Each variety of apples has a different ripening period: some are harvested in the fall, others can be harvested at the end of summer. It is important not to allow the crop to overripe, otherwise it will not be stored for a long time.

You can not remove unripe fruits, because they did not have time to accumulate enough sugar and they sour. In order not to be mistaken, you need to know not only at what time a particular variety ripens, but also be able to determine visually when the crop is ready.

How to know when apples are ripe

First of all, you should pay attention to the padanka. If there are many large and beautiful fruits among the fruits lying on the ground, then the time has come for harvesting.

You can determine the maturity of apples by the following signs:

  1. If a dent does not form when pressing on the fruit, then it is not yet ripe, the skin has burst - it is overripe and is not suitable for long-term storage. These apples will make delicious preparations: jam or jam.
  2. If, when you press the fruit, a dent forms and does not level out, it means that it is fully ripe and you can safely start harvesting.
  3. Ripe apples have whitish or creamy flesh.
  4. They talk about maturity external signs: fetus reached the right sizes(it is different for each variety), there are no wormholes on the surface, red color or with the presence of a yellow tint. The taste of an apple is sweet and sour or sweet (depending on the variety). Seeds of ripe fruits are brown.

There is a very interesting method for determining the degree of maturity of apples. This will require 1 liter of distilled water, 4 g of potassium iodide and 1 g of iodine are placed in it. When the composition is ready, half the fruit is lowered into it. Unripe fruits contain a lot of starch, which will begin to turn blue in the solution. After 2 minutes, the pulp will change color. According to the acquired color, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • the apple in the core area and turned blue at the edges - it is too early to harvest;
  • the blue color did not appear - the fruits have already overripe;
  • a blue color formed around the edges, and the middle turned yellow - the apples are ripe, you can start picking.

Selling in garden stores special sets, consisting of chemical ingredients, from which a solution is made and dripped onto a slice of fruit. According to the table that is attached to each product, determine the degree of maturity.

When to start harvesting?

You need to start harvesting apples in a timely manner, because the degree of readiness for winter storage depends on this. According to the ripening time, varieties are divided into 3 types:

  1. Summer. They are not suitable for winter storage, you can collect fruits as early as the 2nd half of August, but they will lie for no more than a month, so they are either eaten immediately or prepared.
  2. The collection period for autumn varieties begins at the end of August and ends at the beginning of autumn. Apples will lie for 3-4 months.
  3. Winter varieties. They are best suited for long term storage. Fruits keep well until March. The harvest season starts at the end of September and ends in mid-October.

Winter varieties of apples are best not eaten immediately after picking, as the fruits will still be a little sour. After lying down for a while, they will become tastier and sugar will accumulate in them (the longer they are, the sweeter they will be).

Gardeners experience satisfaction and joy when contemplating the grown crop. How much work was invested to achieve the result. Experiences due to natural disasters are in the past. Here they are apples: yellow, green, red, striped. Household members have already enjoyed the fruits of the new harvest. But how to keep apples until spring?

In the harvest year, housewives solve a difficult task: how to preserve a rich harvest of ripe fragrant fruits with minimal losses? Already made and. The collection of autumn and winter apples. To keep fruits fresh and fragrant, certain rules must be followed.

Step number 1: choose the right variety

The time during which the fruit remains unspoiled, or keeping quality, is determined by the variety.

Summer apples rot quickly and are not suitable for saving in winter. Autumn retain freshness 2-3 months. Usually gardeners pay attention to winter varieties stored until spring.

Top 5 most popular winter varieties of apples in Russia:

  1. Antonovka. This is not even a variety, but a variety type that includes several varieties. Described in 1848. Residents of the middle lane appreciate Antonovka for its amazing aroma, taste, and ease of care. True, the fruits are stored only 2-3 months.
  2. Bogatyr. Ripens in September. The crop is harvested when the apple reaches full removable maturity. The fruit is well stored for 6 months, acquires an excellent taste for the New Year.
  3. Star. The apple tree gives good yields of small (weighing up to 85 g), but very tasty sweet and sour fruits, which are successfully stored until March.
  4. Renet Simirenko. The variety is great for southern regions RF. Very high yield. Record holder in fruit keeping quality. juicy apples with a spicy aroma and wine-sweet taste are stored until June.
  5. Northern Sinap. Apples ripen in October, hang on branches after leaf fall. Stored 6-7 months. Their skin becomes oily over time, which is a varietal feature, and not a sign of spoilage.

