We talk about the two most popular resorts in Vietnam - Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. What are they good for and what are the disadvantages of resorts? We give reviews of tourists and prices for holidays in 2019.

Perhaps no resort has received such conflicting reviews from tourists as the Vietnamese Mui Ne (Phan Thiet). Some scold him mercilessly, others admire him and gladly recommend him for a visit. Let's try to understand the reasons for such ambiguous assessments.

Phan Thiet and Mui Ne:

Reviews about the rest in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet for 2018

Often Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are identified with each other, although they are different settlements located in the neighborhood. Phan Thiet is a provincial town with active traffic and other joys of city life, and Mui Ne is a quiet fishing village. Most often, tourists call Mui Ne a multi-kilometer beach area with hotels and restaurants, stretching from Phan Thiet to the village.

The busiest area of ​​the resort is Ham Tien with Nguyen Din Chu Street, on both sides of which there are hotels and restaurants, mainly on the first line. The beaches are equipped with umbrellas and sun loungers. The sandy strip is wide, with fine white sand, but narrows closer to the fishing village, by the way, the hotels are cheaper there, but the beaches are worse.

The disadvantages of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, according to tourists who vacationed there in 2018, include difficulties with the road: you need to fly to Ho Chi Minh City, and from there it takes a few more hours to get by bus or taxi. But the main displeasure of some tourists caused the sea. In Mui Ne, winds blow most of the time, high waves rise on the sea, and swimming takes on an extreme character. It is better to get out to the beach in the morning, after lunch the excitement only intensifies. The sea becomes relatively calm only in spring.

For lovers of kiting in Mui Ne, a real expanse, there are several good schools where beginners can get training and get necessary skills. In the evenings, the main entertainment for tourists is walking, shopping in souvenir shops and dinner on the seashore - seafood is excellently prepared here. If beach holiday get bored, you can go on a tour of the surrounding area or go to Ho Chi Minh City, or Dalat.

By the way, tourists who do not speak English will find it easy here - almost all signs and menus are in Russian, service staff also often Russian-speaking. The second undoubted plus of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, according to the reviews of tourists, is the affordable cost of rest, although, when compared with Nha Trang, the prices here are slightly higher.

(Photo © n0r / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

The warm climate of Mui Ne allows you to relax here all year round, not afraid of sharp cold snaps and heavy rains. A natural belt of sand dunes has formed around Mui Ne, which create a special microclimate and protect the area from heavy rainfall. Even dangerous storms with floods bypass these places.

The average annual temperature in Mui Ne is kept at around +30°C with a slight "winter" drop to +25...+27°C. The warmest sea in summer is +27...+29°С, in winter it cools down to +24°С. The hottest in May and April, the coldest -. Nevertheless, many prefer to come.

Rains begin in June and continue until October, then dry and clear weather sets in. However, in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, even in low season showers do not last long - usually after lunch and in the evening, relative humidity air is maintained at 79%.

According to tourists' reviews of the weather in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, in December - January due to strong winds it gets a little chilly in the evenings, so jeans and windbreakers will come in handy. High waves rise on the sea. Read more about - we talk about the weather in each month.

Prices for holidays in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet in 2019

Of course, kitesurfers will get the most out of their vacation in Mui Ne, but non-sporting tourists also have something to do. There are many massage parlors (spas), procedures cost from 15 to 30 dollars.

Gourmets are waiting for gastronomic pleasures: in the cafe you can order grilled fish, mussels, scallops, oysters, lobsters, as well as local exotics - crocodile or snake dishes. The best seafood is prepared in the restaurants of the Boke area. The fresh catch is placed in the aquarium and the guest orders what he wants. According to reviews, prices in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are quite democratic - you can dine for only $ 5, dine for 15 (it will be even cheaper for locals). A large glass of freshly squeezed juice costs just over $1.

