Russian name champignon mushroom comes from French words champignon, simply meaning "mushroom". We all have long been accustomed to the fact that edible champignons are grown in special greenhouses, and therefore we consider this mushroom almost artificial. However, there are many types of champignons growing in vivo: in forests, but in meadows and pastures. They are no less tasty than those grown in artificial mycelium and certainly do not contain any additives.

On this page you will be able to get acquainted with the photo and description of the types of champignons growing in natural conditions: field, ordinary, two-ringed and Bernard.

What ordinary champignon mushrooms look like: photo and description

Common mushroom cap (Agaricus campestris) (diameter 6-16 cm): white or light brown, has the shape of a hemisphere, which eventually changes to almost prostrate. It is velvety to the touch, less often it can be with small scales.

As you can see in the photo of this type of champignon, the stem of the mushroom (height 4-11 cm) is the same color with a hat, straight and even, expanding closer to the base. In the middle part it has a noticeable wide white ring.

Records: change color from whitish to pinkish, and then light brown.

Pulp: white, but noticeably turns pink at the fracture site and when exposed to air.

According to its description, the common champignon is difficult to confuse with any other species, this fungus has no twins.

When growing: from the end of May to mid-October in the countries of Eurasia with a temperate climate.

Where can I find: on fertilized soils of parks and gardens or in cemeteries. Making its way through asphalt and other hard surfaces, this type of champignon mushrooms can develop a stubborn pressure of seven atmospheres.

Eating: edible champignon mushrooms are used in cooking in almost any form, except for salting and pickling.

in the form of a tincture, which has a strong bactericidal effect. This remedy was considered very effective during epidemics of typhoid fever.

Other names: real champignon, pecheritsa (in Ukraine and Belarus).

Field champignon: description of appearance and photo

In 1762 field champignon (Agaricus arvensis) singled out in separate group Professor of Wittenberg and Tübingen Universities Jakob Schaeffer - botanist, ornithologist and entomologist.

In appearance, field champignon is slightly different from other species. Hat (diameter 7-22 cm): white, gray, cream or light ocher (in old mushrooms) with remnants of a bedspread. It has the shape of a small egg or bell, but over time becomes almost prostrate with a noticeable tubercle in the center. The edges of young mushrooms are wrapped inward, later becoming wavy. In dry weather, they can crack badly, due to which they become uneven and torn. It is smooth to the touch, in rare cases it can be with small scales. Stem (5-12 cm high): usually the same color as the cap, turns yellow when pressed, fibrous, cylindrical in shape and has a large two-layered ring. Often narrows from bottom to top. In young mushrooms, it is solid, but becomes hollow with time. Easily separated from the hat.

Records: they can be white-gray, brownish, with a mustard or purple tint, in old mushrooms they are dark brown or black.

Pulp: white or light yellow, very dense, turns yellow when cut and when exposed to air. Sweet in taste.

The description and photo of the field mushroom are similar to the description and photo of the pale toadstool (Amanita phalloides) and the yellow-skinned mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus).

However, the pale grebe does not have an anise smell and has a single-layered ring on the stem. And the yellow-skinned champignon is distinguished by a strong medicinal smell of carbolic acid.

Field champignons grow from the end of May to the beginning of November in the northern regions of Russia.

Where can I find: in open spaces of forests, fields and pastures, can be found in mountainous areas, thickets of nettles or spruces. Large groups field champignons sometimes form "witch rings".

Eating: both fresh and after any kind of processing. Very delicious mushroom, is considered a delicacy in many countries.

Application in traditional medicine(data are not confirmed and have not been clinically tested!): in the form of an extract effective remedy during treatment diabetes. Decoctions have long been used in the outback as an antidote for snake bites.

Important! Field champignons often accumulate heavy metals. Cadmium, copper and other elements in large doses can be hazardous to health. Try to collect mushrooms in an ecologically clean area.

The British call field champignon horse mushroom - "horse mushroom" because it often grows on horse manure.

Edible mushroom champignon Bernard

Bernard mushroom cap (Agaricus bernardii) (diameter 6-16 cm): white, gray or ashy, slightly convex or almost completely flat, sometimes with scales. Very fleshy, with the edges wrapped inside. In dry weather, it can be covered with thin cracks.

Leg (height 4-12 cm): has the shape of a cylinder.

Records: very frequent. Mushrooms are pale pink when young, becoming creamy brown over time.