In addition to these varieties for most regions of Russia, we can also recommend:

  • Pepin saffron;
  • Renet Chernenko;
  • Sinap Orlovsky;
  • Welsey;
  • Veteran.

For southern latitudes fit:

  • Delicious;
  • Memory of Michurin;
  • Idared;
  • Migints;
  • Rossoshanskoe striped;
  • Jonathan;
  • Golden Delicious;
  • Amazing;
  • Korea.

For Siberia:

  • Krasnoyarsk sweet;
  • Cherished;
  • Phoenix Altai;
  • Zhivinka;
  • Girlfriend;
  • Lada;
  • A swan song.

These winter varieties have stood the test of time. The fruits are stored until at least February, and some (Idared, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Amazing, Korea) - until May.

Step #2: Pick apples off the tree the right way

Storing apples in winter directly depends on compliance with the harvesting technology. There are subtleties here:

  • choose to collect good weather: without rain and wind;
  • do not squeeze or scratch the fruits so as not to damage the peel;
  • the stalk is important for an apple, so take the fruit in the palm of your hand and twist it along with the tail;
  • wear cloth gloves, this will protect the matte film on the skin from damage;
  • handle fruits carefully so that dents do not form;
  • release the lower branches from the fruits first, gradually moving towards the top.

To pick apples from tall trees using various devices

Do you know that…

For harvesting, apples must reach removable maturity. Each variety has its own: initial, medium or complete. Certainly, ripeness can only be determined by the color of the seeds. The darker the color, the riper the fruit.

Step number 3: divide by grades and sizes

Here is the harvest of apples. But do not rush to remove it for long-term storage. Keep the removed fruits in a cool place for 2-3 weeks so that they prove themselves. After that, do the following:

  • for storage, select only intact fruits;
  • sort, put each variety in a separate box;
  • divide the fruits by size and place in different containers;
  • Leave apples with tails, so they last longer.

Do you know that…

Fruits should not be washed before storing for long-term storage, this leads to damage to the natural wax layer and rapid deterioration.

How to pack apples

The question of when to pick apples for storage has already been clarified. The fruits are sorted. Now let's decide how to lay the grown crop. Each gardener finds for himself an acceptable way of laying.

The easy way

In this case, the fruits are not shifted by anything.

  1. Lay the apples in a container in several layers with the stalk up.
  2. If the stem is too long, shorten it. So it will not damage neighboring fruits.
  3. Check the condition of the fruit often, because one rotten apple can infect the rest.

This method is simple but inefficient. To maximize shelf life, apples should be packed or layered.

Packaging paper

Shows good results a method in which each apple is wrapped in paper and laid with its tail up. Use:

  • newspaper;
  • napkins;
  • paper towels.

Sprinkling and overlaying

You can try storing apples for the winter by the method in which the crop is laid in layers in cardboard boxes and covered with improvised means:

  • dried leaves;
  • onion peel;
  • sawdust;
  • wood shavings;
  • buckwheat shelling waste;
  • husk;
  • perlite or vermiculite (see).

It is important that the fruits of the container do not touch, and the material to be poured is dry, otherwise rot cannot be avoided.

Plastic bags

This way suitable for those who has a lot of hanging hooks:

  1. Fill the bags with selected fruits of 2-3 kg.
  2. Tie tightly.
  3. Make small holes (4-5) for ventilation.
  4. Suspended on hooks in storage.

cling film

Need to prepare cardboard box and cling film

  1. Line the box with cling film crosswise so that the edges hang down.
  2. Arrange the fruits in a checkerboard pattern and on the barrel so that they do not touch and are not injured from the stalk.
  3. Top with the free ends of the film.
  4. Lay no more than 3 layers.

Do you know that…

Experienced gardeners advise using high-quality hay or straw for layering apples.

Better keeping quality

To preserve apples at home during the winter, summer residents use folk remedies. To prolong the keeping quality of fruits, you need:

  • dip each apple in an alcohol solution of propolis;
  • lubricate with glycerin, vaseline oil;
  • apply paraffin or wax coating.

Apply also 5% salicylic acid, calcium chloride 2% saturation.

Tip of the day

During storage, apples can be affected by rot of fungal origin, so periodically sort out the fruits and remove spoiled specimens.

Harvest storage conditions

To save the harvest, it is very important to observe the storage conditions for apples:

  • Keep the room temperature between -1°C and +1°C. But temperatures up to +4 ° C are not yet critical.
  • Humidity from 90% to 95% is considered comfortable for the fruit. Increasing this parameter will cause the fruit to rot, while decreasing it will cause the fruit to wilt.
  • It is important to ventilate the room, because the concentration of ethylene accelerates the ripening of fruits. And this leads to premature deterioration.