(Photo © Tri Nguyen | P h o t o g r a p h y / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

In the vicinity of Mui Ne there are unique attractions that you can visit with a tour or on your own. Briefly the top most interesting places looks like that:

  1. White and Red Dunes. These are the main attractions of Mui Ne and a favorite place for photo shoots for newlyweds. The Red Dunes are easily accessible by renting a scooter, the White Dunes are a little further away. Near the Red Dunes, the Red Creek flows - due to the admixture of clay, the water in it turns red. Not far from the White Dunes are hot springs and very beautiful lake with lotuses.
  2. Cham towers. These towers are the surviving part of the ancient temple complex of the 8th century. Entrance fee - 10 thousand dong, or 50 cents. The towers look especially impressive in evening time when the backlight turns on.
  3. Lighthouse Ke Ga. A granite creation by a French architect and a very popular local attraction. The lighthouse is located on an island near Phan Thiet. To climb to the observation deck, you will have to show physical endurance and overcome 182 steps inside the tower. Entrance is paid - about 90 cents, besides, you need to pay for the crossing to the island. According to tourists, in the winter of 2018, the territory where the lighthouse is located was called the collapse zone and visitors were no longer allowed inside. Let's hope this is temporary.
  4. Mount Taku. Located 30 km from Mui Ne. At the top is the statue of the Reclining Buddha, the largest in the country. Its length is 49 meters, height - 11 m. You can climb the mountain by funicular or walk along the path through a tropical forest past the temples and other buildings of the monks. The cost of visiting with a cable car costs 160,000 dong (7 dollars).

(Photo © ruben i / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Hotel prices in 2019

On a note. If you are in a resort during the Vietnamese New Year, keep in mind that hotel prices are rising dramatically and there are no places in them - they are booked by the Vietnamese almost six months in advance. We encountered this when we lived in Nha Trang in the winter of 2016 - we had to leave for Ho Chi Minh City, because the hotel where we lived was full on Tet, and others cost 2-3 times higher than the regular price. Tet is celebrated in late January or early February.

How to book a hotel? You can find a convenient accommodation option for yourself on the well-known Roomguru.ru service - the site compares the prices of the most different systems booking and finds the best one.

In general, Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are a good alternative and (although you don’t need to wait for the corresponding Turkish resorts service), a place for an inexpensive and relaxing holiday, where the main entertainment is walking, beach joys, gatherings in cafes and unobtrusive shopping. Fans of night parties and divers have nothing to do here - nightlife no, and because of the constant waves, the water often mixes with sand, muddy and opaque.

According to tourists, they are characterized by high waves and winds, so during this period you should not plan a vacation with children, but it is better to postpone it to March-April or November. At this time, the most comfortable temperature indicators, a very warm sea, and the waves are insignificant.

Kiting lovers can go at any time of the year, because the winds in Mui Ne are a common phenomenon, but the most best waves here from November to March. Those who want to save on costs can safely go during the low season: prices in hotels and restaurants are reduced, and climatic conditions allow you to relax comfortably.

Compare Mui Ne and Phan Thiet with - so you can choose the most the best place for relax.

(Photo © tesKing / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Intro image source: © isyaya / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Mui Ne is a small village in the south of Vietnam, but it attracts Russian tourists very much. Why? One street is about 5 km long, along which hotels, cafes, bokeh (restaurants with live seafood), souvenir shops are built. The sea is restless, quite powerful waves and always a strong wind. No wonder Mui Ne is called a paradise for surfers (and kitesurfers): they feel good here. But why tourists go to Mui Ne, counting on a beach holiday, we don’t understand this.

Nevertheless, we felt this calm, peaceful atmosphere of Mui Ne on ourselves: you don’t want to fuss here, life flows calmly and measuredly. Maybe this is what our compatriots come here for, neglecting the interesting, bright and beachy, but noisy and restless Nha Trang? One thing we know for sure: we couldn't last longer than a week in Mui Ne, it's good for a reset, but not for a long life. Of course, this is our personal opinion, based on our rhythm of life and our interests.

Phan Thiet on the map of Vietnam:

What is the sea in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet?

The message Vietnam washes the South China Sea, but in different coastal areas it behaves differently. As I wrote above, this sea in Mui Ne is restless.

The peculiarities of the location of the village are that the winds always blow here, all year round. Stronger than the wind blow in winter - this time is called "season". In fact, it is the season for kitesurfers and surfers, who are primarily attracted to Mui Ne by this constant wind allowing you to ride every day.

Kitesurf schools in Mui Ne at every step

But for ordinary tourists, the sea in Mui Ne is not very suitable: strong waves make it dangerous for swimming with children, plus kitesurfers and surfers are constantly spinning around the swimmers, which is why there is a threat to get hit on the head with a board.

In the "off season" (that is, in summer), the sea in Mui Ne is calmer, the winds are not so strong. However, the sea is cloudy. After the rains, a lot of garbage comes ashore, which is why the beach is very dirty.