Pulp: white, turning pink with age.

The photo and description of Bernard's champignon mushrooms resembles the description of two-ring champignons (Agaricus bitorquis) with a sour smell, a double ring. However, the cap of Agaricus bitorquis does not crack.

When growing: from the end of June to mid-October in almost all European countries.

Where can I find: on saline or sandy soils.

Eating: in any form.

Not applicable.

Important! Mushroom Bernard often grows along polluted roads and highways and strongly absorbs gasoline fumes and road dirt, so use only those mushrooms that are collected in environmentally friendly places.

Description of double-ringed champignon

Two-ring mushroom leg (Agaricus bitorquis) (height 4-12 cm): smooth white color, with double ring.

Records: frequent, pinkish or light red.

Pulp: dense, on the cut and when interacting with air slowly but noticeably turns pink.

The mushroom got its name due to the characteristic double ring formed by the remains of the bedspread.

Hat (diameter 5-18 cm): off-white or light grey. Fleshy and thick, usually smooth to the touch and only in rare cases may be with small scales.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Important! Often, double-ringed mushrooms grow near busy highways and polluted roads, so they can accumulate harmful substances.

Other names: pavement champignon.

The description of the two-ring champignon mushroom is similar to the description of Bernard's champignon.

When growing: from the beginning of May to the end of September in the countries of the Eurasian continent with a temperate climate.

Where can I find: on fertilized soil of gardens and orchards, often in city parks, ditches and on roadsides.

Eating: in any form.

Forest champignon (lat. Agaricus silvaticus) is a mushroom belonging to the genus champignon, to the class Agaricomycetes, order agaric, of the Champignon family. People call it: wolf mushroom, cap, blessing.

Where and when does it grow

They are found almost throughout the European territory, in Africa, Asia, North America. They grow in low-lying forests and in mountainous areas, on garden plots and lawns, in deserts and semi-deserts. Also chooses places on anthills and near them. In the territory Russian Federation grow more often in temperate zones. Forest champignon belongs to saprophytic species. They grow on manure and humus, that is, where the soil is well fertilized. organic matter. Fruiting from July to October.

Botanical description

In the forest young champignon, the cap is ovoid-bell-shaped, covered with large brown scales. In a mature mushroom, it is leveled and takes the form of a plate.

Its color ranges from light gray to brownish brown. Depending on the conditions, it can acquire a lilac or purple hue. The cap turns red when pressed, and then changes color to brown. At an older age, a dark spot is visible in the middle. Hat sizes can reach 15 cm.

The leg is long, thin, curved, white or grayish in color, cylindrical in shape. Young people fruit bodies it is whole, in mature it becomes hollow. The height varies from 5 to 10 cm, but some specimens reach 20 cm, in diameter from 1 to 2 cm. In the lower part, the stem is thickened, and closer to the cap it becomes thinner. There is a ring at the top. IN adulthood it disappears.

The flesh is white, thin, reddens at the cut site. Because of this, inexperienced mushroom pickers bypass this mushroom. Juice at the break does not ooze.

The plates are light with a delicate pink tint or dirty red. In the process of maturity, they acquire a dirty red color, then a brown-purple hue, in old mushrooms they are almost black. Their width is 4-8 mm.

Spore powder is dark brown.

The smell of mushroom, pronounced, woody.

Forest champignon is eaten in all forms, even raw.

Related species and twins

Dating 2 dangerous double this representative of the mushroom kingdom:

    Variegated or dark scaly champignon. It is very similar to the forest one and can only be recognized by the pulp, which turns yellow or red at the fracture site and an unpleasant odor is felt.

    Death cap. Poisonous and very dangerous mushroom. It differs in white plates, while in champignon they are pinkish or reddish. When broken, it is colorless; in an edible mushroom, the flesh turns red. The double of the base of the leg has a thickening with a pouch.

Related edible species forest champignon:

    Dark red. It is a relative of forest champignons. They are very similar, but this species has a larger size. The scales on the hat are also more noticeable. Juveniles have slightly pinkish plates.

    Crooked. The leg is cylindrical, at the base it can thicken. Its length ranges from 10 to 12 cm, the flesh in it is grayish. The cap is 8-12 cm. In young fruiting bodies it is ovoid, straightens with age and becomes broadly conical, later straightens. Inside the mushroom, the flesh is thin, white. The skin is pure white or cream in color, slightly fibrous, when pressed, spots of bright yellow appear. The plates are often located, free, at first white, and with development they reach a black-brown color.

