When it is better to go to Greece - everything is determined by the purpose of the trip. In summer, the country is dry and rather hot, but a refreshing sea breeze saves from the heat. In winter, it is usually not cold, but humid. Perhaps the most comfortable season holidays in Greece are spring months and the "velvet" period, when pleasant weather reigns here for exploring local attractions.

Answering the question "what is it - best time for a trip to Greece in 2019? ”, It should be noted that in this country there is no pronounced period for the best. It offers guests various opportunities for spending time, so everyone will find something to their liking in any season.

The winter vacation

For many, the Greek land is associated with summer and beaches, but the country, washed by the waters of several seas at once, boasts ski slopes. Tours to Greece on New Year include accommodation in cozy hotels, relaxation on quality ski slopes and relaxing spa treatments. Buying a fur coat in Greece is also a great reason to visit the country during the winter. During the Christmas holidays, large-scale sales of branded items begin here, which will especially please shopaholics and fashionistas.

In Athens, Thessaloniki, as well as in Naousa, bright, cheerful carnivals and New Year's celebrations of various kinds are held, for the sake of which many tourists come to these cities in winter. A very popular holiday in February is St. Valentine, which will especially interest couples in love. February 23 can also be celebrated on the land of Hellas, since during this period tours can be purchased much cheaper.

What does spring offer?

In spring, this picturesque country is ideal for relaxation. Around everything blooms and smells fragrant, shines bright sun, and the temperature to which the air warms up is conducive to long walks. There is no sweltering heat yet, it is during this period that excursions in Athens are extremely popular. This is not just a capital, but a city where Greek myths and reality are intertwined. In March, the inhabitants of this beautiful state celebrate their Independence Day. And on this occasion in each locality hold noisy colorful parades. If you want to brightly celebrate March 8, choose this ancient country.

Many tourists buy tours on May holidays. Prices for tickets are still not high, but warm water on many islands allows you to swim and organize a cool beach pastime.

Greece in summer

Starting from June comes perfect time for holidays in the Greek islands. If you want to have a great time in 2019, you will find such picturesque places as:

  • Crete is the most popular island in Greece. Here are collected best resorts country and a great variety of natural and architectural monuments. According to myths, the Greek gods preferred to live on this island, so a holiday in Crete promises to be memorable.

  • Rhodes is the island of noble knights and a real pearl of the Mediterranean. Here you will find picturesque bays, clear waters, lush vegetation and hints of a medieval appearance. Reviews of this luxurious island are always warm.

  • Corfu is one of the most famous and picturesque Greek islands. It is washed by the turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea and is famous for its olive groves, orange orchards and charming aura. Among other things, this wonderful place for holidays with children at sea.

trip in autumn

September is a great time to relax on Greek soil. This beautiful month does not exhaust with heat, but beach season is still going on.

In late autumn, the weather is no longer conducive to relaxing on the islands. The air becomes cool and autumn rains begin to fall. Traveling in October or November can be devoted to healthy procedures. Many five-star hotels have spas and saunas, and hot springs with a healing effect are concentrated not far from romantic Santorini. Trade fairs are held in Thessaloniki in autumn.

It would seem that the unambiguous time when it is better to go to Greece should be considered summer. After all, Greece is a country of three seas and countless beaches. But it was not there. You can safely go to Greece at any time of the year, and are guaranteed to enjoy the trip. The main thing is to decide what you are going on the road for. Then the question of when to go to Greece will cease to be a problem.

The high season in Greece lasts from June to September. It is at this time that most tourists come here. But this does not mean at all that summer months- time when it is better to have a rest in Greece. In July and August, the country is too hot, there are a lot of tourists on the beaches and on excursions, and prices are skyrocketing. So hardly such rest can be called ideal.

But a trip in late May - early June and September - October guarantees you a great beach holiday. And from November to April, you can safely storm the ski resorts. And of course, excursions and walks in museums in Greece are good at any time of the year. And thermal spas all year round waiting for those wishing to improve the health of the guests.

Winters in the understanding of the inhabitants of cold latitudes in Greece seem to be non-existent. The weather in Greece in winter is warm and rainy. IN different regions The country's air temperature ranges from +5 to +13°C. IN winter time quite a strong wind picks up. But even with such unkind weather, the landscapes of Greece look very romantic and even get additional charm. Well, no weather will interfere with a walk through museums and relaxing in spa resorts.