The beach in Mui Ne lasts for a single street. From the beginning of the street (we will consider the part that is closer to the Red Dunes as the beginning) and approximately to the middle, the beach looks extremely unpresentable: just steps into the sea, without a sandy strip. There are low tides, during which you can see a thin strip of wet sand, but mostly vacationers in hotels in this area have to swim, entering the sea from the stairs.

In the afternoon the sea reaches the steps

The other part of Mui Ne beach (which is located closer to Phan Thiet) looks pretty good: a wide sandy strip, sunbeds and umbrellas. We were on this beach in the "off season", in June, so the beaches are so deserted.

Every evening in Mui Ne, we observed low tides, during which many beautiful shells appear on the shore.

We also noticed that there are a lot of jellyfish in Mui Ne, in Nha Trang there are much fewer of them, and they appear quite rarely, mainly in autumn.

Despite the fact that during our stay in Mui Ne the sea was quite calm, there was no desire to go into it and swim. Fortunately, our hotel on the beach had a great pool. By the way, we noticed that almost all hotels on the beach in Mui Ne have a swimming pool. Maybe all tourists in the village, just like us, are saved by a pool overlooking the sea?

In fairness, it is worth saying that in Mui Ne you can find a decent beach. We read that one of these is available at the Sea Links hotel (the same one on whose territory the Wine Castle is located).

You can choose and book a hotel in Mui Ne with good discounts here:

Distance from Nha Trang to Phan Thiet (Mui Ne)

Mui Ne is located 220 km from Nha Trang, Phan Thiet is a little further - 240 km.

The road from Nha Trang to Mui Ne on the map:

How long to travel from Nha Trang to Mui Ne (Phan Thiet) and how to get there

The easiest way to get from Nha Trang to Mui Ne is by intercity bus - slipbus. A ticket for it can be bought at numerous street travel agencies in Nha Trang or at the bus stations of Sinh Tourist, Hanh Café, Futa Bus, Nam Phuong. We bought a ticket from The Sinh Tourist, a ticket for one person cost 109,000 VND ($4.6).

On the way, the bus takes about 5 hours, but they fly by very quickly: you can comfortably sit in the slipbus, practically lying down, sleep, read, watch interesting videos (there is free Wi-Fi). The bus makes 2 stops for 15-20 minutes, during which you can go to the toilet, have a snack in a cafe or just stretch your legs.

Sleepbus Nha Trang Mui Ne

Traveling from Nha Trang to Mui Ne on a bike is quite difficult, and we strongly advise against overcoming this path in this way. It's not just about fatigue, but also about huge trucks that drive along the highway at breakneck speed, under the wheels of which our Russian guys very often die, traveling between cities on their own. The Vietnamese are in contact with trucks very carefully, there is an unspoken rule here: the larger the car, the more important it is. Russians are used to equality on the roads, and perhaps that is why everything ends tragically.

Distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne (Phan Thiet) and how to get there

From Ho Chi Minh to Phan Thiet - 191 km, to Mui Ne - 214 km.

The road from Ho Chi Minh City to Mui Ne on the map:

You can get there in the same way as from Nha Trang - on a slipbus. Travel time and ticket price are the same: about 5 hours and 110,000 VND ($4.6).

Nha Trang or Mui Ne (Phan Thiet): which is better?

For us, the answer to this question is obvious: of course Nha Trang! Mui Ne has only one single advantage - sparsely populated, and as a result, peace. For some, another advantage of Mui Ne, compared to Nha Trang, is the cheapness of housing. It really is: remove small house possible for just $ 150−170.

You won’t find such prices in Nha Trang, for this amount per month you can only rent a room in a guesthouse. But for us, this plus is not a plus, because we don’t want to live in small Vietnam-style houses, but modern apartments there is simply no European style in Mui Ne.

You can, of course, live not in Mui Ne, but in Phan Thiet itself. This city is quite modern, slightly smaller than Nha Trang in size, but with a developed infrastructure: apartment buildings, shopping centers and places for walking.

Deserted main street in Mui Ne, and it's already lunch time

Where are all the people?