    Bisporous. A very rare relative of the wild mushroom in nature. It can be found in places where there is no grass at all. The hat is 3 to 8 cm in diameter. Its edge is bent. The remnants of the bedspread, similar to flakes, hang on it. The color of the cap varies from white to brown. The pulp is dense, juicy, and also turns red or pink when cut. The plates of young mushrooms are pinkish, in mature ones they are dark brown with a purple tint. The leg is smooth, cylindrical in shape, 3-10 cm high, 3-4 cm wide. There is also a ring on it.


Forest champignon is edible mushroom, and many consider it a delicacy. From them you can cook almost any dish. They are marinated, fried, stewed, eaten, boiled, dried and even eaten fresh. Those who once tasted dishes with him claim that they are the most delicious of their kind. Experienced chefs recommend using a fresh product, since the taste filled with mushroom aroma is especially strong when raw, in combination with freshly picked greens and vegetables.

Benefit and harm

Forest champignon is safely used in pharmaceuticals. From it produce a drug effective in the treatment of typhoid. This type mushrooms, like all representatives of the mushroom kingdom, are extremely heavy food for the stomach. Therefore, their use should be limited to children under 5 years of age and the elderly. Studies have proven the presence of the substance chitin in in large numbers, as part of those specimens that grew in improper conditions:

    next to hazardous production;

    near landfills;

    along the tracks;

    Of course, it's easier to go to the market and buy as many champignons as you can carry. After all, these mushrooms are on sale all year round. Because they breed beautifully in captivity, so to speak about mushrooms ...

    After all, champignons are very prolific mushrooms. The plates of one mushroom contain up to sixteen billion spores, each of which can give life to a new mycelium.

    But these common mushrooms are not only edible, but also useful.

    • Fresh mushrooms contain 4.88% proteins, 1.11% carbohydrates. And also they have potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, chlorine.
    • There are a lot of mushrooms and vitamins D and PP, and there are also vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, A and C.
    • Mushrooms contain enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thanks to which food is better absorbed.
    • Mushrooms are used in diet food because of their low calorie content.
    • A non-toxic antibiotic compestrin was found in champignon, which has a depressing effect on typhoid bacillus and Staphylococcus aureus.

    Where mushrooms grow

    It is very difficult to find places where champignons do not take root. Probably, these are dense forest thickets. And the rest of the places are quite suitable for the growth of these mushrooms. Champignons grow both in lowland forests and in mountainous ones. Appear in gardens, meadows and vegetable gardens. Found in deserts and semi-deserts.

    But mostly champignons like to settle on dung heaps, landfills, and not only manure, but also domestic. Often they can be found near human habitation, especially if people keep livestock. The soil fertilized with manure is very much to the taste of champignons! Sometimes champignons grow right out from under the asphalt! It’s even surprising - how could such a fragile mushroom turn a durable coating?

    Mushrooms love to hide under a loose fertile layer of soil. It is enough to see a tubercle - with a gap on one side - to pick out a layer, and there ... a whole family of champignons. That's when other tubercles are worth looking for. You look, and the basket will be filled!

    Champignons are divided into three main types: ordinary, forest and meadow. Each of them is only slightly different from each other. appearance. But all of them are united by a white fleshy silky or scaly hat, sometimes turning pink in the air, a short dense leg. The plates under the hat in young individuals are light, pale pink. With the growth of mushrooms, they turn brown, and in old mushrooms they turn black-brown. Most often, champignons emit a slight smell of anise.

    The appearance of young champignons is different from the old ones. Young champignons have a hemispherical hat, as if fused with a leg. Over time, the film that connects the edges of the cap to the stem breaks, leaving a thin membranous ring on the stem, and the cap straightens and becomes flatter.

    When are mushrooms harvested?

    In the southern regions, where the sun begins to warm up early, champignons appear already in early spring- in April-May. The main condition is that it is warm and humid. But in the northern regions, these mushrooms can appear only in July-August - during the second layer of mushrooms.

    field champignon collected from May to October. It can be found in clearings, edges, along roads, as well as in meadows.

    forest champignon- the only representative of this species, which can only be found in the forest. It appears in July and grows until October. But the most fruitful time to collect this type of champignons is Aug. Sept. Forest champignon is slightly different from its counterparts in the color of the cap. It is light brown in color with dark scales.