Winter in Greece is also skiing. From November to April in the mountains of Greece there are many ski resorts for every taste. You can read more about this in the section "Ski holidays in Greece". And of course, in winter, the time comes for the Christmas holidays, noisy and cheerful, as the Greeks love. And winter is also a time of sales, so the cold season in Greece is great for shopping.

Holidays in Greece in spring

The weather in Greece in spring is very warm. Already in March, the air temperature sometimes reaches +19°C. And May here already looks like a real summer, but without the excruciating heat. The flowering period lasts all spring in Greece. Wild flowers are blooming, even the most arid regions are covered with greenery. Fruit trees are in full bloom. The peak of flowering is in April. Spring is the best time for a romantic trip to Greece for two. You can admire flowering trees simultaneously with the inspection of ancient temples and Byzantine churches. Spring in Greece is also suitable for excursion tours, and for relaxation in spa resorts. And in March and April in the mountains still continues ski season. At the same time, in May you can already start swimming.

You can read more in the sections:

Holidays in Greece in summer

The best time to fly to Greece in summer is the first half of June. It is already warm, even hot, from +25 to +30°C, the sea has warmed up to a comfortable temperature, and the beaches of the Peloponnese, the islands, Crete, the Ionian Islands and many others are waiting for tourists. But the heat has not yet reached its peak, as in July and August, when the weather in Greece in the summer becomes extremely hot. At a temperature of +45°C, even the sea does not save, and excursions at this time cause more fatigue than interest. Even the sea saves badly.

Therefore, in the summer it is better to go to Greece in July, so you will avoid crowds, high prices, and heat. And if you still go on vacation in the second half of summer, it is better to go to the north of the country. It is cooler here, and the traditional summer sales are no less active. You can also go to one of thermal spas countries where you can relax perfectly at any time of the year.

Greece- one of the brightest resorts in Europe. Here you can find everything - long sandy and pebble beaches, snow-capped peaks, coniferous forests, as well as completely different islands. Still would! Greece has almost 1,500 islands. Not all of them are inhabited. However, each of them has its own climatic and natural features.

Description of the weather in Greece for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Climate zones of Greece

In accordance with the school geography course, Greece can be conditionally divided into 3 climatic zones:

  • Zone temperate climate (central Greece, north and northeast of the country). It is characterized by a contrast between summer and winter temperatures.
  • Typical mediterranean climate zone (South part countries and islands). Summer is hot and dry. Winter is warm and humid.
  • Separate Alpine climatic zones. They are found in the mountains of mainland Greece, the Peloponnese and even on some islands. In summer it is much cooler here than on the coast. And in winter, real people come to the mountains snowy winters and the temperature drops below zero.

If you do not delve into climatic terms, then you can use a simple rule. The further north a region of Greece is, the colder it will be there in winter. In summer, it is hot throughout Hellas. Differences in temperature indicators in the summer months in different regions of the country are insignificant. Of course, in Crete, in the southernmost region, the average temperatures in June-August will be slightly higher than on the peninsula of Chalkidiki, in North-Eastern Greece. April-May and September-October geographical position region can significantly affect the choice of the traveler, since in the south of the country the season starts a little earlier and ends later than in other regions. hallmark virtually all Greek islands are seasonal winds. Here you need to consider each island separately.

Weather in Greece

In Greece, there is no pronounced spring and autumn. Therefore, it is advisable to distinguish two seasons:

  • Cold and rainy (from mid-October to March);
  • Warm and dry season (from April to the first half of October).

In January, February, the temperature is around +5..+10 °C on the coast and 0..+5 °C in the central part of the country. In the mountains, stable sub-zero temperatures can be observed. In March it gets much warmer. And with the advent of April and May in Greece, everything begins to bloom and smell sweet.. The sea is gradually warming up. The first tourists arrive. The hottest days in all regions of the country fall in July and August. Of course, Greece is not the Sahara. However, the temperature records during the summer months are impressive. Daytime highs exceed 40 °C, and in terms of the degree of warming sea ​​water Greek resorts can easily compete with Asian ones during the high season.