And this is Phan Thiet: livelier here

But still, Phan Thiet (and even more so Mui Ne) loses to Nha Trang in many ways:

  • Sea. In Nha Trang, even on the city beach in the season (from April to September), the sea is calm, clear, without waves. Well, or with small waves from time to time, bringing garbage, but in Mui Ne this garbage and these waves are constant, and in Nha Trang - a temporary phenomenon. And not far from Nha Trang there are paradise beaches from the category of "bounty":,. You can spend all weekend there.
  • Infrastructure. Not even in Mui Ne big stores where you can buy household items. For everything you need to go to Phan Thiet, which takes time and money (if you don’t have your own bike). In Mui Ne, there are only small Vietnamese "all in one" shops and a few supermarkets, but the prices are higher than in ordinary shops. There are no hospitals in Mui Ne (only small private clinics), and what am I talking about - there is not even a gas station in Mui Ne! Seriously, in order to fill up the bike, you need to find a gas cart outside some cafes. This gasoline is more expensive than at gas stations, and one can only guess about its quality - any Vietnamese will not miss the opportunity to dilute gasoline for extra profit.

Refueling with chickens on the way to Phan Thiet

There are some pretty bridges in Phan Thiet

  • Attractions and interesting places. If in Nha Trang you need to choose what to visit, then in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet you can see everything in 2 days. And the rest of the day is spent exclusively on the beach or by the pool. Maybe for some this is a plus. Of course, you can always find excursions from Mui Ne to other cities.
  • Fun with kids. In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, we found only two entertainments for children: a mini-zoo near Fairy Creek and a children's play area in Lotte Mart in Phan Thiet. For comparison, in Nha Trang for children there are play areas in each mall(and them), an amusement park where for 10-15 thousand dongs you can ride any attraction, climb in a maze, catch toy fish and go to a 5-D cinema. And in Nha Trang there is Vinpearl. And a lot of children's shops. Read our article on.
  • Transport. Of course, Mui Ne has a local shuttle bus that runs between Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. Strictly speaking, there is no need for more. In Nha Trang, the distances between objects are quite large, but you can get to any place by city bus for 8000 VND ($0.4). And even Zoklet Beach, located 50 km from Nha Trang, can be reached by bus for 24,000 VND ($1). I believe that transport in Nha Trang is acceptable - convenient for both local residents as well as for tourists.

Summing up, we see how much more advantages Nha Trang has over Mui Ne. I understand that there are people who dearly love Mui Ne for peace and quiet, we ourselves liked it for its tranquility. But we ourselves would choose Mui Ne only for a short vacation, when you just want to relax by the sea or pool. But not for a busy vacation, and even more so for a long life.

Watch a short video from Mui Ne:

What is the weather like in Mui Ne?

As with any resort, every season in Mui Ne brings its joys and disappointments. Something that lovers of the lazy will not like beach sea are high waves. But they will bring a lot of fun to kite and windsurfers. In a word, the weather in Mui Ne is suitable for year-round recreation, but each type has its own season.

Mui Ne is the south of Vietnam, the tropics, where it is always hot and reigns monsoon climate. IN winter time- in December and January ─ it is cold there by local standards. At night, the temperature drops to 23-25 ​​C, and during the day it averages quite comfortable 27 C. There are two seasons here - dry and wet. During the dry season, which lasts from November to May, there is practically no rain. It rains from June to October. In autumn and winter, the sea is quite rough due to strong winds (they blow here 227 days a year) and the weather is generally unstable. It gradually calms down closer to February-March. The temperature of air and water also begins to rise. By summer, the sea in Mui Ne warms up to 28-29 C, and the air - up to 33-35 C.

High season

The high season in Mui Ne starts in November. This is the time of the strongest winds and stable waves. The weather is suitable for surfers and lovers of other species water sports using the wind.

In December and January, the water in Mui Ne is the coolest of the year. Its temperature is about 24–24.5 C. The weather is characterized by a steady wind, which forms the right wave for boarding. At this time, in the sky above the sea, there is no crowding from a large number of parachutes, and in the sea there is always a danger of running into a surfer's board.

Finding a quiet place where you can swim with children or those who cannot swim is difficult. The calmest of all in these months is the morning sea. The rest of the time, the weather and the sea present a surprise in the form of a high wave, which sometimes does not even allow you to enter the sea.

During high season life in Mui Ne is in full swing, a lot of people come - mostly athletes. The weather makes it possible to hold competitions in water sports here. Beginners can try their hand under the guidance of experienced instructors, who are very many here - both independent and as part of various kite and surf clubs in Mui Ne.

The high season ends in March. By the end of the month, the sea calms down, the weather stabilizes. The hottest months of the year are April and May.

low season

The low season is from April to October. Although, starting from March, the number of tourists is gradually decreasing. The weather is getting hot and humid. Heat and rain are considered the most unsuitable conditions for recreation. And in vain! The calm sea, refreshing short-term showers and a light sea breeze favor a beach family holiday in Mui Ne.