Storage room

Winter apples are best stored in the winter in the cellar or basement. It is here that the necessary temperature and humidity conditions are created.

For storage of apples in the cellar, it is prepared in advance. You need to do the following:

  • whitewash the walls with a solution of lime or copper sulfate;
  • Treat floors with 1% copper sulphate.

Store fruits:

  • in wooden, plastic boxes;
  • in strong cardboard boxes;
  • in baskets made of wicker or synthetic material;
  • on the shelves.

Wash and disinfect containers and structures so that mold does not form.

To keep fruits as long as possible, use any of the above methods of stacking in a container.

Drawers should not come into contact with each other, nor with the floor, nor with the wall, so as not to impede air circulation

Tip of the day

Place stickers on the container with information about the packing date and grade. This way you will know which fruits to eat first and which ones to save for later.

Preservation of the crop in the ground

Not every gardener has a cellar, basement. They approach the question of how to store apples at home from the other side - if there is no room, the land is used:

  1. On suburban area a long ditch is dug, half a meter deep. The bottom is covered with spruce branches to protect against rodents.
  2. Apples are packed in plastic bags, which are tightly tied with a rope, leaving a long end.
  3. The packages are placed in the pit so that there is a space of 20 cm between them.
  4. The ditch is covered with earth, and the ends of the ropes remain outside. Sticks or dry branches are tied to the ropes and stuck into the ground.
  5. From above, the pit is insulated with dry leaves.

In winter, the packages are pulled out by pulling the rope.

We answer the question: Why do apples turn black inside during storage?

The enzymatic system is responsible for the longevity of the cellular tissue of the fruit. Enzymes gradually lose their activity and cease to maintain cell stability. For some varieties, the process is faster, for others, it is slower. The cells die, the organoleptic properties of the product change. When you cut open an apple, you can see that it is dark inside. Moreover, not only the color changes, but also the smell, and consistency, and taste.

Now apples are treated with special stabilizer substances that slow down enzymatic processes, but such a product is very dangerous.

Storage of apples in the apartment

For urban residents in the autumn, the question arises of how to store apples in winter. No need to despair, without a cellar, you can also make a supply of fruit and save them with minimal losses.

Apples are stored in the apartment:

  • in a cool pantry;
  • on the glazed balcony, loggia;
  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the freezer.

On the balcony and loggia

If the dimensions of the balcony or loggia allow, a thermal box is installed. It is made by hand. You will need 2 boxes of durable cardboard or plywood and insulation in the form of foam, old warm clothes, building foam, sawdust.

  1. Choose the size of the boxes so that there is a gap of 15 cm between their walls.
  2. Place the styrofoam at the bottom of the large box. Place a smaller fruit box on it.
  3. Fill the empty space between the boxes with insulation. Cover the top of the box with styrofoam.

Thermal box for storing vegetables and fruits on the balcony

Now you need to monitor the air temperature outside the window: in frosty weather, additionally cover the top of the thermal box with something warm, it gets warmer - remove all unnecessary.

How to store apples on the balcony if there is no space for a box, racks:

  1. Place the fruits in polyethylene bags half full.
  2. Tie the bags tightly and make holes for ventilation.
  3. Lead up to the ceiling.

This method is good if the balcony does not freeze in severe frosts.

In the pantry, corridor, on the windowsill

For this:

  1. Use smaller packages.
  2. Fill them with 1.5-2 kg, tie.
  3. Make holes for gas exchange.

Store packages in the room on the windowsill, leaving the window open, or in the hallway, in the pantry.

In a refrigerator

  1. At the bottom of the refrigerator are containers for vegetables and fruits, fill them with fruits without prior packaging.
  2. Part of the fruit plastic bags place on higher shelves.

In the freezer

Keeping apples in the refrigerator is not always convenient. There is not enough space, but I want to prepare more vegetables and fruits. An alternative would be a spacious freezer.

Freeze fruit as follows:

  • entirely- remove the core and tail, use for baking with, in;
  • slices- with or without peel, for strudel, charlotte, pies, compotes, use without defrosting;
  • in the form of puree- a great filling for pies.

The time spent preparing frozen apple products in the autumn will pay off with benefits for the whole family.

Frozen apples retain up to 90% of nutrients and do not lose their taste

We answer the question: how to store peeled apples?

