areas located closer to the north. Coastal areas receive much less of them.

South Vietnam and Nha Trang

Nha Trang is located almost on the border of the southern and central parts of the country. This city took the best from two climatic zones. determined by the microclimate created by the mountains and the sea. The temperature changes little during the year, it becomes cool only during the typhoon season from late October to mid-December. During these months, daytime temperatures can drop to 26 C.

The south is characterized stably high temperature air. During the year, daily values ​​do not fall below 27°C. Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are the "driest" areas not only in Vietnam, but throughout Southeast Asia. Southern resorts have their own characteristics and the amount of precipitation, and the possibility of rest during the wet season.

If it's a rainy day in Nha Trang, you can go shopping.

No wonder Nha Trang is called the pearl in the crown of Vietnamese resorts. This city is suitable for recreation both for young healthy people and for the elderly suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease. It's all about its magical climate. It is never stuffy here, as in other popular holiday destinations in Asia. And all thanks to the sea breeze, which blows with different intensity throughout the year.

The rainy season starts here in May, but there are few of them this month. It gets hot, however, the humidity is moderate, so there is no feeling of a steam bath. June and July bring about 14 rainy days per month, but the downpours are short, albeit heavy. They always go in the evening.

In August, the showers gradually subside, but there are still 2 months of the typhoon season ahead - October and November. Strong winds can bring rain even at this time. There are no prolonged tropical rains in Nha Trang, it is suitable for recreation all year round.

In Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, the rainy season starts in June, although May is officially considered to start. Real tropical downpours hit here in June and July. It's windy at this time strong wind- up to 13 meters per second. Rains are frequent but short. A rare exception are prolonged rains, continuously going on for a week or more. It is at this time that bright flowering and growth of vegetation is observed here.

By August, the rains become less, and the most auspicious time for a relaxing beach holiday.

The westernmost point and hottest place in Vietnam is an island located in the Gulf of Thailand. The climate is subequatorial, monsoonal. Despite the fact that the rainy season begins here in June, it peaks in July-October. The rainiest month is October. This is the time when it is not recommended to go to the island. However, the end of October already gives vacationers wonderful sunny weather. The rains continue, but only at night.

This is not to say that Phu Quoc is not suitable for relaxing in the summer and early autumn. But we must keep in mind that the rains here often wash away the roads, and this complicates the movement around the island. Some beaches, especially wild ones, are filled with garbage that no one cleans up. During the rainy season, the quality of diving deteriorates sharply due to the fact that the water becomes cloudy. And this is one of the main attractions on the island.

During constant rains, the humidity of the air rises strongly, so for those who do not tolerate damp heat and stuffiness is better to choose another time to relax in Fukuoka.

Vietnam is a very popular country visited by a huge number of tourists every year, it is located in Southeast Asia. Lovers of travel, this country attracts with its wonderful tropical beaches, impeccably clear sea and small, not crowded, very cozy recreation centers. But if you are planning to relax in this beautiful country, then you should not forget that there is a rainy season there, which can spoil your vacation a little.

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When is the rainy season in Vietnam

Before planning a vacation in and in order not to miscalculate over time, you must remember that weather V different parts Vietnam can be very different. This country is divided into three climatic zones, although it is quite small on the map:

  1. South Vietnam, in this part of the country there are all the most popular resorts of Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, as well as Phu Quoc Island;
  2. Central Vietnam, here are the world-famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Phan Rang;
  3. Northern Vietnam is popular for its beaches: in Hai Phong, Thai Binh and Nam Dinh.

In southern Vietnam, the rainy season falls in May and showers continue until the end of November. In December, tourists from different corners countries, because at this time the weather is warm and sunny. Such weather here lasts until the beginning of May, these five months of rain do not happen here.

In the cities of central Vietnam, it is better to go on vacation in the summer months. From April to August, you can bask on the beaches here and enjoy your vacation, forgetting about all the problems. Rain in this part of the country fall in September and continue until January.

From April to September it is better not to go to North Vietnam, during this period there is no dry weather. It is very cold in this part of the country during heavy rains, temperature can drop to minus six degrees. It will be good to spend a vacation here in October, then it is very warm, dry and cozy here.

Despite the fact that people who love to travel very rarely choose this country for holidays this season, in the south of Vietnam you can have a good rest in the wet season. Tourists who think that it rains here all day long are very mistaken. This is not at all the case in southern cities countries it rains mostly at night.

And if the downpour started in the daytime, it will last no more than thirty or forty minutes and you can wait it out without any problems in a cozy cafe or in your hotel room. And in the hours when there is no rain, the weather here is warm and sunny. At this time, the thermometer shows the air temperature is not less than thirty degrees, the water temperature in the sea also reaches twenty-eight degrees, it is warm and calm.

But Central and Northern Vietnam during the rainy season, it is better not to visit, choose some other country for recreation. The problem is that when in these regions, the rainy season begins, with them the monsoons also come. During this period, the sea is restless, huge waves rage and it becomes completely unsafe to swim in it. A cold cyclone from China comes to the northern regions of Vietnam during the rainy season and therefore it becomes quite cool here.

How long is the rainy season

It rains in this country about five or six months, but as mentioned above, this period differs by months in different parts of Vietnam. For example, in the southern cities it rains in summer, while in the center of the country the weather is dry and warm in summer.

Do not forget that during this period it rains daily and for many hours in a row. And in southern Vietnam, showers do not interfere with a pleasant vacation. They go no longer than thirty minutes and after the sultry heat they bring a pleasant coolness that adds strength. It may be that in the rainy season they will not be, but the weather will be clear for four or five days.

  • Vietnam rainy season in Nha Trang

If you have decided relax in autumn, then give preference to such beaches as: Vietnam in and Nam Dinh.

Fruit season in Vietnam

If you spend your holidays in this wonderful country, don't forget to enjoy exotic fruits. Mangoes and jackfruits appear sometime in March, while avocados, lychees and rambutans appear in April, mangosteens can be seen and tasted in early summer.

Winter fruits begin to appear in November and December, these are tangerines and apples. In November, you can eat durians.

considered the most fruity country in Southeast Asia. One gets the impression that there are different fruits in this country for a whole year: dragonfoot, coconuts, guava, pomelo, papaya, oranges, watermelons, melons, pineapples, bananas, grapes. Here you will find fruits for every taste.