Warm and sunny days are peculiar calling card Greece. There are about three hundred such days in a year. There is practically no rainfall in summer. But in the winter months it can rain for several days in a row. Heavy snowfalls fall in the mountains. Snow cover on some peaks lasts almost until the summer. Sometimes snow falls in the coastal regions of the country. The Greeks perceive such a "gift" of nature as a real apocalypse. Houses, cars, road services, and the wardrobe of the Hellenes are simply not ready for such upheavals.

tourist seasons

The peak of the swimming season in Greece falls on July - August. During these months, the local beaches are not overcrowded. Vacation and accommodation prices are at their peak. But vacationers have the opportunity to enjoy a truly warm sea.

In May - June, September - October there are fewer tourists on the beaches of Hellas. You can always find a tour at an attractive price. True, be prepared for the fact that the sea can be quite cool, especially in early May and late September.

From November to March there are few tourists in Greece. Many attractions and entertainment do not work at all during the winter months. Domestic travel companies rarely offer package tours to this country during the cold season. But in vain. In winter in Greece, there is definitely something for a tourist to do. Firstly, you can safely explore the tourist attractions without too much fuss and noise. Secondly, there are many ski resorts in the country. Few people in Russia think that the snow-capped peaks of mountainous Greece are also suitable for winter holiday. The ski season is in January and February. The third attraction of the country in the cold season are thermal springs and spas. Equipped recreation areas are mainly concentrated in the Macedonia region.

Important! If you are going to Greece in winter, check if the hotel you have chosen is prepared to receive tourists during the cold season. Winters in Greece are short. Therefore, apartments and hotels are poorly adapted to the cold. It may be quite cold in your room.

What clothes to take with you

Summer in Greece, especially during the high season, is very hot. Bring clothes made from natural fabrics, hats and sunglasses. In May - June, as well as in September, in the evening you may need a light blouse or even a sweater. In April and October, a light raincoat or jacket will be relevant.

If you are planning a trip to Greece from the end of October to March, take warm autumn clothes and an umbrella with you. The weather at this time of the year is extremely unpredictable. So be prepared for temperature fluctuations. Warm and summer-like sunny days may change real winter with snow even in Athens. And if you are going to the mountains, feel free to put on a winter down jacket and appropriate shoes. However, Greece is famous for its fur products, so if you have a certain amount, enterprising Greek fur traders will not let you freeze.

Important! Because of long distance coastline, the climate in Greece is humid in winter. Respectively low temperatures are much worse tolerated than, for example, in the central zone of Russia. When checking the weather forecast before you travel, consider this factor when choosing your wardrobe.

Weather in Greece by months


April is considered the start of the season in the southern islands of Greece. The best place to relax at this time - South coast Crete. Please note that the air and water temperatures on the island reach comfortable values ​​only towards the end of the month.

The mainland is much cooler. The weather is perfect for sightseeing. You can appreciate the heritage without fuss and queues ancient Hellas in Athens and the Peloponnese. Precipitation in April in all regions of Greece is rare, so you do not need umbrellas.

There are no historical sights on the Chalkidiki peninsula. April is absolutely not suitable for swimming here. But you can enjoy walks along the spring blooming peninsula.


There are slightly more tourists in May than in April. It is sunny and dry throughout the country. In Crete and Rhodes, you can swim at the beginning of the month. And if you want to relax in Corfu, Halkidiki or Thassos, wait until June.


The real tourist boom in Greece begins in June. The sea is already warm enough. For those who are used to relaxing in tropical resorts, you should go again to Crete. The wind season hasn't started there yet. The waters of the Ionian Sea warm up later than the Mediterranean and Aegean. It is better to go to Zakynthos and Corfu at the end of the month.

July and August

July and August are the hottest months in Greece. Water warms up to 28 °C. Tourists who do not tolerate the heat are recommended to go to the islands. Gentle summer breezes help to survive the high temperatures. However, the choice of the island should be approached with all seriousness, as the winds can cause strong waves and storms. Famous for windy weather during the high season of the island Aegean Sea: Crete, Rhodes, Kos, Mykonos and Santorini. But on the Ionian Islands (Corfu, Zakynthos) it is much calmer. If you are not afraid of the heat, feel free to go to Halkidiki. Greek gods winds do not pay attention to this peninsula at all. You can enjoy the relative coolness without storms and strong waves on Thassos.


September is the velvet season throughout Greece, without exception. Air and water temperatures are high in summer. Good weather stands for the longest time in Crete and Rhodes. In the north of Greece (Chalkidiki, Corfu, Thassos) it can become cool by the end of September.