Bin Thuan Province is considered the driest region of the country, in addition, the sand dunes surrounding the village create weather here with their own microclimate.

At this time of the year, the sea heats up to almost 30 C, the beaches are almost deserted, the prices for everything are reduced. The weather scares away tourists and hotels offer decent discounts. Tours are cheaper too. Groups are small, which is much more convenient for sightseeing. Relaxation lovers and those who seek to spend their holidays in solitude and silence will like the atmosphere in Mui Ne during the low season.

Rain season

It is officially considered that it starts in May and lasts until October. In fact, the real rains begin in June. The wettest weather is in June and July. At this time, in Mui Ne, you can watch real tropical downpours, when water falls from the sky like a wall. But they are short-lived, and in half an hour everything is again dry and sunny. It is rare that there are at least several completely rainy days in a row.

Showers go mostly in the afternoon and last a total of no more than two hours. After that, the weather improves. The heat in Mui Ne is softened by sea breezes and is not suffocating due to the relatively low humidity of the air, about 78-79%.

The rainy season in Mui Ne is conducive to devoting time to visiting spas, tasting dishes in a new restaurant, and other entertainment not related to the beach and the sea.

Sea and coast

The resort coast stretches from Phan Thiet to Mui Ne and is conditionally divided into three beaches - Central or Bai Rang, Ham Tien and Pu Hai. The division is conditional, they differ only in the development of infrastructure. The weather is the same for everyone, of course.

Bai Rang is the largest concentration of hotels, restaurants and bars, travel agencies, bike and bicycle rentals, shops. Bathers and surfers prefer its western part with a wide beach strip and big amount kite clubs. The weather here provides a stable wave for boarding. During the high season, you should not visit this part of the beach with children. A large number of beginner kiters who are just learning to catch the wind and it can be dangerous for kids.

There are more swimmers in the east of the beach, the sea is calmer there, but the coastal strip is almost completely “eaten up” by the sea during high tide. And although the weather here is the same everywhere, there are slight differences in the terrain.

The Central Beach area is purely touristic, there are no local housing, few Vietnamese themselves. Mostly it's the maintenance staff.

Ham Tien is located east of Central Beach and comes very close to the fishing village of Mui Ne, from which the resort takes its name. It is a rather secluded place, there are few hotels and, accordingly, fewer tourists. Part of the beach is empty, Vietnamese round fishing boats are scattered here and there on the sand.

This beach is more littered, as the sea brings branches, scraps of algae and other coastal debris, and no one really does any cleaning here. In the immediate vicinity of the beach is the largest local market. It is within easy reach of the nearest sights - the Red Canyon and the stream. If the weather deteriorates for a long time, you can go on excursions there and to other attractions of Phan Thiet and Mui Ne.

Pu Hai stretches to the west of Central Beach and is separated from it by large boulders that cannot be bypassed along the coast. You need to get to it by highway. Here are the beach areas belonging to the hotels. This part of the coast is the most expensive for recreation. Of the local population, there are only servants here, there is no cheap housing, as in another part of the resort, where you can rent a room in a guesthouse for 10-15 dollars.

For those who just want to calmly swim and sunbathe, it makes sense to pay attention to the beach of the Sea Links City hotel. There are no high waves thanks to the breakwaters. The beach is clean, there is everything you need - umbrellas and sunbeds, but only for hotel guests. The rest can freely be on it in any weather, but they will have to lie on the sand.

The coastal strip along the entire resort is sandy with small rocky areas. The entrance to the sea is convenient everywhere. Because of the constant waves, the sea cannot be called clean. They raise sand from the bottom, and therefore the water does not look azure, but dirty gray. Moreover, the waves often do not depend on the weather.

UPD. The article about holidays in Mui Ne was written a hundred years ago. Now I would not be so categorical. There are pluses: fresh seafood, low prices, beautiful nature, the sea (it is not always possible to swim, but it is there!). One day I will return to Mui Ne and rewrite the post, but for now, please do not be offended if the text caused you negative emotions. Vietnam is awesome!

I share my impressions, reviews, show photos and talk about what actually is the popular resort of Phan Thiet in the south of Vietnam and its “offshoot” of Mui Ne, which the people affectionately call “Mui Ne” - a favorite hangout place for kitesurfers and Russian package tourists.