    Video recipe for the occasion:

    The meadow champignon appears in May and grows until October. It can be found in grass thickets in gardens and parks.

    What Beginner Mushroom Pickers Should Know

    • Mushrooms can be boiled, fried, pickled and canned.
    • Mushrooms cannot be collected along roads and in landfills household waste, since toxic substances from external environment are easily absorbed by mushrooms and can serve as a reason for poisoning.
    • For the same reason, young mushrooms are harvested, in which the convex hat has not yet separated from the stem, or mushrooms with still pale pink plates.
    • The champignon can be confused with the inedible red champignon, in which the flesh turns red at the break. From the red mushroom comes the unpleasant smell of carbolic acid.
    • Beginning mushroom pickers may confuse champignon with pale grebe. The difference between pale grebe and champignon is the absence of pink plates, as well as a tuberous thickening at the base of the stem, which champignon does not have.

    Forest champignons in the photo

    Forest champignons in the photo

    August champignon in the photo

    It can be eaten marinated, salted and fresh. The hat is 6-20 cm in diameter, in young specimens it is convex, creamy, yellowish, along the edge with the remains of a bedspread, then flat, the skin begins to crack, forming small rusty-brown scales. From soft soil, the mushroom comes out already almost open with small particles of earth on the surface. The plates are free, pink-gray, then brown. Leg 10-18 cm long, 2-3 cm thick covered with white flaky scales with a white flaky ring. Volvo is missing. There is no tuberous thickening at the bottom of the stem. The pulp of white color turns brown when broken. There is an anise scent.

    Look at these types of champignons in the photo and in the description: the information will make it easy to recognize them in the forest and collect them in your basket:

    August types of edible champignons
    August types of edible champignons

    It grows on rich organic soil in forests and fields.

    Fruits in August - September.

    Poisonous fly agarics can be distinguished from champignons by absolutely white plates and by the absence of volva or a tuberous thickening in the lower part of the stem in champignons.

    Two-ring view of champignons in the photo

    Two-ringed champignon is edible. Description of the species of this champignon: cap 6-15 cm in diameter, convex in young specimens, then almost flat with a tucked edge, smooth or with radial cracks, white or brownish. The plates are free, narrow, often pink, then chocolate brown. The leg is cylindrical, 4-9 cm long, smooth, white. Double ring in the middle of the leg. Volvo is missing. The pulp is dense on the cut or slowly turns pink when pressed.

    Look at this type of champignon in the photo, which illustrates the process of growth and development of the fungus:

    Grows in rich organic soil. IN large quantities grows on city lawns, on dense soil along sidewalks. Sometimes grows under pavement, lifting asphalt or spreading a crack in pavement. It is called pavement champignon.

    It looks like a poisonous yellow-skinned champignon (Agaricus xanhodermus), the flesh of which turns pink on the cut and smells of carbolic acid.

    Mushroom forest champignon is edible.

    We offer you to find out more information about forest champignons, and a photo and description will help you recognize them in the forest kingdom:

    Forest champignon in the photo

    Forest champignon in the photo

    The cap is 4-9 cm in diameter, convex in young specimens, then flat-convex, almost white in pine forests, but more often light brown, covered with darker brown pointed scales. The plates are free narrow, frequent, pink, then dark brown. The leg is cylindrical, 5-12 cm long, smooth, white, slightly scaly under the ring. Ring white with inside, under the color of the hat from the outside. May be lost without traces on the leg. Volvo is missing. The flesh is dense, pale carmine-red, with a mushroom smell, turns red when cut and when pressed. Forest champignon is similar to August champignon, but more regular in shape.

    Look at the forest champignon mushrooms in the photos that are offered further on this page:

    Grows in mixed coniferous forest, on clearings. More common in spruce forests.

    Has no poisonous twins.

    Suitable for all types of cooking. It is one of the most delicious edible, easily identified mushrooms.

    Other champignon mushrooms: photo and description

    There are other champignon mushrooms, photos and descriptions of which can be found further on the page:

    woodland champignon

    All of them grow in the natural conditions of forests in many regions of our country.

    woodland champignon

    Mushroom is edible. The cap is 7-15 cm in diameter, convex in young specimens, then flat-convex, with white or beige scales, straw yellow or light beige. The plates are free, narrow, frequent, light pink in young mushrooms, then chocolate brown. The leg is cylindrical, 5-10 cm long, smooth, light yellow, with a slight tuberous extension in the lower part. The ring is white, double, drooping, the inner layer of the ring has a jagged edge, its underside with scales. Volvo is missing. The pulp is dense, white, with an almond smell or with a slight smell of anise, turns yellow when cut and when pressed.