It is impossible to predict what the weather will be like in Greece in October. The Velvet season may last, but no one will give you any guarantees for this. IN southern regions warmer countries. As at the beginning of the season, choose Crete. But on Rhodes in October it can charge rains. Due to the nature of the movement air masses, the humidity here is much higher than in Crete or Athens. In the north of Greece and the Ionian Islands, the beach season is already over.


By November, the popular resorts become deserted. The beginning of the month is relatively warm. By the end of November, the temperature drops. The rainy season has begun. If you still have planned your trip for this period, go to the continent. On the islands in November it is rainy and windy. Athens can offer you the most diverse leisure activities.

December, January and February

As already noted, winters in Greece are warm. It rains on the coast, and snow falls in the mountains. The ski season starts in January-February. In the north of Greece, in the mountains of Pindus, in the regions of Evrytania and Phokis, there are large ski resorts. thermal springs mainly concentrated also in the north of the country in Macedonia. They are also found in the central regions, and even on some islands (on Crete, Lesvos, etc.).


March home Olympic Games spring comes. The rains stop. It's getting warmer every day. The unique Greek nature comes to life. About swimming in the sea yet there is talk. March is perfect for hiking. Choose any direction and enjoy spring Hellas. The excursion program still has not been canceled.

Weather in cities and resorts by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 14 14 17 21 27 32 34 34 30 24 19 15
Average minimum, °C 7 7 9 12 17 21 24 24 20 16 12 9
Rain, mm 51 46 46 29 18 9 9 5 22 42 69 73
Monthly weather in Athens


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 14 15 16 19 23 28 31 31 28 23 19 16
Average minimum, °C 8 8 9 11 14 18 20 21 19 16 13 10
Monthly Zakynthos weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 16 16 18 20 25 29 32 32 29 25 21 18
Average minimum, °C 9 9 10 12 15 19 23 23 20 17 14 11
Monthly weather in Ierapetra


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 15 16 18 22 27 32 34 34 31 27 21 17
Average minimum, °C 5 6 8 11 15 19 23 23 19 15 10 7
Monthly weather in Mayisti


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 14 14 16 19 23 27 30 30 27 24 19 16
Average minimum, °C 8 8 9 11 15 18 21 22 19 16 13 10
Rain, mm 93 100 67 50 20 11 1 6 31 95 156 150
Monthly weather in Kefalonia


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 14 14 16 19 24 28 31 31 28 23 19 15
Average minimum, °C 5 6 7 9 13 16 18 19 17 13 10 7
Rain, mm 137 125 98 67 37 14 9 19 81 138 187 186
Monthly Corfu weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 13 13 15 18 23 28 30 30 27 22 18 14
Average minimum, °C 7 7 8 11 14 18 21 21 18 15 12 9

Greece- a country located in the very south of Europe. In a year here - an average of 300 sunny days. The remaining 65 fall in the winter. There are rarely cloudy and rainy gloomy days. But do not believe those who say that in Greece bathing season lasts all year round or that you can swim from April. As a rule, although the weather in Greece in May already allows you to walk in summer clothes but the water is still very cold. But there is also a nice plus - the sea warmed up in summer retains its warmth until the end of October, and if the year turns out to be very hot - until mid-November.

In winter in Greece, in the vast majority of cases, the temperature is positive. If it starts to snow, the snowflakes melt in the air before they reach the ground. On the plain, the average winter temperature is, on average, 5-10 degrees Celsius.

The beach season lasts almost 6 months, from the end of May - the beginning of April, and until the end of October in Greece, the temperature during the day does not fall below 25 ° C.
hottest in summer period from the beginning of July to the end of August. At this time in the lowlands, the air temperature fluctuates between 26°C - 29°C, although there have been cases of 45°C, so be careful in the summer months when in Greece. The most comfortable temperature for a holiday in Greece is May, June, September and October (on the islands of Crete and Rhodes).
On the coast heat it is not felt so strongly - coastal areas are softened by the sea breeze. Although far from the sea, you can easily endure 38 ° C, thanks to very dry air (average humidity is about 10-23% per year).
The most significant corner of Greece for local residents- this is the north of the country in part of Macedonia, in small towns, at an altitude of 400-500 meters above sea level.