Prices for tours to Vietnam ↓

But first, a backstory. Wow, it's been so long since I've written a backstory! If you are interested in practical information, you can immediately go to the right place in the article by clicking on the link:

Was there Vietnam in my life? Probably was, since in the old passport there is an entry stamp on a Vietnamese visa, bought for $ 77 in the center of Lao Vientiane. Me with 70 men to travel the country. With all my heart I wanted to travel from north to south in a month and see authentic villages, National parks and deserted beaches that I once read about.

Now, when I love and am loved by a wonderful adequate person, it is difficult for me to understand the motives that moved me at that period of my life. What made me abandon the planned route in one night, buy two plane tickets with my own money and follow those who are not needed to noisy Mui Ne, where I did not want to at all?

Partly passion, which I wrote about earlier. But, to be completely honest, the driving force was the sudden fear of being alone and the self-doubt that was progressing at that time. It was in such a strange state that I found myself at night on the streets of the Vietnamese Mui Ne. A place that did not fit into my format, and in the format of which I did not fit in any way.

But the fact remains. I arrived in Mui Ne, stayed there for several days, after which I hurriedly left the resort. In the best traditions. At night.

Visiting foreign backpackers, who were mistakenly brought to Mui Ne by the finger of fate, curse and also try to get up as soon as possible, after which they heal their emotional wounds with bottles of beer in Saigon, where, sitting on small blue chairs in the Pham Ngu Lao area in the evening, they pour their exciting stories about the adventures in the “russian ghetto” in the ears of those who, for some reason, plan to go to Mui Ne, having read about the resort in the guidebook.

If at this moment, as if by the way, utter something like “By the way, my mother tongue is Russian”, in response you can only hear the sad “I’m very sorry. D'you wanna beer? I invite.”

It's not that foreigners don't like Russians, rather they are shocked by the surroundings of Mui Ne. A person simply cannot expect that he will come to Vietnam and find himself in the Russian 2000s. Nowadays, you don’t really need to go to Russia to hear Alla Pugacheva and Nikolai Baskov screaming their wonderful songs all over the street.

All this is right on the main street in Mui Ne, along with borscht, dumplings, sour cream and smiling Vietnamese who are trying to sell you dragon fruit for $ 3 apiece and say, “This is deseva, madam! Autumn is Deseva!

To be honest, Mui Ne is one of those rare places on Earth that I don’t like and don’t want to return to for any price. In this article I will try to talk about the resort impartially and note the main pros and cons that caught my eye.

You will say that everything has already been written a long time ago. Yes but not all. What they write about Mui Ne is more often a lie and custom-made nonsense copied by copywriters from other copywriters who have never been to Vietnam.

The very first tab, at the request of Mui Ne, led me to the site of the Raduga travel agency, which says that “Phan Thiet is perfect for family vacation with children, because there are comfortable beaches” and that Cape Mui Ne is, it turns out, an ideal place for a relaxing holiday. Sure sure. How!

Let at least my dear readers learn the truth from me, since the agency "Rainbow" and others like them are not helpers in this.

The secret of the popularity of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

Once Mui Ne was a simple village in the south of Vietnam. The fishermen were slowly catching fish and shellfish on their small boats, basins, the sun rose every day at 5.30 am and set below the horizon at 6 pm.

Like 1000 years ago, today the time of sunset and sunrise in Vietnam is unchanged. Like 100 years ago, now the streets of the village are filled with the intoxicating smell of fish sauce. But some things have changed and continue to change.

The wind constantly blows from the desert. In the early 2000s, this same wind brought the first kitesurfers and windsurfers to Mui Ne. Since then, the once deserted shores south of the fishing village have been actively built up with hotels and concrete houses.

Even 5-7 years ago, mainly surfers and kitesurfers rode in Mui Ne. During the day, the guys skated, and in the evening they got drunk and picked up girls in several local bars. A sort of party “for their own”. It was possible to live cheaply and have fun hanging out all winter in the company of kiter friends.

But one day, large Russian travel companies found out about Mui Ne. The monsters of the travel industry saw the potential and began selling organized tours to a godforsaken village in southern Vietnam.

The Vietnamese know how to adapt, so they quickly learned the Russian language, raised the prices of housing and fruits, and turned the neighborhood of Mui Ne into tourist capital Vietnam, giving the growing resort the proud French name of Phan Thiet.