Peeled and cut fruits are practically not stored, as they quickly oxidize and darken. If you can't cook them right away, you can delay the oxidation by 30 minutes by drizzling over the pieces. lemon juice or immersed in solution citric acid(1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Knowing how to store apples for the winter, choose the best and most convenient option for yourself. The information received will allow you to improve your skills and enjoy the result of your work.

Store properly and be healthy!

If there is on personal plot a little space needs to be planted, at least one apple tree, this is the Lobo Apple Tree. This variety has been popular for over 100 years thanks to the Canadian scientists who developed this variety. And for about so many years it has already been adapted to middle lane Russia.

Characteristics of the Lobo apple tree

It should be noted that this variety requires warm climate and in the northern regions of Russia it grows, but with great difficulty, because due to severe frosts it can freeze out cold winter. To prevent this from happening, growth buds are grafted onto certain rootstocks. It is also often recommended to cover root system Lobo apple trees and carry out spring pruning of frostbitten branches.

Tasting assessment

Many summer residents, choosing an apple variety for themselves, do not look at its growth and crown, but choose it according to the taste of an apple. For this there is a tasting assessment different varieties apple varieties.

Grade Lobo grade is 4.5 points.

  1. 11% sugars;.
  2. 15% solids.
  3. 0.5% titratable acids.
  4. 10.7 ml. per 100 gr. ascorbic acid.

An average-sized apple has 48.5 calories. Apples can be used for making blanks:

  • Various juices;
  • Sweet desserts;
  • jams;
  • compotes;
  • Jam.

They are also good for fresh consumption.

Pollinators for variety Lobo

This variety is self-infertile and in order for pollination to take place on good level near the apple trees of the Lobo variety, it is worth planting such varieties of apples, and they are planted no further than 4 m:

  • Orlik;
  • Spartan;
  • Bessemyanka Michurinskaya.

If pollinator seedlings are planted at a greater distance, then pollination will not occur and there will be no harvest on the Lobo variety.

Crown height and diameter

The seedling has great growth power, but do not let this scare the gardener who first planted this apple tree variety. At a height of 2.5-3 m, growth will stop and crown growth will begin. The crown has a rounded shape and is sufficiently thinned out, so that annual pruning may not be carried out, cutting out only branches frozen in winter in spring. But when cutting branches, it is worth considering that the apple tree will bloom and bear fruit only on the branches of the previous year.

The diameter of the crown of an adult tree is 2.5-3 m, so over time a rather slender tree is obtained that fits perfectly into the landscape design.

Trees can be shaped by pruning.

Yield and fruit description

The leaf plates are large and shaped like an egg. Apples are quite large 140 gr. and more. An apple changes color as it ripens.

During fruiting, the apple tree resembles a tree from a fairy tale, as its branches strongly bend from the weight and abundance of fruits. And to help the tree cope with the harvest, there is a need for supports for branches that lean almost to the ground. For this purpose, wooden horns made from wild trees are used. Ripe apples do not crumble, as short stalks hold a large fruit well.

The skin of apples is thin, but strong enough and is not damaged during transportation. This is not an unimportant fact if apples are grown commercially.
The pulp is very tender and juicy, has a delicate aroma with a good aftertaste that does not cause soreness. The taste of Lobo apples is sweet and sour.

The beginning of fruiting variety Lobo

The variety enters fruiting quite early already for 4 years after it is planted on permanent place in the garden. It bears fruit annually without rest breaks, and with the maturation of the tree, the yield increases.

For a good yield, create an apple tree good conditions growth.

Ripening terms

This variety belongs to varieties that ripen late autumn. Therefore, they tend to provide the host with vitamins before the onset of spring. These apples fully reveal their taste a month after picking them from the tree. But we must not miss the moment and pick the apples on time, as they, ripening, crumble all at once. And if we want to send them to storage, then this cannot be allowed. It is necessary to have time to pick them from the tree with your hands without injuring them.

In order for apples to be well stored, the temperature in the room should not be higher than 4 degrees Celsius, otherwise the pulp will become loose and not tasty.

winter hardiness

The winter hardiness of this variety is above average, so its branches with fruit buds remain fruitful even if the temperature drops to -36 ° C. To increase winter hardiness, an apple tree is grafted onto more winter-hardy varieties, for example, the medium-sized Progress.


Here are the reviews that were received thanks to gardeners who have already planted this variety of apples in their garden.