The islands are comparatively hotter than places in Northern Greece. Therefore, the beach season in Northern Greece starts earlier, from April, and lasts until the end of October.
After mid-November, the heavenly weather deteriorates and heavy precipitation begins throughout the country (in November - rain, in December, January - thick snow). Due to the Mediterranean climate, the winter in Greece is rather mild.
One of the most famous resorts in Greece is Halkidiki. White, beautiful beaches with azure waters.

Mild, Mediterranean: warm, wet winters ( average temperature January +10C, humidity 75%) and roast dry summer(average temperature in July +32C, humidity 55%). The swimming season in Greece starts from mid-May and ends at the end of October.
April and May are the most beautiful months when everything blooms and turns green. This is the best time to travel to historical places.
In June, beautiful weather sets in for swimming and relaxing, and there are still few tourists, therefore, prices are lower.
The hottest months are July and August. On the islands, the heat is more easily tolerated due to the proximity of the sea, from where a light refreshing breeze blows.
Velvet season - September and October. The heat subsides, and the swimming season is still in full swing.
From April to November, the weather is mostly cloudless, rains are rare and short-lived, and in July-August they are completely absent.

Monthly weather at popular resorts in Greece


Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +12 +13 +15 +20 +26 +31 +33 +33 +29 +23 +18 +14
at night +5 +5 +6 +9 +13 +18 +20 +20 +17 +13 +9 +6
water +17 +17 +16 +17 +19 +22 +25 +26 +25 +24 +22 +19

Rhodes city

Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +14 +15 +16 +20 +24 +28 +30 +30 +28 +24 +20 +16
at night +8 +8 +10 +12 +15 +19 +22 +22 +20 +16 +13 +10
water +16 +16 +18 +18 +22 +22 +25 +25 +24 +24 +20 +20

Heraklion (Crete)

Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +15 +15 +16 +20 +23 +27 +28 +28 +26 +23 +20 +17
at night +9 +9 +9 +12 +14 +19 +21 +21 +19 +16 +13 +10
water +16 +16 +18 +18 +22 +22 +25 +25 +24 +24 +20 +20


Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +6 +8 +11 +17 +20 +25 +29 +27 +25 +18 +13 +6
at night -1 +0 +1 +6 +10 +13 +16 +16 +13 +8 +4 +0


Average monthly temperature, °C
Jan Feb mar Apr May june july aug sep oct but I dec
afternoon +9 +10 +14 +19 +24 +29 +31 +31 +27 +21 +15 +11
at night +1 +2 +4 +7 +12 +16 +18 +18 +14 +10 +6 +3
water +16 +16 +16 +16 +19 +22 +24 +25 +25 +23 +21 +18


Greece: going on vacation with children

How to prepare and choose a resort

What time of the year is better to go to Greece with children, which resort to choose and what not to forget to take with you? Which hotel chains are most adapted for family vacation And what can you get as part of a standard tour package?

Five reasons for

Greece is good at any time of the year, and for families with children May and June - perfect months(as well as September and October). At this time, there is still no sweltering heat, and you can already swim in the sea.

You can save on accommodation - many hotels do not charge if a child under 12 (and sometimes up to 14) years old lives in the same room with their parents. And if you have two children with you, there will also be a discount. Most resort hotels open at the end of April, and vacation prices are not yet biting. True, keep in mind that the children's infrastructure begins to fully function from the moment full load hotels, i.e. from the end of May.

Good beaches and transport accessibility of hotels. Below we will suggest places where the beaches are sandy or with small pebbles, with a flat bottom and no cold coastal currents. Most hotels are located near the airport (10-50 km) - your kids will not have time to get sick in transport.

A large selection of hotels on "All inclusive", focused on families with children.

Excellent ecology, clean sea, always fresh and healthly food, an abundance of local fruits - all that is missing at home. And most importantly - traditional Greek hospitality and love for children. In the tavern, the baby will be treated with juice and sweets, in the store they will be presented with a trinket, and everywhere your child will be welcomed as if they were their own.