View of the coast from the lookout
Fishing boats
Boats from which they fish marine life which tourists love so much
Beach in the morning

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet beaches

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet are located 7 km apart on the coast South China Sea. Tourists who have a higher travel budget settle in Phan Thiet. There's more expensive hotels and cafe prices are higher than in Mui Ne. Those with a more modest travel budget tend to find accommodation closer to the fishing village.

These resorts smoothly flow into one another and represent a strip of beaches 15 km long, along which there are hotels. From more expensive to cheaper.

There are wild beaches to the north of Mui Ne, which can only be reached by bike. Some of them do not even have a road and you have to drive along the sand along the sea.

Despite the fact that Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are positioned as resorts for a family beach holiday, swimming there is very problematic, especially with small children.

The sea is dirty and rough. You can swim only in the morning, in the afternoon big waves, it is inconvenient to lie on the shore, because the sand blown by the wind unpleasantly cuts the skin

Why people who do not ride in Mui Ne are a mystery to me. There is only one explanation - tours are inexpensive, in the offices tour operators hang noodles on their ears, that's why people go

Hotels in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

Waves on the beach
wild beaches
Poison boat on the sand

Features of rest in Mui Ne (Phan Thiet), my reviews:

  • The entire resort is located on both sides of one main street Nguyen Dinh Chieu, which stretches along the beach. All cafes, shops, hotels and guest houses are located on this street.
  • Nowhere else in the world have I seen so many compatriots vacationing. Even less in Turkey. Signs in the native language hang on cafes and restaurants, and in the evenings Baskov’s drawling voice and Kirkorov’s groovy songs with Pugachova come from the speakers in the evenings. I don't know if it's possible to meet a Vietnamese in Phan Thiet these days who doesn't speak Russian.
  • If you have lived in Thailand before and are now looking for an alternative for a longer stay, then it is likely that Mui Ne will disappoint you. Better check out Nha Trang
  • Phan Thiet is for you if you are into kitesurfing and surfing. There are dozens of instructors there to help you get on the board, but the beach in Mui Ne is not the best place to study. The sand strip is very narrow, there are big waves in the sea, the depth begins immediately near the shore
  • There are no large supermarkets that you get used to in Thailand. Goods have to be bought in small private shops with an extra charge
  • There are reviews on the Internet about meetings with rats, but I have not seen rodents. Let's believe we're dead
  • Because public transport as such, no, you have to rent a motorcycle. Bikes are rented as manual box, as well as automata. If you don’t know how to ride a bike and don’t want to, you can buy excursions in one of the many travel agencies.
  • Be sure to hide helmets in the trunk. Our helmet was stolen from our bike right in the hotel yard

Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street
The ubiquitous kiters on the beach

Where to eat and buy groceries in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne

  • There are more or less high-quality markets in Phan Thiet, called Coop Mart and Lotte Mart. When buying products, be sure to look at the expiration date!
  • If you need fresh vegetables and fruits, then it is better to buy them early in the morning at the Hàm Tiến market in the center of Mui Ne. The same goes for fresh seafood. You need to come to the market for them from 6 to 9 in the morning
  • In the evenings, fruit prices in small shops can be twice as high as in the market.
  • Cafes change every year, service deteriorates, so check up-to-date information about cafes and restaurants on the spot, but rather find it in the social. networks of someone who now lives in Mui Ne and ask him

Market in Mui Ne

Attractions of Phan Thiet (Muine) and surroundings

Attractions are very conditional. There are not so many of them, and they are all mostly natural. Without much straining, all the surrounding beauty can be seen in one or two days, but this will require a bike.

red creek

Marked as Fairy Stream on maps. Located in the center of the resort area of ​​Mui Ne. It is a canyon with red walls and a stream flowing through it, in the place of which there used to be deep river. It is because of the Red Creek that the water in the sea is so muddy.

The stream is difficult to miss, as there is a fish sauce factory near the entrance to it. As soon as you smell the strong smell of fish, you are there!

Cham Pasha Towers

Built in the 8th century, the remains of the Cham culture.

red dunes

5 km from Mui Ne village. You can get there by bus or bike. It's better to go in the morning. The day is very hot. Taxi will cost $7. Exactly how much does it cost to rent a bike for 1 day.

red dunes

red canyon

Located on the way to the White Dunes. If you go with a tour, you will be released to the stream for two minutes. It is better to take a bike and go by yourself

White dunes and lotus lake

White dunes and wild beaches on the way to them are the best I have seen in Vietnam, so I highly recommend visiting this place. You can buy an organized tour ($10 per person) or rent a bike. On a bike, of course, more fun. Drive 40 minutes one way.

white dunes

What else to see in Mui Ne:

In the vicinity there is Mount Taku with a statue of the reclining Buddha, Ke Ga lighthouse, Pitahaya plantations. Phan Thiet has several museums and an amusement park.