    It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, a very common mushroom.

    Fruiting from August to October.

    Woody mushroom is similar to the poisonous yellow-skinned mushroom (Agaricus xantodermus), which smells like carbolic acid and has a smoother cap.

    Field champignon in the photo

    The mushroom is edible. The cap is 7-15 cm in diameter, convex in young specimens, then flat-convex, smooth white, turns yellow when pressed. The plates are free, frequent, in young mushrooms they are pale, gray-pink, then meat-red, black in old age. The leg is cylindrical, 6-15 cm long, 1-3 cm thick, smooth, white or light yellow, turns yellow when pressed, with a slight expansion in the lower part. The ring is white ragged. Volvo is missing. The pulp is dense, white, with a slight smell of anise, turns yellow on the cut and when pressed.

    It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, among shrubs, in fields, pastures, near cattle pens, in parks.

    Fruiting from July to October.

    Field champignon is similar to poisonous yellow-skinned champignon. (Agaricus xantodermus), which can be distinguished by the unpleasant smell of carbolic acid. The smell does not disappear after boiling the mushroom.

    The mushroom is suitable for any type of cooking. The good thing is that it can be collected in large quantities.

    Probably, every person knows or heard about such a mushroom as champignon. Many love it and appreciate it for its pleasant smell and wonderful taste qualities. Thanks to the industrial cultivation of these mushrooms, we can enjoy them almost all year round without fear for our health, because now you can buy them in any supermarket.

    But there are people who, in spite of everything, prefer "quiet hunting" to shopping in the store. In this case, they should be careful and attentive so as not to confuse the false champignon with the real one.

    Types of champignons

    To be calm, going on a "silent hunt", you should know what mushrooms are, where and at what time they grow. It will also be useful to know what a false champignon looks like in order to distinguish it from the real one. In general, more than a dozen species of these mushrooms are found in nature. So, for example, large-spore mushroom and common (or meadow) mushroom are most often found in the steppe or meadows. In the garden and in the garden, two-spore and two-ring species usually grow.

    And near the trees you can find field mushrooms. These species grow from May to October. There are also forest species these mushrooms. They are found from July to mid-October, they can grow both in deciduous and in. These include dark red mushrooms, coppice, August. And in there is, as a rule, a forest species that grows near spruces.

    Mushrooms are false: how to distinguish from real ones?

    Lovers" silent hunting" Danger may lie in wait, because among the edible ones false ones, such as flat-cap, red-haired and yellow-skinned, can be caught. They usually appear from mid-summer. Most often they can be found in deciduous and mixed forests.

    But such "twins" can also grow in fields, meadows, as well as in parks and near houses. Outwardly, they practically do not differ from their edible counterparts, but they have features that make it possible to recognize false champignons among real ones. If you press on the pulp of such a mushroom, it will turn yellow, and on the cut at the base of the leg - bright yellow. After a while, the color will turn orange or even brown. For comparison: when you press the pulp, it turns red or pink. In addition, inedible specimens can be recognized by a specific smell. It is similar to the smell of drugs, iodine or carbolic acid. If you put it in boiling water, the water will immediately turn yellow, and the unpleasant smell will increase.

    What do false mushrooms look like?

    More serious dangers may lie in wait for mushroom pickers, because young champignons are very similar to pale grebe and light fly agaric, which are very poisonous. These twins have a light color and outwardly differ little from But in real representatives, the plates darken with age, but in the fly agaric they always remain white. In addition, if you press the pulp of these mushrooms, it will not change its color, and their legs are always in the root "pots" - Volvos. You need to be very careful to see them, because they are almost invisible. Poison Doppelgangers are found, as a rule, in coniferous and mixed forests, so they are most often confused with copse mushroom.

    If, when picking mushrooms, you are not sure of their edibility, then it is better not to take risks and not take such specimens. The ability to recognize a false champignon among the real ones requires great attention and experience, so it’s worth considering whether you need to risk your health when you can buy perfectly normal mushrooms in the store without worrying about your safety.