Which resort to choose? The further south, the warmer

Crete is the southernmost, hottest and largest Greek island. Resorts popular with Russians and the main tourist infrastructure are concentrated on the northern coast, from Chania to Elounda. Most of the beaches are great for families with children: wide sandy beaches alternate with small pebbles, the beaches of numerous bays are protected by rocks from wind and waves. Most often chosen for family vacations: Elafonisi (pink sand), Falasarna, Balos (white sand), Platanias, Agia Marina, Georgioupolis, Adeli, Panormo, Bali, Agia Pelagia, Amoudara, Hokkini Hani (Water City water park), Gouves ( beaches marked with Blue Flags for cleanliness), Anisaras, Stalida and Malia (natural sand), Sissi, Elounda, Mirabello Bay (Agios Nikolaos). But there is a nuance that can affect holidays with children in July and August. In the north of Crete the wind is strong northwest wind"meltemi" that brings storms.

The southern coast of Crete is not so popular with Russians. The main disadvantages are that the transfer from Heraklion takes more than 2 hours and the tourist infrastructure is not so developed. But the water and air are a couple of degrees warmer compared to the northern coast, which is especially important at the beginning and end of the season. The proximity of the African Sahara affects, the Libyan coast is within easy reach. If you want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big resorts, are ready to live in a private house or apartment, enjoy real Greek cuisine in coastal taverns every day - these are the places for you. Excellent beaches: Matala, Agia Galini, Kalamaki and about. Chrissi in the Libyan Sea.

Most family hotels in Crete operate on an All Inclusive basis and offer a large number of included and paid services and entertainment for children. For example, in Grecotel hotels for the smallest (up to three years) according to the GRECOBABY program, you can pre-order a crib, a high chair for feeding, a washbasin stand, disposable baby potties and seats, a stroller (cane), a changing mattress, a warming device and a sterilizer for bottles, an electric kettle, a baby bath, a portable seat - cradle, baby monitor. Older children have access to games and entertainment based on Greek history, quests, cooking and Greek dance lessons, tournaments, mini discos and water activities. In Sbokos hotels, children's and teen clubs, playgrounds, mini-pools, high chairs and cots are provided free of charge upon request. Or you can buy an extended "baby package" for babies from 50 € per week. Hotels beloved by Russians are not inferior to their competitors in the quality and variety of offers for children: hobby groups, mini-discotheques, children's restaurants, educational games - you can't list everything.

Rhodes - the champion in the number of sunny days

Champion among the Greek islands in the number of sunny days (340) per year. As in Crete, the swimming season opens in May. Best Places for swimming with children are located in the east of Rhodes. West Coast perfect for surfing constant winds and good waves. Recommended resorts east coast: Faliraki (there is a mini-zoo, a water park and an amusement town), Kallithea, Kolymbia, Tsambika. Around Lindos good beaches in the resort villages of Kiotari and Lardos.

The choice of hotels in Rhodes focused on families with children is huge. These are large club-type complexes for All Inclusive or cozy family apartments with an equipped kitchen. The chain hotels Mitsis, Aldemar, Grecotel, Atrium and many others, popular with Russians, offer excellent conditions for families with children and big choice services. We will not repeat ourselves, the children's infrastructure in the family hotels of Rhodes is similar to the hotels of Crete.

Many Greek family resort hotels declare "child service". What is meant? In addition to the availability of appropriate infrastructure and staff of educators, the hotel offers a special menu in the children's area of ​​the main restaurant. Children will be offered pizza, french fries, meatballs and soda. That is, what children love the most, and not baby food in our understanding. On the other hand, at the "buffet" in the main restaurant, even in the "three-ruble note" there is always boiled potatoes, chicken and steamed cutlets. And if suddenly not - ask the chef, they will not refuse you and cook. And they will help to grind other dishes from the buffet for the child.

What to bring

In some hotels on " children's table» You will find purees in jars or powder mixes. But not the fact that they will immediately suit your child. Therefore, take the usual baby food with you from home, at least for the first days. You don't have to take a baby potty, it costs a few euros in a large supermarket. But you need to take a pacifier and a bottle. Your mixture will be heated in the kitchen to the desired temperature. By the way, in Greece it is not customary to eat dishes prepared yesterday. Leftover food from the table is ruthlessly thrown away. Therefore, even on All inclusive you are unlikely to be served food left over from the last meal. Everything is always fresh. And don't forget to bring your baby's first aid kit. In Greek pharmacies, you will find only analogues of the usual medicines, in addition, “translation difficulties” may arise.

In the next review, the site will talk about other popular resorts in Greece for families and active rest, will advise what to see and buy, where to have fun and much more.