Mountain Dalat

If you came to rest for a couple of weeks, I highly recommend a three-day trip to Dalat. This is a French city in the mountains in the center of Vietnam.

Tours to Dalat are sold in Mui Ne, but it’s best to just buy a bus ticket, book a hotel in Dalat for a couple of nights, rent a bike on the spot and ride around the surrounding mountains and waterfalls, crack strawberries.

Streets of Da Lat city in Vietnam
Pangur waterfall near Dalat

Prices in Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

Housing prices start from 10-15$ per day for a modest room with a shower in a small guesthouse by the sea.

Prices for food in a cafe - 5-10$
Soup - 2.5-3$
Salad - from 3$
Meat and hot dishes 5$
Fresh - 2.5$
Coffee - 1$

Kitesurfing training 50-60$ in a day
Equipment rental — from 50$ in a day

Guest for $10 per day

Prices for excursions in Mui Ne

  • Dalat - one day 40-55$ , two-day 110-150$ per person
  • Mount Taco - group 30$ per person
  • Group Taku Springs Binh Chau – crocodile farm – 60$
  • White dunes - 10$ for one

Prices for the same tour in different agencies can vary greatly. For example, on the Dima tour you will be offered a trip to the Mekong Delta for $120, and on the Lena tour for the same excursion you may be asked for $150.

In general, if you don’t want to rent a bike and ride yourself, go to the agencies and ask who offers what. In addition to the standard “farm, crocodile, stream, dunes, Saigon”, you can find something really interesting and not beaten.

How to get to Mui Ne?

The nearest airport is located in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

From the center of Ho Chi Minh City by bus to Mui Ne, it takes 5-7 hours. The ticket costs 7-10$ , but to take the bus, you must first come from the Saigon airport to the city center on Phan Ngu Lao, find a ticket office and buy a bus ticket there, or you can look at the schedule in advance and buy a bus ticket on the Internet.

You can use the search form below. When the list of tickets opens, you can change the currency in the upper right corner (rubles, Vietnamese dongs, dollars). This is a local Asian search engine that shows all available options - from expensive to cheapest ↓↓

Bus from Saigon to Mui Ne

Is it worth going on holiday to Mui Ne?

Thus, if you, like me, prefer not to tourist places and in each country you are looking primarily for local flavor, then a vacation in Mui Ne will definitely not suit you. Better consider Nha Trang as an alternative.

Firstly, to eat seafood and chat with compatriots, you do not need to travel so far. Secondly, if you need a quality beach holiday, then the coast of Phan Thiet cannot boast of paradise beaches. The sea is dirty, the waves.

If, as a famous mammoth, you are not afraid of waves, wind, rats, or drunk kitesurfers (or maybe you yourself are a drunk kiter), then congratulations. Mui Ne suits you! But you already know this without me and most likely you will not read this article.

If you have been to those places a few years ago, do not rush to argue with me and say how cool it is there. Since then, the resort has deteriorated and continues to deteriorate.

Unforgettable holiday in Vietnam! Sincerely,

23 reasons not to go on vacation in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne, Vietnam

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    There is no daylight saving time in Phan Thiet.

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    Phan Thiet, Vietnam - general information

    The duration of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours. The consequence of the rotation of the Earth is both the change of day and night, and the fact that when moving from west to east at 15 ° longitude, local solar time, determined by the apparent position of the Sun, increases by 1 hour.
    IN Everyday life official local time, which is more or less different from the sun. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones are determined by considerations of convenience and, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between neighboring time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in neighboring time zones differs by two or more hours. There is also a time shift of 30 or 45 minutes.
    For most countries, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries stretching from west to east for a considerable distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and a number of others, is usually divided into several time zones. The exception is China, throughout which Peking time is used.
    The reference point for determining the time zone offset in time is Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. UTC corresponds to mean solar time at the zero or Greenwich meridian. Time zone offsets from UTC range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.
    Almost all countries in Europe and North America, as well as a number of other countries, set their clocks forward an hour in the spring, to summer time, and in autumn - an hour ago, for winter time. The offset of the respective time zones from UTC changes twice a year. However, most countries in the world do not practice such a clock change.