  1. Tatyana, Ulyanovsk region - in 2013, a seedling of this variety was planted, the first harvest was received on next year. Everything matches the description and taste and appearance apples. The only difference is that the apples ripened in September.
  2. Galina, Samara Region- apples are just five plus. It is sweet, juicy and with white flesh. For all its merits, it still lies well.
  3. Boris, Moscow region - good taste and aroma, and at the same time good winter keeping quality.
  4. Ivan Petrovich, Minsk - this wonderful variety has only one drawback - poor disease resistance. But taste qualities apples are still outweighed, and therefore I recommend this variety for amateur gardeners.
  5. Oksana, Moscow region - purchased a three-year-old seedling and received the first harvest the next year. Apples of wonderful taste, and although it is written that this is a late-ripening variety of apples, I picked it until the end of October. The variety is well resistant to both heat and frost.

Features of planting and care

In order for the Lobo variety tree to give a good harvest every year, you first need to know at what distance to plant seedlings in your garden. If these are 2-3 seedlings, then in a row the distance between them can be reduced to 3.5 m, if these are industrial tree plantings, then the distance between the trees increases to 5 m.

Seedlings are planted depending on the region:

  1. The northern regions are planted in the spring before the onset of heat.
  2. Southern regions are planting seedlings fruit trees late September early October.

The pit is dug in advance 1.5 months before the desired date of planting the seedling. The size of the pit is 80x80 cm. The depth should be at least 70 cm. If groundwater comes too close to the soil surface, it is necessary to put a drainage layer of at least 25 cm into the pit. At the same time, 8 kg must be added to the pit. humus, which will serve as a good nitrogen supplement for the seedling, contributing to the healthy growth of the vegetative part of the seedling.

When planting a seedling in a hole, do not forget about such details:

  • Cut off a couple of centimeters of the root part and remove the badly broken parts of the root system of the seedling;
  • Place the seedling in the center of the pit, drive a stick into the pit next to it, to which the seedling will then be tied for better stability;

It is necessary to drive a stick into the ground at this stage in order not to damage the root system of the seedling.

  • Fill the hole with earth and compact the soil around the seedling, lightly pressing it with your foot;
  • Make a hole for watering and shed well after planting.

Crown formation and how to rejuvenate an old apple tree

You can form a crown both in autumn and in spring. If pruning is done in the spring, then all cuts must be treated with garden pitch to avoid infection of the tree with harmful insects and bacteria that can penetrate into a fresh cut.

When forming the crown, all dry branches and branches growing vertically upwards or inside the crown are removed.

In order to rejuvenate an old tree, old branches are cut, leaving them up to 5 pcs. in different directions, and young ones will grow from them, which will bear fruit next year.

Pruning tree branches forms a beautiful crown and larger fruits.

disease resistance

This variety can be affected by powdery mildew. To get rid of it acquire chemical drug"Topaz", it is bred according to the instructions and the tree is processed.

apple growth retardation

If the apple tree does not grow well, there is certain moments, which were violated when growing a seedling.

  1. Too much humidity due to closely spaced groundwater.
  2. With poor soil, certain nitrogen supplements were not made at the time of planting.
  3. The sapling is not of proper quality.
  4. Infestation by harmful insects.

It is necessary to observe the tree and draw appropriate conclusions on the poor growth of the seedling.

Rootstock types

Exist different kinds rootstocks for an apple tree and, depending on which rootstock to graft a sprout, such qualities will be inherent in an adult tree.


With such a stock, the growth of the tree will stop in the region of 2-3 m, but the shape of the crown will not change and it will be easy to care for an adult tree.


The growth of an adult tree with such a rootstock will be 3 m. and such a rootstock is recommended for growing in small gardens. Such a seedling will enter the fruiting stage 3 years after planting.


With such a stock, an adult tree grows to a height of up to 2 m and does not have horizontal branches. The fruits grow right on the trunk. Planting such seedlings is possible at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.


This rootstock guarantees a high yield and no various diseases inherent in apple trees of various varieties.

Features of cultivation in some regions

It should be noted that the apple trees of this tree are mainly for the southern regions. In the northern part of Russia, with their short summers, it is best to plant those varieties that ripen in early September.

But if we talk about the late-ripening Lobo variety, then in Leningrad region this variety is quite difficult to grow, as there is poor soil and a short summer. But if you wish and properly cover the root system for the winter, you can grow this variety. In this case best solution will graft it onto a columnar or winter-hardy stock, so that in case of severe winter cooling it will be possible to wrap its crown with covering material, for example, any agrofiber.

This variety grows well in Ukraine, Belarus and Krasnodar Territory. Since there is good black soil and a long hot summer during which the apples have time to ripen well.

This variety has a good return of fruit from each tree. And if you follow all the rules for planting and caring for a tree, watering it on time and applying various fertilizers, you can always be provided with vitamins for the entire winter period. Two trees of this variety will be able to supplement a family of four with vitamins, which means that apples will be on the table every day.

We will be glad to any of your experience, share it in the comments.

And we also have

I planted Lobo in my garden 10 years ago and since then our family has not been left without delicious and fresh apples. I chose this variety not in vain, because its care is simple, and the yield is quite high. The Lobo apple variety is a very tasty and unpretentious variety of this culture.

Such trees are grown both for private use and for industrial use. In this article I will talk about the proper planting and care of an adult tree.

Such an apple tree can be easily grown, both in arid regions and in northern latitudes. The tree easily tolerates frosts down to minus 30 degrees. The plant, with successful care, gives its first harvest within 4 years after planting the seedling. Yields improve over time.

Apples ripen in September, an adult tree produces about 400 kg of fruit per season. The fruits ripen at the same time, so not much time is spent on harvesting. These apples have rather high rates of storage and transportation.

Advantages and disadvantages of Lobo

This apple is quite popular, it has many of its advantages:

  • Excellent frost resistance;
  • It tolerates drought well;
  • Yields are high compared to other varieties, and they are also stable, which is important on an industrial scale;
  • The first fruits are harvested quickly, after 4 years;
  • Apples good quality positively tolerate transportation.

In addition to numerous advantages, it was not possible to do without disadvantages. Among them it is worth noting:

  • Prolonged rains and high humidity of the climate inevitably lead to diseases such as powdery mildew and scab;
  • After grafting for another time, the first harvest will begin only after 6 years;
  • Fruits cannot be stored for more than three months;
  • When the crop is ripe, the branches of the tree must be propped up, otherwise they will not break.

Care and landing

Initially, you need to start with right choice site. In spring planting use a plant no older than 2 years. In the case when your seedlings are older than two years of age, planting should take place only in the fall. With such a planting, the tree will take root faster and more successfully.

The area under Lobo should be well lit, and the soil can only be loose and light. Those places where the plant will suffer from strong winds. Groundwater can only pass within a meter of the soil surface.

When planting, you need to observe a free distance between seedlings of about 5 meters. It is necessary to dig the soil in advance. At the same time, remove all grass, dry roots and leaves from the site. When you dig up a site, clods of earth do not need to be broken. The right amount of mineral and organic substances must be added to the site.

In autumn, you need to prepare a hole for planting, if you did not have time to saddle it, prepare it at least 2 months in advance. When choosing a seedling for planting, pay attention to its condition, it must be free of damage and dry shoots.

The main root should be well developed, like the entire root system as a whole. Before planting, place the root system of the plant in warm water, for about a day. After that, the roots must be lowered into a clay mash.

Start preparing the pit, its diameter should be at least one meter, the depth is about the same. If you see protruding water in the pit, then a layer of gravel should be poured into its bottom. Take care of the peg in advance, to which you will later tie the young plant.

Above the soil surface, such a support should protrude at a level of 70 cm. The landing pit is filled by 2/3 nutritional composition soil in the form of peat, ash, superphosphate and humus. All this must be mixed well and poured into the pit.

Make a hill in the center of the planting hole. Set your seedling on this hill and spread the roots well. The main root should stand at an angle of 90 degrees, so the tree will develop better.

After that, the seedling is covered with soil to the very top of the pit. Tamp the earth around the tree and water warm water. Finish by tying the plant to the stake.

tree care

In care, the Lobo variety is unpretentious. You only need to periodically inspect the tree and check it for pests or diseases. While the tree is still young, it is important to carry out periodic watering. But do not overdo it, otherwise the roots of the plant will begin to rot.

Regardless of the period in which the apple tree was planted, caring for it begins in the first spring. In order for the tree to bear fruit, at the age of 4 years it is fertilized with urea, nitrogen and minerals. IN summer period ash must be used.

Lobo is weak to fungal infections and therefore often suffers from related diseases. To help the tree, you need to carry out prevention, namely:

  • Remove all affected areas;
  • Add ash to the soil;
  • Correctly form the crown of the tree;
  • Fertilize the plant with potash solutions;
  • Harvest in time.

For more information on caring for the Lobo apple variety: